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fulfill the last Scriptures, and woke up to do what I do, but the New Jerusalem is a holy name.

Here is why you are guilty of; you and no one else in your place. Here is why you are the false prophet who has stolen My word; you and no one else in your place.

You have aggrieved My saints on earth and in heaven, the saints of the Most High; for it is written: « He will speak words of blasphemy and defilement against the Most High and

will oppress the saints of the Most High and will want to change the holy days and law». Here is why you are guilty of; you and no one else in your place. The saints have no longer celebrations on earth. They have no more celebrations. Your heart became conceited and said: “I am god and I sit into the midst of the seas. And look, I draw My sword against your wisdom and you will no longer say: “I am god. A fire will burst out of you and will consume you and reveal you; and the voice of those killed by you for My witness will be heard, for they will be resurrected and this will be for your judgment and My day will burn like a furnace. ( See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead” , r.n. ) You defiled all the altars from churches. Everywhere you devastated everything and you are doing it today.

You wanted to defile even the altar of My Holy of Holies, which I, the Lord, settled in Romania with. This is the greatest of your sin. You wanted to destroy this garden and wanted to do it by many of yours and you worked by many spies for you were afraid of My voice from the garden. Your spies were coming gently but there was no gentle serpent; however, I have always remained as the word upon those in the garden and let them know in good time of your hidden thing.

Oh, you destroyed the love, faith and strength of My bishop Irineu, the one through whom I, the Lord, could set Myself as a holy foundation of the New Jerusalem over Romania, for I love her, but you do not love her. You hit him with what you wanted and with what you could. You filled him with struggling but also with patience for I was around him with power.

You wanted to make him the same as you are, careless of the man’s life, but he has been sighing as I do for the sins on earth and has been waiting for man’s redemption.

You are careless and sit in the sin of the carelessness, and this sin is a devil. You are without shame by the sin of your carelessness. You commit sin secretly and openly and are not ashamed and do not care that by your fruit you are known as the false prophet working in church. The sin of your carelessness made you blind and you mixed yourself with the transgression of all earth. You made peace with Babylon, but declared war to the righteous. And because you blew fire from everywhere into My torch of fire, and because you humiliated My bishop Irineu, by whom I set Myself as a holy stone in your midst in order to save you too from destruction, and because you cover yourself so that you may not hear, I will devastate you as I devastated Jerusalem two thousand years ago, and My righteous out of you will stand in the fire and will not be burned as the holy young men in the Babylonian furnace.

You said to yourself that you overcame My bishop but you did not overcome him as those who crucified Me in Jerusalem did not overcome Me as well; for I rose from the dead and he would rise too. Amen, amen, amen. You will cry in soul unease for all your deeds as you will see the balance of Zerubbabel into his hand; and I will build the New Jerusalem in many that love My laws, for the prophet Daniel wrote for the last days: « Many will be cleansed,

whitened and refined and the lawless ones will behave as the lawless ones, and no one of the

lawless ones will understand but only the wise will understand». And again it is written for 25

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the last days: « He, who righteous let him do righteousness still, and he who is filthy, let him

be filthy still because all are finished».

If you multiply the sin of carelessness, conceitedness, disbelief, blasphemy and lying, do not wonder, for who is defiled is still defiling oneself. But if you still dig your own grave with your money, if you stir up the fire of My wrath which is for the liars, if you increase your trade for your perishing, do not wonder that your money and its curse stand upon you. If still you pronounce for you the name of God and of the church of God with you in front of it, if you do the work for the church of Christ openly, do not wonder, for the false christ is upon the liars who deserve nothing but false christs in their service; for they worship you and not Me, and it will give all the authority to the beast, as it is written about these.

If you believe that you still are, do not wonder, for I work in secret as I am the mystery which has been hidden in your ages and I have been working the heavenly work that I have from the Father until those that are not seen come into view at the same time with Me, once with My arrival in flesh on earth. ( See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way” , r.n. ) And those that are invisible are not worked out by a human hand, but they are, although they are not seen on earth yet. It is written for the righteous ones: « We are waiting for a new heaven

and a new earth», and « The New Jerusalem will come down of heaven on a holy earth».

You will not perish forever but you will forever lament for I will show you what you worked and what you ruined, what you hit at and what you lied and what you loved. You worked to ruin the man and the Christians and hit in My works, lying against them as you loved the vainglory which came from man. Here is what you are guilty of; you and no one else in your place. But your greatest fault, you false prophet from all over, is the guilt that you moved, as you say, your power and staff into Romania, My country full of all the gifts, so that I may come into it as a calling and judgment word, as you were a thief and laid hold on My word of it, and then you laid hold on it to fasten the tents of your palace into it, between the sea and My holy and bright mountain. You started a war against those from My tribe, against the people of My trumpet, the people which keeps God’s commandments and keeps My witness. In 1955, I started My work of sounding the trumpet through My trumpet Verginica, the sixth trumpet from the seven, and I am the seventh trumpet. Since then and until today you have been creeping in the way of My people through My servants, through your chickens, through you dogs, through your bought ones in order to destroy My trumpet and scatter my people that was standing as My witness; as Caiaphas and his subjects were the connecting line between the righteous and those of the same work with you, the work of antichrist.

You are at war with those who stand as witnesses, but I will take out your sword and cut your way and power, for the people of My word is Orthodox; it is taken out of you and it is My sword with what I work, clean and cut off the dryness and lie and all its servants from the way of My coming, so that I may have a clean way for My coming.

The executioner of My Christians, ( The Communist Security, r.n. ), which you were feed-ing on sold words, believed what you said to him. The man was coming to confess his sins and deeds and you were going to give them over to the executioner and were selling the righteous ones so that nobody may rise to be great in Me; so that nobody may uncover your abominations, for the righteous one loves justice. You love fornication and draw simple souls into sinning, for you are careless of God. This way you defiled the altars from the fathers for you committed fornications as Eli’s sons, and this is what you have been doing today.


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You wrap yourself in your wisdom and your rank that you receive to sit as a servant of the church, but your wisdom is not like My wisdom, as you are a god for yourself and no one speaks about My justice. You do not speak of the payment of your sins to anyone, for you sin.

There is no one to bring to light your guilt so that you may be convicted by it, because you speak at large on the surface and sit steadfastly on your seat and cover yourself by My coat; however, I am coming, I am coming to uncover your body and your deed, for My time has come and your time is over. You cannot accomplish My word of the New Jerusalem for I am the one to fulfill it, and what you are doing is yours; it is not Mine and you will perish by your work.

Oh, you false prophet, I finish today the work for the judgment of your deeds against Me. Here is what you have done: you have been a thief. Get up and stand before Me for I am the Judge for those that you have done. A river of fire is getting out of My mouth, a word of judgment for each deed. I have turned Myself into a book of judgment for you and have been written in it for three days in a row. You have been working under the same vine with Me to pull aside My church from its foundation, the Orthodox Church, for it is written: « He will try

to deceive even the elected ones, the saints from the church», because not everyone who comes into the church is a church. The church is made up of the Christians, and the devil has always been working near it to tear it down from its foundations and to boast against God.

There have passed seven years of grace, seven years since I, the Lord, got up victoriously and hoisted My victory flag, My heavenly flag which I wrote New Jerusalem on, the name of the citadel of God and My new name: The Word of God, a name that no one knows but the receiver, as written, for I turned Myself into a clean place on earth, so that the heaven may have a way of coming on earth to redeem the bedding lost through the fallen man in the garden of Eden, of the earth of heaven. In the beginning I made man out of the clay of this garden and rested in him. In the end I looked back to the beginning and looked with My own eye over this place of the earth beginning, the high mountain which God, the Word, sits on.

I proclaim Myself victorious over My adversary, the man. The man has been standing against Me from the beginning and until My coming of today. The man who stands against Me is called the devil; he is no longer called a man; rather is called the lying prophet who is standing against God.

I am the Word after seven years since the building of the garden of the New Jerusalem, which is called the Holy of Holies of the Lord in Romania, the place where I come in as a Bishop of the Father after two thousand years since My first coming.

All are over! I come back to the first beginning and start from where I remained, from the place of the earth beginning; from where I took the clay with My own hand and made the man to be a king over the earth, but not also over the heaven. I am coming and work as in the beginning. I worked out the word in the beginning and made the things that are.

And now I also work out the word to spoil those that are, as the man wants to be the master over the earth and heaven, but I have taken proceedings against nations and My word is My judge. My word is a river of fire. All are finished! Amen, amen, amen.

And you watchmen from the garden take this book and lift it above your heads for you are My anointed for the last Scriptures. Then lower it down to the fire altar and seal it by My Holy Spirit that I send you from heavens. Take it and send it from here to all the margins of the earth, to all the heads of the earth and to the proud ones. Let all shepherds of souls and bodies 27

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bend down, for I bend them down to hear the book of the false prophet judgment. All are finished! His lie is finished for I uncovered it and put it before him. Amen, amen, amen.

At the beginning of this book I say: “Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! I am who I am, sons. I say peace to those who serve My commandments, and to those who trample them I declare war! ” Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feasting of Holy Virginia, from 14-12-1998


I knock at the gate of the garden of My word. Let the gate and the book be open for Me; the book that I have written during these days, My last book, which is called My coming, the second coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen, amen, amen. Few, very few are those who love this book, which I have written in and I still write, for few are those who fulfill My commandments for the everlasting life in man. Few are those who have been waiting for Me to come, and many are those who hate My book from these days, for many are those who trample over My commandments; many are those who do no longer wait for Me and do not wait for Me to come, but it is written into the Scriptures that I come, and that is why I come; it is not from Myself that I come. Many are those that do not want Me to come, and for these, My book of today is the dreadful judgment. I do not declare the judgment for this man or for the other man. I do not call the man on his name, but I write the man’s judgment, as the deeds of the man have been brought before My Father, and each one receives according to his own deed. It is not I, who gives to him, but rather his own deed gives him, as the man wrote it for himself before God.

The saints who lived in holiness on the earth at the beginning of My church, built out of the saints, wrote on the church after them the memorial of My second time; they wrote the day of the dreadful judgment for this day which is mentioned today, a day on which the man should remember My coming with the judgment upon him, and to examine himself before Me; before Me not before the man and that is all; before Me and not only to himself and that is all. I want to be right in My words and to overcome when I judge the man, to be victorious for Me, not for the man, for I am the God not the man, but the man does not know to stand face to face with Me, and he rather plays hide-and-seek with Me, for the man’s conscience is fallen, as the man is. Why did this really happen? Because the man has not learned yet what prayer is, and that is why it happened that his conscience fell from its place, for its place is before God, not somewhere else, and it is not left into the man’s mind. It needs to come out of the mind of the man and to enter into God’s mind, into the Spirit of God, Who judges according to the rising and repentance of the man.

