The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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The New Covenant in Christ’s beatitudes

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled.

“Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:16-20, NKJV)

In the midst of giving His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke these words. And humanistic churches, who believe only in man’s laws based on pure terrorism, have intimidated people with these words ever since. This is especially true regarding the statement: “unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes [who are] Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” But now I realize that this was not actually a threat, as humanists say it is, since they believe we can only become righteous through a mythical “free will.” Rather, this was simply a conditional statement declaring how Jesus will do His works in and through His elect, yet not in or through the non-elect. Jesus was saying that we should let ourselves do our “good works” so that those works will “glorify [our] Father in heaven.” Thus, if “our works” glorify only our heavenly Father of our spirits, then only He must be the source, power and cause of those “good works.” For, otherwise, our “good works” would only glorify ourselves, not Him at all. Then Jesus proclaimed that He came to “fulfill” all the Law and Prophets, that is, all that is written in God’s Word. But this is the promise of the New Covenant salvation that the Messiah was to grant us, the promise that God Himself would write His Law upon our hearts. That is, God promised to teach and train our spirits to permanently know the full intent of His Law and rightly apply it. After telling us this, Jesus said our personal righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisaic scribes, who worked full time to learn and obey God’s Law, with more rigour and zeal than any other souls in all history. Thus, through human intelligence and efforts alone, it would be utterly impossible to exceed the righteousness of Pharisaic scribes. The only way to exceed that kind of righteousness would be if God chose to fulfill His New Covenant promise to make us righteous through His own wisdom and power. And that is exactly what Jesus was talking about. Unless God Himself makes one righteous, through His sanctifying works upon one’s spirit and through the use of His power to make one’s own “good works” truly effective, one “will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” And God only does this for His elect children. Thus, the non-elect spirits born of Satan, “will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

When Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount (Chapters 5 to 7 of Matthew; Luke 6:20-49), He was telling us how He would fulfill His New Covenant for our salvation, by fulfilling all the Laws of the Old Covenant in and through us. Jesus was not declaring that He would nullify or change even one of the Old Covenant laws, since He came to write the fullness of God’s intended meaning of literally all the old laws of God upon our hearts. Jesus came so we would know how all the principles found in His Law effectively functioned as one harmonious truth, and so we would rightly apply that Law.

Although the written Old Covenant Law was surely meant to pass away, so it could be entirely replaced by His fuller New Covenant laws or ways, by a far more extensive and loving relationship with His Father and His people, there was absolutely nothing in the Old Covenant Law that ever opposed or contradicted any of the greater, more full New Covenant ways or laws that His Holy Spirit began to personally teach each of the spirits of the elect, after the day when His Holy Spirit first came to His church (Acts 2:1-4). The Old Covenant Law was simply a brief outline of all the ways that Christ’s Holy Spirit would teach, a shadow of the fulfilled Law that God Himself, in His New Covenant, promised to write upon our hearts. And a shadow merely shows the general shape of the entity. A shadow is simply a product of light shining on the entity from one direction. Yet the New Covenant is that light shining from God’s Spirit, a revealing, surrounding light. Thus, the New Covenant Law, written in us by Jesus, is the actual three dimensional entity itself, not merely the two dimensional shadow of the entity, like the Old Covenant Law. The shape of the shadow reveals some of God’s shape and attributes. But the real God, who now dwells in us, makes that shadow obsolete.

Of course, the shadow, made through God’s light shining from Christ in heaven, did not lie. It did reveal a true and accurate outline of God’s shape. It provided an outline of the face of Jesus, so we might recognize Him when He came to us. But the Messiah Jesus did come, in a body exemplifying all of God’s Law. So now that old shadow is no longer needed. And now that we can study the real, living God Himself, and not just His shadow, the minds of our spirits can delve far more deeply into a far more revealing study of our Creator’s core nature, attributes and character, upon which literally all His laws and ways are based. Jesus is the fullness and fulfilling of God’s Law and the Prophets.

