The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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Come, Walk with Me

Daddy, Joshua and I were still standing close to the pond. It was a wonderful experience for me, and I was now beginning to accept that they were here with me, I was a little skeptical, but am now coming around to accept them. It was still warm with a hint of crispness in the air, as the humidity starts going down this time of the year. The sky was beautiful, for it was not that long ago that the storm came through.

Dad and Joshua were close to each other and were laughing, cuttin’ up, they sure did appear to enjoy one another. Me, I was about forty feet from them, and still basking in the delight of their company. I don’t know if I was day-dreaming or just engulfed in the day, because I really wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on around me, but couldn’t help but see them as they were like two peas in a pod.

I sat down, just letting the Son-shine flow on and through me, thinking about the day thus far, and I was sure doing a lot of that, but was truly enjoying this special time.

Like waking up, I came back to the moment, and started sorting out the many questions that were gathering in my mind. There were at least a zillion things, and most of them questions, going through that noggin of mine, and I was determined to get each one answered.

About that time Joshua walked over to me, smiling that rainbow of a smile of His and asked; “Hey! You wanna go on a walk with Dad and I?”

I couldn’t get the words out fast enough, “I sure do”. Even though my day-dreaming might have taken up a few too many minutes, I wasn’t about to turn down an opportunity like a walk with the two most beautiful men that I’d ever met.

“Come, walk with us. We’re going to walk across this little valley and up to the top of that hill”, He said as He was pointing to a ridge about two hundred yards away. “There’s something I want to show you, and it might help in explaining some of those questions going on in that noggin of yours.” We both knew what He was referring to, He said with a smirky smile, because He knew my every thought.

“You do know that this day is going to end, as We have to leave you in a little while?” Joshua was now using a soft tone in His voice.

“Hold on a minute,” I was thinking, “I don’t want this to ever end!”

“This time that we have today with you, it will end, but we have always been with you, and that will never end.” Joshua said, now walking beside Dad, Him on Dads’ left side and me on the right. “Ross, you will never see this world again, as you have seen it before. We will never leave you comfortless, and now My Spirit will be accepted and heard by you more easily. But there are still a few things that I think you want to discuss.” So we continued walking down and then up through the woods, more or less in a straight line.

My mind was going faster than the speed of light, not knowing what He was going to show me, but I loved every second of it. Then my thoughts went to something silly as I thought that He sure was in good shape, you know, to be walking up and down these hills. But the thought was interrupted by Daddies voice. “Joshua never gets tired when I’m around,” He said with a exhilarating voice, “and I’m always around,” forgetting for a moment that they could hear my thoughts. And then Joshua jumped in and said; “We’ve always heard your thoughts, don’t you understand that We know more about you than you do yourself.”

As we topped the hill that was our destination, there was this humongous tree growing right on top, and that’s where we stopped to gather. Joshua was the first to speak, and I was all ears.

He waved His arm as if sweeping the landscape, and when I looked outward, it had all changed. It was as if I could see the whole world, all the universe, the sky was still blue, but all the stars were shining. The sun was still shining, but it was now a large ball in the sky, and looked more like an oversized moon. And then he proclaimed in His soft but assertive voice. “All that you see is my Daddy’s farm, as far as the eye can see,” and He turned left and they winked at each other, “He made it out of nothing, every mountain, every tree. He made the oceans, the rivers, the valleys, the rocks, the lakes and all that live under the waters. He made the stars, the planets, the meteors, the galaxies, He made it all out of nothing, He made man and every living thing. All this that you see, and all that you can’t, is all My Daddy’s farm, and He made it for you and me.”

It was elegant listening to Joshua talk, and it sounded more like a poem than it did just mere words. He then turned to me and whispered; I know that place that man is looking for, that place that he longs to be, and the Truth has always been with you, but many, just cannot see. Anyone that wants to take possession of my Daddy’s farm will have to come through me, for I AM the only door. To have life beyond your nose or what this world says it can offer, you’d have to lay down your life, as you know it, and follow me, for I AM also the TRUTH and the only LIFE that has substance to sustain eternity. Me and my father come to you today to open up your eyes to the World hidden behind the dimensions that man can see. A Life that is bathed in peace and joy, and a whole lot of love, is waiting those that chose our Life. Yes, there will always be troubles in the world of ‘goods’ and ‘bads’, rewards and punishments, but to the ones that will put away the ‘old-man’ of the tree of knowledge world, will have that intimacy that every man has always longed for.”