The prayer of the church from the world hummed before the people the prayer that was brought before Me. It is a great difference between the emphatic prayer made by people and the spiritual prayer, made by people, and the man has not learned yet the mystery of the power of prayer. The lack of prayer is the guilt, which the man lost his conscience for, and the man is fallen and there is no one to pass by him to wake him up. Here I am. I pass by, and I pass by compassionately to wake up the one who sleeps. I pass by like a judge of the man’s deeds and I am merciful by the man’s repentance. I come down from heaven and I pass by every man. I come as word of judgment, so that the man may judge himself before Me, face to face with Me.

I knock at the gate of the garden of My coming, for I come in it; it is the place of My coming, for the book that I write in My garden from Romania is My second coming. I give Myself over to those who preach Me on the earth, and I do not come out of the Scriptures when I do 28

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this, for this is what it is written in them: «The Lord will give the word to those who preach

with much power». Amen, amen, amen.

You sons, who love My coming, stand with love before Me; always walk with love in the way of My word. Value My coming to you and stay with it and not without it; stay with My word in your heart and on your lips. Receive Me when I come and put Me in My book from your days that I make out, as you are those who put Me in it according to what I speak. Receive Me when I come and I give Myself over to you, and give Me also to those who wait for Me to come to you, for you and for them. But look that I come for those who are unfaithful too, and who do not expect Me to come. Blessed are those who work with great longing and pleasure for My word during these days, spreading it over My church from the earth and over the earth, as the earth was given to the sons of the people on it, and the church was given to the sons of God from the earth, and I come to comfort those that are hungry of heaven, and I come to judge those that are foreigners to heaven.

Preach the news of My word, for it is written into the Scriptures: «The Lord will give

the word to those who preach with great power». I give you the word. Receive and give the word on to the church when I give it to you, as that is why I give it to you. You will soon see the emptiness and its riches and its hopeless and comfortless people, and even you will be afraid, how much more they will, as it is written: «The righteous will see and will be afraid and say:

here is the man who did not put his hope in God, who did not take the Lord for his help, but

rather he hoped in the abundance of his riches and got strong within his emptiness», but you should rather pray, for the days are evil. Be afraid of God and say: “Lord, I am afraid of the terrifying day of Your coming and of Your right judgment; I am frightened and shake like the one who did many sins, but go ahead and judge me in Your mercy, and lift me up, saving me from those that are mine, to be clean from those that are empty and to be able to stand before You on that dreadful coming when the righteous will see it and will be afraid of those that will see. Lord, cover me and wake me up for Your coming”. Amen.

Sons, be afraid, for the one who is not afraid of God does not receive God before the day of the judgment.

The man gets upset when someone is right against him. The man flees from judgment, but he does not flee from the evil deed. There are some people, who say to themselves that God is good and does not want the death of the sinner. Yes, man, I said this: «God does not want

the death of the sinner», but I also said: «let him come back and be alive», not dead. And here is what I also tell you, man: God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but the sinner wants God’s death instead; he wanted it and he still wants it. Man, you get upset and angry when someone comes to you in good faith for My justice and does justice to Me against you. Man, you work out My death then, and you stand up for your justice. I come to you with My justice, for I do not want your death, and I want you to turn from you to Me and to be alive instead.

And you turn your back and stay like this; you stay with your back to Me.

What does it mean for the man to stand face to face with Me? The face of the man means the inner man, full of My life in him, helping the man next to him with those from Me, and the one who does not do this, that one stays with his back to God. But I come today and say: My face in the man is My glory over him, and My back in the man is My wrath upon him, and again: your face before Me is My will and My rebuke upon you for your growth, and your back before Me is your will, your running away and My justice, man.


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Oh, how is the man who does not work out love to know about it? Oh, how is the man to know God if he does not work out God? One knows about God with His great work in man.

If the man does not want, how is he supposed to know God? Behold, the man works something else; he works out his love not God’s, for the man came out of the man and does not want to come up to God and to be from God. And for this, the devil goes up to God and comes up against the man in heaven, and he wants to come up and then to come down upon the people, for he thinks that he will be a visible king and that he will reign forever over the man. But behold, My book is open, and I announce those that are to be in the days to come.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the dreadful judgment remembrance, from 14-02-1999 (On Calameo)


My voice cries out at the gates to be opened. I come again and I come with an royal feast for that memorial when I, the Lord, and with My mother Virgin, accompanied by Joseph, chosen to be a shelter for Us and an earthly father who took care of Us, went to the temple to bring an offering of cleaning after the birth, and so that they may dedicate Me to the Lord, and then to redeem Me until the full growth as My Father’s servant. I bowed to the Law and to the man as a subject to the sin, like the man who is born with sin out of sin. I made out the Law on the Mount Sinai by My angel before Moses, My holy law, which I commanded for the man, and I bowed so that the man might not say that he cannot do it. I have shown the man in everything how to do it, and then to do it. If a teacher teaches the man without being seen that he does the same, that one is a Pharisee who teaches hypocrisy, which he also does. Each teacher needs to teach the man what he does, not something else. Each master shows his disciple his craftsmanship and teaches him how to work in order to get skilled with his hands.

I am the true Teacher, for I came down from heaven, and I showed the man how to work like Me on the earth. I came down from heaven on the earth and I ascended from the earth into the sky, so that the man may see Me and do the same. I was served by angels and I showed the man to work the same that is, served by angels, as I did. The man needs to be born of the heaven, like Me, and he needs to live on the earth as I lived, and he needs to come up into heaven as I did, and to come to Me in heaven as I come down on the earth to him, served by angels, but the man has not taken Me as his Teacher. Here is why I come down from heaven to the man. I come down to get him accustomed to know Me as his Teacher from heaven; I come down to make him know that there is a heaven, and that there is God in heaven; I come down to let him know that there is not only earth, but that there is also heaven, and that the man lives on the earth and God is in heaven, the One Who made the heaven and the earth. Amen. I teach the little ones like a Teacher, and I start teaching the man to become small so that he may learn, for the great ones do not take God as their learning, and rather they took their wealth and went with it into the hell, into the world without God on the earth, and the hell opened itself and swallowed the man; further, the world became grave for the godless man on the earth, and the man became antichrist, and this means a man without God, a man without the Teacher from heaven.

The antichrist does not work against Me, for he cannot, because I am God in heaven and on earth. He works against him, and he dig his own abyss, for he is on the earth and he is feeble for himself and for every man, for he is in the darkness, as his light is falsehood, not light. Soon, soon, the light made by him will be put out by his own hand. When he will get up to come down from heaven, as he says that he will do, then My angel will take fire from the fire of My glory and will throw it down on the earth, and the light made by the hand of the antichrist man will catch fire. ( See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire” , r.n. ) Then 30

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everything of the man’s work will come to an end, and the wisdom gathered by the man will be put out, and the man will say that he does not see it any longer and that he does no longer know it, as it was fabricated and it was not wisdom; a fabrication wiser than the man, more industrious than the man, for the haughty man made it. I worked out wisdom out of the word, not out of iron, not out of black oil, not out of gold and silver, and not out of lying. When I made the heaven and the earth, I made them both of the word, but when I made the man, I made him with the word, and then My hand accomplished the godly word, and then My Spirit breathed over the clay and the clay became a man with a living soul. But the man, made iron with a living soul, to the death of his soul, for it is written: «It was given breath to the image to speak; it

was given to breathe spirit to the image of the beast to speak, as it said to those on the earth

to make an image to the beast”. The man does no longer need an angel. Why should he be in need of an angel? His angel is television; it is the computer; it is the flying disk, which is called UFO, ( Unidentified Flying Objects, r.n. ) not angel. Behold, everything will come to a stop at My last trumpet, which is My angel, the seventh angel who sounds.

I speak to you, sons from the garden; to you and to My little people. I put My seal on your forehead. I bow down to you and I kiss your forehead with My mouth, with My word, so that the seal may remain on your foreheads, and to bring with it the death of the lying man, which lies against God. I mark your little houses with My seal, of the living God, and I will put a sign on your foreheads, for My angel, will sound, soon, soon, so that the living may die, and for the dead to come to life; those that are alive, who have no God, to die, and the dead, who have God, to come to life. In the beginning when you came to Me, I put My seal on your forehead and I kissed your forehead so that I may seal the seal of My angel on you, and so that satan may be afraid of you, and the antichrist, who worships the image of the beast, may also be afraid.

My angel has been breaking satan down from beginning to this day. My angel is My light from before the light. He was the one who covered Me when I was the forerunner of the people of Israel, in a pillar of fire and in an image of a cloud covering My people. My angel wrote My commandments with his fire on the Mount Sinai when My word was speaking on Moses. My angel became the fire, which overcame the man’s fire and took out those from the burning fiery furnace unharmed. My angel carried Habakkuk to Daniel when he went hungry into the dens of lions. My angel stood before Balaam to stop him to curse My people. My angel took Peter, My apostle, out of the chains and out of the prison, the angel of the Lord, the last trumpet.

I speak again and again to you about this mystery, which is called the angel of the Lord.

The angel of this work, which was and which is with you, is My angel, the angel of the Lord.

The angel of Verginica was and is My angel, the angel of the Lord. The angel of this garden, and yours, is the angel of the Lord, the voivode and the archangel Michael. Amen, amen, amen.

He is My angel, who worked for Israel, drowning the Egyptians and overcoming the Canaanites, strengthening Moses and Aaron, Joshua and David, and Me, the Lord, as well; the Lord served by angels. He is My angel, which worked for you, taking you out of the world and overcoming the world from you and strengthening you for Me, for the Lord.

Sons, I tell you another mystery: My angel will cover you when the judgment will be sounded for the world, and for the dead, the resurrection. You will look and you will not be able to see the world, and neither will the world be able to see you, the world that will run after you. ( See the selection topic: „The rapture (the abduction) of the Church” , r.n. ) But I will cover you with My angel, as he covers Me, the Lord. When I started My work through 31

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Verginica, I said this: „When the earth will be set on fire, My faithful ones will not burn.

When everything will be broken down, they will stand, for they have My seals and My kiss on their foreheads, for the faithful ones are My share and they do not forsake My way with them, for they have My angel with them”. Amen.

Michael, the archangel, is the angel of the Lord, My angel, which has protected the last anointed one of the Romanians. ( The King Michael, r.n. ) He has always been with the anointed one, and neither sword nor bullet has touched him, nor any other harm, and I fulfilled the Scripture of your days, as this is what I told you: „He will come back into My country, his and yours”.

And he came, served by My angel, for My word is the truth.

I, the Lord, protect you and I give you My angel during the time of oppression and I save you, for this is what is written about your days: «At that time shall Michael stand up, the

great prince who stands for the children of your people in time of trouble, and there shall be

a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at

that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who shall be found written in this book.

Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and

some to shame and everlasting contempt, and those who are wise shall shine as the brightness

of the expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever».

Amen. I, the Lord, sent My angel to tell you these words. I come soon, accompanied by My angel, as I ascended. My angel is your fellow worker and to all who keep the words of this book, but you should worship Me, like My angel. You should not seal these words, for it is their time, and I come soon. Amen.

Sons, be worthy of the guard of My angel. When the great ones upon Romania wanted to lose you because you were Mine, ( December 16, 1989, at the „revolution”, r.n. ), My angel was among them and you and he destroyed them instead and saved you; however, that bloodshed is not called a revolution nor a takeover, but the work of My angel for your protection. Be worthy of My angel’s protection, sons, for the work of My word has My angel, the archangel Michael, the voivode of heavenly hosts, who delivered My word over the nature of the angels who rose against Me, saying to the heavenly hosts: « Let us stay well,

with fear and attention! » Amen.

Sons take a good heed to the mysteries that I bring you. I was served by an angel and showed the man to do the same, attended by angels. My angel will take fire from the fire of My glory and will throw it on the ground and the light made by the hand of the man without God will catch fire and then all the work of man’s fakes will come to an end and the wisdom coming of the man will go out and the man will see it no longer, because it was the man’s fake and not wisdom. All will be stopped at the last trumpet which is My angel, the seventh angel to sound. I seal with the seal of My angel upon you. My word confirms the angel of the Lord upon you. Work an angelic word and serve Me with it, for I gave you work for Me. And to the man of lying, the antichrist, I speak this: I will throw him on earth, for he will come up to heaven so that he may come into My place and to call himselfthe king

andthe christ”. I will throw him down on earth and he will be crushed; he and his angels, he and his servants. And I come soon accompanied by My angel as I went up to the Father. I come to make justice to the saints who keep saying: « Until when, Lord? » Oh, only a little while, a very little time and I come. I am coming soon, soon, for I am ready and come, and My angel will go before Me, for I am coming. Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s welcoming (Candlemas), from 15-02-1999.

(On Calameo)


The fearful judgment


Preach well too! Be the angels of the Annunciation for the end of the man’s time. Be the people which bears good news; be the work of My angels who works through your bodies, who makes My gift come down upon you, so that you may be the angel of the Annunciation, of My last coming. I go with you to the people, and I do not go without you. If I speak from heaven with you, this means that I go with you to the people. And a sweet time will come, a heavenly time on earth for you and with you, for it will love you and it will seek every man who will still be on the earth, for I will glorify Myself with a great glory through you upon Romania, upon My last country. I come through it for the people of Israel, which killed Me in its midst. I come through Romania and for the Jerusalem of My passions, for I will gather together many haughty people, people who trespass the commandments and I will judge Myself with them there; there where I came among them in the flesh two thousand years ago. I will declare the word of My pain and justice here, and there I will fulfill it, and I will judge Myself with the people for which I willingly gave Myself to be crucified.

I had to die for the rest of the peoples on the earth to redeem them from under the ignorance, but it was not so, and I died for Israel, to redeem it from under the law, for it is written:

« He who does not fulfill the law is guilty». He knew the law from Me and was guilty because he did not believe in Me when I came from heaven from the Father to be in its midst. Behold, I tell you a revealed mystery: the people of Israel knew that I am the Christ of the Father and that I had to be crucified for its sins. It was not Judas who was guilty for selling Me and My death. He was the tool by which Israel killed its God, and it is written: « Woe to the one

by whom the Son of God will be sold and killed! ». If Israel did not seek to kill Me, it would have not killed Me when Judas sold My mystery, for Judas knew that I am the Christ. The rulers of Israel were guilty of My death, and with them all the people of Israel, all, except a remnant chosen by grace to be without guilt so that afterwards to be able to testify about the truth of My coming from heaven in the midst of Israel.

In all time I have had people on earth, a remnant chosen by grace, so that My truth may have been witnessed in each time, as I have you in this time, sons near My coming. Blessed are you, who believe in My coming as word on the earth. Those of that time, who believed in My coming then, were also blessed. As then, those of today, who call themselves the rulers of the church, believe as those of that time; they believe that I am the Christ of the Father and that I have come to you to prepare you to be the sons of My coming, the good sons of this time, a remnant chosen by grace. But I overcame for you and against them, as the time of now and My coming of nowadays have been worked with power and much glory, as it is written in the Scriptures: «They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much

glory, and He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, My word, which gathers His elect

from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other». Amen.

I have come on earth and prepared you to be My little angels for the gospel of Me coming as Savior upon you, and Judge over those who crucified Me then and now through haughtiness. Those without love and without mind have no fear and are haughty in their spirit, but you should be the angel of annunciation for My last coming, and stand well in fear and careful to My words, for they are My coming with judgment over the earth.

Sons, the dead come to life at the voice of My word. Only those that are haughty do not want to come to life, but they will stand before Me whether they like it or not, and they will melt like wax, as I am the First and the Last, and I come with much power and with much 33

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greatness, as it is written into the Scriptures of My second coming from heaven on the earth, for the earth is My footstool. Amen. The man says in vain that he took My earth from under My feet. Soon, soon, every man will see that he is weak and will receive Me whether he wants it or not, because I come and I am clothed in the garment of justice. Amen. But you, sons of My greatness, I have always taught you to keep away from My judgment, doing My will before Me. Do many merciful deeds, as much as you could, as mercy is a candle with oil, a burning candle8. Give Me over as a gift to every man who reaches out his hand for heavenly food. Also give Me to the one who is ashamed with Me and who does not reach out his hand but only stealthily. Give God as mercy to all who do not want the heavenly food, as I, the Lord, give them the bitter bread of anxiety to those who are careless of the soul. I make them all anxious to the hearing of My word, and a fire will be kindled all around and it will threaten the earth with fire and judgment, but My country with My manger in it will be the throne of My word, out of which a word of consuming and cleansing fire will flow over the man and over the earth.

Give God as mercy, messenger sons of My coming. I am the Word of God for the coming of Christ, the Son of the Father, and I share Myself through you as My coming upon every man. I call out the trumpet. The word is the trumpet, and Michael, My angel, is the angel of My gift upon you. Let My word come to you from one margin of the heaven to another and let the iniquity on the earth burn, as I make a new haven and a new earth, and a new and just man between heaven and earth, and the haughtiness will fall into the abyss. Amen.

I come with the good and eternal time for you; I come with a glorious time upon you, sons, and emperors and kings will follow you, as My great power and high glory will be with you and on you, and those, who did not love you because of Me, will lament, and the rich people, who did not do merciful deeds for God, will lament, as My coming had called out to them, but they had hidden themselves under their richness and left the right way. Behold, it is written: «They will build houses and will not dwell in them; they will buy fallow lands and

will not have them; they will plant vineyards and will not eat of their fruit».

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-1999. (On



I have spent three days in a row among you and I have shown Myself as word, and I have gathered to you many from far and near to listen to My word from the manger. Oh, sons, let My coming down to you not weigh you down. My yoke is easy, sons, because it is also bad without a yoke. Teach those who hear My whisper, teach them as I have taught you to come under My yoke, for this is what I said: «If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny

himself, take up his cross, and follow Me». ( Luke: 9/23) The one, who hears My word, let him also fulfill it. It is hard for the one who hears the word and does not fulfill it. This is what I said: «If anyone listens to My sayings and does not do them, I do not judge him, for I came

not to judge the world, but to save the world. He, who rejects Me and does not receive My

sayings, has one who judges him. The word that I spoke, the same will judge him in the last

day, for I spoke not for Myself, but the Father Who sent Me, He gave Me His commandments,

what I should say, and what I should speak». ( John: 12/47-49)

Oh, sons, do not let you be worn out by My coming to you. It is the time of judgment, sons, for I told you long before that I will enter into judgment with those who have judged Me, 8 About candle and oil significance see The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1995 (On Calameo; on Google Drive)


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and you for Me. I have fulfilled now everything that I spoke to you. Amen, amen, amen. And I fulfilled and I fulfill and that is why you have to stay before Me, for the great day is coming when no one believes in anything and in no one but in Me and in you, because nothing will be any more but the judgment face to face with the deed. Every man will be uncovered. And the people will expose one another and shame will seize every man, because it is the time for the judgment of the man’s works. I, the Lord, am the One Who has decided this. No one will stand with his head up and rather the man will bow down his head and will be ashamed before Me and before My believers, for My believers were not ashamed to be Mine among the sons of the people. Oh, the judgment for the deed is harsh, but the most disgraceful judgment will be for unbelief, because I spoke from the beginning that I will be with those that are holy on earth, from then on and until today, but the unbelievers are proud people and they have put pressure on earth with their vainglory, a shameful cross, and a shameless life before God.

I said sons that I will bow down the head to the ground of those who called themselves My church without having deeds of faith, without humility, without faith in My word which brings Me to come. Behold the confessors of Romania; they perish blaspheming Me, for they do not know what they are doing, but it is the time of judgment and this is their reward: they perish blaspheming Me and you as well, for I do not lift up those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit, those who do not believe in Me and in you, you who became a bridge for My coming; for they did not want Me to come, and did not prepare for My coming, and I came and I come by surprise as it is written that I come for those who do not watch for My coming.

Sons, I am the Lord and I took pity on man, and I came after him. Here is what I command you, for you are My anointed ones: pray for the forgiveness of the one who hit Me and you and My bishop Irineu, who was with you. Pray sons for the bishop who sat over the city of Târgovişte, for he is judged by the word that they did not believe in, for My Scriptures speak this way: « The word that I spoke, that will judge the one who denies Me and does not receive

My words on the last day». Amen. Pray to Me to ease his punishment, for he did not know what he did when striking you and My bishop Irineu, whom I anointed in this time, anointed to bring upon the whole earth My undying light, the man’s resurrection and repentance, for he is My anointed upon the church and upon every one that becomes My church, my dwelling, and a living, new and holy man, as I am. Sons, speak before Me of the forgiveness of sins for the bishop Basil, the one who struck you with unbelief. I would not like him to perish without repentance, as the Romanian’s confessors go one by one, blaspheming the Holy Spirit who has His house at you. Pray to Me for his soul, for his repentance from Me, for his spirit is now only mourning, and pity seized Me for him, sons. It seems that he is sorry for what he did, for he shook the dust off his feet upon you and upon the little garden of My word, and swore an oath not to believe even if he lost both of his legs. Oh, his legs hurried to bring the bishop Irineu, the one that I anointed over the church, and he brought him and laughed at him in the gate of My coming down to make him pull out the stake from its place. But I was stronger than him, for I am the Lord, and he fell by his own words. The one who rises against Me and against you falls, for My word upon you is fire and brimstone upon those that do not believe in it. Sons, I want to touch him afterwards and relieve him from his sins done by now against Me if he repents. Sons, whatever you unloosen on earth will be loose in heaven as well. Amen, amen, amen.

I would like that every man may come to repentance, sons, because the man repented when the flood came. I would like the man to grow better for Me at all costs, but behold, the man falls under his works and does not come to his senses and does not try to come back to Me.


The fearful judgment

Excerpt from the Word of God to the feast of the Holy Emperors Constantine and Helen, from 03-06-1999.


I wanted to make the man of today by word, as of the wax which lets itself be heated and fashioned and put into a wick to burn and to be consumed before Me; and I, to turn its light into the eternal life, life from heaven, as the life is the fire which burns the flesh, so that the light may be brought forth, so that a man, built by God, may come out. I will show the man that I, the Lord, will build him from dust again, as the resurrection of the dead will be the judgment of the man, who made man out of sin. The man will be again, but he will come out of the earth, as God’s work for the man’s body was in the beginning.

Now I have come on the earth as word of judgment on you, man. Oh, if only you repented of your own deed deepened in time! Oh, if only you wanted to be faithful and not unfaithful! Oh, you unfaithful man, who does not fulfill My word! Fulfill it, for I come down from heaven and I tell you this word. You are as old as seven thousand years, man. When you were in heaven, I was speaking with you and you were hearing Me. But after you came out of Paradise, because of your disobedience and sin, you gave God for you sin and listened to the voice of the sin. Oh, you hear and believe the voice of sin, but you do no longer hear My voice and do no longer believe it. Your ear is a gate for iniquity; your eyes the same; and likewise are your faith and wisdom, for you have changed the course of your wisdom once with your coming out of Paradise when you stood against your Creator. But I opened the gates of heaven, so that you may see and hear Me, for I have come after you with healing and I want to make out again your ear and eyes and all of your body. I stand into the door of My tent and I put a mark before you so that you may know Me. My word is the sign. ( See the selection topic: „The sign of the

Son of Man” , r.n. ) It is a spring of living water in a ground without water. I am the word from heaven, by which I gave birth to children for Father, so that I may stay with them before you, wandering man without a path. Oh, when I created you from the dust, it was easy. Now you are flesh and blood, but these do not inherit the kingdom of the heavens, for they stand against life by their opposing spirit, because it is written: «What is of the flesh is flesh, and it is flesh and

blood». Oh, it is hard for Me to make you out again for you are My adversary as the devil is, but here is the word that I said to fulfill: everything the man did on earth will come back against him. Everything the man did on earth is stones of memorial of the man’s sins who became God’s adversary on earth.

I will show the man that I, the Lord, will create the man out of dust again, for the resurrection of the dead will be the man’s judgment, which turned the man into sin. I made the man come back into the dust to make him ashamed and to know that everything he did is not, and to make him again and then to make him also of the dust, for there were and are people on the earth who let themselves with Me for the new creation of the man, and I will work out the man again with these, as I wanted to work with the first created man, and I, the Lord, will speak My word by the mouth of those who let themselves be worked out by Me, and I will lift up the humankind out of the dust, to the judgment of the spirits which are opposing to God. And I will be a righteous God and I will establish those that are righteous as heirs of the heaven and the earth, «a new heaven and a new earth», as it is written into the Scriptures.


Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, from 04-07-1999.

(On Calameo)



The fearful judgment

The poor widow did not give Me in order that she may receive two or three times more.

She gave with love, with longing and with self-denial, and she did no longer think at herself but she thought only at Me and only at My name on the earth. Another widow had nothing but an armful of hay and she brought everything she had and put it before Me. Behold I tell you a great mystery. Be careful with your souls in order to learn, and that all who came to Me may also learn, to be My workers. The man is not taken into account for what he gives to God.

The man is taken into account for what is left to him, and if it is otherwise, he does not store up for heaven, but rather he receives his reward twofold or threefold on the earth, for each one stores up for himself where he wants, where his heart is, because it is written:

«Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be».

Sons I want to give you enough food so that those that are without food may take, for every man on the earth is hungry and thirsty, because he does not eat and does not drink from Me, but he takes everything from the earth. I want sons, to give the earth what it asks Me for.

Sons, I also want to give the man what he asks Me for. I want to give so that I may not owe the one who asks Me and to be able to call into account the one whom I give. The earth asks Me for its cleanness and washing up and for the release of its transgressions on it. The earth groans with long groanings, for the earth is mother; it is the mother, which feeds the man; however, the man turns against it and sucks and grubs it and overthrows it upside down, and it stands as witness under man’s foot, under man’s workings on it. I told the earth what it has to give forth to the man. However, the man was not content with what I said because he is greedy.

Oh, sons, do not forget that you have to be destitute of the human things. Do not forget sons, for you have only what I told the earth to give the man. It is little, little, and the earth will close its door against man’s greed and it will open up its mouth against the man’s body, ( See the selection topic: „The great tribulation” , r.n. ) for the man forgot what he was and forgot what I told him: «You are dust and into dust you shall return, man, for you went

wrong by being conceited». Oh, sons, do not forget that you have to be submitted to Me, for the one who does not submit, falls down by being haughty; he falls down into the dust. I want to make a judgment from your souls and bodies and spirits over the man who got out of the man. This is the work, which I have to fulfill over the souls and over your bodies and spirits.

Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, sons, do not forget that your bodies have to serve Me, not you, for the bodies of the sons of man stand against Me, as it is written: «The flesh lusts against the spirit». In his spirit the man wants life, but with his own body he works out death, and the works of the body darken the mind and bring it into carelessness and emptiness, which it feeds on.

Blessed it be the supper for your being and for your little mouths, hands, feet, word, thing and walk. I am with you to bless you and to have a blessing from you sons.

I am waiting for you again to sit before My word, as I will be again with a word over you for as long as the plan of day of today was. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of St. John, the Baptizer, from

07-07-1999.  (On Calameo)


Wake up to welcome Me, watching sons in the garden. I come at daybreak and work out the word in the book. Amen. I have you as the path of My coming down, as word on earth. I 37

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warm up your little hearts so that I may enter them with the salvation mysteries for you and for those who receive the word of heavenly wisdom from Me. Amen.

The man on earth passes them all through the chamber of his mind and that is why he loses the truth of My mysteries from age to age, but I am true by My things that are unfathomable, for the man who works with his mind remains insensitive to My mysteries. This is what happened to the Israel people in the time I was born an Israelite from the Virgin at Father Sabaoth’s command, Who spoke by the prophets about My mystery in the sixth age of the people.

I have always been warming up your little hearts sons, to make them into a warm house for Me and for My mysteries with which I come with to fulfill them, as I fulfilled the mystery of My birth of the Virgin two thousand years ago. However, Israel did not want to understand and it had grown callous in its mind and heart, for Isaiah said: «They will hear with their ears

and will not understand, see with their eyes, but will not see, for the heart of this people has

grown callous». But I, the Lord, the One born of a Virgin in Israel, I, the One crucified on the cross by Israel, I, the One Who is resurrected from crucifixion for Israel’s judgment, ascended then to the Father so that I may come back again from the Father. And I have come. All were written into the prophets and I fulfilled them as they were written. Oh, the prophecies are not false and they are fulfilled for all are being fulfilled in Me and they are the unfathomable mystery for those who have grown callous at the voice of My prophets.

I have come to you from heaven with My apostles that I travelled with two thousand years ago. Let us give them comfort into My garden from you. Sons, let us make them room so that they may confess again the mystery hidden from age and not understood by angels and people. Let us give them the seats of judgments for Israel, for this is what I promised them, as it is written into the prophets: «The Lord will judge His people». Amen.

Oh, beloved disciples, faithful Israelites, your heart did not grow callous at My voice, which called you to walk with Me on earth and be fishermen of people for the supper of the kingdom of the heavens. Oh, faithful disciples, I cast the net into the sea and gathered all kinds of fish into it. And then I pulled it to the shore and sat and chose what was good and I threw away what was bad. I chose you and I made you believe with your heart, and I spread My word of eternal life to all the nations through you, My witnesses from then and until today, for My Scriptures and yours testify about this, and the man has nothing to replace them with as truth.

Now, after two thousand years, when I come with the saints on earth, as it is prophesied that I come, here I am with you in the today’s pavilion of the heavenly assembly on earth. I come to the heavenly feasts with angels and saints, for I have a resting pavilion in the Romanian country, My New Israel, a people taken out of the Romanians so that I may sow in the heaven with it, an eternal kingdom with the faithful man. I comfort you with My sons in the garden. I opened the gates of the garden, and I came through the gates with you into the garden, for I have also got faithful sons like you today. I comfort you because you suffered for My Gospel. I embrace you at My bosom, because you are as living as I am. I give you the opportunity to confess today, after two thousand years, that I am your dwelling place, Jerusalem coming down with the saints on the earth, and I give you the twelve hidden chairs, so that you may sit on them for the Israel’s judgment. Amen.

Oh, Lord, bless the council of Your apostles into the garden of Your word of today, into the Romanian country. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen.


The fearful judgment

We, the heavenly council of Your apostles, got together into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, together with Your witnesses of today, Lord. We are Israel’s remnant, for it is written into the prophets: «Even if Israel will be as numerous as the sea

sand, its remnant will be saved and the word of the truth will be confessed».

What good is it for the one who knows the law from cover to cover, if he does not fulfill it, Lord? But he who became a Christian according to the truth, that one put the Israelite to shame, and we speak the word saying: the Jews know the Law and the Christians fulfill it.


You were the sign sent by Father to Israel, Lord, for this is what Isaiah, the prophet,

spoke by the Spirit: «The Lord will give a sing to Israel: behold, the Virgin will conceive, and

bear a son, and shall call His name, Immanuel».

We have come on the earth with You, Lord, for it is the time of Your coming after two ages since the fulfillment of Your birth from the Virgin. We have come here where You have set the seats of judgment for Israel and for all the nations, for You started a court case for the nations, as it was written into the prophets. We, the council of Your Israelite apostles, sit for the judgment of the Israel people on the twelve seats according to the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. Bless the fulfillment of the Scriptures, and bless the entrance of Your saints, Lord!

Amen, amen, amen.

― I blessed you on earth, and I blessed you in heaven, and I bless you again on earth after two thousand years, so that you may sit on the twelve seats that I give you, oh, loved disciples. Confess the word of truth over the people of Israel, which has grown callous since then and until today. I put near you other twelve seats and on them there sit the twelve sons of Jacob, who was called Israel, and from whom this people have come out. They will be the witnesses of your testimony, and then I will judge Israel’s creature. Amen, amen, amen.

