The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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ImageEarth itself on which we live can remind us of the Trinity in that it’s surface is one third land and it is two-thirds water.

Our only moon, the Moon.

      The Moon can remind us of the Holy Spirit, it too is necessary for Life on earth because it’s gravity pull holds the earth steady and without it the earth would wobble so much that the atmosphere on earth would be too poisonous for Life. In Genesis (1: 2) we read, “The Spirit hovered over the somber waters” which can remind us of the Moon which hovers from afar over our oceans and draws our tides and global currents. As the Holy Spirit is the Love that proceeds from both the Father and the Son for each other so too the Moon is both white and shines on us like the Sun but it is also a solid planet like the earth. The Moon resembles both the Sun and the Earth. It sheds Light (enlightens) on us from the Sun in the darkness of our lives and also it helps produce the air we breathe on Earth. The Moon does not shine as brightly as the sun on us in this earthly life but in Heaven the glory of the Holy Spirit and indeed of the three persons of the Trinity will be equally bright. When there is a solar eclipse, with the Sun, moon and earth in one line we see an image of the Trinity with the moon between the Sun and the Earth similar to the Holy Spirit as the Love between the Father and the Son. By incredible providence the Sun and the full moon appear the same size in the sky (This fact is visible when the

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Imagemoon is seen to perfectly block out the Sun during a solar eclipse) even though the sun is about 109 times the size of the moon. This can remind us that each person of the Trinity is equal. There are three basic things that we need to stay alive and they are Heat from the Sun, Food from the earth and Air to breathe that we get from our atmosphere, which is produced and maintained by the pull of the Moon on the earth. The Moon revolves around the Earth about twelve times a year and by coincidence the Holy Spirit can produce twelve fruits in Man. (The word “Month” comes from this cycle of the Moon)

The three qualities of the universe are each three:

The trinity of God leads to all trinities in His creation.

Space is one yet three

Height, Width, Depth

Time is one yet three

Past, Present, Future

Energy or Matter is one yet three

Liquid, Solid, Gas

Space + Time + Energy = Evolution

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