The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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April 6th

It’s my birthday.

First they pour liquid fire over his head. Christ whistled nonchalantly. They took off his vest to expose the tender areas. I didn’t want to look him in the eyes, so I wouldn’t feel sorry for him. They turned me around and made me look. He carries angry souls on his back inside a black mist. Now he’s weak. He is Misery.

HE says one day HE'll have nothing of him but the vest.

What is a deity?

Dogs have heightened senses. Birds fly. We speak and think. Our skin breathes and lasts for decades. We have a brain.

God made us all.

The good book says HIS thoughts are not like ours. One day for HIM is like a thousand years. We don’t know what HE is because we've never seen HIM. Sometimes HE's referred to as “terrible” though I've never seen it. Common sense dictates that one wouldn’t create something that could hurt him/her. So if we look at all that God has created - a sun that burns, HE controls thunder and fire. HE’s ancient - very old. Ezekiel described a glorious likeness of a man. In the Apocryphal, Enoch described a terrible burning face.

What is a deity? And since there's only the One, what is HE?

So when you think about it, all of creation is not a puppet, because we have free will, but aren’t we more like robots, living things HE created of all kinds, crawling things and two-legged creatures called “human” that start out as infants and grow into old people so HE can watch us grow and change. We think too much of ourselves. If HE stopped time for 24 hours, we wouldn’t know. HE makes night and day. We’re just life forms no better than a cow or a deer but-for the fact that HE put them under us.

If God had a secret place, how would we know? What we are so puffed up for, I don’t know. Even the angels who have to have more knowledge than us could have their switch flipped just like us.

So with the accusing, it’s mostly in the area of sex with Jesus – or just sex period. Always vulgar. I have weaknesses in other areas, but that’s where he concentrates. Is that because sexual immorality gets beneath God’s skin more than anything else? Why not threaten to bludgeon me or cut my head off? All I get is him trying to perform some sex act on me, ask me about women though I’m not a lesbian – just sexual vulgarity. Is he just a pervy fellow or what?

He’s diseased. He wants to be able to approach me in a dream. Now he’s trying to be my friend when I was a “bitch” two minutes ago. Maybe “bitch” is a term of endearment. He wants respect. When I close my eyes, he’s standing over me at an incline. I was out earlier at the casino. I had a sensation like a hard solid thump like I was punched hard in the shoulder but with a knife. Now I see demons swinging from the cameras, dark mists interfering with the patrons, flipping chips.

He tried to fly into my mouth and nest in my stomach but God pulled him out and blocked my openings. HE told me not to say anymore “what is a deity” and how HE has to work so hard just to have a relationship with HIS own kids.

HE asked me to do this one thing for HIM. I said yes. I trust HIM.