The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Since every elect spirit—through that spirit’s inherent nature formed by God, and by the words spoken by their Father to that spirit—is prevented from entirely disregarding God-like love. The inner conscience, in the mind of every elect spirit, cannot effectively and inwardly desire to be its own god, and always prefers the whispering of truth from God’s Spirit to his or her spirit. Thus, the elect always end up being at least somewhat marginalized in Satan’s world order, no matter how hard they try to be accepted, no matter how much the wills of their flesh desire Satan’s rewards. It is because an elect spirit is created with the potential ability to love that the elect can never become true, faithful, fully zealous humanists. Since the religion of humanism is founded upon the worship of self by one’s own loveless spirit, and the spirits of the elect prevent them from ever truly doing that, even the most fleshy elect cannot compete with the non-elect for acceptance among humanists, much less for the top and most carnally rewarding positions in those humanistic hierarchies. Even if an elect soul may seem to be entirely taken captive by the religion of humanism, and is being totally inundated by humanistic rhetoric with its false reasoning, those lies will only appeal to the elect one’s mind of flesh and will never be fully accepted by that one’s elect spirit. Every elect spirit will always know their Father, truth and love is missing from humanism. And this inner longing will turns the eyes of the elect one’s spirit away from humanism. An elect one’s mind of flesh might worship with humanists, but not the elect spirit. Then, as soon as the elect spirit sees the real loving God and His ways, that elect spirit will run towards God and worship Him through a developing, growing love for Him, with an ever-increasing love for all He represents and for all His creations.

Now, since God Himself is ultimately responsible for making all non-elect spirits incomplete, by creating all without any ability to truly love, God Himself indirectly caused all of them to commit the loveless sin of desiring to be their own gods, which inevitably led them into all their other sins. Therefore, God is ultimately responsible for causing all the sins they have ever committed. And God takes that responsibility. In His Word, He openly proclaimed that all hardships, troubles, calamities and death for all flesh on earth ultimately came through Him. Satan may be the agent through whom God brings those sins and their effects to men but, like Job and the Psalmists, the elect know that God alone rules over Satan and grants that chained serpent permission to cause harm or death. Yet it is through these evils which God causes and allows that our flesh is reminded that He is God. And, in fear, our flesh stops rebelling against and suppressing our spirits. In its pain, our flesh will submit to our spirits, as our spirits seek our Father’s words and help. Then, on the final day, God will indeed restore all that was lost or damaged to all elect spirits, heal all harm and repay a hundredfold for all that His beloved children lost through the sins of the non-elect, even a new, eternal, whole and fully cooperating spiritual body. God is well-able to do all this, since God is omniscient and omnipotent.

So God deliberately created all these non-elect spirits to be evil and work their sins for a very good purpose. And an omniscient, omnipotent loving God could not possibly have created the non-elect with “free will,” where they, through their own great knowledge and power, decided to redefine and recreate their own inherent natures into evil inherent natures. For none actually ever had that kind of power or knowledge. All were created to be exactly what they became. And our omniscient and omnipotent God knew full well what He was creating, and knew all the effects that would result when He created them to be loveless, and His power purposefully predestined all the non-elect to do all they have done and will do. God also possesses more than enough power to cause all of them to do whatever He wills them to do now. And Scriptures tell us that all these demonic spirits are bound in chains, unable to escape from the commands that God gives them. Thus, there is no “free will” involved in any evil occurring on the earth, since Satan causes all that evil through God’s commands.

