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Stay under My growing and stay under My rein, you who live on this water. Take from it and grow, for the day is coming when the one who has not drunk will get dry of thirst on his feet. Take and drink and grow with the word that flows like the rain from heaven for those who eat and drink from heaven to be alive for My coming. Come to the fountain of life and ask the watchmen near it to take out water and to give it to you so that you may no longer go thirsty after another fountain, for the antichrist is going everywhere and pours out of his poison, that his water may be everywhere, for he thinks that I will no longer be God, and that he will be god instead. However, he will no longer be and nor the sons of lying, for I come to tear down everything he has been doing, and I work through those who are blessed by Me through My word of today.

I am clothed in the garment of judgment, for the spirit of the man stands powerfully against My coming. The wrath, the opposing man pushes Me to, overcomes My mercy, for it is the time to come because everything has come to an end on the earth, and the earth has been running out of power and it can no longer go on. There is no one to clean and to make it holy through cleanness, and the earth groans under the man’s sins and I hear its sighing and groaning for the man is heavier than the ground under him. There are only sins on the earth, only deaf people, as in the time of Noah. But I also call out and cry again, and I cry as in the time of Noah. I call out until I come visibly and every man will see Me. I call out so that the dead and the living may hear Me, and the dead will help Me and will testify about My coming at the same time with their resurrection. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judgment, from 05-03-2000. (On Calameo)


Christ has risen! I am He Who proclaims Himself. I am He Who has taught man to say this: “Christ has risen!” for I was resurrected from the dead and those in My time preached about Me.

Oh, the mystery of resurrection is beautiful! It brings with it joy and resurrection to those who have fallen asleep. The mystery of My resurrection had worked wonderfully before My resurrection, for as long as My tomb had been closed under the seal of the Jewish bishops, I went into the dwelling of the dead and opened the graves for many, (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.) and they came out and appeared in Jerusalem confessing the truth about Me, coming from the Father to lay down My life for those who were to come to life. Those who came out of the tombs stayed in Jerusalem and appearing alive were telling everyone: “Christ has risen and we have also risen together with Him out of our tombs and we are confessing the resurrected Christ.”

When I called out to the Father from the cross, at My last word the Father thrilled. Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom, because the earth shook with power and the stones of the tombs split at My voice on the cross. Then those in the grave saw their Savior on the cross Who came to them through the gate of death and to take them out from the dwelling of the dead, and in the Scriptures it is written this: «The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered into the holy citadel and appeared to many». (Matt: 27/51-53)

Oh, when I, the Lord, will appear with My entire light, you will see many of those who say that they are Mine on earth how they will hide from My light so that it may not expose them with those they hide. And not even at that time will the man humble himself; and then man will try to lock himself up, he will try to hide and become a tomb for his being that mysteriously asks for the resurrection and for the opening of the door for resurrection. Let those who love Me not be afraid, for I, the Lord, will work their resurrection, the opening of the seals of their graves, and they will come out for the work of love, the mystery of the freedom within Christ. He who works love has eternal life, and death has no power over him. He who gives life to love, that one is rich, and shares of its fruit and is alive by it.

Learn the mystery of the open door. Come close and listen to the mystery of My saints. Be open houses, for those who close themselves in their houses, they close themselves to work in the darkness, and the work of the darkness is sin which hides from nature. Behold, man hides from man; he hides within himself and I say: oh, men, when I am going to open your graves and look into them, then what will you hide? What will you do then? There is still a little while and I am going to fulfill the resurrection of the dead of those under the earth and on the earth, and I am going to look into their graves, into their bodies, into their hearts hidden in their bodies. The hour has come for you, those in the graves, to hear the voice of the Son of God, Who sounds the resurrection and the opening of the tombs so that those have been kept there may come out. The hell will give up the dead who are in it. Death and Hades will give up the dead who were in them. The sea will give up the dead that are in it, for it is written into the prophets: «He will throw away death and Hades forever». (See Apoc: 20/13-14)

