The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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David is the Giant

This problem of going whoring around has been going on for thousands of years, and we today are having the same problems that they did. Abel had to do it his way, and it didn’t work, Moses had to deal with the tyrants of his day, and that’s not counting the Israelites and their golden calf, and all their dissatisfaction while traveling through the Sinai. Isaac couldn’t see clearly until his eyesight was failing, and the same is with Jacob. It seems that until we, Gods’ people, are willing to lay our life to the side, close our carnal eyes, and be open to the Truth, that the dark glass that we’re looking through will continue to reproduce the same results.

The Israelites looked around and saw that the other countries had a king, and they too demanded one. This was not what God had intended for them, but with the many years of murmuring God told Samuel to go ahead with their desires. Saul, being a fare man to look at, quite-a-bit taller than any other, and much more educated was appointed Captain over Israel, to satisfy their whining.

Not many years later did God move upon Samuel to find and anoint Israel a king that would rule them with a man that was after Gods’ Heart. And that was David, a young boy, but one that could be nurtured by God and was not polluted by the traditions of man.

Not going deep into the story of David, I’d like to point out a few things that stand out.

Gods’ hand was upon David and he prospered. Even though David had a few bouts with the wrong side of right, he grew to love the Lord of Host. Saul was appointed over several of the tribes of Israel, and David was anointed to be their King. Saul had not a small issue with this, as he alone wanted to be the greatest in all the land, therefore set out to destroy David and any of his would-be followers. Saul had a son named Jonathan, and he and David became very close friends at an early age, and their relationship grew through the years. The story goes that David loved the Lord, Saul loved the glory and himself, and Jonathan loved them both, dad and friend.

Saul continually sought David, as the jealousy ran rampant in that carnal mind of the want-to-be king. David and his few chosen men had to hide out in caves and such to avoid the head-strong antics of Saul. Jonathan tried to play the go-between as he honored his father Saul, but also loved his best friend David. As many times as Jonathan attempted to bring the two together, it never worked, and it wasn’t supposed to. David represented the Holiness of God, Saul the manipulator with his pretty face, high education, and his physical statue, even disguised himself because of the shame of his doings. Jonathan stood no chance of bringing the two together, as God has called His called-out-ones to be separate.

As it turned out, Jonathan was killed with two of his other brothers, and daddy Saul killed himself because of it, and David was wroth in spite of it. We were shown that no one can mix oil with water, you can pour them in the same jar, and even shake them up, but given a very short amount of time, the two will separate.

God has a call out, world-wide, that we are to come out from among her, and be separate, Holy. Babylon is falling, and a few have seen that, but now is the time and today is the day for God’s people to distance themselves from her, in this case the uncircumcised Philistines, unless He has told you something different. For there will probably be a few that He sends to break the doors off their hinges, and shout with the voice of God to “let my people go’. Don’t kid yourself, this thing called ‘church’ is not what Jesus is building upon the Rock, nor is it the straight and narrow that He and His people will travel. Will ‘it’ be used? Of course ‘it’ will, as all things work together to them that love the Lord, called according to His purpose.

Could you imagine King David joining a group to overturn Saul and his throne, or Daniel when he faced toward Jerusalem to pray that there was a mob of people there, or John the baptizer wanting some of the sect on his side when confronting Herod? Yes Jesus taught in the Temple, but was not connected to it in any way, and yes I believe that God’s called out ones meet for the refreshment of others’ revelations, but this weekly ritual that’s gone on these past centuries is a whole different ball-game.

The pastor spends all week preparing a sermon, certainly doesn’t want to look stupid on Sunday morning, maybe even rehearses it a few times, but what if God had a different plan for that particular service? What are the people to do? How can we stuff in all those songs, and get people caught up on the latest infirmities, upcoming weddings and anniversaries, and still have time to squeeze God in, especially if He wants to start an hour late? Some will say that they are open to the things of God, and would go with the flow, but in the many years I too attended these structured systems, I sure never saw anything like that happen. No one wants to admit that they have fell by the way-side, the flesh won’t allow that, so all justify everything that’s done, and only the misguided stuff happens to the congregation down the road. Bull-hockey, don’t kid yourself, the same rhetoric goes on in each and every institutionalized structure that man has put his hand on or his thought into.

What’s happening world-wide in these meeting places ain’t going change, they’re dug in too deep for that, but individually, Gods’ chosen can come out from among her. Too many years, and too much pride is not going to let some knuckle-head like me tear up their sand box.

The “Saul’s of this world are not going to back down for any reason, and Jonathan, no matter how much effort he puts into bringing the two together will never succeed. Like David, we will have to wait on God to arrange the order of His Church, and reveal the impotency and ineffectiveness of Saul and how he, by his hands, education, and good looks were and is going nowhere.

Saul is the outward structure of man and his ability or inability to create, maintain, and prosper with the notoriety and the praise he receives from them that think they want what’s he got, a kingship. And David, called and anointed by God, will have to stay on defense, hide and continue to endure until God moves in His timing to bring sanctity back in His Church. All the Jonathans in the world will never bring the two together, at least in a way that’s constructive.

David not only killed the giant, God made him a Giant, as he went to rule with the Love he found during his trials.