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Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2009. (On Calameo)


Oh, I have come on earth to judge the living and the dead, as My disciples prophesied two thousand years ago that I would come again and that My kingdom would have no end at all. I have come to tell the man why he is punished, as it is written that I will come and each one will receive according to his work, and no one will be able to flee from the justice of everything, and I have come ahead of time to bring to the man the gift of repentance and that he may escape the punishment of his works and to come to Me in order to heal him by My word, as I worked two thousand years ago over those who were thrown down by sin, and I was giving them their salvation. No work on earth is given to man until first he is told about his deed, for which he must be punished, and this is how I also work, but I can heal the man from his guilt after he comes to know his guilt.


The fearful judgment

Oh, I have come on earth to speak with the man and to help him to repentance, so that I may remove his sin, which punishes him before God and that he may not receive according to his own deed, but to be happy by his forgiveness, for it is written: «Blessed is he whose

disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is forgiven. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord doesn’t

impute iniquity, in whose spirit is no deceit», for he says: «I acknowledge my sin to You. I did

not hide my iniquity. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord, and You forgave

the iniquity of my sin». ( Ps: 32/1-5, - 32 MT = 31 LXX)

… ‒ I, the Lord, am sealing now with My name the word of My prophet: without sanc-tification no one will see the Lord, no one will understand His coming. Amen.

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am speaking from heaven over the little garden of My word and it is written on earth and in heaven the word of My mouth, as it has been written in all the times through Moses and through all My prophets. I, the Lord, come to an end with My patience for those who do not believe. Behold, faith does not belong to everyone and it rather belongs to those who sanctify themselves with much holiness before Me, and many of those with holy law upon them will understand, and those who love lawlessness will not understand and will remain as they are, for I have been calling out to them and they have not wanted to open to be able to save them, and when the time comes for them to call Me, the door will be closed on the inside, as with the flood, as in front of the unwise and foolish virgins, who did not watch for My coming.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, from

02-08-2010.  (On Calameo)


Oh, let no one marvel at the opposition, at the carelessness of those who hear and say that they do not hear, of those who know that I have to come and do not receive Me when I come, by those to whom I speak and do not do as I tell them. This is how I was received two thousand years ago, after I proved so much power among the people on earth in word and deed, and those who wanted to be great among people, kept on minding their own business and put Me away from over them when the Father had sent Me to shepherd them to eternal life, and there was no place on earth where I went and where I spoke, that My steps could not be seen over those who did not receive Me when I entered at them, and so it will be today as well and this is how I will prove Myself as true God by My coming through My word of today, as it is written for Me to come and speak, and the dead to hear Me and to come to life if they want, if they have power to believe and to listen to My will upon them.

Oh, all the times have elapsed and there has come the time for Me to approach with the last days and I want to gather a people and to protect it from the time of judgment, because the judgment blows powerfully everywhere, and the Lord has the shovel in His hand and He cleanses His threshing floor and gathers the wheat in the barn, the chaff He throws into the fire, for this is written about the time of judgment and baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire over the people, and the man does not know the sweet taste and full of eternal life of the Holy Spirit, Who cleanses the man from sin and Who makes him an angel, if man can humble himself and believe, for only the one who humbles himself has a way to the light before him, and the one who cannot humble himself receives the baptism with fire, which is bitter for man.

Oh, My people from the spring, I thank you because you humble yourself to listen to My voice into your midst and bring before Me days of feast for My victory and yours on earth, 85

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as the days are full of darkness, son, and the devil works as well, and he is upset with you. Oh, get used, son, with every passing day, more and more, better and better and more faithfully to learn to believe that as the Father is in Me, likewise I am in those who take Me into your midst, and in whom I put My word so that they may speak to you, as I have whispered to them to come before Me with days of sacrifice and calling, to help Me in My victory against the serpent with many heads and with many horns and which I have to cut them one by one, whenever he gets them out, but without a tool, I cannot do My work. I, the Lord, have sent you word and I give you the power to fulfill it, but you should also give Me your spirit to fill it with My love, which stands for everything, for without My love you can do nothing. Then I told My disciples two thousand years ago: «Apart from Me you can do nothing!» ( John. 15/5). And I am telling you today likewise, and I am also going to tell you, in great humility I am telling you, that I cannot work and fulfill without you as well, as I have given you power to become God’s sons so that the Lord may have a way to do His work on earth, the victory for the kingdom of the heavens with the people, after that the wrath will pass ( See the selection topic: „The