So the only real question we are left to ask is why God allowed demons and the non-elect to reside on His temporary creation of the earth, to cause so much pain and loss through their sins? What was His purpose for allowing this? Clearly, God created non-elect spirits on the temporary earth, to walk beside His elect children, so the evil of the non-elect would train His elect children to love Him and His ways more, to gain experiential knowledge of Him and all the created truths which He fashioned according to His inner nature. God uses evil in a way that allows the elect to truly understand the effects of loving good versus the effects of loveless evil, so all the spirits of His elect children will more zealously love Him and His ways, with a knowledge of why those ways are necessary. For, if the elect spirits never experienced the pains of evil, they would not appreciate God and His loving ways nearly as much. When God’s elect children experience the effects of evil, or when they harm others through their own sins, their spirits see how straying from God’s ways can cause pain for themselves and others. Then their spirits fall into godly sorrow, a grief and indignity over the unjust and senseless suffering of themselves and others. So their spirits seek a better way, and seek God, since they know God is their Father and that He alone knows a better way. They grow a deeper zeal and desire for God and for His kind of just, pure, beneficial kind of love. And God is willing to teach and train them. God sends their oldest Brother, the Holy Spirit of Jesus, to their spirits, to teach and train their spirits in His loving, just ways. By doing this, their Father, who is one with Jesus, causes their repentance into the truth, which leads to the forgiveness of their plaguing guilt resulting from their sins. For Jesus bought that forgiveness on the cross, and restores their broken relationship with Him through His purchase of their atonement. And our Father will not abandon or forget this work that He chose to do for all His children. All this teaching and repentance will be completed on that final judgment day, as God forgives all and restores all they damaged or destroyed while on earth.

Some like to say that we must have “free will,” a great knowledge and great power to redefine and recreate ourselves as either good or evil beings. Then some naturally conclude that, since all possess this fictitious great knowledge and power, we can all make ourselves perfect and sinless if we really want to do so. They cannot see how God has predestined every detail of our lives on this earth, as our loving Father, so He can teach, train and shape the minds of our spirits, and the wills of our elect spirits. Their simple, irrational, foolish, immature minds of flesh cannot fathom how God Himself could allow demons to work evil on earth, to cause the non-elect to harm and kill others unjustly and even lure God’s own elect children into committing the same sins. They cannot see how God uses evil to develop a greater love for Him and His ways in the spirits of His children. And, most of all, they think God would never willingly allow His children to sin, that Jesus had to die on the cross so that those who decided to save themselves through their own mighty, omniscient “free will.” They think God was not omniscient or omnipotent enough to stop sin, so God had to rely on much more omnipotent and omniscient human beings to redefine and recreate themselves into good, holy souls.

Still, the fact remains that the Creator of the three heavens and the earth is indeed the only truly and fully omniscient and omnipotent Being that has ever existed or ever will exist. So it was God who created, allows and fully controls the existence of sin and evil on this temporary earth, on this very difficult training ground for the spirits of His elect children. It is God who allows His own children to sin as well, who can hand them over to Satan for a time, so their flesh may suffer or die, then take them back from Satan whenever He chooses. And, from the very beginning, God knew that literally all His elect human children would sin. Thus, from the very beginning, God predestined His walk among them in a body of flesh, and the death of that body for the forgiveness of all their sins during their entire lives on earth, in a way that purchases the eternal restoration of their relationship with Him. The sins committed against God’s elect are sins against Himself, and God will bring a just recompense against those sinners at the appointed and predestined times. As for the sins that His elect children commit through Satan’s influences over their foolish, easily manipulated minds of flesh and their immature, gullible minds of their spirits, this too serves a greater good than the cost of damages caused by those sins, the damages which their Father shall heal and restore. Through God’s forgiveness, healing and restoration of their sins, the elect learn to love rightly and justly, in ways that not even the angels can fathom. “But he who is forgiven little, loves little” (Luke 7:47, ESV). So God is indeed wise in allowing sin and evil. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28, ESV).

But then some will ask why God made all those non-elect spirits eternal. And why did He give all their spirits a desire to never stop existing, nor cease loving the darkness of their delusions and lies, with desires that are so powerful that they want to maintain themselves and their wicked thoughts forever? Some human non-elect souls, when they face utter failure, want to rid themselves of their own flesh. But their spirits never relinquish the desire to be gods, nor the delusions and lies of their spirits in their pursuit of that goal. Why is that? Why did God make those non-elect spirits eternal and cause them to so tenaciously cling to their foolish, irrational desires forever? Yes, they serve a purpose on earth, to train God’s elect spirits. But why does God preserve them in hell for all time?

