The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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book of the testimonies a day of feast as


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

twelve years have passed since the laying down of the foundation stone of this building and of the fulfilling of this Scripture of New Jerusalem, established on earth by My word, which comes with the clouds with all My heaven of saints and angels.

Write into the book in which you bring together all My word that is upon you; write for twelve years ago I had My faithful witness, the bishop Irineu, Whom I, the Word of God, set on the chair of My church, the church of Jesus Christ, ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) and I wrote his name on this stone, and this means his establishing over this time, as a witness of My coming and as word on earth, and his word in that day was set near My word and his word testified and it remained written into My book, and My book is called the Word of God, My name from the end of the time. Amen.

Oh, sons, chosen and anointed by My word in this time of My second coming from near

the Father! I have come now as word on earth to establish the kingdom of the heavens and the end of the world, for the end of the world is holiness, son. And if you do not hear, I hear, and it is heard from margins to margins by My word, which flows and does not stay, and by which I, the One Who am, testify with the word in heaven and on earth that even I cannot erase your name on this stone of beginning, and you cannot erase it too, and nor those who did not receive you on My behalf with the news of the new beginning, of the new heaven and of the new earth on the Romanian land. Your name is carried by angels and saints from margins to margins in heaven and on earth, and so is your protection and your little crown, which no one in heaven or on earth can take it from you, for you have remained to testify, and the prophecy, which the Holy Spirit spoke through you, cannot be erased either; the prophecy for this land on which I, Who I am, established the fulfilling of the announcing of My coming and of My kingdom with those who are My faithful, the holiness, which brings the world to an end; for I established the New Jerusalem on earth in the year of 7500 from the making of the world, and from My birth as an infant from the Virgin mother, the churchly year 1992, for I built the altar from the table of the Holy of Holies in the first three months of this year, ( The ecclesiastical liturgical year starts on 1st September – see also about the Julian and Gregorian calendars, r.n. ), and in the fourth month, on the 12th day of the month of December, I sealed with My name and with your name the holiness and its sons and the land under it too, and I wrote with it the end of the world and I came out above all who want to be. And behold, I am the word on earth and I reign through it and give with it to each one according to one’s own deed, for it is written in the prophets:

«Behold, take heed of the word of the Lord: A voice of tumult from the citadel, a voice from the

temple, a voice of the Lord that renders recompense to His enemies», ( Is. 66/6), and «The Lord

will destroy them with the breath of His mouth». Amen. And as for you, by your testimony of that day, you have remained My faithful witness, a testimony that was no longer erased, even if the opponent, the man of lawlessness, brought you forward to strike Me with the stone, put by his unbelief into your hand. But the stone will turn back against all who did not receive you on My behalf, for whoever did not receive you, did not receive Me either, and again a Scripture was written as that one of two thousand years ago, when My people did not receive Me when I came from the Father to bring its salvation and its repentance for the forgiveness of its sins.

You are My faithful witness. There are twelve years in a row since your word has been

testifying from near this little white stone, which I wanted to give it as a gift to the church of the world from which I chose you to be Mine, and I have exalted you because of your faith, to give 72

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through you the hand to all those who wanted to become sons of God through holiness and the apostles of My word, which comes with the clouds, and which is taken by the four winds and went from margins to margins, so that the nations of the world may come to this mountain of Mine to receive My glory to their holiness, for the holiness is the end of the world. Amen.

And as for you, sons who set the word of the feast of today into the book of the laying down of the foundation stone of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, pass then into the book of My trumpet, Virginia, and we will have rest in it with the Father and with she, for she is the foundation stone on which I have built My church again in the last days, for in My days with it on earth, I said that My first church would be built again and that the holiness would be again on earth, and this will bring with it the end of the lawlessness, which has appeared now to stop the way of My coming through those who love the lawlessness, but it is written: «Then

the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth, and bring

to nothing by the brightness of His coming; … because they did not receive the love of the truth,

that they might be saved». ( 2 Thess. 2/8)

Excerpt from the Word of God twelve years from the laying down of the foundation stone

of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2003. (On Calameo)


Such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus is My advent to you today, ( It is published on the internet too, r.n. ) My word which has flown from My mouth for almost fifty years, and with which I have prepared Myself a nation, and My advent to them, and the place of My advent and his glory, because the place of My word’s manger and all his surroundings which are and which will be and which crown the manger of My word all around, this place is the mysterious mountain of God, towards many, many hearts will turn from now on, and many, many looks and many, many people will look and take the laws of holiness, because it is written in the prophets for this time: «And in the last days the mountain of the temple

of God will be risen above the mountains’ peaks and above the hills and the nations will head

to it and they will say: ”Come to climb the mountain of God and God will teach us His ways and

He will let us walk on His paths, for it is from Sion where the law will come, and The word of

God from Jerusalem”». Amen.

Blessed be this day and its work, for today I unfold the heavens to let the judgment throne be seen, ( See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment” , r.n. ) My word that gather all the nations of the earth in front of Me, to show them My work, My second advent, My mysterious kingdom above My disciples in the middle of the Romanian people, because the Romanian land has been chosen from the beginning to fulfill on it the mystery of The New Jerusalem, the mystery kept into Father for the new creation of the world, for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of a new heaven and a new earth, the mystery of the advent of The Son Of Man after seven centuries from the first creation of the world. Amen. Behold, I come and I write on earth and heaven, a new earth and a new heaven, on the Romanian land, for I have said through prophets: «Once more I will

shake the earth, once more I will chose Jerusalem». Amen. Jerusalem is My place of rest. Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means Jerusalem, like this mystery meant two thousand years ago.

