The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Seventh-Order Commandments

“You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14, NKJV).

This, like all the other archetypal laws in the Ten Commandments, is a command encompassing all sexual sins, all forms of exploiting the flesh of others to gratify the lusts of one’s own flesh, for one’s own sexual pleasure. And sexual exploitation is a sin against one’s own spirit, against another body’s spirit and against the Creator’s Spirit. Sex itself was created by God, and is not a sin. It was simply meant to be a natural function of a man and woman becoming one flesh, after their spirits join the strengths of their bodies in an intimate companionship to produce good works in life, through their spirits’ covenant of marriage, witnessed and ratified by God Himself. Now the worst of all sexual sins occur through a spirit’s wicked desire to be a god, in one’s attempt to own and exert one’s own power over another soul, to exploit the flesh and heart of another in a way that tries to ply one’s own power over another life, as a god. Then there are lesser sexual sins, born of an empty, dead lifestyle, often inculcated by the community where one lives. Many places teach aberrant thinking and focus only on things of the flesh, which results in a spirit’s ignorance, a lack of opportunity for the spirit to rightly express love, an inability to find meaning and intimacy, loneliness, hopelessness, despair and so on. Thus, many places on earth today basically coerce souls into committing types of sexual sins.

But, in this archetypal commandment, God forbade the sin of adultery. He used the Hebrew word nawaf, and “this word is confined to adultery in the exclusive sense of the term, or to fornication by a married person” (Wilson, Old Testament Word Studies). God declared adultery to be the archetypal sexual sin, representing all sexual sins. Why? It was not because adultery was the worst of sexual sins, since paedophilia, rape and incest were considered to be far worse sins. And it was not because this was the most common of all sexual sins, since fornication by unmarried people was, by far, the most common sin in those days. There were a couple of reasons for God choosing the sin of adultery to be the archetypal sexual sin. First and foremost, we must realize that other sexual sins were mere offences against God’s laws, while adultery not only broke God’s laws, but also broke the marriage covenant between two spirits, even a covenant that had been ratified by God Himself. So the sin of adultery made a mockery of the spiritual relationships that one was to have with one’s God and with one’s spouse, and basically disregarded the very reason God created sexual desires in the first place.

Then there was another reason for God placing the sexual sin of adultery first and foremost among all sexual sins, because adultery has the most devastating effect of all sexual sins. Adultery not only causes immeasurable harm to the spirits and flesh of the husband and wife, but to their children as well, and this kind of harm can even negatively effect the second, third and fourth generations after them. Then adultery severely harms many other relationships too. It often results in tensions between the extended families of both spouses, broken relationships between the friends of both spouses, and even causes disturbances and unnecessary burdens to be placed upon the entire community. To break a spirit’s marriage covenant with a spouse, a covenant that also includes the relationship of one’s own spirit with God and the children of one’s marriage, is an extremely dire sin with terrible effects.

At times, adultery is the result of loneliness, when one feels trapped in an already broken or false marriage. But, if this is true, adultery is not the way out. First one should seek the counsel of older and wiser fathers or mothers in the Lord, or true teaching elders, those genuinely appointed by God. Then the spirits of the spouses, and their marriage, will either be repaired through Christ’s power, or nullified in a lawful divorce, if God decides that a divorce is necessary. Only after God grants one a divorce, can one seek another spouse. Yet adultery often occurs through the petty lust of the mind of flesh. The flesh can take the spirit captive, and nullify the thoughts of one’s spirit, turn the spirit away from truth and love, then flood one’s whole life, and the lives of many others, with utter chaos and spiritual darkness. Adultery will often break the trust in the spirits of the adulterer’s spouse and children, even in a way where God may choose to nullify the adulterer’s marriage covenant, in a way where God decrees the divorce of the spouses. Of course, as mentioned, a marriage may have never been a real marriage, and no real covenant may have existed between the spirits of the spouses in the eyes of God. Or, in some cases, the spirit of one spouse may make a covenant, but the other will not. If so, the marriage is false and null, where God will decree a divorce, freeing both spouses to marry someone else. Even so, although a false marriage often causes less spiritual damage when it ends in a divorce, and the negative effects are somewhat easier to heal, it still causes devastating darkness.