Before we answer these questions, perhaps we should also ask, if God gave those non-elect spirits a temporary existence, how soon would it be before they gave up their totally futile efforts to be their own gods? As far as I can see, if God created non-elect spirits in a way where they would all cease to exist after their purpose on earth was completed, all their desires would be temporary too. So all their desires would fade and pass away as they constantly failed to gratify them. And, since all spirits are far more intelligent than minds of flesh, all non-elect spirits would soon realize the hopelessness of their goal to gratify their desires, then fall into deep depression and want to cease existing. Since a spirit cannot change its own loveless, ruthless, innate nature and desires, a non-elect spirit would soon seek God’s mercy, and ask God to make it cease to exist, since it would always fail to be one’s own god. And God, who is merciful, would then withdraw His power, nullify all that causes those non-elect spirits to continue to exist, make those spirits vanish into nothing, just as all our bodies of flesh die and will vanish into nothing after God destroys all material existence. Therefore, God made all non-elect spirits with a very stubborn will, with an extremely strong innate desire to exist forever and always pursue their beloved darkness of delusions and lies. Only the flesh of the non-elect, and some flesh of the elect, have weak wills that can desire to cease existing, to commit suicide through a total lack of hope. Even then, our irratic flesh can easily change its mind, as soon as it begins to see some hope again, and finds a reason to live. But non-elect spirits always hope to be gods, always hope to gratify their dark delusions and lies. And, likewise, God’s elect spirits also are born with a very strong will to continue their existence, to always hope for the gratification of their desire to love in the way God loves. Especially after elect spirits awake and realize the reason they live is to learn to love God and His ways, their hearts cannot easily succumb to the pains of flesh and hopelessness.

God never created any spirit with a desire to stop existing, not even Satan himself. And this is why God created both heaven and hell. Just as God’s Word indicates, God will allow each non-elect spirit exist forever in hell, to be its own god in hell, to wallow in its self-made darkness of delusions and lies throughout everlasting time in that spiritual realm. Yet this does not mean that God will ever allow any of those non-elect spirits to sin against any of His elect spirits or any of His other good creations ever again. In hell, God will never let their stubborn, unrepentant spirits cause any harm or pain for anyone except themselves. Nor will He permit them to abuse His other good creations, not even a speck of dust. So those non-elect spirits will not have a good time in hell. Hell will be hell.

Remember that, while on earth, none of the non-elect spirits ever had any power and ability to create any of the people or things they abused for their own gratification, nothing they ever sinned against. For none were actually gods, as they thought they were. All demons and non-elect human beings always had to use God’s creations to gratify their sinful desires, for all were totally incapable of creating anyone or anything to rule as true gods. They could never make any victims or objects of sinful gratification for themselves. To uphold their greatest delusion of being gods, the non-elect always had to use the people, power and resources that God created, and all they ever sinned against was eternally owned by God. It was God alone who granted each non-elect soul the power and resources to abuse all they used to gratify their sinful desires. And it will be God who shall take away all those people and things from them, to never again allow any abuse of His property in that part of the spiritual space-time continuum. And a non-elect spirit will not be able to make anything for oneself in hell either, absolutely nothing to gratify its desire to be a god. For the imaginings of the non-elect are always irrational, inconsistent and subject to every new and fleeting whim. So, if a spirit’s will keeps changing as it builds something, the thing it builds will be an utter mess and soon fall apart. And, if one does not maintain a creation, it will soon fall apart. But the non-elect want to be served by creations, not serve creations. Thus, none would maintain their own creations. So God could never grant them the ability to create anything for themselves, nothing that they could rule as pretend gods. In hell, the non-elect will have absolutely no victims and no things which are able to gratify any of the desires of their spirits. For hell will have nothing from God, and none will be able to create anything to ever gratify their evil desires. All the desires of their spirits will forever remain unquenched and burning inside them, except one. They will be allowed to pretend that they are their own gods, to pretend that they control their own destinies, while they fall through hell’s darkness.