great tribulation” , r.n. ) and after that faith remains, for faith will not pass away, because it is God’s tool before Him on earth, and with it He cleanses his threshing floor from unbelief and from those who are unfaithful, and this is how the Lord’s day will be on earth, and those who wait for the Lord to come with His day in another manner, these do not know what to say and do not know what they have been waiting for. ( See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n. ) However, those who are faithful wait for My promise for them: a new heaven and a new earth, and they have long endurance, not losing their patience like those who perish in this way then.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-

2010.  (On Calameo)


I am announcing Myself at the gates that I am entering as word into the book with My mother, the Virgin, because it is a feast among the saints for her in heaven and on earth. My book during these days received My today’s word in it and stays open for My coming again from the Father to man, to judge in it the living and the dead and to bring the news in it, always the news of the new and endless beginning, as My Scriptures spoke about Me that I would work on earth in the last days. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Coverage of the Lord’s Mother, from

14-10-2010.  (On Calameo)


Behold, when I can tell them, I do so, only that they pretend that they do not hear, but I am the One Who is coming now and judging the living and the dead by this word and I am telling them that they always speak and say in their church that they wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age that is to be, and I am coming with what they say that they wait for, and I am coming as word on earth for the living and for the dead, because My Father is sending Me to fulfill everything that is written in the Scriptures for Me to fulfill, and those who are asleep are preparing for their resurrection at My voice, which they hear, and the saints are getting ready more eagerly all the time to come with Me in the word when they hear Me that I come to you, on the table with you with the food from above, the angelic food, the food of those who are nourished with every word that comes out of God’s mouth.


Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint and martyr, Catherine, and of the great saint and martyr, Mercurius, from 08-12-2010.



The fearful judgment

This word is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and is born in His manger into the midst of the Romanian people, as it was been ordained by God for the last days for the Lord to come, Whose kingdom will have no end. Amen.

The Holy Spirit, the Comforter becomes word from the Father and from the Son and is glorified with His power and His gifts over those who believe and over those who do not believe, for some, for their salvation and for others, for their judgment, because it is sin, it is a heavy sin to say that this word is the devil or the man, and this sin is made by those that are written to commit it, those who are not faithful, whose reward is written into the Scriptures: the fire and the gnashing of the teeth.

I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am born as word of Holy Spirit into My manger of word, here, into the midst of the Romanian people, for I have on its hearth a holy citadel of new Jerusalem, of life full of faith in man for My today’s coming as word of the new birth of the world, for this fulfillment of the Scriptures of new Jerusalem on earth is worked by faith too.

Oh, by great faith, My mother Virgin received Me in her virgin womb and then she delivered Me as a godly Baby to the Jewish people, the people that did not receive Me and which was afraid of My coming on earth, and it has kept its throne on earth up to this day, ( With money, r.n. ), and they left Me to the heaven, but behold, the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and those who are not faithful do not know this truth, ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) oh, they do not know what they do when they want to erase My trace on earth. Those who were killing the people faithful to Me, calling them sorcerers and deceivers because of the miracles and the signs they were doing by their faith in Me, have made use of their reign. They have used their throne, those who were My enemies from My birth from the mother Virgin and up to My resurrection from the dead, after they gave Me over to be crucified, and up to My last day, when we will sit on the throne of glory for those faithful and unfaithful, as I am sitting now and reigning and fulfilling in this way. Oh, I sit on the throne of word, and the word coming out of My mouth is an iron staff and I shepherd with it those who are faithful and I judge with it those who are not faithful and I fulfill as two thousand years ago the Scriptures of My coming from the Father to man, and My kingdom will have no end, and the kings of the earth have not received My kingdom and I do not have anything their kingdom as well.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 25-12-2010 (Old style / after the Julian calendar) / 07-01-2011 (N.S.) (On Calameo)


I am writing Myself into the book with the power of word, for two thousand years ago, two days before I was caught to be taken from the garden of My last prayer, the Garden of Gethsemane, to be taken to Caiaphas, who gathered the whole Sanhedrin to find false witnesses to give over Me to death, I told My disciples that in two days the Passover would come and that I would be taken and given to be crucified; however, I had also told them before that that he Son of Man would come again in His glory and all the angels would be with Him and He would sit on the throne of His glory and the nations will be gathered before Him; He will separated them as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He would put the sheep on His right side and the goats on His left side, and He would take the sheep to eternal life and the goats will give to eternal punishment. Oh, what I told them at that time, teaching them everything, behold, it happens in this time as well, as this book, written on the earth with My today’s voice is staying as the seat of judgment and I have been writing Myself into it for 87

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more than fifty years with the nations of the earth, and I have been telling them of My coming and of My Gospel of that time, of My coming and My word of nowadays, the coming which I have been speaking to My disciples that it would be and that it would be fulfilled, as I spoke at that time.

… Oh, how well it would be with the man to stop for a moment before the Scriptures, which prophesied by My mouth, two thousand years ago, about My coming now, and behold how it is being fulfilled now! This day it has been read My word spoken two thousand years ago, but who is to animate the people to be careful at the day of My coming when I will separate the sheep from the goats? Oh, who can rest in peace at the thought that he might take after the sheep from the parable and stay carelessly for My day of glory then?

Oh, open your heart and not your mind, you, those who have heard in churches the Gospel of the memorial of My coming with the fearful judgment upon all the nations, which will be gathered on that day before My throne! You, all those who are healthy or not healthy, visited or not visited; all those who are big or small on earth, lords or servants, open your heart and ear to hear and then the word to come to into your heart! Watch for that day! Wash and refresh yourselves for it and wait in this way for its coming, for it surely comes and it always comes to its preparation! Put away the sin from you and take on the little shirt that I like, that I may be able to place you at My table, clothed and not naked, lest you may be taken from the table and given to those who search for the wedding garment of those who are invited, chosen and faithful. Oh, come to your senses for My day of glory! Do not give ear to those who teach you that God is not and that He is not coming! They want to be gods and that is why they teach you to believe so and to say so. Take after My word, for God is coming to you on His way and He wakes you up to meet Him; however, you should not say that I have hindered you from your business or that I am slow in My coming to you, but you should rather believe that I am merciful and that I wait for your preparation and for your little garment, as My table of wedding requires of your life and its little garment. ( See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb” , r.n. ) I am concluding My word now on this day and I am sealing it with My name: the Lord, Jesus Christ.

If the one who sees this name sealed by My name ignores it as though it has nothing new in it, then such a man is against Me and he is against himself either. However, I am sealing My word for those who are faithful and for those who are not faithful, for those who love it and eat it, and also for those who look over it to have their thought concerning the voice of My word, which is always in the present, always today. I am this word, I, the Lord Jesus Christ, within My coming with all the holy angels, and I am staying on the throne of My glory before all the nations to separate one from the other as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and I will put the sheep on My right and the goats on My left and I will give each one according to his works, and the sheep will go to the kingdom prepared for them by My Father from the foundation of the world, and the goats will go to their condemnation which they will have worked for them. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Fearful Judgment, from  19-02-

2012.  (On Calameo)


We set the word and a table of feast into the midst of the people of My today’s word, and let the Romanian people bow and take from the table and find the Lord’s speaking, for the Lord is on its hearth as word over the earth now, in the end of the time, and He calls this nation 88

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to salvation and to wisdom from above, for the Father Sabaoth chose it two thousand years ago to be My path over the nations and to be a house of My coming; furthermore, it also has to house My coming as word from the Father to man in its homeland, for I have to prepare the day of judgment, and it is much to be done for it, and I have been preparing the Romanian people to work this day from its midst over the earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-

09-2012.  (On Calameo)


Oh, I come into your way, man. Remember Me! I wait for you to know Me as your God. Behold, you have made a Judge from your Maker. I sit on the throne of judgment for your works and I put them on My right or on My left side, and you will go there where they gather according to their kind. You cannot hide in you or in man; you cannot hide from God. You cannot kill Me so that I may no longer be, so that I may no longer know or see your estrangement from Me. Oh, remember your origin! Man was the work of My hands and I labored when I created him after I had made the heaven and the earth to serve him as his adornment and the man to rejoice over those that testify for Me before him, and I became tired while I was bringing them into being and then I rested from the labor of My spirit and body, for I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, was body from the very beginning, as God is, and I made man in God’s image and after His likeness.