Near the beginning of Jesus’ teaching ministry, when He uttered His Beatitudes, a subtle and often undetected, but extremely significant turning point in history was about to occur. And Jesus, in those Beatitudes, began to reveal that He was the long-promised Messiah who came to fulfill God’s Law. In that Sermon on the Mount, early in His ministry on earth, His words proved that He was the One whom God promised to send, the Messiah of all prophecies. Then His actions throughout His life on earth exemplified all He uttered that day. Jesus was the One who would initiate and ratify the New Covenant relationship between God and His people. In the Beatitudes, He told us how He was going to fulfill God’s Law in us and through us. We know this because the beatitudes came before and after His declaration that He came to fulfill God’s Law. Since the promise of the Messiah’s New Covenant salvation was about God fulfilling His Law, Jesus declared Himself to be the Messiah. And, since the principal promise of the New Covenant was that God Himself would “write” His Law upon the hearts of His people, that God Himself would teach His people about His intended meaning of His Law and train them to wisely and effectively apply it, Jesus was also claiming to be Yahweh God Himself, the Creator Spirit in a body of flesh. So, in the Beatitudes, Jesus first revealed just the deep and utterly impossible demands of God’s Law. Then He revealed the only way it could be fulfilled.

So this Sermon on the Mount is extremely useful in acquiring an understanding of God's Law. By it, we can better see and comprehend the Source of the Old Covenant Law, what made that shadow. We gain a clearer insight into the attributes and nature of God. And by these words of the Beatitudes, we begin to see how one Spirit living in a human body, Jesus the Messiah, perfectly fulfilled the whole of God’s Law. Through these revelations, and through the example of Jesus, we then trust in the power of Jesus to fulfill His New Covenant promise of salvation, the promise to write God’s Law on our own hearts, the promise to teach and train our spirits to know and apply His Law while we too live in bodies of flesh. Thus, we not only learn more about His Law, but more about God Himself, the very attributes of God manifested through Jesus, and our saving faith can grow through all this.

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus describes the purpose of His coming, to fulfill the Law. And, before this, Jesus commanded that our light must shine before men. The true elect, after being taught and trained to become His true priesthood of His true church, must act upon His teachings, must shine out, as His body, into this world—like a bright city on a hill, into vast plains of darkness in the world. And the spirit each individual member or cell in this body must shine in one’s own room, even through one’s own body of flesh, like a lamp on a raised pedestal, with one’s well-taught spirit exalted over the flesh, able to control and manage one’s own flesh. That is, each enlightened and awakened elect spirit must express the truth taught by Jesus through one’s own sanctified body of flesh. Once all the rooms in all the buildings of this entire city are bright, the whole city will shine brightly and far into the darkness of the Satanic world order. Jesus wanted the whole world to clearly see God’s love, lit by His truth, shining in and through us. The church must be so different from the world, that its light will be seen from a great distance, piercing through many miles of this world’s utterly dark valleys.

Does anyone actually see, in any real way, anything resembling this kind of pure light shining into the dark world today? Yet it actually occurred in the first century, while the apostolic church existed. And that light only stopped shining so brightly after the apostles died, when humanism entered the church. Then that kind of light has almost never shone since. In fact, churches are often far more dark, ignorant and dungeon-like than the world itself. I am not saying this in arrogance. For I myself certainly have not begun to gain all the light that Jesus wants me to personally receive from Him. Yet we must be honest. Now we must be humble, rebuke our humanistic thoughts, stop worshipping ourselves and other human beings as gods, then go to Jesus for His free gift of light. If we do this, He shall make us into a bright and shining city on a hill, since He truly desires to do this for us.

