The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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The Burden of a Yoke

I guess it does sound like I’m gripping a lot about the way things are run in the institutions, and the way so many others have bought into it hook, line, and bait. This also is my Daddy, and I hate to see Him put on display, or treated like He is a man, or brought down to some earthly thing, or especially taught that He can be put in a box on just about every corner of most any town. I am not equal to God, but I do have His Son living in me, and I am joint heirs with Him to the Kingdom. Which simply means that I too, can walk with God, talk, fellowship, listen, you know, have an intimate relationship with Him anytime, anyplace, and not have to go to some ‘thing’ to be taught how I should do it.

The yoke of tyranny that has been put on Gods’ people by those so desperately pursuing an audience, power and prestige, not to mention making a living, is more than Gods’ people should have ever had on them in the first place. Jesus said that His yoke was easy and His burdens are light. It doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to see that all the mess, the rituals, rites, the formulas, rules and so-on, are not light, nor do they come close to that Rock that Jesus set up in the beginning. It does hurt me to see my brothers, my sisters, those in Christ with me, being tormented day and night with some long established hoop-la.

Call me crazy, well, I’ve sure been called worst. Call me stupid, well, if listening to what God has given to is, then some say I am. Call me a heretic, even that I’ve been called worst. Call me a blasphemer, that, I am not. I’m trying to throw a few things, (seeds) out there, that’s going on behind closed doors that each of us in Christ should know about, and hope that a few will take root. This is the beautiful Alpha that we’re talking about, and don’t forget that He also is the beautiful Omega, our Creator and our Finisher. The One that gave us Love, and without Him there would be no Love, the same One that each of us was Loved by while we were still in our sins, running astray, following every idol that came along, even cursing Him, He is that one and only God that Loved us enough to put up with us when our backs were turned toward Him. No! We have not been given the correct information, nor are we apt to be given, as long as man is willing to promote himself in the stead of God.

If I’m trying to promote is trouble, let it be known, that I’m trying to promote the right kind of trouble, the kind that Jesus did in the Temple when He overturned their money changers tables. The same kind of trouble that the Apostle Paul was doing when he went against the many idols he had encountered on his travels. Jesus called Himself a Sword, one that cuts both ways, the Divider of peace, so this that I’m doing is not unheard of, I just want my family, all that read this, to love our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. If I can provoke one to the Love of God or His Righteousness, then so much the better, if not, then let this seed fall inside of you. I can plant a seed, another may water, another may even cultivate, but only God can make it grow.

Now let us go through a few common words used in these ‘things called church’: vestibule, choir, pulpit, pew, baptismal, hymnals, and stained glass. None of these, to our surprise, was ever mentioned in the Bible, no, not even in the Old Testament. Each one is a man-made item, built and designed for man and, (no matter what they say) God has nothing to do with the incorporation of it. The scriptures talk frequently about alters, they are to be made of stone, and not hewed, not altered by mans’ hands, but stone at that, not the wooden so-called alters place under the pulpit of these ‘things’, they are a far cry from the order God implemented, and especially with their hand carved inscriptions. What’s this: ‘in remembrance of me’? These are but a few of the designs man has created unto himself, simply because he has little or no understanding of who God is. Now when one enters into the catholic religion, there are more than a few of these idols created for their entertainment; rosaries, confession booths, and so on, and maybe better mention all that stuff that goes on in Latin, I guess to show superiority and keep their underlings in the dark.

How about we touch on another one of those ‘church’ words? The word rapture has this reputation of being another one of those ‘pie-in-sky’ things that is completely misunderstood. First of all it’s never mentioned in the Scriptures, and the definition given and accepted for it’s meaning is not at all what the value or the meaning is.

John while on Patmos Island was caught-up, or if you will, raptured and given the revelations of Jesus Christ. He was still on the planet, but caught up in the Spirit to a realm that is far above our three dimensions. The apostle Paul was called up, raptured, and went to the third Heaven to receive his messages. There were several times that the men of God were translated to the higher dimension and saw things of God. They were changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, they were face to face with Truth and Love. But we, or those that are alive and in Christ in these latter days shall also be changed, not by our might, but by His. So just like the men of old, we too will still have our feet planted on this earth. We too will have put on incorruption, we too will hear the trumpet, and we too will still be walking in this realm, still on earth, but with a Power that can only be that of God and His Christ. I believe that there will be a startling change in the lives of those that were hidden behind the trees, under the rocks, those that have humbled themselves, and for the most part, stayed out lime light, for they will put on Christ, they will think with the mind of Christ.

Is it starting to come together yet? Are we beginning to see that man built an institution unto himself, and called it ‘church’? And can we see that the same idols are being worshipped that was started with that so-called pope Constantine? And that God and His Only Begotten are being pushed to the side to make room for mans’ inabilities to understand, therefore has built a tower with a lot of babble to look, sound and act ‘good in the sight of those under them?

To go against the norm must be written somewhere as the thing not to do, but in this aspect, I’ve never been accused of being normal. (That’s sort of a joke, sort of). The practice of christianity the way it is being done today, and observed, has been going on for many, many centuries. Each generation following the one before, with all their traditions, formulas and so-on, that it is embedded into to us by design that ‘it’ is the only and right way, it certainly is not.

Remember Moses, he led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the desert, the wilderness, for forty years. But God had a plan to keep Moses and his law from entering into the Promised Land. I’m quite sure that God wanted to show us in these latter days that the law will not cross that river Jordan, but only Grace. That’s the reason Moses was left behind, because he struck the Rock the second time, when speaking to It was sufficient. Therefore, Joshua, which is the same name as Jesus, was given the privilege of leading us across the ‘river of death’ into the Kingdom that God is establishing. To show that the ‘old man’ must die before entering, all the Israelites that left Egypt had to die, and then only their offspring could cross the river and go in to possess the land of ‘milk and honey’. “Lest a man shall lay down his life, he is not worthy to follow Me”, was spoken by our Lord. Until the old wine vessel is destroyed, new Wine cannot be stored inside. When we are made a new creature, created by Gods’ hand, then that which is old will pass away, and that which is new shall be filled with His Wine, the Truth graced with Love.

Remember what God said; “when My people that are called by My name…” This is what each is called to; to turn from our ways to His. It’s not at all too late, and it will happen, but wouldn’t it be much greater to fall upon the Rock, than to have the Rock fall upon us and grind us to dust? The kingdom with two kings will never stand, so one has to be removed for the Kingdom to prosper. And man and his kingship is falling, and Gods’ Kingdom is continually being established on earth as it is in Heaven. As I write this book the children of God are still in the wilderness, in that dry place, being prepared to cross the river Jordan. We are being taught, tempered, and purged of the ‘old man’, and are to be found worthy to take possession through Love, by His most wonderful, beautiful and worthy Son Joshua, now called Jesus.

Maybe it’s time to take a look at ourselves, go against the norm, fall in love with the Creator, turn our back on the traditions of the ‘old man’, and seek God’s face, pray and be healed of all that has kept us anchored to the past.

I don’t have any animosity toward those who have preached monuments to themselves, for I too, when young in the ministry of Christ fell into the same pattern of thinking. The traditional ways have been taught for so many years, with so many in agreement with them that only a very few have looked past and through the weekly rituals to see the Truth. I stood in several pulpits and sat in many Sunday school classes and taught the stuff that was taught to me. Not knowing that I too was a stumbling block and maybe leading some astray. Whether it was me or those today, no one was trying to do anything wrong, no one person is at any fault. All was done in sincerity, and a certainty that all that was being said had to be the truth, for virtually no one else was saying anything to the contrary. Since God is Almighty, and all power is His, then probably all that happened and all that is happening was in His plan from the beginning, or how else could the book of Revelations have been written? For it is written in the eighteenth chapter, verse four, to come out of her, My people.

Of a truth, the harlot is being judged, and the judgment has begun. Not some of us, but all of us are to be tried as by fire, purified. Not one has, or will escaped yet the repercussions, for all of us to one degree or the other are caught up in some way with the harlot, save those that are swallowed up in the bosom of Christ. Babylon will fall, it’s not a question of if, but when. I’m not saying that God is going to take His wrath out on the people, I think not, but the institution itself will crumble. When Christ’s wife is made ready, and that’s what is happening now, and we come together in the marriage, the union of one, the nineteenth chapter says there will be great rejoicing. For His people will be carrying the testimony of Jesus, the Christ of God, and all will rejoice in the fall of Babylon, except those that have made their living from her. Think about all the merchants that make their living from the ‘church’. Even if we don’t count the secretaries, choir directors, pastors and their assistants, those directly involved, there is still the masses of people that make money building their meeting houses, and their fellowship halls. Boards, nails, screws, all the tools that it takes to do it, these too profit from them. How about the new carpet, the pews, the vestibules, the hymn books, the parking lots and so on? Can you see why so many will wale and cry when babylon falls? It’s a money maker.

Thousands, millions, far more than tens of millions have either been snookered in, or bought in this massive world-wide project, and depend on each other to keep it going. When one looks around and sees so many that is in favor of what’s going on, they ask themselves; Why is it wrong if there are so many of us? Surly, we’re not all out-of-line, or are we? It’s the ‘or are we’ that I want Gods’ people to look at. When so many are united in this one cause, and they encourage one another, and they prop-up one another, then it not hard to discover how it all got started in the first place. Well intentioned men, loving God and wanting to serve Him, had to do something, but wasn’t quite sure what to do. They did the only thing that their peers had accepted and therefore went into the ‘their ministry’ the only way they knew how too. These are not ‘bad ‘ people, no, not by any means, these are those that love the Lord and want to make an impact, by carrying the Gospel the only way they know how. And when we let the Holy Spirit that knows all things, and teaches all things, guide us, we will then see that what’s happening doesn’t line up with Him or the Scriptures.

No one person is to be blamed, it’s that dad-burn tree of knowledge and all of us partaking of it, that has driven man to acquire the knowledge to bring himself back to God. And it won’t work. It’s God desire to have fellowship with His people, and running back to the Tree of Life, is the only Way. Turning loose of our learned knowledge, and all that our hands do, and even the places our feet take us, will unbind us to follow Him, as He is a worthy leader. There is no other Door, Jesus is that Door, and all that want to pass through, must pass through Him. That’s called the Way. And after passing through we are given the Truth, and the Truth always leads to Life.

I spoke above about ‘their ministry’, their ministry is theirs’, but God does have ministers, and they belong to Him. There will be no ME’s or MY’s in God order, for all will be HIS.