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The fearful judgment

After I went to be within the Father on His right side after the resurrection, the angels, the powers and the dominions submit to Me, for I suffered in My body on earth for the forgiveness and for the salvation of the man, and the man is not supposed to flee from sufferance if he is a sinner, for it is written: «For he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin

that he no longer should live for the lusts of men, but for the will of God». ( See 1 Pet: 4/1-2) Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day of Passover, from 12-04-2004. (On



When I was with a sweet feast laid down in the garden of the meeting for the birthday celebration of My mother, the Virgin, I said that it comes quickly, it comes quickly the moment for every man on earth to remain in what he will have been found, and I want to remind you, My people, to let yourself be tested by the fruit of the Spirit so that you may be established well in them, and I want to remind you of the flame of the furnace in which the three young men, clean in their heart by their repentance for their entire nations, were saved from the fire, for I sent My angels, who appeared in glory, and thus shining with My image and likeness, and he blew coolness into the flame to protect from fire those who were punished by the unfaithful king of their time. This is how I want to protect those who let themselves into My hand, those who let Me to live in them with the fruit of the Spirit and to gather them together for their salvation, and to raise them for protection when the earth will receive the baptism with fire on it in order to cleanse it from the man’s sin, as I cleansed the temple from merchants, when I grabbed the whip and took them out from the place consecrated to God, so that the place, known to be God’s among all those on earth, may not be mocked by the devils.

And I told them, for their strong protection, that which is from Me, and I told My disciples:

«Take heed and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees, which is hypocrisy»,

( Matt: 16/6), for it is their work, their yeast. And I told them this to get them used, day by day, to a large place in them for the fruit of the Spirit and to protect those who were Mine, My witnesses and prophets of the Holy Spirit.

And to you, My children set by Me in the way of My word, when it comes to teach My obedient people, to you I speak in other way. I tell you this: be wise like serpents and gentle as doves and stay within the fruit of the Spirit, teaching children, and teach My people and put on the brake to any trace of darkness into the midst of My people, for the time is coming that everyone to remain where he will be found. Exhort everyone, and exhort them from near Me, not from near them, to become a dwelling place for the fruit of the Spirit and to walk spiritually before Me all the time, for I do not want to suffer from the disobedience of My people, but I want you to teach the people from Me, teaching children. Remind them from Me, not from them, that the works of the body are against the works of the Holy Spirit and they are hostile to one another, and I strengthen your living between Me and My people and tell him that he, who does not receive you, puts Me away and not you, and he, who speaks evil of you, speaks evil of God’s law and is an enemy of the works of the Spirit of love and of its benefits. I am crushed within you with all My pain, and how much I would want that at least some of the people may take and bear pain from heaven, for you are small and you stay small before the people so that you may stay near it, and My pain of seven thousand years is great, children sons, and you are crushed under it, for the man is My house, and blessed is the one who knows to take Me in his house as Luke and Cleopas took Me, and then I remained in them and they in Me, for My grace caught fruit in them by their faith in Christ, the messenger of the Father, children sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Protection of the Lord's Mother, from

14-10-2004.  (On Calameo)


The fearful judgment


Through you I will protect My sheep, children sons. I will shepherd them. I will strengthen the weak sheep, I will lift up the sick one and the fat one I will make it breed lambs and ewes for My kingdom, for the increasing of the flock, which will receive salvation from My hand, for the dreadful day of the Lord is coming, and before its terror, I will gather My sheep together into the fold, for they will know My voice and will come to the pasture and will find it. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Nicholas, from 19-12-

2004.  (On Calameo)


I come on earth as word for the judgment of the creature and for the crowing of those who by patience and hope fulfill My commandment by which I told the man to love God and loving Him to know to love between earth and heaven, for love is from man to God, and to man from God.

I come on earth as word, and I come from heaven on earth as word in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and These Three are One, and They are one word: The Word of God. ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ) Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, people of My word, I rely on your faith in My coming when I come, and I speak crossing the sky with My word to be heard on earth, and those who hear Me coming, open to Me, and I come in to you so that you may not stay without God on earth, for on earth there is the lawless man, who wants Me in heaven and not on earth with him, not on earth with you in such a way that he may hear Me and to believe Me from My dwelling with you on earth. However, he does not know to learn, and he cannot do it but only as on earth, and he does not want to know about My heaven, about My coming with the heaven to you, about My word, which has come with the judgment of the world and of its trespasses, for the commandment that I gave to the man, stands now face to face with the man, and he has nowhere to hide from it, and he has no other way but to believe in it and in Me, because it asks the man for an answer, and he cannot give whatever answer he may want to the commandment of life, for the life in man is supposed to be obedience to God, because nothing else means for the man to have life and a good answer before Me, now when I come to search out the fruit on earth and when everyone stands before My coming, willing or not, believing or not believing, with the fruits of his life.

