The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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A Quiet Shade Of Love

Let’s go back to the vision, for at this time I’m getting a little more comfortable with my Daddy in the straw hat and the faded overhauls that made Him look so down-to-earth.

Still holding the stick that my Dad handed me, and looking Him square in the face, I could see that He had the most peaceable expression and still had that big-ole smile that was out of this world. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, and it hurt, so I guessed that I wasn’t. My feelings of weariness melted into a peace and joy that I have never experienced before. “This is wonderful”, I thought as I stood there in my amazement.

After about what seemed like another thirty minutes, still basking in this most beautiful encounter, my Dad spoke; “hey, you want to go on a short walk, maybe just enjoy the woods as the sun shows its many different shades of colors against the leaves?”

I was up in a split second, “Yes”, I couldn’t get the word out fast enough. Thinking, anything He had to say or any place He wanted to go was what I wanted.

We walked several hundred yards just watching the different shadows and the colors as they bounced off the leaves, and then He was the first to speak. “Do you know what love is?” Kicking a small log maybe six feet long to see what, if anything, was under it. “I mean love, the real kind, the Love that goes far beyond what those that don’t have it, claim it is.” Not wanting to seem stupid, I said; “I think I do, but you just asking the question makes me want to doubt it.”

“Ross, you have it, but it’s still in its infancy stage, and no, you aren’t stupid. You see, Love is an action, where most think of it as a feeling. It is an expression that does not need to be taught. True Love cannot be held back, it just comes out with or without your permission much less having to think about it.”

Since all my thoughts were not hidden from Him, I caught myself trying not to think about it. “Lord, you said that the Love that I have is immature, but I know that I love, for I have watched your son Jesus many times and have tried to learn from Him”

“And you are learning”, He spoke with this same ole beautiful smile that He always had. “And again yes, I can still hear your thoughts, and you don’t have to try to hide anything from me. I’ve always known every thought you’ve ever had, but my Love has never seen you as anything but beautiful. Just be yourself, understanding that you can’t be, or can’t hide anything from me. I don’t judge you by your maturity level, I just Love you. Just be honest to Ross.”

“Lord, maybe I better just walk with my mouth shut and listen to you. I just needed to remind myself who I’m with, and what a privilege it is to be here with you. I’m here to learn, or you wouldn’t be here.”

Smiling even bigger, with both hands out, the palms up, my Dad spoke; “I’m always with my children, all of them, whether they see me, feel me, or not, I’m always there with them.”

“Are you with all the others right now, as I know that you are with me in these woods? … Oops, I said I wouldn’t speak, that I’d just listen.”

“Yes, I am with all, all made in my similitude I am with, and you can talk anytime you’d like, that’s why I’m here with you personally.”

“Now getting back to our conversation about Love: Love is what I am. I will begin to explain what so many think love is, but it is not. Most folks, especially those caught up in the religious stuff, think of me more as one that accuses, or will send my wrath upon, or the man upstairs with this extra- long staff with a hooked end-piece and catch people by the neck to jerk them back in line. I am not.”

In first Corinthians, chapter thirteen, it states that; love does not envy, nor parades itself, is not rude, nor can it be, does not seek its’ own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, and never fails, no it cannot ever fail. But, Love suffers long and is kind, rejoices in Truth, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things, rejoices in the truth, believes all things, for Love never fails. When that Love, which is perfect is come, then that which is in part is done away with. In other words, when what, which we miss-called love is then put in its proper place.

“I can now see that of a truth; my love is very immature.”

Wanting to learn all I could, I began asking more questions. “Is turning the other cheek, an act of love? Is that why you ask us to do it?”

As Dad stopped for a moment and leaned backwards against a rather large tree, and shuffling His feet as if to build a mound of leaves, He spoke. “Certainly, turning the other cheek is an act of Love, for you’d have to love yourself and the one striking you, to be able to turn away. But, I wrote that in my Word for a different purpose also. Love never forces itself on anyone. It can’t, for love endures all, it never fails. The reason being is that if and when one strikes you, and you then hit him back, you then have made him the lord of that part of your life.”

A little puzzled, I asked; “You’re Lord and there is no other Lord, so how’s that?”

“We’re getting off the subject a little here, but I will try to explain that.

“No one can make you do anything, not unless you are a young child, or being held captive beyond your control. So unless you just go about hitting people, hitting them would be something you normally wouldn’t do. Just like, if someone were to call you a name, would you call them one back? Only a child would give another that much power over them to do such a thing like that. So, to do so would be to give them the right to be your lord, because only I can make you do something, and because of my Love for you, I wouldn’t. All are called to follow me by following my son Jesus; to hit them back is an act of following them, for in this case they took the lead. Besides that, if you loved your neighbor, why would you want to get on their plain, and want them hurt?”

With my eyes widened, I responded back; “I can see that. So to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, is to be loving You, and myself by not following their lead and getting into a fight. I do what I do, and not what someone else is trying to make me do, right?”


Thinking a few moments I spoke; “so love is a very complicated action and I’ve got a lot to learn.”

“No Ross, Love is not complicated at all. One doesn’t have to work at it, or even learn how to do it, Love is a state of being, an action that comes from receiving my Love. Love conquers all things, that’s because of the peace and joy that I have set in force that comes from it. You don’t have to try to remember how to love someone or even to show it, Love comes from within to those that have received me. So love is not a complicated action, it is pure from its simplest form, love doesn’t hurt as some would suggest, Love is the beauty of life, and those that walk in my Love, walk without fear. Love covers all sins and cast out all fear, for Love never fails.”

“Ross, some think that humans can never achieve this, but they can. I would never ask for one to receive and give something that they couldn’t. It’s again that religion has taught that love is an outward thing, and something to be flaunted with the recognition they receive, but pure Love is when one gives up his life for mine.”

Thinking to myself, I was trying to understand what my Dad just said. I must have rubbed my face, my chin, my hair for several minutes before speaking. “How can I receive this kind…”

“of Love?” He spoke. “Relax, look to me in all things and you will then receive my Love. When our relationship continues to develop, you will then find that your life is changing, even though it may not be recognized that the change is taking place. It is natural to reciprocate the world love when involved in the world, and my Love will be a natural reflex when you are totally involved in me.”

Starting to relax a little, I just sat there and pondered. The sky was the bluest blue that I’d ever seen, and the sun had a warmth and brightness that I’d never experienced, it was a good day, and truly I was favored for getting to spend this time with the One that loved me, with more Love than I could ever explain. I had a peace that was not comprehended, and a joy that I was not able to speak about. All I could say was; “Thank you.”

As we stood and sit there looking at the clouds in the sky and their many different designs, I asked. “Why are we to love our enemies, and to do good to those that despitefully use us? Are we not to protect ourselves?”

“To answer your last question first. No. It’s not your job to protect yourself, that’s my job. Besides that, I may choose to use a particular situation to give and show you a valuable lesson that you could not receive otherwise. Anytime man protects himself, he is walking in his own independence and not with me. There is a big picture going on out there, and I will have my way on your earthly heart as my heavenly heart sees fit. When one lets go of that tree of knowledge of good and evil and clings to me, all he has then is Me, and I’m sufficient.”

“Now to answer your question about your enemies, yes we are to Love them. Can’t you see that they too are my children? Of course they are, my Love does not just extend to those that follow my Christ, I love the whole world, that’s why I sent my lovely son to give himself to it, to overcome it. So again, if one hates his enemy because he’s done something bad to him, then the one hating has bowed to the level that his enemy is at, therefore making him the lord of that situation. But to Love him, even prepare a table for him, is to place him in my hands, and at the same time, you and I can continue to walk together. The same thing applies to those that despitefully use you, even those that try to drag you down with their accusations and separations. I Love them, just like I Love you, so why would I want a separation between the two that I hold dear to my heart?”

“So Love,” I spoke in a sober voice. “is a big part of your life?”

“Love is my life. It’s who I am and what I am. I am Love.”

“This is neat” I thought, “just plain neat to be standing here with the Creator of all things. “Dad,” spoken out loud, “I can understand, I mean I think that I really understand your point on loving others, even if they dislike us. We are to love, even when it’s inconvenient.”

Still leaning back on that big oak chewing a pine needle, he looked down towards me and chuckled a little bit and whispered back. “When you are one with me, you know of no other way. Love is plain and simply your life, and at that point you know of no other way to be than to Love. It’s you, because you are me, we are then one. Love covers a multitude of sins, just like it has when I look at you, or anybody else for that matter. So the dislike that someone may have towards you is covered by the Love that you have for them.”

“WOW!,” is all I could mustard up.

Still whispering He said; “a house divided cannot stand, it must fall, because it has no structure, nor a foundation. You are both houses, when love is broken, then the house is divided, and it has to crumble. But Love is the glue that holds my Kingdom together. There are many called into my Life, but few have chosen it. Just because someone has done something you dislike, doesn’t have anything to do with Love, Love is always Love.”

I’d look at Him awhile, then watch the sky, and back to him, as I pondered on what was being said. My life was being turned upside down and there was nothing I could do about it, and wouldn’t, even if I could. And then I asked; “what can mankind do about this?”

“Well first of all, my Son Jesus is working in you, and he came to turn your life upside down, He came with a sword to divide. Think not that he came to bring peace, but division, to set ones teeth on edge. To bring meaning to life, and to break man away from his traditions, so to recognize your life is being flipped-flopped is a good thing. Now, what can man do about it? Let go of that tree of knowledge and run to the Tree of Life. The Garden is still available, alive and well, right here, but you’ll have to see it with your heart and not that of your eyes. The Garden is that place, this place, where you walk with Me. Oh, by the way, how do you like our little walk so far?”

“Wait a minute!” I almost shouted, “you mean this is the garden of Eden? I thought we were on my farm.

“We are, the Garden is where one walks with me, talks with me and has a relationship with me, is exposed and doesn’t care if he is. Aren’t we doing that? You probably thought the Garden was some place way back when, but I am the I AM. And where I am, it is. Whether one chooses the tree with good and evil or the Tree of life, the Garden is alive and well on planet Earth. When anyone chooses the Tree if Life, I am there, or in this case here.”

And then again all I could say was; “WOW!”

“I’m not sure why you chose me to express your realities too,” I relayed back to Him, “but what a privilege it is. I have truly been favored.”

“Tens of thousands of times a day, I share my thoughts and ways with my people all over the world, but only a few listen, others seem to be caught up in this world and the things that’s in it. I truly am glad for you that this attention has been given to my Way of Life. This world has many distractions from the Truth, many ways to travel, lots of noise and bling to sway many from the Truth of Me and my Son. Broad is the way to destruction, for so many travel on that road, but my Way, Truth, and Life is a road that is narrow, for so few choose to walk on it. As one so travels on My road, he will find that it has many obstacles, many pot-holes, and is usually lonely, especially to those that are caught up in the bells and whistles of this flesh world. Each step may present another problem, another situation to temper and train those that want Life, and want it more abundantly. It’s not really a hard road, but all caught up in this life of independence have been trained by the world to receive immediate gratification. Jesus struggled in this life, and so will those that follow Him, but it’s darn well worth those struggles to see and receive what I have stored up for them.”

“The preparing of your children, the emptying of our personal vessel,” I reflected to Him, “even showing us that you are there through all our problems, makes sense to me. But I always thought that what you have in store for us, meant for the after-life, was it not?”

“Well yes, but mostly no, before the foundations of the world, when you were in my bosom, I laid out a life for you and others, to empty your vessel of the world and what it has given you, to make a new creature, with new wine, and from them I stored up many wonderful, beautiful experiences for you to rest in, in this life on earth.” He then began to meander down the hill rubbing each tree as he walked by it, as if, it too was precious. Stopping a moment to turn around and look at me He said; “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man all the things that I have stored for you as you live and walk in this Life.”

“You mean it is for now? The storage thing is for now?”

“Ross, I am the I Am, I live today, and all that I teach and give, I do to all the Sons on earth, and is, for the now. Everyone has a moment now and again that is pleasant and peaceable. But what I offer is an eternal Rest that begins now, a place in your heart, a communion, a relationship that cannot be defeated by this world or any other.”

“Lord, you said the Kingdom of God is in our heart, that place of rest, is it also in our heart?”

“The true inner heart,” He said as He twirled a branch, and shoed the gnats from His face, “is the inner most part in man, that place that I have always lived in. It is the Spirit, my Spirit, the Kingdom that I have set in order, that secret place within you that I am always at. They are one and the same, that is the Rest in me and the Kingdom that I have placed within the reach of those still in the flesh.”

I looked at Him with even a greater excitement and spoke rather quickly; “Is that what it means when you said to ‘let be done on earth, as it is in Heaven’?”

Still swatting around His face, He stretched His arm towards the clouds and blue sky and said; “all this is mine and I gave to you, I gave it to all at the beginning while we were in the physical Garden. I never kept the inner Spirit of man from coming back, just the flesh. For flesh and bones may not enter anymore, but those that worship me in Spirit may enter any time they choose. So yes, the Kingdom can be entered on earth, and when chosen, it is the done on earth as it is in Heaven. That is Heaven, the place that I am at, with my children, I am one with them.”

“We have been taught through the institution a lot of silly things.” I thought out loud. “Why have we not been taught the Truth the way you laid it out for us?”

“When Jesus built the true Church, it was built upon a solid foundation with my Christ as the head. Not too many years afterwards man stuck his two cents in it, and if it wasn’t for our Love towards man, it would have failed, but I have always kept a remnant, a few that will get out of the way and let us have our Way. The true Church is built on Love, Revelation, and faith, and not the instituted doctrines that man has invented, to place himself as the chief. Love conquers all, and there are people all over the world that are listening to us in these last days, people that are tired of the hype, separation and condemnation that is coming from the pulpits of so many. My Kingdom is established, alive and well, and ready for Its’ bride to enter in. We will talk about this later on. Do you see that cloud coming out of the west?”