The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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April 25th

9:18 am

Ok. He stung me this morning. Said something about them not caring about me if I have to go through this. I was just waking up - like had just opened my eyes about 5 minutes before. So I get up, get my coffee, and wake up. God reminded me of some things.

But as soon as I woke up this sucka was talking. Started off quiet. Then he’s just prodding at me to try and get a reaction. He's trying too hard. Like can I be woke for twenty minutes? Damn.

God is so funny. HE's like, “I thought you said he wasn’t going to dominate you.” HE's like, “I can't believe you let this thing put you down.”

I’m like, “You’re looking at it. You can see what it is.”

5 minutes later…

God said if HE was me, HE would punch that sucka right between the legs, kick him in the shin and when his head is bowed to the same height as mine, HE would grab him by the ear and tell him to get out. And he'd slam the door.

That just made me feel like something is in my room.

A voice says, “God put him out the door.”

I’m thinking literally or figuratively? Because sometimes with God I have to wait and see what HE means. And the voice answered - literally. I don’t know what to say. On one hand, I think I'm supposed to be scared but God is around and I wanna go back to sleep.

I don’t react correctly in certain situations. Sometimes I think my reactions are inappropriate for the then current situation – whatever it may be.

So I was talking to him again though I'm not supposed to. I was saying that God isn’t gonna let you do anything to me because fathers don’t let things hurt their children. Aye carumba.

So when you think about it, what does a father that loves his children do? Take care of them, protect them, love them. What is the relationship between fathers and their children when they love one another? Do we expect forgiveness, love, and understanding from our fathers? God has done all these things for me and I am NOT perfect.

But what are children supposed to do? Love their parent, respect them, take care of them, listen to them, and be obedient. But HE says if I want HIM to be God then HE'll just be God - if I'm good, HE'll reward me, if I'm bad HE’ll punish me.

I wonder then what’s the difference between a god and a father? They both punish and reward according to deeds. So HE makes reference to the gods of other religions that don’t speak or hear their worshippers' prayers. But then I say they do speak. (I’ve always thought they were demons playing gods.” HE says, no, they don’t speak.

So what would God's children be like – would they be weak or strong? Not strong as in take on more than you can bear, but strong enough to bear what you can.

Our Father says good thing HE’s not a cigarette or he would’ve got me by now.

Don't touch me.

12:02 pm

Got chased by a small dog while out jogging. I can hear the Lord calling me.

6:10 pm

I'm tired of him sitting over me and talking like he’s God over my head.

Back to sex stuff. I’m still very extremely happy. Don’t want to rush.

8:38 pm

So acting like Jesus and in spirit trying to feed me or get me to drink stuff. That’s never happened before today. First it was a white, bite-sized piece of something resembling bread. After I refused, he ate it as if to say there was nothing wrong with it. Couple hours later and it’s a tall, dark cup of something. I don’t trust it. I’ve never laid eyes on the Lord, but I know His spirit – or at least I used to before the “blindfold”. I believe this may be Joshua though.

I remember the Lord sitting with me, being around while I go about, but I don’t remember anything He told me. The effect of whatever He's said throughout the years remain, but specific memories are gone – what He's said dot for dot – gone. All I remember is Him being there.

HE says HE wants me to do this.

9:58 pm

Watching a video about a man that grew up in a devil worshipping household. He took the camera crew inside a witchcraft store and showed them statutes and prayer books with a book cover that showed Jesus being crucified. It was a prayer book, but this guy explained that there were no godly prayers inside. So all the time a body is not praying to God but thinks that they are. He said that inside the prayer book was nothing about the crucifixion or Jesus.

There’s tons of these videos with people either going to hell, meeting the devil, Jesus, God – tons. These are the people we point at, shake our heads at or call crazy. There’s even Muslims that have seen the Lord.

To cause confusion, distract preachers, scare folks into believing God won’t be there – all these things I never before thought about. I never thought of a devil worshipper in church or a demon purposefully wreaking havoc for distraction. We don’t pay it any attention because we don’t believe it can happen to us. Or we scoff and the first thing we say is, that's not real or this person is crazy. Now when you see it, wink.

This guy's testimony of the lake of fire is very vivid:

So all in all, he has no repentance which is really sad. But I'm about to be done with this because it’s really miserable when you think about it – not as miserable as people being misled into following a religion that’s not about God.

Or being like me where you can't recall someone that you talk to daily. I can't remember the Lord and it drives me crazy because the devil plays like Him. There are moments - and I mean moments where I know it’s Him, but I get paranoid. I know him especially when he won’t pray and because he’s so eager to 'lay hands on me'. I’ve been hearing about Joshua in physical form. In other news, the Lord and God are good.