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… And now, I am coming back within You. And I am giving myself to those who are now Your people and I am telling them this: If the Lord would have not kept a remnant, a remnant chosen by grace from among the last of those from the first ones, how could He make a new Jerusalem for His coming of today, oh, children of the Zion, who have on the table the Lamb in all His glory, Body and word on the table? I am coming closer to you and I am speaking, for I am a trumpet, because with the Lord all things are from the word. Oh, the spirit of comfort, the Lord’s Spirit, the One from the end of the time, had power over you, He brought you and made you a new Jerusalem, in whose midst the Lord dwells as word and which flows from Zion, as it is written{10} in the prophets, (Micah: 4/1, 2) oh, Lord’s children! I am giving you fresh advice: fulfill all His words, for His way from heaven to earth is very hard. The Lord’s word is very dear, it is extremely dear, and the Lord is working hard in heaven and on earth in order to give you this word and to keep you within the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. If you saw and understood the pain and labor with which the Lord is coming down to you, then love and its uncomforted mourning would seize you, but you are small, and He is carrying you so that you may not be afraid under the burden of His work for you. However, you, as some good and merciful sons, fulfill all His words, for they are very dear, and I am telling you what I know, dear sons, that you are dear for the word that is coming down upon you to keep you within it. In the time of my body, the people of that time saw the trumpet and believed, but it did not fulfill the Lord’s way to it, and His descent was very hard in my body. However, you, who believe, are the blessed ones because the Lord has come down now with His throne, within His Body and word, and these give power to your faith, and these give life as well, for when the Lord is the man’s life, then faith is able to work wholly in man, and the Lord makes a house with the man and He dines with him as Body and word. Amen.


… Oh, Lord, the trumpet has sound for Your feast. I have adorned them with the mystery of the new age. The child-man is this mystery and the life of the age to come, as it is written about it in the Scriptures from the end of the time, Lord. I have told them so that You may be in them, and that You are crying with longing that they may be like You from dawn to dawn. And I am praying this for them: give them work, Lord, to grow up if they were born. Give them the Spirit Who is One in all. Give them, Lord, Your thought from dawn to dawn, for I have mercy on the saints’ mourning who are longing after Your coming with the last day, which will be the first, Lord. Teach them to be the bride seen by all the nations on earth. Teach them to wear their ornaments from You. Teach them to do the work, which will not be taken from them, for this is what I advised them. Amen, amen, amen.


⸻ This is how the heaven is good for those who are born, believe, and then grow up, Virginia. I have always poured out Myself over them in order to keep them in the spirit of the birth from above and to make them the pride of all ages and a crown of all times, Virginia. Oh, how sweetly your trumpet sounded! Oh, how sweetly you comforted them to take after Me all the time so that I might appear with them over the earth, Virginia, because this was their choice. I have given you comfort on your day of the feast with the heaven. I have given you My today’s people to prepare it for the Lamb and bride’s feast. You have helped Me and greatly pleased My Father, for He has always seen Me crying and He is greatly comforted for My comfort when it comes from heaven, and especially from the earth. My Father has great mercy on Me. He sees Me how much I have worked and how hard I have made My descent and how little are those who watch for My way when I come with the word on earth to them. And you have helped Me comforting them so that their love and power for Me may grow. They need power, Virginia. Those from the beginning of My work with you did not have My work to do over the earth, for he who believes and is not born again does not grow, that is he who is not born for My life in him. However, they need power, for I need what they need, Virginia, My trumpet from My coming, so that I may come. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man. The feast of the birth of the holy Virginia, from 09-06-2002.



It is a great celebration for the saints. All the saints rejoice in the spirit of the feast for them and they also make Me glad for My work of today, which crowns their joy, for they have into their midst the one who carried Me in her body for twenty-five years on earth.


Oh, Verginica, (Verginica the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) you have fulfilled the joy of the feast of all My saints. You came in the flesh into the world on the Sunday of all the saints, a feast that is not removed from its place, and which was set by the saints who lived a holy life on earth before Me, being counselors and confessors over many people in the time of their living with their body on earth. Oh, daughter of the love of God, who taught you this joy by which you did not take into account the shame of the cross through which you confessed Me on earth?