I am He Who had been wandering away through the wilderness of the human kind for more than forty years. As long as forty years I had been working mysteriously the work of the resurrection of the creature (1955 – 1995, r.n.) and I had always had servants to work for the plan of My coming with the saints. After forty years, I came out overcoming the latches by which the lying man has been keeping Me silent; he has kept Me out of sight before people. However, I have come out with My people during these days and I have asked it to sing on earth the song of those who are redeemed, My song, My word, which calls to life every man, the trumpet of resurrection, the seventh angel, the Lord, I and the book of the judgment of the creature. (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) The Word of God, r.n.) For forty years I had been calling out by the word to man to come out from judgment and to come out alone, for I come to his help with heavenly exhortation. I told him to come out because I am going to come as a Judge soon, soon. I told him to come and then I came out victoriously above with the word of resurrection, as the word cannot be bound, and it walks gathering under its vineyard those who have sided with Me.

Here I am, I have come! I am wearing a mysterious robe on Me. The mysterious robe is My word. (Apoc: 19/13) It covers Me and it becomes the robe of a judge so that when I take it out to be Savior. Amen, amen, amen.

Christ has risen! And behold, the Resurrected One is coming: He is coming and reveals the mystery of His coming, the mystery of resurrection. The Resurrected Lord is coming and He is coming into His garden; He is coming through the open doors, giving His life to everyone. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day of Passover, from 01-05-2000.


Man, take and eat of My table with My people! That is why I have made Me a people out of your midst. I have made a people to speak with it about those that are from heaven on earth and so that you may also hear My speaking with My people, man on the run. Oh, do not run away from Me! You had better run away from death and from all your possessions, but do not run away from Me, oh, do no longer run but rather come closer and receive. Come, as I am calling you to a table of feast, and I have invited you to come for free! Come to give you freely! Come as there were coming in thousands those who saw My glory by which I was working into the midst of Israel two thousand years ago. Two thousand years have passed over you since My coming, since My resurrection, man called at the table of resurrection, at the table of mercy and salvation and of My eternity with man. Now your time has elapsed and My time has come, that which has no end. Now it begins My life on earth with man and in man. Now there has come the resurrection of the dead and you do not see, man confined in ignorance. Oh, where is your knowledge which you has stolen from God, oh man?

I have set the example of seven thousands years of resurrection before man: the tree, the flower and the grass, which come to life again and again on earth calling man to resurrection each time. Then I came, I was resurrected and I called man again to resurrection. Now, I am bringing on earth the resurrection of the dead to call to resurrection the one who stays as dead on earth, dead for the Lord. I have set you as an example of the resurrection before men, sons set under the mystery of My word that calls every man to resurrection. I have set you and not one pays attention to it. When I called Lazarus out of his tomb to life, the hearts of the sticknecked of that time were not torn, and they wanted to kill the Lord of life, Who came to raise the dead. And the same is today, the hearts of the stick-necked are not torn and all “play the fool priest” and it is done by those who do not have knowledge concerning to My coming with the word on earth, with respect to the calling of the nations to resurrection. They are the thieves who have taken control over the earth and over man in such a way that I may have no share on earth, but behold, I have come as the heir of the earth and I have come after man. I have come to reason with man for earth and for man. I have come after two thousand years to ask man what he has done after I died on the cross for him and after I came to life for him, for him to take of the mystery of the resurrection, to take from the mystery of the eternal life, and then to live by it. I have come, and I am bringing the man before Me to give Me this answer. Amen. And I have also set you to help Me to come after man, sons whom I have brought at the mouth of the river of fire, which is flowing from My mouth over the earth, to clean man with his love, with his justice. I have called you to be the witness of My word before men. Amen. I am the word that is coming to you. It is the robe that covers Me when I come. It is not only My word that is coming. I am coming too, and I coming as well, and before Me My word is going and you too as a sign of My coming; you with My life in you; you, with your love for the One Who is coming again after two thousands of years of waiting. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 07-05-2000.