The apostolic church was a pure, brilliant, bright light predestined to flare up in the world, but only for a brief moment. And it was predestined to fade into a dull glowing ember. In its time, it fully exemplified all we can and will receive from Jesus, but only just before He returns, when His true church will rise from the ashes again, bursting into an even brighter flame during the eras of the sixth and seventh seals. Thus, God’s prophecies stated that the five longest eras after Christ’s first advent were to begin immediately after the apostolic church ended, after the youngest apostle, John, was an old man and would soon die. And all five of those long eras were to be characterized by darkness. Only one time in all history was prophesied for the New Covenant’s true church to once more shine its light again, to be revived as a highly visible church, manifested before the eyes of the whole world. And the appointed time of that predestined revival was to occur in the era of the sixth seal, which clearly has not yet begun. But when that true church exists again, it will consist solely of God’s truly elect children. Just before the six seal’s revival, only a few elect, scattered throughout the world, will be brought into Christ’s eternal priesthood of the true church, in order to prepare for the others. But, after the sixth seal begins to rumble with world-wide earthquakes and meteors striking the ground, the true church will grow rapidly, until literally all the elect on earth will repent to Jesus, all by the day of His return, within only one generation (about forty years). Even so, all the New Covenant promises will not be received by this revived true church until Jesus returns to the earth.

At the present time, this era of the fifth seal has been working its loveless lawlessness, resulting in the persecution of those who profess Christ’s name. But this has been going on for more than a hundred years now. Therefore, since the eras of these last three seals will all be much shorter than the eras of the first four seals, the era of this fifth seal must be about to end. Then the era of the sixth seal will begin, with its world-wide revival of the true church. And we will know when it begins when there are earthquakes around the world with meteors striking the ground like bombs. After this starts, it will be only one generation before Jesus returns, which likely means less than forty years.

Now, since we will soon have a revival of a world-wide and true church again, Jesus is starting to teach and train many thousands of elders and workers in preparation for that revival. He is doing this even as I write this book. Now is the time when many of His chosen elect will be awakened and begin to seek the real Jesus as their one and only Teacher and Lord. At this time, many elect men will learn to become true teaching elders, and others elect will learn to become faithful workers for Jesus in His soon-to-be-revived true church. These are spirits that hear His words and do what His Holy Spirit calls them to do. And one of the first things He commands every truly elect spirit, after He awakens one, is to leave the false churches and seek the company of other truly elect souls, especially those who actually dwell in His love and in the light of His real truth. Then, shortly before Jesus returns, He will also call out from heaven itself, shouting to the true elect still trapped in the greatest of all false churches, “Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues” (Rev. 18:4b, ESV). And notice that Jesus does not command His true elect to try to reform or revive those false churches, through the cunning, reasoning and works of men. For none but God can reform a church, and only if He wills to do so. But God does not reform any of those humanistic false churches, since their foundation is a lie created by human gods. Therefore, their fate is destruction, not revival. And Jesus commands all His elect to leave all humanistic false churches, so they can warmly and openly receive Him as their only Head Teacher and Lord, so their elect spirits might now learn from Him alone. Thus, we are seeing the beginning of this exodus now.

In the beatitudes, look at what Jesus said after He told us to shine His light, where He speaks to the awakened elect, those with eyes to see. He exhorted us to do good works, so all the others in the world may give glory to the heavenly Father. For only He must be esteemed, magnified and served as God, because only He is God, and a man cannot be a god. When they see the brightness of loving light shining through a few compassionate and just deeds, which have been grounded entirely on the truth that Jesus has taught to our spirits, they will recognize that the one and only Creator God is the Source of that light. And now we know this can happen. So, after we see how our God, through our loving Lord Jesus, can do this, and has actually done many of these kinds of works on earth through His apostles, how can we possibly go back to fake, humanistic churches? Once we know and trust in the real God, in Jesus, and see what He can do, we cannot fellowship with those who say, “Praise our pastors and priests! Every day they invent new lights, after the lights they invented the previous day prove to be darkness rather than light. Each day they create new, modified copies of lights invented by Satan in his secular world order, through their own, god-like intellects. How great they are! Yes, our lives are still dark and confused, lost and empty. But at least, when we believe their lies with a fully trusting faith, we feel enlightened. And our emotions of the flesh comfort us. So we will now worship these gods of our churches, and give them glory for the unjust justice, divisive peace and joy of the flesh that shines from their fleshy intellects, carnal emotions and selfish ambitions! Praise their names!” The only real goal of these self-proclaimed heads of these humanistic churches is to get the people to worship them as gods, to place faith in their words, to serve them and tithe to them. That is why they invent all their teachings in their own minds of flesh, and do not care about God’s intended meaning of His own words. Those human gods want glory for themselves, and turn glory away from the real God. And they do this as faithful priests of Greco-Roman humanism, not God.

