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The fearful judgment

Selection of texts of God’s Word3 on the subject

… Oh, My chicks, I ascended to My Father after My passion, and now I have descended on earth, unseen by anyone, to prepare this vessel ( through which the Lord speaks, r.n. ) chosen by Me, but helpless, and through him to prepare a holy people which are to prepare My way to come for judgment. My fearful chicks, do not doubt My words through this weak mouth, for I want to give you new birth from the Spirit. Do not be afraid. I will protect you and I will bring you up with milk for you are small. I will take you under My wings, as the hen takes her chicks to protect them against the hawk, for you will have many enemies.

Well My little chicks, My mission from the Father is to bring up a new people, a new Israel in the Romanian people, for the people chosen by Me in the past had totally defiled.

For this I came into the world; I came to choose from the world some meek and obedient lambs, so that I may feed them with heavenly food.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-06-1955. (On Calameo)


All human being will move here on earth and the judgment for all the world will be made here. Do not look at that liar who says that there is no God and that the man is not made by Me. And when you see him chained tight, you will look at him and tremble with fear for fear that you may not be chained like him. And you will curse him and say, “You cheated

us, for you kept saying that you were God!”

1 Most other translations read “they came to life.” (Compare Apocalypse 2/4; 13/14; also Peter 1/23) 2 Or “one and only / unique / uniquely loved”

3 God’s Word in Romania translated by I.A., r.n.


The fearful judgment

… My little children, it is because of this that God sends from His heaven the Holy Spirit in an earthen pot; the same way you have an alphorn, the same way with this body too. Who likes it, good for him! Who does not like it, runs away, for many false prophets have come out. Listen My children, for there are prophets who prophesy by leaf and sing by leaf.

There are prophets who prophesy by violin, by guitar. There are prophets who prophesy by dancing. There are prophets who prophesy by kissing. Thousands and millions! There is no leaf and grass as many prophets are to deceive the human being. But God has only a single chord and a single tool. There are many but they have come to an end; and for the end only one is left.

And in that day there shall come four brothers from four parts and will have four instru-ments and they will play by them their song, not against you, and each will play his song; one for the resurrection of the dead; another to call to judgment from all corners of the earth; another for this, another for that.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 27-03-1977.


… The young people of nowadays fool their parent saying that they do not know how to live. How Lazarus will judge the rich man! For God will give the judgment to the poor to judge the deeds of the rich. The beggar will judge and condemn you on the judgment day.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 25-05-1978. (On Calameo)


Next year about this time, the Lord will be starting the justice with the surface; the judgment will not be as you know. The holy judgment will be special. A judgment is made by changing the face of some people who commit sin. God will be judging them and giving them time to repent. Keep in mind and do not forget these things, for they are holy! Did you hear? Next year*4 about this time, God will be also starting to clean the earth of wasps and nests, of those big botflies, for the flock which is doing My will cannot walk any more.

And he will be also starting to do something; the martyrdom over the chosen priesthood, as you do not any longer have someone through whom your alms may be performed, as they are priests only formally; they are in uniform, ( Officers in the Security, r.n. ) but underneath they are a garbage bin, and this way it will be worked out gradually until it will be finished with all. Herod killed four thousands of infants bodily, but a Herod of today kills five times more infants, but not bodily rather spiritually.

Next year* about this time the wrath of God will be starting against these mountains and against the enemy who is taking away the little cross from the neck of the child. Next year about this time, many things start to be worked out, but not by a man’s hand but by a godly hand.

Take good care not to fall into the pit, for the ground will open its mouth to swallow a third part; it will open its mouth to eat its pray which is on it, and it will be finished this way with all that is against me. Next year* about this time the antichrist will be revealed and many who have been his friends and have not known him will go to be hanged. There will be ten years in one year. *

... I speak spiritually; the world is perishing and its commander and many are looking to see, but I said and I will not lie. The world will perish and the hawks of the homeland will also perish. ( The communist preschool children, r.n. )

4 *The Romanian revolution, the fall of the Communism and Ceauşescu’s execution in December 25.1989, r.n.


The fearful judgment

(*The Romanian revolution, the fall of the Communism and Ceauşescu’s execution in December 25.1989, r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-03-1979.


… No one has received the crown for the deeds. The saints go and ask, “How long is it Lord?” “Go to your places for we will not share the gifts until those in the great tribulation come.” This is what the Lord will say: you will be the one in the great tribulation, that heaven waits for in state.

Excerpt from God’s Word from 03-09-1980.


… We protect Romania. The old Jerusalem is there where My most fierce passions were, and soon you will see the New Jerusalem if you prepare yourselves. The New Jerusalem is Romania. The last judgment is in Romania.

Excerpt from God’s Word,  27-05-1986.


… My children, when God made the man, He made him out of clay with great care, in the same way you would make a doll from clay, water and wisdom. Then He breathed, “Fuuu!”

the breath of life and God put at his neck neither any little bottle nor a cigarette into his mouth, but rather He endowed him with wisdom, beauty and all kinds of gifts. But look, man uses his intelligence and wisdom not the same way God does, but against God. Man is not satisfied the way God made him and smokes himself with the cigarette and drinks until he curses and mocks God with vile words. Why do not turn, you smoker, the cigarette with its fire into your mouth?

You do not stand the fire. The same way you will not stand the condemnation judgment.

The judgment is here; it will be in Romania. That is why My dear Mother cries for Romania.

… Oh, My work is loved by God, but not such as to call you to work or go to work on the celebration days.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 15-02-1987.


… I could not prepare you as fear gripped you. They put you a trap. And this is what God has done! Now you see, and see that God is with you. God did not want the enemy to catch the innocent, the one that God loves, and the ungodly were caught instead. ( The Red Beast, the apogee of the communist dictatorship of Ceausescu, r.n. )

The drizzle and the waves of enmity have not cleared well yet, but I smash and clear. I let you go to have the right to the word. I told you that I took as a helper the prophet Elijah, who brought Israel to Me in the time of Ahab. I brought him here too for help. The priesthood was led by the executioner of humankind, but now he waits for his judgment and punishment.

The judgment seat will be in Romania, which I am washing now. You will see with your eyes the truth and justice.

… A little time here on earth, and then you will be in the holy heaven, that is on holy ground for it arrived and came out what you were asking and wanting. This prayer was uttered by My dear Mother and through your little mouths, it was fulfilled, that Romania would be taken and shaken the Satan’s dirt off and of the darkness which overtook it.


The fearful judgment

I have seen the traps set for My lovers to be caught in them, but I, the Lord, have stopped everyone’s step and given you word to stay obedient and intensify your prayer, and behold, I have turned the wheel back so that those who dug the pit may fall into it.

… Romania, Romania, My holy and beloved country! What overwhelmed you! What

tricked you!

Be careful, for it is the end of the age. Romania will become the New Jerusalem and you will see with your own eyes that God was and is with you. ( See the selection topic: „The

end of the world and the Day of the Lord5 ”, r.n. ) Excerpt from God’s Word, from 25-12-1989 ( Three days after the Revolution, r.n. )


Here by you it will be the kingdom of those from heaven, who believed and left for heaven with the hope of those promised through this spring of heavenly word. This is the mission which you work at, and therefore it is called here the church of the wakeful and righteous ones. Those who are now from heaven by you, those are wakeful here, for they watch and work from heaven, and behold their reward for their righteousness! And if they still needed to blot out something from their life, it is because of this that I have placed you to take and inves-tigate each one and to wash well the garment of everyone, for I have told you to bring sacrifice of prayer and incense and to utter the word of absolution for each and every soul who was born, so that the creature may be loose in heaven by God. This is the judgment written about in the Scriptures, and because of this, this church, descended through the word, needed to take a body, so that Lord could make judgment of the sins and God’s creature could be loose through the word. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of holy Virginia at the feast of St. Parascheva, from 27-10-1991.


