The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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People from the end, allow your heart to be with Me from now on. Do as Peter and Paul did, after the Lord troubled their hearts. I worked three and a half years over them, but over you I have worked forty years, Israel of the grace. It is the time of grace, sons. Light your heart with the grace of the present time, for Noah, after he had finished the work that I had given him to do, left seven more days of grace for those who wanted to be the Lord’s and of victory, and none of them believed that he might escape by faith and to live.

… Man is born of sin, and I have not pronounced blessing for sin, for such a thing is not possible, but I blessed the man who, born of man, has been seeking the Lord, following Him. Do not let Me without any hands and feet over your land, over your field, for I want to give life without death to your field, to bless then this work for its completion. You are the people from the end of My work. Do not take after the man that prolongs the illness, for the Lord is coming, sons; He is coming and healing what is still not resurrected, and the prophesy of the life without death, the prophesy for the redemption of the bodies is being fulfilled openly, sons, for at the rebirth of the world, when the first womb works again, much flesh will rise to be tormented in the body, ( See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead” , r.n. ) because much flesh has gone from those of which it was taken, it went away without life, without heaven, without God, and that will receive flesh for torment, and the torment will not end until the last penny it is paid, 36

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

the last debt. However, I am working, sons, I am working and again and again for the relief of My creature and My people does no longer know what God does. And before, those from above will appear, that is the Jerusalem from above, those who have left alive and who are alive with their turning back to the Lord. The Jerusalem from above will appear, the mother of the faithful, of those called, chosen and faithful, and this mother will confess her sons, My dear children of the New Jerusalem made up by the word from above.

I have come to forgive you, My beloved people, and I want to forgive through you and by your word the sins of the creature, sons, as I promised over all that will released on earth to be released in heaven as well. This work is received from the Lord from the work of those called, chosen and faithful of the time in the end. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen,

from 09-01-1994.


Dear Israel, do not be conformed to this age, for behold here comes the end of this age and the beginning from the beginning begins, for what was in the beginning is coming again and it beginning, and the Lord is beginning with you the union of the end with the clean beginning. Stay with the Holy Spirit, My beloved people, and He will teach you eternity, that begins with you, for there is no one else to have you election, Israel of the grace, Israel of the body of My in My glorious return. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the fearful judgment,

from 06-03-1994.


Israel, learn about grace, Israel. Do not wonder that the world does not understand the things from the beginning. Why should you be angry about? The world chooses its ground, and you chose the heaven, and if you insist on being with heaven on earth, the earth will become heaven by your work, and the heaven will fight for the earth. Do not wonder about anything; do not get upset with anything, and do the work of a new heaven and a new earth, as for this you are chosen from the world; to be with God, and you will be of help for the time without consolation, which will come over those from the world, as the world has come to its end, and the Lord, at the beginning. The Lord has arrived at the beginning with you, Israel. Do you rejoice, son? Do you like to be with the end? Do Adam and Eve rejoice over the valor of your spirit and body, you Israel that are for the Holy Spirit? Come back to be in your first love; the one from Eden, the one without death, and be an obedient child, Israel, and do not be curious or lustful, and do not rise to overlook God, as Adam has you to repair his garden, his life and fault, but you do not have anyone after you. Mind you do not take yourself after the world that lengthens the age. Read in the Scriptures and see what it writes about My coming, but see how you read. Read well, as it is not seen what is written into the Scriptures any longer. The teachers of the Scriptures hid the Scriptures of My coming and do no longer wait for Me to come; they do not watch any longer. They made the age longer from their own reading; they changed the words of God’s book. ( In the Romanian Orthodox Bible it writes „thousands of years” instead of „one thousand years”, r.n. ). Oh, how much patience I have had during these days! When the righteous Simeon erased the word of My birth from the Virgin from the Scriptures, I worked from beside My Father and I put Simeon to shame, and I made him see what he erased from God’s book. But these from today, who work without their 37

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parents, who make a storm in heaven, that is into the Scriptures, what shall I do to them anymore?

These are punished by what they did, as they changed the number spoken by God through the Holy Spirit; they took the books of the Holy Spirit out.

Oh, Israel, mind you do not take after the man who lengthens the sufferance that makes the evil age longer, which does not that the Lord may come with His kingdom without the age, the endless one. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. ) Take a look; if you put ten teachers to show you the way and the Scriptures, and they do not match each other. And how comes this? And behold, the world does not wake up to see that its watchmen do not watch from the Lord, but rather they watch from them. Let the world do no longer that it is with Me, as it has a great sin if it says so. And I tell you again: it is one thing to call a church with ministers, and another thing to call a church of Jesus Christ, with ministers like Jesus Christ, like its Teacher, Jesus Christ.

… Peace to you, Israel, as the Lord is your God! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 09-06-1994. (On



I likened My kingdom to natural parables, but natural parables are not eternal, sons; they are only an image of those that are eternal. You saw what the prince of the world did, that he pasted the man to his visible things, of the prince of the world, children. And now, at his end, the prince of the world made a machinery and opened a window to those that are seen, and seduced with it the whole creature, ( The television and the internet, r.n. ); and the man is looking into this window and forgets about the heaven; and the man is looking at the confusion of the languages on earth, which are seen by this window. But I will fool him and I will turn this weapon against him, as I will make use of his weapon and his window and get in it the work of the Holy Spirit and the view of the heavenly life that I work and make out upon you, Israel, My people of today.

Behold, I came to show you through this window, ( The screen, the monitor, r.n.), the testimony of your celebration with me at the feast of the Ascension, at Verginica’s feast and of Verginica’s village. ( Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet; see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets” , r.n. ) I have to turn everything back to those that will never be destroyed, but stay into at the school of the Holy Spirit, My people, and learn well, to take the little crown, the gift and the prize of salvation, Israel.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Pentecost, from 19-06-1994. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, how many times I have told you to eat clean and blessed food, food made

by you, as you are blessed on the earth! How many times I have made you eat with clean hands, with hands washed away of the world! But you had no way of getting used well to it, that you took again from those that were before, and you were given up and were eating again from the hand of the world; bread made by unclean hands; food foreign to your blessing. I have wanted for two thousand years to establish on earth the food from Eden, but few wanted to take after the ones from the clean beginning. The man has been eating meat for seven thousand years and he has not had his own fill of it. The man has been staying fallen for seven thousand years and has no longer got up to stay again for a new beginning. That is why I want to raise you, My people Israel, and to 38

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call you Israel in the place of the one that did not listen to God. The man has been eating animals and birds and bodies with breath of life in them, and he says that God let it be so. Oh, My people, I complain to you as well, for the man says that God made it that way; he does not say that the man wanted that way, that the man made it so, and that God has had patience on him, and that He has still endured him for seven thousand years and blessed him the way he is since seven thousand years, only if My blessing may stick to him. What shall I do to him? Shall I curse him? But the man is cursed by what he does on the earth and over his body. Shall I also curse him? I wait that My blessing My stick to the man, to stick to him from now on, as the age is coming to an end.

The age means man, sons, the age of the man, the time of the man, the will of the man; this is what this age means. But the age to come does not belong to the man anymore, and it belongs to the man who became divine from sole to head, of the man born of heaven, of the new man, who is after the image and likeness of God, Jesus Christ, Who appeared to the people, and Who gave Himself for the redemption of the people who were to believe in Him.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 26-06-1994. (On Calameo)


The man who consumes his body grows old and ugly and passes away, but this is what I

have done, Jerusalem! I formed you and set you as a boundary between hell and heaven and I have taught you to put an end to death and timelessness. I divided the ages and wrote beginning and end. I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am, Jerusalem, and I wrote beginning and end, and I want you to be a day of rest for Me, for man does no longer knows what a day of rest means. Day of rest means My rest in man; it means man in My image and after My likeness, in which work I rest.

Dear sons, how can one speak of a day of rest? For behold, I am working, and My Father

is working as well, as you see that My Father speaks in Me. Do not stumble, Israel, when you see that My Father speaks in Me once with Me, for this mystery is coming to be revealed, just as My mystery will also be revealed in Virginia, because I was speaking through her. I was in her and she was in Me, and soon you will see, Israel, what this body was, for it was My day of rest, and it was not a day or two, but rather was for a long time, for what does it mean to God a day, ten years, a hundred or a thousand years? But the Scriptures is not understood by man and, therefore, man has divided himself into many interpretations. And where does it from? Because there is only one interpretation, for when the seventh angel sounds all interpretation will be over and we will enter into rest again. However, I am telling you, sons in Jerusalem, that I have entered and, that behold, I have a place where to rest and from where to work to establish the heaven everywhere and a river that will spring up and water the paradise, that from here, from this garden a river springs18, ( Apoc: 22/1-4) ( See the selection topic: This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) and this river is taking now veins and arms and is divided into four parts and it waters the earth. I made up this garden and this stone and I wrote on it Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, and I am working to put an end to the lawlessness and death and I am beginning a new age, and I am 18 «The angel [or “he”] showed me a [TR adds “pure”] river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing

out of the throne of God and of the Lamb,

in the middle of its great street. On each side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruits,

yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations,

and the curse will be abolished. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the citadel, and His servants

offer Him divine service». (Apoc: 22/1-4)


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

starting with you, Jerusalem, people worked by Me and born through My word, spoken from heaven over you. I work by the word and I am working as in the beginning but man does not know it and he does not want to know. Only when people truly want to be the sons of Jesus Christ’s church and when they will prepare themselves according to the commandments to work the fruit of life and the sons of the church to eat it, only when the church will no longer have unprepared sons, only when all will love holiness, only then it will remain one spring and one teaching, one vineyard, one flock and only one Shepherd, and man will no longer be a shepherd, and the Lord and His staff will be, His word. This is what I want to prepare for you, Israel, My people, so that you may no longer eat from foreign hands, son, and to eat of your house and to understand what your house means, for the priests of the church who are mixed with the world and with the violation of My commandments, those I do not know, I do not know where those are from, for they do not even teach themselves let alone teach others!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother,

from 04-12-1994.


I am the Lord, the One Who fills the earth and heaven with the voice of My word, but who you Christian, hears Me? For no one has ears to hear, the world has no faith in the work of God, the one from the beginning and end, the one of the seven ages and more, and here, this prophecy of seven times was fulfilled and if it was fulfilled it was ended and I started from the beginning to place cleanness on earth, to place a new man on earth, the man born of the word. I do not place a made-man, but this time I place a man born by the word. I count again from the beginning, I only count a little, a little bit, and a bit and then I do not count any more, for the time will roll and it will not called time any more.

Well sons, since when has the time begun to be counted? Behold, I tell you a mystery today, that the time has been counted by man and its counting began after the man had been placed on the earth, after I had taken the man out of Eden, and after the man had received knowledge. The man was otherwise in Eden; not as he is now, sons, and the man in Eden is a great mystery. That is why I have always come and asked you, son of today, not to seek to know anything about those from the earth any longer, about those of the man, for the man was otherwise in Eden, and he did not know what the man on the earth knows. The man was created otherwise, not as he is now. And only after he became otherwise than he had been in Eden, only after that it came for the man to count, and he has been counting his time; he even counted his time in Eden, but after that, sons, after he tasted from those that were forbidden, the man knew what God knew.

