The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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and make war in righteousness.

His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names written”]and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday after the Pentecost days, of all the saints, from 07-06-2015.


Oh, you do not know in what honor your God has put you, people loved by God for your

history. You are specially chosen by My Father to be at the end of the time the Lord’s country, the citadel in which, behold, the Lord is coming as word on earth and is giving Himself, and the peoples know of My mystery with you, oh, My today’s country. Oh, do not doubt, do not ask yourself why so, why you are now My country. You know what I, the Lord, suffered two thousand years ago from the people I had come to from the right side of the Father, how they took Me out of their midst by death on the cross, and I wept a lot for Israel then and I always told them in this way: « I wanted to gather you under My wings, chosen people, and then so stubborn for your

choice. I sent you all My wealth from heaven and gave you angelic food to eat in times of famine,

but you did not want to remain My people, because you did not obey God, and behold, your

house is left to you desolate, deserted by Me, and you will no longer have or see Me into your

midst with My heavenly work until the time comes for you to say: Blessed is He Who comes in

the name of the Lord.” ( See also Matt: 23/38)

Oh, I have been calling you for a long time, for a long time through the voice of My word and I keep on calling you, Romanian people. You are written in the God’s plan of today and you have got a written and great prophecy next to your name. You are written to be the light of the people and the light of the languages on earth, because of the light of the word of My mouth, which springs like the river from the mountain, running down to water the earth and the man ( See the selection topic: This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) and to grow into heaven on earth and that the heaven may embrace the earth on your hearth. My speaking from you is great and long. Oh, look for Me and you will find Me with all the glory of My word, by which I am making and leading a faithful and holy people to help you, people sealed by God even from My birth among the people, when the Father made you too and baptized you with the faith for Me and gave you a sweet destiny for the end of the time, and He chose you even from that time to be the country of My return after two thousand years, a welcoming house for Christ, Who comes from heavens on earth as word to prepare the day of His glory and a chosen people for glory.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint and great martyr Demetrios, the

myrrh giver, from 08-11-2015.


On a day of the feast of saints I am becoming a gentle Shepherd over the Romanian people, and I am giving the gift of faith to be able to take Me in its heart when I leave My word upon it.

The saints ask Me to strengthen this nation to watch as My Father Sabaoth chose it to be My house of welcome for My word which comes down on earth, and behold, the Romanian country is the first among the nations by this choice of the Father, for the earth on which you have been standing, Romanian people, was the first little patch coming out from the waters at the creation of the world, and again, you were born a Christian people once with My birth on earth, and there have passed two thousand years, like God’s Son, since you have been Christian, a Christian nation. Oh, and how beautiful, that even now, at the end of the time, you have the

He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/11-13)


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

gift of coming down upon you the voice of My word, My speech, My coming as word over the earth, for I am with tens of thousands of saints in groups-groups in your air, on your sky, Romanian people, and I have been writhing on your heart the word of love, for out of God’s great love, this miracle takes place between heaven and earth on your bed, which has been made a stopover for God and His saints, and the heaven above you, the same.

… I have put on your table My word and its work, Romanian people. Oh, wake up each

other, Romanian sons! The antichrist and its servants want to put out from the earth the name of the tracks of Christians and they want to replace them with the work, painted in white, of their darkness without God. Oh, get up to watch for the holy customs and for their observance, Romanian sons, for you are a great and faithful people by My great blessing over this patch of land, on which, behold, I am descending with the word now, in the end and at the beginning of time, for am building again a citadel for Me, as I had a citadel and a people two thousand years ago in Israel, the people that took Me out from its midst, persecuted and crucified Me; however, I came to life and left from their midst, and the Father gave Me as a gift even from that time the Romanian land and the people on it so that My people may be a Christian nation, Christ’s people to the end of the time.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2016. (On Calameo)


Oh, Romanian land, oh, My country of today, I am writing down My word during this time

on your heart. You are the country of My coming on earth now, in the end of the time. It is written into the Scriptures about you to be the country of brightness, and you will be; you have to know that you will be, for behold how the light of My word shines from you over the earth and over the nations and how you shine with My gift upon you! I speak the word upon angels and saints to help you to be clean, and for this you have to be cleansed, oh, My today’s country.

