The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Interpreting God’s Law to build love

Now, at this time of crisis in the church, when many churches are join together to rewrite God's Law and the rest of His Word, when the lawlessness of our churches and our secular societies cause love to grow cold, to become more rare than gold, it has become difficult to find anyone who knows even the basics God's Law fulfilled in Jesus the Christ, or anything about how God’s Law defines His kind of love. For none go directly to Jesus to be taught these things. None have awakened elect spirits that ponder His spiritual Law as He teaches it directly to their spirits. Most only heed what is taught by men from their minds of the flesh to our minds of flesh. Almost no one wants to hear anything about God’s Law directly from Jesus. For their flesh only wants teachings that can be used hypocritically, such as to condemn their enemies in a way that gives them an excuse to denigrate, hurt or even kill those enemies, so they can plunder others for the profit and pleasure of their flesh.

In our day, most so-called “Christians” love only Satan’s kingdom of the world order, and seek that ruthless demon’s invention of money, because it has the power to suppress and oppress others. They cast aside real truth about Jesus. They ignore the words about how He saves us, by sanctifying us, by writing God's fulfilled Law in our minds and on our hearts. Instead, they revel in the false “freedom” of their own wills, strive to make themselves into their own saviours and their own gods, but fall into a hopeless bondage to sin, always striving for more money and other rewards of Satan’s world order.

But the loveless, factious, warring, selfish ambition of Satan’s world order can never produce any real freedom, only a life of brutal slavery to an endless series of unholy, exploiting masters. True freedom can only come from the God who created His elect children for freedom. Freedom is freely, willingly and spontaneously doing God’s will for the good of all, through the kind of love that His Law expounds upon. And, to do this, an elect spirit’s will must be shaped and built up by the power, teaching and training of Jesus. God’s will is revealed in His Law, in the words of God, not in words invented by men through the intellect and emotions in their minds of flesh. So now we see the whole world falling apart, becoming more cold, deadly and loveless than it ever has been in all history, just as the prophecies of the Bible told us it would become during the era of the fifth seal. Yet all elect spirits know that there can be no real love or true freedom unless the elect are awakened by Jesus, unless all joyfully and lovingly respect the rights and well-being of others, as a community of God’s just and loving people, as citizens of His eternal kingdom, as His priesthood which does all works through God-like love, where all are taught and trained by the one mind of Christ, so all will serve one and the same loving purpose in Him, with one mind, so we all work from a heart which desires only what He desires. The only way for our people to be free, so each can do whatever one desires to do, is to become spirits whose only desires are to love, serve and wisely do good for God’s creation.

God cannot free anyone whose desire is to destroy His good creations. God is duty-bound, by His love and wisdom, to imprison all destroyers, in delusions and slavery to Satan. God hands them over to self-destruction, to war among themselves until they destroy one another, without consciously realizing that they have been enslaved for their own punishment. Naturally, not all secular or falsely religious souls remain unaware of this loveless lawlessness occurring all around them, even in the midst of their own people. So some become alarmed by it, and worry much about it. Yet, in their panic and alarm, they turn to men for salvation from this chaos. They seek relief in a Roman and humanistic way, and desire man’s rule by terrorism. They find “strong men,” brutal dictators, who are actually the spiritually weakest of all. They turn to manipulating psychopaths, to foolish little puppets of the devil, who will manipulate them and are, in turn, manipulated by the tiniest of demons or by the weakest of human beings. Then these psychopaths in false churches invent their own, selfdestructive, humanistic interpretations of God’s Law, or the secular one’s invent new laws altogether.