The time, you sons, has been counted starting with the getting of man out of Eden,

and here, one is the law of paradise and other is the law of man on earth, and great mystery carries this stone on which you are placed by the word, and in your stone is carved, Verginica, My last trumpet. Verginica, it is your stone, and on this foundation it is written ‘ending’ over the time of man, sons. It is hard to understand as it is in heaven, even for you it is hard to understand, for you are still on the way and because I still continue My way to the visible coming. In heaven, you sons, it is not spoken the same way. For with the heaven there is another law; it is a law of heaven with the ones in heaven, who received their soul and body as in heaven. This mystery is difficult and deep, but we are on its way, sons, and we will reach its end and it will be discovered and the Scripture for the redemption of the bodies will be well-known, the Scripture one from Eden, 40

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eternal and unshakable, for the Eden is waiting the ones on the last, who have the key from God.


Behold, the time by now has spun and its spinning came to an end, for you, sons, are called a new beginning in heaven, as it was the promise in the Scriptures about the New Passover that the Lord establishes in His kingdom, as here is a heavenly kingdom. The heavenly kingdom means there where all eat the Lord’s Passover. Youth without old age and life without death is there where every day the Lord’s Passover is eaten with holiness. This mystery is awful for the evil spirit of life without death, as the life without death is the Lord, Jesus Christ, without end in the man. And be careful, My children, to look well resurrected through this everlasting Passover of the celebration of the Lamb of God, as you overcame by the Blood of God’s Lamb. You should not be from the earth, for the mystery that comprises you is great. You are the sign of God through the times, and take this sign to all the margins, for the Lord’s judgment is written by God to all the margins. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Virginia, from 14-12-1994


Peace to you, children and old people, young and old men, as behold, the earth sings to the heaven, and the heaven sings to My new earth, and the heaven is renewed into a new joy. The heaven has been waiting for seven ages for the appearance of Jerusalem from the end, the one born from above by the word, at the voice of My trumpet. Glory to God into the highest and peace and good will and thanks in the Holy Spirit!

The world says: „Happy New Year!” on Christmas celebration, and the sons of the world give gifts each other, and I, the Lord, bring you eternity and youth without death and beginning without end. Behold, I and My children and My joy with them!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 07-01-1995. (On



Oh, sons, do not cast Me away from you. The end of the world is coming. I will not be able to protect you from the end if you are not clean for Me. The Scripture, which says: «One will

be taken and the other will be left» does not lie. Be awake and attentive to these words.

Excerpt from the Word of God for Romania, from 04-03-1995. (On Calameo)


My beloved ones, who call yourselves wheat! Bear, sons, this name of Mine, for I was a

grain of wheat and I was sown on earth and I brought forth fruit of salvation, love and eternal heaven in the man created by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Not every man belongs to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and it is only that who has the Son of the heavenly Father within him, by his likeness to the Son. That is a man created by God. People today have another creator and worship the today’s creator. People today have the appearance of the end of the world, and man does not know what the end of the world means, and what the world means. World means the man of today and the creator he serves, the worldly and carnal spirit that lies in the man of today, the spirit from the end which keeps its sons within it. Israel, the man of today carries within himself and on him the sign of the end of the world, for the spirit of the world has terminated 41

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

the man and bound him to the kingdom of the world, which means the end of the world. The end of the world means the beginning of the spirit of the world in man, which finishes the man and disinherits him from God. The end of the world is the man that serves the flesh, the lusts and things that pass away, that burn, that are worldly and fleshly, which are useful only for the body.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the great holy martyr, Gheorghe, from 06-



Oh, Romanian son, I stand before you with the first beginning, and I join the end to the beginning with the word from those of heaven, and I make a new heaven and a new earth, and I want to let you know what I do. Those that I declare from heaven have been writing on the earth for forty years, and I commanded My witnesses to lay the word of My supper on your table, Romania, My people since two thousand years. Your anointment from Me is as long as two thousand years. Your secret anointment, the one according to the order of Melchizedek, as it is My order, your anointment draws you to Me, Romanian country. I would like to come and tell you what the Romanian country means, but I want you to come too. I come, but you should also come, My love, to be like Abraham, who believed in God and who was called the father of faith. I pass with My word through you and I say to you again: get up! Listen to My whisper! Get up, My love, come Romania, and take heavenly water from the river of life and wash your ears so that you may hear Me, ( See the selection topic: This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) for the sons of the garden of My word hear My voice, which is coming on the clouds! Take water from this river of life without death and wash your eyes so that your scales may fall off them and to be able to see Me, and wash your face and your body too, and take on the Romanian beautiful garment and get up before Me, for I announce you that I come to you and you will see Me that I come, but get used to see Me with heavenly eyes, and do no longer be earth, and rather be earth and heaven, as I created you from the beginning. I am your Creator. In the beginning I made the heaven and the earth, and in the end, I made you, Romanian Israel to prepare you to stand with a new heaven and a new earth before Me, at My coming. I want to put on you a new heaven and a new earth, worked out by word. I was the Word in the beginning. I was the Word in the beginning, and I am now too, at this end. In the beginning of the end, I was born of My mother, the Virgin, to be Man and to turn the man into God, and I made you into a people, and I called you Romanian, son. And behold, as I raised a couple of disciples out of Israel and I made them salt on the earth, the same with you, Romanian people, I made martyr witnesses who carry My word coming on the clouds, to have witnesses now as well, on My returning on the clouds, as I promised that I would come back. And here I am through word over you, Romanian son, and I want you to get up as My former apostles and to be a Samaritan son, Romanian, My people.

Receive My word and look into it, to see Me and to know Me that I have come through the word, as I give you My book of this time. Behold, I stand by your door and knock, people loved by God.

I went into the house of My Father with My word, ( The church of the world, r.n. ) , but the watchmen of the house did not open to My word. Behold, I stand by the door and knock, and no one answers to the One Who calls. I have come to you, Romania, as I came to Abraham, when I told him about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and I did not destroy anything until I let it be known first. I do nothing until I let it be known by word, as I have worked through the prophets in all the times.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from



I established you on the earth by the word, to be the people of the faith in God, to be light and path for the people without holiness in their flesh, and he, who denies you, denies Me, and no one can understand that Scriptures which speaks about the faith denial in the last time. ( See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith” , r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 11-

06-1995.  (On Calameo)


Behold, sons, the world will be born again; the world will be renewed as it is written.

The world will receive its first appearance, the one from its beginning. The visible world will be included in the one that is invisible, so that the invisible one may be seen into the visible one, the world created by God and not by man. The man that was born of the man got into the earth again and will come out of the earth as in the beginning, at God’s word, at the work of God’s hands. ( See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead” , r.n. ) The man will be made out again from the earth. Every man that knew God will get up in an immortal body and will stand before God. God’s man will come back into Eden. It is written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about the renewal of the world. ( See the selection topic „The mystery of human-

kind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility” , r.n. ) You shall not stagger My people, as the fact that you are today in the body, that you are today with God and that you have got a skin from God, is a great work from God through you. I will put you face to face with Elijah, the prophet, as the beginning is joining with the end; the first ones are joined to the last ones, and we all will be one body. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Elijah, the prophet, from 02-08-

1995.  (On Calameo)


My people, I enter the gate to call out the man. My people, My child, stand in the gate and give life to the word, which calls out, to the man. I am the word. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am called the Word of God, ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ) God from God, God Who came among the people from God. At the beginning I had Israel as My people, and I was speaking upon it, and Moses heard Me and worked to give to Israel eternity, virginity and the Canaan, and the man did not want even then to come back to God. I have Israel again in the end and I called Israel, Romanian. Israel means the Lord’s people. Israel is the name of the Lord’s people. Oh, Romanian Israel, behold, in the end I made you My people and I called you Romanian, the new chosen Israel, and I said: « Peace to you! ». Israel, Israel, the Lord God calls you to become the people of the heavenly happiness. Romanian Israel, your Creator is calling you, as behold, I gave birth to My word in you, and I give birth to it on and on, as I always become word before you and I call you to go ahead and not come back any more. Look Israel, how I graze My sheep born of My new word, and keep the track of the sheep, Christian, as I put My flock before you, and I am the Shepherd and the Teacher. Israel, keep the track of My sheep and eat as well, so that you may grow up in wisdom and to learn the lesson of the kingdom of the heavens on earth and to become a builder, Romanian son; a builder of the heavenly kingdom between heaven and earth. Those that the man 43

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has built for seven thousand years are not good, sons. Only those that are built by God are good.

Come for a work of heavenly masonry on the earth! Come, Romanian, come Christian, as the Romanian is the chosen people from the end. Come to build the kingdom of the heaven, as this is how I did with Adam. I created him to build the kingdom of the heavens, ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. ) and he built disobedience. The first stone was disobedience, and everything that has been built for seven thousand years is built on it. And what has been built on it? It has been built lust; and the lust conceived and became sin, and the sin blamed the man and it has been standing against him for seven ages. But in the sixth age I made a new work, proclaimed by Me through the prophets. I came and I sown Myself into the Virgin, and I was the seed, I, Who came from heaven; I became Man in the Virgin and I was born a baby and I grew up a perfect Man, and then I stood with much love as a man to taste the death to break its power by My resurrection from the death.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from  28-08-1995. (On



Israel, Israel, let it not be in your church as is in the world. If there is any son in your church that is not Christ’s brother, who is not one with Jesus Christ, see that it is written in the Scriptures about one like that and be careful, Israel, for you are in the end, not at the beginning. You should not let in your church the one who is not fulfilled in Christ. You shall be one, Israel, My church from the end. The time of the work of the perfect repentance has come, but who on earth is to understand My coming?

Excerpt from the Word of God four years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1995.


Little children, the children of My people Israel from the end of the time! Well little children, I cuddle you and I comfort you and talk to you about the secret of praying, for speaking upon you the man will take from the world too, as I give you the seed and you sow it, for I see here and there good and warm soil for seed, not only road, not only thorns, not only rocks. I have some more among those who sigh after the Lord and I will add them to those resurrected by word, to those who are born in the end from My word which is coming to you to wash away the sins of the world and so that the risen one may come to the Last Supper of God’s Lamb.