Behold, the work of cleaning hurts you, but what shall I do to you if you do not listen to God’s commandments, which are the mysteries of life and which renew your life? Oh, how much I would like to see that you love God! Do not tell Me that you love Me. He who loves Me fulfills My commandments given to the man to work them in obedience.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 20-

03-2016.  (On Calameo)


Oh, do not marvel, you rulers over the peoples, and do not ask yourselves where God’s

word that exhorts you comes from. Seek My spring of word on the hearth of the Romanian hearth, the country which the Father Sabaoth has meant once with My birth on earth to be My house, My courtyard and My shelter for My coming in the end of the earthly time, when it was written to come on earth and to shepherd the peoples and their kings with it and to bring peace, comfort and love from heaven, by which to build the new age, My age with the people on earth, ( See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan” , r.n. ) and behold, there have been sixty years since I started here, with the Romanians, the work of My word on earth, and I have a clean cowshed, where I write the book of My word, and which the angels write for Me in heaven that it may be written in heaven and on earth at the same time, and to stand with it before the people and to give them comfort, exhortation and salvation.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Excerpt from the Word of God over the nations and over the rulers of the nations. The

Word of God at the feast of the birth of Saint John, the Baptizer, from 07-07-2016. (On Calameo)


I am putting on the today’s table the word of My peace near the feeling of the pain at the memory of the 22nd of July of the year, ( 22.07.1991, r.n) when I, the Lord, with a little handful of sons laid with church ministry the foundation, on which the body of white stone was then built at sight, written in the Scripture to appear, ( Apoc: 2/17)27 in the form of an ark into the midst of the little garden taken out of its mystery from the beginning and proclaimed all over the world, a high mountain out of which the spring of the word runs, by which I have written and laid on earth the book of My love for My people from the end of the world, from which have gathered a little bunch of faithful and merciful children with God, I have grown them with the word of My today’s making over man and I harnessed them to My chariot of victory to carry Me over the earth with the mystery of My word today by which I am calling at My table of preparation for the joy which will remain between heaven and earth as comfort for those who have endured to the end loving the Lord and not growing tired for this love, for the only way a man must have and live his life is the love for God, the work for which I built the man and gave him the heaven, over which he trod and then left Me for his self-love; however, on that very moment, the man died, and it died the love of God within him, for only God is life when man is, when it means that he is.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the consecration of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2016.


The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; under this name it comes on the Romanian land

this word, which comes with the clouds; the Word of God comes down from heaven, it sets on earth and shepherds those who come to be shepherded, all those who long after God in this time.

I am bowing down and kissing the Romanian land, the place where I am setting down My

word, the citadel which I have brought into view and which I have a shelter now, in the end of the time, and behold, as I ascended to the Father two thousand years ago, after I had finished the work for which I came as a Man born on earth, oh, in the same way I am descending, according to the word prophesied by those in heaven, on My day of ascension to the Father.

I come in the clouds of the heaven, not in the clouds of the earth. I come in the clouds of light. Either if it is daytime or darkness on earth, I, the Lord, am shrouded by the light and I penetrate with it as the lightning goes in the sky among the foggy clouds set between heaven and earth, which suddenly give light into the darkness of the day or night, for this is how it is written for Me to come, and the miracle of My coming as word on earth comes perfectly according to the book, the word by which I prepare My shelter of the day of My glory, the Lord’s glory, ( See the selection topic: „The glory of God” , r.n. ) and when I give each one according to his works, for this is how it is written for Me to fulfill.

27 «Whoever has an ear should listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. To the one who overcomes

I will give [to eat] of the hidden manna and I will give a white stone. On the stone a new name is written, which no

one knows but the one who receives it». (Apoc: 2/17)


Image 4

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

I am bowing and kissing the Romanian land in the place where I, the Lord, have a fold of word starting even from the year of 1955, since I started this glory, God’s word over the earth.

… Oh, I put My kiss on your forehead, My today’s country. You are the country of My

coming as word on earth now, in the end of the time, and on this day of the churchly feast the Mother of God is standing above you in heaven, My mother Virgin, with a procession of cherubim and seraphim and with saints in tens of thousands covering you, for it is a day of feast among the saints for her, for My dear mother, whom I have on My right side among those in heaven, and she has from Me, given because of her prayer, heavenly watch over you day and night, and this because you are My chosen land for nowadays, for My coming as word on earth, to prepare faith on earth, because without the faith that knows Me, waits for Me and opens to Me when I come, oh, and how could I have come to set on earth the way of My word from this time?

