The Scroll by Deshina Davidson - HTML preview

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Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying, 'The power to rule over the world belongs now to our God and his Messiah, and he will rule forever and ever!'

-  (Revelation 11:15)

  • There is only one God and He is “the TRINITY!” That is: God the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son - as One! It is wrong for anybody to worship any other, or none!
  • There is therefore no such thing with God as: 'freedom of religion.' All should and must worship Almighty God! This may sound politically incorrect, but it is the only spiritually correct given fact! Remember, God is not a democrat, but a Theocrat. And as such He rules by ordinances and commandments which are eternally true and cannot be challenged. If He says He alone must be worshipped, He alone then must be worshipped! (Exodus 20:3).
  • To challenge God's statutes or commandments is to sideline Him for the self, or to have other altars other than Himself – whether Shinto, Buddha, Allah, or Krishna, etc.! This is characteristic of the “children of disobedience” spoken of variously in the Bible, and a symptom of backsliding from true worship of the One God! (Exodus 20:4-6).
  • The order of the Trinity is not God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as erroneously  believed. But rather: God the Father, Holy Spirit, and Son, in that order! Authors and users of the Bible alike should please take note and make amends.
  • Any building or medium of broadcast for Church worship is the “House” of God! Nobody therefore has absolute right, authority or power in the 'House' of God, but God only! Church ministries thence must be in-subordinated under God through Christ, and Christ under God.
  • Since nobody has absolute right or power in the House of God, but God only, nobody has any right or absolute authority therefore to bar, deter or censor anyone from 'worshipping' there-from, but God. If anyone deters someone, he is scattering and not gathering. As Jesus said: “whoever is not against us is for us” (Mark 9:40). The house of God is meant for all comers – saints and sinners alike; and should be a reformation ground for change unto holiness and godliness. Therefore nobody should be barred, deterred, or censored from worshipping there-from, provided they keep with the tenets of the Faith as laid down by the Bible.
  • Church leadership succession processes may be patterned after the 'Neutral-Party system' elucidated upon earlier in seal two of this book. This may be adapted to suit each Church's principle or creed of faith (in-so-far as God is given liberty to ultimately determine the outcome of their choices by lot cast).
  • Church leaderships therefore should constantly be under scrutiny by the laity to make sure they abide by and keep with the tenets of the Faith according to the Bible. If not, they may be defrocked and replaced by the ballot.
  • Note rightly that God does not harbor malice, nor is angry with anyone indefinitely. Therefore if erring leaders or workers show remorse, they may be revalidated to  contest and may again hold office. Having this in mind that the Holy Bible says : “People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron.” (Proverbs 27:17).
  • Church money is God's money and should be used for God's work. It is one of the corporate social responsibilities of the church and part of God's work to cater for widows, orphans and elderly persons. All churches need to be alive to this responsibility as some Churches already are. We give kudus to those Churches!
  • It is wrong for any ministers to deep hands into God's purse unauthorized. If at all, all ministers - from the founder(s) or superintendent(s) to the least workers - should be salaried! This will encourage workmanship, and perhaps this would also help check the fraud and avarice sometimes observable in the House of God or Church.
  • Churches, as religious bodies, are charity and non-profit organizations and are therefore to remain tax-exempt. But if they run investments, then their investments may be taxed by the state.
  • Water baptism is by immersion in water, signifying death to sin and resurrection to newness of birth from sins. It can be observed privately at home in a water-tub or bath; and not necessarily in some pool – nor by some clergy.
  • God instituted marriage by joining the first humans in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:24). Therefore all persons are expected to marry, without exception.
  • No oaths of celibacy made known to anyone other than God are acceptable by God! - Because known to a third-party. All Church ministries are therefore please advised to keep their celibacy oaths private by not institutionalizing or advertising them in creeds.
  • All Church ministries must make allowances for their congregations to make  confessions to third parties of their sins – making for peace of mind and healthy living of such persons.