Take Holy Spirit, you, the nations of the Earth! Behold My word above the Earth, the blow of My mouth, with which I will kill the lawless one with the brightness of My word 73

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advent above the Earth. Take Holy Spirit! Drink from the river of life and heal yourselves, you, the nations of the earth, as I came and I come with the clouds to take to Father all the ones who will believe and will baptize in the name of The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit, for repentance, and the forgiveness of the sins. Amen.

The angels of My advent, accompanied by the archangel Michael and the great prophet Elijah, write in heaven and earth the second day of August, the year twelve since the beginning of the kingdom of heaven on earth, ( The end of the world, in fact the end of the kingdom of man over man and the beginning of the Kingdom of God in the heart of man, r.n. ) on the Romanian land, the country of The New Jerusalem. This is the day that God made to rejoice in it with His beloved ones on earth. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. )

I am the Alpha and the Omega, The First and The Last, the beginning and the end, the star which shines in the morning, and the one who hears let him say “Come! “ and let the thirsty one come and let the one who wants to accept as a gift the water of life come. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God for Romania at the celebration of Saint Prophet Elijah, from

02-08-2003.  (On Calameo)


Oh, children of the sons of this age! The time is coming and it has already come, and behold the end when the Lord Jesus Christ will abolish and He is presently abolishing any dominion, rule and power, for He is reigning with His word on earth, and no one is king except Him, because only He died for every man, and He is reigning now until he puts all His enemy under His feet, and the last enemy that will be destroyed is death, and then He will hand over the kingdom to God and the Father, and the Father and the Son will be glorified with the victory of the Holy Spirit against the man’s enemy, against sin, and the man will suffer bitterly for any sin. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint Philothea (Philothea of Arges), from



I knock at the gates and come into the book of My word in these days. The first book and the second book ( The Old and the New Testament, r.n. ), have in them all those of their times, and the third book has in it those of the days of My second coming from near the Father.

( The Book of the Lamb, r.n. ). Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, children from the gates, ( Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n. ) teach My people what the Scripture means, which says about those that are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of the Life of the slain Lamb. When John, the Baptizer came to show Me to the world, he said: «Behold the Lamb of God, Who washes away

the sins of the world», and in the book of the beloved John it is written about the book with the seven seals, which was opened by the «Slain Lamb, Who redeemed for God with His blood,

people of every tribe, language, people and nation, and made them kings and priests, and they

will reign on earth». ( John: 5/9) Amen. ( See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb -

The Book of Life” , r.n. ) 74

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Each one of the three books of God has in it those that are written in it, and blessed is the one who is written into the Book of Life with works of life, for when John, the Baptizer, preached the Lamb of God and the repentance for the people, he said: «Even now the axe lies at the root of

the trees. Therefore, every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down, and cast into the

fire». ( Matt: 3/10)

… Oh, children who are My gates, always, always teach My people and those who want to

be born of My life giving Spirit, teach them what it means those who are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of the life of the Lamb. Teach them to always love the spirit of repentance, and the spirit of prophecy, the word of this life, which prophesies the end of the ages and the visible beginning of the kingdom of God on earth with the people. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-

2004.  (On Calameo)


Now, after two thousand years since I separated the earthly age from the heavenly

age and since I passed the people of My word with their feet into the new age, now, at the table of My kingdom with them, I am sitting with the saints and I am giving you voice, loved disciples, for the saints and the angels celebrate your day of synod in a spirit of church, those from heaven with those on earth at the table of the Holy Spirit, Who is pacified at the faith of the faithful ones, which is to be carried as in the end of the time, for now, in the end of the time, I have had faith from those who are My people, and with this faith I have separated the ages, the heavenly one from the earthly one, the heavenly man from the earthly man, and I have sat at the table of Holy Spirit with those who are now My people, the people of the heavenly age on earth, for I have got My work on earth and I have worked with the heaven on earth. I am in heaven and on earth, and it is wonderful this mystery, which I reveal and make clear to those who are little, for the little ones do not know but to believe and to live the eternal life and not the temporary one on earth. I am the word in their midst and I give them life of My life and I give them the gift of the faith from above, for the faith from beneath is human, and it has not given Me life in man for two thousand years. However, the faith from above keeps Me in man and near the man, and the man does not get out of Me, but the lives within Me, as I live in My Father, because I went to be with the Father to draw all people to the Father, so that where I am they may also be, and where they are the Father to be also, because the Father is into Me and I am into Him, and We are one body and one bread. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the twelve apostles, from 13-07-2004. (On



I strengthen My way to you, My people, and I do this whenever I come down from the

Father into your midst as word. And why word? I come as word so that I may come down, for otherwise no one on earth would receive Me, no one would believe Me and all the faith will perish from the earth and I would no longer be received by man if I made use of My body then when I come as word on earth. I come as word, for I have united the beginning with the end and I work as in the beginning. Amen, amen, amen.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

In the beginning I was the word, and I was with the Father then, and no word was made without Me, as neither the man cannot do his things unless he first becomes the word of those made by him. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and healer, Panteleimon,

from 09-08-2004.


It is a feast with love in it, with My Spirit full of humility in it, for I have sanctified, within a great humility on earth in My days with you, the place and the shrine of the Holy of Holies in these days on earth. It is the feast of the day and of the year 7500 from the creation of the world, when I, the Master of all nature, fulfilled the Scripture of the coming down of the mystery of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, as many saints have prophesied from the Holy Spirit for these days of My coming with the new birth of all the nature in the end of the time.