I bless you again and again, and I am blessing the face of the renewed bedding until it appears with all its wholeness. I am looking at its full face and we do miracles for this, oh, we do only miracles, for My work with you is the miracle from the end of the time, a miracle under which every height will fall, and My face will mean then My work with you, My miracle with you, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of the Lord’s Mother, from 14-



Oh, peace to you, Romanian people! Moreover, peace to you, cities and countries with the name of Orthodox-Christian, as the Lord and His saints like it to be! Oh, increase your faith and watchfulness for it, because the wind, which blows to wipe out the Orthodox-Christian faith from your face and hearts, is too strong, that is the church that has been pleased to Me even from the time of My body on earth and up to this day and until tomorrow, oh, loved children of My Father Sabaoth! I speak My word to you, the word of God, oh, Christian cities according to the tradition from the beginning, for it is a feast in the name of this faith in which the devout Parascheva lived and

loved, a martyr who was seen

keeping watch between heaven

and earth in the Romanian city of

Moldavia, one of the three Ro-

manian countries, (” Moldova”,




Românească”, r.n. ) in the name

of the Trinity of God, the Fa-

ther, the Son and the Holy

Spirit, the three in one single

country, My country of today,

the country of My word in the

end of the time, for I, the Lord,

and My saints stand above it in

its sky, and I have been


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

speaking for sixty years on the hearth of this people, in order to make up My book and to prepare by it a faithful and holy people like Me, for there is nowhere holiness and a holy place on the earth, and I, the Lord, cry with the saints after holy halting places to have a rest from mourning, because We mourn without a holy flock in order to be able to shepherd it with those sweet things from heaven and eternal like God, and which are not passing away like man, for the man passes away like grass and he has not got any prepared place if he have not loved the Lord on earth to have Him as his Father in heaven as well.

Oh, My country of today, My Christian country, I, the Lord, have you within great heavenly watch, because all the saints watch upon you and scent you with the fragrances of the heaven when the Father has chosen You for Me as a feast of wedding table now, in the end of the time.

( See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb” , r.n. ) Oh, I have the word of My mouth as food on the table and with it I give you life and exhortation and we share it with all the countries, and especially with all those who have a church into their midst and Orthodox Christian faith.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Russian people and to the Orthodox churches in the

world. The Word of God at the feast of the Saint Devout Parascheva, from  27-10-2016. (On



I want to give you a new heart, a new love, a holy virtue with which you may be able to love God and those around you, and love is holy because it is from heaven; it does not come from man but from heaven. Therefore, take within you the Lord’s voice, which breaks the mountains, and be a good soil for the seed of My word. I am speaking to you from the hearth of the Romanian land. I have sixty years of word on the hearth of this nation. This Romanian land is My mystery from the end of the time, in which I am preparing the great victory, a new heaven and a new earth for those who are saved by faith, and I am calling at My table the people from all the nations, to come, to take My word and to feed with the word from My mouth like the little babies that are fed by their parents, for I, the Lord, am King over this earth and I have a people earned by the today’s glory of My word, before which every tongue is kept silent, for the Lord is coming and He is making all thinks new, as it is written.

Oh, come near in the spirit to My voice, which is calling you and teaching you righteousness, peace and life, for I am the Truth and I have My mother Virgin; I have her set in the air of the Romanian land and she protects for Me all the sides of this land and nation for the mystery of My word sheltered by Me on this holy hearth, on which I set all the promises for the end and for the beginning of the time, and which I sealed two thousand years ago with the seal of the Living God and I marked its borders to have it as My house and table of word now, when I come as a Teacher and I share Myself from here over the earth, from where I am calling you, I am giving you and saying you again and again: Peace to you, peoples on earth, and to you, rulers over the nations, and bring them to the pastures and water, for behold, God is visiting you and calling you to His table! Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Entrance of the Lord’s Mother into the church, from 04-12-2016. (On Calameo)



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

I have leaned over you from time to time, Romanian people, and I have been exhorting you to believe the book sent from Me to you to stand watch, so that you may no longer cry for disobedience at the right time or for unbelief. Oh, here is how long, how sorrowfully you have risen to the fast of watch day and night and for watchful hope! Behold, you are fulfilling now, either willing or not, My word that has always been set upon you, as for a long time, I have been sending you from this mountain word to be fulfilled to do God’s will for your life and that it may go well with you, with you and with Me, for I have a fold of word on your hearth, and the spring of My word is called a high mountain, as for over sixty years, I have been writing the book of My word during this time in your country, ( See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of

Life” , r.n. ) Romanian people, and I have been walking the way with sufferance and patience with those whom I have relied for the making of the book of My word, and it is very beautiful My history now, in the end of the time on your hearth. It is being written in heaven and on earth at the same time the word of My today’s book to be a testimony. The angels are coming from heaven.

They hear and write My word from My manger here, and those on earth hear My voice word by word and put it into the book, for it is written that the Lord will give His word to those who proclaim it with much power, and, again, it is written that My name is called God’s word, and in this name, I fulfill the will of My Father on earth, as He has sent Me.

Oh, I have come to be your Shepherd, Romanian people, for woe to the sheep without a

shepherd upon them, and especially in time of trial! Oh, peoples perish from place to place because of the lack of the wisdom from above, as it is written about those who perish, and wisdom means love, peace, righteousness, purity, holiness, all worked by faith and shared with all their work.

Wisdom has to be learned and then put to work by deed, but where is to be found on earth wisdom like that in heaven? Oh, I am the Way, and no matter how much man struggles to find a way to others, everything is in vain, everything, because I am the Way and not everything means a way, and I come to shepherd and teach you the way, Romanian people, people loved by God. You are My today’s people and country, for this is what My Father Sabaoth wanted to give to you the destiny in the end of the time, and I to watch you, both in sunny weather and in stormy weather, with all the heavenly powers, for I have to fulfill within you the Scripture from the end of the time, and you do not understand this if you do not read in the Scriptures and in My word of today, with which I want to hold your little hand closely and to help you to get used to God, because it is hard without God on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee, from



Oh, how shall I not come on earth with glory of word, if it is written for Me to come in this way? And how shall I not come with you, My beloved saints, if you did not fear on earth the lord of darkness and stepped over fears and put on power, in Christ, My beloved ones, My sons? Behold, the kingdom with which We are walking and which you have chosen! We are going

with it carried on white horses, as it is written about My coming with the saints, and We all are clothed in little white linen shirts, and We are fulfilling the Scriptures at the end of the time. Those on earth ask themselves about Us and about the little white linen shirts, as well as about the white horses that carry Us in the air with heavenly glory, and which man cannot show even in movies as it is when the spirit of the darkness and its lord make the man dream that he can do it, that he knows and that he does. ( See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

horse” , r.n. ) Man has the earth under his feet, and We have the heaven and the clouds of heavenly glory under Our steps and this is how We are descending and coming, for this is written, and if this is written to be, that is how the man has to believe and strengthen the work of faith and to humble himself in his mind, for who does not do this, the one who does not deny himself cannot understand those from above, and which keep the earth and heaven in their order, after their making and setting to their place, and My saints are those who confess the Creator and all creation and all the invisible glory of God’s creation, and which remains eternally like God and it is the house of My saints and their delight, for which they have fought on earth. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the forty Saints and Martyrs from Sebaste, from 22-03-2017.


I am wrapped in the word, and I prove Who I am by setting My written word into the book of today on the hearth of the Romanian people, established with all My speaking in it, starting with 1955, and up to this day, and I still keep on putting My word in it, for I work according to the book, I look into the Scriptures and work as it is written for God to work on earth now, in the end of the time, for the heaven and the earth can pass, but My word cannot pass, oh, it is not possible not to be fulfilled everything jota by jota, and behold, I, the Son of God the Father, have a written history. I have to do the work of the word set on earth, and My word has turned into a book and I keep it open and I give from it, put in it and sow My seed, and I stand on the clouds of angels above My place chosen to be the fold for My establishment as word on earth, as it is written for Me to come, to become word and to give Myself from margins to margins with My work and My new name: The Word of God.

Excerpt from the Word of God for the rulers of churches all over the world. The Word of God at the Feast of the Entrance of the Lord’s Mother into the Church, from  04-12-2017. (On



I will stop you from making wars. Do you want Me to tell you how I will do this? Oh, no! You will understand by yourselves and will see that you are humans and man is weak and this only for the Lord to be strong and right and to be King over the creatures, and you to be those on whom I will have had mercy and comfort, after I, the Lord, will look with favor to you, and all, all the Scriptures, have to be fulfilled, as it is written in them, for I, the Lord, am the beginning and the end, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I and only I. I am, behold, in the end too, and I will work with the man to establish My kingdom on earth, as it is written about this truth.

Oh nations, hear the Lord! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God over the nations and their leaders, at the feast of Saint Hierarch Nicholas, from 19-12-2017. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons, I have built through you My church in the end of the time so that I may

have an invincible church, to find in it faith for My coming and that I may come, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2018.



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, Romanian people, oh, people blessed by My word among the nations, do not deny the

One Who has been speaking into your midst for more than sixty years the mystery of His coming in the work of word over the earth to level and clean His way, to prepare His bride in you and the day of His glory and victory against satan, God’s enemy and man’s enemy, too. I am writing to you a holy epistle, I am exhorting you to stand watch, and I am saying you now: oh, do not forget, do not forget the Lord, your God, and do not forget Me, Romanian people! I do not forget you, I cannot forget you, for My Father has promised you to Me to be the country of My coming in the end of the time, a place of stopover for God’s Son, so that He may come for the living and for the dead, as it is written, for the people of Israel denied Me two thousand years ago, and I have still remained with some of the witness disciples for Me from it, who, like Me, were also killed by them, and Father has meant you to have a holy destiny and to be My country in the end of the time, and behold, I am sending you an epistle and asking you to have faithfulness, and I am also asking you to get up for the work of peace and wisdom that perceives all the evil in your midst to put it away and to stand up for the work with the light over the darkness, for those who are hidden are the darkness in your midst, and are covered by the work of the lie, and I am reminding you, My country, and I am telling you that the father of the lie is the devil, who even from the very beginning has been lying and overcoming man, and man has become very weak and because he has become so weak before satan, he has been telling lies, and he always tells lies and does no longer have any courage and power to side with the truth in all the things every moment, for the truth brings pain to those who love to lie.

… You, those who sit on the seats of authority, oh, listen to the Lord and bow to His calling, to learn from Him righteousness, peace and the light in all things, and if you can, be Christians, for the Christians keep their hardest to the love among them, and if you can, love the truth of everything that is like God, for the Romanian people is My people from the end of the time, and I speak into its midst the word of My coming in its language, the language of the Romanian, and the nations of the earth know this, and by My word spoken from above, I protect this land and people, which serves Me as bedding and shelter when I am coming and speaking now, in the end of the time, for it is the time from the end, it is not at the beginning. Oh, come to Me, come with faith and come with love, for I am coming to you with wisdom and mercy, and I want lovely greatness over this land and people, which I wait and want to come to do My wills for My glory from above upon the hearth of the Romanian people, with its destiny sealed in order to be God’s people.

On a day of Sunday, the first Sunday of the Lent, I have written to you a heavenly epistle, Romanian people. On the day of visitation, I will ask every Romanian about this word of Mine, laid down by My mouth into its book on the hearth of this people, which today I am exhorting with power to have and to increase his faith and its works, the Father’s will, as in heaven so on earth, for I am the Lord, your God, Romanian people, a people with the name of the right faith on your forehead, over your flock.

And now, I am laying down over this word My name: Jesus Christ, the Word of God.

( Apoc: 19/13. ) Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, from 25-02-2018. (On



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord


Oh, I am coming and I am coming in again to you, Israel, people with a great name among the nations. Oh, peace to you! This is My seal when I enter a house or a citadel.

Oh, sons of Israel, in order that you may receive Me, I give you the greeting for the disciples: Peace to you, peace to you, sons of old! Peace to you in a day of remembering of God’s works into your midst, sons of Israel! Oh, here it is what I am doing on this day of great remembrance! I am taking them here with Me, at My spring of word into the midst of the Romanian people, where I came with My mysterious horse, for this is how My Father Sabaoth has ordained for Me to have now, in the end, a new country of My coming as word on earth, and I am taking them at this table full of word; I am taking those of that time from Israel who chose not to receive Me from the Father among them in the image of Messiah, and who signed the act of My death on the cross; I am taking them, showing them and speaking to them that which they did not want to see and hear when they were on earth in My time, and they were able to believe but they turned their face and ear so that they might not see and not hear Messiah, Who, behold He is speaking now and here His word in the end of the time as it is written to be fulfilled at this time His coming on earth under the name of the Word of God, ( Apoc: 19/13) , the Lord clothed in a cloud of word speaking to the earth.