Then these narcissistic “saviours” boast about their own cold, dead, loveless, arrogant and fake selfrighteousness and “great works,” though they are the most filthy of all sinners and all their works are foolish and destructive. These psychopathic “strong men” will also spend endless hours slandering their opponents with ruthless and dehumanizing lies, trying to make their minions believe that all their opponents are enemies of all that is good, unlike their glorious selves. But these “saviours” never actually say or do anything truly godly and loving for anyone else. Everything they do is only for their own selfish ambitions, and all their good works are simply a show, designed to make them look good, so their dupes will admire them. They will not lift a finger to build up a just and living body of souls. And they would definitely attack the true church in a blind rage, if they could find it. For they hate the just and loving church, built on the foundation of Christ and His eternal truths alone. They will allow nothing for the true elect of God, leave no place where truly loving souls may take shelter, with spirits full of love, peace and joy. But, since they reject the righteousness of God, and work nothing but their own fake righteousness, they are lawless, and war against all the just love of Christ. They actually end up opposing and undoing the loving justice and right actions that God's Law commands, so they can form their man-worshipping, unjust and loveless cults that will worship them as gods. So all who seek salvation from loveless lawlessness, by going to psychopathic “strong men” who practice the terrorism of Roman-like laws, increase loveless lawlessness exponentially.

Therefore, it is time for us to pray for the awakening of our spirits by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and His conviction to honesty. Our spirits need to take a good, hard, long, candid look at God's kind of righteous love, which is based on His right interpretation of His Law, based on God’s own intended meaning of His Law. Isn't it time that the elect admitted that churches know almost nothing about God’s kind of just love, since they actually know almost nothing real about His Law? Let the elect, whose spirits desire just and God-like love, now go to Jesus, not to men. How can anyone think the current churches will lead them into the abundant life of holy, just love which Jesus taught about? For churches lie incessantly about what God’s Word actually teaches, then make all their decisions in life according to commands of gods like Mammon. And they offer a false salvation through the use of mere lies and Roman-like terrorism, not a real salvation through the power and wisdom of Jesus.

In those false churches, we hear much empty rhetoric about “love.” Countless songs, images and words bleed emotional nonsense about love. Yet, if they only seek these emotions, worked by their minds of flesh, they are not seeking the genuine, pure, just love that God wants their spirits to know and apply, since their flesh is not able to truly love in that way. All genuine, pure, just love must be worked by God, who is a Spirit, into and through elect spirits, through the spirits whom God created with attributes bearing the potential to learn this kind of love from Him. Today, some churches even belch out the atheistic, secular humanist’s pseudo-scientific definition of love, saying it is merely a chemical reaction or conditioned response in the physical brain. Of course, this is merely a religious doctrine of secular humanism, firmly grounded upon the biases of their blind faith in materialism. And we know this is just their blind faith at work because of the way they try to radically redefine love. They attempt to reduce love to a psychopathic kind of emotion in the brain of flesh, one that serves only self-interest and is for the survival of mankind’s biological existence. It is just a very irrational, shallow and transparent effort to explain away the overwhelming empirical evidence of the existence of spirits and spiritual powers at work, or anything else which does not have a strictly materialistic purpose. These loveless souls love to redefine love because it helps to keep themselves deluded into thinking they can somehow justify their own empty, carnal, sinful lives, which become dedicated solely to serving their own flesh and Satan’s world order. These blind, self-important, foolish and destructive souls walk solely according to their self-indulgent minds of flesh, and are not even aware of the existence of their own spirits in their own hearts, not until their spirits either begin to intensely hate or begin to recognize spiritual evil in a way that forces their very spirits to respond to it. Since a strong, inner hatred originates from the minds of spirits, not from any minds of flesh, a mind of flesh will become aware of that spiritual hatred. This kind of unjust, demonic hatred is the opposite of love, but it too can become so intense that it powerfully overwhelms one’s mind of flesh. Through this kind of spiritual hatred, even a hardened materialist begins to realize that he or she does indeed possess a spirit with its own mind and a will, a spirit that is powerful enough to take control of one’s own mind of flesh. And this is the only genuine kind of spiritual phenomenon that minds of flesh in the non-elect can recognize. Then a materialistic elect soul can also become aware of one’s own spirit when one’s spirit begins to hate, although this hatred terrifies an elect spirit, since it is born from the elect spirit’s ignorance and fear. So, when this kind of spiritual hatred arises in them, they begin to search for the means to eliminate this hatred. And, since God alone can do that, they begin to seek God. Likewise, the elect, those whose spirits have been lulled to sleep by the brainwashing of the world order, also begin to realize that their spirits exist if their comfy little lives are attacked by genuinely spiritual evil. When evil is obviously not from a mind or body of flesh, far beyond anything the flesh is capable of possessing, an elect materialist begins to realize that he or she has a spirit as one’s spirit reacts to that spiritual evil in a way that one’s mind of flesh cannot even begin to control the hatred and revulsion of one’s spirit. Either way, the elect one’s mind of flesh is forced to acknowledge the existence of one’s own spirit. Hatred and evil serve this purpose.