Excerpt from the Word of God, thirteen years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2004. (On Calameo)


I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, revealed Myself as God Who came from the Father, Man

born of the Virgin, and I have come again under My name in the end of the time and I am called the Word of God, ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ), and I speak the language of the Romanian people, where I have been glorifying Myself by the word for fifty years, by the mystery of My second coming after the man, for there have passed seven ages since the creation of the world, and within the mid century after this one, I wrote seven thousands five hundred years and I rose My church again on earth, and I set it on its foundation by the word, and I am its foundation and this is how I have been speaking from the midst of My church of New Jerusalem to those who falsely call themselves My church:

Do no longer lie to the nations of the earth that you are God’s servants, you, those who have turned the places known as holy places into houses of immorality for your empty glory; you, those who have defiled the altars from the fathers; you, those who live in your blood and which has risen nine fathoms above your heads! I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth and I have come down on earth to write upon you the end of the lie, for the devil is the father of falsehood and you have the devil as your father. Do no longer put people off with fine words for you belong to God and the path to Me is towards you! Do no longer lie to the sons of the people, who walk like blind people after you, if you serve the outrageous sins! My word has been crying for fifty years on earth over the earth for the man to hear it, and you, those from the altars, have been defiling the church, you have been ruining it, you have been spoiling its holy name. The church is holy by those who are part of it, but if these are the sons of the devil by their immoral works, by all means they are not a holy church, but rather they are an immoral church, but God’s church is not like that. Carry your sins under whatever name you may want it, but not under My name, not under the garment known to be a church garment.

And as for you, those who fear God among these people of falsehood, who called and call themselves a church of saints, I speak to you with this determinative word before the wages of sins may fall over the bodies, which have not repented in themselves from their wicked works: come 76

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out of their midst, out of the midst of those immoral people from the altars, so that the wrath for the works that are worthy of wrath may not fall upon you, so that you may not drink of the wine of God’s wrath. Come out and separate yourselves and then come to My mountain of word and learn from Me the law of holiness to be able to walk on it, for the eternity is coming on earth and it has to be brought, it has to be built by holy bodies and full of the Holy Spirit! ( See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility” , r.n. ) Come back to My love, for I built the man from the beginning for My love, not for his love, and I built him to be My church and not his. I call you with mercy and tears before I pour out My wrath, for the outrageous sins of those, who hide under the name of a holy church, slap My hand, and I have into My hand the cup of the wrath. Come to repentance and to salvation and become a feast of Holy Spirit and give yourselves freely to God, now when I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, have written down on earth fifty years of word of My mouth, spoken into the midst of the Romanian nation, and when I give the book of the judgment of the creature to all those who will see it now. My word of fifty years has been crying deeply within Me and I have been speaking it over the faithful ones and I have made it into a book, which is called the Book of the Lamb’s Life. ( See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life” , r.n. ) The word is the life and the life is the light of the people, and the light shines in the darkness.

Reach out your hands to Me if you want to receive salvation, and receive and feed on the word of life, for I want to destroy death, the last enemy. I want to destroy the sin, but I cannot do this by the people of falsehood, who call themselves antichrists by their sins, by their life with lie in it and who have brought the man to ignorance of his soul, since I do no longer see on earth a man who fears God, by which the man to be able to put an end to his wandering away and to come back so that I may teach him the way and salvation. ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the

apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) Oh, Romanian people, shake off the Pharisees who make lame your waking to your salvation from under the man of lawlessness. Come, so that I, the Lord, may shepherd you, for you do no longer find any shepherds for you on earth. Come to the way of the Lord, your God, for there is no one to save you besides Me. Come to God and be faithful and learn the mystery of your being from God, My mystery in you, for by My word into your midst I make the world again, I make the new heaven and the new earth, for I have to fulfill this Scripture on earth, ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) but I want to protect you from perishing into the midst of the nations of the earth, for you are My land, chosen by the Father from the creation of the world for Me, after seven ages of people. Amen.

And as for you, people of My word, strengthen yourself in the mystery of My new begin-

ning, and may your humility of spirit be your path to everything that I have to be into your midst, to everything that you have to be into the Romanian nations, for I want to sound My trumpet with My Gospel upon you over the entire world, the book of the new kingdom, for My kingdom is just as endless as I am. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. ) You can do nothing without My teaching and without any teacher upon you, for it is not for the body but for My Spirit that I have separated you from among the sons of the people who walk without any way between earth and heaven, My people.

May be blessed the work of the being of the book of My word, spoken and written into the midst of the Romanian people for fifty years, be a book by which I, the Lord, by My gates 77

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( Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n. ) may be able to mark on earth the feast of the Pentecost of God’s word from the end of the ages, the word of My coming, as in the beginning so in the end; and the word of the new making of the world, as two thousand years ago, I prophesied that it would be. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son’s parable, from 27-02-2005. (On Calameo)


I come down into your midst with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, people of My word, and I advise you with Him, I strengthen you with Him and with Him I have always breathed refresh-ment upon you, so that I may be able to work with you and you with Me over the earth with My Spirit, with the new making of the world, for there is nothing else but only the end of the world over everything on earth, because the world without God does nothing else but it works its end only, only temporariness, for it does not wait for its eternity and there is no one to tell it about it, and I come down with it upon the earth and I have no one to tell about it and I have no one to give it.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday in remembrance of Adam’s expulsion from

Paradise, from 05-03-2006. (On Calameo)


Oh, people of My coming as word on the earth, I give you, and again I give you the gift of faith and its divine power from Me. The Kingdom of God does not come visibly, for it is the man that God has and no the man who has God for his benefit and not for My benefit from the man. Oh, not the man is God, but I am God. As I ascended into heaven, so I come, and I come mysteriously, for the man is not right with Me and that is why I stay mysteriously before Him and I give him My word, which helps the man to believe and to open for My kingdom in him, the kingdom worked by Me and not by man. Amen.