As He paused for a moment, I looked into His eyes, and they sparkled of Love, a deeper Love than I had seen previously. My intrigue and dedication was totally on Him when he continued.

“I AM the gift of God to the world, for I AM the Bread of Life and the living Water, and if any man hunger or thirst, let him come into me. My victories are the victories for all that come, for I have traded sorrow for joy, defeat for prosperity, separation for atonement, and emptiness shall be filled with the full presence of my abundance. I endured many wounds that you may be healed. When Dad said; ‘let there be light’, I AM the Light, and all that trust in me shall not be blinded by this three dimension world, but shall see the many rooms of my Fathers’ house, and all are within you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, and why look outside for the Kingdom, for I AM the finished deliverer and King of the finished Kingdom. All my works are done, there is none left to be finished, for all has been placed under my feet and made my footstool.”

As He talked, I sat in amazement, for the strength and validity that pour from Him was like nothing I’d ever heard before. For of a truth; this is the Alpha and Omega, and no other can stand beside Him.

And as He continued to talk, leaning a little closer, His voice got a little quieter, and said; “and all that I have, I give to anyone that comes to me in a pure heart. The world gives troubles, sickness, chaos, and disasters, and many have accepted it as normal, for this cause many are sick among you, and many die. But I have come to give Life and give It more abundantly, to set the captives of the tree of knowledge free, for I AM the deliverer. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of flesh man what my Father has stored for all that Love me and give up their life, for mine.”

Standing not more than ten feet away, Dad jumped in and said; “no other foundation can be laid than that which We have already laid down. If any man hear the voice of My Son and knocks on the Door, He will come in and sup with them. And where my Son is, there I AM also, and when He is acknowledged in the heart, We both abide.”

There was nothing else spoken for a few minutes, and I guess it was to let this melody of words sink in. For of a truth, no one ever spoke as they did, for it had power and authority that I’d never been around.

Still in amazement, and while looking around, I noticed that the sky and landscape was going back to normal, but it was still a magnificent day. Then Joshua broke in, and while I was still in a thought, said: “You are not just a student; you are a partaker in our Kingdom. This plan, this place is in the heart of all those that want this Life with us. But none can be had with the baggage that religion has forced on the ones that seek me. My ways are always pure, based on Love, not the love that the world gives, but that which my Father has given to me. He has set to my charge the Church, the called out ones, they are my people, and no principality or entity or anything else can pluck even one out of my hand, for they were all given to me by my father.”

Whenever I was looking down listening to Him speaks, I was contemplating, it was wonderful, but felt like a dream, but when looking up and into His eyes, He was truly the Christ, and there was no doubt about that. Life emanated from Him, like beacons from the search lights at the county fair, there were no shadows, for His light was coming from everywhere, in all directions, as if the whole earth was aglow. But thinking it was my turn to talk, I asked; “where do I go from here, what is it that I should do?

And before I could settle in for the profound answer, Joshua spoke; “Ross, you are so use to the law, and thinking that you have to go or do, that you are missing the point of just being.”

Trying to follow Him in what He was saying, I said; “I don’t understand, explain that to me, and speak plainly.”

“The law and the letters thereof were up until John the Baptist, and it was then that the Father commissioned me to spread and share His Grace. Even my apostles had a problem with this, for all their lives they were taught to do and go and act a certain way. But I came to reestablish our rightful relationship back with the Father. No one is going to do everything the way it’s supposed to be, the world has too much of a grip on you guys to expect that, but all can give their life in sincerity and trust in us for anything that the Father has given me. You can’t learn to be a child of God, or act like it long enough; people just have to realize that they already are the Sons. Those that don’t realize it go astray and follow any or every format that comes along, and those that come to this revelation, give up doing, and simply just be that Son.”

“Now, I ‘m understanding what you’re saying. To work our way into Your Graces will never work, we’re already in them, I mean you, but if we accept that finished work of Yours, we are already where we’re supposed to be?” I said more in a question form, more than a statement.

At this time Dad didn’t interrupt, but spoke; “exactly, no one can earn my Grace, It’s my Gift. We accept anyone where they are, or no matter what they do. Remember that I told you earlier that I was sorta partial to prostitutes? Well, it’s not just prostitutes; it’s anyone, anytime, anywhere, when people want me as their God, I will never turn them down, no matter what they’ve done, or even what they are doing. Doing so would defeat the whole purpose of Love, I just Love to Love. I would never force my Love on them, and with the Spirit, will nurture, and teach them and Love them every step of the way.”