Humanism esteems man, not God. A humanist declares all matters of life and faith to be ruled by the minds of flesh belonging to human gods, and refuse to admit that all truth was created and must be governed by the mind of the real God’s Spirit. Of course, to make their lies outwardly look devout, humanistic churches often offer a lot of emotional rhetoric which superficially seems to declare the greatness and glory of the true God in heaven. They pretend their teachings and ways are derived from God’s words, in humble obedience to Him. Yet, in reality and their actual practice, they exalt men alone, and strive to make themselves into bigger gods than other men. So they clearly worship man, as well as the power of money and other gods. But, if they worship those other gods, it is not possible for them to worship the real God at the same time. For no one can love and serve the real God while loving and serving false gods. Not a second will pass before the real God denounces those false gods as destructive liars serving Satan and his dark world order. All “light” is from God alone.

Look at how Jesus, as our Head Teacher or Rabbi, used an imperative verb to authoritatively exhort us with these words: λαμψάτω τὸ φῶς ὑμῶν ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων (“The light from you must shine before the faces of the people”). Then He explained the manner or way in which this “light” should shine: ὅπως ἴδωσιν ὑμῶν τὰ καλὰ ἔργα (“in a way that your beautifully good works might be examined and experienced”). Then a second way or manner of shining our light was added, which would reveal the purpose for all this: καὶ δοξάσωσιν τὸν πατέρα ὑμῶν τὸν ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς (“and [in a way that] they might glorify our Father in the heavens”). Jesus wanted the people to glorify, with praise and worship, the Source of our light, who is the Father and guide of our spirits, our God in the heavens! But as soon as the human gods of those false churches hear this imperative statement, they deviously counter it with diversions and distractions. For instance, some ask: “Why would God want all the praise to go to Himself alone. Surely God wants to share praise with us, since we are the ones who actually preach and do good works by our own human will and power?” Well, I'll tell you why.

First, not even one thin, dim ray of real light can ever originate from human minds, neither from the minds of our ignorant and infantile spirits, nor from our extremely fallible and selfserving intellects of flesh. And no good can ever be effectively worked through half-baked thoughts grounded on errors, misconceptions, deceptions, lies and delusions. Nor can human will and human power ever effectively produce what is truly just and good apart from the will and power of God Himself. Neither the will of the spirit nor the will of the flesh can ever lead anyone in the right paths to the right goals, unless the power of the almighty God first shapes that will through His teaching and training of the spirit’s mind, and also manipulates all the related circumstances that will make our works truly effective. And all this is always done according to His will alone. Furthermore, God only ever makes His own created truths effective in accomplishing real good, not the ever-changing, self-contradicting truths created by men. Everywhere in the Bible, it tells us that the only Source of all light of truth, as well as the Power working all our good deeds, is God alone. Therefore, since all our light and its effectiveness is God's workmanship alone, literally all of the praise belongs to God alone.

Second, if God allowed people to praise the inadequate thoughts and ways of human sinners, that praise and admiration would actually be the worship of that sinful human being as a god, whether those admirers admit it or not. For the admirers begin to trust and esteem that human god more than factually and actually trust and esteem God Himself. And we can see this by their deeds. We see how, when a crisis arises, the first thoughts of the men will be to go to a human god, not to the real God. Men will seek the counsel and commands of a man rather than the counsel and commands of God. Of course, women were born with minds of flesh that instinctively do this, since they define themselves through their relationships with other human beings. But a man was born with a mind of flesh that instinctively defines himself by his relationship with his god, and by His works done for his god. So an elect man’s first duty is to find out what the true God wants Him to do when a crisis occurs. But, if a man worships himself or another human being as his god, he will only receive counsel and commands from his god, not from the real God. And, since the real God’s only makes His will and commands effective through His almighty power, a man who worships false gods will never be able to do anything effectively for the real God. Also, as humanists worship another human being, they no longer see that praised human being as just another common brother or sister, as another dependant disciple of Christ, as one who needs Jesus just as much as all the other disciples do. So the people emulate, serve and heed the false words of that false god, rather than emulate, serve and heed the words of Jesus. And this great mistake leads to great sins. Esteeming, emulating and serving a false god always results in injustice, in sins which cause great harm or death. Consequently, God must reserve all praise, and thus all worship, for Himself alone. If all worship Him alone, then all will emulate Him alone, walk only in His real light, and do His good works effectively. Nothing but the spirit’s worship of the one real God, through His real truth, can ever result in full and true justice worked through real love.