When the elect look at the “success” of the non-elect in Satan’s world order, they must consider the eternal fates of those non-elect, so that no envy of the flesh will overtake their elect spirits. And the elect must not be fooled by the false reasoning and enticing rhetoric of the non-elect. For the elect should realize that all the non-elect are utterly incapable of any consistent, true, rational thoughts. Only God-like love is built on a foundation of the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And only that truth is consistent and rational, able to be aligned with all the principles God created to cause all to effectively function. And it is God alone who maintains and serves all His creation, in a way that is always according to the very consistent, harmonious truth in His Being, where the thoughts of His Spirit never contradict or conflict with one another. Therefore, because the loveless non-elect build literally all their reasoning upon half-truths, twisted facts, outright lies and delusions, never on the reality or truth God created, on the effective principles which shall exist for all eternity, everything they think, say and do will cause harmful effects and fail. The non-elect may use rational methods, which God created, but they always use these methods with lies. They start with delusions and lies as the foundations for their reasoning process. And, if they put garbage into even a truly logical logical process or algorithm, they will always obtain garbage, rational-sounding lies, as the output. So their arguments may artificially appear to be logical and rational, but they are actually worthless and often extremely destructive lies. We must beware of such tactics, and must always remain vigilant, putting genuine truths into logical processes or algorithms, so we may obtain the output of true reasoning.

Using only truth and facts as the premises and rational principles of our reasoning is absolutely necessary for the building of any effective, functional, productive, lasting structure. When we stray from truth and facts, we stray from God, since all truth and facts were created by God through the very attributes of His whole Being. The awakened elect are drawn to the truth in honesty. And the elect who are truly in Christ do not remain wilfully ignorant, but earnestly seek the truth, no matter how much that truth hurts. And they will not enable lies or liars. For the only laws, organizations, states and religions that non-elect spirits are ever able to build through the delusions and lies of their hearts are ineffective, dysfunctional, useless, transitory, ever-changing and destructive, often even deadly. And, of course, they steal the power and resources required to build those things, since they never truly own any power or resources themselves. They steal all they need from God Himself. And God allows them to steal what they want for a time, to prove that they can never build anything truly useful, functional, beneficial, good or lasting. Everything they steal from God is actually wasted, as their worthless, useless structures fall apart and crumble into nothing. Worse than that, while their structures remain standing—while their vain businesses, institutions, states and religions, especially their humanistic ones, are able to plunder all they desire from God—they cause unbelievable waste, destruction, pain and death on God’s temporary earth. Through their constant wars, their self-serving biases enforced through their unjust laws, and their pollution or destruction of God’s creations, the non-elect have almost destroyed the entire planet. And the true elect want no part in any such works.

If you look at how God’s ways and laws work, or at how God ordained His temporary natural world to function, nothing is ever wasted. Rather, everything existing continues to serve God and His wise and loving purposes, since God maintains and serves all so that all will serve His wise and loving purposes. All that is used according to God’s ways will simply pass through a reiterating cycle. After God has finished using something for one purpose, it is used to meet the needs of another purpose. A leaf falls from a tree after it has finished making food for the tree during the summer. Then that fallen leaf becomes food for worms and microbes who produce, as a byproduct, nutrients for the soil, which is needed for the growth of new leaves on the tree and for other plants. If the tree produces flowers, the pollen feeds bees and other creatures, while the bees and other creatures cross-pollinate the flowers of the trees. Then fruit forms and feeds other animals, who excrete the seeds in places where new trees grow. Likewise, in every social structure built according to God’s ways of just love, nothing is wasted and all the works done to build and maintain everyone and everything within that structure. Good and godly structures not only serve the next generations, but produce the spiritual treasures of love and truth which current elect workers can take with them into heaven after their bodies of flesh perish. All their good works accomplish an ever-enlarging, repeating cycle of good. The more that a structure follows God’s ways, the more productive and long-lasting it becomes.

None of the lies and delusions of non-elect spirits exist in reality, outside the minds of their spirits.

