The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Know the Real Gospel


This book has been extensively edited since its first edition in 2002, because my understanding of the Bible is growing. It expounds on one of my other books, Jesus Christ’s Salvation. In that other book, I explained how the true, biblical Gospel reveals how Jesus fulfills His New Covenant promise by sending His Holy Spirit to literally all the elect souls created for Him by the Father of all those spirits. Christ’s Holy Spirit was to save literally all whom the Father chose for salvation, literally all the elect souls in history, through a lengthy process of writing His Law upon their hearts, a process that would not be completed and perfected until the end of the judgment day at the gates of heaven. When He said He would “write His Law on our hearts,” He meant His Spirit would eventually teach and train every elect human spirit to fully know and apply His Law. For one cannot enter heaven unless one’s spirit knows God’s entire Law, and is able to apply all His Law in a perfect, wise, just way. God only grants heaven’s citizenship to purified, loving souls. And God’s Law reveals the just and pure ways of love that God requires of all citizens, wise ways that benefit all most effectively.

Because only those who speak and act rightly, according to God’s Law, will be able to call heaven their home, Jesus must cause every elect spirit to spontaneously speak and act according to God’s Law before any may enter heaven. Only after He teaches and trains every elect soul to spontaneously speak and act through genuine, spiritual and God-like love at all times, can an elect soul enter the gates of heaven. Consequently, Jesus does not waste any time before He begins this saving process. The Spirit of Jesus begins saving each elect spirit at the moment of one’s creation, and does not stop saving that spirit until the end of a very long judgment day at the gates of heaven. Only after the judgment day, after all elect spirits are ready for their destined lives and labours in heaven, will Jesus lead all of these souls together into heaven’s New Jerusalem, where permanent homes wait for them.

When God created the material universe, He temporarily bound countless eternal spirits of many different kinds to multiple varieties of bodies consisting of earthly flesh. But spirits put in plant and animal bodies were not made in God’s image. Only human spirits in human bodies were. Soon after this, God also allowed Satan, an incomplete spirit of an angel fallen from heaven, to create some of his own human spirits too, within human flesh. Now, when God created all things, He predestined all the plant and animal spirits to be gathered into His eternal home of heaven, after their flesh died. But God did not predestine all human spirits to dwell eternally in the bright light of heaven. For God had only created some human spirits in His image, to be His most beloved children. Therefore, He only predestined His chosen or elect human spirits, His children, to be gathered to Him in heaven. But the spirits created by Satan, in his own dark image, were formed with a lack of the attribute of just love, just as Satan also lacked that attribute. Those human spirits were as incomplete as the spirit of Satan himself. And Satan, their father, also caused them to hate all that is loving, including God Himself. And, having foreknowledge of this, God prepared another eternal home for those spirits of darkness, the spiritual realm of hell, a place where He would hide His presence from them, a void without His light or any of His other creations, with absolutely nothing to remind those souls of God’s truth or existence. And, since God did not choose Satan’s offspring for heaven, we call them the “non-elect.”

Only elect human spirits bear a potential ability to learn to love and, thus, the ability to truly know the meaning of God’s Law and His true character revealed in His Law. Since all the elect were created with God’s attributes, and a right interpretation of God’s Law reflects God’s true attributes, elect spirits are able to learn to fully and deeply know their God when they learn God’s own correct interpretation of His Law. Thus, we spend many hours prayerfully meditating upon, dissecting and harmonizing God’s Law. But the elect can only gain God’s right interpretation of His Law by first entering into full and deep relationship with their God. First they must truly get to know God well; then they can rightly interpret His Law. But, if the elect cannot rightly interpret His Law, they cannot truly know the Father of their spirits. Yet all the elect are born with totally ignorant and infantile spirits, so none have the ability to rightly interpret the Law, and none are able to know God. Also, since all the elect sin through their unruly flesh, God stands back from them, not wanting to partake in their sins. For, if God helped sinners while they continued to sin, He would abet them in sin.