Oh, man, remove the scales from your eyes to see My coming and remove the scales from your ears and hear My calling, with which I come before you with the sons of My Father, with the sons of My word, with God’s sons, wandering man. I come after you with them to receive Me from them, for I give Myself to them for you, and you should receive Me from them, for I come with the word and with the fire and you will have to choose what you will receive. Receive the word and get ready through the teaching of My word. Do not take the fire, for the fire will be for all those that commit sin and that not give up sinning, which is meant for fire. Man, receive from heaven, for I come with the paradise on earth and I have already come and set the law of the paradise with God’s sons on earth. And if you hear Me, then be careful, for there is no sin in paradise. In paradise it is eaten a heavenly food, as I taught the first created man in paradise. When I put the man in paradise, I did not say anything to him but what to eat and what not to eat for him to live and not die. Man, you should know that everything from heaven are or fall from man through eating, for the man’s body is a temple either for God or for the devil. You should also know man, that life dies in man through eating and life is the holiness, which lives forever. You should know man that the sin is stirred up in man through eating, for the man is flesh and not spirit. Oh, if the man had wanted to eat what I told him to eat at the beginning, he would have not sinned and he would have not died through eating and disobedience to the law of the paradise, but now I have brought the law of the paradise on earth, and I have always come with it to make it perfect and I want that the man may no longer be flesh and blood, for these do not inherit incorruptibility and do not inherit the paradise and the holiness of the paradise. (See the selection topic "The mystery of humankind salvation the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.). When Adam became flesh and blood by lust, then he lost his incorruptibility, for I said to him: «If you eat from what is not to be eaten, you will surely die, you will lose the corruptibility of your body and you will lose your body». Behold, dear man, why your body perishes and goes into the ground. The body which eats something else than what I told the first created to man to eat, perishes and will no longer be, but the soul of the body cries to Me; the man’s blood cries to Me from the ground and the man is not terrified that I ask for his blood from his hand; I ask for his life, I call him into account for his life and the man cannot flee from this answer and will come into sufferance. Even the bodies in the ground, which have been waiting for their resurrection, will come to life, some to eternal life, because they loved it and worked it by waiting, and some to eternal condemnation, because they worked it in the life of their body.

I tell you, dear man, do no longer commit sin; do no longer be weak before the sin. Receive from My spirit; take from My power, take from the Sons of God, as I put them between Me and you. Take and come back into the life without heaven, as there will remain nothing on the earth, nothing except the heaven, man. I tell you as I told Adam: eat from heaven, but do not eat from the earth, and eat with obedience from the earth. Eat what I told you, and start with the death of the sin within you. Oh, do no longer drink anything but only what I told you to drink, as what you drink I do not make to spring out of the ground. I gave Israel water to drink. Oh, do no longer smoke, as this is the hell and the torments of the hell on the earth with the people. Oh, do no longer commit adultery, but cleanse yourself of the lust of the flesh, which becomes hell and fire of hell in a man’s body. Oh, do no longer eat meat, man! Oh, do no longer eat! Enough man! You became the grave of so many creatures with the living soul in them. Enough! Enough man! You will no longer be in My country of wedding if you do not listen to this commandment, as there shall no longer be killing in Romania, because I said: «Man you shall not kill» and I said: «Man do not be lustful» and I also said: «You shall love your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your love, man». And if not even today you do not hear what I told you, and if you receive from man and not from Me for your life, you will soon see Me and you will hear Me when I tell the evil ones: «Go, you who are cursed, into the unquenchable fire from you, at the reward according to the deeds, where is the weeping and the gnashing of teeth, as you did not hear God, and you did not want life, and you lived as dead towards Me».

Behold the time of the judgment, and I call the man from death to life, from hell to heaven, to the eternal wedding life, with My bride of Romanians, as I am well pleased with her. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption. The feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day, from 28-08-2000.


Oh, teaching children on My behalf, you are to give more and more, and much more from now on, life of My life to those who really want to be alive until the great resurrection, which is seen by the living and by the dead, until My coming with the resurrection of everyone for eternal life or for mourning, as it is written: «Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, beating their chests, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory. He will send out His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His chosen ones from the four winds, those who have chosen for God». (See Matt: 24/30-31) Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of Lord’s Mother, from 14-10-2000


At the turn of two days of feasting I come down upon you with My word, for it is a feasting of saints, children, watching for My coming. I strengthen My power in you to be able to write down My word into his book. Amen. My love for you brings Me always above the little garden that I have you in, and I come to feed you as a bird feeds its chickens.

