The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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is proving it. No matter what people say to try and make pornography seem normal or harmless, there’s enough evidence out there that says it’s not. With porn being so available, affordable, and accessible, you’ve got to know what you’re up against. Learn the facts about the negative effects of porn—all of them, there’s way more than just the link between porn and sexual crime—and you’ll think twice before looking at it.

      False knowledge in the parent universe or reality that your in now is like anti matter to truth in the knowledge tree of the society.

      False knowledge has no home in our reality and repels away in the realm of truth while in turn truths attracts more truths. False Knowledge turns the fractal order of true knowledge in reality into chaos and destruction of truths and can result in chaos of your reality by acting out in false knowledge.

      The devil is a lizard brain that controls the human by training the mind of the human to seek instant gratification in the form of heart desires. Heart desires are what the mind craves to ring the dinner bell of the reward system of the mind because the lizard brain is primitive and does not see your humanity. It responds to the addiction of the chemicals that the brain produces. Slaving the human to chase what the lizard brain what’s most of all the chemical response of the reward system. This will effect the humans decisions made to sin feeding the lizard brain. It will then create guilt against the conscious of truth and guilt will fester into self punishment, pain, anger and fear.

      The “lizard brain,” The true devil is the primitive tenant in a person’s skull, is easily fooled into thinking that just because something feels good, it is actually beneficial. As writer Jim Dickey (25 years sober) says: While the concept is no longer fully embraced by most of the scientific community, the term reptile brain, lizard brain, or monkey brain was picked up in recovery circles as a way of describing the parts of the brain which are evolutionarily primitive and control our emotions, drives and urges.

      Although more of a metaphor than an anatomical reality, the evocative image was adopted by Terrance Hodgkin’s, an addiction researcher with 14 years of sobriety. The primitive lizard, or base, brain falls for the cruelest trick played by addictors and addictogens. A user starts out thinking this will be the romance of a lifetime, but the honeymoon ends swiftly. Hodgkin’s notes:

      A “virgin high” is the high you get the first time you take a particular drug. It is often much higher than anything you will ever get from that drug again … if you keep on using that drug, then it stops working, and won’t kill your pain any