This is where Jesus steps in. Jesus, our God, paid for their entire lifetimes of sin on the cross and purchased their atonement, restoring His ability to maintain a relationship with them. Then the Spirit of Jesus enters elect hearts and communes directly with those chosen spirits, teaching them about Himself and His ways. Because He does this, our spirits begin to know the right interpretation of His Law, while we become familiar with Him, while we get to know and love Him more each day. Then we begin to identify with Him on every level, become one with Him. Likewise, since God’s Law must be understood and applied through His kind of just love, and we learn to love Him, we begin to truly comprehend His Law, able to wisely apply it. Since all God’s elect spirits were created with the attribute of love, which is one of God’s principal attributes, Jesus saves all the elect in this way.

But non-elect human spirits are not able to know God in the same way the elect can, and cannot understand nor apply God’s Law in any just, right or effective manner. For, although all non-elect spirits know about the existence of God, about the Spirit who created all things, all lack many of God’s attributes, especially God’s attribute of just love. A lack of any potential to truly, justly love is the principal attribute of Satan, and all the other demons, and all Satan’s spirit-children. This kind of love can only be found in the spirits God created with this attribute, only expressed or applied by God, elect human spirits, elect angels, the spirits of animals and the spirits of other living things in God’s creation. When God created the spirit of Satan and the demons, He intentionally made them with this particular kind of incompleteness, this lack of an ability to love, to reveal the antithesis of Him and His ways. And this lack of love is what initiated their desire to be their own gods, since they could not be one with God or anyone else. Then this desire to be their own gods led them into all their other sins. Since they did not love God, nor any other created being, those incomplete spirits wanted to get their own way at all times, and insisted that they must rule their own destinies, by defining their own truths and laws according to their own whims, even at the cost of others, even if their selfishness destroyed others and caused horrifying pain. Their desire to have “free will” totally enslaved them, caused them to reject every kind of service to God, so they did absolutely nothing for the good of all, but did absolutely everything for the destruction of all, including themselves.

Therefore, we are able to determine which souls are God’s elect and which souls are the non-elect if we can determine the attributes possessed by each spirit. But that is a great problem! Our flesh often interferes with the ability of our spirits to express love. So, since our spirits are bound to flesh, we can only observe the actions of the flesh, and the real intentions of other spirits are often hidden from our perception. Our spirits can only gather information about other spirits through our senses and minds of flesh. And our minds of the flesh must then relay that data to the minds of our spirits in our souls (a soul is a passive instrument that allows the mind of the body and the mind of the spirit to communicate with each other). Furthermore, our minds of flesh on earth cannot truly comprehend the language, ways or thoughts of spirits. So our bodies of flesh misinterpret much! Consequently, this transfer of information from our flesh to our spirits, through the interface of the soul, remains extremely imperfect. When we receive new, incorruptible bodies in heaven, made of a spiritual substance, this problem will be eliminated. But, until then, our spirits must remain alert, learn to discern the misconceptions of the flesh and govern that flesh wisely through Christ’s counsel. And it is very difficult to determine, with absolute certainty, if another person on this earth has an elect or a non-elect spirit. So we must not judge their spirits. In fact, we cannot even judge our spirits rightly.

God deliberately hid all human spirits under a veil of flesh for a time, during our lives on earth. God did not grant us the ability to easily discern whether or not the spirit of any other human being is His elect child. And God did this for a good purpose, so His elect children would learn to seek Him and His truth as their first and foremost priority, so they would seek Jesus, our God, and His truth alone to develop their potential ability to love. From the beginning of time, until the future days of the seventh trumpet, in the era of the seventh seal, until the day Jesus returns, it has never been easy to observe the attributes of human spirits to judge or determine whether or not they are elect spirits. And, at the present time, not many spirits are awake enough to function as the managers of their bodies of flesh, able to govern their whole lives, able to openly manifest the elect attribute of true, just, God-like love. In our day, it is rare to see a spirit whose father has called and enabled one’s spirit to seize control of one’s own mind and body of flesh, whether that spirit’s Father is God or the father is Satan. In our day, we may see a few non-elect who walk according to their evil spirits, through the calling and power of their father, Satan. But we seem to see far fewer elect who walk according to their loving spirits through the calling and power of their Father, Yahweh God.