I want the earth to be beautiful and holy, but without holy faith in man I cannot do this, for it is not the kingdom of the man, but My kingdom that I want to establish in man and then on the earth, and behold, that is why I have come with this word over the earth and over the man, but the man is weak in his faith and he minds his own good, when he reads in the Scriptures about My kingdom. The people of Israel had kept on asking Me about the restoration of its kingdom, and it had kept asking Me if its time had already come, but I did not give any answer to it. Oh, it is not the man’s kingdom which has to be over the man and over the earth, but My kingdom, that which is expected by the fathers, by the saints and by all of the angels of My glory, and even by the angels who lost My glory by the haughtiness of the man that was worked by My hand out of dust and out of My Spirit.

Oh, My people, oh, son, who have been waited by all ages! You should know that the

man’s kingdom has been destroying itself from now on, and the kingdom of God has been coming to take its place, either if the man wants it or not. ( See the selection topic: „The king-

dom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) Oh, My people, get used to have Me and My teaching upon you, for I know to give Myself over to you as the wisdom of My kingdom, only for you to know to wait for Me and to receive Me, for I give Myself over to you at your desire, and I come down in the way with everything you need to do, to believe and to have, and with everything I can do in order 78

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to be in you, and then from you all over you, for My kingdom is everything I want to give you, and then to have you as My glorified dwelling place before the people, because I have meant you to be dear and bright in such a way that the people may see you and come and receive of My glory and then to come towards it, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 01-06-2006. (On



I have got a warm voice by the word, and this is how I am God for you, Romanian people.

Your country is My today’s country and you are the people on it. Your country is the country with the treasure in it, and I am word into your midst and reveal My glory and show you the way. I am the way. I am the Shepherd with the cross. Get used to My way, My today’s country, so that I may be your deliverer. Amen. Get used to Me, learn to believe, to listen and learn the way of My word to you, start getting used to it from now, and clothe yourself from now on with the ornaments that I made at your and My birth, when My Father gave you to Me to be Mine in the end of the time, as you were Mine at the beginning, for you were at the creation of the world the first patch of land that emerged from the waters, on which I stood first. Be faithful and not faithless. Oh, do not take after the wooden-tongued man in your midst. Learn to know the one who does good to you, My today’s country. My word in you is holding your little hand and is also teaching you, but be a daughter of the holy faith, and you will be, for I am pleased with you and I glorify Myself within you with the glory of My word. Amen.

… I am coming again into My book, which I am writing into the midst of the Romanian

people with the work of the Holy Spirit. I am the Shepherd with the cross. I, Myself, am tending the sheep, I, Myself, am taking care of the sheep, for this is what I have foretold through the prophets, and this is how I am fulfilling now, in the end of the time, when no one, no one like Me is taking care of My sheep, of My flock that does no longer knows what its way to God is and what God’s way to it is. I, Myself, am coming, I, Myself, am speaking and shepherding. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers

from Nicaea, from 20-05-2007. (On Calameo)


Behold, the church in the world has been seeking again after its head, ( The Romanian Orthodox Church, after the death of Patriarch Teoctist, r.n. ), but it does not look after Me at all.

I look upon it and see headaches and body aches in it, all kinds of convulsions in order to choose its head, for he who was his head by this time, was sent to Me to see what I do with him, and that it may choose another head. However, I strengthen it and say that I do not count over it, for I have finished My counting. I have fulfilled My number and I have come to an end with it, and from now on it will be opened and fire will get out of its midst and will melt it. Amen.

Oh, church disobedient to God! I have come to you as word of peace and you have not

received or believed Me that I was Who I was. I, the Lord, do no longer count for you, for I have finished counting, and you will have your head as you want, as you overcome, for you have not let Me govern you for your life, for the peace between Me and you. Fire will come out of your midst, you, those who have stood up now to choose your head and have gone on 79

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calling yourself church, and you will call out to Me from the fire, because My angels will work upon you as they did over Sodom and Gomorrah, and those who are Mine among you, will come out of the fire, and they will be taken out of fire cleaned, and I will take care of them and give them work in My new vineyard, and it will not be otherwise, for the church of the Romanian people has not given its ear to My calling upon it, and it will be broken and its blame will fall upon it, for it did not receive Me when I knocked at its door to give it an expensive garment and then to be. Now, I, the Lord, will work for the rest of the one who was sent to Me, not according to My will, but for the sake of the one who wants to sit down as the head of the church, and I will heal his soul in heaven and I will comfort him, for in his time as the patriarch of the Romanian people, he listened to Me when I asked him this, and he established for Me and for My living church a bishop after My will, and I fulfilled My plan for the lasting of My church before Me, Christ’s church on earth. Amen. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and healer Panteleimon, from

09-08-2007.  (On Calameo)


And you, people gathered at the spring, drink and drink with longing, with love and obedience, and change at your face, in your love and heart; drink and clear your walking to My will in you on earth. Oh, do no longer be ephemeral, for I have come to you with the bosom full of the gifts of eternity and I want to give them all to you to have them, and I have always come to the spring to shepherd you, to receive you and to give you power to work like God, My people. I am sweetening you with all My things. Bring Me comfort and make Me sweet with it for I cry for your longing, My people of old. Come together with My little ones who have helped Me within all obedience; and because they have listened, helped Me and help Me under the cross of My coming after man, listened them in this time, My people, for behold, with them I will bring to an end the sinful age on earth and with them I will open the gates of eternity, for this is what I promised that I would fulfill and I am true in My word upon you, My people, oh, My people comforted by God and with whom I, the Lord, comfort Myself by My coming to it with My today’s glory. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from  28-08-2007. (On



I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and the Father has told Me to speak and to share a spirit of awakening, a spirit of teaching into the midst of the Romanian people.