Grow, sons, and give power to My coming and ask it to come from Father, for those in the graves have been waiting for Me to come and to call them out, for their waiting is long but nevertheless it is not as long as their waiting on earth. Oh, be great in your mind and give power to My coming, for those in heaven come together at My word with you, and those in hell rejoice of My light from you and which reaches to them. I always make My path to you to get My coming near and to prepare the day of the resurrection of the creature, and then the age of the heaven to be on earth with its everlastingness, for the saints wait for every creature, which does no longer know to wait. I also wait, sons, and I wait to come and blessed are those who believe that I come, for they become the day of My coming and give light My way to come, for it is only night in the way of My coming. Everything is in the dark on earth, everything is in pitch dark and no one sees My coming any longer, and the man walks in the darkness day and night; he walks and sees nothing for he walks without seeing and without waiting.

Take care saving sons to remember always all those who were born and are no more and of whom there is no one to remember on earth, for the morning of their soul is great and it is a great mercy to be remembered and to be brought to light and to rise to life, to know that they have a Savior, Who will call them out of Hades. Seek to be always up to date with all the Christian order for all human kind, which is no more and which still is, and does not take care of the life of the soul, for woe to the souls without any help, without Savior! Behold, the man on the earth does no longer takes care of the life of his soul, and in the invisible world of the souls, which are no more, the waiting is long; the fear and morning is also great and it is burning to look at it! I showed you what is there so that the mercy for those who are no longer in the body may seize you. (See: ”A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K Baxter”, r.n.) I have not wanted to make you sad but rather I have wanted to speak to your heart and to give power to My coming so that I may make My coming near, sons, and to be able to prepare the day for the resurrection of the creature. Remember all those without escape from the dwelling of the dead, and I go to give them hope for My coming, which is coming soon, soon. Their waiting is long and it is not as on earth. There no one can help another. There is only endless fear for every soul, and behold, there is no longer a living man on the earth to want to know how to make the Christian order for those who are no longer on the earth.



Oh, the man does not want to prepare on earth his place in heaven for the life of his soul. If the man born on the earth does not live for the soul that short life of the body, his body is of no use to him, but only to his pain after this body of the soul. Many a soul, who said on earth that there is nothing after this body, is staying now with endless fear, waiting for a helping hand. It is only waiting there, merciful sons, and there is no man on the earth to want to know from Me how those who wait desperately in place of the dead may be helped out. However, I have always taught you, because you receive Me with My teaching. I have mercy of every creature and that is why I have lifted you from among the people and I have prepared you for Me, and then I have put you to help Me with My work for My coming, to come and to save this human people. First, to come and to call out to him to hear Me and to wake up at My calling, and if he does not get up, to wake him up with My power, to wake him up with the rod, for the man does not care of the life of his soul. Nevertheless, make a memorial before Me, for all human kind, which is no more on earth, for every creature that waits for the man’s redemption, for all and for everybody, sons, for the whole creature sighs waiting for its redemption. Make prosphora of memorial for My supper with you, for My sacrifice for the man. Make kollyva of wheat so that all those that are remembered through it may come together into its body. Make small and twist bundles so that the angels, the archangels and the saints, who help those mentioned, may go and give the joyful news to those who have been waiting aggrieved in the place of the dead, for they look for their salvation to come from somewhere. It is written in the Scriptures: «The bodies of the dead will rise and exult with joy, for the earth will give birth again to those who are asleep and they will stand up». Amen.

When I was on earth and taught the disciples, the Jews were looking for Me to find fault with Me, for they did not believe into My words. However, I was telling them this: «The hour will come and it has already come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who will hear it will be alive, and you should not wonder about this for I tell you again: the hour is coming when those in the graves will hear His voice and will come out». Amen. And I will give them a body, the house of their soul in heaven, a body made out at My word, out of dust and word, made out of the Spirit of God. And then it will be the great meeting of those who are and of those who were and they will be again, so that the day of resurrection may be made out, of which I preached through the Scriptures the day of My coming with the saints, who received the heaven even from the beginning, even from the time of their bodies.

