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habit of calling it “The Addiction Monster.” The Lizard Brain Addiction Monster wants what it wants now, and does not give a fig about long-term consequences. Instant gratification is the only game in town. As Jim Dickey phrased it: It is the Devil in your mind that effects both your inner universe and the world around you. Given the power to control you it will and use every trick in book to maintain it’s diet. The diet is often falsely influenced hearts desires marketed by business, illegal drug trades, media and even word of mouth and peer pressures in the world. This means it has the ability to negatively alter both your reality in the mind and the world you forge and tread in because of its lies and manipulations

      The short term goal is to give in to the addictive behavior, which conflicts with the long term goals of being happy, productive and experiencing love and companionship while living a life which honors our values. Even though dull-witted, the reptile brain is at the same time dangerously clever. The Orange Papers website contains comprehensive lists of all the sneaky, persuasive, undermining things the Addiction Monster will say to the recovering addict — and say, and say, and say. Fortunately, Hodgkin’s also includes ways to overcome the reptilian tactics and ploys.

      Still, we have to give the lizard brain its props for keeping us alive by, for instance, pushing air in and out while we sleep. And it tells us to eat food, without which we would starve. It must create this need, or the whole ball game is over before it even starts.

Hodgkin’s writes:

      Food is our first addiction … If we don’t get our fix, we start to experience withdrawal symptoms like stomach aches and headaches, and then we develop a snappy short temper, and feel weak and shaky. Then we will start feeling desperate, and start thinking about stealing or mugging someone to get money for a fix. And the longer we go without a food fix, the worse it gets. That sure sounds like a strung-out junkie to me.

The Reptilian Brain and Power Addicts.

      The reptilian brain and addiction to power go hand in hand. They are personalities ruled by emotions that are primitive, very aggressive, and have a lack of empathy, and the only thing that exists is the pleasure of domination and concern for self. In their minds self-control does not exist, much less concern for anyone else.

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      It was Paul D. MacLean who, in 1952, presented his theory of the evolution of the reptilian brain to explain emotional processes and their changes throughout our evolution as a species. According to the famous psychiatrist and neuroscientist, human beings of today have continued to maintain three basic structures: a reptilian brain, a limbic system, and a brain that is new and complex, responsible for higher functions, the neocortex.

“The secret of wisdom, power, and knowledge is humility.” -Ernest Hemingway

      If it is true that neurologists agree with this concept that alludes to the biological evolution of our brain, it is no less true that they appear skeptical to the idea of a “fragmented” brain and a lack of harmony. They think that defending this last conceptualization would be like defending a radical, almost obsessive distinction between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which has been trending the last few years.

      We should view the human brain as a whole, any other way and we would be wrong. It is not a puzzle, but rather an organ with certain specialized areas that connect with others in order to perform certain functions as a whole, like an efficient machine that is always perfect. Now then, on occasion, the activation of one part can be highlighted, especially when talking of emotions.

      People whose behavior depends on their instincts, leaving behind emotional balance and the control exercised by the limbic system and the neocortex, are acting under the opinion of a very concrete and exclusive part of our brain: the reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain and our irrational decisions

      We have already discussed the fact that there is a very concrete personality type that is led exclusively by their reptilian brain: those who are addicted to territoriality, to control, domination or even aggression. Does this mean that everyone else has this deep, innate, and atavistic area of their brain?

      Absolutely, and the experts in neuromarketing know a lot about this. The reptilian brain, that old and dark companion, also controls a lot of our basic functions, and our instincts. In fact, tasks such as breathing or the feeling of hunger and thirst are under its control, as well as the more primitive emotions of desire, sex, power, and even violence as a means of surviving.

      The advertising industry knows that human beings are almost always ruled by the reptilian brain when deciding on one product or another.

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      For example, the smoker will keep buying tobacco knowing that they can die, and they will do it simply because they need to satisfy their addiction. In these cases, the neocortex, the logical part of the brain, does not have a voice nor a vote. So much so that the experts in neuromarketing know that the ability to make decisions in these instances does not reach 20%.

Power addicts and low emotional control.

      Comparing a despot who is controlled by the personality of a three year old can sometimes be a pretty accurate metaphor. That is for a very simple reason: for their lack of self-control when it comes to managing their emotions. David McClelland, well known motivational psychologist and famous for his theory on needs explains that human beings are basically characterized by three goals: relationships, achievements, and power.