I have marked the work of not suffering upon you on that day, the work of godly nature in the flesh so that the judgment may have nothing to do with you, because My judgment had to come and it has come. My book that I gave you is the judgment of the world and that is why I have been giving you the word of new and clean testimony, so that you may not fall into judgment when it comes upon the world. That you may not come to judgment and that the book of the judgment of the sins of the world may find you near Me; the book, which was prophesied by the prophets, as it is written into the Scriptures: «The Lord will rise and will make a written

judgment among His righteous people». Amen. And behold, I wrote down a written judgment to take revenge against nations and peoples, and to bind and put the kings of the earth into stocks and to put handcuffs over those that are glorified on earth and to make a written judgment among them, as the Scriptures write, and then to put My glory over My righteous people.

Well son of today, really why have I always been telling you to not want to die? For I wanted you holy, and I did not want you for passion, as John was, the clean one, who stayed stuck to My clean bosom. Make your tongue virgin, Israel, My son, so that no one may judge you by this book. Flee son from the distorted face of the sons of the world who say that are Christians. Who else knows what it means today to be Christian? No one knows anymore; no one knows to the last man. The priests and bishops lost all their wisdom; they played cards, dice and bowling for it; they went with it at the matches of the hell who came out from the earth and which are from the earth; they gave wisdom for fornication and drinking, smoking and women, 5 You can also see on:


The fearful judgment

and they still call themselves Christians. No one loves to suffer and they go to the altar un-washed of sins; and there is no hint of holiness anywhere, My people. My church has been deceiving Me for a thousand of years and it says that it belongs to Me. Even for two thousand years it has been deceiving Me, as even two thousand years ago I could not work through the apostles not passion in the Christians, and My poor disciples were looking at the man’s distress and character and tolerated many and unpleasant things in the church, because the church not even then wanted to be with the heaven; rather it wanted to be in the flesh and so it pretended that it was a church.

Only now in the end I have come to make a way and a word in the true church of Jesus Christ in man, for if all that I spoke and worked were written down since then, the book on the earth could not contain them all, as it is written into this book. No servant could have had the faith in Jesus Christ, the One Who came from heaven, the Savior from the Father. The true church of Jesus Christ is there where the brothers gather together to be one with My body, to be one for not passion and all to take Jesus Christ, for a holy and eternal preparation in the body; not as it is in the churches today: the world and again the world which is coming to the communion once in a while, not prepared, with untried sins, with no forgiven sins, for the people do not confess their sins and do not cleanse themselves from them, and this does not mean to be a church with a priest who lives in heavier sins then the rest of the flock. It is his flock, for it is not Mine, and the flock is wondering away like sheep without a shepherd, for the shepherd of today plays crap, draws the wheel of fortune, he goes and strips in the sun, and the saints and angels are scared of the today’s presbyteries, for they reached with the distortion worse than the harlots who were known on their houses. The priestess does her hair on a red iron; she makes her nails red and oils herself with ointments for sinning, as what else should her ointments, colors and distortion which the priestess sit in, be used for? The priestesses buy hair dyes, hats and fine linen; she buys them from your money Christian, that say that you go to church. You go and give your money to the altar and the priest puts the money, ( The abomination of desolation of man’s soul, r.n. ), into the Holy of Holies so that he might go afterwards to spend it on make-up and ornaments, and to take his priestess out at the fair to look like a priestess as well, and the scourge works no longer into the hands of someone as I worked to take the robbery out of My Father’s house.

If you, priest of today, cannot keep your house in a holy order, who is to make you priest? Could you really not find the money to take and do your sinful tastes with it? Why do you take the money of the poor man to spend it on sin? Why do you bury the man for money?

Is this why you became lazy? Woe to you and woe again! Behold the written judgment. Who do you think you deceive? Oh, do not strive to fill your fists with stones and throw them over My people that do My will in his body. When are you to throw them at you? Oh, you, the today’s priest, if you were the same like the sons of My people, like the sons of My Jerusalem, you would also tell the world to give up sinning, to dress like a Christian and not like a pagan, you would guide the straying man to Me, in order for him to find the peace in the church, not in taverns, not in the worldly delights. Oh, how should you teach the man this when you do worse than the man who gives you so that you too may have for the spirit of the world from you?

The church should belong only and only to the Christians, as the tavern belongs only to the drunkards. But look what it is on the earth, and no one is counselor, for the Christians come into the church to pray to Me, and the pagans and drunkards also come into the church. It is written: «I will not sit at the table with the lawless ones», but who sees any longer what is 5

The fearful judgment

written into the Scriptures? The Christians who say that are Christians go both to church and to taverns; they go both to communion and fornication. Oh, is this what Christianity means?

Oh, you priest who put yourself to be a priest today! Start repenting and do not call My Christians a sect, but rather call yourself a sect, you and your priestess that you put in the first pew that the people may honor her. Look at My Mother and see how she behaved in the church, and look at the holy Christians of Jesus Christ, and come back with judgment upon you and upon your house which you do not give as an example before the flock. Oh, what I am to do with you! For look, I made a written judgment in your time; I made and make until I will destroy the last enemy; and you, the one who sit placed over the multitude confounded by iniquities, close your mouth and shut up, for you have no word of vindication. Behold, I uncover you, and in vain you deceive God, for you do not deceive Him, rather you deceive yourself, as I have a new foundation and stay with it before you and show you what the Jesus Christ’s foundation, testimony and church is to say among people. Oh, there is no more faith on earth now, at My coming! But I have a small remnant which did not bow its knees before Baal. And I go before My people more that I went by Moses and I will make a pillar of light and salt on earth out of My people, and I will no longer stay in your fishing rod, for it will be cut and thrown into the fire, and those that are written cannot be abolished. Amen.

My loved people, I make judgment sons, and make a written judgment in your midst, to judge the iniquity and to put it back to its place. People, the priests, who think that they are priests, can deceive the world, but they cannot deceive Me and you, sons. I and you make a church strengthened on its first commandments, and that is why I have made a new priesthood and a new anointment in your midst, for there is no one to anoint a minister for heaven. I have also taken sons from My people to a human theology in order to become priests and now they are also priests for the world, priests of the world and not of Jesus Christ, for those of Jesus Christ crucified their lusts, desires and body to walk in the Holy Spirit of the cleanness of the spirit and body.

Loved people, write son upon the tablet and bind about your neck the word of testimony which stands today at the foundation of the living church. The crucifixion that I ask you today is not the passion, son, and do not sell this glory given to you by Me on money, riches or on a woman’s body. I have always welcomed you with a new and warm exhortation and here is what I tell you: grow your heart, thought and love young, and do not depart from this glory until My visible glory, for I will give you the incorruptibility of body and spirit, for it is written in the Scriptures that the bodies have to reign together with the spirit. Read from the Scriptures the lesson of redemption of the bodies and flesh which groans after the redemption through you people, My tool from the end of My work. Come Christian to have dinner with Me, come! How are you to come? Come My people, not for passion, come with small and great, so that I may break Myself and sit at the table with you, for a new Passover. My new Passover in man is the man who does no longer sin after he unites with My Body and My Blood for repentance and cleanness. This means a new and eternal Passover, dinner and eternal Emmaus, and God rested and seen in man and by man.

My people keep after the sons of My garden to teach you always what love is, lest you fail when you say that you love. Teach yourself what love is, what not passion is. Teach yourself with Me in you; teach yourself forever with Me, for I started the ending of the world, and I started it with you. I have become one with you: body and spirit. I give you My body to be like Me and one with Me, and to rest in you. Son, give Me your body too, for I have also given to you Mine. Give it to Me to make it imperishable, as I worked with Enoch, Elijah and John.


The fearful judgment

( See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility” , r.n. ) Give Me your body to celebrate in you, My people, with My son. Since Adam tricked me by disobedience I have not rested in man, but the time of God’s word has come and today is that time, as it is written: «Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts», and again it is written: «Blessed are those who hear My voice and fulfill it».

I wrote four years of celebration, four years of new age. I do not need counting but we have to count for the man’s time, who is man and is not God’s, for My book of judgment is a book of judgment and the spoken word is judge over those that are done against it.

Blessing to you and may it be that you become a virgin and an infant again in your spirit and in your body, Jerusalem, people that are called Israel! I will go with you on the way of fulfillments and all these will come true as they are written.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of four years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-1995.