… — Oh, Verginica, this is how we will work, and will speak about the saints and will speak that the holiness in the man is the sight, which sees God from man to man. Oh, Verginica, the day of the feast of the saints is great, for you crown with the glory of My second coming from near the Father the great feast of all My saints, and you are carried by saints with much love, because you were the trumpet that I sounded before My coming, for I am the seventh trumpet and this is how My coming is called; it is called the trumpet sounding of the seventh angel, and I took above My book with you, for I was able to do this, as I prophesied in My time with you that I would do this. And behold, I fulfilled this by those that are little, for it is written into the Scriptures of My word of two thousand years ago: «Many who are first will be last; and the last first». (Mark: 10/31) Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all the saints. The feast of Saint Virginia’s birth, from 22-06-2003. (On Calameo)



Oh, children crushed within the gates, let this day not pass without I, the Lord, writing down in My book with you, the day of the entrance into those that are not seen of My trumpet Virginia. Arise as well as you can, and let Us lift each other up: We lift you up and you lift Us up, children and sons, speaking sons, and let Us give the word of feast, of the remembrance of My trumpet that sounded before Me to prepare My days of nowadays with you over the earth, for now, I, the Lord, am sounding My trumpet to all the sides to finish what has been left to be worked for the submission of all things before the Father Sabaoth. Amen.


There is fifty years since My voice has been praying for man to work for Me and I have not been able before you to make man leave his work, his rank, his house and scythe to do My work after that, and first to learn how to do it. I used Virginia as My trumpet through whom to call out to the people to hear My voice and to fulfill My word. Twenty-five years I had been sounding My trumpet through her (1955-1980, r.n.), and then I passed with her into those that are not seen, and on that day it was a feast in heaven for her, for her entrance with the work among the great saints, and many people on earth are now interceding with Me through her for their salvation, and the saints and angels are celebrating her day of entrance into heaven and more than twenty-five years of her work, but now from heaven. Amen.


I have come to them together with you, Virginia; with you and with the apostle Andrew, for he was a witness together with Us at the sealing with the Lord’s holiness over the little garden of the word that flows from heaven in her to water the land. Open your little mouth, appear before them and then give yourself to them! Amen, amen, amen.


Appear with me, Lord, for You are my Master and the Master of Your saints, and the saints have no other joy beside You. Make my entrance into my book with the people of the word that is coming down from heaven for the new creation of all that You made at the beginning, for they have got old because of the evil things in man. Be my entrance door to Your people and mine. There are the days of the feast of Your victory over the earth with Your law forever, the law of holiness. Amen.


Holiness is the greatest love that can dwell in the body of the one who has in it the love of God. Holiness is the gate through which man enters to God and God to man. This love was the love with which You came down on the Romanian land in the 7500 year from the creation of the world, (1992 A.D.) the year since you made the little garden of Your word of today and the ark on it. Amen.


Take me into my book to speak to those who love You with longing in the end of the time, to speak to them of this unspeakable great love; love that have no way to not shine inside the one who has it as his life. Take me, Lord, for You are the door of the sheep, and who enters through You, will come in and find pasture, and I will give to them. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, Virginia, you are the trumpet the Father gave Me, and I sounded from you before My coming as word of the creation of the new world! Oh, how sweetly I was calling, how sweetly I was sounding from you, from the little whistle the Father gave Me to play so that the sheep may come to Me at its sound, the sheep that know and love God and His holiness! Come into your book, and I will sing, and you will sing, too, and We will feed those who graze at My voice and yours. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint Virginia, from 14-12-2004.



Christ is risen! This is what I, the Lord, said in the day of Passover of the year of 1955, and behold, there have been fifty years of word of the Word, Jesus Christ.


Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! This is how My word on the Romanian land came to life two thousand years ago, My river of word, which waited to come again to life on earth, to overflow again from My mouth so that I may be able to work again, because I am the Alpha and the Omega. Amen, amen, amen.


It is the feast of fifty years of My word from the end of the time. I, the Lord, bring that day into view to be confessed. Amen.


I prepared a trumpet by which I was to speak out My word. I made her to My pleasure. I prepared her by sufferance and pains as the gold is refined in the furnace, so that it might shine and to be a useful vessel to the Lord, an honored vessel before Me and before My angels, (See The