Many see love as an entirely emotional experience, irrational and beyond explanation, mere feelings from their “heart,” or formed through “evolution” for reproductive purposes alone. And many feel they must always mention their religious doctrines of evolution whenever they explain something, to ensure that others know they are remaining faithful to the state religion of humanism. However, the elect among those humanists still feel an undefined aching that can almost be felt by their flesh. So they are vaguely aware that God and their own spirits exist. Yet they cannot quite define what is meant by the word “spirit,” since all their feelings and emotions in their brains and bodies of flesh, and every bit of knowledge they have ever acquired from the world order, suppresses or nullifies every rational thought or conclusion which begins to form in the minds of these elect. Still, all strong love or hatred forming in the mind of one’s spirit is always communicated to one’s mind of flesh through the interface of one’s soul. Thus, even one’s flesh can feel the presence of one’s spirit. Yet they dare not discern between the thoughts from the minds of their spirits and the thoughts from the minds of their flesh, as both kinds of thoughts are churning around in their souls. This is not too difficult, since an elect spirit has rational, consistent thoughts and longs to love in a just, selfless way, while the mind of flesh has irrational, inconsistent thoughts and only seeks its own selfish pleasures or survival. But, through the threats and utter confusion perpetuated by humanistic states and false churches, these elect cannot see that obvious difference. So they continue to live in a dense fog which stops them from seeing anything beyond their flesh, such as God and their own spirits.

Now let these fog-bound elect know that “the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12, ESV). The heart is where the spirit dwells. And the living Word of God, made alive by the power of Christ’s Holy Spirit, discerns all the “thoughts and intentions” from the minds of our elect spirits in our hearts. And Jesus works within our souls to shape the thoughts and intentions of the elect spirit, while He also rebukes the thoughts and intentions originating from our minds of flesh. Yet, because false religion has stolen the truth from so many elect, and has suppressed God’s intended meaning of His words, most elect are no longer able to discern between their thoughts from the minds of their spirits and the other thoughts from their minds of flesh, as both kinds pour into their souls. Thoughts from their two minds, as well as thoughts from God or from demons, continuously enter every soul. And thoughts from God result in epiphanies of clarity leading peace, good and a loving life, while thought from the devil result in false epiphanies leading to chaos, evil and death. God grants His elect children an awareness of His created spiritual and physical realities, but the only grants confusing, foolish, destructive delusions.

In our day, the concept of love, as it is preached by most churches, amounts to something that is not much different than the world’s concept of love. To some “Christians,” love is nothing more than a chemical reaction and conditioned response of the flesh, though they would not admit to believing this. Likewise, their experience of supposedly “being filled with the Holy Spirit” is also an emotion of their flesh, just like their love is. Of course, genuine, God-like love from the spirit often will also produce feelings and emotions in the mind of flesh, as effects from the spirit overcoming the mind of flesh in the soul. But those emotions of the flesh are not the spirit’s love, just incidental, peripheral effects of the spirit’s love. And a spirit’s love may choose to not produce any emotions in the flesh at all, especially in some circumstances, or in the flesh of the elect who are not genetically emotional.