I say again and again: a church means the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ, taken

and eaten by all that are gathered together in a heavenly church on the earth. It is only there where I am complete; only there I fully come, there where all those gathered together take and eat from the Supper, from the Lamb, from the Passover, sons. But neither in the beginning have I got what I have today, for I have prepared you today, Israel, for the endless Supper, and I told you, son, how to dress, how to wash, how to sit and how to eat, so that you may always take from My Supper, after each morning and evening, after each measure of day, son Israel, as the fire does not have to go out, and the Lamb does not have to be taken away from the table. That is why I told you, son, Israel, that you are a secret, son, a Last Supper before Me, as you do not give My secret, My supper, to the enemies, and you do not sell Me for kisses as Judas has been doing from that time until today. You do not stay even a day without Me. You take My Supper forever and become everlasting, eating the One Who is everlasting, because you 44

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have prepared yourself for the wedding, dear son, and all your members sit at the Last Supper’s table of the heavenly Lamb’s wedding on the earth. You are My secret from the end of the time, and I stay, I gladly and longingly stay at the supper’s table with you. I do no longer stay in you for crucifixion; I do not come in you as in a grave, rather I come in the light, because I made you a light from My light because you become illuminated by My word, which remains and watches from above you. God is the word and bread on your table. I am a spirit and body with you and in you, and you are My secret, dear people; you are the one who loves Me on the earth, for the man on the earth does not know what love is. The man changes the place of all the holy words, and the man does no longer know where the word peace fits in: the word love, the word church, the word Christian, the word son of God, and the word life. The man has taken the holy words and put them over his work, and the man reads from man. But look, I come to take what is mine, for I will not give anyone the glory of the holy word, for the glory of God is not the glory of men.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Apostle Andrew, from 13-12-1995.

(On Calameo)


The Word of God comes on the clouds of archangels. The Lord comes carried by the wings of His glory. I come to you, Israel, so that you may be, as I am He Who is. Amen. I come to you, as you are for Me, house and board and comfort, My people. I come with the wisdom from above, so that you may have from above and to be known that you are from God; so that the world may know that I have a people of disciples that I scatter from place to place the seed of the kingdom of heavens. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. ) I come to you with a feast, Israel; I come with light. Let there be light! Amen, amen, amen.

Let there be light and let this day remain. In the beginning God made the light and in the end the Lord came as light, so that the man may have light from the Light, word from the Word, as the Word is light. Let there be word; let there be light as in the beginning. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end the Word is the One Which was in the beginning. The light is in the beginning and in the end, as the beginning is in the end.

You should know My people, Israel, that the Lord, your God, made light upon you, so that you may be seen as light. I stay with you into My hand and I carry you among the people, so that it may be light upon the people. As the man stays with the candle in his hand to see what he is looking for, the same way I stay with you in My hand, and I announce you as wisdom from God, as I worked you before Me with wisdom, to find what I lost in the beginning. In the beginning I created the light, and I worked with it for the good of the man, and after that, I created the man to have him in the good, as it is not good for God to be alone, and that is why I created the man to match God, after the image and likeness of God. I made light out of you, My people, as after I created the man to have him and for the man not be alone, the man left Me alone, and I since then I have been looking for him; I look for him to find him and to place him in the good, to place him in Me. I come with the wisdom from above to put it in you, Israel, and to have you as light in the time of darkness, as the man fell and became darkness. The man became darkness and hid into it, and the man gets up and says that he is wise. But I made you light, My people, and I have always advised you to flee from the wisdom, which comes from the man, as the man became darkness before Me. The man fell from heaven on earth, as the darkness is the devil that takes the stars of the sky and throws them down onto the earth, and I have been looking through the dead and took 45

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you out and gave you life, Israel; and I gave you face, son, and I made light upon you as in the beginning, and I stay with the light into My hand and look for the man as the woman who lost her drachma was looking for her lost drachma. I am the wise Man, Who casts His net into the sea; Who casts the kingdom of heavens on the earth to catch the lost one into it. The kingdom of heavens is a net cast into the sea, which gathers all kinds of fish, and the fishermen draw it to the shore and choose those that are good, and they throw the evil ones into back into the sea.

My Father sent Me on the earth to make you, Israel from the end, to go with you as light into the world, son, and to call into being those that are still not; and I called you a chosen vessel, as I put a birth from above upon you, to be from heaven on the earth, and so that the earth may have light and to be seen into the darkness.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1996. (On Calameo)


Jerusalem, My people, Jerusalem, the people of the grace, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I rest in the bosom of my Father, and the Father in my bosom, the beginning and the end, for I am the beginning and the end. The beginning was made, and God rested in it, and the end is the same, and God will rest then. « In the beginning

was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God and all things were made

through Him and the life was in Him», as it is written.

Jerusalem, My place of rest, you should know, son, that all were made by the word. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Word of God. In the beginning I was the word, and My Father made all things through Me, and in the end I am the same; I am the word, as the end will also be made through the word, and he, who does not understand the beginning and the end, does not believe the work of My word. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end, it is also the Word. I am the Word, but the haughty ones do not understand it and do not take care so that that day, which was spoken about by the prophets, may not come upon them, for it is written: « See, you proud, be

careful and frightened; it is fulfilled a thing in your days that you will not believe if someone

tells you». In the beginning was the Word and I was the Word of God in the beginning, and all things were made through Me, and nothing was made without Me. In the end is the Word again, and I am the Word of God in the end, and all are made through Me, and nothing is made without Me. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end is also the Word, and that is why the Scripture says: « I am the

Alpha and the Omega».

Jerusalem, My people, I am the One Who was in the beginning, for it is written: « In the

beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and all things

that were made were made through Him». That is why I came and said: „I am the Alpha and the Omega, the One Who is, the One Who was, and the One Who comes”. Behold, you son that believe, I am the word in the end as I was in the beginning, and he, who believes in the Scriptures, believes My word that I work with in the end as in the beginning. In the beginning I was working, I was working those that were not seen, for there was no one to see when I was working.

And after I made all things that are, I made then the man and I made him to believe, and he saw those that were not visible, and to which he gave a name. And behold an invisible mystery, as 46

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in the end I work those that are not visible, for there is no one to see when I work, and that is why I make the man to see those that are not visible. That is why I spoke to you Israel, in My book with you and said: „Do not get lost Israel, for it is coming something that you have not seen since you were born; the making of the earth and of the heaven and of the New Jerusalem, which are not on the earth yet, are coming.” This is what I was speaking in the beginning of My work with you, Jerusalem of today, and I was speaking to you about the scribes and the Pharisees standing in the corner of the street to prevent you from coming to Me, and behold, I did not lie to you and I told you everything beforehand, and My word is truth.

The word from the end like in the beginning is the making of the earth, of the heaven and of the New Jerusalem that were in the beginning. Again, it is a making in the end: « a new heaven

and a new earth in which peace and justice will reign», as the promises of the Scriptures write:

« I will make new heavens and a new earth, and no one will remember those of the past, and the

new heaven and the new earth will remain before Me, and your tribe and your name will endure

forever». And if so it is written in the Scriptures, behold, the heaven and the earth pass away and My words have been fulfilled with the new heaven and the new earth and with My people that will endure forever, according to My promises, according to the Scriptures, Israel. And if I was born as the Son of man two thousand years ago, and if My Father gave birth to Romania once with Me, and if I was to have a people in the end to come to it as the word, behold, I spread My manger into Romania and I become the word of new making in it, as the making from the beginning. In the beginning everything started at My word and it was not possible to be worked out otherwise in the end; it was not possible not to be worked out in the end for I said: « I am the

Alpha and the Omega». I am the Word of God in the beginning and in the end, for all are made by the word and nothing is made without the word. You should know My people that nothing is made without the word. The man thought that God is something else then His making, the making that was in Him, as it was in the man. But the man being disobedient did no longer know, and he began not to know and that is why I said to the man: « Man, you will find God nowhere but in

you, if you put Him in you».

Oh, Jerusalem, the land of Romania bears on it the mystery from the beginning, My working word. Why does he hold this mystery on it? Because Romania is the land of My choice and My nation elected again. ( See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The

New Canaan” , r.n. ) And why did I choose this land? Oh, I did not choose. It was a chosen land and I established a chosen people, born at the same time with Me, beginning at My word, for I sent My anointed one to put My sign on this earth, the chosen earth with a mark on it and a man born of Me, My people, born of My word, born of a Christian, spirit and body, a man christened by the Christian, by My anointed, by My apostle first called.

It is a feast of a saint Andrew in your midst, Jerusalem, people of the feasting of the heaven on the earth, for I am with the saints in My coming to you. Andrew, My apostle blesses upon Romania. My apostle blesses from Me:

From You, Lord, Jerusalem from above, for in You all Your saints rest, Lord. And if You are with the kingdom of Your word in Romania, Your saints are with You, and they come together at Your feast, at Your word, Lord, and the saints speak from You and testify about You from Romania, a chosen people on a chosen earth, chosen from the beginning, Lord, sealed from the 47

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beginning to be chosen to the making out of the fullness of the times, so that all may be in You again, those from the heavens and those on the earth, all in You.

May You, Lord, be blessed, You Who are, Who was and Who come, for You chosen Roma-

nian people before the creation of the world, arranging it in Your love, to be Your Son, according to the counsel of Your will, to the praise of Your greatness, Lord, so that all may be in You, those from heavens with those from the earth, all in You, for in Your queen country You brought together those from the heavens with those from the earth, the heaven held together in Romania, Your queen country, Your bride country, a country with a King, oh, a King with a Queen! No one knows sufficiently the mystery of the chosen land in which You came as a word in the end, You Who are the Alpha and the Omega. The man does not understand the work of Your word in Romania, Your new creation, Your work of creation, Your word, Lord. I was Your messenger to put Your name and Your life upon the Romanian people, and I did not know then what this land was, but now, I bow down to You in it and kiss it, for then I did not know; I did not know its mystery from the beginning.

It was Your mystery, Your coming, Your word, Your manger in which You become the word in the end as You were in the beginning. I bow down and kiss this land as You have always been kissing it with the sweetest word, for when You worked the word for creation of the heaven and of the earth, You said this: «Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the

waters from the waters», and it was so, according to Your word. And the expanse of the heaven was made and it divided the waters which were under the expanse and above the expanse and he called the expanse sky. And You said that the waters from under the sky gather together to one place and the dry land appear, and it was so, and You called it earth. And when the earth appeared from the water, the first dry land was the Romanian land, the first to appear from the water, and you took clay from it when You created the man. And You built for him a garden facing the east and put him into it, and you called that garden happiness; You called it the happiness of the man, the garden of happiness, the same way as the man has a house and a garden. When Noah sent forth a dove from him to bring the sign of the reconciliation, the olive branch, it was the same way. This land was the first dry land which appeared out of the water, after the flood of water passed, the first green oasis, and the dove broke the green branch from it and flew to Noah with it.

Oh, glory to You, the One Who made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and on the end, as You are the Alpha and the Omega, and You work in the end as in the beginning. Glory to You, the One, Who made the Romanian heaven and earth, to the glory of Your word on the earth, Lord, as Your saints give You glory from Romania, the land of Your brightness, and its tribe will be like the stars of the sky before You, a new man before You, Lord, Amen.