Third, it is a mere lie and delusion to think that a human being can ever create, proclaim and shine any true light which effectively benefits mankind. Nothing like that is possible through a human being’s will, intellect and power. Literally all real light, both physical and spiritual, was created by God. And all spiritual light, all truth that is effective and useful in all matters of life and faith, must be proclaimed by the Creator Spirit directly to the minds of human spirits. Then we are only able to wisely repeat and apply that truth if we do so honestly and in the way He commands, so it will work effectively for those to whom He commands us to proclaim and apply that truth. We can only know, proclaim and apply the real truth if we truly worship God alone, if we esteem, heed and serve the real God alone. For none can receive His truth except those whom He Himself makes able to receive it. First God must give one’s spirit the ears to hear. He must make one able to hear before one will be able to hear. Then, after these God-created ears hear the truths that God Himself proclaims, the application of those truths must be worked by God’s power according to God’s will. Otherwise, those truths will never be able to effectively shine out of the heart of the hearer. Literally all light, both physical and spiritual, is actually God’s energy and power activating space and time through His governing will. So, if any energy or power comes from any source other than God, it is not light. And, if it is not light, it is darkness. All the spiritual “light” that originates from men and demons, and not from God, is darkness, mere lies and a delusions. The most a man can ever proclaim, through his own power, is a half-truth. And no human being should be praised for spreading the darkness of half-truths, lies and delusions in this already very dark world!

For more than 1400 years after Moses died, the church, which God created through Abraham about 400 years before Moses was born, maintained a wavering Old Covenant relationship with God. And, throughout those Old Covenant times, God’s Law proved that His elect children, through their own minds of their own spirits, simply were not capable of producing their own righteousness, their own light of truth and wisdom. And they certainly were not able to do this through their minds of flesh either. In the meantime, the rest of the world was busy producing the darkness of injustice and soulbinding sins, the fears of groundless superstition and a wretched servitude to ruthless human masters, as well as war after war to serve the vain ambitions and greed of human gods. Of course, now human beings are far less rational, far more superstitious, far more carnal, much less civilized, far more evil and sinful than any of those ancient pagans. Now nations never accomplish anything truly wise and good, just greater sins resulting in far more deaths, because man’s technology makes him a far more effective sinner, allowing him to become far more ignorant and barbaric in far more stupid ways. So any hope of improving the world through the ideas and works of man has been lost, has proved to be utterly worthless. All the religious and philosophical systems, all the sects of humanism devised by man, have been utter failures, and have bled all love from the hearts of the people. Mankind has amply proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is completely dead in sin, just as God's Law declares him to be. Any righteousness man attempts, if it does not come directly from God, proves to be filthy rags (Is. 64:6). All derived from man is poorly thought out, one-sided, benefiting exploiters more than the exploited, foolishly executed, and always ends up causing much more harm than good.