My loved people, you should have a holy feeling and a holy propriety, brother to brother.

Israel, you should not get used to lamenting, for you are called a blessed people. If someone among you is not happy, that one does not like happiness; he does not like happiness. If someone among you is ill, that one does not like the gift of healing. If someone among you does not like rebuking, that one does not like to be a son, and he likes to be free in his own wills instead.

The one who does not look for rebuke, that one is not a son. If someone among you, Israel, is greedy or rich, that one does not like the kingdom of the heavens. Behold, sons, how hard it is with you when I ask you to come out of your burdens and out of your pressure! It is hard, well children, for I look at some of you that they do not know what to do with their wealth. Satan is affected when he sees that his kingdom has been broken down, and also his nail, where he has used to keep all his tastes in the little house of the Christian of Israel. He is troubled but he is also ashamed, without power and comes out being crushed from all the corners within the bounds of My Christians who love Me. But he does not come out from some, for they are greedy and sleep during their work. There is where the judgment is to be. There is where it will be cleaned with the cleansing tools.

There was set a table in Israel in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, for Israel is blessed. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 05-11-1995


Israel, Israel, let your life be in Me, and My life in you, dear son, for with this work of your life in the Lord I wrote the judgment of the world. I have brought you up and perfected you in the Holy Spirit and I put you in front of the people that man could see what God wanted to speak within man and so that man could be judged for the deeds of his life. Amen.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of St. Andrei, the apostle, from 13-12-1995. (On



I am who I am. Amen. I am always today. Amen. I am coming by Word on earth. My

word is coming with clouds. Here He comes with the clouds and He turns into a river of life in which all who believe in Him may be baptized, into My Word. I am the Word. If someone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink, let him come to drink the water of life, and the rivers of 7

The fearful judgment

waters will run from his belly, for he will receive Holy Spirit. ( See the selection topic: „He

comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds” , r.n. ) Amen. He who believes let him come to drink, for I did not come to judge the world but to breathe over it the Holy Spirit instead and to give it new birth and to make it anew. The Scriptures of the new birth of the world come to fulfill, and I come to fulfill. Amen. I did not come to judge the world, but to make it new, but he who did not believe in Me, the Word coming with the clouds, that one was already judged. The one who does not believe is judged by unbelief, for My Word, which comes from Me with the clouds, is the Word of truth which is born of Me.

I am the Word of the Father, the Word of Truth, which the world does not know, but you know it, the sons of Israel taken from Romanians. I come to you as the Word and I go from place to place to proclaim that I come, as Gabriel well preached My coming from the Father, born of the Virgin, My Mother.

… I have come to forgive you, man. To make you loose from sin have I come, for the sin is born of your disobedience of Me. Sin was born from the man made by Me, the one with the spirit of life from Me. The sin calls man father and mother, but I have come as Word from the Father, for it was written in the Scriptures, and to make Myself a spring over the earth to give birth to the man from heaven, from My word to give birth to the one who believes in Me, and the one that does not believe is already judged. Amen.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-

1997.  (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, I declare joy to you. The twelve apostles sat down for Israel on the twelve seats that I, the Lord, gave them by My promise of that time. They heard from Me, the word delivered over the nation of Israel, their people according to the flesh, the people that now I call to come and receive My word; the word of the One, Who was crucified by the people of Israel, for the nations of the earth received the word of salvation and come to the faith of salvation by My word, which comes before Me as a sign of repentance for the people, and for My coming; however, Israel, according to the flesh, has My twelve apostles as its inter-ceders, who are Jews according to the flesh, as I also am Jew according to the flesh, for the salvation comes from the Jews, as it is written into the Scriptures. My apostles sat down to judge the cause of the twelve tribes of Israel, and this judgment is being done through Me, the Word of God over the Romanian people, so that the nations of the earth may hear, and that My people Israel may also hear and get up, as Christ, the Anointed of the Father, the Messenger sent from heaven on to the earth two thousand years ago in the flesh in Israel; however, today He is sent as word into the Romanian people; the Christ, the One, Who is prophesied by the prophets to be the Messiah from heaven; the Christ, Who comes again the second time from the Father, to save the world with His salvation. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the saint hierarch Spyridon ( Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, r.n. ), from 25-12-1997 (12.12.1996, Old style / after the Julian calen-dar6) (On Calameo)

6 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (

are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1

January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.) The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: « the people made bold to even change the

times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, ( Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title 8

The fearful judgment


The Holy Spirit is speaking from heaven on earth.

Amen, amen I speak to you, people who do not keep My words: I renew My Scripture upon you, which spoke about My time of today, when the dead will hear God’s voice and will come to life, some to eternal life and others to eternal judgment, and as life is eternal the same is judgment. The Holy Spirit is the Lord, Who gives life to the people. He is the spring from which holiness springs up in people, in the man’s spirit, soul and body. Here it is the question that I come to you with: Did you receive the Holy Spirit? Have you heard about Him in order to receive Him and to open for Him and that He may become a spring of holiness in you? Answer Me!

When I built the man, I created him to be holy, but the man’s will was otherwise. When the man does not receive My will and My love in him, he puts on his will and remains without the Lord and thus he violates the things of the Lord in man, and he sets his will in him and is his own master. Behold, the time has come to call out the man and to bring the man into account.

I hold the fan into My hand and I cleanse My threshing floor gathering My wheat into the barn and the chaff into the fire. It is written into the Scriptures that after two thousand years since My first coming, I will come again from heaven on earth to give each one according to his deed.

The Holy Spirit speaks from heaven on earth in the middle of the Romanian people, for I, the Lord, chose Jerusalem again. At the beginning I chose one Jerusalem and that one cast Me out of it. Now I have chosen another Jerusalem, but the Holy Spirit cannot be caught for it is written into My Scriptures of that time: «A little while and the world will not see Me. How-

ever, you will see Me because I am alive and you will be alive and will understand that I am

in the Father and you in Me, and I in you». ( John: 16/16, 17)

I have always been into the midst of those that are chosen by God to do My works with them on earth, for I have fulfilled the Scriptures with the people, because they are given from heaven for them, to be fulfilled for the people. At My first coming, I came as a Savior, but those who did not receive Me were already judged, for it was obvious that they did not love God, because they did not keep His commandments. At My second coming, I will come as a Judge for those who are alive and for the dead, but those who do not receive Me now either are judged by this, for they are seen that they do not love God.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from



I come into My garden made out of you, the country of pain, but also the country of comfort from the Lord. I come and proclaim Myself on and on with My day of victory through you over all the earth. I come for you cried a lot and you are still crying a lot. The given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar,

( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and

the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.


The fearful judgment

antichrist was cunning; he has caught up with the news about My plans with you, land of Romanians, and antichrist has never had peace and worked out from son to son to have you, because you are full of My ornaments, placed over you since My birth and your birth. The Father brought us both to into the world once. He made you a new people, and He made Me your Beginner and Savior all the time. Oh, you are full of hypocrite sons who are selling you to My enemies for nothing, for they will remain with nothing; not even with you for I will take them out of you. I get up in the word and proclaim Myself as the Judge over the false prophet who put his head into you so that you might belong to him and to make use, he says, of your blessing and ornaments that you have from Me upon you, country full of gifts. A little while and I will utter the antichrist judgment in you, and then I will fulfill. Amen, amen, amen.

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down into My garden and make Myself a feasting of work for My mother, the one forever a Virgin, who was a door to Me from heaven to earth in order to accomplish the work of My Father, Sabaoth.

Oh, mother, mother with pain like Me, your heavenly Son! No one on earth bore a son from heaven, none but you, for I came down from heaven in you. I was the word of the archangel who came down from heaven and spoke to you about Me, and the word became flesh in you so that I may be born a man from the Virgin, and the word became man. Who else became man as I did from the heavenly word and from a virginal body? I could do nothing by Myself; however, all that I hear from My Father that is what I am doing. I become a clean body out of a clean body. All that I make, I make them from My Father, and I make them by the word and then I bring them into view. This way I have been working forever and ever, until today. And today, what work I make out to bring it into view? Today I am preparing Myself upon the garden to proclaim Myself as the Judge over the false prophet who put his heads into My country full of gifts of the holy faith, which are in it from Me and from the fathers. This is written in the Scriptures of My coming: «An angel standing in the sun cried out a powerful

word to all the birds which fly high into the sky: “Come and get together to Most High God’s

supper! Come and eat the bodies of the kings, the bodies of the chiefs, the bodies of the

braves, the bodies of the horses and riders, the bodies of those that are free and of the slaves,

the bodies of the small and great, for the beast and all the kings of the earth with their hosts

got together to make war against the One sitting on the throne, on a white horse, with a host.