— Oh, you are blessed, My apostle, who has seen and loved Me and has followed Me since

then and until now! But happier are those who do not see Me and love Me and believe in Me and follow Me believing into My word. Blessed are you, who saw Me and believed Me, but more blessed are those who believe in My word, in the Shepherd enshrouded by His mystery, as the Romanian land had the anointment of the Holy Spirit over it, and the Holy Spirit preached the parables of the kingdom of the heavens, who will be the truth in it, as this is what I said: „I want to make a real story out of you, sons of Israel, Romanian sons from Romanians, to be sons, to be real, and to be truly”, and let the strong one be from his own strong place, and let the 48

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weak one be from his own weak place, but let them be, as happy are those who believe and those who will believe by the testimony of the faithful ones, and they will be and will believe, the same as in Israel, those that are weak believe by the word of those that are faithful in Israel; the weak believe, and they believe in the God of the faithful ones. Amen. The weak ones believe; they believe and give themselves over as a love sacrifice, as the faithful teach them, as My word becomes food for everlasting life, for the fulfillment of the holiness in the faithful man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle Andrew, from 13-12-1996.

(On Calameo)


At the beginning I took clay and worked the man and then I breathed upon him, and after all the six days’ work, I could hardly rest. But now, in the end, after seven thousand years, I can barely, barely manage, and I am working because man is stiff-necked and has made Me tired, and I am working hard, for I am working through man to help Me, and I can hardly find any understanding with man, for man is caught with his own things, and I can hardly find, here and there, warmth, home and bread, water, room in man and help in My toil. However, I have spoken and I will fulfill and I am fulfilling, because it is the time to fulfill.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three saint hierarchs, Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-1997.


I am, and I am called the Word of God, as it is written: «He comes with the clouds and

with the tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God». ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ) Amen.

I am the One Who is. I come from heaven on earth and I become word and Bridegroom, as

the Lamb’s wedding came, and His bride is ready. Blessed are those who are called to the Lamb’s wedding supper. ( See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb” , r.n. ) I am the Great Bishop, Who passed through the heavens and suffered among the people

and with the people, being tempted in every way possible like the people, yet without sin. I did not take this honor alone, but My Father gave it to Me, as it is written: «You are My Son; Today I

have begotten You. You are Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek».

I am the One Who is, but the people, which I came through from My Father, did not receive Me as My Father’s messenger, and as a result, I went to the gentiles of the earth, and My Father gave Romania to Me since My birth, to be the country of My coming back with the clouds, the country of the glory of the last days, for as I ascended to My Father, the same way I will come; I come with the clouds and with the tens of thousands of saints, and I come, coming. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „He comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds” , r.n. )

I come to you, the country of My wedding, as I have you from My Father to be the country for My coming back among the people. Receive Me! I come as word to you, as I have the people of My word into your midst, a warm manger in which the Word of God is being born from above, and Which comes with the clouds, like the bird which makes its nest at the eaves of a house, where it lays down its chickens to breed and to feed them, crossing the air and coming, flying up and 49

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down, flying down and up and then coming down again to feed her chickens, to grow and teach them to fly up into the sky. I am the One Who is. I come with the clouds to you, My country of wedding: «I come with the saints on the white horse, and hosts from heaven come after Me

riding on white horses, and the word comes out of My mouth, and on My thighs; and on My

coat I have a written name: „The king of Kings and the Lord of the Lords”», as it is written into the Scriptures that I come. ( See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse” , r.n. ) When I had to lift up Jerusalem again, which was ruined because of its sins, I heard a calling from the earth, to come and save Israel oppressed by the reward of its iniquities. I heard Daniel, who reminded Me of My promises for Israel, confessing before Me the sins of his people, and humiliating himself for Israel, and I came down to him and declared: «Seventy weeks are decreed

on Jerusalem until the lawlessness will overcome its limitations, until the Holy One of the Saints

comes to suffer for the man, and He will throw the city down and it will be hard until the end.

But I will come in the end and I will make a covenant with many in one week, and many of

those, who sleep in the dust of the earth, will rise and the wise people will give light». And Daniel was praying, saying: « Master, when? ». But I answered him: «Daniel, all these words are sealed

until the end, and in the end many will be cleansed, whitened and cleared, and no one among

those without law will understand My words, but only the wise people will understand, for the

wise people keep aside from the way of the lawlessness and they stay only with the Holy Spirit,

the Counselor of the wise people. And you, Daniel, you will get up and you will receive your

inheritance in the time of the end. Amen».

… I am the One Who is and I stay into your midst with the sons of My word, sons anointed by Me, the Bishop of the Father Sabaoth, standing on the right side of the throne of the greatness in heavens, as I brought Myself as a sacrifice before My Father, as any bishop brings offering for his sins and for those of his people. And behold, I am with the sons of My word into your midst, My country, and here is what I speak with them:

Sons anointed, the four hundred and ninety years have passed; seventy weeks of years have passed since the bond was put over Romanian and over its church, as here I had a bishop in My image and after My likeness, who anathematized the lawlessness which he saw that it was made, and then he came to Me after he was banished from the seat of the church. It is written: «The one,

who does not love God, let him be accursed». Oh, the lawlessness overran its margins, and the bishop Nifon19 declared a word against it, and this bond has remained. And now I come to declare an awakening over My country to get it out from under this guilt.

Anointed sons, I want to work through you, as I am well pleased in you and I love you, as you also love Me by fulfilling My commandments, as it is written: «He, who keeps My command-

ments, that one loves Me». Lift up your hand into My name to the Father and say at the same time with Me, the Bishop of the heaven:

19 Nephon II of Constantinople, also Nifon II, was the Patriarch of Constantinople for two periods, from 1486

to 1488 and then from 1497 to 1498. He was called again, a third time in 1502, but refused the invitation, choosing instead to return to Dionysiou Monastery where he reposed September 3 in 1508. He was also metropolitan bishop of Wallachia approximately between 1502-1507, r.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, those that are bound over Romania are broken and loosened, and let them be loosened both in heaven and on earth. Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the Romanian country is blessed with the blessings of the heaven, with the blessings of the air, with the blessing of the earth chosen by God, with the blessings of the everlasting heights, with the blessings of the bosoms of the heaven. Amen. I am the One Who is, and I bless by the word coming with the clouds:

The Romanian country is blessed, with the gift of the holy faith, and by faith let her be filled with My everlasting gifts, as I come with the new age, the endless one; I come with the heaven and with the new earth over the old ones, and let the lawlessness be thrown into the fire, and let the man rise to the blessed ones of the heavenly gifts. I am the One, Who reconciles the people to the Father. I am the One, Who reconciles the faithful man to the Father. I am the One Who is. Amen.

When Moses asked Me what he was to tell Israel when he went to take the Israelites out of Egypt by My strong hand, and when he asked Me: «Lord, who should I tell them that You are?»,

this is what I told him to tell them about Me: «I am He Who is». This is what I also tell you, sons of My word: I am the One Who is, I am the One Who send you, and you are My messengers, you are My gift over the people, who will believe in Me through you. Amen.

I have come with the clouds and with the saints and I have My bishop with Me, the patriarch Nifon, for everybody. I am in him and he is in Me, and he declares from Me, the word from the word upon you, oh My country:

— Oh, Lord, the God of the living, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Oh, Lord, the God of the living of the Romanian people! I am written down in heaven as Romanian, as here I had the last calling, and You called me to become Romanian and to be named holy by the Romanian people and by the whole faithful world.

Oh, Lord, Bishop, Who stands on the right side of the throne of the greatness in heavens!

There have passed over Romanian seventy weeks of years until the number of the years was fulfilled, and to the end of these years You had made a people pleased to You in Romania, and You became word upon it.

You came with the feast of the Palm Sunday in the ruling city of Romania, (Târgovişte20, r.n . ) , Lord, and I am also with you among the tens of thousands of saints that You come with. Bless Romania and fulfill with it a new heaven and a new earth and a new word and a new Passover, as you have a people in it. The sons of Your word have prayed to You as the prophet Daniel also prayed for Jerusalem. I also bless the sons of Your word into Your name, so that the Romanian people may know that they are Your messengers for Romania. Help Romania and give her the gift of the holy faith, to be able to do Your will by faith and to fulfill Your last Scriptures, Lord, as You 20 Târgoviște (alternative spelling: Tîrgoviște; Romanian pronunciation: [tɨr.ˈɡo.viʃ.te]) is a city in Romania, being the county seat of the Dâmbovița County. It was the capital of Wallachia, the Royal Court ("Curtea Dom-nească"), r.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

are fulfilled in her with Your coming, as You come coming, and You become word over her and you shine by the word, and she shines under the light of Your word, and those prophesied for her have come upon her.

Oh, country of the Lord, get up and receive the glory of God! I say to you: get up and rise, as I have come with the Lord to you and I touch your head and declare a blessing for you and I remove those that are bound on you to be loosened in heaven as well. The prayer of the sons from the garden of the Lord’s was heard, and I come with the Lord and fulfill the blessing over you.

And You, Lord, glorify Yourself into Your loved people, which You have been pleased with.


— Oh, bishop, what you bound into My name was bound, and what you absolve into My

name, I also absolve and put the blessing and holiness over those that are cleansed by the word.


And you, sons anointed over this time, lift up your hands once again and say once with Me:

„Father, I thank you that you have listened to us”. Amen.

… In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I write Myself with you into the Book of the Truth, My country, My loved Romania, My wedding country, and you will be and will shine with My glory, as I am the One Who is, and I am well pleased with you. Amen, amen, amen.

( This word of absolution from the curse of the saint Nephon was read thoroughly at the gate of the city of Târgovişte before the multitudes, which were gathered together on this feast announced beforehand. )

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from

20-04-1997.  (On Calameo)


I became a day of resurrection upon you, a day of love, a day of reconciliation, My country.

I come with heavenly days on you and I forgive your iniquity and I lift you up out of the dust and I praise you as My country before the people, and I want to wake up My people Israel through you, that which did not know Me that I came from the Father through the Virgin, as it is written in My Scriptures spoken ahead of time. I am coming with your saints, My country. I am coming with the bishops taken out of you and raised by Me for you. I have come to you with a feast of Palm Sunday and I brought you your bishop, Nifon, and he, as a Romanian saint, lifted you up before Me, for the days have been fulfilled, My country. I have come and I made a celebration of reconciliation in you, a reconciliation agreement between you and Me, for even today I have raised a witness bishop out of you, who lifted a clean church before Me, a church after My will, so that I may proclaim through it blessings over you, My country. But the days are hard nowadays and those that are My messengers, through whom I work out My plan over the earth, receive little help.

… I am coming with your saints to you, My country. I am coming with holy bishops, taken out of you. I am coming with the hierarch Calinic Cernicanul, ( Calinic from Cernica monastery, 52

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r.n. ) who is alive. I am coming to unseal My mysteries from you, for you are My land chosen again, My new land, for Israel did not give Me any dwelling; and I have made out of you a new land and a new heaven, and I am coming with your heaven of saints and work upon you. Your saints become word upon you and they unseal My mysteries with you, My new country, for I have made a new covenant in you, a covenant of love, to choose you and to write you as Mine. I am the Word of God into your midst. I am the One Who is, and I am with you, and I am coming with your saints and make them word of My word upon you, for I have spoken with them on your land as I spoke with Daniel in the time of Israel. Amen.

