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ty. Supplying the Bread of Christ and dropping manna into the landscape for all and it becomes a God Head (By the will of God comes Good Works in your mind.) God helps those whom help themselves. This means you help yourself to helping others through Gods Works.

Ephesians 2:6-13, James 2:20 - 3:3, John 10:32, 1 Timothy 5:10, 6:18, Titus 2:7.

      John 6:49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. 6:50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven so that anyone may eat of it and not die. 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And this bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is My flesh.

Nehemiah 9:20, Deuteronomy 8:16, Deuteronomy 8:3, Exodus 16:32

      Jesus Christ was a teacher of the natural physics of the laws of unconditional love that govern his family. For both the parent universe reality and the child universe, reality of who you are to be preserved in the truths of knowledge and understanding that exists in both realities. Family of God Period! Alpha Omega.

      Note: These laws of unconditional love govern self control of everything you see, hear, think, feel and do inside and out. And it reflects out into the world of our realities of who you are in your perception of you and our world of the parent reality.

      Be a good reflection of the light of Love that was Jesus Christ. You must be in unconditional love to wed with the family of humans in understanding of your experiences in reality or there will be chaos in some of your order.

      And if you wed with others in Jesus Christ you have the order of the universes you wed with. When two or more gather in my midst there shall I be. Every experience is food to the trinity of your mind, body and spirit and it requires the natural physics of love unconditional to nurture the reaping of the fertile knowledge of manna in Forgiveness, Self Love and Understanding of Truth into Unconditional Love. This is why seed is thrown in the wedding. A representation of love and fertility for the family in understanding.

“The True Religion and True Government “

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      God of creation has given us the best ability’s and gifts that show us the first religion, the perfect religion and government for a healthy way of life. Your Gifts or abilities and emotions are your first government always regardless of mans government. How you understand love and your emotions is important because they steer you on your path. Often your hearts desires is at risk of corruption from a poor understanding of the laws and principles of unconditional Love. And the disciplines of human will. Your understanding of what you do Love and don’t Love is your religion of living or way of life. Walking a life of unconditional love is a walk, path or way of life called a religion.

“Definition of the word “Religion”

      The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. “Ideas about the relationship between life science and religion”

Synonyms: faith, belief, divinity, worship, creed, teaching, doctrine, theology, a particular system of way of life, faith and worship. Plural noun: religions

“The world’s great religions”

      A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance to their lives.“American Consumerism or Immoral Capitalism is the new religion”

Love understood governs and straightens your path and perception.

“Love, The Triple A Crown of Jesus Christ.”

AAA The Triple A’s even look like a crown and lets show you the correlations of the perfect and most high trinities of unconditional love. The three wise men bearing the gifts of Love.

      “Anytime from Anywhere for Anything”. Is Unconditional Love. It is The trinity of heads that holds the crown Most high above all and brings heaven down to earth. It holds Earth and Children of creation most High in the Heavens, A priceless Gem on the crown of God, of and for all humanity, Jesus The Son of God, The Son of Man, of and for humanity. The Holy Spirit of Love, of and for Humanity. And the Children of Humanity to use Anytime from Anywhere for Anything. Because he crowned you Most High with His Most High in Him to being able to use the crown of love you were gifted with for living and corrections. The perfect Trinity to govern all Most High in the heavens.

      Anytime: Anytime is the Alpha and Omega of Love. Eternity. He is Love first and he has no end, Hes benevolence and so is Love. It can be used Anytime. His Spirit Of Love is at the trinity of heads on the crown. Love is the most sought after. Love is the most treasured because we all want, carry, defend and have the ability to use it Anytime. The best defense is for love to be used Anytime. Because Love is the spirit of God bestowed to humanity in and for Anytime, Because

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It is Forgiveness for forgiveness is needed Anytime to forgive for Love to be Anytime. So Love, Loves Love first so that Anytime after contains Love. Love is to be used in any Opportunity, Good or Bad for it to be Anytime.


      Anywhere: Anywhere is as far North to South and East to west of Eternity . Love is the be used Anywhere and Everywhere because for it to be Anywhere it must be used Everywhere. He is Love first and he has no end, Hes benevolence and so is Love. It can be used Anywhere. His Spirit Of Love is at the trinity of heads on the crown. Love is the most sought after. Love is the most treasured because we all want, carry, defend and have the ability to use it Anywhere. The best defense is for love to be used Anywhere. Because Love is the spirit of God bestowed to humanity in and for Anywhere, Because It is Forgiveness for forgiveness is needed Anywhere to forgive for Love to be Anywhere and Everywhere. So Love, Loves Love first so that Anywhere after contains Love. Love is to be used in any Opportunity, Good or Bad for it to be Anywhere.


