The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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or the fault of others. And every lousy destructive thing that hurts you, even in the past can become a God bump. What is a God bump? A God bump is God bumping into you with an opportunity to use his spirit of unconditional love. Lessons using Unconditional Love and developing a relationship with Christ, The Holy Spirit and God. (God Bumping Manna into both the landscape of your memories in your mind and the landscape of your world). A God bump makes a strong dominant memory in the landscape of your mind. Making you strong in Manna if you receive the lessons of the actions or tragedy whether you caused it or someone else caused it. And the opposite occurs when you do not listen to your emotions correctly and dealing with them properly obscuring the Manna.

"The Last Supper"

Every experience is food to the

mind, body and spirit.

The Last Supper = Unconditional

Love for yourself and others

in every experience.

"The Last Supper"

Every experience is food to the

mind, body and spirit.

The Last Supper = Unconditional

Love for yourself and others

in every experience.

      Manna is referred to in the Bible as a food provided by God in the wilderness and also as a spiritual food which means Manna also occurs when you use the Bible and your God Bumps or Manna in your mind as a Bible of actions in your memories for your seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling and actions. Every experience is food to the trinity of self. Mind, body and spirit. Including the government of unconditional love and being in Gods will. It creates a life line that has intersections called your memories where you experience rewards for being in Gods will and shining light into both the world of the child universe and reality of the mind and the world of the parent universe and parent reality of humani-

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