But the beast was slain and with it the false prophet which was making miracles before the

beast with which it deceived those who wore the mark of the beast worshipping its image.

These both were thrown alive into the like of fire where brimstone is burning, and the others,

were killed by the sword which was getting out from the mouth of Him sitting on a white

horse. And all the birds were filled with their bodies.” » Amen.

Sons from the garden prepare My way on earth; prepare the day of the marking with My holiness for the little house over the hill, a day on which I will be proclaimed on earth by the glory of My word, for I have sent a book to the false prophet who sits hidden under the robe of My church. I have delivered upon you this work and I will do it, for I am not a lying God. No one wants to help Me on earth and I have no one to stretch out My hand by over the church from the world so that someone may cling to the skirts of My garment, someone who still might have a clean heart and an intact mind. I am working with you, for no one wants to help Me; however I, the Lord, did My duty and cried out and prayed far and wide to be opened so that it may also be found for Me a voice which cries out to people for they to repent. But now it is finished! All are finished! We are working hard as there is no one to come and join to our heaviness as everything is finished. Man is finished and God in man as well, and I have no one on My side and with My pain.


The fearful judgment

Let us get up sons and let you receive My deliverance, My book upon the false prophet, the antichrist, who comes ahead of Me to thwart, he says, My coming of today. I will help you.

We will follow the line and show the work of the antichrist, the beast with its hidden heads; however, I will overcome him with the breath of My mouth and it will no longer be. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother Entrance the Church, from 04-12-1998.


Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! I am the One Who is. Peace to you! Peace to those who serve My commandments, and to those who violate them I declare war! Amen, amen, amen.

I come down from heaven on the earth and I lay Myself down as word over the garden of My word. I come like the rain over the crops, to do the work of My Father over the earth. I am the Sower and I am the One Who waters to make everything grow, but the ground is hard-trodden. The ground is the way of lawlessness, and I do not find any place to fallow, so that I may do My work that I have from the Father. I do not find anywhere any good soil, for the ground is hard-trodden and there is a dry crust on it, because everything has come to an end! I have come back from heaven to prepare the way of My coming with the saints, but the earth is a way of lawlessness, and what shall I really do? Behold what I will do: I will come back to the first beginning and I start from where I left off. Amen.

I glorify Myself through the word over My fenced garden in the middle of Romania, the place of the beginning of the earth, from where I took the dust with My hand and I created the man, so that I may put the man back over to the earth then, but not also over the heaven. I come back and I work as in the beginning. ( See the selection topic: „Romania –

The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan” , r.n. ) As I worked in the beginning? I worked out the word and I made all those that are, and now I also work out the word, to break down those that are, for the man and the earth from under him are the way of the lawlessness, a hard-trodden and uncleared land.

I am that Word, the One after seven years from the sealing by My holiness law of the garden of the Holy of Holies, the place I enter as a Bishop of My Father after two thousand years since My first coming among the people. Seven years ago, on the twelfth day of the twelve month, I sat down with My holiness as on the Mount Sinai, I set Myself to be and to stay with a hearing and working word on earth from the middle of the garden, made out of My word to be My holy mount in the middle of Romania, the country for My coming after two thousand years, for the earth is all over only a way of transgression and there is no longer any place for Me and for the one who believes in Me and in My coming after two thousand years. Seven years ago this day, I made a great joy for My Father and for those in My circle, as I made holy a place for Myself so that the heaven may have a way for its coming on earth and to redeem the bedding lost through the fallen man in the garden of Eden, from the earth of the heaven.

There is nothing to save on earth, but what is impossible with man is possible to Me; and I enclosed, sanctified and sealed My garden by My name, the garden which was the place of My rest from the beginning and behold, from the end as well. I made man after My image and after My likeness out of the clay of this garden and I rested in him; however the Father 11

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was in Me while I was working the man. I looked from end to beginning and I came across by My eye to this place of the beginning of the earth and of the man on it, and I worked a word upon this land and then I named it the garden of My word; and it is so. And if it is so, here I am the word upon the land from the middle of the earth, from the top of the earth, the high mountain which God, the Word sits on.

I deliver this word and proclaim Myself victorious over My adversary, the man; the man who set himself against Me from the beginning and until My coming of today. I am the Christ of the Father, and the man who stands against Me is called the antichrist. He is not called man anymore; rather he is called the false prophet who stands against God from the beginning and until My coming with the judgment for the thief. ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist

and the apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) I work hard as all are finished and I find nowhere else on earth tools of work for My heavenly work, for there are on earth only human things. But behold My book for the false prophet, the antichrist, who has been coming ahead of Me since seven thousand years to thwart My work from the Father on earth and on the man that came out of the earth! The antichrist is the beast with seven heads and he is a devil, not a servant of God.

But what is the beast with seven heads? It is the power of the earth through the people who overthrew the dwelling of God in man. It has ten horns and ten diadems, and it has the name of blasphemy on its heads, and the devil gave to it the dominion over the earth and it cries everywhere: « Who is like the beast and who can fight against it? » And here, its mouth blasphemes against God and upon His tabernacle and upon those in heaven. And it was given power to wage war with the saints and to overcome them, and it has dominion over all tribes, peoples and nations, and all the inhabitants of the earth who are not written from the foundation of the world with their names into the Lamb’s Book of Life, worship the beast.

But what is the false prophet? He is the man who comes out of the earth and who fights against God from beside God, for it is written: « I saw another beast coming out of

the earth; he had two horns like a Lamb and spoke like a dragon; and he exercises all the

authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and all those who dwell in it

to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed, and he deceives everyone by the

miracles that were given to him to perform before the beast» .

Here is the false prophet revealed by the Scriptures, for Daniel the prophet said this:

« The frightening, awesome and exceedingly powerful beast with great iron teeth and bronze

claws, was eating, tearing and trampling behind her. It differed from all other beasts, for it

had ten horns. And another little horn came up among them and this horn had a human eye

and a mouth which was speaking great things. But the beast was slain and its body was de-

stroyed by fire as with the clouds of the sky someone like the Son of man was coming near

and to Him it was given the authority; the eternal dominion, and all the peoples, nations and

languages were serving Him; and His kingdom is without ending and His saints will be Heirs

together with Him» .

Daniel the prophet wrote: « The false prophet will speak words of blasphemy against

God and will persecute the saints and think to change the feasts and the law for a time and

times and a half a time, but the people of the saints will take over his dominion, for he will

be judged to destruction and falling down forever» . Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The false

prophet and the ecumenism” , r.n. ) 12

The fearful judgment

Behold the thread hidden from the human look; behold the false prophet of seven thousand years who has stood close to God in order to overthrow His dwelling in man. Behold My book lowered from heaven for the false prophet, the antichrist, who has been coming before Me since seven thousand years to thwart My dwelling in man and to make him not fulfill My holy commandments which give those who work them eternal life. Behold the false prophet, the one with a Christian face, the one who stands under My garment, for it is written: « He has two

horns like the Lamb’s but speaks like a dragon and he is holding all the power of the first

beast» . I uncover him and proclaim his nakedness, and I proclaim it to all the rulers of the souls and bodies, to all the margins, for towards the end he put his heads in My country full of all My gifts, the gifts of My second coming on earth, in the work of the new Jerusalem over creation.


I will stand for three days in a row as a word over My garden which I proclaim Myself with My voice on earth from. Three days in a row I will be writing in the book for the judgment of the false prophet for as long as seven thousand years, for he has been working under the same vine with God: Cain upon Abel, Esau against Jacob, Joseph’s brothers against Joseph, Saul upon David, Caiaphas upon Christ, and the servants of the church against the Christians, My holy people within his life, for the man of the church gave himself over to the false prophet, who set himself to perform miracles in heaven as on earth, he says, to deceive the church of Christ and to pull it aside from its foundation and to take a name of Christ in the church. But he is a false Christ; he is a devil; he has been the antichrist from son to son until today for seven thousand years.