      Anything: Anything is Everything for it takes Love in Everything for Love to be in Anything. He is Love first and he has no end, Hes benevolence and so is Love. It can be used for Anything. His Spirit Of Love is at the trinity of heads on the crown. Love is the most sought after. Love is the most treasured because we all want, carry, defend and have the ability to use it for Anything. The best defense is for love to be used in Anything. Because Love is the spirit of God bestowed to humanity in Everything for it to be in Anything, Because It is Forgiveness for forgiveness is needed in Everything to forgive for Love to be in Anything . So Love, Loves Love first so that Anything after contains Love. Love is to be used in any Opportunity, Good or Bad for it to be in Anything.

      Love uses this perfect and sacred Space, Time and Energy in the trinity of a trinity in the trinity. Trinities within trinities with the same set of principles to Hold the Crown most High and understanding your crown can govern you with the Most High for The Most High to be Anytime from Anywhere for Anything. The child of God is held most high.

Evolution of God Heads of Jesus, Unconditional love, Creation, Self.

God = God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Evolution = Time, Space, Energy.

Love = Anytime, Anywhere, Anything. Self = Mind, Body, Spirit.

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God + Evolution + Love = The Most High in The 3 heads of the Crown = Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.

The more time, space and energy you commit to anything the more it will evolve.

1st Law,

The laws of love should be in front of all other laws, actions and corrections.

“Love. Gods Spirit giving his best to his descendants”

      Us. One Humanity and what it means to be human. Human means we are all one species with the same spirit of love, the same ability to love, same truth of love because love is truth. Same understanding of love for the best to be in any situation! Because God meant his Love to be unconditional. He gave us his best for the best outcome in any situation. That is why love should be held most high and unconditional. Because its free and created to rise above to be used at every opportunity and in every condition. You have the ability to understand it, use it for any situation , make the bad times better, makes the bad times less and it makes the good times the greatest.

      This is fractal. Fractal means you will recognize representations or correlations throughout that have order. The chaos theory brought into order just like the hand full of laws called a religion of natural physics that govern an entire universe in a perfect religion of order, that made us possible to use His best. Now that is priceless love that made you possible to govern your life and the lives of others in perfect harmony with God of Creation given to you. Countless blessings and miracles to get to the miracle of you the reader, a child of God.

      It was meant to be understood that creation loves us unconditionally because its an ability we all have, treasure, we all long for is Love and it shows creations nature is to love unconditionally with his best.

He also gave us the best abilities to be like Him.

The primacy of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the most important message about God and from God.

      Venerable Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche (18681915, see had profound insights about God’s Love and she suggested in her book (The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood) that God is the Trinity because ‘God is unconditional love’ (1 John 4: 8, 16). Unconditional Love by its nature seems to flow from one person to another person and in God there is an eternal community of infinite unselfish Love.

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      God is love, and mercy is love put into action and so, over 2,000 years ago God put His infinite love into action when the Son of God came to earth and took on human nature to redeem us. Jesus is God’s love put into action. Jesus is the Divine Mercy of God in Person. It is an act of love to invent, to create and to redeem creatures and this is what God has done for us. The Father loves Jesus with infinite love and vice versa and so one of the most amazing things Jesus ever said is in John (15: 9) 9 ‘Even as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you.’ Divine Mercy is naturally from a superior being to an inferior creature but human mercy should be from one equal to another equal.

      God expects us to be merciful, He expects us to put our love into action too (See Matthew 25: 31-46). When Jesus was asked by the Lawyer in Luke (10: 25) what he should do for salvation Jesus asked him what the Law said and so quoting Deuteronomy (6: 5) and Leviticus (19: 18) the Lawyer said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” He said to him, “You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live.” The Lawyer asked Jesus who is his neighbor and Jesus told him the parable of the Good Samaritan. In the Our Father prayer Jesus showed us that if we want mercy we should be merciful by always forgiving others. We are to love God because loving our Creator is a good thing to do. God isn’t egotistical. He didn’t create us to love or worship Him like slaves but for us to be loved by Him. God’s nature is mercy. We deserve nothing in this life or the next life from God. From our perspective as creatures mercy is His greatest attribute.

      Love is more important than faith that can move mountains. In 1 Corinthians (13: 1-3) Paul showed the importance of love. If we speak in tongues, have prophecy, have understanding and knowledge and even all to move mountains and even give alms to the poor and my body to be martyred but I don’t have love I am nothing. Love should drive everything we do.