I come, sons, to you with the feast of the angels, with the feasting of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel. Then I will take from your little hands the sacrifice for those in the place of the dead and I will go with it to them and preach them that I come soon to take them and to give them the day of their resurrection. I will comfort and unburden them; I will give them of their resurrection and I will give them speech to speak to each other about My coming and about you, those who work with Me for the day of My coming. Be always up to date with their memorial, as I taught you when I hired you to work for the resurrection of the creature. My word in My garden with you will comfort those that are called out for their memorial and it will give them of My peace.

Be faithful, builder children and be fully built, for we what we have to do is only building. We have to build the new age and those that are resurrected for it. You are My builders and the balance is in My hand. And we work out the building with our body and spirit, for I made you to be Mine and to work with you everything is to be worked for My coming. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr, Demetrius, the myrrhstreamer, from 08-11-2000. (On Calameo)


I, sons faithful to My coming after two thousand years, I and you and with My angels open the gates of hell and death and call out the dead, as I called Lazarus out from his grave because of his sisters’ faith, whom I said: «If you believe, you will see God’s glory, for anyone who lives and believes in Me will never die». Amen.

I said that I come to you with the feast of the angels and I will receive from your little hands the sacrifice for those in hades and I will go with it to them, and I will tell them that I will come soon to take them and to give them the day of resurrection, and I will comfort and relieve them and I will give them of their resurrection and I will give them speech to speak with each other about My coming and about you, those who work with Me for the day of My coming. My word, which passes through My garden from you, comforts those brought into remembrance, and I give them of My peace. Amen, amen, amen.

My word is the iron with which I rule the visible and invisible world, those in heaven and on earth and in hades; and I rule over each one according to their works. I strike them with the iron and say to them: lift up, you, gates, for the ray of the resurrection to come in! I am the King of glory, the Lord of the powers! Amen, amen, amen. I am He Who is. Get up and let us go! We go on the earth, where I am with My glory, and I have come with all of My angels for the great coming, for the resurrection of the living and the dead. I spread the table for you. Take and eat and rejoice! I am the food on the table and I am the fruit of the resurrection. Those who are dead in Christ and those dead without Christ get up and come to a table of resurrection, for the sacrifice of those smaller of the human kind cry from the earth for you to Me to bring you the supper of the creature resurrection.

Behold My glory, the throne of My word! Behold the new age, My speaking over the earth, My word, which reigns from its throne! Amen. I breathe it on you. Take from it and speak! Eat of it and come to life! This is My voice. Take word from word and give yourselves to each other, for I have come to give. Amen, amen, amen.

Lord, Your wound is open and Your life flows from it over us, and we come to life from life, for You are true God from true God, born of the Father and then of man, God born of man, so that You may take the man up to God by this way, through You, Lord of life without death. Life is in You, Lord, and it is the light of the people and the darkness cannot overcome it. Behold how much light here and now, from You, and Your glory with which You glorify Yourself on earth now, at Your coming with the resurrection, gives us the word of resurrection, the word which calls through Your angel over Your garden, which brings the beginning with the end together in it. Oh, how much those born of Your word in the last days have waited; Your word which blows strongly and spreads the news of the creature resurrection, the gospel of redemption, Lord, from its garden on the earth.

We, the great and the small among the dead, confess to the world of the people on the earth that the world beyond the grave really is. Those that are not seen are true and those that are seen are not true. When the man passes away from this world into the world that is not seen by the eyes of the body, he passes this bridge without feeling it, and suddenly he sees something else, not known to him, and in this way he enters into the world, which is not seen. He, who enters all of a sudden into this world, which is not seen, that one is full of terror and goes to those filled with terror and each one of these know nothing but only about oneself, and one like this does not find any support in his fear, for he left the earth on a sudden. Woe to those, who have no one to take from, on the earth afterwards, for here any relief, news and understanding can come only from good hands. (See A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K Baxter”, r.n.)

You, Lord of the powers, give power to the people to believe that You came to us and gave us power to confess from here to the people on the earth. The sight of the man on the earth is too fleshly, too small and too little so that the man may be able to see something of those, which are from the world beyond this flesh, from the world with joys and pains for those in it.