Oh, My people, I dwell into your midst as word, for there is nowhere on earth, nowhere, a place where to be able to bow My head and to be received and known and loved and obeyed as a God, Who laid down His life for the man. I come to speak out My word over the earth now, when the man of lawlessness still sits as a great and strong one on the seat, which is apparently considered to be holy. It is written into the Scriptures that I have to come, and if it were not written, I would not come. It is written in the Scriptures that I had to come and to become man, to be nailed on the cross and to be laid down in a tomb, to come to life again, and then to ascend again to the Father so that I could also come back and to judge the living and the dead, and I cannot let the Scriptures not being all accomplished. Oh, how it was possible not to fulfill this Scripture, which said that I come to judge the living and the dead and then to reign forever and to give the man the life, which is to be according to each man’s work for it by everything he did while he was on earth in the flesh for his eternal life! ( See the selection topic: „The kingdom

of one thousand years” , r.n. ) 79

The fearful judgment

Oh, My people, the man does now know to believe that God’s Scriptures surely come true. As far as every man’s life concerns, the man has to build it in his body, in his own body, in which God is supposed to dwell and not him, but he acted the fool saying that he did not know this mystery; however, he does not play the fool when he receives medals and diplomas of a great and intelligent man. And the one, who has taken on a name and a rank of holy man to God, did not play to fool either, but I tell you that he will be called into account for what he has sown in his body; he plays the fool pretending that he has not known, that he has not believed, that he has not seen or heard. However, I am preached far and wide, from one margin of the heavens to the other, and the commandment spoken by Me over the man for his eternal life will require an answer of every man, for God is true in all His word. Amen.

Oh, children, teach may My people listen to you! Amen. Oh, children who teach, make way for the glory of My word in you, for the earth and everything that is on it have to listen to you. And if someone asks you which your name on earth is, you should say that your name is: the Word of God, and let your confession be true, sons and bearers of My word to the man.

Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2005. (On Calameo)


Behold what a feast among those in heaven and among those on earth here! The entire host of the heaven listens to My voice. The fallen host of angels has been replaced, for the saints from the earth came and come and fill the empty place, and then it will be a day of joy, for the fallen angels will bow down, and the evil spirit will be closed in the abyss and it will no longer be able to do anything. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2006. (On Calameo)


Oh, today’s people of my Son Who was pierced on the cross, and you, people of old of His word of today! The Lord is upon you as word and teaches you the resurrection and His glory with you and the fulfillments of His promises done for His glory with His people in the end. These are the words, which He spoke to you in the time of those fifty years of word upon you, that they would come to their fulfillment. He showed in a vision this land of New Jerusalem before it was seen with the Lord’s glory in it so that the Lord might call the people to Him, to the spring of His word of life giving. He judged the world and its ruler by His resurrection, and you will not be able to judge this world lost from God otherwise so that it may come to its salvation, people of the Lord’s coming to you. Blessed are those who love sufferance, for my Son told everybody: blessed were those who mourn and blessed were those who were persecuted for Him.

Oh, as long as the people do not love sufferance, they will not be blessed; they will not come to know the happiness with the Lord. I am the mother of the One Who suffered for man and I teach you His love, the love by which He suffered, people of the Lord. By His resurrection He judged the world, and neither will you be able to overcome the world otherwise. Therefore, come to life in the Holy Spirit more and more and give the voice of the resurrection of my Son to the sinful world, the One pierced on the cross for man, and that every man may hear from you my Son speaking upon the earth the word of holy feast: Christ is risen!


The fearful judgment

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the healing Spring, from 13-04-2007. (On



Oh, behold, now, after two thousand years, I am coming down again full of power from the Father to renew the world, to fulfill the Scriptures of new birth, and behold, I set on earth the judgment by the word to breathe repentance on man, for the forgiveness of his sins and for his resurrection from the death due to his sin, just as I was resurrected from the death brought upon Me by the sinful man, for the sinful man cannot do anything except death, and life does not come from man but from God instead.

Oh, children from the gates, I am born as word of mourning in a day of the feast of birth children sons. Oh, if I can no longer support you, how am I supposed to comfort you in the hardships where I always, always find you, in which I mysteriously comfort you, sons, I comfort you with heavenly powers, I comfort you with the saints and with the angels, I comfort you with the spirit of the holy patience, which I always, always give you, for My victory and its way has become hard for Me. The man has been making My way to the people worse and worse, but I dwell in you with My whole coming, with all its pain, which My people cannot bear. Oh, bear it for Me, even if you are going to mourn without being comforted until the day when I wake with terror all those who are standing against Me and against you now so that I may not be able to work with the whole mystery of My work over the earth now. This word, by which I pass you from the heavenly things into those from the earth, relying on you, is not a sweet song or a mourning song, but it is rather My coming with the judgment by the word.