Once Christ’s Holy Spirit awakens our spirits and convicts the minds of our spirits to honestly accept His created truths and realities, we no longer want anything to do with false “righteousness.” We do not worship the “great men” of Satan’s world order, nor the “spiritual giants” of false churches, who also belong to Satan’s world order. We want nothing to do with them. We no longer care about the outward appearances of worldly glory, nor take pride in belonging to a particular church or religion, nor use the deeds and words of the flesh to “prove” that we are “good” citizens of Satan’s world order and do not gather under the names of esteemed human gods. Although we physically associate with the people bound within Satan’s dying and temporary kingdom of the world order, we do not belong to them. For we are citizens of God’s kingdom, which rules over Satan’s subject kingdom of the world order. So we avoid slavery to the greed, selfish ambition and rewards of the secular world order, or slavery to the human gods of the churches belonging to Satan’s world order. For we now know that the will to do truly good deeds, and the effective doing of all, according to an uncorrupted light of pure truth, must come from above (Phil. 2:13), from our Father of heavenly light, who works through Jesus. So all our praise for all the effects of all these works goes to Him. And we go only to Him, in prayer, for all our knowledge, wisdom and power to do truly good deeds, so we may shine His light into this dark world. All must come from Him, who stands without a shade of error or sin.

The main purpose of Jesus coming into this wretched world of sinners—to those who know no limit of their own self-deception, dishonesty, delusion, vanity, coldness of heart, cruelty, self-indulgence, greed and immorality—was to fulfill His Law in them and through them for their salvation. Jesus declared that He (not any other) came to fulfill “the Law and the Prophets.” This phrase, “the Law and the Prophets” refers to everything written in the Old Testament—to all God’s Law granted to Moses, and all the words He gave to the prophets, which expounded upon the meaning of His Law, and even to all the historical texts and other writings, which gave examples of how He applied His Law or praised its beautiful justice. Clearly, Jesus Himself said He came to fulfill the Law and the teachings of all the prophets. He did not come to command us to interpret His Scriptures through our own intellects of flesh, nor to obey it through the power of our own human wills. He declared that He Himself would work the fulfilling of the “Law and Prophets,” in us and through us, just as the Father promised when He revealed His Messiah’s New Covenant salvation through the prophets.

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus directly related “the Law and the Prophets” with God’s “light” and “good works” mentioned in verse 16. And what is God’s “light,” if it is not God’s truth? And what are good deeds if they are not the actions of loving righteousness built on the solid foundation of real truth, if they are not the truly good works that can only be done through God’s workmanship in and through our spirits? God often works in us. He teaches us the meaning of His words that He once granted to other men like Moses, the other prophets and the apostles. And God’s Law, granted through Moses, draws the outline and shape of pure truth and loving righteousness. This silhouette, fashioned by the hand of God, was also created so we might recognize the great “Prophet,” the Messiah, whose words He told us to trust (Deut. 18:15). The Law helps us recognize this promised Prophet, Messiah and God because it reveals His attributes. So, considering this, we should seek this Messiah, to gain the light of truth which He wants us to receive by the revelations of His Law—His revelations through the Prophets, and the revelations through the apostles He sent out to proclaim Him as our Teacher.

Jesus' mission was not to excuse our unrighteousness, so we could then nullify or ignore His Law and the writings of the prophets. The apostles, personally sent by Jesus, never said that! Nothing in the entire Bible even hinted that we can rest entirely on Christ’s imputed righteousness alone. Yes, we anchor our full weight upon our immovable Rock, Jesus, our Messiah and Saviour, on His gift of forgiveness, which provides atonement, to restore our good relationship with our Father. Yet, we also learn, from Jesus, to bear the shame and godly sorrow of our own sins, so it will work a repentance in our spirits, into His truth. And, in the end, the only way we can be saved into heaven is by being fully sanctified, by becoming subjectively righteousness in every aspect of our lives. Yes, to begin this process of sanctification, we first need to be imputed or credited with His righteousness. Since Jesus is totally righteous, He can guarantee that we too will become fully, subjectively righteous, just like Him, fit for heaven’s works. The only reason God grants us forgiveness and atonement is so that Jesus can work in us to inevitably make us entirely holy and subjectively righteous through His inerrant and infallible works. And it is because God trusts in the infallible, effectual ability of Jesus to perfectly sanctify us that we are imputed or credited with His righteousness, even the holiness of the Teacher who willingly took on the responsibility of making us completely and utterly righteo