Come to a stop, you world on the earth, and listen to the voice of those in the graves, for their world is more alive than the one on the earth. Come to a stop and set your mind to those that are, for those that are not cannot be seen but only by holy looks on the earth. The book of judgment was opened on the earth, and its supper is the Lord’s garden in the middle of Romania and all the dead, small and great, hear the Lord speaking in the Romanian language. The word of God is heard on all sides of the invisible world and it speaks in Romanian the news of resurrection and the word of comfort over those who wait for the coming out and for the new making of the world, the resurrection of the world which has been waiting for this. The Lord, Who is coming, Jesus Christ, the Father God’s Lamb, is seen and heard everywhere, now, in the world of those who are not on the earth. Today they have heard His voice and seen His glory accompanied by angels in a celebration. And the Lord has brought us on the earth and we are with Him in His place of glory, in the place of the beginning of the world of that time and of the one now, which is to be.

Come to a stop, you world, on the earth, and listen to the voice of those in the graves, which speak at the commandment of God’s Word, Jesus Christ, the messenger of the Father God. All souls will come to life and have bodies, because the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come are being fulfilled, and the death and the hell will be thrown into the river of fire, the second death, the lake of fire. The word of Jesus Christ, which has come to us, is a river of fire where the death is thrown, and we, the saved ones, for the calling of those who have been crying for us to God from the new garden, to give us the redemption and the resurrection, and to them, the eternity for the work of their faith in the coming of the Lord with the resurrection of the creature, with the renewal of the world which is to come. Amen.

This day is great. The angel of the Lord calls out and spreads the great news, the day of salvation for those who have been waiting in hades from Adam to these days. And if the redeemers have appeared, by whom the Lord has worked on the earth, the redemption from the Lord has appeared as well. Soon, soon, the earth will give back the dead in it, and they will stand on their feet and they will be given a spirit of life and a giving spirit of life, and then those, who will be in the rapture and see the Lord, will meet Him and we will be forever with Him. Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, how long you have been waiting for the day of My coming with the saints and angels, you who are asleep with your body in the graves! The world of the people does not know what the body after the flesh is. I will release you and you will testify by My word, for I am the God of the living. The world of the people does not want to know what death is. The people flee from death, for they do not know anything about it, and that is why they love it and do not know what they love. I will release you for I gave you the light of My word with which I come into the place of My new beginning to do the work for the renewal of the creature from here. Amen.

And as for you, angels of My glory, listen to My angel, Michael, the archangel, who is calling out My coming on the earth for those in heaven and for those on earth and for those in hades. Amen.

Oh, the man flees the torment on earth; the man flees the pain and sufferance, but it is written: «Those who have suffered in the flesh have ceased from sin», but the man flees from his salvation. Even if someone wakes up from the dead to come and tell what it is in the hell, no even so is the man afraid of the hell, and those in the graves have always cried for them and for those who are left on the earth who do not prepare for the eternal life. Now here is what I have done: I have allowed the dead to come and see My work with My new people. The hour has come for those in the graves to hear My voice upon you, and you are My witnesses. Here is how they testify about what they have seen. Be careful to hear, sons.

We, those who blasphemed this word from the sides, its coming down and the faithful people, who used to come to this spring, now look at the greatness of the work that the Lord, Christ, has been working with you, the last ones. We confess the sin of the blasphemy, which we did out of ignorance. We did not know that this work came from God and rather played with boulders over it. The coming out of the body took place all of a sudden on us and we went into agony. Now we see how we had prepared our anguish and mourning for our life in ignorance and for the blowing that we had worked out against God’s glory, which is with the last ones. The last ones are great saviors on Christ side, the Lord of mercy. He has stretched out the bridge of mercy so that we may come to the spring and we have done so, for the Lord has commanded. Amen.

Let all those on earth hear and make their room near to God, for there is great mourning and fear in Hades. Let all those in the flesh hear and work out their life, for death is hard to bear. The time of the eternal life and eternal condemnation is coming.