And Dad continued as He walked over and held my hand. “Do you remember Abraham and his sons? His first was born of the bond-woman, Hagar, but his begotten was born of Sarah, the free-woman who bore Isaac. I was trying to let the people of today see that there is no freedom that can come from the bondwoman, nor her son Ishmael, and all her institutions, for My heirs are all from his wife Sarah. Hagar, the bondwoman, and her son, I had to send away, for there is no bondage in my Kingdom, for it was established through Isaac. Until My people embrace and accept My Grace, where freedom abounds, and since I will not force Myself on them, I wait patiently. I am still to this day casting out the bondage of Ishmael, as it is prevalent world-wide. But it shall not always be this way.”

With a blank face, and not understanding, I asked; “What do you mean it will not always be this way?”

“My people have had to look through a darkened glass, but one day soon the tint of that glass shall fade. The veil shall be lifted, Grace and Love embraced, and the school-of-thought of works, will surrender to the freedom of My Love and Grace. There are many advantages where the both of us are at, for We know that which is yet to come.” Dad said with a wink and a smile.

Joshua almost broke out with laughter, and they looked at each other like They sure had a good time being together. “My true Church does not depend on ministers, laws, schools, or anything else made by man, in fact, you don’t even have to join, I don’t have members. Each are a part of me, and I them. There is no dissention in My Church, and I reign supreme, and all that come without the carnal man involved will be preserved and recued. For We are Spirit, and all that worship Us, worship in Spirit, will leave the ‘old man’ behind. When I be lifted up, and I will be, I will then draw all men unto myself.” This, that is happening, is happening because of Our Plan, Faith is not something one learns, and develops a technique for, it is from the inside that carnal eyes can’t see. Faith is a substance, not a method, and My people are going to understand that. If your faith is in learning more, or doing more of the things seen, and that is pursued, instead of pursuing Me, then that hope is not true Hope, nor Faith. I AM Life, and as many as come to me I give, and the Life of My Father that abides in Me, abides then in you also. My called-out-ones are still in the wilderness, eating manna, drinking of My Rock, being protected by My clouds, being purged of the ‘old man’, and wandering, being prepared, to be prepared to cross that river Jordan, to that place where I reign supreme. As My Father is Head over Me, so I will be to My called-out-ones, and then we will be all as one.”

Liking what I heard, but not completely apprehending it, I asked. “Are you talking about Heaven, the eternity that we all look forward too?”

Not in the least disappointed in me, because He understands that I don’t understand, spoke with patience. “Eternity is where we’re all at right now, it’s not a place, but a time, and the time is now. My eternal Kingdom is alive on earth at this moment, and those that are abiding in me, abide in eternity with me. My Kingdom is not of this world, but it is within it. You don’t have to die a physical death to be in Our kingdom, but you do have to let go of this world. Look to me, all that labor and are heavy laden, I will lift you up, as on the wings of an eagle. My people are in this world, but not of it, they do what they have do in this world, but are not tied to it. They use this world, but the world doesn’t use them. For they look to me to sustain their Life. I said before and I’ll say again; there is none greater born of woman than John the Baptist, but the least in my Kingdom is greater than he.” Joshua paused for a couple of seconds and then continued. “Think not that I came to bring peace, but a sword. I came to bring division in the household, that is the household of the world, and a man’s enemy will come from within that household, but those that abide in Me, and I in them, will abide in Our Love, Joy and Peace forever, beginning now.”

Joshua enjoyed talking, and I could tell that by His enthusiasm, when he was moving to express Himself, it was like a dance, when He talked, it wasn’t just words, they flowed from Him with a power. It was enjoyable, just plain fun being with these two men, for Life and Love sprang from Them like the refreshment that They are. It wasn’t hard coming up with another question, and neither seemed to mind, so I asked; “will you explain the Ark of the Covenant?”

Again one could tell that He too enjoyed this conversation and He began explaining. “Some worship the Ark of the Covenant, for it was and is a symbol of my Fathers’ Love and relationship that He wants with His people. Some think It to be the most Holy of all things, and It is, if one understands It’s value. For the Ark is that which the Father has placed in the forehead and the heart of those that seek Him. I AM the Ark and I AM the Covenant, and it need not be looked for with the outer eyes, It positions itself within those that come to Me. The same with Moses’ burning bush, and the Voice that emanated from it, I AM the Fire, I AM the Bush, and I AM the Voice, and again all that I AM lays within all, and those that believe shall have that intimacy that I share also with the Father. I have built My Church with lively stones, that are those that place Me in their heart, and each one that comes to Me are fitted neatly where-so-ever I place them, that all work in harmony with each other, and I AM the Chief corner Stone. For My Church is being called out of the wilderness and will show Itself in a day to come. And on that day, all will see that babylon has fallen, but individually each can see that it has fallen within them. Then all will know that I AM the Ark and the Covenant, and My Bush will never be consumed. Now, let me ask you something. Do you Love me?”

