The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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When you and I were walking in the Garden of Eden, we walked with God. We were with Him and were one with Him. There was a relationship between us and God that was truly a oneness. Our spirit and soul were one, and we walked in a fellowship totally dependent on each other. We were created for companionship, and God said; this is good, this is very good. Therefore it’s not hard to understand that our Creator had a use for man, as man had an inert desire, and total dependence on Him, we were one together.

But as Eve, (the soul), seduced Adam,(the spirit), they both ate of the fruit of the tree that produced one fruit; good and evil. At this time we chose our independence. Receiving that fruit, we ate it, becoming wise to the things of this world, but at the sacrifice of our relationship with God. We surely died. We chose Independence and then saw that we were naked, and at this time put into use our worldly tools of wisdom and made our selves clothes to hide our nakedness.

In a nut-shell, this was mans’ genesis.

Some umpteen years later, God sent his first begotten Son, (born of flesh), to restore our relationship back to the rightful owner, God. Christ was to get back the keys that were seduced from us, thus restoring our dependence and relationship back with our Creator, even allowing Himself to be hung on the cross completely naked to take on our shame, and He did. Our first action after our independence was to hide our shame with the covering of leaves, made by our hands, and Jesus’ last earthly act was to be crucified naked for our shame, thus restoring all that was lost. When I say ‘all’, I mean all that was given up by you and me, Adam and our soul, Eve. We were emancipated by that which Christ Jesus did and gave to us, not that we’re now independent from the garden of Eden in our new given freedom, but that we now have the true freedom to choose God and His Way, Truth, and Life, therefore now we can, because of Jesus, eat of the fruit from the Tree of Life. That is; trade our independent life from the other tree, to a totally dependent Life that God has given to us through His Son. That is REST in Him.Faith. Adam, in the beginning didn’t labor, nor do we that eat of the Tree of Life labor, much less carry a net full of burdens.