The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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It Stings like a Bee, but We Fly like a Butterfly

Each of us have a longing within our inner man, a desire to find that Peace that was instilled in each at the foundations of the world, when it was being built. Within most, lies an emptiness that has been catered too by everything this world says it can produce, but to no affect. All of us have that hole, that emptiness, that longing to be in the Bosom of God, but many times that call is drowned out by the noise of the world. And those that have fallen into the trap of thinking this structure called church, is the answer, it is not, nor will it ever be. Gods’ church is a People, not a place, that have been called out of the fearful, judgmental, rebellious, covetous, fault-finding, manipulative, vain, haughty, arrogant self-serving control that the man-made structure we call church embedded in the mind of man. Teaching ‘it’ is the one and only place to find God, but instead they each want their egos dilated to feel good about a system having the disguise of working. It doesn’t, and all entangled in ‘it’ will agree, if we would be quiet and listen to that still voice within that reminds us that nothing but God and His Christ can fill that void.

We have been taught for eons that having a relationship with the ‘church’ is the same thing as it is with our Creator, and it isn’t. Many have made an idol out of this ‘thing’, and have built their lives around ‘it’ and will never confess of their harlot worship. All have sinned, and I may have been one of the worst ones, but there is no separation, nor condemnation, to any that seek the face of our Lord. Remember, He’s kinda’ partial to prostitutes, and we’ve all gone whoring around. And remember this also; ‘If My people, that are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land,’ (individually, is each person). So do we continue with this flesh act that serves the carnal man and all his selfishness, or do we come out of her, Gods’ people?

Our freedom came to us free and as a gift, but the cost was no small thing, for the agony of Jesus is that Gift. To desecrate the name, let alone the body of Christ, by calling ‘this structure that we call church’ is no small thing. His Church is made up of His people, and is called out of babylon, which consist of all that serves the carnal mind of man. Stop and think for a moment; Do you think that singing a song, then praying, making announcements, singing another hymn, taking up the offering, singing another song, praying once more and then begin the preaching on cue, is man or God? You know, if it happened this way once in a great while, maybe. But when it happens every single week, without altering much at all, we know it’s man, and his invention.

I’m certainly not trying to get folks to turn away from God and His Christ, just the opposite. But when people go-to-church, and think that they are serving the Lord, angers me. It doesn’t anger me toward the people, but toward the institution, and the ones that promote it, so nothing will happen to their livelihood. Most know what’s going on, and how man has lifted himself above the alter and behind a pulpit, to serve what he thinks is right, but we must stop eating from that tree of knowledge of good and evil. Babylon has already fallen, and the motions that many go through each week are fruitless, but I believe that there will come a time when it is obvious to all that babylon, the great whore, mother of all harlots, has fallen. And, as with Jezebel, the dogs shall eat her, and nothing will be left to even bury.

No, my Hope is that Gods’ people that are called by His name, will wake up, turn solely to Christ and His Father, and come fitly joined together in the true and everlasting Church that Christ formed. The Rock that Jesus said upon which He would build His Church, was the revelation that Peter spoke. And the true Church today is still being built on revelation, and God is revealing Himself daily to many. And all is done with Christ as the Head and His people following Him. Folks, we are being purged in these last days, the Holy Spirit is tearing down strong-holds, and many are being prepared by that same Spirit, to come to God and His Christ by Faith, not by our hands.

How many times have all of us heard that someone would go down to that meeting house on the corner if it weren’t for those hypocrites? How many times have we heard of someone being slandered by a so-called church member? Or how many times have you heard of someone being asked to leave for some uncertain reason, like they just didn’t fit in?

God so Loved the world, and that means every last one of us, no matter what we’ve done in the past, and no matter how dirty our clothes might be, He Loves us all. And when we come together, we come as those seeking a revelation or giving one. The disciples of Christ weren’t the most high-class kind of guys, but were made up of thugs, deceivers, doubters, or maybe a smelly fisherman or two, and remember, He is partial to the prostitutes also. So why do we continue to brow-beat people to come to Him PERFECT? It’s nonsense, we live on this earth with an earthly body and all this flesh is as filthy rags, God wants people that are seeking His heart. God desires those that will to lay down this hype, and their life, to be reconciled to His Son. The Tree of Life is also alive and well today as it was in the beginning. That same Tree lives and grows in the Heart of every man, woman and child, and the fruit thereof when eaten will change man from the inside. Maybe to say it will change man is a little misleading, but will translate us to a new creation, a new man, so to speak a new wine-skin. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the corrupt shall put on incorruption, and only the Spirit that emanates from the Tree of Life will produce that fruit.

The infection of this ‘system called church’ has been so wide-spread that virtually the whole world has bought into it. The deception has been so wide-spread that since at least the third century it has been taught that the system itself is the answer to mans’ cure. These people didn’t set out to deceive us, and feeding off that tree of knowledge, didn’t have much of a choice but to relay the same message that was given to Eve at the beginning. This deception is so deep within man because of the centuries it’s been adhered too, that so many believe the serpents’ message is truth, we were beguiled. Death came from that tree, and death is the deception that has been ministered to us, thinking that we are really ministering life, which wasn’t what was given from the tree of knowledge. Life is the Tree of Life, and no other tree can give that Life. Jesus said that he was Life, and He is, not a system, institution, nor any other filth that comes from the carnal of mind of man, nor his actions. How can’t we have Life and have it more abundantly if we continue in this system called religion?

Many today have bought into the false assurance of salvation, and have been beguiled by that same serpent, (the mind), thinking it, the message from knowledge, will take us to the glorious union of our Christ, only Christ and His living inside us, can do that. Don’t you think that we have heard that song long enough and now is the time to quit dancing with that same serpent? What does a membership have to do with anything? Why do so many continue with this idolatrous, abbreviated alterative for Jesus, when in actuality many are hindered severely from that train of thought? There is no other way, but the Way, there is no other truth, but the Truth, and certainly we have no other true life, but His Life. All else are substitutions, counterfeits. We have replaced a true and real relationship with Christ with this structure called church, and beloved, it ought not to be so. The idolatrous extension of self can be seen and heard around the world, in virtually every cathedral, temple, church or any other meeting place that man has created as a monument unto himself. Yes, that’s exactly what we’ve done, and still doing, building a house and calling it ‘My church’.

Gods’ Church is made up of people, not things, His called out ones may, or may not gather, but no matter what’s done, it’s done by the Hand of God. When God wants to move, He moves, and when he sits quietly, people seem to become restless, but His Church waits patiently. But in these ‘things’ they have to go on with their programs, Sunday-schools or whatever, not willing to wait on Gods’ movement. The Israelites often went whoring around, seeking their own agendas and God told Ezekiel to go to the house of Israel and show them the House of God, the Temple. This was told by God that they may be ashamed of their iniquities, for the house of Israel had defiled the House of the Lord. This is no pretty sight, but God is moving in a people to show the house to the house, that man would turn from his wicked ways and allow God to heal their land.

For some reason, everything that has value will be counterfeited, imitated, or marketed that someone, somewhere can acquire a status, or a profit with their imitation of that, that has value. The true Church is what it is, and is truly built on the Rock with the lively stones that Christ has fitly joined to His union, and carnal man being who he is, has made a weak attempt to counterfeit It. The Church is a people and not a thing, therefore cannot be replicated, for all are not arms, nor legs, nor can anyone except Jesus be the head. But man in his fleshly state has tried to reproduce the real Thing, (the Church), with the image of his imagination, and ‘it’ didn’t work, nor will ‘it’ work in the future. All this said, without the complete fall of babylon, carnal man will never give up his empire. But those that hear God speaking through His Spirit can walk away and come out of her. If we are to hear that God is in the mountains, go not, if we hear He is in the forest, go not, for the same Christ that rose from the grave, lives in you and me, we that look toward Him are the Church. Since God nor His Christ can’t be put in a box on the corner, why do so many flock to that visual entity? Can He be there? Sure He can, God can work through anything, but those that take off the blinders can and will have a relationship with the only King that has substance.

I make somewhat of an apology for being repetitious, but the message must get out to the people, that this thing called ‘the house of God’, is not the Church that He set up through His son Jesus and the Rock that it was pronounced upon. ‘It’ is the extension of man promoting his own self-centered equations and agendas to lift himself up to the place that power, statue, recognition, ego, pride, and the money, sets him apart from others, on a level that is above those that are there to be entertained. This is an atrocity, and I’m certainly not the only one spreading the reflection of the heart of those that promote ‘it’. I agree that many go to ‘church’ because they think it to be right, but they too need to hear what God is saying to His people. Revelations, chapter eighteen, verse four says; “…come out of her my people…”