“Of course I do,” I said, rather startled. “But being here with You and Dad, I can tell that my Love is very immature. I believe it is true and real Love, and immature might be an over-statement. But I love you, and I hope that you can tell that it has deepened in the last years?”

“I live in you, and I know you from start to finish, and I know all about your love for us, I just wanted to know if you knew.” Joshua had some-thing in mind, and I think was trying to make a point.

“Lord, You know all things, why would You ask me such a question?”

Dad spoke this time, and it wasn’t hard to tell they were both on the same key. “Ross, you have spent far too much time worrying about whether you are acceptable or not, and that is part of the reason we both wanted to be here with you today. We have both represented our self today to you in the form of men, and wanted you to know that to us, you are beautiful.”

“Yeah right,” I said almost laughing, “I bet you said that to all the people.”

Smiling from ear-to-ear and now he himself almost laughing said; “we do, but on this day we are especially fond of you. This also has been precious to us, for this is our Life, and we certainly enjoy being with our people.”

I was thinking that I wanted to ask one more question, but I wasn’t sure I could hold it to just one. The day was coming to an end, and I was suspecting that so was our personal conversation. I didn’t want to ask a stupid question, but this one had been on my mind for a couple of hours. So taking a chance of looking dumb, I asked; “Lord, You say a lot of nice things, and not wanting to be forward, I’d like to ask how You talk about yourself this way, and still not be, you know, conceded?”

He reared back, holding His stomach, and horse laughed and said; “That one question is one of the most asked, so no, you are not stupid. If one looks at me as belonging to this earth, or loving with its’ love, or judging with the worlds’ judgments, I can see how they would think that. But in me and my father there is no pride, nor ego, nor vanity, for I AM Truth and I speak Truth. I AM Love, and I know of nothing else. If I speak as a man, then all I would ever have, is a man’s reward. You are Holy, but only because my Father has made you that way, but my Father and I are one, We are the Holy that makes Holy. My voice comes out as a man’s, but My words are eternal, if man spoke as I do without the Father telling him to do so, then he speaks of his own accord. When I say that I AM the Bread of Life, it’s because I AM. When I say that I AM that Rock and the Water that flows from it, it’s because I AM. When I tell you a fish story, there is no fishiness in it, so let down your net on the right side, and it shall be filled. Oh, bye-the-way, that horse laugh was me just funnin’ with ya.”

We all three laughed at that one. Not only were they serious, they were a hoot.

Before they left, Joshua, standing beside Dad said; “We will go back now to Our side, but will not leave you comfortless. Even when you can’t see Us, We are there with you, and will never be any farther from you than we are right now.”


I found myself sitting back again on the front porch, I wasn’t asleep, but to express how it felt I’ll use the words, woke-up. I woke-up laughing, feeling something different inside, and right at that moment I knew things had changed in me.

I just sat there, trying to figure out the scope of what had just happened, I wasn’t tired, and the reason that I sat there in the first place was that my back was hurting, it now didn’t. Sort of in a daze, I began to relax and contemplate all that happened, for it seemed so real, and I believe it was. I looked at my watch, and noticed that it hadn’t been but less than an hour since I’d looked the last time. It kind of scared me, but I just couldn’t get scared, it was weird. So I sat there quietly, absorbing all that had taken place, and loving the feeling that was going on, on the inside. I had a peace, a gentleness going on that couldn’t be explained, and I loved it.

I remembered all that took place, every word, every step, and every thought that my Dad, Joshua, and myself expressed, it was a translating experience. And, did I say that I loved it? I did.

So I just sat there on the porch swing, relaxed and enjoying this time, as it was still several hours before the sun went down. I wish I could relate the change that had taken place inside of me, but I can’t do it the justice that it deserves. So I just sat there.

Eventually I had to get up and go about with my chores, but the experience was always there, and I sense a warmth that had never been that deep inside before. I couldn’t stop smiling, and I sure couldn’t forget those smiles that Dad and Joshua had, their smile and personality was so beautiful that it was easy to fall within the inner man of me. For I have had a Peace within me, since that day that I don’t think will ever leave, of a Truth, God, Joshua and the Holy Spirit are always with us.