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I am, sons. The Lord told me to be with you now. The Lord sees the burning of my spirit after you. Christ is risen! Peace on those that are great and on those that are small! Peace to those that are small and great, to those who came with love around the manger of my word in this day of heavenly Passover! It is a day of heavenly and godly Passover over Israel, for you are the Lord’s people. I miss you, and I long to speak my word to those who listen. I also long for the steps of those who do not listen, who, like restless goats, hit with their little horns into the boundary and put it down and then they leave the fold and work out disobedience and do not want to be with those who come. I miss the sheep and I miss the sheep that turned into goats, for I long to give them a new birth and to be sheep again. But most I miss to speak over those who love me; I miss you, children of my garden, and children of the manger of the word. I miss to speak too, for it is a long time since I did not sneak in with My word.


Christ has risen! over the new manger, over you, who are set to watch at the work of the manger of the heaven, at the mouth of the wellspring of the heavenly word.


Christ is risen! my loved shepherds, who remained to carry the burden of this people; but it is only a little bit of a burden and then the day of rest is coming when the Lord is visibly coming into the midst of this work.


… Christ is risen! Peace to you, and a work of a New Jerusalem from you over those who will receive the name of the Lord!


Peace to you, Israel! Peace to you from the Lord, your God! Amen, amen, amen.


− Virginia sat in counsel with Israel. I, the Lord, gave effect to Virginia’s word. She is great among the saints, and is praised and honored by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and by the prophets and saints. Behold, My work, which started with Verginica, has fruit and the fruit bears fruit. Let each of Israel’s body be set to the work of the fruit. And let the root, the stalk and the branches be living and working, so that the fruit may have live and lay on the wedding table.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 01-05-1994



Behold, I have houses of Christians where I find three, four or five against one, who remained with My kingdom, but I have no house where one stands against three, four or five who are with Me. What a sighing for Me! There are forty years of work in your field, Israel, but where are the root, the stalk, the branches and the leaves, Israel? And where is your fruit, Israel? Oh, why did you not let yourself be worked out? Why do you not let yourself be worked out; why really? What do you want to do with you, Christian? We will soon meet each other, for your eyes will be opened to see Me, and what will you do then when you will understand that I was the Word in your midst, the sacrifice of the love in the end?


I was in one body into your midst, and not even so did you know to believe. Now I speak above you and I leave the word over you to know it, and not even so do you know what to do and what to believe, for Verginica was a virgin, and she did not have any relatives of her own body to sacrifice herself for, and then she gave herself as a sacrifice for you, Israel, to redeem you, Israel, and to take you out of the world and out of idols and death and deceitfulness. She is now without body and without any place and is walking after you stretching her hand out through the thorns and dirt to pull you out to Me, because she gave herself as a sacrifice for you. I will tell you one day how her sacrifice was in Me and My sacrifice was in her, but on that day you will see Me, loved people, and you will see her too, and you will not really know who I am and who she is, for My Spirit dwelt in her body because she was My throne on which I sat before you, Israel, to teach you the way of your life and resurrection. She carried My Spirit after My resurrection, for after My resurrection I passed through the closed doors and I stood with the apostles. And if My body was not kept by anything after the resurrection, nor by the grave, or by the walls of the apostle’s pavilion, or by time, for now I was in Jerusalem or in Emmaus, now on the sea shore with the apostle’s fishing, you should not forget Israel that now I am after the resurrection too, and within the power of resurrection I am at work over you, and you should not wonder how I entered into Verginica’s bosom and how I was speaking from her inside with her mouth, because you could not see Me otherwise, as you would not be able to eat My Body and Blood if you saw them as flesh and blood. Oh, and you should not wonder how I speak with you now and how I let Myself be heard over the manger of My word to bring you My word through the watchmen of My word, for I am not a weak God. I can do everything, but you do not want to be able to work with God too and to believe that the Lord can do everything for you and for your redemption.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy emperors Constantine and Helene, from 03-06-1994



Everyone should eat from his mother; let each one eat from the one who made him. Let the animal eat from the animal and from the food given for him from God, and let the man eat from the man and on the food given for him by God; from God and not from the animal. You are a man in the man; you are not from an animal to eat otherwise. Let each one eat from his mother and from God’s hand, Who makes the grass spring up for animals and vegetation as food for the people. This is how it was from the clean beginning, but if death spoiled this clean nest, it took the chicks from the nest and threw them down on the earth, and the chicks died. But behold, God is starting again from the beginning, and establishes again those from the beginning.