      He gave us all our love, emotions and passion to create in love. Anything that contains love is a priceless blessing. For God loved himself first so that he can love us and create out of love his children to love him. Blessings means to be in Gods favor.

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      His Love gave us His ability to discern knowledge both good and bad. True knowledge vs false knowledge. One to use (truth as knowledge) and one to guard against false in knowledge. Love is your sword and shield for both because love has a natural ability to love truth and guard against false. It’s in loves best interest to be naturally unconditional too. Love uses a hand full of spiritual principles or dance partners to govern its nature. Its the natural physics of government of self or family, even all humanity. Its so natural that he gave his best to love us and Him perfectly. Which means everything had to go perfect to create humanity. That means you are a perfect creation. He gave us his Spirit of Love to govern us as he governed himself in love to make us possible. He loved us with awareness to be aware of Him in true knowledge that he is the creator of love, truth, understanding, wisdom in reality and so are you, You have the ability to be aware of love so that you can create more love in your life, the lives of others and the world.

      The first dance partner is, He gave us a benevolent spirit of love with love at the helm to give you light of love and light up a world of life that is all benevolently connected in nurturing you into life. Even his spirit of love is benevolently in you making it free to give and receive. The meaning of benevolent is that it does not require anything from any outside source to give or make possible. Love dances with benevolent first of all. Truth is that you have the ability to dance with love so you can love yourself and others and not require anything from any outside source to make love possible. It is “The Cup That Filleth Over”

      Second dance partner is love forgives so that love can be unconditional and possible to govern any condition good or bad. Allowing love to Love, Love first so that everything after contains love is the nature of forgiveness, grace and mercy. The trinity of forgiveness. This is why benevolence is first. Forgiveness is our second dance partner in the natural physics of the perfect order of the laws and principles of Love.

      Loves third dance partner is faith because it hopes for forgiveness to prevail and rise most high. Love the spirit of God as most high as he does his children holding them most high in the kingdom of the heavens with his best for the best.

      Loves forth dance partner is Truth because it requires the above to get to truth for our fifth dance partner Understanding.

      Loves sixth dance partner is wisdom It uses the wisdom for conscious to counsel correctly.

      Loves seventh dance partner is counsel that comes after understanding and wisdom.

      Loves eighth dance partner is charity or giving by nature so that it can be love in action of all the above.

      Loves ninth and Final dance partner is fortitude because you need fortitude to keep dancing in actions of love and wars against the false so that love prevails to be first and most high. Healing Chaos into order.

Live in joy and love even among the hate

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Live in joy and health even among the inflicted

Live in joy and peace even among the anger

      Love unconditional is the holy spirit. It is the true religion. The true Government of self and with each other, all as one with God’s spirit of Love, The True Comforter and Counselor, The True Practitioner because Love heals the heart and prevails to rise above. Even the 10 commandments require all the above.

      Love gives you angel wings so you can bring heaven down to earth.

Poem By Matthew Butcher:

“Honor - Integrity”

      Words Alone will Never be Strong Enough because they are Alone and Abandoned.

      But “United” in a Sentence of “Truth” they come to “Action” and poses the “Power” to Teach Understanding.

      The Understanding that our words must be United in Love of Truth and with Action to be Fully Understood.

      This also supports, preserves, strengthens, cleanses the tree of knowledge in the parent universe and child universes in our minds of our understanding. We are the tree of creation. The true information of reality. We are also energy and if we are alive and aware then so is creation!

      Protect the universe of knowledge in your mind with the universal natural physics of Love Unconditional and the bodies or worlds of humanity around you will follow in understanding.

      This is the will of God to walk in unconditional love wedded with others in understanding, The Wedding Dance. This creation is aware in ways we can not comprehend. It is the body of everything from the first dance. It is conscious. But it is conscious in ways much greater than ourselves. And I believe that this stacking of knowledge is genetic energy and is required for everything in creation to evolve. The creation of our knowledge is a replication of the same model for life and creation that can not evolve without it. Because like ourselves with out an awareness or stacking of knowledge and information , it would not be understood.

      We are the most evolved form of energy to date on this 3rd rock from the sun. We are also child fingertips of creation and part of creations mind. Every human mind and body, all its imagination is networked by the cradle of the heavens the Holy Spirit into the creation mind of God. For the purpose of evolving us into the true understanding of our environments for us to understand the cradle of the Heaven’s. It also allows