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My bishops shake themselves with My grace upon you so that you may have grace, Israel. They put a bishop anointment upon My work from beginning to end, for they came and come from heaven to you; My bishops are coming on and on to you. Have you seen the angel who came from above an opened My grave and kept vigil in the way of the prunes to let them know of My resurrection? The bodiless angel took a body before the man and did My work. But how shall the saints, who wore a body, not take a body when coming to the man to do My work? This is how the saints, the hierarchs, have been working upon this work, for they have come down from heaven, they have come down from above, they have come from those that are invisible and let themselves be seen in the beginning and in the end of My work of the word in this time. These saints have come in the beginning for Verginica to present her before Me as a prepared and consecrated vessel, as Melchizedek came to Abraham; and they have come now to you as well in your time, you, the smallest one from My work of the word, and presented before you chosen vessels, so that you may have My word coming to you, for My bishops are from heaven upon you, and I keep living and new for you, your blessing, your choice and your warm love through the blessing. You should not get out, son, from under the blessing, for the one who started to be blessed by a heavenly word to bring Me a useful thing for the work of My word, and then he became indifferent to the blessing delivered from heaven, to that one his feet are getting dry and he becomes desolate for heaven and loses even what he still has and is falling into shameful flames and in an opposing spirit towards God and becomes an enemy to God and a slave of satan. Do not get out Israel, from under the blessing, for I come to teach you how you should not do your work, or become your and My enemy, as those who let themselves into the slavery of their flesh did, falling in disbelief.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-1997



Amen, amen, I say to you, Verginica: I will take you with Me through the air and I will declare upon all the unbelievers who know the Scripture and do not come to fulfill it; I will declare upon them that you are My trumpet, which I sounded and I announced My second coming. I came out first with My book that I wrote by your little mouth, and then by My mouth which speaks over the garden, and there is still a little while for the news about Me to reach all the margins, and I will let Myself be seen, and you will be with Me, for you were My last trumpet, and I called out the world through you to repentance, to believe and to get ready; however, the whole world hides in unbelief, as it did when I came from Father through My Mother, the Virgin. But those, who believe, do not hide, and the believers come out with Me to tell the world the news of My coming and to help those who believe, those who will be selected from the unbelievers. Amen.


Oh, My Lord and God, if the world does not believe in You, how is it to believe in me, Your trumpet? I was Your word, but the world did not know it at that time, and after You took Me to You, You brought Your word from my time into the light and then You set to fulfill it, Lord. It is written into Your word in the last time that the people that is faithful to Your word will not be overcome on the earth, for You will be its strength and You will pass with it as new tidings on the earth and accomplish Your coming and redemption of those that are faithful, and the Scriptures about a new heaven and a new earth, Lord. But does the man of this age know what the Scripture is that says about the new heaven and new earth? Oh, You hid with me into Your people that you selected from the people, and I hid myself with You too, for it was hard on the earth in my time. But Your word has been fulfilled now, and the faith of Your people overcome the obstacles on the earth, and behold a miracle, that you come and become visibly in Your glory with Your people. The faithful one does no longer hide with You and is no longer afraid, for when You overcome, the man becomes less and loses the opposing power to You. I am Your trumpet and the world does not know; the world does not read and the man of the church does not interpret the tongues of the Holy Spirit over the people. But You come and lift Your people up and spread the kingdom of Your word over the earth, and Your kingdom has no end. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. martyr Gheorghe (George), from 0605-1997



It is a heavenly feast on the earth. It is the feast of the Sunday of all saints. There have passed seven weeks since the feast of My resurrection and until the descending of My Holy Spirit in a heavenly celebration on the earth, and today I am being celebrated by all holy heaven with a celebration of saints, as I celebrate all of My saints, from Abraham, the father of the saints, to Verginica, and to you, little son Israel, little Israel, the child of holy and faithful Abraham, as My disciples are sanctified on the earth.