They believe they are creator gods. But they are not. They believe they own themselves and all of God’s creations which they greedily steal, claim for themselves and zealously guard, which they use for unholy, unjust, destructive and deadly purposes. But they do not and cannot truly own anything at all. There spirits and all things are actually owned and maintained by God. Even the subatomic particles in the atoms that make up the molecules of their bodies are made of energy which is really God’s power transformed to maintain His physical creation. Absolutely nothing belongs to them. Also, since even the shapes of their imaginings continuously mutate and change, non-elect spirits could never create anything functional, even if God did grant them the personal power to create something. So the gratification of their evil desires, the application of their dark delusions and lies, must use and abuse the solid realities created and owned by God alone. To please their evil hearts, especially their core desire to be gods, they can only pretend to own the real people and real things which they exploit and oppress. So their gratification of their evil desires relies entirely upon God’s power and resources. And God shall withhold every real person and every real thing from them forever, once they enter hell. Consequently, once they enter hell, they will never again find even a moment’s pleasure or gratification. In the meantime, the true elect are called to partake in the works of our God, to create good and to build up life in God’s kingdom, to overcome every evil with good, to nullify the works of Satan and his minions by doing the will of our God as it is done in heaven.

God will mercifully grant the non-elect the eternal possession of their spirits when they are cast into hell, so those spirits can forever pretend to be gods. Then God will also mercifully grant the nonelect all their beloved darkness of lies and delusions when they get to hell. They want these and God will grant them these. However, it will be their own beloved, self-made lies and delusions that will also be the very cause of their excruciatingly painful, eternal torment. God’s gifts, God’s permission to possess their own spirits and their own self-made darkness, are the very things that will make their much preferred home of hell into a true hell. God will not torture them in hell. God will simply let them torture themselves. For their beloved darkness will cause all their pain. Their most coveted reward will also be their most painful punishment. For they will never again be able to gratify any of the desires rising up from their beloved delusions and lies. So their unfulfilled desires will eternally eat at their inside like undying worms, and burn like unquenchable fire. In fact, you can already see most of the non-elect enter this spiritual hell as they grow older upon the earth, when their dark desires mature and grow stronger, even while their ability to gratify those desires grows weaker.

It is very important for the elect to comprehend what God’s Word revealed about the non-elect and their reward in hell, so we can recognize them and so we will never again envy those that receive an abundance of gifts from Satan’s world order. For every gratifying reward they receive from Satan will only cause them to suffer a much more painful punishment in hell. Yes, on earth, the wicked usually gain more esteem, power and money from Satan’s world order, more than the elect. Jesus spoke the truth when He told us that hardly any self-indulgent rich souls will enter His kingdom of heaven. Psalm 73 proclaimed that the arrogant and wicked are generally healthier, more prosperous, increase more in wealth, have fewer pains or troubles in earthly life, and are not stricken with nearly as many or as deeply felt tragedies as the elect. But, at the same time, although we see Satan, the ruler of the world order, unjustly grant all these carnal rewards to his non-elect children, we must not envy them nor grow weary of serving God. For we must consider the destiny of those wicked souls.

We must fully comprehend where the non-elect go after the death of their flesh, and how they will suffer for all eternity. Then, at the same time, we must know that God will be just and fair when He sends those souls to hell. God will not send souls to hell because of a Greco-Roman kind of petty revenge. Nor will God physically torture these souls for His own pleasure, as a psychopath might. The false churches are dead wrong when they teach or imply such things. For God is indeed a just and loving God. And God mercifully grants all those non-elect spirits exactly what they want most when He sends them into hell. Yet hell will indeed be a painful, eternal punishment for them. To understand how the non-elect will suffer in hell forever, so we will not envy them, yet to still have confidence in the just love of God, we must know the real truth taught in the Bible about hell. Then we must also realize that all we build on earth belongs to the eternal kingdom of God, and He will let us keep all the spiritual love and truth which He builds in us while we lived on earth. He will even let us take those great treasures with us into heaven after our flesh dies, so we may cherish them forever. In fact, our spirits, and all these spiritual treasures built on earth, are already carefully placed inside the spiritual space-time continuum, already safely hidden in heaven with Jesus, waiting for us.