― We, the council of Your apostles from heaven, speak this way, Lord: the Lord has compassion on His people, he lifts up the meek and crowns with victory those that are humble in order to give glory to the Lord with their mouths; however, the double-edged sword is in His hand, and he takes revenge against those that are not faithful and punishes the nations and ties their kings to the rims and puts their rulers in shackles, and fulfills His decree with them as it is written. Amen.

The twenty-four seats are placed into the midst of Romania, the country of the Lord’s judgment, and twenty-four Israelites sit on them. Half of them come from the beginning of Israel, and the other half come from the end of Israel. They have the faith to stand before God for Israel. Amen. No one can judge the faithful one, but on the contrary, he can judge everyone for God. The One, Who sends His word on earth, is the Lord, Whose Word runs fast; it is the Lord, Who proclaims His word to Jacob, applying His corrections and judgments for Israel. Amen.

Listen, you, sons of Israel! What good is it to the one who knows the Law from cover to cover, if he does not fulfill it? Behold, the teaching and the life are not received from those that are learned, for the poor man thanks to the one who gives him, if he gives him well, and he does not look to see if the one who gives him alms and life is wise or simple. Do you believe in the prophets? We know you do. The prophets made a name for themselves and for their people, testifying about God’s justice. This is how we work too, we who were faithful disciples of the 39

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Truth, Who came from heaven on earth into the midst of Israel two thousand years ago, when you became callous not to believe in order to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy which says: «You will

ever be hearing with your own ears but never understanding, you will be ever seeing but

never perceiving, for this people’s heart has become calloused, and they hardly hear with

their ears, and they have closed their eyes, otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with

their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them».

Then the Lord left wondering away with His grace into His arms, and He chose again a place for Him. He made a new people and asked it into marriage and called it the country of His returning to the end of the time, the country of brightness, for the things that He put on them now, at the end of the times; the country of the Romanians, which has been raised through Christ, at the preaching of His messengers. The Lord set in it our judgment seats for Israel as well, for we are Israelites. We have no way of staying in the country of Israel, because of Israel’s disbelief, because Israel’s haughtiness, but we are Israelites on earth and in heaven, and we are alive by our faith in Jesus Christ, Who came on earth by a Virgin, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy through the people of Israel. However, you did not believe and grew callous. Now, we, God’s chosen remnant through grace, preach this word over you saying: it was not by the law that Abraham and his seed received the promise that they would inherit the world, but by the righteousness that comes from faith, for if the heirs are those that have the law, then their faith is futile, and the promise was abolished, since the law brings about a cause of wrath.

However, where there is no law, there is also not a law breaking. So the promise is by faith alone, so that it may be as a gift and to have reliability for everyone; both for those who live according to the law and for those who live according to Abraham’s faith, whom the Lord told this way: «I made you a father for many nations, and this is how your seed will be». Amen.

Or, do you not know that the law has power over the man as long as he lives? For if the married woman is bound to her husband by law as long as he lives, and if her husband dies, she is free from law. And so it is with us; we died to the law by Christ and by His body, to be His, of the One Who rose from the dead, to be fruitful to God for the renewal of the Spirit, not by the oldness of the letter. The law is holy and spiritual, and the commandment is also holy, good and right, but the body is flesh and is sold under the sin. However, Jesus Christ saved us from the body of this death, to be His for the renewal of the Spirit. Amen. We are the witnesses of Christ’s resurrection, Whom God raised from the dead, and to Whom He put His enemies under His feet. Let the entire house of Israel know that the One they crucified was made Lord and Christ.

Take it to your heart, Jacob’s sons, for we are Israelites and are the witnesses of this fulfillment. Repent from the sin of unbelief and be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ as we are for the forgiveness of your sins, so that you may have the Holy Spirit and be able to perceive with Him the heavenly mysteries, which come on the earth with Jesus Christ, the One Who is coming the second time from near His Father. He is the stone disregarded by you, builders, but it came to be the cornerstone and there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name given to us, humans, by which we may be saved.

We have spread Christ’s testimony all over and we did not give the gift of the power from above to anyone on money, the power, which was in us in order to bear testimony of the truth of Jesus Christ’s mystery, for we gave ourselves over to Him in obedience, because Moses told to the sons of Israel: «The Lord, our God will raise a Prophet like me; you should listen

to Him». But whom of the prophets did your fathers not persecute because they foretold the 40

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coming of the Righteous One? For you received the law ordained by angels and you did not kept it.

You read in the prophets. Do you believe in the prophets? We know that you do. Do you really believe what you read in the prophets? Oh, how should you understand, if you did not accept someone to lead you? «He was brought before the shearer as a mute sheep that is led

to the slaughter; so He did not open His mouth. He was taken away by oppression and judg-

ment, but who will tell about His kindred? For He gave His life for the sinners»; this is what was prophesied in the Scriptures.

We come now, for we are alive forever, and Christ gave us the judgment seats for you in Israel that did not believe, as you did not receive what you have been looking for, while those that were chosen among you received them, and you, the others, have grown callous as it is written: «God gave them a spirit of drowsiness and eyes that they might not see and ears that

they may not hear up to the present», and «by their downfall He gave the salvation to the

Gentiles, so that Israel may long for them».

We come to you to stir up your zeal, for if your removal brought about the reconciliation of the world, what will be your receiving back, if not resurrection from the dead? Many a nation have received the truth through Christ, and as once these did not listen to God and many received compassion by your disobedience, likewise, you have also not listened by now so that by His mercy, given to them, you may also receive mercy, if you receive the Son of God. Amen.

The time will come and it has already come, when the dead hear the voice of the Son of God. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice” , r.n . ) Give your ears and anoint your eyes with salve, you, people of Israel, for we are from among you, a remnant chosen by grace to intercede with God for the whole Israel that will come to life at the voice of God’s Son, Who is coming after two thousand years as a Judge from the Father to give each one according to his own deed. Amen, amen, amen.

Lord, seal with fire signet the word of Your apostles gathered together in a council of saints in the garden of Your judgment seat, for the Romanian country is Your new country, the country of Your returning for Israel and for all the peoples of the earth. Lord, fulfill the resurrection of the dead. We have been the witnesses of Your resurrection for two thousand year, and until today, and today we bear witness from Romania. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen, amen, amen.

― I, the Lord and Your teacher, seal your faith in heaven about My today’s country, the first and the last. When I made the heaven and the earth, it was the first hand of dry land into My hand when the earth came out of the waters, and now it is the last one, and it is, and I make it into a salvation oasis, a saving ark for the saints on earth, in order for Me to come true in it with the Scriptures of the establishment of the kingdom of the heavens on earth for those that are righteous, for those with power from above in them.

I can hardly draw the man on to the way of salvation. The man hardly goes to heaven, for he has much on his back, and he walks this way; he walks with his house on his back, at a snail’s pace. The true Christian has power from above; he has heavenly power in his soul and with it he prevails against the world and against the body and the devil, but the Christian of today has no power, even if he is baptized. The devil and the world does not get scared of the one who is baptized, of the one who is marked by the sign of the cross, ( See the selection topic: 41

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„About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross” , r.n. ) if this one has no power from above. That one is like the sign that made by man out of rags and put into the orchards to scare away the birds, which eat the fruits, but the birds do not get scared of something like that. The Christians are strong and weak, and I, the Lord, when I cast the fishing net into the sea to catch all kinds of fish, I pull it then to the shore and sit down and choose what is good, and what is bad I throw away. The strong Christians are like the big fish, which live in bitter waters; they are those who swim in the waters of trials and sufferings and are victorious, and the weak ones seek the water of the worldly sweetness and they are not good Christians. That is why I use great trials for those who have power from above by their faith, for the gentleness is not good when it comes to the mystery of the man’s salvation. The man’s nature is old and it can be awoken in the man who is not careless in his watch, and it can kill again the man, who wakes up from his drowsiness to be alive, to be a Christian committed to God. The fleshly nature does not need to be tamed, but rather killed; it must be kept bound by cross, by crucifixion and by birth from above. The Christian, weak with his life, remembers God only now and then. There are many who stay carelessly, making Me their debtor for a little bit of mercy shown to their neighbors, but I give them their reward on earth, and when they leave the earth, they do not come to Me, for the heaven is earned through repentance. It is the deed, which brings the man to Me, and without it he has no reward in heaven but only on earth.

The Christian of today and the teacher of today do not spread light among the people, for the people do not see life with a light in them. Paul, the apostle, said this: «It is not those

who listen but those who fulfill the word that will be saved». This was also in the time of My apostles of that time. Many dead people were seeking to stand up among the living that were body by body into My name, serving Me and going to war with Me against unbelief. The sol-diers stand side by side united in Me while waging the holy war, and if the one who dies, overcome by the evil spirit, remains on foot, he walks among the living without being seen that he is dead. Oh, it was hard for My disciples of that time! Many have been crowding to enter in the church and to fall heavy on the body of the church. Oh, how much teaching I have released then through those who were bearing witness to Me, but those who lack power from above were sneaking stealthily, as they were afraid of My wrath; however, they were not bearing any fruits of repentance, they did not bury their own words and they were intriguing against those that were united near Me.

Once upon a time there was a wise man, and someone came to reveal him a happening heard from the world. And he replied this: “If you heard this and you do not know that it is true, or if it is of any good or if it is not useful to me, then go and bury your words that you want to say to me”.

Oh, how nice it would be for a man to shake a man off any vanity and for a man to pray for God’s man for his salvation! The prayer should touch the heaven, so that the heaven may give power from above to the Christian, and if it does not give the man the gift of the power from above, the man does not know what prayer is. I work hard for the Gospel of My peace in order to reach from place to place all over the earth, because I want to make peace between man and heaven, you sons from the garden. I have you as judgers upon the people all over the earth that call themselves Christians and that have no power from above in action, in faith and in prayer. I sigh really hard, as I can nowhere clean of dead bodies, those that come together in My name, so that they may give themselves to Me. There are everywhere more dead bodies than alive, but I told you through the Spirit: “Get out and be separated, and do not touch the dead, so that you may be received by Me and that I may be your God to be able to walk with you from place to place, keeping you away from the dead ones”.


The fearful judgment

Oh, it is a great wonder for a living church to be on earth. Sons, what this mystery:

„living church” is? The weak ones lie to each other about this mystery. Their teachers put them off with fine promises, but they are not alive as well. What is this mystery of „living church”, sons? Speak, for I listen to you. Amen.

Where there are doers of commandments and of word, there where they, who crucified themselves to the sin, to the world and to the devil, gather together, there where brothers live together in an endless repentance, doing only God’s will and uniting with the Lord through the church and holiness, there is a living church, and if the thief sneaks into it to steal the holy ones, who has not got a wedding garment and does not know God’s will in the flesh, there the mystery of the church, the life of the church and the cleanness of the church is spoiled, and there is no longer a living church there, because of joining with those that are dead in the world, who do not value the holy ones by a holy life in the body of the church.

― Oh, sons, oh, sons, oh, sons, I sigh hard, for it is a great miracle to be a living church on earth, and that is why I speak to you, and have you speak with Me too, to clear up with you the mysteries unfathomable to the mind of the man. A man’s mind is a cold house, and the man does not want to give Me his heart, so that I may make him perceive by it the answer to My mysteries, unfathomable to the mind of the man. But I put you before Me to have you for Me.

Bring together for Me disciples like you, sons, to make a great Israel in the midst of the Romanian people. Teach those who seek me with you to know what a man’s coming to God and a man to be with God is; and also tell them that I am a jealous God and that I can have for Me only the one who is not double-minded in his heart, love and faith. Tell those who seek Me with you not to make Me trouble, not to oppress you and not ask from you; not seek you but rather God. Amen. Search the Scriptures to see the teaching of My apostles for those who wanted to be in the community of My servants. He who comes near to have weight with you, that one should become wise from the Scriptures of My apostle who worked hard then for the ignorance of those that wanted to be one body with those who were working hard serving My Gospel. I have opened the heaven again, and I divide Myself with My Gospel from margins to margins and I have you who work hard beside Me in the middle of an unfaithful nations and pagan with its life.

Spread the word of My teaching sons, so that I may make a holy and great Israel into the midst of the Romanian people through holiness and self-denial before Me. The earth is full of bodies, and My Spirit is homeless. I want the haughty mountains to fall down at the voice of the Holy Spirit, Who has His dwelling with you. I want every man to bow and to hear My voice from the garden, My voice with you, the voice which is calling out to the man to come under My authority, so that I may make a country of saints on earth, and for Me to be the Master, as in heaven so on earth. Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul, from 12-07-1999


I come from My Father to you as a word, sons, watchmen in the garden of My word.

The invisible heaven knows all of you that you are a manger of My coming down on earth in the last days. Again and again, I have to stay with you as a word among the people, for it is the time of the last judgment, and it is being done by word. It is the beginning of perfecting of every fulfillment. Amen.


The fearful judgment

I am with you and with heaven in the day of celebration upon My garden of today, the day when I, the Lord, fastened the first stake of My visible kingdom, for the work of My word with you was discovered, seen between the heaven and earth in the twenty second day of the seventh month, eight years ago, sons. Then you made an accomplished deed and I revealed Myself to the people speaking from the midst of My garden from you. I revealed Myself with you as a visible church, a heavenly life in man, for this is what a church means, and I made ready the garden from you for feasting and I put upon it the ark in which My word bears witness for the judgment upon the earth, the heaven speaking to the earth. This is the mystery of My garden made out with you and on you, and the mystery of My ark on it, in which the day of the judgment stays, My word upon the earth which says: „Today!” But My enemy, the man, has always arisen and says: „ Tomorrow, not today! ” I have always said:

„Today, man!” and the man has always said: „ Tomorrow.” The earth groans with a long groaning and waits for the word of melting of the lawlessness on him. Ten days ago, I delivered a word and said to you: „I want the mountains fall down at the voice of the Holy Spirit, Who has His house and seat with you. I want every man bow down and hear My voice from the garden and the voice of the justice which cries out to the man.” And when I said this word, I already fulfilled it, and I shook the mountains and caught the man beneath them. ( It was an earthquake in Romania, r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God, eight years after the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-1999. (On Calameo)


I come into the garden through the gates, for the Shepherd does not come through the gates, indirectly, because if he did not enter through the gates, he would no longer enter them at all. I have let it known at the gates that I enter, and this is how I enter. I come in as word in the garden so that I may come out again for food for those who drink of this spring.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I become perfect with My power upon you, sons of My garden, so that I may set you before Me and to receive My word in the book. My silence hurts Me bitterly. When I cannot have rest on you with the word of My book of this time, I am filled with pain, both I and those from heaven. My angel stands near Me crying, and he stays like Me when I cannot enter among you. Your days are so bur-densome, for it is the bad weather and the evil spirit keeps pressing, sons, but I know one thing from the Father; that I have to finish My book of judgment on earth, My endless coming, the same as My kingdom is. This I know, that I have to come for the living and for the dead, to write down into My book of this time the works of every one, their works on earth, so that each one may be judged according to the book, sons. Now I give power to your souls and I bless the power that I give you so that it may remain upon you. Amen, amen, amen.

Blessed is the man who always examines his soul, for that one is the one who seeks God, glorifying God in him. The one, who does not get used to self-humility, thinks that he is intelligent and does not look for God in him. I want to call out the man; until I appear I want to call him and to exhort him to repentance and humility. The same way I called him in the time when I brought about the flood on earth, to save what was Mine from the world. Likewise today, I cannot take the righteous one from the world unless I bring destruction over the world for the righteous man to remain only with Me. Otherwise, he stays among the sons of the people who spoil the faith and the cross of the sons of God, as it happened in the time of Noah, when God’s sons mingled with the sons of the people and then every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. Likewise today, there is a great separation from God on earth and the righteous man becomes filthy by intermixing, and God grows less in him and the man 44

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grows poor of the spirit of humility and has not longer got anything from above but rather he gathers only from below, and I, the Lord, keep on being only pain and I have no fruit to go with and give it to My Father. ( See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n. ) For this, you should understand My pain and ask from Me those that are to come on earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about the days of My coming with judgment.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1999.


Sons, welcome Me always, so that I may be able to do everything that is written and to put the Lord’s age back to its place, and where I do not find tears of repentance, I will bring forth tears of sufferance for every man who will not want to crucify himself for My coming with the age of eternity. Do not marvel at the way I have revealed Myself today at dawn with you. Do not be confused by the sight I showed you, sons, for I have revealed Myself, crucified on the cross, to you; and if it was written above the cross “The seat of judgment”, this is how I come to interpret it: every man who will not crucify himself for Me, I, the Lord, will be a sign for him, through My crucifixion on the cross. My crucifixion on the cross was the judgment of the world and of the master of this world. My seat of judgment was the cross; I sat on it to judge. It was and it is the throne of the Lord’s judgment, and woe to the man who wipes out from his body the sign between Me and him! Woe and woe again to all who said and say that the cross and its sign is not good, for they are those who do not want Me to reign over them from the seat, from the throne of judgment. My word is written into the Scriptures; it is written this way: «Let those who did not want Me to

reign over them, be taken and thrown away». That is why I tell you, sons, welcome Me to come to you and to write the book of judgment, for it is written into the Scriptures that I may come and open this book Myself; and in order to open it, it needs to be made out on earth by God Himself.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1999. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons, it is the time for the judgment to start, and behold, it starts with My house, with those who sit into My name over the crowds, with those who do not listen to My Gospel of that time and to the one of today. It is written: «If they received My word, they will receive

yours as well». But whoever does not receive My word of today, he did neither receive nor put on them the one that I spoke then. Oh, if the righteous one is hardly saved, what is going to be with the unrighteous and the sinful one? My Gospel is not worked out by those who hold it into their hands over the multitudes and the man does no longer know where God is. But I do not let Myself be denigrated and I speak the word from heaven over every man, and I want to save the man from deception, for the spirit of the world has become master over everything and it has become a thick crust on the man’s mind and sight, and the man does no longer want to become small, a child in his mind and in his heart, to be cleansed from vainglory and to come to life.

The spirit of the world is enmity between Me and the man, and I come and knock at the man’s door to tell him about Me and then to tell him that I come again from the Father to judge the living and the dead and each one will carry his own burden.

«The Lord is coming!» This is what the Scripture says: He is coming with the saints to judge the unfaithful ones, for the saints were those that were faithful and they have a reward from Me and seats of judgment near Me, to judge with them those that did not believe and do 45

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not believe. Those who believe are those who crucify themselves to the world, and the world is also crucified to them, but such miracles are no longer done by anyone, and behold, I am coming, and no one stands before Me, clean from the world and crucified to the world. I have spoken to you and I have said that the world is judged by My crucifixion on the cross. Every man who did not crucify himself for Me after I was on the cross for the man’s life, and every man who did not die and did not came to life through Me, was judged by My crucifixion on the cross two thousand years ago. He who hates his life, that one will gain it, for he, who loves it, does his will and he loses his life, for it is a great thing for the man to know the mystery of life, to look into it and not perish. However, I have drawn you near to Me to teach you from heaven into the mystery of life. Be, therefore, whole in your mind, sons, and «keep praying for the end of all

things has come near», as the Scripture speaks. Remain in My love among you, and keep on praying, for it shows you before you the angels that you are to My liking. The people do not love My will and do not look too much at those who live according to My will, but the angels rejoice, sons, and they come together, working near those who keep on remaining in My love from among them, for this love is patient towards love and it gives itself as a sacrifice for the brothers. This is what I said through the Scriptures: «This is My commandment: that you love

one another, even as I have loved you, for no one has greater love than this, that someone

lay down his life for his friends». ( John: 15/12, 13) However, the spirit of the world is enmity between man and God, and I knock at the man’s door and work out a living word over the man, and I work from the seat of My glory, for My seat is worked out of spirit and word, not of stone, not of wood, not of people and not of walls. That is why I said: Mine is the seat from this citadel and I sit on it and speak from heaven the word of eternal life. Amen. The eternal life is that the man to fulfill My commandments and to be holy, for My seat is the holy man, the man in whom I see Myself ruling over him, as I worked in My hierarch Spyridon, making a seat for Me of him and working from on it over many through signs and miracles, proved out in word and in work.

The shepherds of My flock are those who search the flock willingly, not forcefully:

« With joy for God, not for a dirty benefit, but rather with eagerness, not as the masters of the

flock, but giving themselves an example to the flock», as the Scripture teaches them. This means the work of a priest of Christ, and it is not possible with Me otherwise, but behold, many go to take this job; many are glad that they have it, but this ministration is a great mystery, and the priest cannot perceive it with his life, and the priest is not a seat for Me as My hierarch Spyridon was, who was celebrated in the heaven and on the earth on this day. He was with the poor. He fled from the haughtiness of the man. He made the rich ones poor and nourished with the mob of the rich those that were poor, for this is My seat in the man who serves Me for the man. He sided with the lower ones and was great in word and deed, showing that the wealth is a snake that bites and then leaves. He made gold out of the snake by My power in him in order to help the poor, and then he showed the vanity of the gold turning it again into a snake.

Oh, the life of a priest is a frightening mystery for the angels and for the devils, for the priest has to be holy all his time as a priest, and great in word and deed, and his deed has to fulfill My commandments, the commandments of the everlasting life. He, who is priest and does not work this way, becomes a teacher to his condemnation, for it is written in the Scriptures: « The teachers will have part of more condemnation» It greatly hurts Me, and I will start with the judgment from the teachers of My flock, for it is written: «It is the time for the

judgment to begin from the house of God». Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the celebration of St. Hierarch Spiridon, ( Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, r.n. ) from 25-12-1999.