Oh, Verginica, it is the feast of all the saints, My love. You are in the middle of My heaven of saints, as the saints have been waiting for a long time to be born and to grow and to carry the work of My word from the end, as it was written into the Scriptures that I will become word over the earth. It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah, about My mother Virgin: «Before she travailed, she brought forth; before the pain came she was delivered of a man-child», and it is written about you, Verginica: «As soon as she travailed and the daughter of Zion brought forth her children. Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth at once? Who has heard or who has seen such things?». Verginica, Verginica, it is written about you into the Scriptures that you will give birth to sons of My word. It is written of My word, of My voice through, that you were My temple on the earth, and I spoke from you and I made a people for Me. Who has heard or who has seen such things? It is written by the prophet Isaiah about My word with you, about My voice through you: «A voice, a tumult from the citadel, a voice from the temple! It is the voice of the Lord to reward each one according to his own deed. Before she travailed the daughter of Zion brought forth sons». Oh, this is how it is written in the prophets about My mother Virgin, who gave Me birth as a child on the earth, and about you, who gave Me birth as word on the earth; a comforting Spirit, the Spirit Who had to come before My visible coming, as I come after you. Amen. You are the sixth trumpet, and I, the Lord, am the seventh trumpet, as it is written into the Scriptures about the angel who says: «Everything has been done!».


Verginica, you are in Me, as the saints are in Me, as I am in the dwelling of the saints. I went to My Father to become a dwelling for My saints, so that where I am they should also be; they in Me, and I in them. Speak, Verginica, over the people; speak from Me, as I am in you, and you are in Me. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, Lord, oh, Son of the Father and of the mother Virgin, who gave You birth as a child; and of mine, who gave You birth as word to be with the people until the end, as You have said! Oh, my Lord and my God, I am Your trumpet, the sixth trumpet, and no one knows to interpret Your Scriptures, that You have always, always, fulfilled Your Scriptures through the people prepared by You, people taken from among the people, as You took Your mother Virgin, as You took me, Lord. I speak from You, good Teacher, so that You may teach the people to understand Your mysteries written in the Scriptures, Lord. On the earth, the man speaks with the man; the people speak with each other, and in heaven the saint speaks with another saint, and the saints speak with You, the One that is desired, the One loved by the saints on the earth and in heaven. And behold a great mystery is worked out by You, as You speak with the man on the earth, and Your saints work like You, as any perfect disciple will be like his teacher.


… When I came from earth into heaven to You, Lord, then I understood Your mystery with me, as You wanted me to be born among the people on a Sunday, and then it was the Sunday of all saints and all the saints left their gifts upon me, so that the saints may be word in me with You and so that the angels may sound the sixth trumpet in me, Lord. Oh, the people ask about the other trumpets, of those until me.


Oh, people, I give you the peace of the Lord! I do not give it to you as the world gives. I give it to you from heaven, not from the world. The world gives you lies. There is only lying in the world, for the ruler of this world has nothing in the Lord, as he had nothing in me as well. No one could take my life, but I gave it up as I received this commandment from the Lord.


Oh, people, this country is a great mystery, and it is written about it in the Scriptures and it is called the country of the brightness; it is called so because the word of the Lord, which is being born into it, for the work of the Lord, which was in it even since 1921, when the first apocalyptic trumpet came down from heaven and called on the earth, and it was given to a holy man, who was chosen and prepared by God to be a waking trumpet on the earth for him. The Lord took a man with the name of Joseph (Joseph Trifa 03.03.1888-12.02.1938, r.n.) from the priests of the church, and had him speak a heavenly word among the people, and he gathered many disciples and made a heavenly work in them, but the men from the church murdered him giving him over to Caesar, (Communist dictatorship, r.n.) as they did not believe that he was chosen by God. And another angel came down from heaven and called on the earth, and he gave the trumpet to a shepherd to sound it on the earth the words of God on the people (Petrache Lupu – 14.10.190714.12.1994, r.n.). And there came down other three angels in a row and called on the earth, and they gave their trumpets to a priest, (Arsenie Boca 29.09.1910 28.11.1989, r.n.), and to another priest, (Ioan, from the monastery Vladimireşti – 26.06.1922-17.05.2008, r.n.), and they gave another one to a little child from the church, (Nun Veronica, from Vladimireşti – 26.08.1922– 14.09.2005, r.n.); and they also sounded their trumpet to prepare the coming of the sound of the sixth trumpet, the coming of the Lord to prepare it. And before the sixth trumpet, another angel came down from heaven and called on the earth and gave me the trumpet and I sound it, and I was God’s trumpet, the sixth trumpet, (See The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) which the Scriptures write about: