The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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the way.

Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth and destroy by

the manifestation of His coming». (2 Tess: 2/7,8)

29 «Everyone who sins breaks the law and in fact, sin is lawlessness.

Whoever lives in sin belongs to the devil, since the devil has been a sinner from the beginning. This was the

purpose of the manifestation of the Son of God, to undo the work of the devil.

Those who have been born of God do not keep on sinning because God’s seed abides in them. They cannot

go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

This is how the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: whoever does not practice right-

eousness is not of God, and neither is the one who does not love his brother [or sister].» (1Joh:4,8-10) 30 «The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised» (Matt: 27:52) 31 «And may He establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the

coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.» (1Tess: 3/13)

«when He comes to be glorified in His holy ones (Or “saints”) and to be admired among all those who have

believed (because our testimony to you was believed) in that day.» (2Tes:1/10) 100

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Sons, sons, We are writing into My today’s book, the book that I am writing on earth during this time through you, who are receiving My coming and its word. We are marking this day as the memorial of the day when We laid the first stone in My today’s citadel, the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, following to build on it the little white stone, the ark, sons, the symbol of My heart, out of which My love flows over the earth as word and waters it with the voice of My love for man that I may come into his way, to speak to him and to invite him to hear Me, to receive Me, to believe Me, to know Me and then to follow Me, as I, the Lord, have given written teaching for man to love Me wholly and to fight for this against himself so that he may not fall from his love for Me into the love for himself and in this way to lose him and to keep losing him as I lost the one in the beginning, who lost his happiness in paradise in exchange for self-love; however, since then I have always worked to help man see how much he loses, how much he goes astray by disobeying the commandments of life, by disobeying the One Who loved him in the beginning with such a great love, even if he has departed from Me, from My love for him, oh, and since then I have been waiting for him, I have been calling out to him, I have kept on working hard and all the time so that I may heal My wound, which the man has done to Me, so that I may regain My consolation, because I build man for My consolation, I built him to comfort Myself with him.

Oh, sons, I started with you My work from the end of the time for the man’s new building.

My work with you marvel and astonishes the heavenly powers, and shakes satan and all his angels, for I, the Lord, am working with you the renewal, the rebirth of the world, great fulfillments, worked within a great mystery, to reveal them afterwards and that My hard work to be seen, and to fulfill the Scriptures of My work from the end of the time, a new heaven and a new earth, for it is written for Me to do this work and to give it to those who have loved Me and followed Me on earth enduring endlessly, while all the other men were going to satan with their lives; still, there has been a remnant to be on My side, to carry on My will with man over time and to keep the man’s way towards God so that man may be judged according to his works, sons. ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the

Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2020.


… Oh, with so much burning fire you have set yourselves to the work for the preparation, for the reception and for the heavenly feast together with Us, the ones in heaven with you now!

Oh, you have forgotten so much about yourselves that you so greatly prepared this holy day here, sons, everything out of your love for Us, everything out of holy submission, dear sons! May your faith be great in the Lord’s coming now, in the end of the time, My coming to you as word, in order to put Me on the way to walk with the word and to sow the land from margins to margins with the seal of My mouth as in the beginning of the world, with the word, dear sons!

Oh, if with My coming of nowadays I have not found faith on earth, I have found faith with you in My today’s word, by which Father is sending Me to spread it all over so that it may come then the kingdom of the heavens on earth and the end of those without God and their trespasses now, as it written. Two thousand years ago, I spoke with mourning: «Nevertheless, when

the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?» ( Luke: 18/8) 101

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

I’ve knocked at the gate of the people, known to be the house and table of God, ( At the

“Christian” churches, r.n. ), and I have been left outside knocking and talking alone, for those who are sitting high over the church and over the people do not have ears to hear. I have knocked and called for a long time that they may open and hear what I have to say, but I have not found any faith but only faith denial, as I said two thousand years ago that before My coming for the end of the lawlessness and unbelief on earth, there would come the denial of faith first, and behold this Scripture has been fulfilled, but I keep coming more and more; I am coming for those who have faith, I am coming for those who wait for Me to come, ( See Hebrews: 9/28)32 and in order for someone to do My will is that he may do My will and be ready for Me to come.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption, from  28-08-2021. (On



The bells are ringing on earth everywhere; they are also ringing in heaven, they are ringing for resurrection, they are ringing on earth and in heaven and the Christians and pagans are singing in all the languages of the earth and they are singing that Christ has risen!

… It would have been very hard on earth and over the people if during this time of such great darkness I could have not set apart an little and tiny people to stand before Me and to set Me as word on earth to be able to stay by the spoken word in the battle against satan, the ruler of this age and so that I may rule, not he, oh, for God cannot leave His victory into the hand of His adversary and man’s, for he brought the man down from heaven at the beginning, and now, in the end, I am coming to snatch his victory he had at that time, and I have proved this two thousand years ago, and since then he has been very much perplexed and extremely mad about this.

Oh, but what shall I do to you, satan, if you have not wanted to understand in time God’s word through the prophets, and kept on struggling in vain, and here I am as word over the earth behind you to spoil the whole of your plan worked in darkness that you may gain something, but no, I am watching and always overthrow your work, for I am God and you are My opponent and I am waiting for you to leave aside your tricks with which you test the human kind, for I overcame and judged you two thousand years ago and you are wretched and keep on struggling in vain. I am behind you with My word and of those that serve your hidden plans, and behold, a great day, a feast of resurrection and you are staying and listening now to how is sung on earth and played everywhere in a sound of bells and semantron33 that Christ has risen! Oh, those who do your will are singing too; they are singing and the Christians and the pagans are singing the song of the Lord’s resurrection too: Christ has risen!

Oh, God’s sons, and you, men’s sons, I am teaching you with the same word: love God;

love Him truly with all the power of your love and heart in you, and this I am teaching you specially. Oh, love as I love and not as you know what love is. Love showed its image two thousand years ago on the hill of Golgotha on a wooden cross, enduring crucifixion and loving in great pains 32 «It is the same with Christ: having been offered once to bear the sins of many (Isaias (Isaiah) 53:13), He

will appear a second time, apart from sin-offering, to those who are eagerly waiting for Him for salvation (Or

“deliverance” ).» Hebrews: 9/28.

33 A wooden plank or an iron bar that gives a sound like a gong when struck with a wood mallet and that takes the place of a bell in Eastern Orthodox Churches, r.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

of the new birth of the world, as it was prophesied to be fulfilled then and from then on to the end of the time, for I, the Lord, am coming to renew everything and I work by the word.

The Christians and the pagans are singing on a day of Passover, Christ has risen! What

does God have to say by this?

Oh, obedient sons, and you, those who are not obey God, what does it mean to be a Christian, and what does it mean not to be a Christian? It is time to be known the names of God’s sons and the names of men’s sons; it is time for God’s sons and men’s sons to know what God has to say by what He says.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 24-04-2022.

(On Calameo)


My word during these days is My love with which I walk between heaven and earth to

reach the man’s heart and to make him long after God, after the love of God, which the man at the beginning did not have in order to remain as the inheritance of the man’s heart, and now, in the end, I am walking speaking, and the spirit of My word is walking above; it is walking from place to place to find a dwelling place and welcome, oh, and man can hardly open himself to believe and understand My speaking with man, for I am speaking with man as in the beginning, oh, and as at that time no one wants to have fellowship with Me to take from God word and obedience with love after that, and I am staying as word with you, sons from the citadel of My word, and I am coming to you as house and table of dinner with you and I show My fulfillments as I have to fulfill the Scriptures that still are, and all God’s works I have fulfilled with man in all the times, but now, in the end of the time, I do not find any man to have his heart for God; oh, I do no longer find any faith on earth, sons, and as many times I have fulfilled My word from the prophets spoken to come to fulfillment, I had to prepare My people and to put in them the spirit of faith in Me and then to fulfill by their faith, as I can do My works only by man’s faith, My Father’s will for the man’s return to heaven, who lost the Lord and the Lord’s dwelling place and then fell on earth and since then he has been groaning without knowing where the man’s looking after rest and peace comes and keeps on coming, after the comfort lost at the beginning by his lack of love of God, oh, and I do not know how I may find any way of word to reach to the ear and heart of the one who wanders on earth and to give him the sight of the spirit then, so that he may see God with it for He is waiting for him and knocking to be open and then to come in to make a dwelling place in man, a table with food, rest and holy and comforting feast for the man’s heart and that he may want to become a son of God, for man is no longer God’s son, oh, sons, and the men’s sons have multiplied on earth, and God’s sons are looking after the customs of the man’s sons, too, and the Lord is coming on earth as word and is calling far and wide to give His kingdom to man, the salvation of the lost soul for the kingdom of the passing world, which passes and is no more after that; however, the Lord does not pass and remains forever, and I want the man to be like God, that man may have love for life and richness, and not have and seek after earthly riches.

