The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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      We live in a Trinity of Trinities: Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made .

Fire. Flames of Fire

      Perhaps another model of the Trinity in nature is in the mysterious event or phenomena we call Fire. Fire needs Three things in order to survive or exist. It needs Heat, Fuel and Oxygen. (Actually we humans also physically need these Three things, we need the heat we get from the Sun, the fuel or Food we get from the Earth and we need the Oxygen we Breathe which we get from the atmosphere (which itself is produced by the Moon.) God appeared in the form of Fire many times in the Bible, to Moses He appeared as the Fire in the Burning Bush without actually burning the Bush, again with Moses He appeared as the Pillar of Fire (Exodus 13:21– 22) guarding the People of Israel. In Exodus (19:18) God can manifest Himself as anything in the minds of His children


      ‘Mount Sinai was entirely wrapped in smoke because Yahweh had descended on it in the form of Fire” and later when God appeared again to Moses on Mount Sinai, “To the watching Israelites the Glory of Yahweh looked like a devouring fire on the Mountain top” (Exodus 24:18). In the New Testament we see that God the Holy Spirit descended on Mary and the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday in the form of “Tongues of Fire” (Acts of the Apostles 2:3–4). The Seraphim’s Angels are closest Angels to the Throne of God in Heaven and their name means “Burning ones” because the

Throne of God is ablaze with His Glory. All the Angels and Saints in Heaven are on Fire with love for God. This means that our souls can be on fire with Love or with hatred. We need to feed our Souls with the Fuel and “Food for Thought” of the knowledge of God to be found in the Scriptures, Church Teaching and the writings of the Saints. Jesus is the Eternal Knowledge of God. We need to be in the Heat and warm Presence of our Heavenly Father by living in the “State of Grace” (This means to have repented of our sins and to be free from serious sin). Or rather we need the warm Presence of the Heavenly Father in our Souls. We need to “Love God and Love our Neighbor means all Good and bad people.). To do that we need to Breathe in the Holy Spirit who is the Breath of Life for our souls.

Water Molecule H2O

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      Another example of the Trinity in nature is in the substance Water, which is also vital for our Life on earth. Water molecules (H2O) are made of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. Physically one Hydrogen atom is bonded to one side of an Oxygen atom and another is bonded to the other side. They look something like this: H-O-H,. This can remind us of the Trinity, where the Oxygen can represent the Holy Spirit between the Father and the Son who are each represented by the two Hydrogen atoms. Representing the Holy Spirit by Oxygen seems very appropriate because the word “Spirit” comes from the Latin word “Spiritus” which means “Breath” and as we know it is the Oxygen in the “Atmosphere” which we need to breathe in order to live. It is also appropriate because Theologians say that the Holy Spirit is the “Atmosphere” of Love eternally produced between the Father and the Son. One other reason it is very appropriate is that when the Holy Spirit appeared on Pentecost Sunday to Mary the Mother of Jesus with the Apostles there was the sound of “a mighty wind” and He appeared to them as “Tongues of Fire”. There is only one Greek word “Ruah” for “wind” and “spirit”. We know also that a fire needs Oxygen to remain burning. We need the breath of the Holy Spirit to be on Fire with the Love of God. Water at 0.16 Centigrade has a special quality called a “Triple Point” whereby it can exist as three things at the one time, liquid water, solid ice and water vapor, this is like the Trinity who coexist as three Persons but are one God. It is very appropriate that Water should reflect the Trinity because Jesus uses water in the Sacrament of Baptism to confer Divine Life on us His creatures. In Scripture there are references to God as “Water” for example Jesus told the woman at the well that He was the “Living Water” welling up to Eternal Life.

Atoms - Structure of Atoms

      Perhaps the Trinity also marks the material substance of Creation. Children going to school who learn Science are told that the material substance of Creation is made of atoms, and all atoms are made of three basic particles, Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. They are told that these three particles are the building blocks of all physical substances. Protons have a positive charge, electrons are negative and neutrons are neutral. These particles are reclassified for students in College who are told that there are three types of particles (Hadrons, Leptons and Bosons).


      To conclude, we can never understand fully the Mystery of the Trinity. Before the beginning of our time and the creation of anything God was alone and He was overflowing with Infinite Love for Himself when He decided to Share His Love with creatures that He would “ Invent” into Existence.

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Perhaps God has known us from all Eternity so we just say “ Invent” to help us understand better. Hopefully we will spend all of Eternity gazing at this God of ours, He is not somewhere in Creation. Creation is somewhere in Him. He created Creation so large and so long ago to help us to understand just how Large and how Old He is. No creature, not even the greatest saint or angel, before they existed could have merited or deserved to have been invented and created. Nor can we in our short lives ever deserve Eternal Life, indeed what can we ever do in our short lives of even a hundred years to deserve to live in Heaven for never ending Millions upon Millions of years? Before He created us we did not exist and so we could not deserve to be invented or created.

      Mercy, (which means undeserved) is God’s nature, and like an incredible Santa Claus our Heavenly Father is the real Father Christmas and He wants to give us the stupendous gift of Eternal Life and we can receive that gift through the Son of God because He is our Eternal Life. This gift of Eternal Life was put on the Real Christmas Tree which is His Son’s Cross on Good Friday and is available for the entire Human race but we must be very good and always repent and confess our sins in order to receive it. Our Heavenly “Father Christmas” wants to give us Presents every day of our lives in the tremendous gifts of the many “Graces” , “Knowledge” “Understanding” and “Wisdom”

      God gives us 24 hours a day every day of our short lives and we usually hate spending time with Him. When we realize how much our Heavenly Father “Loves” us then every day is Christmas Day! And as Santa Claus picked Rudolf the “Red Nosed Reindeer” who was an outcast to lead his Sleigh so does our Heavenly Father “cast the mighty from their thrones and raise the Lowly” (See Luke 1 : 52). We call this Goodness of God His “Divine Mercy”. His Sacred Heart burns with Love for us but when we sin we pierce His Heart like a crown of Thorns but we also pierce His Heart if we do not believe that He Loves us no matter how good or bad we are. If you Love someone and that person does not believe that you love them then you feel pain in your heart , well it is the same with God. If we reject Him by our sins we will have to live without Him for all Eternity, but if we are good we will be able to Live with Him forever.

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      In order to get to know the Holy Trinity better we should ask Mary the Mother of Jesus to help us, she is the unique Mother of the Son, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the perfect Daughter of the Eternal Father. She looked at her Son and knew that He was the Son of God, and by listening to Him and Contemplating Him she got to know the whole Trinity better than any other human could. Also we should reflect often about the “Incarnation” and “Passion” of Jesus, that is God became Man in order to suffer and die for our sins. God knew that when He gave “Man” Freewill that He was giving him a very self-destructible power but God has so much Love and Respect for “Man” that He wanted him to be Free to choose to return Love to Him or not. If “Man” rejects God he deserves to lose everything that God gave him including the incredible “gift” of “existence”. To lose our “being” or to exist no more is the most terrifying prospect ever. In hell a person still owns himself or herself. But God gave us Freewill hoping we will choose to Love “Him” and then one day share in His overflowing Bliss.

Christian purpose and values.

      The church of Christ is in the heart. It is not a building and it is the responsibility for every Christian to give Jesus a second chance and be the vessel of the second coming. Disciples are responsible for being the second coming. Look at the evidence when I read the revelations it says to me that this is what happens if you do not be like the example to the world and step out into the world and be the example to the worlds that need him. They are supposed to be out in the world looking for those who need him and teach them his examples by being the example.

      Where are they? In the church! And not being the example. Jesus seeks them out. If we don’t be the second coming out in the world the world will perish. How do I know that disciples are the real second coming and Jesus? Because we all have Jesus in side us given to us by our creator. It is our ability to love. We are supposed to view every human as family and give them the family values. To seek them out and teach.

      Mimic the teacher and be the example. Churches are failing to produce ministers out of their disciples that will minster to the world. Be the second coming and seek the real church that needs the teacher that ministers to them. Mimic Jesus out into the world. The world is family. When I look at the possibilities of Armageddon. I see that the real battle for America is to war with the system that demands money for love before the values of love. Do they love us? No capitalism has a law of profits. A rule that teaches what ever the market can bare. And that is not love it is exploitation!

      We are the 99% that must war with the system eventually or many will perish. And many do. Don’t they? Yes they do because of the system that does not provide with out you paying for it. It teaches us that money is the root to all evil. If that is so. Who has the most money? America and its system! So we are supposed to war with the Devil right? Well then be the second coming and war with the system and go out into the world and form your army. That increases your population that can change the system or eventually we will have to anyways.

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      Don’t wait for creation to send Jesus! Jesus is already here. In us. Proof is our ability to Love. So teach Unconditional Love to those who need it. It is our responsibility to minister to our family who needs it. Look at your family. Don’t you have to teach and minister the family values to your family? Yes so why stop their when we are all one humanity. Family! Teach the values to them and you change the world. Correct? Yes! Their is no other way or you will be at war with a system that fails to be the example of love.

      Be the teacher that seeks out 3 teachers that will teach and seek out 3 teachers. And leverage the leverage that is needed to change the world. Network market Jesus into the world. Network out into the network! The true family of Jesus!

Level 1 = 3 Teachers

Level 2 = 3x3 = 9 Teachers

Level 3 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 Teachers

Level 4 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 81 Teachers

Takes Two to Tango

      Look throughout, it takes two to tango the replicated dance of life. While reading these keep in mind one can not be without the other and the spirit of love when applied ei-

ther nurtures you or guards against

God & Devil

Heaven & Hell

Life & Death

The tree of true knowledge & The tree of false knowledge

True & False

Positive energy & negative energy

Odd & Even

Positive thoughts & negative thoughts

It takes two to cooperate

Plus & Minus

More & Less

Night & Day

Light & Dark

Sunrise & Sunset

Woman & Man

Mother & Father

Girl & Boy

South Magnetic Pole & North Magnetic Pole

Attract & Repel

Push & pull

Black & White

Right & Wrong

Good & Bad

Right & Left

North & South

East & West

Action & Reaction

Expansion & Contraction

It takes two to make a quarrel.

Marriage & Divorce

Hot & Cold

Matter & Anti-Matter

Up & Down

Top &Bottom

Pro’s & Cons