I am sitting down with you at the table of word, Israel of that time and now. Here I am, being fulfilled on earth for two thousand years by a people of saints in heaven, but also on earth in this time and to the end, My time with a people of saints, to whom I told by the prophets: «Be holy

for I am holy».

… Oh, Israel, the devils confessed Me and called Me the Son of God and they were terrified when they met Me, and everything was written down. These confessions, seen while they were fulfilled in plain sight, have to be believed, and you are not exempted from the answer for everything that happened to Me at that time, before My resurrection, and then after that, to the fourteenth day, when I was covered by a cloud and went to stand at the right hand of the Father, promising that from there and from near them I would be with those of Mine to the end of the time, for My mystery with the people is great, well, well Israel, oh, and I long for you and tell you that I miss you and I wait for you to My love, to My church and to its mystery, and I am giving you power today so that you may believe; I am coming towards you for you to hear Me; I have been waiting for you for two thousand years to wipe out your guilt and to embrace you through the church, son Israel.

Excerpt from the Word of God for the people of old Israel. The Word of God on the Palm

Sunday. The feast of the Lord’s entrance in Jerusalem, from 01-04-2018. (On Calameo)


First, I am comforting My today’s country. It is of great value before God, for it is My beauty, My hostess from the end of the time.

Oh, get up and take your country out of clutches, Romanian sons. Arise and sound her

revival and victory, for I, the Lord, am into its midst as word, and that is why it is My beauty, My comfort, the faith from the end of the time in it, and I have come to it.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, peace to you, My today’s country. I, the Lord, am your watchman. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 27-



Two thousand years ago, I came from the Father on earth by My birth from a Virgin mother and then I did the work of redemption from sin of the man I had built with My own hand and of his descendants, and after thirty three years, I went to be victorious on the right side of My Father in heaven, where My place is from eternity. Now, again, the Father has sent Me on earth after man, and My glory is the word, like My new name too, written in the Scriptures that I may bear it now, in the end of the time, for My name is the Word of God. ( Apoc: 19/13)

… I am coming down with the hosts of saints and angels. I, the Lord, am coming down to

you with the armies from above and I am comforting your long separation from the country, oh, Romanian sons, sons who have been wandering away from your country. Oh, sons, nothing is beautiful on earth without God in all things. Oh, what shall We do in order that I may be the One Who is loved by man and followed by man according to My will for the man’s happiness?

Oh, the man does no longer know of the Creator of the heaven, the earth and man. Sons, sons, I am like you, I am wandering away from My house and people, for My house is supposed to be the church, and My people are supposed to be the Christians loving of God and loving of the commandments of life, only that the servants of My church have completely mingled with the things that are foreign from the saints and from the fathers, and the Christian people do no longer have love of God or a counselor for them and for their walking with the Lord. Oh, only if peace between Me and the Romanian people would be set in the Romanian country. The Romanian country is My today’s country, to which the Father has sent Me to make My citadel in it and to set on its hearth the book of the word of My mouth, the ruling rod over the nations, over the kings and over the languages. Oh, the story of this nation and of its land is being beautifully written in heaven! It is God’s mystery from the beginning of the creation of the world and of that in the end of the time, and the Father has sent Me as word in it and I have always comforted with My word its land and those who believe in My today’s coming as word over the earth; and even over those who do not believe am I making the word of My comfort come down.

… I, the Lord, am watching with the heavenly hosts above the Romanian land and I am

breathing over the sons of this nation sweet comfort and the spirit of the holy wisdom. I am staying at the helm and I am taking through the waves within a great mystery this ark, the Romanian country, My country of the second coming from near the Father now, in the end of the time, and I am waiting; I am waiting for the changing in the face of the Romanian people, on the hearth of the beautiful one, such a beautiful country, your country, My country with you, oh, Romanian sons. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Great Saint Martyr and Healer, Panteleimon, from 09-08-2018.


… However, today, we are setting a day of holy feast for My mother, the Virgin, that who listened to God moment by moment, and she loved Him likewise, and I have loved the work for 98

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

which she was born and grew up, and I have kept this house within great light, in a holy living even from her birth, and then all the time, and once with her coming in heaven near Me, before the sight and the amazement of all the saints of My heaven, I gave her a high ministry; I gave her the country of My coming now, in the end of the time; even from that time I have given it to her for protection, and it is under My blessing and hers so that the evil spirit and opposing to God may see it; and I have also placed it under the hands from above to be protected under the nations and that I may have it with a great name at My coming from nowadays, for I am going to hide the name of the Christian under the name of Romanian, for My ruling citadel from the midst of the land of the Romanian people bears a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, and the Scriptures call it before all things, the citadel with My name on it and it is called, “There the Lord is.”

… Oh, this is how I, the Lord, teach you, Romanian people, for I want you to be a people of beautiful sons, both in appearance and in deed, to your happiness and Mine, for I wait to stay with you at holy work, Romanian people. I, the Lord, have you on My plan from the end of the time to make you My light over the nations, and you have to take after Me, Romanian people, and I am coming to teach you this, Christian son, Romanian son.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-



Now, My today’s country, you are My today’s dwelling place, and I am giving voice to

My mouth to confess your mystery from God, and I am comforting this beauty of yours, for the Lord found His pleasure with you even from the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth; He has established you to be the first and placed in you His treasure, which does no longer know its assignment from God, for man, the man’s making out of your clay at the beginning of the creation, this is the treasure that God has placed in the dough of your body, and here I am with My dwelling on this treasure in this land, here I am declaring the new creation from the top of the earth, the new birth of the world, as I promised two thousand years ago, and now I have with Me the witnesses of My resurrection of that time and I am showing them the new beginning from the end of the time, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the beginning and the end, I keep working at the end too. Oh, at what ending?

Oh, peace to you, peace to you, to those coming from heaven and disposed here in armies!

And peace to you, those from the Romanian land, gathered here on a day of the feast of

resurrection at the end of the time! Oh, at what end, sons?

Oh, beloved ones, with the Lord there is no end without beginning, for the Lord is without end; He is eternal. The mystery of the end is being settled on earth and it brings with it the renewal of the world; it brings the new birth, for this is written to be fulfilled, and God works according to the map.

Oh, I came two thousand years ago to fulfill on earth those that were written to be fulfilled then, and after I arose from My crucifixion, I said to My witnesses at that time: «I will be with you


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

to the end of the time». ( Matt: 28/20) Oh, how should My word, spoken at that time, be understood? Everything that God has spoken needs to be understood with faith.

When I finished My work on earth two thousand years ago, I brought with Me the resur-

rection, the new beginning, once with an end. It is written into the Scriptures about the end of the lawlessness. 28 Even from the beginning29 it started to make its nestle and man started to oppose God within him, and this end of lawlessness has to come, and after that a resurrection, a resurrection30 like that of two thousand years ago.

At that time satan rejoiced over My ending, but at that very time he was also judged, and overcome with the new beginning, which crushed him. Now satan is rejoicing, too, but the end of lawlessness is surely coming; the renewal is coming as well and satan is going to lose again; he will lose everything, for this is written.

Oh, here is why I am coming now on earth as word! I am coming because it is written for Me to come31, and heavenly hosts are coming with Me too, with the kingdom of the heavens above the earth inhabited by the human world; however, I, the Lord, am coming with My visitation over God’s creation and bringing into order the work of the new beginning! Oh, I am caressing your face from God, your beautiful face, My today’s country of My second coming from the Father.

However, you are still under slavery, you are under the cross, oh, My beautiful one! Those who want you to be theirs have robbed you, but you are God’s mystery even from your beginning, you are the fallow land with a treasure in it, you have been My longing for seven thousand years, since your spirit started to cry with Me in the mystery; it has been crying like a man, oh, and man does not know that he cries. He thinks that he laughs and is happy when he is in good condition, but does he really know what a mystery he is, and that this mystery cries?

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the Prudes, from 12-05-2019. (On Calameo)


28 «The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all things that cause

stumbling, and those who do evil, …

Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Anyone who has ears should

listen! » (Matt: 13/41,43)

«The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! But now, there is one who restrains, until he is taken out of