As the end times unfold, beginning at the start of the sixth seal’s era, more and more souls will expose the true nature of their spirits, until a distinct dichotomy forms on the earth—with most nonelect spirits being awakened by Satan to manifest their loveless attributes, and most elect spirits being awakened by Jesus to manifest their loving attributes. In the meantime, very few actually walk according to the minds of their spirits; where some reveal their spirits to be the narcissistic children of Satan and some reveal their spirits to be the truly just and loving children of God the Father, filled with and rejoicing in His light of truth. So now most souls remain in a state of casual fellowship with us, since their spirits sleep and do not seek to be either our siblings or our enemies. We are basically unable to judge most by the fruits of their spirits manifested or expressed through their flesh, as Jesus commanded, since their spirits produce no observable fruits. Their flesh alone produces all the fruits of their lives. And Jesus forbade us to judge anyone by outward appearances, solely by the fruits of the flesh. He commanded us to judge others by inner intentions, by the fruits of their spirits.

Jesus created this transient, less real, material universe and our temporary bodies of flesh, together with the hardships of our flesh and permitted evils against our spirits, for a reason. And the main reason is so He could use our temporary minds and bodies of flesh as instruments assisting in the training of our spirits, so our spirits will more zealously and more effectively love Him and His ways. There will be no obstacles to truth and love in heaven. So God created this place, where there would be obstacles. And these obstacles and resulting difficulties—our exposure to sin, evil, lies, delusions, loss, pain and lack of love—cause our spirits to seek, embrace and love God and His ways all the more. As our spirits compare God and His ways in heaven to Satan and his ways on earth, we appreciate and more firmly cling to God and His ways. This is why God created the earth, and made our spirits infantile, like children, not as whole and “adult” spirits like the angels. God wanted us to grow into maturity, learn lessons deeply in our hearts through unforgettable experiences, to have a need to draw closer to Him than the angels do, so we might love Him as our cherished Father.

Let me repeat, we all have two minds, which communicate with each other through the soul. Thus, the whole of a person, both minds functioning together, is often called a soul. So each human soul has a temporary mind or brain of flesh which governs the actions of the body. But this mind of flesh is an irrational, dishonest, weak, fading mind, prone to failures until the day it dies. Then each soul also has a mind of an eternal human spirit. And the mind of an elect spirit is very rational, honest, strong and able to remember all it has ever learned, including all that entered the mind of flesh. So, with Christ’s teaching and training, the spirit can indeed become loving, just, wise and effective in the application of God’s created truths and realities. Now, as both minds communicate with each other through the soul, the self-seeking mind of flesh usually tries to dominate the immature mind of the spirit. And the mind of flesh normally succeeds in bullying the infantile but superior mind of the spirit, that is, until Jesus calls the elect spirit and awakens it, then teaches, trains and empowers it. As Jesus causes an elect spirit to mature, that spirit begins to become more able to manage the flesh, to reign in the thoughts in the mind of flesh, and to rebuke the flesh effectively. The elect spirit is then better able to express just, wise, God-like love. Likewise, non-elect spirits, once awakened by Satan, also mature and manage their flesh more effectively, becoming more able to express inner evil.

Of course, bodies and minds of flesh are totally incapable of seeing or entering the eternal, spiritual, space-time continuum, neither God’s spiritual heaven nor Satan’s spiritual hell. But spirits are parts of the spiritual realm, entities of the spiritual space-time continuum. So, after death, the mind of flesh will perish, along with all its thoughts and memories, which were all faded, distorted and corrupted anyway. And, within a couple of thousand years, God is going to withdraw His power that enables material existence, causing the entire physical universe to vanish or “burn” into nothing. Only the minds of human spirits will survive to keep all the memories of earthly life. An elect spirit will perfectly preserve all those memories without any distortions or corruptions, as well as all its love, with all the principles of love learned from Christ while living in a body of flesh on earth. Then the non-elect spirits also will keep all the darkness of the lies and delusions they formed during their lives on earth. All human spirits will be granted new bodies made of a spiritual substance, so they can dwell in the spiritual space-time continuum. But the elect will dwell in the bright land of heaven, while the non-elect will dwell in the dark and landless part of the spiritual space-time continuum called hell. The light of heaven will be God and His truth for the spirits dwelling with Him. The darkness of hell will be the lies and delusions created in the minds of the spirits dwelling there, with nothing of God manifested to penetrate, expose and destroy their beloved darkness. In the meantime, these temporary earthly bodies, causing the elect to experience the antithesis of God and His ways through the non-elect, serve as the perfect instruments for training the minds of elect spirits to more zealously love God, each other and all God’s ways. We, the elect, could never learn to appreciate love as well if we did not experience the pains and trials of life in these temporary bodies of flesh.