— You are coming Lord, and You are coming with Your saints. Amen. You are coming and Your saints are speaking from You, the dwelling of the saints, Lord. Your saints become word from You, and they become light over Romania, the country of its saints, the country of the saints, Lord.

All the saints have received the good news, Lord, and the Romanian saints are loved by the entire holy heaven, because You have Romania in the plan of Your Scriptures, and You made an agreement with it and became word upon it, and You breathe resurrection upon it and upon many nations which will receive Your light from it.

I was Your prophet and I proclaimed the time of Romania, and I proclaimed Your church of New Jerusalem upon it. I prophesied the time of Your peace and I sealed through the word, the year of getting out into the world of Your word, Lord, the year in which, those little of Yours, raised You a new church of New Jerusalem on the earth, a new stone of new beginning on the old ones, at Your word, at You command, Lord; however, the people still do not understand the mystery of Your word in Romania, Your mystery with Your trumpet, with Verginica, Your trumpet, Lord. But I am coming and saying that, on the day when You had Your word come down in it, I cried from the grave so that those who slept could hear and get up as I got up at Your voice, when You started the word of Your word in Romania, Lord.

I prophesied, in the time of my body, Your work of New Jerusalem, both about the bad ending and about the new beginning, and in the year of 1955, when You started to become word in Romania, I spoke from the grave and I cried out to be taken out, for I heard Your word into the middle of Romania, the country of Your returning, and Your Scripture was fulfilled, which says:

«Those from the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God and will wake up». However, I got up and became the saint of the Romanians, so that the Romanians may pray to me to intercede with You for the Romanians. But now, I am interceding from heaven for the Romanians on Your behalf, so that they may hear and believe Your word, as I heard it from the grave and got up above to help the people. I am coming from heaven with You and become word from You over the Romanians, over my kindred, and I tell it that this is the work of Your word through which You are well pleased with the people of Your word, and which stands as witness before You, Lord, for it is not by its power, and nor by its might that this little and tiny people stands as witness for You, but it stands up by Your grace, Lord, and the Romanians will receive the spirit of life and become sons of God, born from above, of Your word, born at their faith in Your word, which is coming with the clouds as it is written.

Oh, my Romanian people, I speak to you: believe into the word of God, which is coming to you on the clouds. I prophesied in the time of my body the peace of God, which was to come on 53

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the earth. This word is the fulfillment of my prophecy, but the great people have hidden my words, and behold, they have come true and are fulfilled and they come out from the bushel. Amen.

And You, Lord Word, wake up from the sleep those that are sleeping and graze Your flock, Lord, and give them Your word, for You are body and word in the church. You are the One Who speaks over Romania and let it know that You are coming with the clouds. Amen.

— Oh, Israel of My word, I am the Lord, your God. I comfort you with the saints; I make you rejoice in the glory of My word and I become a tabernacle for you as you also become one for Me.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy hierarch Calinic from Cernica, from



Amen, amen, I say to you, My people: he, who believes in Me has eternal life and does not die, and he, who dies, does not believe in Me. He, who believes in Me, comes to life and is alive and believes, and he, who does no longer believe, is no longer alive. I told the first man; I told Adam: « If you do not listen, if you take what I told you not to take, you shall die in that day», as for the one, who does not believe what I tell him, that one is no longer alive, and no one understand what the end of the world means; no one, My people. He, who does not believe in Me, is not alive. This word that I have been coming with on earth for forty years, in fact even for forty-five years, as it is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets, this word is for the judgment of unbelief, ( See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment” , r.n. ) as the people do not know what the end of the world means, and the unbelief is spreading upon the people to all the margins, but My word goes as swiftly as an arrow, which suddenly stops at the place where it falls, and the end of the world means the disbelief in God.

… Oh, Israel, you, son, shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, as this means unbelief. You shall not take the word of God in vain, for disbelief means the end of the world, son. You shall not be like the man in the beginning. You shall do like Me, son, for I have always listened to My Father, but the man in the beginning did not listen to his Father and did not want to have any father and mother, and he wanted to have a woman instead; and he did not want to be one body with his mother and father, and rather he wanted to be one body with his woman. Oh, how shall a man not separate from his father and mother to take a woman if man separated even from God for his woman!

Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Passover, of the blind, from



I came the second time from the Father. Man, I came to you as it is written into the Scriptures that I will come. I become the word upon you to work through the word, as in the beginning I also worked by the word. In the beginning I made the man from the word, clay, water and Spirit, and now I want to make him from the word and human flesh, from the flesh born of the man. I want to make a godly man from the man. I want to make a heaven from the man.

I want to make a resting day from the man, for Me to rest in him. My day of rest at the beginning was in man. I rested only a day and I have not been able to rest since then as the man fell from 54

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

the heaven, and I remained alone. I have been alone since seven thousand years, for the man fell from the heaven, and I want to make from the earth heaven, and from the man God’s kingdom on the earth. I want to be with the man. I want to be in the man. The lost man, I want to find the one lost from the heaven. The heaven is full of eternity and the heaven is in Me, and I am in the Father. I went to prepare a place so that they may be where I am, and I want to draw all of them to the Father. That is why I come as a word on the earth, and the people of the church put Me away from their churches and do not let Me draw the man to the everlasting life; they do not let Me come with the kingdom of the heavens on the earth; they do not let Me. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) Oh, Jerusalem, I will come as a word upon you and I will speak to you about the mystery of My day of rest, which the man does no longer remember. The man does not know what the day of the Lord means, as not even Israel have known it since I told him and until today.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 05-06-1997. (On



Amen, amen, I speak to you, to the one who stands in front of the church: you have

two wolves around you, and even three that want to remove you from your place. However, you should not run away as the hired of shepherd does and stand carefully for the life of your sheep, for your sheep are the people chosen by Me in the end, for it is the time from the end and from the beginning and for the new birth of the world, for the spirit of the world has come to an end, and My Spirit, in the beginning, and the end joins the beginning, and I work again by the word so that all that have remained may come. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother Cover, from 14-10-1997.


In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I am blessing the beginning of the work on the hill, the first little house around this settlement, sanctified by My name, through you, sons anointed with My new anointment. All the little houses, blessed by My word, which is with you, may all have sons in them for Me, sons in My image and after My likeness, sons named by My word. May this little house be a pearl in the string of pearls that will surround the settlement of My new beginning, through which I began the new birth of the world, the renewal of the world, anointed sons. We are beginning the world again, and I am beginning with you. Amen, amen, amen. None of those who meet you in My name understand the depth of My mystery within you, and even some rise up and blaspheme you, and for those I cannot say that they did not know what they did by their blasphemy. Now, the end of evil and the beginning of the holy things over man have settled on earth, and there is nothing to wait for, for all have come to an end.

Amen. Everything has ended and there is nothing good for God on earth. All is vanity and chasing after the wind, as the Scriptures says, but you are My plan in My hand, My sketch for the new birth of the world. I can give nothing more to the world but sufferance. The world is greedy after the wind and after vanity; it is greedy and never gets enough of the sin of greed.

Every man has lost his mind and cannot gather it to look at the vanity of his mind. The man who loves his own self, the man who puts God with fine words, that one knows nothing of the mystery of the Christian name.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I dedicate you and

your entire holy work, which will stand before Me and yield a godly age between heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09-1998


« The Lord is coming», this is what the Scripture says, but those who call themselves My church, only for My coming do they not care, only for Me do their heart not burn. Conceited people, who do not have the Spirit, set themselves as rulers upon My flock and no one gets up to come before me at My coming. « The Lord is coming», this is what the Scripture of My coming says, which does not wait for Me to come, for it is written: « The Lord is coming with His tens of

thousands to make judgment against all and to rebuke all who are not faithful of all the deeds

of their paganism for which they commit lawlessness, and of all the challenging words, with

which they, the sinners and not fearful of God, and were delivered against Him».

Now, you little children of My garden, let us work a celebration of the word, for My word became a heavenly celebration, a celebration for the saints in heaven and on earth. My word over you is a new word, and their waiting came to its end. My saints labored on the earth for the Jerusalem from above, and I come down from heaven in a work of a New Jerusalem on the earth, for this is the reward of My saints, who have always asked Me: « Lord, until when? ». Behold, I answer them: until now. Behold, I make them all new; this is what I answer them. But the man is hardened, and I work hard, and you work hard, My saints, for the man does not call you anymore to work by the life of the holy man, by the faith of the faithful man, but I declare you a new word and say: behold, I make all new, for this is written in the Scriptures about the Lord, Who sits on His throne and speaks the work of New Jerusalem, saying: « Behold, we make them all

new». Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of the Lord, at the celebration of the St. hierarch Nicholas, from



Behold, sons from the garden, of which I feed those that are bowed to Me, behold, in this time I have made you into a little pot and cup for those who bow to drink of the water of My word of this time. I want to create rivers of grace through you on earth. Amen. Soon, soon, I come with the beginning and with the end of the book. I take from the beginning and from the end and I fulfill, because it is written in the beginning: «A river went out of Eden to water the garden; and

from there it was parted, and became four heads»; ( Gen: 2/10) and again, this is written for the end: «Behold the river of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the

Lamb, and which flows in the middle of its street. And on each side of the river was the tree of

life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for

the healing of the nations. And the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the citadel and His

servants will serve Him and will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads. And these

words are true and are sealed with the seal of the truth». ( Apoc: 22/1-2) Amen, amen, amen.

At this time, I Myself open the book from the beginning and from the end, take of it and fulfill what I have spoken through it. Amen. And this is what you spoke by saying: “Humility of 56

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mind gives way to the knowledge of God, and man understands the Lord’s will by the humility of his mind fulfilling His words.” Amen.

Sons, I am meeting you and I am giving Myself to you as a sweet word. I am writing into My book the beginning of the year 2000. I write as God and man writes like a man. I write as at the end, and man writes as a man. Oh, little children of My Spirit, I am going deep with you into the mystery of the new age, the age that is to be, My age with man, I and My commandments written into the man’s heart, I and My saints through whom I lay down My victorious coming with the new age, with the life of the age that is to be. I and those in the beginning, and those in the end, are working for the testimony of My words from the beginning and from the end.

Soon, soon, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, but for the saints not for the sinners, for I, the slaughtered Lamb, am forever pierced by the spirit of conceit in which the sinful man dwells.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the sanctified Saint martyr Ignatius, ( Ignatius

of Antioch) from 02-01-2000.


Oh, there are no longer shepherds of souls; they are nowhere, and it is the end of the world, for the church is no longer a church and rather is something else. Here is what they, who call themselves shepherds, do: they do what is theirs and not Mine, and not the things of the church, and they only pretend that they give to the poor and widows, but they hide behind their words. Oh, here is what they do: the come together stealthily and make subjects to them and make plans against the light and come together with the gentiles on their ways and not on My way, and have as a counsel the deception and hypocrisy, and the subjects take from them and they all go up in flames and no one seeks My light.

