The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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The Safe Place

Looking up, I saw this dark cloud coming that had the shape of a ship, a very large ship. You know, the kind that would have been built centuries, if not millenniums ago. It was blue all around it, and appeared to be sailing on the ocean. Vivid in contrast to the sky, it showed many of the details you would find on a ship with the different shades of whites, grays, and dark grays. I’d seen many pictures or images in the clouds before, but nothing this precise. You could see the port holes and even had one sail hoisted half way up, as it appeared to be slowly moving through the waves. And then it began to lightening and then thunder, but I wasn’t afraid. With the talk my Dad and I were having, and the rest and peace that I felt being with Him, it was pleasant. But I asked anyway; “do you want to head towards the barn ?”

He smiled that big-ole smile of His and asked; “you wanna sit on these two stumps here and just enjoy the scenery?”

We sat there for some half hour or so just watching the ship float by as if watching a movie. It was raining, and raining hard with thunder clapping all around, but we weren’t getting wet. Nope, not even a drop fell on us, as in the space of about six feet around us, it was totally dry. Thinking about this I looked up to see if a large, dense limb was keeping us protected, but there wasn’t one. At that time there was nothing but gray sky above us, so I looked towards Him, and about to say something, but He winked. I just smiled and we sat there for a while longer just enjoying the afternoon.

As the sky began slowly to turn back to this beautiful shade of aqua I asked; “Dad, was there some significance to that cloud that looked like a ship, were you trying to show me something of a profound meaning that I might grow deeper in my walk with you?”

He, still smiling, winked once more, took my hand in His and said; “nope, I just thought we might enjoy a little quiet time together watching how the universe can be controlled, and how powerful my Love is through the different sights, sounds and shapes of everyday life. This one was for you.”

“And I didn’t even get wet.” I thought. But I did notice all the birds, squirrels and little critters the rain had brought out, for they were going in every direction, it was more than pleasant. Thinking about it for a moment or two, I figured He just wanted me to know who and what He is. Just another time to spend together and I think this is what’s called Heaven.

I got up to stretch my legs and He did the same. Standing there I asked; “Why then is there so much separation and condemnation in the world? When we could all enjoy the fellowship with you at any time, and just let the world be what it is, the world.”

“Well, the people in the world are mine, the attitudes and behaviors are mostly theirs. Man that couldn’t apprehend the Rock that I set up through my son Jesus, began making their own rules and regulations. Their egos wouldn’t let them admit their faults, and not wanting to be viewed as left out they acted as if all the answers were received and understood. So man began to add too and take away from the foundation that we sat up. In other words, they replaced me with themselves. Man belongs to me, not the other way around. I don’t belong to them; it’s just Love that keeps us together, my Love. Heaven is eternal, and right now is eternal, so it’s not just a place to go; it’s a place to be, even now; with me. So slowly and subtly things got changed, at least in the mind of man. Separation is the distance man in high places, pulpits, has placed himself in contrast to the ones under him that he wanted to teach. Condemnation is what he uses to keep them there.”

“Why, why wouldn’t we not want to fall on our knees, and ask for help?”

He answered in this matter-of-fact voice that was still pleasant to listen too. “The deception started in the Garden when man wanted to be like me, really wanting to be me. The lie that was told to you is still believed today. The tower of Babel, King Saul and his rein, The Sanhedrin before and after Jesus was anointed, Constantine, and even today with these empires that preachers build to their own image. Even the small meeting places fall into the same category. Death entered into the world at the tree of knowledge, and was procreated through the law. The law destroys, the letter of the law is unto death, but We made a provision for that through my son Jesus. Don’t get me wrong here, I love people, I love them in spite of what they do or don’t do, but what’s been done thus far has separated them from me to the degree that our relationship suffers. No one has to do right or act a certain way to receive my love, I just Love ‘em in spite of their doings.

“You mean,” I responded back, “that preachers and teachers that give information that is contrary to you, you still love them the same?”

“Of course I do, nothing can separate them from my Love. I don’t give it with a condition, I love because I am Love, I know of no other way. A person that follows me and my son, I love, but not any more than those that don’t. The difference is that those that seek us, we have the privledge of having a relationship with. No one does everything right, no one, but those that quit depending on themselves and search inside to find us, have placed their life in my bosom, I will sup and fellowship with.”

Curious about the answers Dad was giving to me, I wasn’t about to stop asking questions, so I did. Being drawn toward Him, I stepped closer, close enough that I laid my hand on His. “So no one falls into the category of being outside your Love? So how does the scripture that says that God does not look upon sin, fit in?”

“Jesus told you that He lost none, and to forgave all, for they know not what they’ve done, so all have been covered by His blood. That’s why I sent Him, to restore the communion between us and man. No Ross, none were lost, and nothing can separate anyone from my Love and that of my Son. And you are right about me not looking upon sin, for I don’t. I’m not blind, I know what each is doing, but my choice through Love is to look past it, that is, their sins so to speak, and see the inner spirit of man, not his fleshly behavior. I’m capable of seeing sin, but Love covers a multitude of them, so therefore I only see the beauty inside that person and not the ugliness of their deeds. Even those that follow Jesus do things wrong, and sometimes very often, but they don’t let the flesh keep them separated from me, nor I them. If your child did something terribly wrong, would you quit loving them? Of course not, your love is not dependent on them acting correct. You just love ‘em, maybe try to help or teach them, but their act will not separate them from your love, maybe your affection, but not your love, and it shouldn’t have anything with affection either, but sometimes it does.”

We started walking through the woods, watching this and touching that, maybe throwing a rock or two just to hear them bounce as they rumbled down the hill until the sound faded out, and then do it again. Saw the chipmunks with their cheeks full of acorns and a flying squirrel glide from her nest, even watched a deer feeding on the tender lower leaves of a sapling, but we just walked, enjoying the pristineness of the environment after the summer shower. We walked down the hill for maybe some fifteen minutes until we came upon the pond that cattle use to drink out of, but now only deer, coyotes and the other critters use. It had lily pads, cat tails and other flowering grasses around its banks, and was most beautiful with the several little ripples that danced on the water, made by the falling drops from the trees above. I just stood there watching, and pondering the talks that we were having. I thought about trying to skip a rock across the water, but for some reason that just didn’t seem right. It was like watching a show on National Geographic’s and certainly didn’t want to turn the station with the abruptness of a rock flung across the quietness of the water. So we stood there, and I was enjoying the scenery, but more important was the fellowship that I was having with my Dad, as we were silent for those few moments.

And then I was the first to speak, and somehow I knew that He knew that too, that is, that I was the one to break the silence. “Lord, some years back, I thought I’d heard you tell me that your name was Gravity, was I hearing right?”

“Ross, you heard right, my name is Gravity and many, many other names besides that. The law of physics is a law that applies to those that believe in that law. Yes I hold things together, and yes I have placed in force several laws of physics, but I’m not bound to any. I am creator, but I am also creation, all things belong to me, all are good, and all are used to some degree that point man to the reason for all of this. Have you ever thought of the atom and the ‘trons that belong to it? I am the atom, and I am the electron that circles it, but did you know that I am also the space between the two? The human mind can never comprehend the fullness of who I am. Some have called me the big-bang, for I am the beginning, but as much as man will search, it is not given to him to apprehend the true knowledge of the universe, or even his own life that is within him. Only through a oneness with me can man come to the breath, height and depth of who, and especially what he is, much less of how the other particulars of the universe exist.”

As I was thinking to myself, I began to understand that my little finite mind could never understand the depth of who this appearance of a man is. I could just barely follow what He was saying, wasn’t much need to ask anything else about the physics of life, much less trying to relate to all the spheres that are out there. So I stood there hoping I could come up with something clever say as we were still looking at the beauty of the pond and all its surroundings. Twisting around to take another look at this brawly man in His straw hat and checkered shirt, I was about to ask this, so-to-speak, wise question, when he broke in.

“Maybe you’re not the smartest cookie in the jar, but I like the way you think. Man just thinks he needs to know all the ins and outs of everything, and I did put that instinct in him, but these are just trivial things people do to occupy their time. Bye the way, I was just kidding about that cookie thing. Curiosity is not a bad thing, and it is interesting for people to figure out the many different mysteries that I have hidden around the many galaxies, but all the knowledge in the world can never bring one to the Tree of Life, unless it’s My Knowledge. Again, your so-to-speak wise question isn’t necessary, I just love it that we are in this relationship, especially on this day.”

Why this man in His overhauls presented Himself to me in this manner, I couldn’t understand, but it sure was one enjoyable adventure we were having. With everything still and quiet in the woods, He walked pass me to the waters’ edge, reaching His hand in up to His elbow, He looked as if He was fumbling around, but as fast as it started, He came up with this fairly large fish. “How’d you like that?” Turning around with this smile that must have lite up the world, He said, “Remember, I was the one that taught my Son how to fish. I’m proud of that boy; He’s caught a-many of them, people from all over the world. Without Him, I’d be a lot lonelier.”

Surprised with my Dads’ statement, I asked; “how’s that, I thought all the people were your children?”

“They are, but I didn’t have many to have a relationship with until Jesus began introducing man back to me. That Son of mine did every-thing that I asked of him, he’s the reason why you and I are here today.

Looking straight at me, He held the fish up over His head and said with the excitement that still sounded like music; “too bad we’ve done ate, this one would make a good meal for the both of us.”

“Yeah right, with you here, we could feed a couple of thousand with that one.” I sort-of snickered and said with no sarcasm.

His smile seemed to even get bigger as He said; “yep, he’s a good one.” Then turning back around again, facing the pond, He gently laid the fish in the water, and it slowly swam away.

I stood for several minutes, maybe a half hour, pondering the day with my Dad. I’d look this way and then that, look up for a while, then down, but mostly I was just staring off in space. I couldn’t believe what was happening on this day, and then again I could believe it. I must have swayed back and forth for a good while, basking in the Light of my Lord, and enjoying every minute of it. I’d never met anyone like this man under that straw hat, never talked with anyone so easy to talk too, and He listened with compassion. His demeanor was nothing like I’d ever experienced, not once did I aggravate Him, nor do I think anyone could. For a middle aged farmer in a pair of worn out overhauls, a shirt with a tear in it, I don’t think anyone could look so good. Did I mention that He had the kindest voice and He was fun to be around? I really liked this day thus far, sort of hope it never ends. Maybe it’s okay to say that I thought my Dad was beautiful.