Oh, man, receive Me when I knock to receive Me! Turn back to your origin! Turn back before your works write your eternal place, for man is sinful and he will not have any joy from sin.

Oh, I sit on the throne of glory and I speak to man and I am surrounded by the angelic armies, as it is written into the Scriptures the sight of My glory. My very mouth spoke about the day when I would speak with all people, and two thousand years ago I said: «But when the

Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the

throne of His glory. Before Him all the nations will be gathered, and He will separate them

one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep on

His right hand side, but the goats on the left. Then the King will tell those on His right hand

side, ‘Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation

of the world, for you have loved Me in those who were My little ones, giving them comfort.”

Then He will say also to those on the left hand ide, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the

eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels, for you have not loved Me in those

that are My little ones.” These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into

eternal life». ( See Matt: 25/31-46) This is what I spoke two thousand years ago and My word has remained on the earth. Let man measure his stature and his life in comparison with these two ways I have set for the human kind, and let him wake up his heart and his conscience if he wants, for this is not a game, and it is to pay attention to the voice of My mouth upon man.

There comes the time for the soul, there comes the news for My passions endured for man two thousand years ago and there comes a time for the fifty-days fasting for the awakening of the soul and for the washing of the body full of sin in man. ( See the selection topic: „About

fasting and almsgiving” , r.n. ) The parable set now before by the saints of My church even from the early times of the Christian people on earth, this parable is being set now, before the time of the fast so that it may work at the right time over the souls of the people. Oh, if only the people may pay attention to it! My word at that time has got mercy and justice in it. I have described everything to man so that he may know and choose by himself, for this is what I 89

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spoke to man in paradise; I told him what to do and what not to do and then he chose by himself and he chose to separate from God by disobedience and then by its sin. However, men have to pay attention to this, for My word of that time and the one now stays face to face with them and it is time for them to consider this. I stay like a nurse before them and I show the way to them and I tell them where to go and how to live, and behold, that is why I am coming now on the earth, and if I did not come as I am coming now, it would be harder for man, but it is written for Me to come, and that is why I am coming. I am coming and sitting on the throne of My glory, surrounded by all angelic armies and I am writing down on the earth the judgment of the man’s works, and how shall I not do this when it is written for Me to come and to fulfill in this way?

Oh, sons of men, oh, people of Adam, the first one built by My hand out of clay and breath of life, oh, come to meet Me, for I am sitting on the throne of glory and I am speaking to you and I am standing before you with the judgment of your works. Oh, hear Me! My word comes into your way to give you power and by it to become God’s sons to be saved from the judgment for the works, for man does not work for God or for man on the earth, but only for himself, and this is sin and is added to the wages for the sin. Oh, listen to My voice and make peace with God. I, the Lord, call you: prepare for your salvation! I come into your way to support you, for you have lost your power to come back to Father God. I have to fulfill this page of the Scripture to draw all to the Father, but as many of them who may want to believe and seek to listen to My word in order to come back and to give themselves to Me?, so that I may also give them further to the Father, cleansed from sin and whitened through holiness for the day of My glory, then I will have them all around My throne and not only the angels; however, I will not have them near My throne to pronounce upon them the painful judgment, but I will have them for My glory with them, a glory like that of My angels.

Oh, be gentle and humble in your heart, you, those who chose to be with those on My right hand side! Stand only for Me, you those who decided to be with the Lord and for love, for love has got its own consorts! Be sweet like God! Do not answer evil with evil, but with good, with peace and with love, that the evil may be weakened and swallowed by good, for it is much evil on earth, for its power and its work have to go down. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment, from 10-03-2013.