When I took My people Israel from the world that is from the Egypt, I told it on the way to Canaan not to come together with the gentiles in their way and that they should better killed them than to spoil My offspring. And if they did not listen, all the number of Israel, which I left from Egypt with, perished, except two people with whom I went on the way to Canaan together with those born on the way. Now it is that what it was again, as it is written in the Scriptures. The church has been broken by the mixture with those that are not My church; and who breaks it, he always breaks it and does not build it; he corrupts everywhere and the corruption spreads, for the man of the church leads out of one’s own head everywhere, and there are nowhere shepherds of souls anymore, and it is the end of the world everywhere; and the shepherds of the world, instead of giving light to their flock, hide from it into dark places, drinking, eating and making worldly plans, drawing on their side the rulers upon the people, and the haughtiness killed all the body, and the earth is full of bodies without spirit. The money winks with its devilish eye to every man, and the church let itself be sold on money, and it is the end of the world, for the church is no longer a church, but it is something else. There is no one in the church; no one to become a martyr for its life and for its forgiveness. All its shepherds keep it for themselves to have something to rule over. My apostle Stephen built My church two thousand years ago, when became a martyr for My life in it, and for its faith in Me, the Savior of the church.

When he let himself to be crucified for Me on the earth, I opened the heavens immediately and came to take him near Me, on the right side of My Father, as he confessed that I was on the right side of My Father. The martyrs of My name did not leave the church for fear of the 57

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death and afflictions, but rather they remained in it and died for it in its midst. They died for the greatness of My name upon the earth, and those following them and those from the church of today do not even want to live for my name, but rather they stay sleeping from their own reading, from their own power, from their own will upon the people, upon their flock, not upon My flock. When the man became a martyr, he testified about Me, in order to rule upon My flock, and behold, he rules and boasts with it calling it „ the mother church”. But it is only I that am a mother, and it is for Me an ornament and a holy body, broken out of My body, for I broke My body and gave it as a food so that it may be My body. Amen.

The day is coming, which will burn seven times more, like an oven with fire, and I will try by fire all the body who calls itself My church, and then I will reveal My church.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the celebration of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, from 09-01-2000.


I am clothed in the garment of judgment, for the spirit of the man stands powerfully against My coming. The wrath, the opposing man pushes Me to overcomes My mercy, for it is the time to come because everything has come to an end on the earth, and the earth has been running out of power and it can no longer go on. There is no one to clean and to make it holy through cleanness, and the earth groans under the man’s sins and I hear its sighing and groaning for the man is heavier than the ground under him. There are only sins on the earth, only deaf people, as in the time of Noah. But I also call out and cry again, and I cry as in the time of Noah. I call out until I come visibly and every man will see Me. ( See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible

way” , r.n. ) I call out so that the dead and the living may hear Me, and the dead will help Me and will testify about My coming at the same time with their resurrection. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judgment, from 05-03-2000. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons of men, this word is My love, and I am coming with it to teach you the mystery of the holy meeting between man and man in My name, for the holy man is beautiful before Me.

Prepare your holiness and take Me within you, for I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. Give yourselves to Me so that I may be able to give you to the Father as a holy people at My coming, for when I left to be with the Father, I said: «Watch therefore, for you don’t know when your Lord

is coming to put you over His things, and to be eternal after that». ( See Mark: 13/35) Be faithful to My word, for those who are set over My things are those who are holy, not the sinful ones. Be only eyes and ears over those that come from heaven upon you to make you wise in your hearing and seeing, for the rulers upon you keep you far from My coming; however, you should come closer and closer, for here I am, I am close and I am here to teach every man the mystery of My coming after two thousand years. My coming is sweet. It is sweet My word with which I am coming to you, man called at the wedding of My coming. My coming is a wedding for those who come to it, and for those who run away from it, it is a day of darkness, it is a day of judgment, for he, who does not listen to these words, will be judged by them and will remain into the darkness of this age. Amen. Behold the spring, and I am near it, giving Myself to the one who is thirsty.

Behold the Supper, and I am the food for the one who hungers.


Image 1

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, country of My return, oh, sweet country, I am getting sweetened in you with the word of My coming and I am making you sweet for the heaven, and even for those on earth. Oh, My beautiful country, I have come back to your beginning. You are the beginning of the earth, and I am sitting on your top and speaking over the earth from there, from My holy place, from My holy mountain21 in you. Your people do not know its origin, but I am coming to let it know and to make the man from the place where I made the first one created. Behold the manger of My word with which I am starting to make the world and the man again as in the beginning. At the beginning I started with this place, and at the end, I have also started from here, and I have joined the beginning with the end to make up the Scripture of the new birth of the world. Let the Romanian come and take from Me and let him learn what it means the Romanian to be Romanian! Let the Romanian come and receive new birth from My word! Let him come!

Amen. And he is coming, and will keep coming. Amen.

21 «And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-

tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.

And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the

God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law

and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah 4:1;2)


Image 2

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from



And now, in the end, I am calling the man with fire and I am saying: man, oh man, get up from your rest and lay down in My rest, for you have made Me bitterly tired, and I am shaking the fatigue off, I am getting up and asking you about My rest. Oh, what have you done, man? Oh, until when, man? Answer Me! Until when? The time has come for you to give Me this answer, for the angels bitterly cry because of your departure from God, and the earth mourns under your heav-iness, and you are heavier than the earth and the earth mourns too and asks Me to shake it, to sweep it out, to wash it and to smooth it for the great time, for the great day of its salvation and for the salvation of God’s sons, for the earth has waited for God’s sons, as it was written into the Scriptures to be, and behold, the Scripture of God’s sons on earth among people has come true. And I, with the voice of a thunder go from margins to margins and call the man on earth far and wide and I bring to him the news of the fulfillment of the Scriptures of the revelation of God’s sons. Amen.

Oh, sons of men, have you heard about the Scripture of the revelation of God’s sons? How about you, those who have set over people in My name, do you still know that you have read in the Scriptures about the mystery of God’s sons, who are waited by all creature from the beginning and the end? Oh, in vain you flee from My coming, for behold the fulfillment of the Scriptures of the revelations of God’s sons. ( Romans: 8/19)22

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption. The feast of the Romanian

Christianity, the third day, from 28-08-2000.

22 «As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children». ( Rom: 8/19) 60

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I want to teach you, I want to get you used to talking with Me, man coming from man. At My baptism, the water of Jordan and the Father from heaven talked with Me, and I want you to know what baptism and what your birth from above mean so that you may be after that, as behold, you are not, and you always die and you are not, for you love death and not life. Oh, I came from the Father for you and I became a Man, and I thoroughly passed through the human things to crush them in My body and for you to hear how many things I have done for you. Come to hear My teaching from the end of the time, for I want to work again for your life, man. I am coming again from the Father and with the Father to give you My hand and you to learn to come to life, for I have given My life to you and I always give it you to take from it and to be. Sink within My word of the new creation and baptize in it, man, for I am speaking to you this word of new birth, because I do not want your death, but rather I want you to come back and to be alive. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany) from 19-



Oh, children of My coming! I have made you, My consolation. If you love Me, then com-

fort Me, sons. When man was in paradise, the word was between man and Me. Behold, once again, in the end of the time, My word is between man and Me again. The word is the mystery of the paradise, the comfort that comes by the word. The word is the love from paradise, between man and Me. Without word there is no love. Love is only from the word and where there is no love, there are not its works as well, and if there are works without word with it always, without love, then that are not the works of love, for the works of love are even the paradise, and the mystery of the paradise is the word, sons, the word of love. The love of the word is the man’s consolation as work, and man can love, and he is beautiful through love and can do for him and for those around him who take after him. If man is among those who do not take after himself, he cannot do anything because strength comes from the comfort of the paradise.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint John, the Baptist, from 20-01-2001.


Let your face, My people, be My resurrected face from crucifixion. I told you to stand in front of the mirror and dress beautifully, for you need special attire. Did you hear My people? I told you that you are My Gospel of today. Did you hear My people? Behold, I tell you this and I tell you so: When My face will be completely your face, then the end and the beginning will come, and all will be born again from your new image, for I chose you for this, My people.

Then I will speak from your mouth the new creation of all that were at the beginning, and I will make a word of creation through you, and everything will come to be renewed and then I will say:

« It was done! ». Amen. Through your new image I will say: « It was done! ». Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-




The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

My people, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of one being is with hope after you to be useful to Him until He fully consummates all His mystery for the redemption of the creature, all His love for everything He did in the beginning for man. Amen.

The saints arise from their rest. My coming now, at the end of the time, this is the reward of all the saints on earth. The saints have to receive their reward on earth, for they have worked hard. Every man goes to receive his reward from where he has worked, and this is why I had to come on earth now, in the end of the time. I am coming with My coming to give to all the saints who are waiting for their redemption through Me and through those in the end. My blood which I gave for the life of all that were and are, I gave it to redeem with it the whole creature, and the creature still sighs and it keeps on sighing until I will have been come perfectly on earth. Amen.

… From age to age I have sown good seed, but man fell asleep and the devil came and

sowed tares and then he went away. When My disciples asked Me to explain to them the parable of the tares, I said to them: «He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the land is the

world. The sons of the kingdom are the good seed, and the tares are the sons of the evil one, and

the enemy who sowed it is the devil». And then I also told them: «The tares must not be plucked

from the wheat, lest the wheat be plucked up, but it must grow together until the harvest, and

then I will say to the harvesters: first gather the tares into sheaves so that we may burn it, and

then gather the wheat into My barn». And I also told them: «The harvest is the end of the world,

and the harvesters, the angels. And as the tares are gathered and cast into the fire, so it will be

the end of the age, for the Son of Man will send His angels and these will gather out of His

kingdom all heresies and those who do lawlessness and will cast them into the fire, and then the

righteous ones will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father». Amen.

I want to set My being in man and to shine like the sun in him. This is what I want to do by My coming to you, My people, and the image of My saints wait for you, too. Behold, I celebrate with you in a spirit of a holy church the one among the prophets, Daniel, greatly beloved and dear to Me. When he was on the earth, he asked Me: «My Lord, what shall be the issue of these

things?» And I told him this: «Go your way, Daniel, go your way until the end be: for you shall

rest and shall stand in your lot at the end of the days». ( Daniel: 12/8, 13)

Oh, My people, the image of the saints wait for you to perfect the work of My coming, and that I may come again and give them their full inheritance. The little ones are the most loved ones, but they are also the most taught by God. I told Daniel this: «Daniel, the words are shut up and

sealed until the end of the time. None of the wicked shall understand then, but those who are

wise shall understand then. And you shall keep these words hidden and seal this book until the

end of the time, and many will search it thoroughly and the knowledge will increase». ( See Daniel: 12/9) Amen.

… I give heaven and earth on love, My people! I give them both on the loving man who

longingly and wisely seeks after Me, loving Me with fire, for this has the power to make My way and to come soon, as soon as possible, for the saints cry after My coming and after all My glory from the end of the time, and My glory spends with you, My people, and the saints long after you as the trophy bearer for the glory of My days now, for My word that cradles you in its 62

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

comfort is My glory from My coming in the end of the time. Amen. ( See the selection topic:

„The glory of God” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet, Daniel, from 30-12-2001.