I am the Word of God, oh, Romanian people. I am the Lord of the powers, for I trod with death upon death and I appeared as the Victor and I have the power to speak with the man, for the Father is in Me, and He is My power. I am coming to help you in your difficulty and to speak to you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and I am sealing you with this seal, the seal of the living God, so that you may have power of My power, for you are going through days of great trial, My today’s country, and I see this and I support you and work with the saints for you to pass through days of hard time. My voice upon you wakes you up to a holy watch, oh, My today’s homeland, for I am coming to you with My voice in the end of the time and I am speaking over the earth and over the man in your language, oh, Romanian people, 80

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and I want you to be victorious and I am waiting for you to be a crown over the nations and to be a great light over the earth, for I have made My return from the Father to man on your hearth, now, in the end of the time, and I am speaking into your midst the word of creation, the word of the new birth of the world, My today’s country. I begin from your midst the new heaven and the new earth, deep mystery and kept in secret by the Father in Me for the end of the time and for the beginning of eternity on earth, and I have you as a crown of My glory and you do not know the mystery in which you are contained in God. I am speaking sweetly and I have been staying at the spring into your midst for more than fifty years and I have been preparing My glory from the end of the time; I have been making you into a faithful people and teaching you what holiness is, for it is the victory against death in man, and it sees God from man and it is being perfected on earth with its mystery from the end of the time. ( See the selection topic: „The heaven

– the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. )

… I am Who I am. I am the One Who comes. I am the One Who speaks! Amen, amen,


Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr, Demetrios, the myrrh giver, from 08-11-2009.


It is written in the Scriptures about the seven trumpets of which God sounds in the

end of the time and for seventy years I have been raising on the Romanian land their voice, and I started with the holy temple, ( The Church, r.n. ), as it is written to be, and a great voice was heard in the temple and it called the people to repentance, for the red beast marked them to be its all the time, ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) and I, the Lord, made a heavy battle against it by messenger angels on earth, and I have always waged a great war on it, for the beast and the false prophet have always marked theirs ( See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism” , r.n. ) and spoiled the holy faith and teaching and made war with My saints, blaspheming them and God, as it is written, but My river of word overflew over the earth then in the time of My trumpet Verginica and I, the Lord, stood against the lie that had a godly face and I prepared a victorious walking over the earth with My voice of word, and then the red beast poured out three demonic spirits out of its mouth over the kings of the world to make them stand up to war and to gather them for the day of their fight with Me, as it is written about satan who fights against God, to be overpowered and judged and then to be revealed with its hidden work, by which he wanted to deceive the nations on the earth. However, I will soon come to an end, and be victorious and then I will speak: «It’s done!» for this is written about the Lamb of God, to be victorious over the red beast now, in the end of the time, the beast which has had control over the kings of the earth and over their Babylon, and about which is written to fall down with a great noise once with My trumpet sounding over the earth, the seventh angel Who will sound the judgment, the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of the Father Sabaoth. Amen.

Oh, My people of today, I had sounded the sixth trumpet before I opened My book with

you on earth, and I had been sounding for twenty-five years and preparing My way by which I came out, and I came out with you, as it is written for the way of My kingdom and of its sons to be prepared, and with whom I am to fight against the kings of the earth, gathering them with one mind by their thought to make war with Me to overcome them by the voice of My mouth, released 81

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in the sky over the earth; and moreover, I am to cry out from the temple of the heaven: «It is

done!» and then to show to the heaven the work by which I overcome satan, the old serpent.

Oh, My people, when the red beast, ( The Communism, r.n. ) , put its name on this Romanian land and started fighting with Me, I, the Lord, woke up My last trumpets by turns and I called out to the people to repent, and once with the word of the beast I also called out against it and against its lie, and I started to call out from the door of the holy temple, waking up the spirit of My servant Joseph, ( The priest Joseph Trifa, the first apocalyptic trumpet, r,n. ) and he called out and wake up many to sing the victorious song of the Lamb, and then I started fighting against the red beast. And I kept on calling out again and again by the other trumpets and then I called out by the sixth trumpet, My Verginica, and I poured out over the earth the river of My word, ( See the selection topic:

This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) through which I prepared the way of My kingdom, and then I came and I opened My book, the book of the judgment of the creature, and I worked mysteriously, and I worked into your midst and I work according to the Scriptures, and not otherwise, sons.

Let everyone understand the mystery of the heaven with the man and let the man

learn to be and to give himself over to the heaven on earth, for the mystery of the saints in their own body and outside of their body is great, and they are the visible power of the Lord in them because of their light, and blessed are those pure in heart, for they will see God and will not be afraid of those in them before Him, but rather they will be the happy ones, the happy ones, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint Virginia, God’s trumpet, from 14-

12-2009.  (On Calameo)


I am the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am up in heaven and below on earth at the same time and I am the One known by those who love Me and want Me in good and bad times, in joy and in sorrow, and I have never been known on earth by those who have not wanted Me with them.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I am speaking this now, in the end, to tell the unbelievers that as I was in the beginning, I am the same now in the end, and no one else is known by this name: the Alpha and the Omega, no one but I. Amen.