(On Calameo)


I have tears in My cheeks and I am coming down from heaven with the saints above the little garden of My word into the midst of the Romanian people, and I am becoming the word of memorial of the day of the victory against satan, who interfered with the work of My church and got his spirit into it and overthrew the feasts of My saints from their places ( Changing a part of the feasts from the Old Style – O.S. – to the New Style – N.S., in the year of 1924, without a prophetic word from the Lord, and on the contrary, the prophets were against this, r.n.), and he put enemies in the church ninety years ago and since then it has played as they have sung; however, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, twenty two years ago, stood up with a synod of saints and fathers on the hearth of the Romanian people, and I set My judgment seat on earth to work from it by the spirit of prophecy and to speak to the church, as I have been working in all the times since I built the world, and I have not kept silent, as I am the Creator. By the word I made the heaven and the earth, for I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and the Father is in Me, and from age to age He is in the Son, and this is how God does His work; God does His work by the spirit of prophecy.


The fearful judgment

I have spread the news by My voice to the church of the Romanian people that twenty-two years ago, the heaven celebrated the victory on the earth on the hearth of this nation. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, with a great synod of saints, angels, and bishops from heaven and earth, established with the power from above a foundation stone, and on it the judgment seat, and on the seat, My word over the earth, which becomes a written book both inside and outside, for it is divided in parts and it does not separate, for I am the book and the book is My word, and I fulfill by the word. Amen.

Let those who say that there will no longer be people on earth in time but only very few of them no longer talk foolish things. Oh, there will be many, many of them and they will inhabit the earth as in heaven, for many people have been born from the beginning to the end and many have found their life in Me after that, and they will get up by the mystery of the resurrection of the dead, and then those, who are speaking foolish things now in order to fool all the people from margins to margins to make them forget about God and about resurrection, will see the foolish things they have spoken, but behold, all those who were and are will be called to give an account before the Lord’s judgment seat, and here it is where My dominion is and where its seat is, and here is how I rule over those who have sided with Me to be their God and to walk with them, to have a house with them on earth and to come to them with those in heaven with a table of word, as I am doing at this time!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the 22-year celebration from the lying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2013. (On Calameo)


I am sitting down with you at the table of word, My people. I have the heavenly suites at My table with you. We are getting ready to come down as word with power over the soul of the Romanian people on a day of the feast of the cross, the cross on which I was nailed and sentenced to death by the Jewish people, and this because of their lack of love for God, the man’s Maker. I will come and sit down; in six days I am going to come and sit down with great glory of word at My table with the Romanian people, for it is on its hearth that My Father has sent Me to come down as word on earth now, in the end of the time, and I am coming to set My throne of judgment and to call from it, far and wide, and the man everywhere to hear Me and to come back to God if he wants, if he receives the One Who calls, the One Who sees, hears and speaks, the God of His visible and invisible things.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-



I have written down for My coming the word into the midst of the Romanian people. I have room and board on the hearth of this people and I have a hospitable people and it has faith for My today’s work over the earth, everything coming out at My word, everything by My power and by the great grace of God’s creation, for My creation is this mystery working into the midst of this nation, in which I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, I have laid down My coming and My sitting on the reigning seat of My glory, as the word of My mouth was written two thousand years ago, for all the nations to stay under the glory of My word and to come together so that I may separate some from others as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats to put the sheep on My right hand side and the goats on My left hand side and to tell them their destiny for eternity, as everyone’s work was in his life on earth, and this is how will happen, because God said so.


The fearful judgment

I am writing down into My today’s book the word of watching for those who receive My exhortation, My speaking over the earth. Oh, one is to watch for the day of separation, for on that day I will say to those on the right and to those on the left their place of inheritance, and it is good for each man to take very seriously into consideration for this moment, for those on the right will hear the voice of God’s Son, Who will tell them: «Come, blessed of My Father,

inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry,

and you gave Me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger and

you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison,

and you came to Me… Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of

these My brothers, you did it to Me». ( Matt: 25/34-40) Oh, and then I will say to those on My left hand, «Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil

and his angels». ( Matt: 25/41) Moreover, after I will have finished this separation each one will go to his place he has prepared by his works, as it is written.

Oh, behold, it is to be watched for that moment, and one should seriously consider My word of that time, for I did not take it with Me in heaven, but this word has remained on earth and it still has its power and truth.

And now, We are to put into the book the good meaning of this word, because each one understands in his own way and no one pays attention to God and to His teaching.