There is no man not to be afraid of the end of the world, of this word, which speaks about the end of the world in it. However, if the man wanted to read this news that I spoke about two thousand years ago, he would see that I said that I was about to come again to settle back to its place My kingdom that was corrupted by the man. Oh, how good it would be for the man to want to wait for the end of the world, for the resurrection of the dead, for My coming and for the life, which is to be! How good it would be, My people!

… The new birth of the world will be achieved by repentance and by love, which will not be taken away from the man. Only love and longing, which makes it, can bring about the beautiful image on man’s face, the repentance of the heart, which showing its face, gives the man a sweet and beautiful face. If the man asked Me how the new birth of the world is and how it could be, I would answer him that the sweet repentance and the longing in the man’s heart, this means the birth, which is to come to renew the world. The love, which has been waiting for Me to come, this brings with it the new birth of the world and its creators, and Me, the Lord and the Bridegroom of the wedding, in the mystery of love, which has been waiting for Me to come, for all and everything have been waiting for My coming, the coming of the Son of Man. Amen.

… Go Jerusalem; go, My people, with a carol of new birth, and go to big and small houses, so that he man may see you and long after your life, so that he may do as you do and so that we may give birth on the earth to the love, which has been waiting for Me to come. Amen.

Go Jerusalem, with the speech of the carols of My birth, and may the longing in people

increase from your new face, with which you meet Me today, when I come.

Go Jerusalem and rejoice with longing and not with joy. Go, and let My face shine on your face, My people from the end of the time. The feast of the Lord’s birth, this is what you celebrate today near those in My little village of today. Then I came to Bethlehem, and now I have come into this little village, which the man called it by the name of the earth, ( Glodeni << glod: dust, a handful of earth, clay, earth for processed by hand – eg: pottery, r.n. ) and this name was born with a great mystery among My angels, which have watched for the name of My little village of today

(Glodeni, r.n.).

And you, the one that are settled down by Me at the manger, take My people with you and go carol singing again, and also give the villagers now, the news of the feast of My birth as child from the Virgin two thousand years ago, and word from the word now, now at the end of the time, now when I came and I come. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity, from 07-01-2002 (25.12.2001

Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, loved people by heaven, you should get used to the spirit of the feasts of the heaven more than to every occupation of your body, soul and spirit. You should get used to spend with heaven, always, always, child from the end of the time. When the Lord comes on the earth, it is not the time, but the Lord, the seventh angel, Who sounds over the earth, for it is written:

«When the seventh angels will call out His trumpet, there is no more time, but it is the Lord

instead; the Lord clothed with the clouds, with a rainbow on His head, with His face shining

like the sun, and with His legs like pillars of fire, crying with a loud voice, as a lion roars, lifting

up His right hand and swearing by Him Who lives forever and ever, that there will no longer be

delay, but it is the Lord with His mystery completely finished, as He declared to His servants,

the prophets». Amen, amen, amen.

… Oh, My people, you should feel the thrill of My love in the end of time. You should feel it fully, so that you may be one blood with Me, for I have given you a name above sons and daughters before My Father, and I want you to be completely like Me, in My holy mountain, and to shine likewise over the earth, taking from My brightness completely, and for Us to pour ourselves out into each other and to give to the creation the purpose for which it was made. Amen.

My mystery that is kept in eternity for the end of time, this is how I call you, little people. The Mystery of the New Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth on the earth from the end of time, a new people that came out of the new seed, out of fresh word, a mysterious resurrection, a spirit of resurrection on the people, My people. I want to walk with you among the people and the spirit of the creature’s resurrection to hover behind Me and you; the Spirit of the Lord, Who hovers as in the beginning when He was hovering above the waters when I said to be light and it was and it became. Amen. Behold the Spirit of the Lord in the end of time hovers above the waters and over the earth within a spirit of new creation, with a new word, made now, in order to create by it now the new heaven and the new earth, within the mystery of New Jerusalem, which came down from God and which came down

with God for the everlasting, which is coming again. Amen. Wherever the Lord is, there the eternity is as well. Where I am with you, I also want to be the eternity. I want, My people, to establish the eternity on a new earth. Amen.

Oh, how beautiful the Epiphany of the earth was, when it came out of the waters in the

beginning of time! Oh, how beautiful the Epiphany of new earth will be, in a mystery of new heaven and new earth, in a mystery of New Jerusalem, kept in eternity for the end of the time! Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-

2002  (06.01.2002 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)


Seek to speak, My people, for here it is how much I speak to you. Seek to receive son, and to believe well. Seek to have a strong foundation into your heart for My work on you, for the Lord is speaking above you as in the first beginning with the man, My people, and much more than then, little child. In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, over you. In the beginning, I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end, out of My work into your midst, My people. When I made the heaven and the earth, I made them in the light and at the light, because at first, I made the light and I called it day, the first day. Then I 64

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spoke to the waters to be divided, waters from waters, and while they did so, the heaven was made.

The heaven broke through the waters in their midst, up and down, and it kept them this way, and this power, this expanse was called heaven, the heaven from waters; the heaven that came out of waters, and then the earth, after the waters received word to come together to one place and the dry land to come out from them; the dry land, which God baptized calling it earth; and He called the waters Seas. The heaven and the earth, and after that, all creation on it, all the beauty, all the life, and they all came to life, and the life came out and spoke, when the man was placed on the earth after God had made him. Then the earth gave them all a body, and the heaven gave them all life and a purpose. The heaven and the earth, and for them, the man. Amen. The man, and for him the heaven and the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the surface of the waters, My people, and He was preparing His word for the creation of the heaven and the earth and for the creation of the whole beauty and the life on them, and that of the man, My people. And in the end, the Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you preparing His word for the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. In the beginning I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end out of you, people born of God and of His creating word. I separated waters from waters with you and I called you heaven, My people. You are the tool, with which I work out the new heaven and the new earth. My Spirit hovers over you and becomes word, the word of creation of the new heaven and new earth. ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the

footstool: the man deified” , r.n. )

My Spirit is hovering over you as He was hovering over the waters, when I made the heaven and the earth, My people. Then I and My Father were speaking, and the angels were Our witnesses.

Now, I and My Father are speaking with you, and the saints, the angels and the people are Our witnesses, the heaven and the earth, which have been waiting for the new birth, the renewal, My people. The Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you and with you He is separating the waters from waters, the light from the darkness, the good ones from the evil ones, the truth from the falsehood, and He called this expanse new heaven. Amen, amen, amen. The new heaven and the new earth on the earth, this is the portion that I have given to you. I have given it to you, so that you may carry the mystery of My coming, as I also gave John the portion in order to carry the mystery of My baptism, before I was to appear to God perfectly, by overcoming the power of death, and giving back his life to the man in a perfect manner. Since then and until today, I have been waiting for the man with the faith by which he may able to perfectly perceive why I came as a Man on the earth two thousand years ago. I have been waiting for you to perfectly understand your mission and mystery that I have given to you to carry, My people from the end of the time; the mystery of My second coming from the Father on the earth, the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, the mystery of the New Jerusalem, the creation from My coming. Amen.

… Oh, Jerusalem, you have the light as your portion, little son. The darkness is everywhere, deep darkness, and My Spirit is hovering over you, and I said that you are to be light, and this is what I said in the first day of creation: «Let there be light!», and it was so; it was and it appeared over the darkness, My people, and the day was called light, the first day. This is what I have also told you, and in the end I have told you; «Let you be light!» And as the light submitted and appeared, the same with you too; you should listen and separate yourselves from all the darkness, so 65

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that I may call you day to the full, the first day, My day, for I am the first Who is and the last One, and I am the beginning and the end, because I do not start anything without finishing the work that I started. In the first beginning I started with the light, and in the end of My work I also start with it, and I have made you the beginning of light, and I illuminate with you the heaven and the earth and I fill them with the Spirit, the Comforter, the One Who speaks hovering over you in the mystery of the new creation of everything that are, either because they are seen, or because those that are have not been seen.

… Sing your song, if you have arisen on the earth, New Jerusalem, for your seed has been kept in eternity for the end of the time, and I say again: for the end of the time. Amen. You are the promise that I have made for all the saints and angels. All and everything have been waiting for your day and My day, in one another, and everything will be revealed in all the beauty from eternity, which is from the Father, and then everything will be submitted to the Father, for they have also submitted to the Son. Amen.

… In the beginning the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, He is hovering over you, speaking over you and testifying about you, My people. Tell Me, New Jerusalem, tell Me son, your mystery. I will hear you and I will take your word into everlastingness.

Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-

2002. N.S. (07-01-2002 Old Style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)


Oh, son from the end, behold what a sign I give you: when your love will burn fully in your inside and outside, moment by moment, then you will see Me that I have come, and I will let Myself be revealed for the whole peoples, and then we will shine on this mountain more than any other brightness of Mine which I have ever released on the earth among the people, and then, son, I will take My day of rest back, I and with My Father will take it from your hand, for you are the man who is built by My Spirit, by My Spirit in the end, by the Spirit of My coming at the end of the time. Amen. The heaven and the earth have been waiting for this end of the time for seven thousand years to take back again their first brightness, their eternity, My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s meeting (Candlemas), from 15-

02-2002.  (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, the longing for Me is the light that understands in man as God and not as man. You are My Israel from the end of the time, and the Israel of that time was the one at the beginning of time. However, you must understand as in the end, My people, and to believe that I am the beginning and the end and that I bring to you the day that does not set, ( Apoc:21/23)23 that I will put on you before it may come and that I will find you within it, My people from the end of the time.

23 «The citadel has no need for the sun or the moon to shine, for the very glory of God illuminated it, and

its lamp is the Lamb». (Apoc:21/23)


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Again and again, I am writing Myself into My today’s book with this mystery: the longing after God is the mystery of the saints on earth, My people of eternity chosen to be My people now, in the end of the time, to make you My way at My second coming of word and body on earth. You shall be full of longing after Me and you shall shine and burn with longing, for the longing is the light that perceives in man like Me, child of My longings, for My longing has been seized within the longing for you, and so does the whole heaven, and the heaven does as I do and is waiting for you with longing and it wants you to be full of My longing and his as well, My people from the end of the time, from My coming, My beloved son.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after the Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 12-05-2002. (On Calameo)


I come down to you before dawn, and I give you the word of My feast of today with you,

children who receive Me as word on earth.

Oh, there is on earth all the work My Father has given Me to fulfill, and to fulfill it like My Father, but I have no one to tell this on earth, that I do not do man’s will but the Father’s will. But now I do My work from the end of the time with you and, behold, I am speaking with the man as I spoke in the beginning, and I show him that I do not do My will but I do the will of the One Who has sent Me. Amen, amen, amen.

