The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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Standing On My Head

I don’t mean to get off on a tangent here, but I thought I’d stop a little while, not long, and voice my opinion on a few subjects. I might even play the Archie Bunker role and say a couple of things that I’m sure others might want to say.

We call this country the greatest of any in the world, even boost of our financial success, strength, homeland security, independence, and the freedom to speak what we want, whether to each other or from the press. Well, I’m not going to sit here and say we’re not, but I would like to express my thoughts on a few of the subjects.

The down-fall of our people started some thirty years prior to the September eleventh happening, but I’d like to show what God had given me about this, just three or four days after it happened.

The tower of Babel was a tower being built by a people united in one accord, working together, to build an empire that would reach to Heaven. Built by a single group of people, combined in unity constructing an empire, a system, that would equal that of Gods’. So they thought. God intervened and scattered them to the four corners of the earth.

The Twin Towers were the second tower system to ever be brought down. The Trade towers were what they were called, built by a multi-national, multi-language people from all over the world. A scattered bunch, coming from the four corners of the earth to build a trading power to help run the world economic system.

It was torn down, not as much by terrorist, but by God coming to the rescue of His people that had a diversion of money, power and fame, in their hearts, and seeking a way to become like gods. The system itself was the target, not so much the people, but it was truly an institution created to dominate the world economic order. I’m not saying the people working there was doing this, I’m sure many were, but the construction of it was certainly for that reason. The destruction of it was a call to the blood of Gods’ Son and the Power that it contains to free His people from the bondage that the economic idols has wrapped His people in. It’s so funny, maybe I should say sad or amazing, that the people of the world heard the call to the blood, but weren’t quite willing enough to hear the rest of the story. So, many rushed to donate their blood instead of running to the only Blood that was already paid for our trespasses. So much was donated that the city of New York had to pay big-bucks to have it destroyed, for much of it was never used.

The first plane struck one of the towers, (economic system), and the second did the same, the third struck out at the Pentagon, (the power system), and the fourth was heading towards, what my understanding and research evaluated, the liberty bell, (freedom), in Philadelphia. Some would say that the fourth plane was flying towards the Capital or White House, (the legislation), but the symbolic meaning still stays the same.

This was not an attack by terrorist as much as it was by our Creator. Read Obadiah, and see that the hand of God is stretched out against the idols that pervert the true Way, Truth, and Life that God had provided, not against the people, but against the idols.

Verse two; “…Behold, I make you small among nations; You shall be greatly despised, the pride of your heart has deceived you, who dwell in the clefts of the rock. Whose habitation is high, who say in your heart, ‘who will bring me down to the ground? Though you ascend high as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down.” Says the Lord…

Read the whole book of Obadiah, it’s only one page.

What are we doing, as a nation, a people, a world made in the similitude of God, only half hearing God, and then going off on some tangent thinking we’re in touch with Him? Has our hearts been so hardened, so seared, filled with so much crap that we have turned to every idol thinking it’s okay. Maybe thinking that Gods’ mercy and grace thus far is the way it will always be? It is true that His mercy and grace is sufficient, but He will not be defeated, nor ignored forever.

Yes, I believe that the destruction of the Twin Towers, the Trade center, was an attack on the economic system, power and freedoms of the people of the world, especially on Americans, and not necessarily on the people involved in the towers. It was a multi-national project, torn down to unite a people back to the true and only God, and we missed it.

The tower of babel and the two towers of New York were destroyed in opposite directions, but the same thing happened to each. It a thing about uniting and dividing, and where our attention goes that I believe God is talking to us about. What do you think?


I got to thinking, and I thought that since this was my book, and there is freedom of the press, maybe I should take a little more time to express a few things that’s been a bug in my bonnet. I promise not to take up much of your time on these political issues, because, for the last ten or twelve years I have been anything but political. I’ve got my faults, but some of the things going on in this country are anything but right.

Let’s start with political correctness, a legislated, dictated, code of conduct that all should follow. A few people in high places, (the mind), have come up with a system, a language, to make all who don’t follow their agenda, a stumbling block to their egos. First of all let me state, I think we all have the right and privilege to talk to each one, everyone, in a respectful way which includes the tone of our voice and the way we present our message to them. Stupid people are always going to talk stupid, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, but we can stand up for their right to be stupid, and anyone that uses racial slurs are. Some girl may wear a revealing dress, or someone may want to show their sexual orientation, or maybe express them self with ink on their skin, maybe even smoke a cigarette in public, all are covered in our constitution, and all have the rights and privilege to do so. Believing we all should respect their right to do so, but what about them respecting the imbeciles that want to comment or slur the person doing it.