Therefore, when we seek to identify an elect spirit by looking for that spirit’s manifestation of just, God-like love, we do not look for emotions of the flesh. Nor do we look only at the person’s works done by their flesh. Rather, we strive to identify true, just, pure, God-like love by examining the motives and intentions of their works, as well as whether or not they effectively fulfill the intended purposes of God’s Law. And judging the motives and intentions is difficult and time consuming, since it requires the observation of many good works over time, so we can identify a consistent pattern of reasons for those good works. Likewise, judging whether or not their works truly fulfill the intent of God’s Law requires much time to learn, from Jesus Himself, the right interpretation and application of His Law. Then, if we see a soul doing works strictly through selfish motives of the flesh, such as to build up a good reputation or through pride, then that one’s works are not done through the motive of the spirit’s love, no matter how “good” those works outwardly appear to be. But, if a soul does good works in a sacrificial way, even if that soul incurs unrecoverable loss or it is damaging to one’s own reputation, then that spirit is doing those good works through love. Thus, we might conclude that one might be one of our elect brothers and sisters, even if that one has never seen the inside of any church and has absolutely no conscious knowledge of God’s Word at all.

Since none of the motives of the flesh are ever good enough reasons to do any of the important works we do in life, and all these critical works must be done through the spirit’s love, we certainly do not want to “walk according to the flesh.” But neither do we want to walk according to our spirits if our spirits remain ignorant, infantile, unwise and uneducated. Rather, each elect soul needs Jesus to teach and train one’s spirit, so one can wisely and lovingly fulfill God’s intended meaning of His Law, before one can start to effectively “walk according to one’s spirit.” We want to walk according to the minds of our spirits in right and effective ways, in Christ. And, whether or not the emotions of the flesh respond to the thoughts of our spirits shaped by Jesus, seems almost irrelevant to us. For we know full well that an evil spirit’s false “love” is merely an emotion of the flesh, a response to that evil spirit’s desire to control and possess its object of “love.” And that evil spirit can even transform this fake “love” into an equally strong emotion of hate, if that evil spirit loses control or possession of its object of “love.” So, in all the talk of false churches, in all their preaching about the “heart,” “spirit” and “love,” they actually know little to nothing about the human spirits in their own hearts, nor about thee Spirit and love of their Creator and Owner, God, who is the only Source and Agent who is able to create, cause and make effective any of the true, just, God-like love we could ever have in us. Yes, genuine love may produce emotions of the flesh. But love is not that emotion from the mind of flesh. We must not confuse the peripheral effects of the spirit’s love with that love itself.

The world has a host of other concepts and ideas about love, all of which fall somewhere between physical actions and feelings of the flesh, or the will to fulfill oaths and intellectual creeds from the mind of flesh. Yet none of these teachings are clear or useful for building up and maintaining truly loving relationships between spirits—not with God, the Creator Spirit, nor with the spirits of any other humans and creatures. In the end, all their concepts of love are deeply and darkly confused, with almost nothing helpful to say about the real, just, pure, God-like love described in the Bible. True love can grow only in an elect spirit, and only within the sphere of genuine, eternal, spiritual truth that fulfills God’s Law, resulting in fulfilled joy of the heart and peace with God. But they will have none of this, since it requires human gods to let God be the God of all. So they end up selfishly destroying their own marriages, hurting their own children, oppressing others in greed and unjust wrath, seeking revenge for the revenge dealt against them, fearing and causing fear through injustice, and dying in sin. Their sins enslave and destroy them, through lies manufactured by themselves, as they are influenced by the demonic spirits ruling the world order. Then they try to save themselves through terrorism and the worship of ruthless money. But the ignorance of their spirits continues to destroy them, no matter what they do, no matter how great their human or demonic gods may appear to be in outward appearances of the flesh. God abandons them to their own delusions and lies formed by the wilful thinking in their manipulated minds of flesh, because their foolish, selfish hearts want to be their own gods, because they reject Jesus as their Head and God, and will not love His truth.