… Peace to you! May this word rest upon you always, always, sons! Peace to you! Peace

and feast of Holy Spirit over the little village of My word and over the earth! Peace to you, Jerusalem of My glory from the end of the time when I am coming again near the Father on earth! Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 13-06-2002.


I am coming down on earth as a song of love, a word of the Holy Spirit and as a feast of new age, new wine and sweet bride, who serves Me with longing to redeem the man from sin and to give his life back and so that he may no longer die. Oh, this is what I want to do on earth, and then I want to give it to the saints from heaven and to the saints on earth, for no one has become a saint of the heaven if he first was not a saint on earth.

Oh, I am opening the spring and I am giving Myself, for I have been pleased with My

mystery from the end of the time on your hearth, My Romanian people. How shall I make you understand and then to believe that My mystery kept for the end of the time is this word with which I am coming down on earth to prepare with it My wedding and My bride chosen from the Romanians, as was the plan in My Father’s hand for the end of the time? ( See the selection topic: „The

Wedding of the Lamb” , r.n. ) The end of the time means the kingdom of the heavens on earth, for I am the beginning and the end, and I am the end and the beginning, dear man, who allowed yourself to be invited by My calling to the spring to drink and that you may no longer be thirsty after you, and to be thirsty after Me after that. My love for man had put My body on the cross, then it resurrected Me and then it brought Me to the Father to draw all people to Him; and after that, it has brought Me back on earth. And here I am with My love for man, the love between Bridegroom and Bride, I and My people in a spirit of heavenly wedding on earth, in such a way that the 67

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Father may be comforted from My pain and His and that the Father may call guests at My wedding.

Those who should have been the guests at My wedding cannot become small like Me and that I may be their way to the Father. And because of that, I have called those who know what love is, to make it to be like Mine and that they may give it back to Me and to have love from man, for I suffer from the man’s departure from Me. When I built the man, I built him to make him into My comfort and I to be his comfort.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from



The sign of the Son of Man. There has been said so much and it is said among the people that this or that will be the sign of the Son of Man, by which I will be to come visibly. However, I, the Lord, the Word of the Father, tell to the man now, at the end of the time, and I say this: The people of My word from the middle of the Romanian people, this is the sign from before My coming, for two thousand years ago I said this : «Now from the fig tree, learn this parable.

When the branch has now become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that the summer

is near; even so you also, when you see these things coming to pass, know that it is near, at the

doors». Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man” , r.n. )

Oh, sons of the people, I set the sign before you, the way to the life of the age what is to come on earth soon, soon. I have made out of these My way from heaven to earth, and from them to the heart of the man, who wanders away to find his house and his life. I call you, man, to the spring of life, with a sweet call, with great longing, with longing mixed up with My tear, My Fathers’ and the saints’. I am in days of wedding with My bride on earth. Take of My life and take of her life, of her face, of her spirit, and let you be created, dear man. Oh, I miss you. Man created by man, My work, which I do to redeem you for life, has been only a longing for seven thousand years. Oh, and I also want to make you, not only you. I want to make you of the Holy Spirit, as I was made in the body of My mother, the Virgin, since I appeared then to you to see Me and to believe Me that I came from the Father after you, for I came only after you, because it was only you, man, that did not obey your Creator. I want to make you, too, not only you. You know what you are made of, and it hurts Me greatly when I hear you saying that you are made by Me. But do you not know how I made the man in the beginning and in the end? I have to tell you again this, so that you may give up your words, which I hear, because it hurts Me when I hear them.

In the beginning I made the man out of My word between Me and My Father when I

said: «Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness». And out of clay and out of My breath, which gave soul to the clay and the man was made with a living soul, and after that I put the man to a deep sleep and I took flesh of his flesh and I made the woman, and I called them both man. One and not two. And after five thousand years of waiting after the man, for the man pulled himself out of God, I made man again out of the Holy Spirit, incarnated in a man’s body and God was born from the Father, and He was the Man from the end of the time.

Oh, it hurts Me greatly without comfort, when I hear the man saying that he is made by

Me. Oh, man, you know what you are made of, and I have come from the Father now, at the end of the time, so that I should make you, and not only you. I make you out of the Holy Spirit if 68

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you want Me to make you. And if you want Me to make you, first you have to set down to learning so that you may know what the Holy Spirit in man is.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day, from 23-06-2002. (On Calameo)


The saints stay near you burning with the longing after My coming. The saints stay near Me burning with longing for you, My people from the end of the time. You are the fulfilled Scripture, and more and more fulfilled, of the revealing of the sons of God, and I want to have you on earth with love, the love, which never falls and that will be forever, My people. Oh, receive Me from above and receive Me from below and fulfill My word and learn the work of the miracles and work out miracles by faith, My people, and set the time to obedience and put the man on his knees before the glory of My word, and see how much power I have to do this, but you should remain a perfect sign before the man, so that the man may see Me with you and believe in My love with which I walk on earth after the man, calling him to the spring of the eternal life and to youth without old age and to life without death, for there is where I want to arrive with the man that I love, My people. The man that I love, this is what I have been looking for on earth, and I want to bring his breath to a stop and to put the love of God on earth and to take back My heaven and earth, for they are My creation and My inheritance, because I made them and I will make them into a new thing. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 30-06-2002. (On Calameo)


We go to declare the heavenly glory over Romania. I go with you on top of it to declare through you its new birth, to change its face and to show it to the world. All My brightness I will put on you, My people, and I appear with you over the earth, for this is what I prophesied to you by the word of this work even from the time when I had My trumpet Verginica in her body on earth. ( See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n. ) I will be glorified in you and I will make the man get drunk with this sight. I will pour out of My Spirit over the man, and you will be My vessel with oil, and I will pour Myself out from you with My sweet glory and I will declare My love from the end of the time over My wedding country, and I will say this:

I will not forget you, oh, country of brightness, My country from the end of the time!

I was born on the earth among the people once with your birth, and you have My name on your head, and you will remain, for this is what I have called you at the end of the time, and I said that everything you put on in your Christian garment, will be called Romanian. ( See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan” , r.n. )

I have not forgotten you, My love, and I have come back into your land that I gave in the beginning as an inheritance to the man created by My hand, for it is from you that I took clay into My hand and I formed the man. You were the first little patch of dry land, which got out of the waters at the making of the world, and I called it earth, after I made the heaven, dividing the waters above from the waters below. And I took you out of the waters from below first as a newborn commandment lifting you up by your crown and I gave you white cloth of baptism, on which I wrote in a great mystery your name from the end of the time: Jerusalem of My second coming from near the Father.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

You are the top of the earth, the crown of the earth, the first born from the waters at the making of the world. You are My wedding country, for the Father has laid My wedding table in you and He has prepared My sweet bride, a bride from the Romanians, My country.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2002. (On Calameo)


John, My loved disciple spoke testifying about Me: «In the beginning was the word, and

the Word was with God, and the word was God, and the same was in the beginning with God,

and everything that has been made was made by Him». ( John: 1/1-3) And then he said: «In Him

was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness

hasn’t overcome it». ( John: 1/4-5) Amen. And here is what I tell you, My people from the end of the time: the Word is in the beginning as in the end, and This is from the very beginning and from the very end with God and everything is made again through Him. Amen. And I also tell you: the life is in Me and the life is the light of the people, and this is what you are to be in the midst of the people, for the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. However, you should have life in you, for the life is the light of the people and this is what it gives light in the darkness and which the darkness cannot overcome it. Be very careful to My teaching upon you, for My word carries life in Him, My people. Amen. I gave light into the world with My life that I lived and I proved into the midst of the people, and My life has had power in it, which surpassed the vision and the understanding of the man without life and without any light in him.

My life, filled with the Father, with His teaching and with obedience to Him, that was the power and the light of the people, for the life is the light in the darkness and this is how Moses could become light and guide and greater than any man that was without God in him into the midst of Israel. What was Israel supposed to do if I did not have the faithful Moses into the Israel’s midst and by whom I led the people through the miracles done by Moses? For I was speaking to him and he was raising his hand and it happened as I was telling him to work, the same as I was receiving the work that was to be done from My Father. I had protected Moses before his coming into exist-ence and I brought him in front of Israel and I made him My vessel and I dwelt in him with My Spirit, and Moses was My Spirit, and where My Spirit is, there life is as well. This means life: My Spirit in man, My people and this is what I want to have in you, in your body, which is My house and My life, because that is why I have taken you from the world and I have given you work and I have taught you to do My works into the midst of the people, My people, and for the world to see the life with you, for life is My Spirit in man. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man, from

01-06-2003.  (On Calameo)


Oh, sons, the world did not believe then that I was the Messiah, the One Who was written about to come. No one believed but only those whom My Father ordained to this mystery. Oh, children of My coming of today, the world does not even today believe that I am the Son of the Man, the One Who was written about that had to come, and here I am now over the earth as word into your midst, and behold My coming after seven thousand years from the

man’s creation, for I have come into the eighth age, with which I started My kingdom 70

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with the man on earth, ( See the selection topic: „The kingdom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) as I would have also liked to stay with the man in the beginning and to be his God, but he has become haughty thinking that he is a king over the whole creature. All the angels served him after I made him, for I was resting in him with all the hosts of angels, and the most beautiful among the angels was serving him even more, and when the man exalted himself by haughtiness, Lucifer served him and his haughtiness, and then he fell down with the number of his angelic army. And I, the Son of the Father, I, the Maker of the man, told Michael, the archangel to give a command to the angels and to say: «Let us stand well, with fear and attention!» I told him to say this so that the other hosts of angels may not fall too, those who could serve to the man’s haughtiness. And then, Michael remained My angel, as each man has got his own angel, for I created the man into My image and after My likeness, for I built only that one, only that one, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul, from 12-

07-2003.  (On Calameo)


I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down with the saints and with the angels in tens of thousands of thousands above the manger of My word in the last days and I bless with a new word the memorial feast of the laying down of the foundation stone for the building of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem on the Romanian land. Amen.

I am Who I am, and I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth. I celebrate in heaven and on earth My day of victory of the end of the human age and of the beginning of the age of the kingdom of the heavens on earth. ( See the selection topic: „The kingdom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) There have passed twelve years since through My word, born of the Father, and with your hand, those that are My sons and settlers here, in the garden of My Holy of Holies, and with the blessing and with the unforgettable testimony of My bishop, anointed from above by My word in your days, Irineu, the faithful one of My coming, I laid down the foundation stone of the altar ( or shrine) of the Holy of Holies, for the ground under it is the table on which he was established by My word to stay. And he did, and then he confessed, because by this building of unfathomable mystery I fulfilled the little white stone, and on it, My name from the end of the time, for it is written in the Scriptures for the end of the time: «His name is the Word of God». Amen. ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ).

I told you to write on this stone all

around it: «Behold, the Lord is coming

with the tens of thousands of His saints!»

and I wrote Myself if you did not write. I

wrote because I said to be written this way,

and this writing of Mine witness in those

that are not seen, from all that are not seen,

but they are, adorning and testifying about

the little garden of My word, through which

I am over it. Amen.

Peace to you! And write into the