Again, to call a homosexual, or a Mexican, or a person with a learning disability a name, shows us more of the name callers’ intelligent level, than it would ever say about the one being talked about. To say these things or any number of other slurs, are stupid, (see I just did it), but I support the right of stupid people, to do stupid things, at least in this category. We say nothing if one is called an s.o.b., or a nut, or a fruit cake, or a loud mouth, or any of the many things commonly spoken, but if called a politically incorrect word, the world falls apart. When is it going to stop, when will we realize that many fought wars to give imbeciles the right to call another an imbecile?… Pun-intended.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, what is it? It may be a duck, but it may be a coot, for they too resemble ducks. There is no such thing as never, and we never really know all that’s going on behind the closed door, or the other side of Gods’ plan. Some things are not what they appear, and did you know that a bumble-bee can’t fly? Anyway, we can’t legislate morals, or even dumbness for that matter. So what is political correctness anyway? Isn’t it some inventor’s dream to be noticed for his high-level outward morals?

I’m not saying it’s right, or even that we as children of God would do so, but I am saying that no one has the authority to dictate what is proper or what is not, at least to the point of shunning them. Each year, another group, whether it be ethnic, social or moral, adds to the list of no-no’s, coming up with new ways to speak and new ways to chastise those that don’t follow their egotistical monuments that they’ve built unto themselves. For example; I personally don’t think the n— word should ever be used, it shows the lack of respect, teaching, and/or character defect in the one using it, but we as a people still have the right to be stupid and show it. Yes I think that each one of us has the right to judge as he sees fit, but maybe a little more privately would suffice. That goes for the ones making the comment and those that have to listen to it. But no, we have to make laws legislating our ideas of what people need to be doing, or stand up so all will notice that they are to be commended and given great attention too, that the egos of a few can be stroked at the price of many. I’m thinking that this political agenda is the starting place of a deranged rabid wildcat being turned loose with a far deeper device to be used on us in the very near future.


Let’s talk a minute or two about a few of the words in our language that have been perverted: love, miracles, and heroes.

True and real Love is not what one readily gives to his dog, or the kind of food they like, or the way their car rides, or the way one makes another feel, or even their vocation or enjoyable moments. This is called ‘like a lot’, not Love. Love is when someone would lay down their life for another. I’m not talking about saying that we would lay down our life, I mean really giving your life for the stead of the other, Agape. Love is one of those beautiful actions that cannot be mimicked by anything else.

Miracles; First let me start by saying what it is not. It is not one of those strange moments when something extraordinary happens, nor is it when a flower blooms or the regeneration of a seed or birth. A miracle is when the supernatural, God, steps in and does a thing that just couldn’t happen without His intervention. We’ve spent a life-time defining the word miracle, and through the years and generations it has been polluted to the point that it has very little value.

It is a wonderful, meaningful happening and many times is not replicated twice, such as walking on water, being translated to another country, or maybe even falling from a plane, and not getting hurt after hitting the ground. A miracle is a special thing indeed, and can only come from God. Don’t get me wrong, they happen, and they happen more often than we think, but a miracle in not what you see on the news each night.

How in this world, (this has pun intended), did we ever start calling Sunday the Sabbath? When did the first day of the week end up being the last one? Who told us to keep the first day, Sunday, Holy,(which means separated), and ignore Saturday? Folks, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

If these ‘things’ are all bent out of shape to keep the laws of Moses, why are they doing this so-called worship on the first day of the week? We were told to set aside the first day, but to think it replaces the Sabbath is crazy. To be honest, all days are Holy, and to be kept separate from the contaminations of the world. I understand that it doesn’t matter which day we choose to praise, but seems few know that Jesus the Christ is our Sabbath. He is the All of all, He is the Alpha, and he is the Omega.

Anyway, I just thought it strange that so many have been manipulated into thinking that Sunday is the last day of the week. The one thing that has never changed throughout history is the day of the week, months maybe, years maybe, but not the day of the week.

Heroes; A hero is a person that goes far beyond the line of duty, or does an action that surpasses the action of a brave soul. When people doing their job, and getting paid for it, does a feat that could get them killed, is not necessarily a hero, if they are doing what they get paid for.

Do you remember the man that jumped into the Potomac River when the plane went down in Washington D.C.? If I remember right he jumped in several times to save people he didn’t know; that was a hero. But these people that rescue a cat up a utility pole or ascertained a long-lost item that someone had been looking for, for years, is not a hero.

I’d like to express my gratitude to those that have help others, put their life in danger for others, fought in the military, or even given finances, THANK YOU, and I really do mean THANK YOU. Be it a firefighter, a policeman, a soldier, or a civilian on the street.

Our values and meanings have declined over the years at the same rate our soulish laziness and selfishness have been on a spiraling ascent. We have perverted many things and happenings to the point that the words themselves have very little meaning. The old saying; If you don’t got it, fake it and make it look as if you do, is put into force, and many have bought into it.

I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t have added this chapter. I guess I just wanted to get a few things off my chest, and maybe take a look at the backwards evolution of man and what he thinks he’s building to himself.