Oh, people of My word, oh, sons from the spring, let us split the thread in four for all the meanings sons so that it may be useful for many, for the man who takes pride in his works and faith, does not have the chance to hear how God’s word is to be understood. I had been with My disciples two days before I was cunningly arrested by the ruling priests, by the scribes, and by the elders of the people, who conspired how they were to catch Me. I was with My teaching upon My disciples and I told them many parables about the Kingdom of the heavens, and I have told them one after the other, and then I clarified to them the day of My coming with the judgment for the works. After that we went to Bethany, telling them that I would be caught, crucified and buried, and then the woman with the myrrh came and it happened so for the preparation of My sacrifice, because she poured out this myrrh over Me. And when the day of the Last Supper came, I told them that the time of My betrayal had come. We finished the Supper and I revealed to them the one who was going to sell Me and we got out in the garden of Gethsemane and waited for Judas there and he came with those who caught Me, and I went away from My disciples, from My brothers who were little in the eyes of those who ruled over Jerusalem, since I, their Lord and Teacher had been found worthy of punishment by crucifixion and there were only two men of influence who had mercy on Me in time of trouble and they took My body and organized My burial, and all the others found their place on My left hand side for the day when the fearful judgment would take place.

Oh, sons, while I was speaking to My disciples, I spoke about the day when as a shepherd I would separate the sheep from the goats and I would put the righteous ones on My right hand side, for they had mercy on Me whenever they did it to one of the least of My brothers.

Oh, who would these brothers be? These are those who suffer with Me and for Me as My disciples suffered, My brothers without any price in the eyes of the rulers over the people, and they are those who follow Me with their life and not only with their works, for I said:

«My mother and My brothers are those who listen to My word and fulfilled it when they are

on earth», ( See Matt: 12/48-50), and these have to be found, they have to be known, for they are the gold of the heaven on earth, and they have part with God in their life and after that, and 92

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whenever they are shown mercy because they are Mine, and those who have mercy on them will surely not lose their reward.

I told My disciples: «Whoever will give you a glass of water because you are Mine,

will not lose his reward». Oh, is there still someone among those who think that they know and understand from God? Is there someone really, one who understands My word, well explained?

Oh, if you, man, need the knowledge of a mature man, to whom you want to go with your offering for the help you want to receive, can anyone pledge for you before the one you knock at his door? Oh, the same is with the meaning about the least of My brothers, those who can open the kingdom of the heavens for many. I am the King of those who love Me by suffering with Me and for Me on the way, as My disciples suffered, those who were despised for My name and who preached about the kingdom of the heavens to all those who believed or not in it.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful Judgment, from 19-02-2017.

(On Calameo)


I am writing Myself down with you into the book of My word during this time, My book with you, sons who are receiving Me to speak to you. I am strengthening your little hearts with the spirit of peace and holy hope, for My mysterious work with you works over the earth, and I pray to My Father for you to take care of Me with you, to take care of the fulfilling of the Scriptures for which He has sent Me on earth as word, for the Father works according to the book, but people need wisdom from above to understand the book, to know how to read in it, and I am bringing word into My book of today to sprinkle it over the people so that they may find it and grow in wisdom for God, for there are great fulfillments in waiting, and faith from heaven over the people is needed, and hope is needed, as well, sons.

Into My book of two thousand years ago with My disciples of that time, I wrote that I would come with all the holy angels and I would sit among them on the throne of My glory and all the nations would gather and stand before Me, and I would separate some from the others as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats and I would pass the sheep on My right side and the goats on My left, and I would bless those on My right side because they had visited Me and helped Me when in need of bread, water and clothes, because they had been near Me in weaknesses, because they had comforted Me in times of trials and they had done these whenever they had done it to the least of My brothers, to those who had suffered for Me and with Me, carrying out My work with its tasks; however, those who had not done this would stay on My left hand side and receive the wages of being idle and not working or helping, while those who had been close to Me and helpful would go into eternal life, as it is written.

I was preparing the hope of their reward for My disciples, because the time was coming near to be given into the hands of those who had no mercy on Me when they saw Me in pains and shortcomings, and behold, those who are remembered in My Gospel of today are divided in three parts. First come those who seem to be insignificant in the eyes of men because of My name, because of My work with them and because of the cross they have been carrying. Then come those who help them with mercy and faith, and in the end there come those who have ignored those who are My least ones in the eyes of those who have thought that they are the big ones, who boast that are and can do everything in My name.