I am God the Word and the unbeliever does not want Me to be God the Word now, in the end, and this one has stopped My way; he has set up a boundary for Me and told everyone that I spoke everything two thousand years ago and that I have been no longer after that, and if he said that I was, then he would not know to say how I am. Those who rule upon the church of the world say that I am nowhere where I am supposed to be with the faithful ones, who want Me to be with them, but if I am not with them, then what am I, where I am and where I live in order to be and to work on earth? Oh, I have to be somewhere with the man because I said that I would be with My disciples to the end of the time.

Oh, I am with the faithful ones, I am with those who love and want Me and give Me

table and housing with them, for I said: «I will come to the one who believes in Me, I will dwell


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

with him and I will dine with him», but those who sit highly over the church of the world want to make the people forget that I said so, and they try to draw the people to them, only to them, as though I am with them and at theirs. Oh, I would like to be with them, but they do not believe that I can be with man as I said that I would be with those who believe in Me, following My steps with their life. I am the Lord God of those who wait for Me to come to them and to be with them and I am not of those that do not want Me with them, and that is why they are alone, they are without God on earth, and in the same they do their work as well, even when they hide under My name, as do those who sit highly over their church, as this authority has come on earth from the forefathers.

I am writing Myself into My book of today with the glory of My word upon you, people,

and faithful to My coming on earth now, in the end of the time. Those in the graves hear Me when I speak My word into your midst, because it is written in My Scriptures two thousand years ago that I would speak in the end of the time and those in the graves would hear Me.

( See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice” , r.n. ) Those on earth hear My word spoken upon you, because I have made you the sharer of My word upon people, but people do what those two of thousand years ago did, who almost all said that I, the One Who came from the Father to them by My birth of the virgin, was not the Christ, as it was prophesied for Me to come. Oh, the unbelievers love fire and they do not love My coming. I come to them hungry and thirsty after them, naked and a stranger to them, suffering from them and put in chains by them by their unbelief, and they love the fire, for it is written in My word that these will go into the eternal fire because they have not known Me and have not visited Me on earth.

… All the prophesies until John were fulfilled in Me, and those that My Spirit is prophesying today will be fulfilled in Me either. Oh, I was not a prophet and Teacher only two thousand years ago, but I have also remained with My kingdom eternally and the same with My work for it, for since and up to this day it has not come to its end, and I prove this and I am with the people on earth, for I am with the faithful ones under My tent with them, I dwell with them and I am their God, as it is prophesied by the apostle John, to whom I showed how I would be with the people in the end of the time, the Scriptures, which is being fulfilled now more than anytime, and this on the hearth of the Romanian people, the country of brightness, which prophet Daniel announced for the end of the time and I, the Lord, am the Alpha and the Omega, and My coming of word shines on the earth into the midst of this nation. Amen.

… I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I laid down My life for My sheep, for I am their

Shepherd and I shepherd them, and My mercy of Shepherd becomes word, and I give Myself to them, for I said to those who are loved, those who have become infants: “I will not leave you

orphans. I, Myself, will take care of My sheep and I will shepherd them.” ( See John: 14/18) Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment, from 07-02-2010.

(On Calameo)


Peace to you, My people, on a day of the feast of holy confessors! Oh, clothe yourself in incorruption day by day, for all things await for the good end of My walking with you to the day of My glory, when all come to an end so that eternity and all its mystery may begin! I am ready to fulfill, but for seven thousands years I have been ready to redeem everything man has 83

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spoiled from those that I built, but I have been waiting for such a long time as long as the man has spoiled, and I have worked accordingly and put them back, but I worked mysteriously and I still work, and it does not come to the man’s mind My mysterious work, written in the Scriptures for its fulfillment now, in the end of the time.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint and martyr Catherine and of the great saint and martyr, Mercurius, from 08-12-2010.


Oh, if you knew, man, that God’s place is here near you and within you, as you were made by God to be, then you were able to believe that My today’s speaking is true, it is taken from that in the beginning when I was speaking with man as I am speaking now. Nothing is more intri-cate and complicated for you to understand, but you do not want this, and there is no one to advise you to listen and to obey God. And, as two thousand years ago, the servants of the church do not like Me and My word today, too. The rulers of the church and their subjects keep their doors closed for My today’s word. Behold the deception! All the people are deceived! Man watches against man so that none of the church servants or some among those, who are taught by these, may believe. The same curtain and the same robe of mockery the rulers of the church are putting on Me, for fear that they may fall from their seats because of many who want to believe God, the Word, Who is speaking during these days His word of coming down on the hearth of the Romanian people, forgetting that My kingdom is not of this world and that it has nothing in it either. I have always told them that I do not take anything from them, but rather I just want to give them. I would give them the forgiveness of their sins, I would give them joy and comfort, I would give them great work to do for the resurrection of the creature, and I would give them My kingdom to carry in them and to give away from them and from around them the spirit of the word, the spirit opposing God, so that the kingdom of the heavens may be on earth, and not the man’s kingdom, because man reigns on earth, and the man fell from heaven seven thousands years ago, by his disobedience to his Maker, and he has been reigning on earth with his will; however, the earth is made by God and not by man! Behold the deception!

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day of Passover, from 25-04-2011.