Life on earth teaches an elect human spirit to deeply cherish God and all His principles of just love, which God outlined in His Law. If our infantile spirits grew up in heaven, if they always possessed “health and wealth” as the heirs of the High King, if they never suffered the pains of a body of flesh and sins, if the only place they ever knew was the sinless and painless land of heaven, they would be the same as the elect angels. For heaven’s elect angels were born mature, never needed to develop into maturity. But every elect human spirit is born infantile and must develop maturity with the weight of much resistance, so its “spiritual muscles” will develop a much stronger form of love, a zealous love that has experienced many real failures and devastating effects from a lack of love.

On earth, the body and mind of flesh fear death, pain, loss and God’s discipline, so much that the mind of flesh will sometimes come running to the mind of the spirit for answers. Tribulation and pain make the flesh submit to the management of the spirit, allowing the spirit to take control over the whole of one’s life. This is a very good thing, if one has an elect spirit, and if that elect spirit turns to the Father, God, who is also a Spirit. But this is a very bad thing if one has a non-elect spirit or an elect spirit that does not turn to God. For Satan, who is also a spirit, will fill that spirit with his thoughts and completely take control, even turning a non-elect spirit into a pure psychopath. If God hands a human spirit over to Satan, Satan will cause that spirit to be chained to delusions and lies that will destroy the flesh belonging to that spirit, and the physical lives of many others as well. If a spirit does not love the truth or reality that God created for the effective functioning of all existence, then God will clearly demonstrate all of the horrifying effects of lies and delusions to that spirit.

In order to manage the troubles of its life, every weak, infantile and ignorant elect spirit needs to realize that it desperately needs far more knowledge, as well as far more wisdom (the ability to effectively apply knowledge). So an elect spirit needs to realize that one’s Father exists and that one is able to go to one’s Father. If an elect spirit goes to one’s Father, the Holy Spirit of God, the very Spirit of Jesus, will teach that spirit God’s Law and train that spirit in the wise application of His Law. Then, as the flesh is suffering or even dying from the effects of sin and injustice, that spirit begins to more deeply appreciate the great value and importance of God’s Law and the wisdom to apply it correctly. And, as the elect spirit talks and communes with the Spirit of one’s Father and oldest Brother Jesus, a great love for Him develops. Then the elect spirit learns to depend on Him more each day. And this kind of dependence is not the weak, blind codependency of a dupe bowing before a bullying master, not letting a master control all one’s thoughts and deeds as a slave. Rather, dependence upon God learns to think for oneself, just as God thinks for Himself. The elect child of the Father learns to apply respectful love, knowing that only He has the wisdom and ability to train one’s spirit and open one’s eyes and truly see both spiritual and physical realities, to comprehend them, to think rationally and honestly, to make true and effective judgments which work for the good of all, to do all that needs to be done—though each one is capable of only one tiny task in God’s vast, integrated, harmonious kingdom, so no one can be called “great” and all are equally valued.

Life in a weak body of flesh upon this earth, beleaguered by the effects of sin, causes the mind of an elect spirit to grow a much stronger, wiser and more loving, as that elect spirit learns to cherish God and His kind of love. And God’s kind of love is accurately, although insufficiently, described by the right, honest, spiritual interpretation of His just and beneficial Old Covenant Law. Although evil tries to corrupt the mind of flesh in every man and woman on earth, sometimes in a way that can only be cured by the death of the flesh, Christ is able to sanctify the flesh, by first sanctifying the spirit and the soul, by beginning with the teaching and training of the spirit. Although God allowed evil spirits to exist on earth, and allows those evil spirits to corrupt our human spirits by their communications through bodies of flesh, Jesus is able to silence and rebuke those evil spirits and their flesh. For Jesus has bound Satan and all his demons, including those evil human spirits born of Satan, in chains during their entire existence in this lower space-time continuum of the physical universe. Our God, Jesus, did not just cast those fallen angels out of heaven, down to the earth, but also severely limited them when He granted those demons a kingdom of sinners on the earth. So trust in Jesus. He is able to set aside our flesh for His purposes, so our lives on earth can express the love of our elect spirits.