Consider how, while living in flesh on earth, God allows a non-elect spirit to use His property to harm even His elect children, animals and other creations, merely to gratify their unholy, unjust desires and lusts. God allows the non-elect to bully, kill and destroy, albeit to an extent that is always limited by Him. Almost all the thoughts and actions of the non-elect spirits are limited by God to the minds and bodies of flesh alone. God grants only a very limited amount of spiritual power to the spirits of demons and non-elect human spirits, but only to produce an ultimate good. So they are often allowed to commit horrors, yet primarily as acts accomplished through the power of human flesh alone. Only on rare occasions does God allow the non-elect spirits to overpower rebellious, stubborn elect spirits, and only temporarily, until those elect spirits wake up and turn back to God in humility. Now God may grant some non-elect spirits an ability to use supernatural power, to perform miracles, signs and wonders, to deceive minds of flesh, even in some of the elect. But, if an elect one’s mind of flesh is deceived by those spiritual powers, it will cause the mind of that one’s elect spirit to seek God for His loving and holy supernatural power to overcome the evil supernatural power of the non-elect. And, if God does temporarily grant the non-elect an ability to use spiritual power, it is always limited in ways that cannot harm His true elect spirits, in ways that actually turn elect spirits to God for help. Thus, all the evil that God allows the non-elect spirits to do will cause elect spirits to seek and find God, since God always answers the calls of His elect children. But the non-elect always fall deeper into a joyless, confused, darkness of lies and delusions with every ounce of power they are granted. The non-elect fall deeper into hell every day they live in flesh. On earth, God lets a non-elect spirit pretend to own and rule other souls and physical things. Yet all of that is a false perception of ownership, merely a lie and a delusion. No one can actually own even a blade of grass or a grain of sand. So every “success” of the non-elect on earth heaps up more pain and a much greater damnation for their souls once they get to hell, while it also causes the true elect to seek God.

Now consider what occurs in the spirits of the elect while God allows all this evil to occur on earth. God never allows the spirits of His elect children, nor the elect spirits of His other earthly creatures, to fall into the kind of hell that the non-elect spirits inevitably cast themselves into. For even the spirits of the animals are too wise to ever let demonic spirits rule either their spirits or their bodies of flesh. Then the human elect learn to comprehend the feeling of hell through their minds of flesh. But the minds of elect human spirits can only observe this feeling taking place in their minds of flesh, while the minds of their spirits and flesh commune in their souls, as their minds of flesh tell the minds of their spirits about these feelings. Elect human spirits themselves cannot actually fall into that kind of hell, not like non-elect spirits can. Only their minds of flesh, which cannot truly love or have any real faith in God, can actually fall into a numb, dark, deluded state, through sins their flesh commits. Their elect spirits cannot fall into that state. Their spirits can empathize and also feel godly sorrow regarding their sins, while taking some responsibility for their sins, since the spirit should be managing the flesh and keeping it from sin. Then, if elect spirits are awakened, taught, trained and empowered to rule over their flesh, those spirits—through the knowledge, wisdom, power and love of Christ’s Holy Spirit—can also pull their minds of flesh out of that hellish state of ungodly sorrow and hopelessness. Therefore, the sins of elect flesh, promoted by non-elect spirits, will very often cause elect spirits to seek, find, then deeply value and love God and God’s ways, with greater zeal.

As previously mentioned, when Jesus cast demons into a herd of pigs, they all ran to their deaths, to free themselves from those evil spirits. So it is obvious that their spirits were born to be free forever in heaven and that they did not fear death. And it is also clear that God limited the power that those demons had over the flesh and spirits of those pigs. The spirits of those pigs decided to do away with their own bodies of flesh on earth because they knew their spirits would go home to heaven, and heaven would be a place where those demons could not follow their spirits. Furthermore, Jesus knew these pigs would commit suicide immediately after He sent the demons into them, and since the Scriptures say all animal spirits go directly to heaven, it was clearly God’s will that they would commit suicide. So this implies that suicide is not a “mortal sin” and does not automatically condemns a soul to eternal hell, as many false churches claim, due to their adoption of ancient Roman laws. So, considering how the spirits of mere pigs had such faith in God and such control over their own flesh that they immediately sacrificed their flesh in death, to be freed from demonic spirits, should elect human spirits not be ashamed of the way they heed so many demonic spirits?

We know that one of the main reasons Jesus came to us was to undo or nullify the works of Satan, which includes all his works done through his human children. For it says, “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for th