Secular or worldly ideas about love, and how to express love, always involve some kind of impurity from the thoughts and emotions of the flesh. So their concepts are utterly worthless. But the church has not done a much better job of teaching about true, God-like love, because they believe the world, not God. Nor have the churches given anyone a good example of how to express God-like love. Above all, Jesus is the perfect example of how to apply God’s Law in an honest, pure, just and truly loving way. So Jesus is the most beautiful example to study, if a spirit wants to learn to truly love. Yet the church does not study Jesus. Likewise, His prophets and His true apostolic church provided many good teachings and examples of just, true, God-like, Christ-like love. Yet we find none of this in most churches in history—aside from the first church, the apostolic church. On the contrary, most churches have defined love in the same pagan Roman and worldly way as the secular world around them. They have all abandoned God’s Law and replaced it with Roman law, built on the teachings of Middle Platonism, upon the ultimately religious philosophies of men who worshipped men, who created a false and humanistic concept of love. They artificially separate the concept of love from the practice of righteousness, and turn it into deeds of man’s mind of flesh. To them, righteousness and love are deeds a man does with his body and brain of flesh, to be judged only through external and superficial observations by the flesh. So their totally worldly concept of love involves nothing but emotional or intellectual experiences within the mind of flesh. Thus, those false churches also teach a very different christ, by twisting all the real Christ’s words to mean what Jesus did not intend His words to mean. They have absolutely no concept of Jesus' Christ's real and gracious gift of loving righteousness that fulfills God’s Law, only a perverted concept of fleshy love. So now we need faith in Jesus, not in man. For only Jesus can restore the true teachings of God's kind of righteous love.

What does Jesus Himself teach about love? And, in His Word, is there any real distinction between His definition of the word “love” and the word “righteousness”? Also, is God's Law—which defines righteousness, and draws an outline of what love should actually look like—really just a set of rules for man to live by, according to his own biased interpretations and by the thoughts and power of his own corrupted, self-centred flesh, by being led by the will of flesh, or by an ignorant, infantile spirit which has been enslaved by the demonic spirits who rule the world order? Is God’s Law actually taught to their spirits and worked into their hearts by the very Spirit of God, as God promised to do in His New Covenant? Is our Creator Himself granting the spirits in those churches a clear concept of what they should and should not do? Does Jesus cause them to truly love Him and His people?

We need clear and correct answers to these questions, and to many other questions. For, if we accept the wrong and muddled answers of the false, humanistic churches, our own lives and the lives of our loved ones will suffer needlessly in the ruthless world order, by the hands of the lying psychopaths whom Satan rewards and promotes as the heads of his chaotic, self-destructive kingdom. If we are wrong or confused about the answers to these questions, how will we ever learn to build up real love for God and His creations, especially for our elect brothers, sisters and children? If we are wrong and confused, we will not be able to work anything but sorrow, loss, sin, and death. Without an honest, God-granted understanding of the truth about Jesus and His kind of love, we will continue to suffer failing relationships and create loveless churches or societies through our conceited minds of flesh.

God's Word teaches us about love expressed by our eternal elect spirits, according to the will of each spirit’s mind, after it has been awakened and shaped by Jesus. Sometimes love may be expressed as an unemotional action of a spirit's will, even as it fights against the emotions of its flesh. We see this in many examples of the spirit’s love, as recorded in the Bible, especially in the love of Jesus when He faced death upon the cross. Of course, love is often accompanied by emotions of the flesh too, as the brain and body of flesh react to the physical fruits or deeds of love. But the emotions of our flesh are erratic and temporary, while the spirit is consistent and eternal. So the flesh most often works contrary to the love which our elect spirits want to express. Jesus expressed His pure, God-like love, directly from His Holy Spirit, when He went to the cross for us, when He took the pain and death of His flesh to pay for the lifetime of sins done through our bodies of flesh. And the emotions of His flesh fought the will of His Spirit, resisted His Spirit every step of the way. In fact, because the flesh is incapable of this kind of sacrificial love, and only our spirits are able to love like this, the devil tries to take advantage of this conflict between the minds of our flesh and the minds of our spirits. So, on the night before Jesus was to be bound, tortured and executed on the cross, He told His disciples to pray that they would not enter the devil’s temptation. And their elect spirits were willing to follow Him, but their flesh was very weak in its ability to His will (Mat. 26:41). For their spirits had not yet acquired the power of His Holy Spirit to manage and control their flesh. Then the mind of Christ’s flesh, warring against the mind of His Spirit in His soul, made Jesus very sorrowful. So His compassionate Spirit prayed for the welfare of His own fearful body of flesh. Nevertheless, His Spirit still insisted that the loving Father’s will be done rather than the will of His flesh (see Mat. 26:37-44; Luke 22:40-46). Then, while on the cross, His emotions of the flesh resisted the will of His Spirit again, and even accused God of wrongdoing by saying, “Why have you forsaken Me?”