“Exercising power corrupts, submitting to power degrades.” -Mijail Bakunin

      There is a need in every one of us that stands out. Some will value relationships more, those who aspire to reach certain goals, and those who simply have just one obsession: exercise their power wherever they can.

      These will be the basic characteristics of a profile associated with this type of personality: They are energetic, in tune with the outside and establishing new social relationships with those who appear to have great friendliness, a closeness, and an exaggerated openness.

      However, this openness, in reality, hides a camouflaged interest: know in order to control, know in order to blackmail, and create alliances by which to gain more power.

      They are people who are always on the defensive. At the very least, they feel hurt or betrayed, when this happens they do not hesitate to act aggressively.

      They tend to lose their temper very easily because the reptilian brain lacks filters and control mechanisms to manage anger, rage, annoyance, and even fear.

      They are incapable of being receptive or empathetic to the needs of others, because this deep and intimate structure of our brain lacks emotional coherence, equilibrium, not enough strength to distinguish between instinct and reason.

      In conclusion, although we may each know someone who fits this profile, we need to keep one thing clear: the reptilian brain, without a doubt, guides many of our reactions and choices. However, we should not allow it to take control of all our behaviors.

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      The theory of the ‘reptilian brain’ is vital in understanding the world of our emotions, and above all, to be conscious of the ultimate need to invest time and effort in proper emotional development. Just as we exercise our body and try to develop our intellect each day, we should be better at managing those urges, those primitive emotions that, although it may be hard to believe, rule a big part of our life.

      The second coming and Armageddon are fractal they can occur in any world including your own. The second coming is allowing yourself and the world to give Jesus a second chance and cleans the worlds of the weeds and thorns that corrupt the body, mind and spirit. You must become Jesus and allow Jesus to teach you and the world in action. The natural physics of Jesus is Love love first and use the laws of love to yourself and the worlds around you. The laws are the 10 commandments and forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, fortitude, charity, pity. These are the laws of love. We care all gods children and we are all equal from birth. Allowing yourself to judge who and how much you or another deserves is defeating what love is and teaching the world to judge. Though shall not judge in a world of false teachings. We must all understand that given the right set of circumstances anyone is capable of anything and circumstances occur when we fail to be love. If you are reading this writing commit having the church of love inside to being a second coming and teach 3 to be a second coming that finds three. And Jesus will forever be in your world and every world that you come in contact with including the world we live it. Be a teacher to yourself and others in the laws of love. Because that is what Jesus is Love and the example of love. The beast in the bible has 5 crowns or heads representing the nations of the mind that war with the truth and false love or false knowledge. Be the teacher...

Brain vs Society

      There is a pathology with the individual brain and society. Society will produce dominant markers into the pathological mind of societies or cities landscape and then mirror it back into the individuals mind. Example: Liqueur stores market addictive products to sell for profit. The mind is a mirror to the soul and it is also a reflection that supports the illusions of guilt, judgments, anxiety , personalities, and depressive disorders. This is a planting of what the majority will index finger or point and forge into the reality of a society.

      Then use the imposable thumb to impose the Planting of Weeds in the land of society and the seed of a thorn that grows into a weed in the mind, You visit the thorn and it grows into a weed. And you blame your self and others as well as your environment of weeds. You eat more thorns and they grow into weeds. See the mirroring or replications that takes place in the child’s mind because of the society mind or landscape?

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      The Index finger is how we point to things we like or dislike. The dominant likes of immoral false knowledge that are in a society will heart desires access to a relationship with the desires that stimulates a pathological reasoning to the reward center in the mind. It is the bad habits of a societies mind that creates the bad habits of the individuals child minds into a broad spectrum of perversions. Much like darkness leading away from the treasures in the heavens of truth and love and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It works like a Doppler effect. The Doppler effect is a law that will change the frequency of the light from the color red for things leading away from you and blue for the heavenly blessings that lead to you.

      So what do you do with that perception to clean it up? You flip the coin in your priceless head. You bring on your red and feed them with blue. You put out the red fire of hearts desires with the blue water of life. Again see how you cleans the child mind and the reasons given by the society landscape? It mirrors.