The fearful judgment

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are coming down on the earth as word. God is coming down with rain on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

The rain is coming, watchmen sons, in the way of My coming. The rain is coming for the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit to grow on the earth. Amen.

The rain is coming to make the man grow into God’s image and after His likeness. Amen.

Stay under My growth and stay under the rain sons, for if My early and late rain does not fall on the man, that one does not grow, and the one who stays only now and then under My power and under the rain, that one is growing less, for either his legs do not grow or his upper body or his head or his heart or his mind or his faith, and he is stunted in his growth even if he grows and he does not grow as a whole body, for if the man goes to school only now and then, he does not become a great man, a learned man on the earth. The same is with the growth from heaven, and there are no people grown by heaven, for there is a great drought on the earth. It is a drought in the man’s heart; it is a drought of teaching, of resurrection and of longing for resurrection, and the man feeds on dust; however, I come with a heavenly rain for the living ones and for the dead ones and for those who are numb and arid of the resurrection. Let every creature under the heaven come under the rain of My word, for under this rain, the heaven grows on the earth. Amen. What is sown that grows, and behold, I, the Lord, sow heaven and the man sows dust, and then each one reaps what he has sown. However, it is a great pain over the man, and the man is numb and does not feel it. The earth does not have power of life for the man because of the man who has been sowing dust on the ground and the ground has been deprived of its sweet bosom, for I have taken its sweetness into heaven, because the man is no longer heavenly on the earth, but rather it is completely bitter; for Me every man is only wormwood and gall. The man on the earth nourishes Me with bitterness day and night. The man feeds Me on separation of God and on works that kill the Holy Spirit and the judgment of the creature is on earth, for each one reaps what he has sown. He who sows evil works eats of their fruits and fruit fades from fruit, and it is scarce the man who longs for the heavenly rain, which comes with the water of resurrection, with the spirit of resurrection over the earth. However, I come with the rain and with a flood of rain to clean everywhere, for I said that I come with fire, with the rain of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is a consuming fire.

I am the Judge over the living and over the dead, and the saints are with Me within My coming and they wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come, and each one will stay in his own order and gather fruit of those that he has sown on the earth. And those, who have sown living people on the ground, watering, weeding them out and taking care of them to the heaven, will gather the fruit of resurrection and eternal life, and this is how their reward will be. Every word coming out of My mouth will be judge over every man, and it will be as a standard of life, for it is written into My book that I will come to judge the living and the dead and to establish My kingdom, and this is what I do, as it is written that I should do. Amen. But first, I have come to judge from the cross, and the cross is My life that I laid down on the cross for the redemption of the man. Since then I am the One sacrificed on the cross for the man and I am ready to give Myself over as I am to the one who receives Me as I am. Let the man receive Me in him and do what I did. Let him take My cross and stay with Me on it for his redemption through My cross. He should not leave only Me on My cross; rather the man should also come closer to Me on it, for the saints did the same and all helped Me in My cross and they always went on the earth, either under it or on it, until up above to Me, for My cross is the way of the man to Me, for where I am there the man may also be, he who follow Me through the cross and on the cross. It is only through the cross that the man can 47

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be My follower, for I was not otherwise. The one, who does not stay through the cross before the people, is not My follower, but rather he is a thief and a robber, and he is the antichrist who comes before Me to do his own signs for those who are to receive their reward through this tool, through the work of the antichrist, who deceives by his coming every man who does not know to wait for Me, as I said that this waiting should be.

The day of My second coming is called by My saints the day of the dreadful judgment.

It is in vain that the man has been trying to flee from it. It would be better for the man to come closer to it instead, for no one will get away from it; nor the dead or the living. Man, if you are afraid of it, then get up and get ready for it, so that you may not perish by it, but rather to be the son of resurrection then, the son of the age what is to be. Get up and shake off the dust and everything on it and then wash yourself, for behold, the water is flowing down as rain from heaven on earth to cleanse you from top to bottom for My coming, and then I clothe you and put your shoes on and then give you the crown of My coming and I put you at My wedding table and bring you to the celebration of My coming, to the feast of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, man.

I call out the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead. They have been waiting for seven thousand years for the trumpet of their resurrection, and I tell them: there is still a little bit of time and everything and all will receive the garment of incorruptibility, the same as I made them from their very creation. Amen. Little and little and everything will come back into the life without death, and the dead come to life and confess their God and His work of seven thousand years, the work for the redemption of the bodies. Amen.

The earth has no longer power to help the man. The man has squashed its bosom, and the earth has become weak, and the man on it has become even weaker. However, My grace is with those that are afraid of Me and live by My grace, and I fill them with blessings and prepare their everlasting joy. Blessed are those who wait for Me to come for they have prepared for the day of My coming and rejoice over it, and the Father Sabaoth, announces it through Me, because I am full of the Father. Amen.

I call the trumpet of the resurrection of the dead. Let the dead and the living get up! Amen, amen, amen. I want every man, who has set himself as a ruler over the people, to wake up and to call the wakening everywhere, and let the man get up on the entire earth and make haste for his preparation for My coming. Little and little and those from the grave get up, for this is written into the Scriptures. The souls have been waiting for the resurrection of their bodies to come and welcome My day, the day of the dreadful judgment. Amen.

Stay under My growing and stay under My rein, you who live on this water. Take from it and grow, for the day is coming when the one who has not drunk will get dry of thirst on his feet. Take and drink and grow with the word that flows like the rain from heaven for those who eat and drink from heaven to be alive for My coming. Come to the fountain of life and ask the watchmen near it to take out water and to give it to you so that you may no longer go thirsty after another fountain, for the antichrist is going everywhere and pours out of his poison, that his water may be everywhere, for he thinks that I will no longer be God, and that he will be god instead. However, he will no longer be and nor the sons of lying, for I come to tear down everything he has been doing, and I work through those who are blessed by Me through My word of today.


The fearful judgment

I am clothed in the garment of judgment, for the spirit of the man stands powerfully against My coming. The wrath, the opposing man pushes Me to, overcomes My mercy, for it is the time to come because everything has come to an end on the earth, and the earth has been running out of power and it can no longer go on. There is no one to clean and to make it holy through cleanness, and the earth groans under the man’s sins and I hear its sighing and groaning for the man is heavier than the ground under him. There are only sins on the earth, only deaf people, as in the time of Noah. But I also call out and cry again, and I cry as in the time of Noah.

I call out until I come visibly and every man will see Me. I call out so that the dead and the living may hear Me, and the dead will help Me and will testify about My coming at the same time with their resurrection. Amen.

Here is the day of My coming; it comes coming with wrath! Even if no one prepares My way to come, nevertheless I come, but I come with wrath, for the man does not want Me and keeps on sending Me away from everywhere, only to be him, the man; the man who loves the lie enshrouding himself with it and putting it in the place of My righteousness. All the days of the man are his. The man eats for himself, fasts for himself, lives for himself, and seeks only for his own good, but he seeks without Me. Now I am coming to search out the man and I find him full of sins and I want to shake him off and to wash him to renew him and to make him again; however, if he does not want and remains deaf of hearing at the voice of My trumpet for resurrection, I, the One Who am Master, raise My hand and make a sign with it to the right or to the left for every man, for it is the day of judgment on the earth, the day of the Lord’s righteousness. Amen.

Oh, watchmen sons, tell it far and wide that the day of the Lord is coming. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are coming down on the earth as rain of word, the Lord’s Day. Who hides under My word, which said two thousand years ago: «Of this day or hour no one knows;

not the angels or the Son, but only the Father». ? Here is the Lord’s Day! God rains with it on the earth and the man passes through it and it passes through the man, and the man does not see and does not hear and does not know the day of My coming. However, you, those who are selected from among the people by My strong hand, spread the news on the earth that the Lord’s Day is coming, and let every man get ready for it, for it is coming. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judgment, from 05-03-2000. (On Calameo)


And as for you, who have come near to Me by the preaching of the word of Jerusalem, strengthen your feet and your standing with God. Do not be weak to each other and rather be wise for this word, for this exhortation, for I come to teach you the eternal life. Do not be weak to one another, for by your weakness you draw each other to weakness and to its reward. Do to each other good for God, by the strength of the Holy Spirit and carry your burden with love and patience, so that you may not be a burden for one another and so that you may not be fall and weakness for each other, as it happened with the first man created, who fell down by burden.

Do not find yourselves in burdens and seek to get rid of any burden instead, for the burdens make the soul and the desire for resurrection tired. Strengthen each other on your feet and do not be weakness for each other, but rather rely each other on Me, the Lord, and you will find yourselves with My peace, because I will give it to you and get power in you, and you will be My peace and will be with My peace in you. Do not rely on Me with your sins, but with your holy virtues in you and grow through them for Me instead, for I am aggrieved because of the man’s weaknesses, and the man cannot help another man for he is very weak. That is why I said that the man who does to the man good has gathered heaps on his adversary, works for those 49

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that are temporary, and here is the man’s judgment! Let the man no longer wait for the judgment, for I said: «The world has already been judged», and every man draws after him those that he has been working for, as the man does not put an end to his weaknesses because he can no longer do it. He who loves the woman, that one loves sin, and there is no other cause for the love of the woman. Let the women no longer rejoice or boast or become haughty because they are loved, for they are the sin for the weak man and are a deep chasm for the man, a chasm where the entire human kind has been falling down. ( See the selection topic: „The

mystery of the man and of the woman” , r.n. ) And the one who got wise from God flees from destruction and sticks to God. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, from 12-03-2000. (On Calameo)


I am the One Who chose of the people and made them into My sons and I prepared them by the word and made them holy in their life and faith, in their work and love and I have called them God’s sons in the middle of the people and I gave them the book of the judgment of the creature into their arms, for I write it on earth with them, and I lay it down before the people for their judgment, for I came into this world two thousand years to make see those that do not see and to show their darkness to those that say that they see. And today I have worked the same and the same way I have come to those who see, to put to shame those that do not see but boast saying that they see. But he, who sees, also sees Me, and he sees My coming for I come to him and make Me a house and I dine with him and appear to him, as I promised by My Scriptures two thousand years. And behold, I come with the word and with the fire, to cleanse with them, and you, man, you are to choose. I want to do good to you with the word through your faith into My coming as word on earth, for your preparation for My coming, for your little coat from Me, man, and if you want that I may not do good to you with My word, which comes to you from Me, then you will love the fire in which you stay and it will be lighted on you and it will crush you, for it is the time of the judgment of the creature. Amen.