Now each of us knows that we have a spirit, because each of us has two minds which often conflict with each other. If we had only one mind, we might have troubles making decisions, but we would not have two conflicting decisions of two different minds, where each mind has resolved to go in a different direction and opposes the direction that the other mind has already made. So every human being knows that he or she has a mind of a spirit, because the spirit’s mind loves and hates for reasons that are far beyond the reach of the simple and self-seeking mind of flesh. A love or hatred wells up in the mind of the spirit, but the mind of flesh wants to deny that love or hate, in order to get what it wants from the object of that love or hatred. Then, as this occurs, we also see that the mind of the human spirit is frequently receiving unspoken “words” or concepts, information that does not come through the senses of the flesh, thoughts that are directly communicated to the minds of our spirits from other spirits, from either God or demons. And those other spirits communicating with our human spirits definitely are not human spirits. Those other spirits have no bodies of flesh and clearly are not limited by material time and space at all. And, through experience, we all know that, if another human spirit wants to communicate with one’s own spirit, that other spirit must either do so through inept mouths and bodies of flesh, or relay one’s thoughts to another human spirit through more powerful spirits that do not possess bodies of limiting flesh, that is, through God or demons. Only those other powerful spirits are able to facilitate a deeper communication between human spirits. They can bypass the need to communicate with each other through our mouths and ears of our flesh. But they are also able to rule over our human spirits according to their own wills.

Our human spirits not only directly receive the input of concepts from bodyless, external spirits existing all around us, but our spirits also experience the far greater power of those other spirits. Our human spirits are like ignorant little babies that ten-foot-tall, fully armed warriors can approach whenever they choose, or carry us away at will. At any time they desire, those external spirits can force our spirits to do whatever they want our spirits to do, in a way that we are utterly powerless to resist. Then, as those external spirits exert their irresistible power over our spirits, our flesh also submits to them, immediately. Therefore, since even our weak flesh feels that power causing them to do purposeful works through strong and self-directed intentions in our hearts, overcoming both our spirits and flesh, that power obviously does not come from us—neither from our own spirits nor from our flesh. So even our minds of flesh are forced to admit that some sentient entities exist and wilfully apply power to consciously do works in and through us. And, since those works are indeed moral and spiritual, since those works consistently bear a moral intent that God’s wise and effective Law of love defines as being either good or evil, we also know whether those spirits are good or evil.

Yet, no matter how sinful bodies of flesh becomes, the substitutionary death of Christ’s flesh on the cross earns the forgiveness of the entire lifetimes of every elect spirit’s sins, which it does through the body of flesh. Jesus did this for the sake of those elect spirits. Jesus did this so our elect spirits may learn to use our flesh to express God-like love, according to His own perfect, harmonious and correct interpretation of His Law, the interpretation that His Holy Spirit personally teaches to our spirits. For the infinite power of our God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Jesus, enables and empowers the minds of our elect spirits to bear an ever-increasing power over our bodies of flesh, so the minds of our spirits can better manage our minds of flesh within the chambers of our souls. And Jesus can also command the power of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as the spirits born of him on earth, to be silent and withdraw in great fear. Naturally, even whenever Jesus removes or hinders the power of evil spirits, our own minds of flesh will still war against the minds of our elect spirits in our souls, throughout our lives on earth. And Jesus does not always silence the spirits of demons, but often lets us hear them, in order to strengthen our understanding of the contrast between their methods and motives and Christ’s methods and motives. For this understanding helps us undo their wicked works in our own souls and in other human souls. So the mind of an elect spirit constantly needs to learn more and more from Jesus, and needs to continuously seek Christ’s help to overcome the flesh and other sources of false reasoning, lies, delusions, deceptions and temptations. But this war within our souls always serves a critical and good purpose: It increases our dependence upon Jesus and our relationship with Him, while it also strengthens the resolve, knowledge and wisdom of our elect spirits more each day, as our spirits pursue useful maturity worked by Jesus and express just love.