Amen. I come to judge the living and the dead by the word, for I told everybody two thousand years ago: «It is not I, but My word that will judge you». Amen.

Oh, children in want but victorious by My greatness upon you! I have not come to judge the world, and if I judge it by the word because of its works without God between earth and heaven, then I want to exhort it to repentance and resurrection, sons. Blessed are those who receive you with My word to man! Blessed are those who listen to you with love and glory, for this glory is the fulfilling by obedience to My word, by which I pass today to man, relying on you. I take care more and more to speak a little bit to you so that I may not stir up the wickedness towards you, the work of strife, the one born two thousand years ago near the manger, in which I came on earth as a child born of the Virgin. However, behold, I speak to you all the time, but mysteriously so that I may not be heard and I do it to strengthen you and to give you work to do for Me. Work for Me, sons! Even if you are in want, work for Me, well sons!

Listen to Me to be My children, as I have made you My children and you are My children-sons by obedience. Moreover, let My small people not forget that you are My word in its midst, the Word of God. And let it not be hard for him to believe this mystery, let it not be hard for My people but rather let My people of today be faithful to Me. Let My people listen to you and to Me, and let it take from you and from Me, for you have, not yours but My things for him, because I am the One in you, and he who does not take My word in this way, that one narrows My way and makes you work as much as the man does. However, I exhort you to take care of those who love Me strengthening you for Me, for those who love you this way, love Me and not you. Endure with love all the hardships that are upon you and seek after the comfort in pains from those who cry with you, from those who are not afraid of pains. I am the mysterious One.

In addition, you should be the same into the midst of My people. This is how we will work until the fields are ploughed for a new fallow soil, for a new seed, for the new sowing that I reveal it to you by the spirit of prophecy, for the spirit of prophecy is My testimony, as it is written. Oh, do not stumble against man. I am the One Who set you to work for Me and not like man; from 81

The fearful judgment

Me and not from man, sons. Oh, if I could work without any obstacles through you that what I have to work now, it would be seen the power of My victory over the darkness in the earth, which keeps the people in death, but we will be able to work that way, and we will be able to work soon, soon, for I have come to be the Victor, and the visible God, and there will flow rivers of tears from the eyes of those who could not see with them My mysteries hidden in My word upon you and in you, sighing sons and more and more pressured within the gates. Peace to you! It is very hard without peace in you. There is only sufferance in you. Peace to you in sufferance! Endure it strengthening one another, even if now it might be for you to work much and according to My will against man’s will. Oh, do still endure! Once with the time of endurance there comes the time of the mysterious time by endurance and its fruit comes, children sons, it comes. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 25-12-2007 (Old style / after the Julian calendar) / 07-01-2008 (N.S.). (On Calameo)


Woe to those who go mad in their mind, for their punishment stays on their tongue, which shows their madness, a tongue by which they scorn and strike in the light which tries to take them out of their hidings and to show them the face empty of glory and truth! Soon, soon, these will be brought into view and judged by their own words, which are their punishment, for their words judge them face to face with My glory upon you, people not loved by the world, as I also was not loved by it, as My saints were not loved by it either, for I was blamed just as you, and My saints, the same.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and archdeacon Stephen, from 09-01-2008. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, those who know about God and do not want to be like Him after that will pay hard! Carelessness helps the man to stand away from My glory, and the world teaches him to be ashamed of My way and to stay in its way. Oh, My people, you are great for Me because of your belief in My work of yesterday and that of today, and be careful, for it is written into My word after My resurrection for those who believe in Me that they will cast out demons from the people, that they will speak with new languages and will heal the people. Oh, there is no man not to have a demon in him, and the demon frowns when you want to make it upset in man. Oh, the earth is full of demons and the people are the same, and the people do not know what it is, and what the demon does in man, and the people do not know what that is and what the Lord does in man there where He is able to reign in man. The demon keeps the man near him and near his, and the Lord keeps the man near Him and near His, for the darkness is great between demon and God, between man and God. My book of today is the book of judgment in which I write the man’s sins, for I look down on earth and this is how I write the book, and then I put it face to face with the man and before this I tell the man his worldly and devilish works, for the judgment of the creature is this time of My coming again as word after two thousand years from the Father to man, and he who believes in Me and in My word of today, that one gets up and understand My word of two thousand years ago either, and one like that gets up from the dead and becomes My disciples, the disciple of My holy will and a messenger of the Gospel of the resurrection. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04-2008.