… Oh, who shall tell man what only God can tell and reveal to him? Who is to tell the rich what they have earned with their life on earth? It comes to the man’s mind and nature the money-making at any price. You can no longer see a man to be afraid of the money; man is no longer afraid of this work of the soul perdition. Man has pulled himself out of God from the beginning, 103

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

and I, the Lord, am walking now crying, in the end of the time, to call the man, to make him used to the word, to show him the emptiness of his searching, to tell him about how God is crying in pains for him, to advise him to flee from satan, from all his schemes hidden from the mind and heart in man so that he may not break loose to the freedom from God, oh, and I do not longer have any rest seeking to embrace the man in the love of God and that he may no longer have so many worries with which to fill the time of his life and to forget about the life of his soul.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Spring of Healing, from 29-04-2022. (On



The sky of the Romanian land is filled with angelic glory on the day of the feast of Epiphany, and the heavenly powers are standing in groups-groups above the citadel of My word and I am waking up My watchmen to make My entrance into the citadel and into the book on the day of holy feast.

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, I, and the breath of My mouth, My word over the earth. The angelic hosts will be soon seen on the sky above the Romanian land sounding their trumpets, as it is written, and giving glory to the Lord, Who is speaking from above, and behold, My word must be searched a lot so that man may establish his walk with God, for My day is making great haste and no one can stop it from its coming, on the contrary, My enemies can even hasten it and do this, which they do not want to be and come, oh, but no, for the Romanian saints are singing in the air here the awakening of the Romanian people, and they are singing with My longing and they are saying in a choir: “Wake up Romanian from the sleep of death in which the barbarian tyrants have buried you, now or never make yourself another destiny, to which your cruel enemies may worship.” 34

Great fulfillments are coming; the new birth of the world is coming, and which satan the antichrist would like to fulfill it, but in devilishly way and not in a Christian way, for he wants at all costs first the denial of faith and then to come and show himself, oh, but do not be weak, you nations and peoples that may allow yourselves to be deceived, oh, no, for the fulfillments from heaven are coming, and they are coming with Me from above; they are not coming from the people, and as far people concern, let them put down their false work, for I, the Lord, am going to destroy from everywhere with the breath of My mouth this lawless antichrist, who will soon, soon fade like grass at the appearance above the Romanian nation of the angelic hosts fighting and overcoming with those in heaven all the enemies of faith and who had better repent before receiving what is coming to them and the shame of the lack of faith and their devilish pride? Oh, what will they do when they will stand face to face with My great glory, for that time has come? ( See the selection topic: „The glory of God” , r.n. ) Oh, My coming with the saints has come and I will find the unbelievers against Me.

Elijah, the prophet, rose to heaven in the sky, and this is how one goes to heaven but those who are not faithful cannot do and, nor believe this, because they do not want to know this, that is the way to heaven, because they have their hell, they have lie as their support and father and they are 34 Lyrics from Romania's National Anthem, r.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

foreign wanderers like death, which goes everywhere in sin, for sin is death, as a blind wanderer, of which all who love sin have a share.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Feast of the Epiphany, from  19-01-2023. (On



I am above here, with the hosts of saints and angels, and I am setting My word into My

today’s book and I am shepherding with it, for I am the messenger of the Father as I was two thousand years ago, and I am working under My new name, the Word of God, as is written. ( Apoc: 19/13)35

It’s Sunday and I have to write a word into the book today. It is dawn and I am waking you up to meet Me, sons receiving of God, for I have a shepherding word and I have a word to say, oh, sons. I am watching with the saints from here, from above, from the land of My coming at the end of the time and I am watching with the spoken word and then the word goes and works too, for this is how God works; He is working as in the beginning, because in the beginning was the word, and the same is now, in the end of the time, when all things end, to be renewed, and to fulfill My word now for the new birth of the world.

… I am teaching you, Romanian people. Come to the school of the heaven! I am calling you, I am waiting for you, I desire you with heavenly longing, for I want to rely on your faith in My word upon you to fulfill with it the scriptures of the new birth of the world, as I use the faith of the people of My word to come on earth as word, and to fulfill by the man’s faith all those that are to come and be set with their fulfillment, and to protect My people as many times it is to open the eyes of the blind of those who oppose God.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the tax Collector and the Pharisee, from

05-02-2023.  (On Calameo)


Instead of concluding, a recapitulation of the main ideas that define this „end”

„Sons, sons, draw near to Me, draw near to God, for the end of this age is near; not the end of the earth, because the earth does not have an end, but is being cleansed”. (22-09-


… „The end of this age finishes with the wedding of the heavenly Bridegroom” , …


… „for God lets him know that at the same time with the end of this age, the wedding of the heavenly Lamb is being prepared”, … (22-08-1987)

35 « I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges