The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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ery star in the universe. This light consists of all the different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, including light, radio waves, and X-rays from the family of new stars.

      We name regions of the spectrum rather arbitrarily, but the names give us a general sense of the energy of the radiation; for example, ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths than radio light. The only region in the entire electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes are sensitive to is the visible region in the spectrum with 360 degrees of needles and threads of every color of the rainbow stitching a garment out into space. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths, < 0.01 nanometers (about the size of an atomic nucleus). This is the highest frequency and most energetic region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays can result from nuclear reactions and from processes taking place in objects such as pulsars, quasars, and black holes.

      X-rays range in wavelength from 0.01 – 10 nm (about the size of an atom). They are generated, for example, by super-heated gas from exploding stars and quasars, where temperatures are near a million to ten million degrees.

      Ultraviolet radiation has wavelengths of 10 – 310 nm (about the size of a virus). Young, hot stars produce a lot of ultraviolet light and bathe interstellar space with this energetic light.

      Visible light covers the range of wavelengths from 400 – 700 nm (from the size of a molecule to a protozoan). Our sun emits the most of its radiation in the visible range, which our eyes perceive as the colors of the rainbow. Our eyes are sensitive only to this small eye of the needle portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

      Infrared wavelengths span from 710 nm – 1 millimeter

(from the width of a pinpoint to the size of small plant seeds). At a temperature of 37 degrees C, our bodies give off infrared wavelengths with a peak intensity near 900 nm.

      Radio waves are longer than 1 mm. Since these are the longest waves, they have the lowest energy and are associated with the lowest temperatures. Radio wavelengths are found everywhere: in the background radiation of the universe, in interstellar clouds, and in the cool remnants of supernova explosions, to name a few. Radio stations use radio wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation to send signals that our radios then translate into sound. Radio stations transmit electromagnetic radiation, not sound. The radio station encodes a pattern on the electromagnetic radiation it transmits, and then our radios receive the electromagnetic radiation, decode the pattern and translate the pattern into sound.

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      Now the family of light will allow all other mass with slower orbits of bodies to be detectable information allowing us to form knowledge and then understanding. Like astronomers will use Doppler shifts to calculate precisely how fast stars and other astronomical objects move toward or away from Earth. For example the spectral lines emitted by hydrogen gas in distant galaxies is often observed to be considerably redshift. And blue for moving toward. There is a fractal relation to the mind and the parent universe, many images of the universe will look like a network in the mind. As if our minds and spirit were created or replicated to replicate and create in the parent universe, A Symbiotic life ecosystem that has many amazing fractal representations like trinities throughout creation to assist us in affirmations. The living, intelligent body of creation and of life is also the beginning of knowledge. All a living tree of life and light in the cradle of the heavens.. One. The Body of God.

      And so begins a nursery for the birth of the children that we are all made of. The adult stars that explode outward giving birth to the periodic table. The family of children moving forward out into the universe. They are governed by a handful of natural physic laws of unity that bring the children into order on the merry go round of chaos in the playground of the Universe.

      Natural Physics “knowledge of nature”, is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. One of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, the main goal of physics is to understand how the universe behaves.

      Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennial, physics was a part of natural philosophy along with chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics, but during the scientific revolution in the 17th century, the natural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy.

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      Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons, advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization, and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.

      The periodic table will then begin to form wedding rings of planetary systems that also follow the same natural physics as the parent stars and galaxies in the parent universe.

      Planets and How They Formed. The planets in our Solar System are believed to have formed from the same spinning disc of dust that formed the Sun. This disc, called the solar nebula, was composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, but also had other elements in smaller proportions.

      The word planet means wanderer and the children planets have the love of the wedding dance to unite and make the family of life called “The Heavens”

      Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe, by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic out gassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost no oxygen. It was rich in carbon dioxide and the first miracle of life to wed was plant life and algae in the water and oceans along with moons gravity stirring the atmospheres carbon dioxide into the algae rich waters. Transforming the atmosphere into the symbiotic matrimony of oxygen and plant life required for our turn to be a miracle. The miracle was one of many that wedded through time that paved the way like countless stepping stones of miracles dancing into the miracle of the human child of God       Humans take in oxygen into their lungs and breathe out carbon dioxide. Algae and plants absorbs our exhaled carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen but they also return a little carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Algae also need water and they find their nutrients in the water. ... They give oxygen to the environment. The oceans produce more oxygen than all the plant life on land

      The cradle of the heavens will wander, stitch and sew into the earth then into the animal kingdom and all the way up to you, the child of God and give you a garment to live in. The creation of God has a conscious that has been building the laws of evolution that uses all the children of his creation to tether with his mind in a see all, know all understanding of the conscious of light in space and time that moves forward. And every body in creation even all life where ever it is in time it can only occupy that space in time and no other body can own that space in time. You own it and no other can occupy it. It records like the mind records or a record recorder with a needle of light on the surface of space and time. Forever there like a tape of its time-line to the end of time.

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      Now you the child universe in the heart of creation has a religion of wedding with creation in understanding the knowledge of the parent universe in the child universe of your mind. “A child is held most high in the kingdom of the heavens.” And Saint Nicholas will gift the children of God in the presents and treasures of love, knowledge, understanding and wisdom of life stitched and garnished in the light. Because the playground of the child universes mind, body and spirit a self trinity that requires the love of the parent universe and child universe to wed and stitch a veil into the family. To unite into the wedding dance of true knowledge of both universes into wisdom and understanding. Civilizations and every child of God and creation has been following the light since the beginning. Like the milk of the way to the Holy Spirit that provides the unconditional loving nutrients in the form of knowledge of Love to nurture both universes into understanding. Nurturing knowledge like the milk from the breast of creation into mother earth. That eventually replicates into the minds of the family of man.

      Now Jesus. Was the Son of Man and The Son of God. He was also God. Which are the Three Crowns and Rings of the religion of love and light called life. You Wed with all. He was light of love. Wedding the Three Wise Men. He was the light of truth.

      There are also The Five Crowns, also known as the Five Heavenly Crowns, is a concept in Christian theology that pertains to the five crowns that individuals can receive after the Last Judgment. These are the Incorruptible Crown, the Crown of Righteousness, the Crown of Life, the Crown of

Glory, and the Crown of Exultation. In the Greek language, stephanos (στέφανος) is the word for crown and is translated as such in the Bible, especially in versions descending from the King James Version. These five rewards can be earned by believers, according to the New Testament, as “rewards for faithfulness in this life”

      He was known as The Teacher of Light and came as Light. He was above all a Walk of Unconditional Love. He also had a finger on creation.

      His teachings of the truths of love were very universal for the times. Because he was light and able to penetrate many walks of life, pagans and also many religions of beliefs. The Vale is the holy spirit. Gods Spirit of Love of the wedding dance that can travel through and is tethered or wedded with everything. It is the living water or rain of energy that tethers everything of creation to the cradle in the Heavens. The energy is everywhere and in everything.

      He was also very intellectual, intelligent and gifted with the power of the Heavens. He had the God of man and Creation in his pocket.

      He was able to tap the Holy Spirit to supply, gift him to perform miracles and also teach the natural physics of the government of the family in unconditional love.

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      A hand full of laws before all other laws. That guide with unconditional love the child universes away from chaos and into order of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. His miracles was very real. He also performed a very important miracle of religion of Christ to be the pebble in the pond that bonded grace, peace and love of his family of humanity to keep our will away from destruction.

      Jesus Christs church and walk is Faith, Forgiveness, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom and understanding Unconditional Love. To protect you from creating chaos out of false knowledge that enters the reality of your child universe of your mind and out into the parent universe of reality. The child universe is also a wanderer. A world that wanders in the universe of knowledge. And if the child moves away from the kingdom of heaven he burns into wicked heat of his judgments and if he moves forward into the kingdom he rides the light of cool innocents. It is light and it follows the same understanding as the Doppler effect of light.

      He also proved life after death in the resurrection and once again replicated the wedding dance of life and unconditional love in truth for his family in the faith and hope of life ever after. Faith is important for humanity. Faith is something that love understood can provide if we fully understand unconditional love. The proof is in our own reality that Love exists in many worlds all over the planet yet chaos and destruction of life prevails.

      Again the word planet or world means wanderer. And planets are wanderers. And a wanderer is governed by the natural physics into order from chaos. Another word for planets is worlds. And the words and teachings of his religion give us Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Also every human perception is unique and perceives the world differently. So in reality your a world and there is as many worlds as there are perceptions. And 7 billion worlds are wanderers of earth and knowledge. Many worlds are in false perceptions or false knowledge of the natural physics of love to be replicated.

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      Without Jesus Christ’s examples and faith wedded with man’s will we have no relations to love unconditionally to conserve and protect life and knowledge. The fear of mortality of death that requires a belief system that there is something beyond death. And we all have a spirituality embedded deep inside our human body and psyche of our own creation. And if there is one creation, one light, one spirituality, one truth and one body then you are very much like the fingertips of creation. Gods Fingerprints Which proves we are all one in creation. And therefor there is only one God. The God of Creation. And if we are all one family with the same understanding of true unconditional love we all have a deep relationship with protecting the life of innocence in everyone.

Gods Fingerprint - The Fibonacci Sequence - YouTube

Video for god’s fingerprint

Jun 6, 2016 - Uploaded by Divine Health & Life Ancient Knowledge Pt.2 - Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God ...

      We are also the most advanced form of energy to date on this third rock from the sun. Without faith man will surely destroy life without this fact. False love is not enough to get to the heavens and protect it. Only through faith in Jesus Christ in unconditional love may you enter the kingdom of the rich family treasure of the Heavens. And through the Eye of the Needle. Light, has a serious fractal representation to everything in creation, perception, and the perception of you being the eye of the needle to the children of God no matter what the age, creed, color or condition is the natural physics of unconditional Love. A small handful of laws and principles of Love that governs, stitches and sews self, others and the family of humanity with Gods spirit of love. Gods will to guide and govern us all into order and unity.

      Every human has a inner child, an innocents and it is the gift of creation that was meant to be preserved. You make contact with your inner child which is innocent and it also is the heart of conscious. It is a gift from the creator and not something that man makes. Man breaks it in the false knowledge of your brain and it wars with the gift of creation, the conscious of the inner child and it wars with you and your emotions. Love has a set of laws and principles that govern with reasoning all other emotions into there true discernment. A truth language with equal values to seeing, hearing and thinking. Instead of being dominated and manipulated by the other emotions. Love is reasoned by the frontal cortex where reasoning resides and the other emotions are controlled by the Limbic System and Brain Functioning. Since that time, the limbic system of the brain has been implicated as the seat of emotion, addiction, mood, and lots of other mental and emotional processes. It is the part of the brain that is phylogenetically very primitive.

Emotions are a big part of your government of unconditional love and when understood they offer us some tools for self control of thoughts, feelings and actions. The trinity of self control and you.

      The emotions are a truth language and signals from your heart of conscious attached to the innocents of the inner child. For example An emotion of guilt is a truth language and it means you are in custody of a problem. So don’t fall into self punishment. You stop and examine the emotion and do the opposite. You tether with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God. You wed with the truth, you forgive in unconditional love for yourself and others. Whether it is your fault