(On Calameo)



The fearful judgment

… Oh, son of this word that gives birth to sons! You adorn yourself with God by your work and, again, you alone cast away God by the work you do. No one lifts you up and no one makes you fall, no one but you alone, and this by the work that you do between you and God, between you and your neighbor, good or evil, alive or dead, praised or full of shame, and in this way each one comes to be either to My right or to My left side by his work. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from



Oh, My people, those in the tombs leap with comfort when they hear My voice into your midst, and behold, those on the earth are turning their years away before My speaking of today, which those in the tombs are hearing, son. My speech of today is the time of the judgment and it is preparing the waking up of those who are asleep, some to eternal life and some to eternal sufferance, as I spoke the word two thousand years ago. I exhort all those on the earth to their good work, which may make their way to their eternal life with joy. I exhort all people to seek after My Scriptures of two thousand years ago and help themselves with My teaching of that time, for he who reads in My Scriptures of that time finds the way. ( See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead” , r.n. ) Oh, read the book of My Gospel of that time, you, those on earth! Do not take to read only and only those written by people. Also take the word of My Gospel and you will find in it the way, the truth and the life, which will make you free. Worship with the sign of the holy cross and ask for the wisdom of God and then read the book of My Gospel and you will be revealed by it and you will love it, for My word is a life-giving spirit and drives away from man the unfaith and ignorance and replace them with the way, the truth and the life. Oh, seek to do good to Me so that I may be able to call you the blessed of My Father, for it will be painful for those who will be hearing on My day of glory when I will tell those who will have not loved Me: «Depart from Me, you cursed into the eternal fire, which is prepared for the devil

and his angels; for I was hungry and thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick or in prison and you did

not serve Me». ( See Matt: 25/42-43) Oh, seek to understand what it means to love and serve God on the earth. Ask for this wisdom from Him, as because of the lack of God in man, the people do not understand God as it is to be understood the mystery of the love of God and its ministry for it. Behold, I, the Lord, am on the earth with My throne of teaching, from which I judge the works of the man’s life so that the man to receive the wisdom of My word. The river of life is My word into the midst of the Romanian people and this is how the mystery from the Scriptures of the river of life has been fulfilled on earth, and on one side of the river and on the other the tree of life grows; God grows in the people and the Lord bears fruit and makes His disciples for the healing of the people as it is written. I do not shout in the streets but I work wonderfully, only for the man to come to believe and to drink and take and share and then this river to flow to the resurrection of many, for behold, the dead in the tombs leap with resurrection and confess, and I am the way of their confession, for they were remembered now, in the day past, on My altar of new Jerusalem, and they were released to come and sit at the table of My people, at the table of My church, at the table of My wedding with My bride.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment, from 22-02-2009.

(On Calameo)



The fearful judgment

… Peace to you! I have given you the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. I have given you what I have and I teach you the peace of the humble spirit. He, only he is the spirit of the holy peace, the peace that comforts, sons! Other kind of peace and other kind of spirit, all come from the deceiver of this age. Oh, do not be hypocrite! Oh, do not be revengeful, do not be greedy, do not pay evil with evil, because it is the time for the judgment to begin, and let it find you humble and repented, and in this way, you will be reckoned, for in what the man will be found in that will be judged. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from



Oh, I am strengthening you in the gift of the holy faith to be the footstool of My mysterious works, My people of today, for as little as you are, you are, and you are by My grace, for I am word on earth through you, and what should I have done if I had not found faith on earth for My coming of this time with so much river of word for the washing of the earth with it and for the calling the man out of sin to holiness, from carelessness to watchfulness, from death to life? At least to wash My hands, at least to shake My legs, as having been sent by the Father to man, the man does not receive Me with his salvation from Me. However, My today’s testimony is being written and is becoming a book between earth and heaven, and it is becoming seat a of judgment for every man who hears and does not do the works of life and who does not want to hear and believe in the One Who is coming from the Father again, as it is written to come. I come as word on earth because it is written to come in this way, and My coming is done mysteriously and it is at the middle of the night. Oh, there has not been a darker night than that of today's night. Those who are asleep sleep and do not get up at My voice. People sleep in their sins, for the sleep of sin is sweet to them. I have found a little seed of faith, now, in the time when I have to come and sound the trumpet for the man to get up and to come before the voice of My coming, and behold, I have built a dwelling place of coming of the sons, faithful to the mystery by which I come on earth. Oh, I have found faith on earth for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming again from the Father to man as word full of power and full of spirit of resurrection, and with it, with the angel word, with this one I have woken up the angels to bring together with them at the table of My word those that will be, My elected ones, who separated and separate themselves for Me with their faith and love, and I preach Myself to them and then I give power to the pruning knife to go and do its work on earth, the work prophesied to be.