The little angels cry to Me for the man’s mercy, because the time of the judgment has come and the little angels cry for this time and the man does not cry. Oh, how shall I make the man cry before My great day? Behold, the man does no longer know of My little angel and the wicked angels, who fell from heaven, have been fighting since then, from their fall, and until today, to prevent the man from coming back into heaven and into his eternal life, there where there is no pain but rather endless comfort for the man and for Me with the man, for without man I have always been groaning and without him I have not had any house, for the man is My house, and the man’s house is My heaven, which I prepared for him and for Me with the man in whom I have rest with My rest.

Oh, man, remove the scales from your eyes to see My coming and remove the scales from your ears and hear My calling, with which I come before you with the sons of My Father, with the sons of My word, with God’s sons, wandering man. I come after you with them to receive Me from them, for I give Myself to them for you, and you should receive Me from them, for I come with the word and with the fire and you will have to choose what you will receive. Receive the word and get ready through the teaching of My word. Do not take the fire, for the fire will be for all those that commit sin and that not give up sinning, which is meant for fire. Man, receive from heaven, for I come with the paradise on earth and I have already come and set the law of the paradise with God’s sons on earth. And if you hear Me, then be careful, for there is no sin in paradise. In paradise it is eaten a heavenly food, as I taught the first created man in paradise. When I put the man in paradise, I did not say anything 50

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to him but what to eat and what not to eat for him to live and not die. Man, you should know that everything from heaven are or fall from man through eating, for the man’s body is a temple either for God or for the devil. You should also know man, that life dies in man through eating and life is the holiness, which lives forever. You should know man that the sin is stirred up in man through eating, for the man is flesh and not spirit. Oh, if the man had wanted to eat what I told him to eat at the beginning, he would have not sinned and he would have not died through eating and disobedience to the law of the paradise, but now I have brought the law of the paradise on earth, and I have always come with it to make it perfect and I want that the man may no longer be flesh and blood, for these do not inherit incorruptibility and do not inherit the paradise and the holiness of the paradise. ( See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility” , r.n. ) When Adam became flesh and blood by lust, then he lost his incorruptibility, for I said to him: «If you eat

from what is not to be eaten, you will surely die, you will lose the corruptibility of your body

and you will lose your body». Behold, dear man, why your body perishes and goes into the ground. The body which eats something else than what I told the first created to man to eat, perishes and will no longer be, but the soul of the body cries to Me; the man’s blood cries to Me from the ground and the man is not terrified that I ask for his blood from his hand; I ask for his life, I call him into account for his life and the man cannot flee from this answer and will come into sufferance. Even the bodies in the ground, which have been waiting for their resurrection, will come to life, some to eternal life, because they loved it and worked it by waiting, and some to eternal condemnation, because they worked it in the life of their body.

Oh, do not hide man anymore, as I am in everything that I made, and you cannot hide but in Me, to save you from sin and perishing, if you want. I came to put the law of the heaven upon you, and to look at what you are doing, and I tell you by the word that you should no longer do what you do, as you make the man like you, not like Me; of you and not of Me; from you and not from Me. You make the man that is today out of lust. I spoke otherwise about what the man had to do. I told him by My word what to do, and I said: « Be fruitful, and

multiply, and fill the earth». I spoke by My word and the man should have been made from this word, and not from the sin of the fallen man, for the sin kills the man’s body, and the man has been entering into the ground for seven thousand years, and I came into the world for the judgment, to show the man how he had to fulfill My word which spoke to the man: « Be

fruitful and multiply». I showed My birth from the Virgin, and then I judged the man and I put My finger on his sin and I condemned it, but the man did not separate himself from sin and did not come back in heaven, but only a small remnant which believed through My grace, the grace of My coming. Now, I come again to tell the man about sky and heaven, and about the life without sin, and to give the man his life back.

I tell you, dear man, do no longer commit sin; do no longer be weak before the sin.

Receive from My spirit; take from My power, take from the Sons of God, as I put them between Me and you. Take and come back into the life without heaven, as there will remain nothing on the earth, nothing except the heaven, man. I tell you as I told Adam: eat from heaven, but do not eat from the earth, and eat with obedience from the earth. Eat what I told you, and start with the death of the sin within you. Oh, do no longer drink anything but only what I told you to drink, as what you drink I do not make to spring out of the ground. I gave Israel water to drink. Oh, do no longer smoke, as this is the hell and the torments of the hell on the earth with the people. Oh, do no longer commit adultery, but cleanse yourself of the lust of the flesh, which becomes hell and fire of hell in a man’s body. Oh, do no longer eat 51

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meat, man! Oh, do no longer eat! Enough man! You became the grave of so many creatures with the living soul in them. Enough! Enough man! You will no longer be in My country of wedding if you do not listen to this commandment, as there shall no longer be killing in Romania, because I said: « Man you shall not kill» and I said: « Man do not be

lustful» and I also said: « You shall love your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with

all your soul and with all your love, man». And if not even today you do not hear what I told you, and if you receive from man and not from Me for your life, you will soon see Me and you will hear Me when I tell the evil ones: « Go, you who are cursed, into the unquenchable fire

from you, at the reward according to the deeds, where is the weeping and the gnashing of

teeth, as you did not hear God, and you did not want life, and you lived as dead towards Me».

Behold the time of the judgment; and I call the man out from death to life and I come into the way of the man with you, children of My word, as you are the sons of My Father, the sons of God, through whom I save the creature, as it waits with eager expectation for its salvation, and I tell the man to come and to be saved. Let him come if he wants, as behold, My voice passes through the man and it tells the man: take, man and eat what I told you from the beginning to eat, so that you may not die, as the life dies into the man through food, and the sin is done in man by eating, as the man is flesh, and not spirit. Do no longer eat anything, and do not longer drink anything, but only what I taught you from the beginning. Amen. Then the sin and its lust will no longer come to life in you, and the heaven and its angels will serve you as the one born of God, man. Oh, set yourself to work as in heaven, and go to your returning, as the road is short; it is not long, and in heaven no one marries and no one is given into marriage, and all are like angels. Amen. And it is no longer as in the world, and the heaven will be on the earth, as it is promised to be and to give fruit, but the fruit is the tree of life, out of which the saints will eat and its leaves will be for the healing of the nations, as it is written. Amen.

I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I am within My coming on the earth, and I come from the Father. Amen. And I have got Romania from My Father, the country of My coming, and I have taken sons out of it, and I call them God’s sons; they, who are waited by all the creature, and the saints and the angels say: « Come, Lord! », for the Spirit says: « Come! » and the bride says like the spirit of the saints and of the angels: « Come, Lord! ».

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit say: Come to Me, man, come, as look, I come to give each one according to his own deed. I come with days of wedding on the earth; I come and I have always come. Come man too, as I share My life to those who receive from it towards eternal life that is to come on the earth soon, soon. And behold, it is coming and it has already come; and it is coming to take the death from the earth and to cast it into the unquenchable fire, where is fire and brimstone.

Behold the time of the judgment, and I call the man from death to life, from hell to heaven, to the eternal wedding life, with My bride of Romanians, as I am well pleased with her.

Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption. The feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day, from 28-08-2000.


Oh, waking sons on the earth, My word from you disturbs the world of angels and they come with My coming to you and see the throne of My word with you, the book of the judgment for the creature, from which the living and the dead receive each one according to their deeds. Until My leaving to the Father I had said this: «When the Son of Man comes in His


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glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory and before

Him all the nations will be gathered, and He will separate them one from another, as a shep-

herd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats

on the left and will tell those on His right: “Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom

prepared for you by My Father from the foundation of the world; and to those on His left

hand He will also say: “Depart from Me into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil

and his angels. These will go into the eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life».

Oh, sons, the angel of the Lord calls out, he sounds the trumpet of My coming upon the living and the dead. My angel, together with the heavenly host, sees the throne of My word with you, the book of judgment of the creature, the way of My coming for judgment. The heaven and the earth shake under the steps of My coming, for the last judgment has come. Amen.

John, My apostle, saw it coming and said: «I see a great white throne, and Him who sat on it,

from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. There was found no place for them.

And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and the books were

opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life and the dead were judged

out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. The sea gave up

the dead who were in it. Death and hades gave up the dead who were in them and they were

judged, each one according to his works. Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of

fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire». Amen.

Sons, give My word to the whole world, My new age, My speaking on the earth. Give My word to My people, for the people beat Moses because he led them out of Egypt, but they would beat you either because you let it die in the world. Give My new age to the dead, My word which is with you, for behold, My angel sounds the trumpet of My coming; the angel sounds over the living and over the dead. Amen.

I, sons faithful to My coming after two thousand years, I and you and with My angels open the gates of hell and death and call out the dead, as I called Lazarus out from his grave because of his sisters’ faith, whom I said: «If you believe, you will see God’s glory, for anyone

who lives and believes in Me will never die». Amen.

Oh, sweet and merciful children in the garden, I give you the sweetest and most beautiful word: I love you! This is the most beautiful word, and I give it to you, for I have no one to give it but to those who are loved. The archangels Michael and Gabriel are always on your right and left, on your left and right, for My work with you. My angel, Michael, the archangel, made for you a way to those in the graves, and a way for them to you, and here is their memorial and calling table for resurrection.

Oh, what a pain, because the man who call the dead into remembrance does not want to make alms as for heaven! Oh, what a pain! Those who are called into remembrance cannot come near. The brandy, the devil’s drinking, stays on the memorial tables; and the meat the same. Oh, for the heaven, one does not work as for those on the earth.

The angel does not come closer to the memorial and then to go and help the one who is mentioned. The meat and brandy do not work out any mercy to heaven, and they bring torment of hell for the one remembered instead. Oh, there are no longer on earth those who have mercy on those in the graves.

Sons from the garden of salvation, I love you. This is the most beautiful word, and I give it to you as I have no one to give it to. Give your hand to those who are asleep, for they 53

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have been waiting for it. I raise up a new generation out of you from the living and the dead, a new seed, after the spirit not after the flesh; out of cleanness, not out of flesh. I will fill the earth with those who are saved, with those who are born of My word upon you. I make out the great resurrection little by little. Soon, soon, and those who sleep in the dust of the earth will stand on their feet, for it is written to be so, and those that are written come into fulfillment completely. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2000. (On Calameo)


Oh, hardly does the man know Me when I knock at his door! Every man got used to say that the Lord is not. Oh, how could the man learn to say such a thing? The one, who has not got any fear of God, blasphemes and then he says: “It is not the Lord.” One hour, and the man will no longer say this. Only one hour and I will stay face to face with them, for no one has believed the mystery of the new age by now, because I, Myself, have to interpret and to reveal Myself with it on the earth, of the Romanian land. And let the man no longer ques-tions you about your knowledge that the Romanian land is chosen for My coming. Let him look at the kind of work I have been doing on it and to understand and to know.