Unfaithfulness to a covenant relationship between two spirits, to a covenant that was established and ratified by God Himself, causes extreme pain and damage to the bodies and spirits of both spouses, to the bodies and spirits of their children, and to the bodies and spirits of everyone who has loving relationship with either or both of the spouses. There are spiritual, mental and physical effects of adultery or fornication that spread out into the entire community and nation where it takes place. But there is yet another reason for God choosing to make adultery the archetypal sexual sin. For there is also a kind of covenant that spirits form with God Himself, and this covenant is very similar to the marriage covenant. When one is called to become a priest of God, when one’s spirit is brought into God’s one and only true church of Israel, one’s spirit is joined to the Creator’s Spirit in a way where one’s body of flesh will then share in the life and works of God, just as a body of flesh is used to share in the life and works of one’s spouse through a marriage covenant. Therefore, when a spirit breaks this covenant with God, by more highly esteeming and serving other gods through both one’s spirit and flesh, it is called spiritual adultery. The worst and most serious kind of adultery is spiritual adultery, the worship of other gods while pretending to worship the real God. If one pretends to be bound in a covenant relationship with God, pretends to be a Jew or Christian, seeks the blessings and promises of God, but actually esteems and serves a human god or a demon more than the real God, one has committed the worst breach of a covenant relationship imaginable. Even if this is done by the mind of the spirit and the mind of flesh does not realize one is doing this, if it is an unconscious sin, spiritual adultery is the worst kind of adultery possible and produces the worst possible effects. And this is why it is so very important to teach right doctrines about God and about all His ways.

The most simple and basic seventh-order laws forbid sexual sins. But most sexual sins committed by God’s elect, by those who have spirits that are inherently capable of love, are done exclusively by the flesh. Extramarital sex, rape, homosexuality, paedophilia, incest and bestiality (i.e., all seventhorder laws, such as those in Lev. 18) are all sins initiated by the flesh. The spirit is always involved, because it allows such sins. But a spirit is often ignorant, asleep, dull and an unwitting participant in these sins of the flesh. Therefore, a spirit is often innocent of these sins, since a spirit often does not participate with flesh as the flesh commits these sins. The spirit does not share any malicious intent or selfish motives with the flesh. Of course, almost all flesh commits seventh-order sins. For even “ocular” sexual infidelity (gazing at pornography, nude performers, bodies passing on the street, and so on) is a sin against these seventh-order laws against “adultery,” a serious sin, since it condones and indirectly participates in real acts of adultery. And most flesh impulsively commits this sin. Still, most seventh-order sins are primarily committed by the flesh alone, without a spirit’s actual consent, especially if the spirit is too lethargic to exert any kind of real control over its body of flesh, though the spirit is the steward appointed by God to manage the body of one’s own flesh. Therefore, every elect spirit needs to seek Jesus the Christ, our Messiah and God, to ask Him to awaken and empower one’s spirit and cause one’s spirit to effectively exert control over one’s body of flesh, so one may not allow one’s flesh to commit these sins. For the flesh is very stubborn about wanting sexual gratification, and will persist in demanding it even when one’s elect spirit does everything it can to prevent its flesh from gratifying its demands. The flesh lives only for its own pleasures, and will not easily give up any pleasures it finds, even if those temporary and fleeting pleasures are actually destroying it. For flesh is impulsive, and seldom thinks beyond the moment. And flesh grows highly addicted to its most pleasurable sins. The flesh becomes a slave to many kinds of sins, and will always obey the demands of those sins, even if it means risking one’s life. Of course, the non-elect pursue the commands of sin with their whole hearts. Even their spirits fully condone the sins of their flesh. Thus, their spirits partake in the sins of their flesh. But all the elect have an inner conscience, a spirit that does not condone any sins, because their spirits hear the whispering of Jesus, their Creator and God, when He warns them against those sins. So the elect may have spirits taken captive by their flesh, and their spirits may be effectively silenced by their flesh for a time. But let every elect spirit now pray to Jesus for power over their flesh. He can provide them with this. And every awakened elect spirit will learn to turn away from sexual sins, and all other sins, through the power of our God.