Oh, you false prophet who overthrow the God’s dwelling in man! I am who I am. I am the Christ of the Father. Amen. Come out to meet My word, for I write the book for your judgment. I am with a holy feast on earth, a day of seven years from the day of the sealing of the garden of New Jerusalem, a word after seven years since the destruction of your power, the hidden one from those on earth. I come against you for it is written: « Someone is coming with

the clouds of the sky like the Son of man and will judge the false prophet to destroy him

forever» . Amen.

I left seven years of grace on earth but you work with money and with vainglory and make the earth and its inhabitants to believe that you are the man of God, but you are a devil, you are a serpent in the way who bites the horse’s heels causing him to fall, for you are coming from the beginning and working from sons to sons, as it is written that you would be a serpent, for when Jacob blessed his sons he said this: « Dan will be a serpent

in the way to bite» . I come against you and tell you: you have taken a shepherd appearance but you are a devil who deceives and persecutes the people of the saints from beginning to end, for your line as Mine, is from beginning to end, and My church, the man created by Me, has been falling down from man to man until today, by your hand, by your work against Me and against My saints in whom I have been dwelling and working from son to son according to the ongoing course of the saints.

I want to tell you that you are but flesh and come out of the earth and I want to remind you My word: « The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh»; you against Me and I against you; I, by My saints from heaven and those born by the Spirit on My preaching, and you are only flesh and come out from the earth and you are a devil, not a shepherd. And those that are not written into the Book of My life, from the foundation of the world, you overcome them with pleasures and vainglory to worship you, but I am coming with the clouds 13

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against you and pronounce your judgment. Three days in a row I will let the word upon you, and on the third day I will be closing the book for your judgment. I come and tell you that you cannot do anything for heaven, as you are like the valley of Jehoshaphat where I will gather together all like you to destroy them by fire burning with brimstone, as My judgment is written for the false prophet. Amen. And you from the dead set My word for three days in a row so that I may make out the book against antichrist, and after three days I will be closing it, for this way I started on this day saying: “Peace to those who serve My commandments, and to those who tread on them I declare war!” Amen, amen, amen.

I want to tell you that you are flesh and you come out of the ground, and I want to remind you My word: «The flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit lusts against the flesh»; that is, you against Me and I against you; I, through My saints from heaven and born of the Spirit at My preaching, and you are flesh and come out of the ground, and you are a devil, not a shepherd.

And over those that are not written into My Book of Life from the beginning of the world, you prevail with pleasures and empty glory, so that they may worship you, but I come on the clouds and I come against you and I will declare your judgment. I come and I let you know that you can do nothing for heaven, for you are like the Valley of Jehoshaphat, where I will gather together those that are like you, to destroy them by the fire, where brimstone burns, as it is written the judgment for the false prophet. Amen.

And you, those from the gates, set out My word for three days in a row, so that I may make out the book against antichrist, and after three days I will finish it, for this is how I began on this day, saying: „Peace to those who serve My commandments, and to those who violate them I declare war!” Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at seven years after the consecration7 of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1998.


My voice cries out again at the gates to open and to come with the word into the garden.


I again let down My word for the judgment of the false prophet who thwarts My plans, who steals the word from one another and tells it to the people without My sending, without My commandment. I make Myself a judgment book and write into it for three days in a row, and I will be closing it tomorrow so that I may overcome by storm, wrath and harshness the lying heads of the false prophet. Amen.

You from the garden, you who are set by Me on the way of My word coming down from heaven to earth! Open the book of the false prophet, My book for him so that I may write in it.

Amen. It is written that I come with the saints and this is how I come. I come in the land of My word. Andrew, My apostle from two thousand years ago, will be coming with Me in the garden, for it is a celebrating day over My church, a holy day for St. Andrew, the one who came first after Me to be My apostle and to give Me to the people the way I am and in the same way as I want to be with the man, and not as the false prophet wants it.

Oh, you false prophet, I am in front of you with My book against you. I open it and write into it for three days in a row and then I will seal it by the seal of My word and bring it to its 7 To perform, by the appointed ceremony, the service of inauguration of a church; to consecrate it, tr.



The fearful judgment

place, and you are its place. Bend down to hear for I make you bend down to hear and to take My word from Me to you.

You destroyed My dwelling in man and filled him with carelessness for the man was seeing you standing into My name and he was doing like you not like Me, because he wanted to see God in order to believe. The man cannot believe without seeing; he believes only what he sees. Behold, the man sees you standing into My name before him and he believes what he sees that you are doing. But what are you doing? You lose and scatter the sheep from on My way; you do not bring them together; you do not graze them; you do not nurse them but rather you are standing into My name in front of them. It is written in the Scriptures: « Woe to the

parents who lose and scatter the sheep of My flock by not taking care of them and by letting

them to be scattered! These turn fornication into lie helping the evildoers; so that no one may

turn back from disbelief. I will feed them on bitters and will give them water mixed with gall,

for their unbelief has spread all over the earth. Did they take part in My council? Only then

let them get up and speak My word to make the people turn back from their evil ways. Can

man really hide in a place where I may not find him? But they steal My word from one

another and say: “God said this!” Is there any connection between chaff and clean wheat

grain? Behold, I am against the deceivers and flatterers, for I did not sent them». The one that is not sent does not bring any benefit for Me. The sent one needs to be a spiritual man, but you are fleshly and put a stain on My name by your debauchery, for you stand in My name before the people. Oh, how dare you stand in My name over the people when you are not repented and still sin? When you are full of the lust for the vainglory; when you are eating and drinking and marrying and committing fornication and abominations in a seemingly holy place, how can you say that you stand into My name over those without understanding? Behold I show who you are. You are not My friend, rather My enemy. You are not My servant, you are not a sheep shepherd for you do not know how to shepherd, as I did not sent you, and the one that is not sent is a false prophet whom the Scriptures proclaim as liar and rapacious.

Oh, what are you looking for in My service? For My servants stand in the fire and do not burn, because it is written: « God is a consuming fire» . What are you doing where you are not called by Me, and what are you looking for where you are not sent. You, who ask for the Holy Spirit from those that even they do not have Him, from they who do not know what the Holy Spirit in man is, what are you really looking for? Here, you are asking for punishment given to the false prophet; you are looking for water mixed with gall, as you are not looking for something else. You wanted to be an intelligent man and wanted to be literate to be a scholar and many people to gather together around your wisdom, but here, the Scriptures stands against you and says: « He is conceited and said: “I am God and sit on the throne of God in the middle

of the seas. That is why he was thrown down on earth because of his sins, for he defiled his

holiness with his cunning. Fire will break out of him and consume him, and his ash will be

blown by the wind before all passers-by. And those who did not know him will be astonished

by his downfall». This is what is written about the one who earns wisdom to deal in it and to buy an empty glory, as the holy man is not a scholar; rather he is full of God and of his gifts, the man full holy wisdom not of scholarly wisdom. I have nothing to do with your wisdom and you are a branch without any price. I have a word written in heaven in your time; however, you were conceited because of your wisdom and did not take from Me through the ones humbled in their hearts. I have always spread out the word to you and told you that I have nothing to do with man’s school, with earthly knowledge, for he who does not learn knowledge from heaven is not a heavenly man; rather he is a man that came out of the earth and is a false teacher, not a true one; he is a false prophet who perishes by his own wisdom. The first of My church were not scholars; rather they were poor in spirit and I could pour out into them from Me and I gave 15

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them the garment of wisdom. But you are a scholar and I cannot give to you from Me too, for the man with much learning from man is a conceited man; he is a prophet who steals the word from one another as it is written in the Scripture about the false prophet who is learning from those like him.

Oh, you did not want to come to your senses. I have let for you seven years of grace to bend down and dress in repentance and then to be heavenly so that I may forgive you, and today I make you bend down. Bend down to hear from Me for I make you bend down! Amen, amen, amen.

You destroyed My dwelling in man, and the man has Me as much you have Me, and the man is full of conceit as he sees you that you stand into My name before him and believes what he sees you doing; and the man does not see God, as you do not see him as well, and you are over-confident and I am far away from you, as you are a sinful and heretic man and have wondered away from holiness and justice and sit with the pagans at the table and trample under your foot My name which is put over you, by you not by Me, for I am with the saints. You sit in the counsel with unbelievers; you sit in the way of the sinful and sit at the table with the blasphem-ers of the saints, and My law is no longer you will and you have no fruit for heaven. Who else could turn the sinful man away from his transgressions? It is written: « The one who turns the

sinful from his evil ways that one saves his soul too» . But you destroyed My dwelling in man and filled him with carelessness, because the man sees you and he does as you do, not as I do.

I came with witnesses from heaven to make out the book of the false prophet judgment.

Two thousand years ago My apostles and all who were following Me were called a sect, the sect of the Nazarene. What do you say about this, you man who prophesy about My Christians that they are a sect? Caiaphas was teaching the Jews to call them My sect those who were saints.

You do the same, and it is good that you say this, but you do evil that you do not teach people what this word “sect” is; you do evil that you do not teach people what the word “church”

means, because you know what it is, but you teach otherwise the ones that worship you and not Me; and I would rather live with people.

Where shall the man go to the church anymore? Where is the church anymore? Where are My priests? Oh, there is nothing more! All are finished. Oh, what have you done with the word “church” and from the thing of the church? You turned it into your trade not Mine and gave your name of false prophet to the one who has nothing in common with My church and with its thing, for the false prophet the Scriptures is writing about, is not the one outside of My thing; rather he is the one who is working in My name, in My church, in My cowshed, but he is working for himself and not for Myself, for his glory not for Mine, as you are working, for it is written: « He who speaks for himself that one is seeking his own glory, but he who is looking

for the glory of God, in him there is no unrighteousness and lie; rather God is in him with

His truth». Those named by you false prophets that you may hide better under My name, will be judged less, less, for they do not know what the word “church” means, and I, the Lord, am in the church. It is written: « If they knew not, they would have no sin». But you know and believe that you can hide yourself in a secret place, where I may not see you. Oh, My eye and My word split the man apart and render him outside, and this is what I am doing with you, for all are finished! Your lie is over for you are that lie and are no longer My servant as you call and show yourself and you are rapacious of souls who worship yourself not Myself. You did not become a shepherd for Me; rather you became a shepherd for yourself in order to dress and feed on the wool and milk of My weak sheep, for you call a sect all the fatten and healthy ones in order to escape, you say, from My pursuit of righteousness through the saints who are doing 16

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My will and not yours; however, you lie to yourself for it is written: « Those who are not written

from the foundation of the world into the Lamb’s Book of Life, they are the ones who worship

the false prophet, the one with hidden heads, so that he may not come to light, as the light

shows all hidden ones».

Seven years ago I raised My heavenly flag on which was written My name and the name of God’s fortress, of New Jerusalem which is coming down from heaven, from God; for I have been working secretly from everlasting to everlasting. You arose and called a lie My work and My flag which brings victory against you. You were scared and sought a hiding place from my face, and today you are doing the same; you seek calling a lie and heresy My work of victory upon the darkness of this age. You have been hidden from Me as you have no life to fit in with My coming, and you are fearful and are afraid of the Master’s coming and you would like to delay the Master’s coming. But you could do nothing by lying and neither can you do now.

Seven years ago I stuck My cross of victory into your midst. My cross of victory is the people of My word, under which I have been sheltering for forty years and more in order to raise it and make it perfect and fill it with the Holy Spirit, as I worked with My disciples from two thousand years ago until I made them distributors of the kingdom of heaven upon earth.

Seven years ago I wrote Myself with a new name upon the man’s age and I named Myself with My name written in the Scriptures for this time, as it is written: « His name is the Word of

God». ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ) Amen. Do not think that I have come towards you to break the law of the prophets. I have not come to break; rather I have come to fulfill and that is why I remind you that two thousand years ago I told those who wanted to take after Me in ministering: « This

way should your light shine before men so that the men may see your good deeds and follow

the heavenly Father glorifying him». Here is why those who do not have deeds to fit in with My life in man; they cannot be distributors of heavenly teaching and, on the contrary, they are the ones who break the law and the prophets so that the man may lose its path, for each time the man was a path for the man. You are the wide gate and whoever wants may come in to you and sit at the table with you; which one do you say that is My table? But My gate and My way are narrow, for they lead to life, and few are those who find it. That is why I said two thousand years ago to the multitudes hungry of life: « Keep away from the false prophets who come to

you dressed in sheep skins and under their skins are rapacious. You can know them by their

fruits for the grapes are not gathered from thorns and neither the figs from bramble bushes,

as each tree makes good fruit; however, a bad tree makes bad fruit, and each tree that does

not make good fruit is cut and thrown into the fire. That is why you will know them by their

fruit». And here is you fruit: you scattered away flock, a mixed flock like its shepherd, for the shepherd is the false prophet who I said about: « I never knew you».

I called out to man and I sent My crying word all over the earth, for if man wanted to watch out, I would not be foolish Myself in you. I have always cried out to man; I have been crying out to him for seven years; I am crying out to you after two thousand years from My first preaching among people. I have no other way to speak to you. I have always called out to you to bend down to hear and you have not bent down yet. But now bend down as I bend you down to hear!

There have passed seven years since the sealing of the Holy of Holies when I come with the holy ones and with the saints for those that are holy, for the Holies are given to the saints.

Amen. There are seven years since I wrote Myself upon the earth with My new name and with the name of God’s city, the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from heaven, from God, for 17

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it is written: « Here, God’s tabernacle is among people and will dwell with them and they will

be His people and God Himself will be with them». You have been striking for seven years all over to bring a blasphemy against My work, for you have many heads and a name of blasphemy on them. And after seven years you have changed your plan and wanted to believe in the mystery of New Jerusalem as it is written in the Scripture about it. You have said all over until now that the place of the New Jerusalem is in heaven, not on earth, and now you have risen with an earthly power to build a tower with many turrets, for you are the horn which comes out from other horns; and over your daily sacrifice, you put the iniquity and you threw My truth down to the ground, and you said that you succeeded; and on your tower with many turrets you wanted to write “the New Jerusalem”, for you changed your face, you said, and wanted to believe in My mystery of the New Jerusalem on earth. But you wrote on your heads names of blasphemy and let you take a good look for these writings are and testify against you, and you cannot put before Me the tower accomplished by human plans which have nothing holy in them, as those that are holy are with the saints and you are mixed up with the pagans and with their paganism and therefore it cannot be a service to God and to Mammon at the same time. Oh, if you loved My Scriptures, you would believe and fulfill them and confirm them upon many. But you have your books from where you drink and water yourself with your vainglory, as you made Me, the Lord, search you under your garment and to tell your subjects that your garment is a lie and you are the liar from under the garment, the lying Christ, who goes before Me to make man sleep and to say that the day of the Lord has already come and passed away.

I have waited for your apostasy, as written that it will before My day. ( See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith” , r.n. ) And here, I come now.

Come out to meet Me and listen to your judgment for you rejected the law, the prophets and the faith. And now I am coming; I am coming with My great and awesome day, for you did what you had to do, and all are finished, and I begin. I start with a new beginning and I call it the New Jerusalem, but I am working not you; I make, not you, for I am Who I am, and I rise victoriously upon you. Amen.

I proclaim Myself victoriously over My adversary, the man; the man who set against Me from the beginning until My coming from son to son and he is no longer called man, and he is called the false prophet who stands against God as a thief. All you cities will be destroyed, for they are worked out by you, not by Me, and your thing is not clean, and is perishing by itself.

And now I come, I come in the land of My word, the country of brightness, as Daniel saw it long ago in order to announce it that it would be. I come with the saints; I come with the heaven; I come with the disciples. I come and I have already come. Amen, amen, amen. And I am the word in the garden of My word, in the land of My coming, the country of glories, which shines through My coming. Behold a feasting of word, a feasting of saints in My garden on earth, a feasting of victory of the Lamb and of those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I have come to work out the book for judgment upon the false prophet who deceives with the sheep’s skin the people from all tribes, languages, peoples and nations. Blessed be My book of today which I have been writing in for three days in a row, and blessed be the book which will come out from the midst of those who say that they serve Me; for it will be like the sword snatched from the hand of the murdered one, so that I may cut with it the insult from the sons of the heaven who accomplish My commandments on earth and snatching his sword, I will cut him, for he lived by his sword on earth, as My word has been upon him from the beginning, for this is what I said to him: « By your sword will earn your living».


The fearful judgment

I made man king upon the earth, but not in heaven. The heaven is My throne, not man’s, and My church from the earth, if it is Mine, it should be a heaven on earth, ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) and its servants should not be kings; rather servants if they want. And behold, I am coming, as a master comes to search his vine, and woe to those who made themselves masters over My vineyard! Who is the one who set himself as a master over My vineyard? Let him come to account for those worked! Let him come to terms with the Master of the vineyard! Amen.

I have come with witnesses from heaven to make out the book of judgment for the false prophet, and he will fall into his sword, and I will remove the insult from the sons of life, for the same as two thousand years ago, when My apostles and all who were following Me were called a sect, the same is today too; they who follow Me are called a sect by those who want to rule over the earth and in heaven. But snatching their sword, I will overcome by it and I will remove the insult from the sons of life, the sons of the New Jerusalem, the sons of God; the sons of the heaven on earth among people. Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feasting of St. Apostle Andrew, from 13-12-1998


Lift up your heads, you gates, so that the King of glory may come in! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom and all governances Will listen to Him and Will serve Him. Amen.

A river of fire comes out of My mouth, for « The Judge sat down and the books were

opened, and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead and the living

were judged, each one according to his deeds, and the death and hell were thrown into the

lake of fire, and who was not found written in the Book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire», as it is written.

The book with seven seals is opened in the hand of the Lamb. The heaven set aside like a book and the kings of the earth, the rulers and chiefs, the rich and powerful, the slaves and free hid in the caves and rocks; they were hiding from the face of the One sitting on the throne. The Book of Life is from the foundation of the world and is opened in the hand of the Lamb. Amen, amen, amen. ( See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The

Book of Life” , r.n. ) The word of God enters His gates and works out the book of judgment for the false prophet; it has been working for three days in a row, and in the third day I will be finishing and giving to My Father to fulfill it. Amen.

Behold, I come with the saints. This is how I come and I come no otherwise. I had a trumpet on earth in the last days and sounded it and I made for Myself a people and called it the people of My word; and this work of Mine have always been under My control of sheltered victory, for the false prophet is fearful an stands against the Christians of God so that he might be Mine not the Christians. Only that he cannot make a house with Me and cannot make peace because I, the Lord, have been against him for seven thousand years until the opening of the books of judgment and then of the book with seven seals, and then of the trumpets of the angels, and of the seventh angel: The Word of God.

I had a trumpet on earth in the last time and sounded it and made a people; and it is, and I lifted the trumpet up to heaven among the saints, for the beast with seven heads and ten horns had been always standing before it, for it was coming out of her, like a son, My 19

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word, to shepherd with it. The beast persecuted My trumpet, but I, the Lord, gave her wings of eagle and she flew away from before his face. But he does not stand still; rather he gets into a rage against those from her tribe, who keep God’s commandments, standing for My witness. But I am the tabernacle of the saints and I protect them from the persecution which is coming from the false prophet as the Father protected Me and My Mother, the Virgin, when I was an infant on her arms and the red beast with seven heads and ten horns wanted to come and swallow Me after I was born among people.

Behold, I come with the saints. I come this way and no otherwise. I come with My trumpet, Verginica. Twenty years ago I gave her wings of eagle and she flew away to her place, she flew into heaven; now she is with Me in My work upon the earth, for she was My trumpet which I sounded before My second coming on earth. It is coming to the end pace of the twentieth year since she has been working in heaven for her people of yesterday, today and tomorrow, for she has as a reward in heaven a people, the people of My last word, the people by which I, the Lord, fulfill the last Scripture, My second coming from heaven on earth. Amen. The false prophet heard of My plan and he is the one who wants it to fulfill. He has it for he has always been standing before the woman laboring to give birth of My word; he has been standing to devour the word like a child born of her. ( See the selection topic: „The

apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n. ) Oh, you false prophet, today I am coming to an end with My word for the judgment of your deeds against Me. Here is what you have done! You have been a thief! You have always taken My trumpet and tormented her by your darkness in order to listen to My word through it.

Arise and stand before Me and say what you did with My trumpet. But I am the Judge, and I tell you what you did. You burned with anger against her. In 1955 I started sounding by her.

You caught the news and made use of hidden places ( Dungeons communist dictatorship and insane asylums, r.n. ) and of people with teeth of beast ( The communist dictatorship security, r.n. ) and were pulling out the trumpet from her hut, as Caiaphas and his subjects were the connecting line, in order to choke the life of My word as in the time of My infancy when the priests and bishops were looking to take My life from Me, as they were afraid of Me. The one who is afraid of Me, that one knows that I am the king of all things and that is why he is afraid.

You have taken away My word and you want to fulfill it, but here what is written in the Scriptures: « I am against the prophets who seal My word from one another; I will nourish

them with bitters and I will give them to drink water mixed with gall». Oh, you cannot fulfill My word for My name is on it. Why did you put your name on it? Who gave it to you? Who told it to you? You took it away from My trumpet and from My people that you were after everywhere and took away their food from their little bag; you took away their every day bread; you took away from them My word which I fed My last child on, the last people of the Lord, the first people of all the nations of the earth, for « the last will be first» and the small will be great for Me, as it is written in the Scriptures. You have taken away My word for you are a thief and have added to yourself punishment for you have taken and added to My stolen word and then you put your name and your subjects’ name on it; that even they have been hiding from one another for fear of one another, because the kingdom of fear is with you and that is why you have always been restless; you and all your subjects. No one has a greater fear than you have and you are afraid of perishing, of My perishing, as you know My power and have been fighting against it so that you may not perish by it. You have taken My word and want to fulfill it as a faithful one. But this will not be as I reveal you as a thief of those that are holy and I show you what the judgment for a thief is, for you have taken away the peace from earth, and I 20

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have no longer had a holy church, I have had nowhere to declare the word “Peace! ”, for where you speak I do not stay, for God cannot stay together with Mammon.

Forty-five years you have been fighting against My angel, against My word to steal it and make it your possession. However you are cunning in vain, for My word is a river of fire, and you will burn into it, for you have been playing with the fire, with My word which is served by My angels of light, not by you and your angels, the angels of darkness. Here is why you are guilty of, you and no one else in your place. Here is why you are the false prophet who has been stolen My word; you and no one else in your place. What do I have to do with judging the one outside? You and no one else is guilty, for you have been taken away My dwelling from the church, and called Me a lie when I came to call you to repentance, as in the middle of My people that you hate by an insult word, My word sits as a judge upon you, for you are a thief and have taken away My vineyard.

I will devastate you as I devastated Jerusalem two thousand years ago, for there is no other Jerusalem, and what is there is not a Jerusalem, rather Mammon. What has Mammon been doing? He started again among his subjects to gather many people there where the proud man crucified Me. Oh, if they crucified Me, why was the glory for My name heard there, there where I was crucified by the man who was My adversary? They glorify Me for money, as well as you did, you false prophet, who fastened your tent in the country of glory, as it is written about you: « He will fasten the tents of his palace between the sea the holy and

bright mountain, and then his end will come». Amen. This is what you did. Three miles away from the place of the garden of My word you accomplished this Scripture, so that you may use My name for your money. Woe to you because of what you have done in the last days! I will devastate you as I devastated Jerusalem two thousand years ago; Jerusalem, which the greedy man built it again so that he may have the opportunity of gaining money; however he did not build it there for the sake of God. Man from everywhere goes there and sees his judgment and does not know what is coming back with to do his own things. He is coming back with his judgment, for man was the crucifier of God. No one came back from there and no one gave up sinning if he was there, but he boasted that he was, and being there did not do any good to him.

It is written in the Scriptures about the mystery of the New Jerusalem. When you saw that I came from heaven on earth to fulfill it, you became conceited and perked up against the righteous ones that I am glorifying over the earth in, and arose to do what I do. You wanted to forget that the New Jerusalem is a holy name; it is the mystery of the last days and it is for saints, not for adulterers. The New Jerusalem is not a place for sinners and adulterers’ meeting; it is not a place for eating, drinking and dancing, the same as you made towers of stone for yourself and sat greatly on them and wrote on them “The New Jerusalem”; however you wrote, as you say, “The Center of the Faithful world”, “The Ecumenical Center”, this is what you wrote. You sold Me for money and for expensive places to Me; places from the country of My coming back, and put on them the fruit of your conceitedness to make war against God and to win Him over to your side; but you are sinful, and I do not listen to you and I do not receive you.


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The fearful judgment

I called you in good time and waited to come to your senses and believe that I come with the disaster over those you spoiled My law, holy days and time defiling My church. But you did not bend down because you had on you those stolen from Me and because you are fearful. But I am the righteous God and you are a thief and have stolen My vineyard and sit as a master over it. I will devastate you as I devastate Jerusalem which crucified Me two thousand years ago. I waited for you to fasten the tents of your palace in the land of the glory to destroy you afterwards.

The earth is full of your heads and chickens, but you are a man and I am God. No one can write the name on the New Jerusalem; it is only I that I write it and I will give those who are patient until My coming, for it is written: « To him who overcomes, to him I will give from

hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on a stone a new name written, which

Ecumenical Center - synagogue

Ecumenical Center - church

Ecumenical Center - mosque

no one knows but he who re-

ceives it. And I will write on it My

name the new name, the Word of

God». And I said: « He, who has an

ear, let him hear what the Spirit says

to the churches». But you, false

prophet, did not want to hear, for

hearing you said that you do not hear.

But I say to you: it is only I that I

write the name of the New Jerusalem

and no one knows but the one who

receives it. Amen, amen, amen. And

you are a thief and stole My word

and I stand against the prophets who

steal My word from one another. The

place on which you say you want to

write “The Jerusalem New”, is the

place of Mammon, not of God’s; it is

a Babylon, not a holy place. I will devastate it like Sodom and Gomorrah, for it is a place for debauchery of the whole earth; the place that the antichrist and his chickens made, as he says, as a roof for bad weather that is Babylon and Sodom. But I, the Lord, made Myself a book of judgment and have been written into it for three days in a row to overcome by storm and harshness the lying heads of the false prophet and to demolish his dwelling and roof.

That which calls itself the Orthodox Church is the one that I am speaking with, for why should I judge the one outside? ( Catholics and other denominations reformed, r.n. ) It is false and is not orthodox, and the false prophet, who destroyed My dwelling in man, sits in it, 22

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as the man looks at the minister of the church and does as he does not as I do and he is false because he does not serve Me but him. The one who serves Me is gentle and humble in his heart and brings fruit to Me and becomes My kingdom; he becomes a New Jerusalem by grace.

( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) I will keep from destroying everything, for there is a remnant by grace, as it was two thousand years ago among the Jews. I hurry to wake up the spirit of those who wait for the salvation, as the false prophet has been oppressing the saints for seven thousand years. He has been eating from the tree of death and has been immoral for seven thousand years. Many will try to come close for repentance but all are finished as I spoke in good time and everyone has been crucifying My word, the word of the seventh angel, the word which made silence in heaven, for it is written: « When the Lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven;

and seven angels were standing to sound the trumpets; and the seventh angel sounded the

trumpet and powerful voices were heard: “The kingdom of the world belongs to the Lord

Jesus, the King forever!” Amen».

Here is why the Orthodox church, the one who bears My true name, the one which truly has Me by the saints and fathers. It committed adultery and trampled lustfully on all customs from her holy fathers and then it departed from Me, as the false prophet worked out his work during all her time, the false Christ, who goes before Me dressed in My garment and armed with My weapon.

Oh, you who call yourself a church, the Orthodox Church. You are full of proud heads who handle My weapons for the money. You are made out of false prophets and are no more, for the false man wrote on you a new name and set you at the same table with the pagans and fornicators and with the transgression over all the earth. ( The Ecumenism, r.n. ). You are full of mud and there is not one to shepherd you, for your heads are the people of the false prophet and they are not on My side. I took out of your middle those that are clean for Me and put them on My side and covered by My mantle to have a remnant by grace. You sold yourself for money to the false prophet and are subjected to him for he is shrewd and many worship him.

I have been working among you all the time so that I may not remain without a clean church.

There has always been a war in you, as the arrogant man has stood over you in My name and degraded your true name and killed the right one from you in order to take My name, a name of Christ in the church. But he is a false Christ, he is a devil; he has been an antichrist from son to son for as long as seven thousand years. His lying servants, calling the righteous sinful and wicked, have always sent them into prisons in order to lose them by the hand of the sinful man.

This is what he had done with My trumpet during all the time of My work through her.

Oh, you lying servant, how comes that you could not give rest to those who were righteous in you, the ones who were serving Me and not you? The lying is coming to an end but the righteous man remains and wins from Me justice against you. How comes that you did not love the way of justice which the sinful stay hidden under? Now fear seized you and as a thief you want to fulfill the Scriptures of a new age upon the earth. But in the new age there will be a new heaven and a new earth which justice will dwell in. Whereabouts do you want to get into the new ones? You cannot jump over the gate. I am the gate, but I am in the gate of justice and this is for the righteous ones. Oh, you cannot accomplish anything good for you draw Me from the foundation of the church and laid the fence of My vineyard flat. You can do nothing by spoil, for you serve to the lie.


The fearful judgment

I have My trumpet before Me which I sounded on earth in the last days. Oh, how oppressed she was for My name by the false prophet! ( See The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n. ). What a mourning came up to Me for her afflictions by the lying man who even today has been blaspheming My work from the last days; for the lying man has many heads and he has names of blasphemy on them.

Oh, My pain is breaking Me but the Scriptures make haste of their fulfillments by their word. All have come to an end! The book with seven seals stays open in the hand of the Lamb. The heaven has stood aside like a book, like a roll, and the kings of the earth and the nobles and chiefs, the rich and powerful, the slaves and free all have hidden in caves and rocks, so that they may not hear the wrath of God. Behold, I come as a thief and come to him to take him by surprise, for the one that is not waiting this way is taken away.

Oh, you false prophet with many heads and diadems on them, here is what you have done!

You have taken away even My holy word to trample it on your feet. You trampled upon the saints and put your name upon you, as you say. I let you know about the judgment given for the thief.

You have taken away the peace from the earth, for there where you speak I do not come to offer peace, and I have no longer a holy church in order to come to it.

You broke down My law, the holidays and the time. ( From the old calendar - Old style / after the Julian calendar - to the new calendar – New style, r.n. ) You put yourself into My place everywhere where I was supposed to be and not you. I have never taken the place where you were supposed to be but you have always taken it to sit on the throne of God and to overcome the man, subjecting his soul and mind so that he may be subjected to you and not to Me. But the man was My work not yours.

You have thought of yourself wiser than God and have not taken from Me wisdom, and your wisdom is from the earth.

You have taken pride even to request My throne and said: “I am a god”, for you have taken the place and My dwelling.

You have killed the saints so that you may be Mine. It was not you who have killed them but you have given them over to the executioners through your lie and cunning, for you have many heads and they reach to the darkest things so that no one may know that you are the one who kills.

By your traffic you have bought small souls and turned them into your tools, so that you may not lose from My mysteries that I have been sharing to those who are walking with Me.

Forty-five years you have been fighting against My angel, against My word through My working of New Jerusalem in the church to steal it and to make it your wealth. But My word is a river of fire and it will burn you for you have been playing with fire.

You fasten your tents between the sea and the holy mountain, three miles away from My garden. You boasted and become conceited against the righteous ones through whom I 24

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