Oh, sons, those who think that they are wise and that know to interpret the Scriptures do not understand the Lord. Oh, how are they supposed to understand the Scriptures if they do not 93

The fearful judgment

take after the Lord in love and humility. The Gospel of this Sunday, is read and remembered in churches, and it was ordained by the saints with great meaning close to the beginning of the Lent, but it passes by the mind and ear of those who are gathered, for they do not have a mind from heaven with the help of which to interpret My speaking, the word which judged then those who did not know Me and did not help Me, but on the contrary, they oppressed My disciples, those insignificant in their eyes, and those who were strong in their authority over the people.

Oh, how are the people to understand who are My least ones, the most insignificant in the eyes of the great? My least ones are My brothers; they are those who love Me with self-denial and serve Me after My will, and I take care of them by those who are merciful, by those who have a good heart, who take care of those who are under My cross and help My steps when I work on earth through those who receive Me and listen to Me and stay under the burden of the cross with patience and hope, and I, the Lord, prepare them a reward on My right side for those who sustain My course and work on earth. ( See the selection topic: „About

fasting and almsgiving” , r.n. )

In order to sustain the Lord and earn wages from Him, people have to know how they can do this. However, they learn and do otherwise, and all their ignorance comes upon them because of the lack of their looking into the Scriptures, which they should interpret and study with great care and prayer to their knowledge. Oh, if you do not ask the Lord to open your mind when you want to put your hand and open the Scriptures, behold, that is why you do not understand what the Lord has written in them for your wisdom, man who do not know from God!

Oh, learn well the mystery and the work of the Scriptures, My people, because your power comes from Me, do not forget that. You are the little one, the most insignificant in the eyes of those who are clothed in the vestments used for the saints, and they do not love you because you are Mine and they denigrate you either, and more than that, they slander you; however, your light shines on your face, into your midst, for I am with you in the world and I am your light and I want to make you the light of the world and I want you to serve Me like that, and I also want to be able to say on My day of glory: “Let there be light!” And you should open your flower and show your growth from God, your Christian stature, church sharing light, to which I may be able to call the nations and to tell them: Come, come and receive light! ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. )

Now, peace to you! And let us come down into the book with those who wait in queue to come with Me on their day of synod among the saints: the bishops with whom I have been doing My work of today, Basil, Gregory and John.

Oh, remain with the book open, sons, and receive the Lord, for the Lord is coming to you, and He is coming with His saints, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Fearful Judgment, from  11-02-

2018.  (On Calameo)


Behold, a request for forgiveness from the Father is being raised from here of those of two thousand years ago who drove Me away from this earth and of those of today, who have persecuted Me just like those of that time, for I was and I am this word of longing with which I am coming down on earth through My bearers, through the little disciples of Verginica.


The fearful judgment

We are giving now little and white shirts of linen, like those of My saints, like My shirt too, so that you may stand before the altar of fire from here, from My citadel of word, where I have My seat of judgment, for this judgment for you is coming to an end with its forgiveness, with the reconciliation to the Father and the consolation for you, for I am now as much of a Comforter as then on the cross, when My look comforted those on the cross, but especially the one who gave Me over to be sacrificed, because he then confessed My resurrection on earth. In the last time you too fulfilled the Scripture of the persecution of Christ and the contempt which you gave Me so that I might be able to come down as word and to be Your Savior and the Savior of those who have stung Me in all the times of My works with man, and now you are released from all that you did and went wrong before God and to My walk with My trumpet, and she is full of love for you and is now embracing you as God’s sons. Amen.

And now, ministering sons in the garden before Me, bring before the Father a prayer of forgiveness for them, and then We are going to bless the cross of the column of crosses, oh, and We are spending in a sweet celebration all the time of the feast, and I am with you in the word all the length of the day.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday after Pentecost, of All the Saints. The centenary of the birth of Saint Virginia, from 11-06-2023. (On Calameo)


The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can also see the following thematic selections:

Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan

The apocalyptic trumpets

The apocalyptic fire;

What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;

Enoch and Elijah;

Resurrection of the dead;

The false prophet and the ecumenism;

The dead hear My voice;