So the Spirit of Jesus, which is the Spirit of the one and only God, willed His deed of dying in His flesh for us. His bodily death was through His Spirit’s love for us. And we cannot have this righteous kind of love unless we receive a spiritual “rebirth,” a “new heart,” a spirit that has gained a welltaught and strong will through the teaching and training of Jesus. We cannot have this kind of love unless Jesus gives us this kind of love. Yes, a potential ability to love was created in all elect spirits from the beginning, by Jesus. But Jesus must awaken our dull, lethargic spirits, so He can teach and train our spirits to love in right, wise, effective ways, in ways approved by God, in ways that God makes effective. By the salvation process of Jesus teaching and training our spirits, He causes our spirits to trust Him with a saving faith. Then this trust in Him and His words shapes the wills of our spirits, causes us to more strongly desire to express the kind of love that He teaches to our spirits. Then our spirits seem “reborn” and “new” to us, although they are the same spirits we had from the moment we were conceived in the womb. Pure, undefiled love can only come from a heart renewed by Jesus. We need spirits which His power has freed from the corruptions of fleshy thoughts, spirits filled with the real truth about God and about all that relates to Him, especially His attribute of love.

God’s Word describes this kind of love as useful, beneficial and approved by Him. But nothing man invents—unless it entirely agrees with God, and is granted to the mind of one’s spirit by God—can ever truly equal this kind of love that God’s Word describes. No thoughts of men, especially from their minds of flesh, can ever measure up to the kind of love that God revealed in His Word. Man has no ability to correct God, to judge and edit His words, to nullify whatever they do not like, or add whatever they want to add. For our Creator God alone possesses the ability, wisdom, authority and right to define love, since love originated from Him alone, and is the main attribute of His Spirit. Then all God’s Law defines how God Himself spontaneously acts through His kind of love. So real love, as He created it to be, is righteous like Him, the wise expression of a close, deep, and entirely unbreakable eternal union of spirits. Love is a covenant of spirits that has been ratified by God. Love is a spirit’s holy desire reaching out for communion in pure truth, in a righteousness from God. This is the love expressed by God for man, by man for God, and by a human spirit for another spirit.

This kind of love is described by the laws and words of God. And literally all God’s laws and words reflect God’s immutable attributes and character. Therefore, we must also realize that God never ever breaks any of the commands or prohibitions in His own Law. It is His nature to say and do all that is commanded in His Law, as well as to always effectively stop Himself from saying or doing anything that is forbidden by His Law. And His nature never changes, not even a shadow of turning. Also, God is omnipotent and omniscient. Thus, He is totally unable to oppose Himself in even the least way, for any opposition against Himself would destroy Himself and all His creations. So we can only comprehend God-like love, revealed in God’s Law, if we understand all of His laws in the way God intended all of them to be understood. And we can only love justly and effectively if we also learn the precise ways in which God Himself applies His own laws. So we study all His actions in history.

Now the Ten Commandments, and all the 613 Old Covenant commands of God's Law represented by those Ten Commandments, cannot possibly be interpret according to the pagan, humanistic philosophies and concepts adopted by almost all churches existing today, through the human intellect and emotions of the flesh. Even before the last of the original apostles died, the church began to be heavily and deeply influenced by the Graeco-Roman culture, by its vile worship of man through the religion of humanism. And, since that time, churches have interpreted God's Law in the same way that the pagans interpreted the laws and commands of their false gods of decorum. So now we must reject those interpretations and start over again. We must reread the entire Bible as though we had no one to teach us its meaning, except Jesus. And we must seek understanding from Jesus through the minds of our spirits, not through the minds of our flesh. Then Jesus will teach us that we also need to pay attention to the global and local context in which He gave us each of His teachings. For this is the way He has interpreted His own laws throughout history. Then, when we interpret His Law in the way God intended, we will begin to understand His Law in the way He intended it to be understood.