Israel, learn about grace, Israel. Do not wonder that the world does not understand the things from the beginning. Why should you be angry about? The world chooses its ground, and you chose the heaven, and if you insist on being with heaven on earth, the earth will become heaven by your work, and the heaven will fight for the earth. Do not wonder about anything; do not get upset with anything, and do the work of a new heaven and a new earth, as for this you are chosen from the world; to be with God, and you will be of help for the time without consolation, which will come over those from the world, (See the selection topic: "The great tribulation", r.n.) as the world has come to its end, and the Lord, at the beginning. The Lord has arrived at the beginning with you, Israel. Do you rejoice, son? Do you like to be with the end? Do Adam and Eve rejoice over the valor of your spirit and body, you Israel that are for the Holy Spirit? Come back to be in your first love; the one from Eden, the one without death, and be an obedient child, Israel, and do not be curious or lustful, and do not rise to overlook God, as Adam has you to repair his garden, his life and fault, but you do not have anyone after you. Mind you do not take yourself after the world that lengthens the age. Read in the Scriptures and see what it writes about My coming, but see how you read. Read well, as it is not seen what is written into the Scriptures any longer. The teachers of the Scriptures hid the Scriptures of My coming and do no longer wait for Me to come; they do not watch any longer. They made the age longer from their own reading; they changed the words of God’s book. (In the Romanian Orthodox Bible it writes "thousands of years" instead of "one thousand years", r.n.). Oh, how much patience I have had during these days! When the righteous Simeon erased the word of My birth from the Virgin from the Scriptures, I worked from beside My Father and I put Simeon to shame, and I made him see what he erased from God’s book. But these from today, who work without their parents, who make a storm in heaven, that is into the Scriptures, what shall I do to them anymore? These are punished by what they did, as they changed the number spoken by God through the Holy Spirit; they took the books of the Holy Spirit out.


Oh, Israel, mind you do not take after the man who lengthens the sufferance that makes the evil age longer, which does not that the Lord may come with His kingdom without the age, the endless one. (See the selection topic: "About the kingdom of God", r.n.) Take a look; if you put ten teachers to show you the way and the Scriptures, and they do not match each other. And how comes this? And behold, the world does not wake up to see that its watchmen do not watch from the Lord, but rather they watch from them. Let the world do no longer that it is with Me, as it has a great sin if it says so. And I tell you again: it is one thing to call a church with ministers, and another thing to call a church of Jesus Christ, with ministers like Jesus Christ, like its Teacher, Jesus Christ.


Israel, I was longing to sit in counsel with you, to soothe My longing; I missed you and I wanted to refresh your spirit, Israel who loved Me. And if you have sons in you, who do not love Me, I make a spirit of love to come down from heaven, to heal your sons of coldness, Israel, so that you may not grow soft on the way with Me, Christian. Behold, I made out a heavenly celebration and a spirit of joy with the heaven. I am above you with My heaven, with My throne and with all the dwelling of My glory. Verginica (St. Virginia, r.n.) is celebrated by My heaven, on the feast of her birth. Behold, today you celebrate the day of My ascension into heaven, and the day of Virginia’s birth, and how well these two feasts match each other! I went and she came. I go and she comes. I ascend and she comes down. I stop from My speaking and she starts her speaking with My people. No saint is for death; no saint is unable. All the saints are clothed within God, and I do not have to tell you Israel, that Verginica lives and speaks from near God, from near Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 09-06-1994. (On Calameo)



In the time of the faithful Abraham, I came down upon the people and I confused the languages of the people who were tempting the mysteries of the Creator. But now, here is what I have done, as I came back to the earth again and I chose a people that My Father gave Me, and I make the languages on the earth clear into its midst and reveal their lying cover; I reveal the skin of the lying tongue and bring the Holy Spirit to My people. The Holy Spirit is the knower and not the man. The garment of the Holy Spirit is expensive and the man cannot afford to buy it, as he has to give everything that is evil for it, not everything that he has as good. And how comes that? It is so, sons, and this is a great mystery. Man, you have to give for the garment of the Holy Spirit everything that is worse; every lust, every desire, every lie and carelessness, all the power damaging the soul and the wisdom; all of your sins you have to give in its exchange; you have to wash away of yourself and take on the garment of the Holy Spirit. I am this garment; I, with My life in you; I, with the light of the Holy Spirit in you, as the man, unless he gives himself away in return of the Holy Spirit, he cannot have the way under his foot. One like this, steps into the void; one like that is not. That one may became a living man by the death of his lusts and desires. Behold Israel, My loved people, this is how you have got Me, and why, the unfaithful one, who does not believe that I speak with you f