Oh, the man that I created with My hand at the beginning is crying; he is crying now with pain and with calmness in his pain, and he is speaking with his Creator, Whom he did not love at the beginning, for he loved his body, because until the Lord took of his body to make and give him a helper and a companion, he had not been content. I am speaking now with him from My little garden of word, now, at the fulfillment of the times, and he sees now the place from where I took the dough of the making of his body and he knows My Spirit with Whom I breathed over him to give him a living soul and He is telling Me with pain:

Have mercy, my Maker, on all those who have been multiplied out of me, and then from one another on earth since then and until today; have mercy on the world of the people in my image and after my likeness concerning my disobedience to You and my discontent on earth then!

May Your holy will be done, and I am telling You this with tears in my eyes, for at my beginning with You I neglected Your will and spoiled Your work because I was discontent and I wanted to be big beyond my capacity and in this way I affected Your greatness, and the seat of Your greatness was shaken then because of my serving angels due to my disobedience, before which they bowed, 84

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and after that You came to speak to me as though You would have searched me, seeing the angels shaken from the place of their ministry before Your glorified throne, and then You asked me where I was. You asked me so because in my mind I wanted to hide from You, I wanted to do somehow so that You might not see me, who was blinded from the greatness and priority between me and You, oh my Maker. You came after me here, from where You are working now with Your word from the end of the time; You came back to my beginning with You and made me see the whole time from then and up to this day and You have brought me to see the end of the man’s ages and to see Your today’s hard work and Your long endurance for man. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Oh, what man was supposed to be and what today is! This makes me suffer! I have been crying and suffering for seven thousand years, but my pain from now comprises within it all the time that has been by now and I am suffering now in You, oh, and You are also suffering from me and Your pain suffers in me. Take it and put it on Your wound that You have got from me and heal Your pain and mine! It has lasted for a long time and it has made us tired, my God. However, You still have patience with man, because You want to redeem me completely because You love so much, and man has to know what God is, because He is love.

And now let Your voice over the garden of the origin of my body run its word, Lord, and make Your today’s feast with those who are Your help on earth from among the people now, the children of the obedience in the end of the time for their love of the human kind, severely stricken by my disobedience from the man’s beginning and whose people You want to heal now and to show Your being, Your love for man, oh, my God. Amen.

⸻ On this day, I, the Lord, have spoken here, in the garden of My word, and I have had a conversation with the man from the beginning, and I am marking today the feast of twenty years ago, since I set to the holy work of My word over the earth the little garden of My word, the place where I spoke with the Father to make a man in Our image and after Our likeness and to reign in him. And I am speaking from here now, too, in the end of the time, to join the beginning with the end and to make the beginning of new the creation by the word; to do and to work everything by the word, as for a long time I have announced through the prophets what I am working during these days, the last days, when from this mountain of word I am giving to the people the laws of creation for a holy life in man, I am giving this word over the earth, and with it I am working from the little garden of My today’s word. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the twenty-year feast from the dedication of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2011.


It is written into the Scriptures about a blessed week, about a covenant concluded at the middle of it and about a new beginning again, for the completion of the mystery of this week after that. In the year of 1955, I set on the earth the beginning of a new week of years ( An apocalyptic day is ten years, one week - seventy years, r.n.) and then I started the work of sounding the trumpet of My word by My chosen vessel, that is called God’s trumpet, and I started to sound by My trumpet Verginica. ( See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”,

r.n. ) Then, after thirty-five years, she was ready to pass to Me among the saints and she did; she passed away in the middle of this holy time. Then I prepared in a great secret and I worked mysteriously to make a new covenant, for the ongoing sacrifice and offering had been violated by the sin of the abomination of desolation set in the temple of the holy service, as it is 85

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written, for the prince of the world, the antichrist, got up to tear down from its foundation the church from the fathers and he seeks to do away with it, ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist

and the apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) for its sin stands against it and his cup has been filled, for the rulers of the church put aside God’s word and My coming of today as word over the earth; and more than this, they wanted to work the darkness for the way of My word to the people, and they hid, as they said, but I go forward with My mystery and I do it in secret and I cry over all who deny the One Who speaks to them from heaven, and I also cry for them to strengthen their faith and not forsake it, for I follow them with the glory of My word and I reach them and punish their unbelief, which draws upon them the wrath from heaven, as it is written.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint apostle Andrew, the first one called, from 13-12-2012.


Oh, when the beginning was, the word was too, and God was the Word, oh, My mother, and I was the Word, and behold, the beginning has been set again, for I become word between heaven and earth and I build Jerusalem, mother, but I suffer from man and I have wounds at My hands and legs, and My forehead is bound over the wound, but this is how I work and this is how I build, for there is no healing for the Lord. When man suffers from something he quickly runs to the doctor for his healing, but My healing has no cure, it has no doctor, because this means man to be My healer. Oh, if I thought only for a moment at Myself the heaven and the earth would no longer be, and rather they would be shaken and disappear. Oh, mother, if those who carry Me today as word on the earth thought of themselves, I would no longer have a way on the earth or a place for rest, and neither would I have any people to welcome God or any watching upon him and building with it on earth. Oh, it was very hard for Me two thousand years ago to make all those that Father had chosen for Me deny themselves and give Me their life, their body, their walking, their speech and their heart to build Myself in it for the salvation of many, when I asked them this and I said: «I in you and you in Me; go into My name and save the people, for the kingdom of

the heavens has come near to them and worthy is the worker for his wages then, for sings and

miracles will accompany you and you will preach My Gospel to the margins of the earth and

many will be saved through it».

