The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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God’s temporary and eternal covenants

This may seem tedious to some, but let me repeat these important biblical principles once again. For we desperately need to know and apply these truths in our day. Jesus declared that He did not come to abolish God’s Law, nor any of the teachings of the prophets. Instead, Jesus came only to change the method by which God’s Law would be fulfilled. For the Old Covenant Law was left for us to God’s temporary and eternal covenants fulfill, through our own interpretations and ability to fulfill it. But, in the New Covenant, God has promised to fulfill His laws in us and through us. Jesus did not come to alter or nullify the very Law that He Himself created and revealed to us through Moses. Jesus only changed the way that He, our God, would now administer His Law, including all His other teachings in the Bible. For all the principles of His Law are actually impossible to change, since they reveal the core attributes of our immutable God, which are the effective and eternally created ways of love. And it was this change of administration that enabled an truer and infinitely increasing comprehension of God’s Law by our spirits, as Jesus fulfills God’s promise to personally “write” His Law upon each individual spirit. This new, personal method of teaching each spirit is a far more effective than simply giving us a brief written outline of His Law, which our flesh found impossible to interpret and apply rightly.

Instead of leaving man with the responsibility to interpret and apply His old and incomplete Law, through his eyes and mind of flesh, the New Covenant promised that God Himself, the Holy Spirit of the Messiah, will directly teach our spirits and take full responsibility for our interpretation and application of His laws. Now man no longer works his own corrupted interpretation of God’s Law, according to his own will of the flesh and through his own strength. For man is weak. Man’s will is ignorant, deceived and weak, unable to make any right decisions that are truly pleasing to God. In fact, man’s will always ends up causing more injustice than there was to begin with. Therefore, our God Himself, who is a Spirit, now directly teaches His Law to the minds of our spirits. Now God works His wise, righteous Law into us. God causes our expression of just love according to His Law. Now the almighty and infinitely wise God does all by His own power and will, by His Holy Spirit living in us. And, since His unstoppable power and unfathomable wisdom is obviously much greater than man's, He is always more effective than man ever was. This is how the Bible describes the New Covenant that was ratified and confirmed by Jesus' blood. This is how the Law of the New Covenant replaces the Old Covenant Law, which was only ratified by the symbolic blood of sinless animals.

I cannot emphasize this change of methods enough, since we now see so little of Christ’s subjective righteousness expressing just and God-like love through His elect children, though He has always worked some of this love in and through elect spirits throughout history. In our day, during the prophesied fifth seal’s era of lawlessness causing love to grow cold, we have seen most Christians falling for the pagan, Platonic teachings of the beast’s fourth kingdom, more than ever before. All have become habitual liars, disciples and supporters of greater liars, unwilling and unable to discern between lies and the truth, because they rely on lies for their physical and spiritual salvation. But this certainly does not make Jesus any less able to truly save. In our day, we only find churches striving to replace God's Law and ways with man's laws and ways. None are faithful. Now we see things like postmodernism or covenant theology in every church, either a “liberal” nonsense or a cruel, foolish backlash against “liberalism,” where both are merely different faces of Platonism. Yet, make no mistake, the New Covenant in Jesus' power is not now a lower and easier code of behaviour for God's people, nor is it a more ruthless Roman-like law worked by flesh. Nothing can nullify God’s Law, nor make Christ’s New Covenant Law into a heavy yoke serving human wills and the strength of the flesh. Rather, the true New Covenant still stands, and Jesus still saves in the same way as He has always saved, by His Holy Spirit teaching us His much fuller, more complete Law directly to our spirits. Even today, Jesus is able to effectively fulfill His New Covenant Law in us and through us.

The New Covenant is not a heavier demand on man’s flesh to interpret and apply the Old Covenant “moral laws,” where the only other difference between the new law and the old law is that the new law simply excludes the burden of having to obey the ceremonial law. The New Covenant is not just about receiving a little extra help from the Holy Spirit, so we can obey a Roman-like law strictly through our intellects of the flesh. The words and gifts the prophets and apostles received from His Holy Spirit are absolutely nothing like what “conservative” so-called “Christians” call supernatural gifts of God’s Spirit, including the supernatural gift of salvation. What those “Christians” receive are dark lies and delusions. Contrary to their humanistic views—which delude them into thinking they are mightier gods than God—the New Covenant words, ways and laws are an infinitely higher and greater standard of just and truly loving righteousness than they can even imagine. Christ’s ability to work just love in us and through us is far beyond the comprehension of their tiny intellects of flesh.

The effective wisdom of God’s New Covenant ways and laws, which Jesus Himself works in and through our spirits, fully encompasses all that was ever commanded in God’s Old Covenant Law, and so much more. And His new law fulfills both the old moral and ceremonial laws. Christ’s New Covenant law transcends the old law in ways that are beyond comparison, and cannot be understood through mere intellects of flesh. For all laws, both the old and new, pertain to good morality. And all good morality is spiritual, pertaining to wise, just love for God and His creation, which can only be found in a spirit and can only be expressed through the flesh if it originates from the spirit. The flesh cannot even genuinely understand the precepts of the old law, which was written in a way that the mind of flesh was to obey, yet could not, never throughout history. Still, the reason the mind of flesh is not able to grasp even the old law is because even the old law is actually a spiritual law, albeit a simplified version of Christ’s fuller New Covenant Law. So, if the mind of flesh cannot begin to comprehend the old law, how can it possibly grasp the infinitely deeper New Covenant Law, since that new law defines how the very Spirit of God expresses His kind of righteous love in heaven?

The main difference between the old law and new law is the method of putting the law inside of the heart and expressing the law through the body of flesh. God commanded His people of His church of Israel to write His Old Covenant Law on their own hearts and minds, which was an impossible thing for them to do. However, all secular kings of that day expected their people to do this and, therefore, God’s people assumed they could do this. So God proved that those kings and His people were dead wrong about that. Then God promised to write the deeper, fuller law of the New Covenant on our hearts and minds with His own hands, by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, through His undeserved, unearned grace. And that He would make it possible to do this without aiding or abetting their sins, by first granting forgiveness and atonement to His people, also by His own works and through grace alone. Consequently, this new method of working His New Covenant means that this covenant is a completely unconditional covenant. For, since the New Covenant is worked entirely by God, by Jesus, and through God’s unearned, unmerited grace alone, God does not place any conditions at all upon His people. The people do not even choose whether or not they will be His people. Rather, God chooses who will be His people, called by His name, just as He has done from the beginning. In the

New Covenant, God provides us with forgiveness and atonement to restore our relationship with Him, then God writes His laws upon our hearts. God teaches, trains and shapes the wills of the minds of our spirits, causing our spirits to love Him and His creation, to desire His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Now no threats are needed to force us to rightly interpret and obey His 613 Old Covenant laws. Now Jesus interprets literally all God’s words in God’s Law, and all His words in the rest of the Bible too. The Holy Spirit of Jesus teaches each elect spirit the real full meaning of His words and deeds recorded in His Book, so whole enlightening concepts pour into the minds of our spirits in a mere instant. He even provides our spirits with a deep understanding of the motives in the spirits of all the human characters in that Book, as though they were brothers and sisters living in the same house for years. Then Jesus Himself motivates and enables our spirits, calling and causing God’s temporary and eternal covenants our spirits to spontaneously will to do and do the good and loving works of His Law. Now, surely, this is a far better method of preparing His children for the rigours of heaven than the Old Covenant.

Yet literally all the righteous requirements of the Old Covenant Law, granted through Moses, both the ceremonial and moral laws, are now being learned and expressed by our spirits through Jesus. Consequently, none can say that Jesus nullified even the ceremonial laws. Jesus did not nullify any of the Old Covenant laws, not even any of the laws that some consider to be the least of those laws. For Jesus said that anyone who teaches against the least of the commandments, which would include all the ceremonial and symbolic laws, will be least in His kingdom. So we are forced to conclude that the priests, pastors and theologians who separate the ceremonial laws from the moral laws, then cast out the ceremonial laws, are the least in His kingdom, not fit to be teaching, judging elders of any kind in God’s kingdom, the church on earth. For all teaching and judging elders must be taught the Law and ways of God by Jesus, to a greater extent than the others, before they assist Jesus in the teaching of His Word, before they can make judgments according to His will, which is according to the right meaning and application of His words. If those who claim to be teaching elders in Christ’s church ever were chosen to become citizens of His kingdom in the first place, as true elect souls, they would not teach the grievous errors they do teach. And those who do this also forget that they break the moral Old Covenant Law when they remove the ceremonial laws from the whole of that Law. For the old Law states that it is a sin to add unintended meaning to God’s Law, or to take away any of God’s intended meanings from His Law (e.g., Deut. 4:2; 12:32). And they clearly do both. They add unintended meaning with their Platonic interpretations, then totally nullify God’s moral law when they declare that God’s ceremonial laws have been nullified and are no longer applicable.

The truth is that Jesus actually came to fulfill literally all God’s Old Covenant Law, literally all His ceremonial and moral laws. In Jesus, the intended meaning of ceremonial sin sacrifices and guilt offerings, laws governing the priesthood, Sabbaths and celebrations designed to remember God's ways and works, symbolic laws pointing to God’s works and attributes, laws of symbolic spiritual sanctification like the dietary laws, and literally all the other laws granted through Moses, have all either been fulfilled in Christ, or are in the process of being fulfilled through the works of Jesus upon our spirits daily. Now Jesus is sanctifying us, separating us unto Himself for His purposes. Now His Holy Spirit teaches and reminds us of His ways and works, by whispering His words directly to our spirits. Now Jesus puts a new heart in us, which spontaneously expresses the intentions of His moral laws in a better way, and more each day. Now all the ceremonial and symbolic laws bear a deeper, fuller meaning and application in our lives. In every way possible, Jesus fulfills literally all the Law.

Every word of the Bible came to us from God Himself, as His Holy Spirit moved the spirits of the prophets and apostles to write down all He taught to their spirits. And now His Spirit grants us a full and true understanding of those words in God’s Book, a knowledge that enables us to build up an abundant life for ourselves, when rightly applied in the ways Jesus teaches us. Now we can finally see His truth and reality written and embedded in His physical and spiritual creations as well, as we understand what He wrote in His Word. For His elect with spirits awakened by Him, the Bible’s words have always proved true and beneficial, and have always brought joy to the heart, granting peace with both their Father and His obedient creation. Now we can finally recognize the spirits in all life and know how even His physical works for our flesh serve His eternal, spiritual purposes.

But, lest we forget, the audible voice of our Father in heaven thundered the words of the Ten Commandments to His people, as those frightened, deluded sinners stood humbled beneath the mountain, trembling in their own inadequacies (Exodus 20). Yet the God uttering those words on Mount Sinai was also Jesus our God, for Jesus is one with our Father, and speaks the words of our Father to us. So, if this was Jesus thundering those words that terrified the flesh of those souls, the elect cannot simply dismiss those words as meaningless and obsolete. The elect cannot afford to ignore these precious but stern words. For Jesus was very serious about all He declared that day. If we call ourselves Christians, and know that the title of “Christian” indicates that one is a servant or member of Christ’s household or family, then we should realize that the entire faithful household of Jesus will also hate sin as much as Jesus does, because sin opposes all that is through just, wise love.

Jesus does not tolerate sin and will never compromise with sin. For Jesus wants all of His household to be loving and holy, to be builders of life, not destroyers and killers. And all Christ’s words are the words of our most highly trusted and oldest Brother, who existed before the world was made, who loved us even then, before He created us. Thus, the Ten Commandments, and all the 613 laws they represent, are the desires of our Lord Jesus, our King ruling over all authorities. And only His words can most accurately tell us God’s intended meanings and applications of those words, how to love with real love, the kind of righteous love which the Father has for Jesus and for us, the ways of love that can only be taught to us by Jesus, the kind of love we need to give our spouses, children, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and all in the family of God, the kind of love all God’s creation truly needs. His Law, rightly interpreted and applied according to His will, incites our spirits to build up love and abundant life for all. And He will indeed be angry at those who tear down love and life, who sin, who break His Law, especially those who do evil in His name, by falsely claiming to be His people.

Most churches have long since, even by the second century, cast aside God’s intended meaning of His Law. Some even see much of God's Old Covenant Law as offensive. They believe His words are opposed to their kind of superficial, carnal, false, unjust, Platonic kind of love. So they have turned His Law upside down, and many have even transformed it into a pagan, Roman-like kind of law that serves the psychopathic elite ruling in Satan’s world order. Since God’s Old Covenant Law paints the world's most accurate and true, although somewhat impressionistic, portrait of pure spiritual love, it serves as a conduit for our inward understanding of God’s ways. And Jesus uses that conduit to teach and train our spirits to more clearly, fully and deeply comprehend the wise, just, rational love of God, His very heart and core attributes. Yet so many strive to make God's Law look cold and cruel.

Still, who can blame most of the world for thinking God’s Law is cruel and cold? After all, almost all the churches, from Old Testament times until now, have abused God's Law, used it to benefit and exalt the most sinful elite among them, to make fake masks that hide the evil of their human gods. And those vile human gods have frequently forced the people to slavishly serve them according to their twisted and self-serving false interpretations of God’s Law. They transformed God’s Law into a tool that helps the elite cause the people to worship them as human gods, and those elite certainly have never allowed God’s Spirit to write His real Law upon the hearts of His people. In fact, when those elite see an elect soul being truly saved by Jesus, when they see a spontaneous behaviour rising from the mind of an elect spirit that rejoices in the love of God and His creation, those elite strive to suppress or kill that soul. The loveless human heads of churches want only to usurp the headship of Jesus, have turned the thoughts of the people against God and against His words. And their works have always been unjust, cruel and oppressive, exerted through their overt rebellion against all God’s Law. Churches refuse to teach that God's Law simply reveals the effects of God's workmanship in the hearts of His elect children, just as He worked though Abraham, the prophets and the apostles.