      Good or bad the rainbow of light is a vast spectrum that can lead you to a spectrum of replications and attractions. Attractions unite the minds and replications divide into specific colors of false love and the disease of hearts desires produces both.

      It results in many symptoms of a society that transfers the symptoms back into the child mind in the form of a disease. Example: The addictions to cigarettes drugs or alcohol. It always starts as a gateway by society. Always! Love trumps Hearts desires every time and it the practitioner to defending or curing many illnesses effecting our society. Instead of allowing them to poison our children. Remember - The pains and guilts of making poor decisions will produce an emotion from the heart of conscious that speaks to the mind and warns you of a harm in progress.

      You then produce an illness of self punishments because you do not understand the light. The laws of light is the secret hand shake that allows correct communications with the brain to the heart that is always speaking the truth in defense of the light of your life. Now self punishments will mirror back into a society in the form of persecutions. And both the society and the individuals in a society will produce, support and strengthen many of the pathological diseases mentioned above into a dominant marker. The systematic dominant memory markers of both the society and the mind are then reflected back into reality. Prison systems only persecute to save money on proper corrections,. I call it revolving door justice. Every jail and prison should have paths of love in place before and throughout society’s development.

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      One hour to the correction curriculum Monday - Friday that increases in understanding in the disciplines of the universal laws of love and human will. Love for yourself and others is the natural healthy path. Placing the pathological foundation for governing self control of thoughts, feelings and actions. The trinity of self control. Before the system of hearts desires has a chance to wire the brain paths and therefore the life into a bad habits of false loves.

1st law.

The laws of love must be in front of all other laws, actions and corrections.

      Society is a replicate of the minds of dominance. We do this to get along. But it is a false belief. You the individual is like a neuron that travels to and from the dominant locations in your society and the relationships are like memory cells that are in our society. Likes and dislikes. Emotions of self and the relationships to the emotions of others.

      The relationships to what you see, hear, think and feel coupled with your actions vs the relationships to what they see, hear, think and feel coupled with their actions. And all the neurons as people travel a path to their unique likes and dislikes that will develop many true or false markers and then create a replication that occurs in a true or false perception in the dark or light that severs communication at the synaptic pathways. Synaptic pathways is where you share. In other words you do not communicate with the handshake. Open your hand and take the hands of others in spirit. Be aware and share truthfully.

      These synaptic pathways are between our people in society that are failing or wedding to transfer and communicate or produce healthy information in the form of the loving handshake or divorce in a pathological disease .The divorce blocks all the minds and gives all a form of attention deficit disorder. The first symptom it produces is a false perception of a individuals mind to other persons or neurons into the body of societies whole mind. Keep this philosophy in mind the next time you either hear or are about to repeat false knowledge. Because false knowledge is a greater crime than ignorance.

      In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, “Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?”

      Socrates”Wait a moment,” Socrates replied. “Before you tell me, I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Test of


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      “That’s right, Socrates continued. “Before you talk to me about my student let’s take a moment to test what you’re going to say. The first test is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

      No,” the man said, “actually I just heard about it.” “All right,” said Socrates. “So you don’t really know if it’s True or not.”

      “Now let’s try the second test, the test of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?”

“No, on the contrary...”

      “So,” Socrates continued, “you want to tell me something bad about him even though you’re not certain it’s true?” The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.

      Socrates continued. “You may still pass though, because there is a third test - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be Useful to me?” “No, not really...”

      “Well,” concluded Socrates, “if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all?

      The man was defeated and ashamed. This was the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

      The first sin is a false perception in self that leads to the second sin of judging others at first glance. This is because we are strangers in fears or judgments that are in our minds eye and perceptions fail to use the loving handshake.

      The result is a false perception of all the above in a systemic disease which forms the third sin resulting in the false action, lie or false knowledge. You first lie in false knowledge of the perception in self. So the pathology to practitioner the disease is, “Thou Shalt Not Judge” and stay in the true visible light spectrum of Love that leads you like a lucky leprechaun into your perceptions to the true treasures of the pot of gold.

      Which allows you to see that the true visible light spectrum in the colorful rainbow of the light in life. Making life joyfully colorful when you see your own perception as a unique color in the true spectrum of visible light and it also replicates in you to see that every human has their own unique spectrum in the colors of the rainbow and it will begin to look like worlds of different colorful perceptions.