Oh, Romanian people, My people from the end of the time, I have built in you now

both My Bethlehem and Nazareth and the word for My second coming together with My

entire work for the end of the time, and from your hearth I watch upon you and I protect you and I also watch over the nations by My angels and I put My seal, the seal of My name over the document of your birth by My word from above and you will not be able to hide before Me and before the people with your origin that you have got from Me, ( See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n. ) as I have been waiting for you from the beginning and until the end to be My country of today where I may come and set the judgment throne of the creature, ( See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment” , r.n. ) the kingdom and the renewal of everything by the word, as in the beginning, when at My word, the heaven and the earth, were made under the eyes of God and under the eyes of His angels.

Oh, Romanian people, you have not sufficiently understood the time of your visitation, but we will shake our hands more and more tightly and we will read from the heights the book of the love between Me and you, and the nations who are far from Me will seek after you and they will 86

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take from your hearth the hidden manna and will find the mystery of their rescue and salvation and they will find the law of love and forgiveness, too, for I have loved you from beginning and to end and I have been waiting for you here, at the end of the time, and I have My glory in you now, and with love like fire I am writing Myself on your hearth and I am setting Myself down into My book of today and it is the throne of judgment for all the creature and everything will come into being at once by My word, which renews the world. Oh, I miss you and I want you to believe My coming to you, for I have been longing for it. The kings and the rulers want you to belong to them, as they have found your mystery that I have given you, but I want you to be Mine, and My longing keeps you in Me, and I watch upon you with the angelic hosts, My country of today. Oh, it is a day of feast of the birth into your midst and at My manger of word, I am speaking upon you and I am sending it to you to hear Me and no longer to live a pagan life, oh, Christian country, for your spend the holy feasts in a pagan way and there is no one to tell you that you go wrong with God, and I, the Lord, come and tell you about your mistake, and I also tell you that man can be more happier than when he makes his happiness on the earth with his services during the feasts.

Oh, My dear country, you should suffer for God and you should comfort His wound and He will prepare for you feasts and glory in the feasts, as man does not have to celebrate like that but with a heavenly glory into his midst, for without the Lord everything is wilderness and it is hell on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 07-01-2013. (N.S.) (25-12-2012 - Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)


… Oh, I am with My concern for them, great disciple, only that they may avoid the sin of doubt, which gave Me over to mockery and crucifixion. I put them to holy work, that they may prepare for Us the feast in seven days’ time when We will be here with My prudes and with you, My disciples of that time, and We will have joy among those in heaven at the table with all those who have now the love of the word of My coming with the saints, as it is written into the Scriptures to fulfill, ( 1 Thessalonians: 3/13)24 for even two thousand years ago, I fulfilled with you the Scriptures written for that time, and now I am fulfilling from among them the Scriptures written for this time, for the end of the human time and for a new beginning of the heavenly time on earth, within the mystery of the new heaven and new earth, a place of justice and peace, a place for the Lord and for those who love Him. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 12-05-2013.


I am sitting down with you at the table of word, My people. I have the heavenly suites at My table with you. We are getting ready to come down as word with power over the soul of the Romanian people on a day of the feast of the cross, the cross on which I was nailed and sentenced to death by the Jewish people, and this because of their lack of love for God, the man’s Maker. I will come and sit down; in six days I am going to come and sit down with great glory of word at My table with the Romanian people, for it is on its hearth that My Father has sent Me to come down as word on earth now, in the end of the time, and I am coming to set My throne 24 «And may he establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the

coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints». (1 Thessalonians: 3/13)


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

of judgment and to call from it, far and wide, and the man everywhere to hear Me and to come back to God if he wants, if he receives the One Who calls, the One Who sees, hears and speaks, the God of His visible and invisible things.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-



… Oh, Romanian sons, I, the Father Sabaoth, am sending to you My Son, Jesus Christ,

Whose great name is now the Word of God. ( Apoc: 19/13) You have to obey Him, and not those who want to crush you for the sake of their will, and with whom I am not well pleased. Oh, how is God able to be well pleased with those who serve the ruler of this worldly age? How, when they love pride, wickedness and desire of greatness, from which all have got sick, after they have un-justly taken over the seats from the head of the country to rule upon you and to bring you to humility, oh, Romanian sons? Behold, I, the Father Sabaoth, am sending you My Word, My Son, Jesus Christ the Word, to be your Teacher in hard time, and you should listen to Him, for God wants to save you and He works for it with the whole heaven of saints and angels, but it is necessary to join the heavenly armies with all your faith in the word of My Son, for He is the Savior, the Shepherd with the cross, the Shepherd of My sheep. Amen.

— Oh, My Father Sabaoth, I am Your power and they are My power as We are their power,

Father, for We have special love for the sons of the Romanian people among the nations, the country which You showed Me two thousand years ago and You have blessed it to be My

country in the end of the time, the country of My return after two thousand years, and behold, I have a fold of word into its midst, and I have a people set to watch before My word when it comes down on the earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 21-05-2015. (On



Oh, peace to you people of My word! You have come to the spring and we have gathered

here into the garden and the garden is full of glory and full of My saints staying in groups-groups, and here is why I gave it the name of the garden of the meeting among the pearls around the little garden of My word, with which I started twenty-five years ago, the setting on earth of the Lord’s citadel, the citadel of New Jerusalem on the hearth of the Romanian people, ten years after the raising among My saints of My trumpet, Virginia, the one in which I, the Lord, established My dwelling place and way to come as word on earth now, in the end of the time, to fulfill in this way the Scripture of My coming with the saints in tens of thousands ( 1 Thessalonians: 3/13)25 and to write on earth and in heaven My new and great name: The Word of God, ( Apoc: 19/13)26 which so few understand, for it becomes a river of word on earth and it brings with it everything that is in heaven.

25 «And may he establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the

coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints». (1 Thessalonians: 3/13)

26 « I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges