The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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      Just like every possible outcome in the stars and worlds in the heavens above to get to you. We also have free will to love, create, destroy, probe and protect the tree of knowledge and understanding in the imagination and reality with truth to safely roam in and out of reality with our unique abilities and senses.

      Every outcome for the purpose of supporting and growing in understanding of the truths in reality. Creation is attempting to stretch outward into that from which it came. This is also directed to. Every understanding is a slightly different version for the purpose of getting us to as unique children to support the true religion of God the spirit of unconditional love. A life with elders and teachers that can create our Wisdom of God and breath into the life of our reality.

      We are creations fingertips that should be governed by the laws of unconditional love. But we are yet children in knowledge of our understanding of everything. If left ungoverned by unconditional love the lies in false knowledge creates chaos and destruction of truth in the many unique worlds and realities of humanity wandering on our one planet of our parent reality. Every action. Every thought. Every version of government. Every feeling or event in time that ever happened all unique being banked in the body of the Heaven’s through the Holy Spirit. And also banked in our understanding called history in the living book of life. Your mind is the book of your life.

      You occupy a space in time that moves forward. Every space in time you occupy can not be occupied by another if you are in it. So you own it, that space in time your in. Nothing else but you will ever own it again. So protect your reality with the unconditional laws of love.

      Everything you are is being recorded in your mind as if you were in a sector of a hard drive in the cradle of the Heavens. A living record! Written into the book of life. Even when you die. Your flesh is no longer but the spirit is preserved.

      Everything is preserved in a depository of the human tree for the purpose of evolving human which is creations children to be a greater version of understanding than the last. Creations nature of evolution is to have a better tomorrow than the day before by having a better understanding than the day before

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      It is Gods intentions for us to know Him and use the gifts or abilities bestowed to you, That he hopes for us to use and have a better day than the last. Like the ability to Love. Love is the greatest and most powerful ability God of creation has passed down for us to use all the time. It is meant to be unconditional so you can love him and include Love in every experience. Good or bad. Like life and knowledge that dance in the time of evolution so does Love. The more time, space and energy you give love the more it evolves your understanding. Love over time gifts great wisdom. Love contains treasures that are priceless. Love is Gods Spirit. Everything in life and knowledge stacks or moves forward one step at

a time. Up the ladder of understanding into the heavens of God

      Also all the good and bad is used to make us better through the true knowledge into understanding. Even our drive to go to the stars is dictated to understand how for us to go past our environments in realities and learn the body of life. Every version of star. Every version of galaxy. Every version of planets and life are all unique for its versions in testing every possible outcome of creation. The word planet also means “The Wanderer.” It will wander into the best successful outcomes.

      Open your eyes and see that God loves variety and nothing in creation but atoms, molecules and energy are the same. But creation requires us to come out of the chaos of ignorance, and false knowledge to be governed in the light with the laws of Love to preserve true knowledge and understanding. It is a requirement for us to mimic the truth in creation. Creation mimics throughout and this is called fractal theory.

      Just like the chaos that brought an order to the stars into you through the hand full of laws called natural physics. Your chaos must be governed by a hand full of laws called Love Unconditional. That is why the ability to love was gifted so that we can wed with these laws.

      The ability to love in truth is a gift from creation to bring order from the chaos of your child mind that wanders in and out of imagination and reality with the natural physics of the Laws of Love.

      To govern your crazy imagination and free will away from Sins. Lies. Death. Chaos. Destruction. Destructive Thoughts. Actions and Energy that are negative and deemed false knowledge creating a false reality or illusion. To bring order to your child reality so that you do not bring chaos into the parent reality of Life. To teach you to govern a dance with creation in a wedding dance of love, unity and truth. Not divorce in lies and false knowledge of not loving the laws that wed. And causing worlds to wander off the path and collide in chaos. We are One. Genesis 3:22. So we must learn to be wed. To dance. Every society, empire or civilization has a funnel of energy that is in direct proportion to the amount of energy available. (Manpower, Resources, Energy, Wealth, Technology)

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      Throughout time many civilizations or empires have been conquered, fallen and integrated their manpower, wealth, technology and energy into the dominant conquering empires and then have integrated throughout the world.

      This is called the collapsing funnel principle and it is a fractal event of creation and evolution. The empire that is dominated does not have the energy to maintain their funnel of energy, is conquered and the funnel collapses and many die. As a result the dominant empire captures all the resources.

      God allows this to happen throughout nature. All living species have a funnel that is in direct proportion to the amount of energy available. And when it collapses the species, it is then forced to learn, adapt to grow or evolve in population, resources and energy past the last funnel size.

      In the case of man this can also occur. Man answers to the trauma and evolves their understanding of knowledge and wisdom to address the collapse. This leads to man evolving past the last funnel collapse and grows or evolves larger empires and funnels. God also allows such suffering to message man with a lesson that man must turn and depend on Gods will and not their own and wed with his laws to maintain or stabilize.

      The last civilization to fall was the Native American Indian. It is history that the Americas is the discovery of a new world. Yet the Native American was here first. They were called savages but I noticed that at the time the Native Indian had a clue that they were ancient migrants. The bow and arrow. The bow and arrow was used all over the old world for tens if not thousands of centuries. Also we developed guns so I would challenge that the real savages are is the group that has evolved weapons that injure and kill.

1st Law.

“The laws of love must be in front of all other laws, actions and corrections.”

      The laws of love must engage the ring into the wedding dance with all other laws, actions and corrections. Or it ends up repelling into a divorce! The only way to the Heavens is through the Eye of the Needle. The needle is the only way to the Heavens through Jesus Christ the Teacher of Light. The needle of all light and truth.

      Light stitches and sews the light of creation into information and as the information highway moves forward so does the evolution of knowledge. And as you sew the light of knowledge your spectrum broadens into your perception and understanding brings light to the garment of the heavens.

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      This is how the Johnny Apple Seed and The Apple of your eye sees, hears thinks and feels as he or she grows. Love is very elementary. And this is why we use the word elementary because it is a sewing of elements. If you look you can see the fractal Wedding Dance of all Creation. The Body of God. The Rembrandt of Creation. The Alpha and Omega. If you look at all the variety of life it takes a perfect conscious to create the Child of Creation. The fingertips of God that use their index fingers to point out truth in the heavens and the impossible thumb to create. See Gods Conscious? Spread the love in our reality.

“Tether The Trinities In Nature.”

      Some examples in Nature that seem to resemble or reflect the Trinity. It is also designed to deepen our Faith in the Trinity. The Mystery of the Trinity is beyond our understanding but we think that God has left some examples in Nature that reflect His nature.

      “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen”

“O Godhead here untouched unseen, All things created bear your trace”

Light Three primary colors of Light.

      God’s first words in the Bible are “Let there be Light” (Genesis1: 3) and also Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (See John 8: 12). So it is very appropriate that the Visible Light or White Light which we see can be made of these three colors: Red, Green and Blue. Scientists call them the “Primary colors of Light”. Human eyes also have a trinity of three types of light cells. A trinity to interpret all the visible Light rays we see. Equal amounts of these three Lights produces the appearance of White Light in our brain.

The Conception of New Life.

      Dr Scott Hahn gives an example of the Trinity in his book “Rome Sweet Home” and that is when new Life is conceived, when a husband and wife or a male and female become “One flesh” they can with the grace of God become three flesh, that is, a new child is conceived. God, who is the Inventor of all creatures and who has the power to simply “Imagine” all creatures into existence has in His goodness allowed humans to share in His creation of new Life. He has made His creation of New Life an image of Himself. Dr Hahn says that it is as if the Love between the two parents becomes the third (the child). The Trinity itself is a family of “Three” who are One.

The Human Person

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      Because of God’s infinite Love for us He created the Human person in the “Image of God” (See Genesis 1:26-27). As mentioned already in the “Nature of the Trinity” article God is the great “I AM” and each of us is just a tiny little “i am “. We are given the incredible gift of “freewill” in honor of our Heavenly Father and so making us like Him and making us more fully His children. We can use our freewill to make decisions to reject Him or to love Him. That seems like a very powerful gift but if we reject God we are really only rejecting ourselves from Him. Our freewill only gives us great power over ourselves. We are given knowledge of good and evil (our conscience) in honor of the Son of God. By sharing in His knowledge we can share more in His Son ship. Finally we are given our emotions, including our ability to love in honor of the Holy Spirit and so we share in the eternal love and joy of God. Each of us can say “I am”, “I know”, “I love” and “I decide”. We use the last three of these phrases every time we do a good or bad action. The way we use them will determine our Eternal destiny. Body - Mind - Spirit

The Human Mind

      Because of God’s infinite Love for us He created the Human mind. The greatest of his creation and the greatest Bio technology ever known. His best likeness with the abilities to love and discern both good and bad. You the child of god with 3 layers and states or 3 brains in one. State 3, Highest heaven, Most High: Called the Executive state is your higher reasoning and the most high. (Refer to image on page 93.) The God state, it’s your awareness of life’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom in reality, faith, beliefs, and you the soul child of creation with the ability to create into reality with love directing what you create inside and out. Its your trinity of heavens of Love in the child universe of your mind. And you hold yourself in the most high as a child of God with Love at the helm to govern your heaven in the child universe of your mind.

      It’s Matthew 18:3 and Jesus says, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

      State 2 middle level, temptations: The Emotional State. Much attention should be given to the second heaven because that is where Satan and his demons do their best work. It is the place where spiritual warfare takes place. One of the chief ways that Satan tries to disrupt our lives is through temptations, luring us away from God and down a dark path that leads to destruction.

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      State 1 lowest level: Survival State: Am I safe? In the wilderness of man who’s world is served and ruled by the fallen angel? A primitive state that does not see your humanity but responds to chemicals the brain produces when the reward center of the brain fires for committing to a hearts desire. All it understands is the chemical language the brain produces when the child does something rewarding. It does not care if it is right or wrong and it can be very manipulative to the child of God. It temps you into serving it and its desire to be rewarded. It will send a chemical language to the child of God and give him or her physical responses or cravings followed by a thought or whispering in the ear the thought to satisfy the craving even if it is not good for you. It can not tell the difference between addictions, obsessions and healthy rewards. The chemical language good for you or bad is the same if you perceive it as rewarding. It’s purpose was intended to keep you safe and help you enjoy a healthy, good, rewarding life for doing good. However in a world of temptations for instant gratifications with so many choices that are corrupted or rebel on the side of bad or false loves or false knowledge of hearts desires to instant gratifications. Breaking the wing of the spirit and the angel or you the child of God falls from heaven in the executive state 3 and God is the executive of heaven that wars back with truth that the false love is bad. Causing an emotion with a truth language of guilt to be judged by the heaven in your mind for correction that repairs the broken wing and raises the child of God back to the most high

      A good way to believe this is true is to remember that God told Daniel He answered his prayer in the third heaven the first day he prayed, but it was delayed by conflict in the second heaven for 21 days, according to Daniel 10:12-14. Some people go on a 21-day fast because of this information.

      Satan held up Daniel’s prayer in the second heaven. That’s where he holds up our prayers. In other words, Satan comes between us on earth and God who is in the third heaven.

Also the brain has three ways it communicates

  1. Chemical language translations
  2. Electrical language translations
  3. Light language translations

The Solar System

      Looking beyond ourselves to Nature for models of the Trinity, the largest example is in our Solar system. Scientists say that three astronomical bodies (a star, a planet and a moon) are necessary for Life on Earth. They are the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. (Planets revolve around Stars or Suns and Moons revolve around Planets). In unique ways these three bodies are similar to the Trinity.

Our nearest Star the Sun

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      The Sun which is so high in the heavens reminds us of our Heavenly Father who lives high in Heaven, the Eternal Day, and if we look at the Sun we may go blind and also if we saw the Father’s real glory in this life we would die (See Exodus 33: 20). His beauty is so intense that our soul on seeing Him would instantly want to leave our body and fly to Him like a tiny pin to an immense magnet. The Sun reminds us of the fact that if we are very good that one day we will be able to see the Glorious Beatific vision of the Father’s face in Heaven. Blessed Catherine Emmerich said that when Jesus was dying on the cross “darkness came over the whole earth” because something obscured the Earth from the Sun and this was to show us the darkness that came over the soul of Jesus as He was allowed to feel rejected, or cut off and abandoned by His heavenly Father. The Father’s presence was obscured from Him and this was His greatest suffering. It is the suffering that we deserve when we sin because we reject God every time we sin but if God rejected us we would no longer exist. When He felt rejected and abandoned by His Father He cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”. Like the Father the Sun showers down its fatherly warmth on good and bad alike. In the distant past men thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth but thanks to Galileo we know the Earth revolves around the Sun and that seems more appropriate because our lives should revolve around God our Father.

Planet Earth

      The Earth can remind us of the Son of God, “Jesus Christ the Eternal Word of God”. John’s Gospel (1: 3) says “Through Him all things came into being” see also Genesis (1: 3) “God spoke” and by speaking created all Life through His “Eternal Word”. Similarly through the Earth all Life comes into existence and in this sense the Earth reminds us of the Heart of Jesus from where all Life comes because it is an incredible act of Mercy to receive Life and God’s Mercy came to us from the Heart of Jesus. Also it was the second person of the Trinity, the Son of God: Jesus who became an Earthly man. The Earth feeds us our food and daily bread from itself and so too the Son of God feeds us of Himself in Holy Communion which is our Spiritual Bread of Life. The Son of God is the “Word of God” and the word of God in Scripture and in the Church’s teaching is our Spiritual Food for our thoughts. By His words and actions He revealed His Heavenly Father to us. The earth too with all its different colored objects reveals that the white light coming to us from the Sun is actually multicolored. Some people think of the Father as a father of perfect justice but Jesus in His words, parables and actions revealed Him also as the Father of Mercy, Forgiveness, Love, Generosity, Compassion and unending good qualities. The Sun by shining on the earth reveals the Earth to our eyes and the Earth by absorbing some of the Suns rays and reflecting others reveals that those White rays from the Sun are actually multicolored. The earth and the Sun reveal each other to us in different ways, so too the Father reveals His Son to us by sending us His Holy Spirit to enlighten us and the Son revealed the Father to us by His words, parables and deeds. The