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      Mt. Ararat is the mountain mentioned in Genesis 8. It is the mountain where Noah’s ark landed and Noah saw the rainbow of God’s promise. Noah and his family came out of the ark and made offerings and praised God. God promised never to destroy the earth with a flood of that magnitude again.

      If Jesus is in the Hearts of Man and also God. The first commandment signifies the result of first sin. False Perceptions so the law is Love yourself in Lord Jesus Christ and God. (1. Love no other God. I am the “LORD” thy God.) Loving your Lord Jesus Christ, our God and yourself allows you to see the triangle to seek in the light the pupil and teacher in the laws of love. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the thread that sews.

      If Jesus is in the hearts of man and also the only God and Lord. Then the second commandment also signifies the second sin. False Gods that rule over your perceptions. Like an idol of self (A Demigod) or the Idol of a belief that rules and misdirects your sight into a dark perception that distorts your kingdom of reality. Removing the light in your perceptions to see others. (2. No other gods before me.).

      If Jesus is in the Hearts of Man and also the only God.

Then the third commandment signifies the third sin. False Knowledge or False Beliefs. (No graven images or likenesses.) This results in the delivery of false images of knowledge and the likenesses entering the reality that can dominate the memories of you, others and the society mind. Damaging the perceptions of reality and numbing the Love into Hearts Desires. Heart Desires are a destructive substitute teacher with the classroom of every experience. A school of hard knocks.

      Every experience is food to be treasured in the mind, body and spirit. And the darkness blinds your treasured pursuit that every human desires most of all. To be loved and self loved in the treasured memories. And your life becomes a treasure chest. The cure for the pathology allows you to see the kingdom of heaven in the gift of a heart that creation bestowed upon every human being, “On earth as it is in the heavens” So I argue that Jesus and God are here on earth in the Heavens and Jesus speaks truth in the heart of every man. While the God of all knowledge speaks in the Body of all Creation. And the laws of the light join the two or more through the Holy Spirit forming The Spirit of life is the small groups of natural physics of the laws of love that tether the communication into an order of understanding. The Secret Handshake that brings chaos into order. Love conquers all.

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      True knowledge and words also hold a fractal treasure and replication of reality. False Knowledge and false words are corruption. The king of all thieves. Our streets are like arteries and neuron pathways that supply all the child minds and the mind of societies land with dominant locations or hubs of information that transfers when we gather our thoughts and interact. This interaction either tethers the secret handshake in truth. Or interrupts the transfers of truth creating. A break in communication. It can be either treasured or harmfully rejected.

      The mind of humans also replicates the same systems of knowledge into society. And a emotional attachment to a dominant focus in the world will replicate it’s dominance into your mind and others. And the greed and glutton for anything will create the dominance in our reality. Always listen to the hearts emotions they speak truth always. It is like the safety conscious guides of a road or hwy. The stitching of dotted lines tell you if it is safe to pass. You already protect and care for yourselves in so many ways. You must wash your society. Putting 10% into your society can make all the difference in the world. It creates a more loving environment. And Love unconditional washes the body of all worlds in reality in the Wedding Dance.

What is Wrong with America.

      America is in trouble. At 54 years of age, I’ve lived long enough to learn that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can turn this country around; no political party or politician is the answer. The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ. I want to challenge

Christians to boldly live out their faith and to pray into action for our nation, ideals and its leaders. I want to encourage Christians to get out in your local areas and participate, uphold and promote biblical principles of life. I want to strongly urge Christians to run for public office at every level—local, state, and federal. To infiltrate with morality.

      Taxpayers, entrepreneurs, and everyday citizens suffer when the government bestows privileges like monopoly status, subsidies, bailouts, loan guarantees, and targeted tax breaks on particular firms or industries. For decades government-granted privileges misdirect resources, impede genuine economic progress, breed corruption, and undermine the legitimacy of both the government and the private sector.

      I am going to use the relationships with Media Sex,

Corps, Business, Food Industry, Medical Industry, RX Drugs, Heroin , Methamphetamine, Cocaine and all the disgusting addictions with America greed and glutton that crush the Children of America and The Children of God.

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      Like God and family of America that we all treasured and abandoned. The same words in our bible that says. The Child Is Held Most High in the Kingdom of the Heavens. We all know that the Ameri