Jesus commanded, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Mat. 5:27-28, NKJV). When Jesus declared this, the non-elect who had infiltrated the church, had been telling God’s people that ocular adultery was harmless, and only a physical act of sexual immorality was a sin. Thus, they were essentially declaring that it was not a sin for a mind of a spirit to partake secretly in the real sins of one’s mind of flesh, in the unlawful lusts of the flesh which initiated any and all of one’s actual physical sins, as long as one did not allow any outward manifestations of those sins. And those non-elect pastors allowed this because their own spirits were always participating in the sins of their flesh. They sinned in spirit and in flesh, making their very spirits guilty and condemned for their sins of the flesh. This is why Jesus proclaimed that they had “already committed adultery” in their “hearts” (remember, the heart is were where the spirits dwells). Jesus was saying these men did not have spirits that committed unintentional sins. And, since their spirits never heeded Jesus nor repented from their intentional sins, they were all destined for hell.

But the minds of all elect spirits know that even “ocular” sexual sins are wrong. The very spirit of Jesus verifies this truth to their spirits, but their flesh is weak. The flesh is truly pathetic, no matter how much the world order glorifies it. Souls bully, buy and bribe flesh for the lusts of their flesh, but it is all vanity and meaningless. The truth is that sexual pleasure is a very small, insignificant aspect of our lives. But the most important aspect of our lives, which is just and God-like love, has very little to do with sex. For only the asexual spirit in any creature is capable of any kind of love, and the lusting flesh is totally incapable of any kind of real love. Sex is a natural occurrence in marriage, and craved by the flesh, almost as much as air, water and food. But a true marriage is love, a covenant made by spirits, including God’s Spirit. Thus, sex is not a reason for marriage and, if two people have sex with each other, it is no reason to get married. Rather, it is best for potential spouses to learn to love each other first, to see if God allows their spirits to make a marriage covenant between the two of them. This is the first step before a couple is married. And having sex before marriage will only cause inner loss, or worse. All those capable of love, all the elect, are God's property, and God is the One who will ultimately decide who is to be each one’s spouse. It is best to wait upon Jesus, to learn to love, to do the works He calls your hands to do each day, then let Him find a spouse for you.

We, the awakened elect in His church of priests, are to walk according to our spirits, so our spirits may command our flesh to be one with God and with the spouse God binds us to, through a real marriage covenant that He has formed and cemented through the love of our spirits. Even some elect pagans do this, though they do not know the real name of Jesus, who is the One that made them one. We are to keep the sexual desires of our flesh in their ordinate and subordinate place within our lives, so we may live abundant lives, with a focus on the love of our spirits for God and for our spouses, even a love for all the rest of His creation. Those who walk according to the ever-shifting desires of the flesh will bring chaos and death to themselves, and to everyone who touches their lives. So let the elect be true priests, serving God through our spirits’ love for God, by fulfilling the holy desires of our spirits, by walking according to our spirits as our spirits are being taught and trained by Jesus, our God. Our primary focus in life is spiritual. Let the intentions and motives of our spirits be to do the works of love, to build up God’s kind of just love in as many souls as Christ allows, to establish a natural order in our communities. His priests build a highly varied, complex, effective kingdom ruled by Him alone, by turning the elect souls in our land towards their innermost desires and joys of the heart, to gain freedom from want, freedom from fear, and freedom from spiritual, mental or physical oppression. We seek first the kingdom of God, and all other things, even marriage, are added to life.

However, we should also remember that God did not allow His church of Israel to administer most of the seventh-order laws in the Gentile communities, since the Gentiles had almost no conscious knowledge of spiritual marriage covenants worked by God in the hearts of spouses. Only the sexual sins that caused harm or death to others, or that exploited others through coercion or deception, were illegal for Gentiles living in the land of Israel, for those who were not members of the priesthood of Israel. Adultery, fornication and homosexuality between consenting adults was not against the law for the Gentiles not joined to and not claiming to be in the church of Israel. Yes, those sins caused much self-inflicted harm. And those sins also resulted in some harm to their communities as well. But, since the Gentiles who committed those sins with each other were willing participants in those sins, and since their communities either allowed or condoned those sins, God did not require those unbelieving Gentiles to be condemned for those sins. And the same applies in our day. The true church must not condemn the sexual sins of those outside the church, not unless those sins directly cause harm to others who do not willingly partake in nor condone those sins, if others are coerced.

Sexual sins are always spiritual, since nothing but the spirit can make a deed of the flesh into a real sin. Although sex is solely an act desired and carried out by the flesh alone, all sexual sins are done through the will of a spirit, either by a sleeping elect spirit that does not manage its flesh or by a nonelect spirit that condones that sin. If an elect spirit is not awakened and not seeking one’s Creator, if an elect spirit is weak and voiceless, it will allow its flesh to overcome and suppress all its thoughts and desires. But that elect spirit will not find hope, meaning and purpose in life through one’s God, who is a Spirit. And the elect one’s flesh may commit sexual sins through its weak, confused and unfaithful heart, because one’s elect spirit continually lets its flesh further weaken, overcome and corrupt one’s spirit. But the result is always dissatisfaction, depression and outright torment in the spirit while the flesh sins. This is not the case with the non-elect, whose spirits feel no loss in sin. A non-elect person’s mind of flesh may be afraid to sin against social conventions, may be afraid to face the consequence or punishment for any sin one might be caught committing. But a non-elect spirit itself loves the darkness of sin. So this inner approval and love of sin is their real sinfulness.

Elect spirits are never permanently defiled by their sins, not eternally condemned by God, since their spirits condemn themselves, hate their own sins and have already begun a process of repenting from those sins, a process that will be completed on the judgment day, when all truth and reality becomes crystal clear to those elect spirits. Only non-elect spirits remain defiled by their sins and condemned by God, since their spirits condone their sins. “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man” (Mark 7:21-23, NKJV). It is the spirit of a sinner which makes that sinner defiled by a sin, not any actual deed of the flesh itself. Since all God’s laws are ultimately spiritual, no thing can be touched, tasted, smelled, seen or heard by the flesh in any way which is able to defile one. Only the thoughts, motives and intentions of one’s spirit, in reaction to things of the flesh, can ever truly “defile” a soul.

Therefore, every elect soul needs to guard one’s spirit from its own flesh, to keep one’s spirit safe from constant suppression and oppression by its mind of flesh. And, to accomplish this, an elect one also must guard one’s flesh from temptation. For, if one allows things like pornography, exploitative sex or indulgence in sexual fantasies for the flesh, the flesh will soon grow more lusts and cravings, become increasingly corrupted and addicted to this sexual stimulation. Then the flesh will strive even harder to “take captive” the spirit, in its pursuit of sexual gratification. Just as a starving soul may be driven to commit a sin like stealing or even killing for food, the flesh will rebel against the pleading and counsel of the spirit, just to obtain its highly increased desires for sexual gratification.

All sins start their journey in the heart, where the spirit dwells—either by the indirect and reluctant allowance of sin by an elect spirit who has been “taken captive” by the flesh, or by a direct, willing approval of sin by a non-elect spirit. Likewise, all truly good and loving works begin their journey in the heart, when an elect spirit is wakened, counselled, taught and trained by our God, Jesus, when an elect spirit is granted the wisdom to take control of its body and brain of flesh. If one’s mind of flesh hears and heeds the cunning lies and false reasoning of demons appealing to its selfish desires, when those demonic spirits inevitably visit the chamber of one’s soul, those lies will easily convince the weak and irrational mind of flesh to commit certain sins to gratify its desires, and the foolish mind of flesh will also be tricked into ignoring all the negative consequences of the sin. This is what the elect spirit must guard against. The mind of a spirit is far more powerful than the mind of flesh, and must learn from Christ to immediately refute those temptations uttered by demonic spirits, to nullify those lies with genuine truth, just as Jesus did when Satan entered the chamber of His soul, to tempt Him (see Mat. 4:1-11). If Jesus has awakened and thoroughly taught an elect spirit to wisely and rightly crush the lies of those demons, those frustrated demons will soon leave the chamber of one’s soul and flee. For demons hate real truth, since they love to pretend to be gods, and truth always proves that they are not gods, which shakes and pains the very core of their spirits. But, if an elect human spirit remains too weak and ignorant to resist a demonic spirit, one’s whole life may be manipulated and totally controlled by demonic spirits. Every elect spirit needs Jesus to learn to guard itself and its own flesh from the lies of Satan. We must flee to our God Jesus, so He may teach and train us to nullify temptations worked by the lies and delusions from demonic spirits. We need Jesus to teach us real truth with sound reasoning, to strengthen us with His power, to nullify the works of the demons.

Demonic spirits are just as real as plant spirits, animal spirits, angel spirits, human spirits and God, who is a Spirit. He cast the demons down to this earth, around us, so they would be able to enter the chambers of some human souls and speak. If God allows, a demon may even take possession of a person’s body. Although God granted the sole stewardship of each human body to one human spirit, God can take away that stewardship at any time, then hand it over to another spirit. And God can also reverse this decision whenever He desires. Thus, if an elect spirit hears but will not heed the Holy Spirit of Christ, Jesus may hand that one’s body over to a demon. Yet Jesus always remain near to that elect spirit. Then, if the elect spirit repents to Him and into His truth, He will cast out that demon steward and return the stewardship of the body to the elect spirit. But God permits a different kind of relationship between demons and non-elect human spirits, who are Satan’s children. About the only thing the non-elect experience is their slavish spirits being passed from one demon lord to another. Then, often merely at the request of an elect spirit, Jesus may completely nullify the power of any demons that might rule over or dwell in any non-elect souls. Thus, although the non-elect are usually granted a purely physical advantage over the elect, which they seize through lies, cheating and brute force, Jesus always grants elect spirits a far greater spiritual advantage over the non-elect.

Now we need to realize that demons are nothing like the movies portray them to be, and the only way the elect can defeat demons and their non-elect slaves is through a spiritual warfare in Christ, since the greatest advantage the elect have over them is spiritual and in Christ. Demonic spirits are seldom overtly evil. Actually, most demons enter human souls disguised as teachers of light, wisdom and truth, pretending to be guides who strive to reason with our spirits, for our good and salvation. Yet all those demons lead all human spirits into destructive errors, lies and delusions. Evil spirits especially like to make a spirit think it can be one’s own god and saviour, or trick a spirit into highly esteeming, serving and worshipping other human beings, money, a nation, material things or even those demons themselves. Then Satan may grant a dupe some delusions of success in one’s mind of flesh, to assure one that all the lies are true, to blind the heart with ever-swelling arrogance, which inevitably causes one to commit utterly ruthless acts through one’s flesh and through the carnal pride in that little wanna-be god. On the other hand, demons also stir up an extreme fear of failure, strong anxieties which rule over one’s whole being, forcing one to feverishly work for a delusion of carnal success, to labour day and night in pursuit of a total lie. Naturally, in the end, the dupe will only gain complete failure, since these servants of demons are either caught and punished by their victims, or die. Either way, they inevitably fail and face the consequences of their sins. But, when these demonenslaved elect souls fail—if they still refuse to repent into the truth, if they do not acknowledge that Satan’s promised “success” and gratification of fleshy desires were lies—they will always feel guilt, self-condemnation and desperation, which causes them to commit more sins in an attempt to cover up their failures. Then this results in even more guilt and depression, and finally a vain, empty death. If an elect spirit will not wake up and see that Satan’s world order can only provide an insignificant and temporary gratification for the flesh, but do absolutely nothing to provide a genuine, satisfying, everlasting joy for the spirit, God may allow a demon to destroy that elect one’s flesh in death. When demons deceive, they manipulate souls into forfeiting all that is truly beneficial for them and others.

This is why our God, the Holy Spirit of Jesus, keeps turning the thoughts of elect spirits to Him and to His words. Jesus continually teaches, rebukes, punishes the flesh, counsels, calls, entreats, reasons with and comforts elect spirits, constantly steering their spirits towards truth, for their salvation. All the elect need to do is to allow their spirits to hear and heed Him. And, as soon as an elect spirits will hear the voice of the real Jesus, it will recognize that as the genuine voice of their oldest Brother. For every elect spirit is born with an inherent ability to discern between the voice of a demon disguising itself as Jesus and the voice of the real Jesus. This discernment is programmed into every elect spirit.

Now, if an elect spirit has been taken captive by its own mind of flesh, or by the spirit of any human or demon, that elect spirit may become so distracted by the loud noises and bright glitter provided by its flesh, or by human gods, or by demons, that it may not see nor hear the real Jesus nearby, because Jesus never crudely strives against the carnal distractions used by those aggressive salesmen and demons. When Jesus wants an elect soul to hear Him, He simply commands those fools to be silent, and they instantly obey Jesus. Then Jesus speaks. And Jesus does this many times in each elect soul’s life on earth. When we face tragedies, or almost die, these experiences are often the commands of Jesus to silence the lying spirits attempting to distract our elect spirits. Then we, the elect, must listen, and must not return to the folly being sold to us through those empty, meaningless, loud and shiny distractions. And every elect spirit can indeed hear Jesus, as He speaks in the language of the spirit, which can convey entire complex concepts directly to the mind of one’s spirit in His quiet, confident voice. But, as soon as the flesh is safe again, an elect spirit will so often allow one’s mind of flesh, or some human wanna-be god, or some demon, to overcome and “take captive” their elect spirit again, to drag them right back into foolish lies and delusions. Thus, many elect spirits never make any real progress in life, never grow any more knowledgeable or wise in moral, spiritual truth.

Now the days are growing worse and worse. For the end times are about to unfold. So let the elect learn to zealously guard their spirits from the lies of their own irrational, weak flesh, and from all the human deceivers or demons that pretend their lies are truths, from all who try to make Christ’s truths about His own created realities look like delusions and lies. We need to keep the minds of our spirits firmly grounded in verity, in the humbling, wise truths that the clear voice of Jesus quietly utters to our spirits. Then let us manage our flesh wisely, keep our bodies busy with Christ’s godly works and activities, which His power will make effective for the benefit of all His creation. Yes, our brains and bodies of flesh will often war against the Christ-like desires of our elect spirits, against our inner desire to serve our God. And demons definitely war against those desires too. But awakened elect spirits must learn to become so motivated to serve God and His creation, that their loving, just deeds become as habitual as sin is habitual for the non-elect. Just as some are slaves of sin, compelled to sacrificially labour for sin all day and night, let us become slaves of righteous love. And elect spirits can no longer make as many mistakes these days, since one mistake in this crisis situation can be far more costly than it was in normal times. There is no more room for error. Now we need to always be alert and wise enough to effectively resist all temptations. And our resistance to lies and delusions can only be effective if our elect spirits grow far more mature in the pure knowledge of God’s truth and in the ability to wisely apply it. The more Jesus teaches and trains our elect spirits, the better our spirits will denounce the lies and false reasoning that the devil boldly shouts in the chambers of our souls. Every elect spirit must now rule over one’s flesh, to guard one’s flesh from lies and delusions.

Still, although we pray for perfection, none can be perfect, not as long as our infantile spirits live in these bodies of flesh. Some may think they are good and without sin. But those are the most ignorant and the worst of sinners. Some may think they are innocent of adultery, since they never physically have sex with anyone other than their spouse. But everyone is an adulterer, in one sense or another, physically or spiritually, and usually both. So these seventh-order laws, together with all the other laws of God, convict literally every human being of sin. All need the Holy Spirit of Jesus to wash sins from their hearts. We need Jesus to make us humble and holy before the loving face of our God.

And, yes, the physical sins against the seventh-order laws of God affect the spirit in very negative ways. Some say consenting sexual relationships do no harm. But that is not true, neither in a purely physical way nor in a spiritual way. Sexual sins either originate from a weak, untaught, manipulated spirit in an elect heart, or from a malignant, deluded, lying non-elect spirit that wants to be a god. So, like all other sins, sexual sins distance an elect spirit from God. Yet every elect spirit needs God to be nearby, close to one, teaching one. An elect spirit needs God more than anyone or anything else. As for the non-elect spirits, sexual sins, like all other kinds of sins, cause that spirit to fall deeper into the dark lies and delusions of hell. So sexual sins cause harm to both elect and non-elect spirits. And, since sexual sins are committed by the flesh, these sins also result in many negative physical effects as well—STDs, unwanted pregnancies, divorces, fights and so on. All these negative spiritual and physical effects ultimately work death. All sexual sins are destructive to all who practice them, as well as to many other innocent souls in the society they live in, including innocent children. Of course, physical sins against the seventh-order laws are neither as harmful nor deadly as spiritual adultery, not nearly as bad as a spirit becoming unfaithful to a covenant one has entered with God. Once a spirit is bound to a covenant with the real Creator God, that spirit is expected to be faithful, like a bride to her husb