Furthermore, God also created the body of flesh in a way that also provides some access to God’s revealed Law. As a physical body reads or hears God’s Law, through its physical eyes and ears, the mind of flesh passes those concepts up to the mind of the spirit through the interface of the soul. Then Jesus’ Spirit engages the elect human spirit in a discussion about those concepts. Jesus’ Spirit teaches the elect spirit all about the full meaning of His Law and teachings, then trains that spirit to effectively apply those concepts. This process of teaching and training an elect human spirit is the fulfilling of the New Covenant salvation, the “writing” of His Law upon our hearts. This is that what the prophets and apostles proclaimed and longed to see. So the elect human spirit uses its body of flesh and God’s Law to learn about one’s own destiny and eternal life, so it may labour beside God.

Because this salvation process becomes more efficient and effective when the flesh is able to read or hear God’s revealed concepts in the book called the Bible, all true churches dedicate much time to the study of that book, for the sake of elect human spirits. And we should also realize that the truest church in history, the apostolic church (c. AD 28-98), would read and study a portion of God’s Law (the first five books of the Bible) every Sabbath day. Of course, they also read excerpts from the rest of what we call the Old Testament too, as well as from the apostolic writings, which are now called the New Testament. But reading and studying God’s Law was always an integral and critical part of the weekly meetings in the true apostolic church. Each local church read through all five books of the Law within a year or two, then started reading them all over again each year or two for the rest of their lives. Then, after each member of the early church heard the Law and other words which God gave to His servants, they had several hours of intense interactive discussions regarding every verse. And they did this each Sabbath day, and often during week days too, throughout their lives. The truly biblical, theistic, apostolic church heard, discussed and sought to thoroughly understand God’s Law and other teachings in ways that most subsequent churches in history have never even attempted.

Now let me repeat, the reason the true apostolic church studied God’s Law so consistently and diligently is because they were actually receiving the genuine salvation of Jesus. They were being granted the authentic New Covenant salvation in Christ’s blood. Their spirits were actually and personally experiencing the personal teaching and training of the real Holy Spirit of Jesus Himself. Their spirits were truly beginning to know and apply the words of God in the Law and in the rest of the Bible in the way God promised for their salvation. They were learning God’s own interpretation and application of the Scriptures. The real Messiah Jesus was personally and lovingly causing them to know and spontaneously apply God’s Law to every situation that could arise in life. And they were striving to serve Jesus alone, as His faithful disciples, willingly, eagerly and diligently learning directly from Him about His words, to inwardly guard His truth and make wise judgments according to His fulfilled interpretations of His Law. This true church was indeed seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, striving to build as much heaven on earth as God might allow for their own generations. And they did this by learning to do the real will of their Father and oldest Brother in heaven. Their wakened spirits were hidden with Jesus in heaven, kept safe from inner corruptions originating through the temptations and deceptions of the flesh by Satan or that devil’s world order.

The truest and purest church in all history realized that God’s Law was a shadow outlining the shape of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit, the attributes of God’s Spirit, and described His Spirit’s expressions of just love through His body of flesh when He came to walk among us in a body of human flesh. The Law helped them to recognize the Messiah during His first advent, as the only Man in history who had ever truly exemplified God’s Law through all His words and deeds, as the only sinless man in history. Through God’s Old Covenant Law, they saw that Jesus was indeed the Living Word of God. Thus, as God’s Law drew an outline of the shape of Christ’s body, they knew what the true church, His body remaining on this earth, should be like. If they walked according to their human spirits, as their human spirits learned from the Holy Spirit of Jesus and their heavenly Father, they would be conformed to His likeness, individually and corporately. And they also learned that, if the shape of an individual or an entire church was not being conformed into the outlined shape or shadow defined by God’s Law, then that entity was not yet being saved by Jesus. So it did not matter what that individual or church claimed to be. All that mattered, regarding salvation, is what Jesus chose to do.

Since a right interpretation of God’s Law reveals a detailed silhouette of Christ’s character and the attributes of His churc