The rapture of the Church

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

About the kingdom of God

The true church

The great tribulation

The mystery of the man and woman

About fasting and almsgiving

About the graven image and the sign of the cross

The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility

The coming in a visible way

As in the days of Noah

The Wedding of the Lamb

The fearful judgment

This word is the river of life

He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds

About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life

The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God


The fearful judgment

The glory of God

The changing of the holidays – renunciation of faith

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified

As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord

About baptism

The apocalyptic white horse

The kingdom of one thousand years

The sign of the Son of Man

The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation:

The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;

On the same theme from other sources

(The Lord): “How it will go with the judgement of Jerusalem, it also will happen with a future large world judgement, when I entirely will finish off the great whore of Babel. But this will be a judgement like during the times of Noah and like during the times of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Also then big signs will take place on earth, at sea and in the sky, and I will awaken servants who will foretell the future and who will announce the coming judgement several times. But the haughtiness of man will not hear them, and even if he would listen to them, he still would not believe their words, but laugh them off as fools. But this will be a sure sign, that the great judgement with great certainty will take place, which will consume all culprits of evil.

Also during that time some youths will have visions and some maidens will foretell the things to come. Good for them who will thereby better themselves and truly become converted!

This, however, will be easily recognisable, like one recognizes from a figtree that spring is near, namely when the (bods) become juicy and start to break open.

Their will be large separate wars among the nations and one nation will attack the other; their will also be high inflation and all kinds of pestilence illnesses will arise, as it has not yet occurred among mankind. Also large earthquakes will take place in advance so that the people can admonish themselves to atonement and loving actions. Good for them who will do accordingly!

But many will not take any note of it and will ascribe everything to the blind forces of nature, and the foretellers will be scolded swindlers and many will be thrown into the dungeon for the sake of My name, and under great threats of punishment they will be prohibited to speak in My name and to announce the coming judgement. Who will not do the will of the great whore of Babel, will be in big trouble.

But all this must take place about seven-hundred years before the judgement, so that in the end nobody can say, that he was not warned sufficiently. From now not fully 2000 years will pass; and this will be apparently a youngest but at the same time also last judgement on this earth.

Only from then on Paradise will be placed on earth and a lamb and wolf will peacefully live in one stable and will eat from one bucket.

However, close to the judgement the sign of the Sun of Man will be seen in the sky, which means the heaven in man will recognize Me as the only Lord of heaven and earth, and man’s soul will praise Me a lot.

But this is still not the perfection of man. However, if I will then appear illuminated and bright before all mankind in the clouds of the skies with all heavenly powers under the sound 96

The fearful judgment

like many war - and judgement trombones, namely the true heaven, which is in the heart of man, then the judgement of the world will be there.

The right person will then enter My magnificence and the culprits of evil will be consumed by the fire of My just rage and enter the kingdom of their evil works, which is prepared for all incorrigible devils. Since who voluntarily choses hell, he then should also be cursed in it, as it is cursed in itself. Just like the good forever stays good, evil will also forever stay evil in itself and will be the everlasting foundation which forever will serve Me as a rest for My feet.

I Myself out of My primordial divine personality will not judge anybody, but all this will be done by My word which I have spoken to you. Since once I have ascended to My kingdom, I will never return to this earth in the flesh, but only in the spirit, in the word, and it will be as it was in the beginning where it says: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word.

But the word has taken up flesh and lived among the people. He, which means, I came to My own and Mine have not recognized Me; for the world and its flesh have made them all blind and deaf.

I am now with you a person in the flesh; but therefore, I cannot give to you all the power of My spirit. However, if later on I will not be among you in the flesh like now, but be among you only in the spirit, then I also will be able to provide you with all strength and power of My spirit, which of course I am since eternity. In the spirit and the power I will stay with you until the end of time, for which this earth will still exist, and until it has ripened for Me the last judged spirit. However, with this earth the cradle for the children of God will forever extinguish. From then on everything will be judged spiritually.

I have told and showed you several times already, how it will be on this earth. Therefore wait with patience for the certain redemption, which will not stay away, and do not wish for a world judgement before its time! Since when it will come, it will still be too early for you and even more for those who will be judged; since in judgement love and mercy are far away, and each soul will be handed over to its own help, so that she bitterly can experience, how totally useless her futile, temporal help of the world people was. - and now tell Me, if you have understood everything well!”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 6, chapter 174