Get up to life, you who are in the flesh, for the Lord, Jesus Christ is coming with His judgment for the works. He has sent us to wake you up, and we do so, and Christ will pay us, for the Lord of mercy is great. Come to life! Amen. We come too, for the Lord is calling us. Amen. His work with those in the garden from Pucioasa is great. (City Pucioasa; in Romanian, "pucioasa” means brimstone, r.n.) His word from Pucioasa is fire and brimstone for those who are unfaithful. This word is a river of fire, and the Lord casts out the death and the hell into the river of fire, into this word, which is calling us into it and cleanses us as gold is cleansed by fire. It is a great glory within this place. The kingdom of the heavens is with the Lord into the midst of the people. (See the selection topic: "About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) You should become His kingdom, for the kingdom of death is dreadful on earth and in the abyss. There is no perishing for those who leave the earth, but it is a place of torment and mourning instead, and an endless burning and also an escapeless fear, but Christ had come to us and brought us here, and we confess this.

Give us your hand, for you come from the Lord to those who are alive and to those who are dead, to give them your hand to the Lord. Give us your hand, those in the Lord’s garden from Pucioasa! Amen. And you have given it to us. Amen. You stay on earth on behalf of the Lord, Who is coming to save the human kind. The place with you is the throne of the last judgment, the river of fire in which death and hell are thrown, the river of the everlasting life, out of which the resurrection flows over the living and the dead. Amen. When you cry out to the heaven for us, those in hades, there is a great earthquake here, and then the merciful angels come and take us out and bring us to the supper of the heaven. The heaven and the earth are shaken from your work to us. The powers of death come loose and the evil spirits groan, because the damnation of death has come. Amen. There is a great turmoil for the resurrection, for the birth of the earth of the bodies, for the Lord wrote about it and said: «The shadows will come to life from the bosoms of the earth». Amen.

And now, we, who left out bodies within the hope of resurrection, we too, who were the sons of this work, bring the news into the garden of salvation that the resurrection is coming. The Lord is with it into His arms. The shirt of resurrection comprises every creature, which will receive the new heaven and the new earth as inheritance. All the mysteries are into Christ’s hand, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the Lord, Who is coming again, and He is coming with great glory judging the living and the dead, and He is coming to establish His kingdom. The mourning is coming over those who left this work after they knew it. But as for you, sons of the garden from which the Lord is working on the earth, come with merciful voices to Him and ask for their cleansing of the sin of blasphemy, for this sin is not forgiven, but is cleansed instead. Amen.

Let this mercy come, Lord, over those who knew You in this spring and left You and left for the world of sin or they left their bodies striking in You, Lord, and into the work of the salvation, with which You came to meet the living and the dead, Lord. It is written into the Scriptures that you are coming, and that is why you are coming. Come and come again, for Your coming is with those in the garden from here! Come and come again, for Your coming here is comforting those who wait in hades! Come, Lord, for the heaven and the earth is Your kingdom! Amen, amen, amen.

— And I, the Lord, come when you call Me. Those in the garden have eyes and ears; they have body, soul and spirit, and they are those who hear you, and I take you from them. I give you to them to cleanse you, to wash you, to dress you with My garment, with the garment of resurrection and to prepare you for My coming, so that I may come afterwards. The throne of the creature’s judgment is with them, and I, the Lord, have mercy through them to a thousandth generation. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, sweet and merciful children in the garden, I give you the sweetest and most beautiful word: I love you! This is the most beautiful word, and I give it to you, for I have no one to give it but to those who are loved. The archangels Michael and Gabriel are always on your right and left, on your left and right, for My work with you. My angel, Michael, the archangel, made for you a way to those in the graves, and a way for them to you, and here is their memorial and calling table for resurrection.

Oh, what a pain, because the man who call the dead into remembrance does not want to make alms as for heaven! Oh, what a pain! Those who are called into remembrance cannot come near. The brandy, the devil’s drinking, stays on the memorial tables; and the meat the same. Oh, for the heaven, one does not work as for those on the earth. The angel does not come closer to the memorial and then to go and help the one who is mentioned. The meat and brandy do not work out any mercy to heaven, and they bring torment of hell for the one remembered instead. Oh, there are no longer on earth those who have mercy on those in the graves.

Sons from the garden of salvation, I love you. This is the most beautiful word, and I give it to you as I have no one to give it to. Give your hand to those who are asleep, for they have been waiting for it. I raise up a new generation out of you from the living and the dead, a new seed, after the spirit not after the flesh; out of cleanness, not out of flesh. I will fill the earth with those who are saved, with those who are born of My word upon you. I make out the great resurrection little by little. Soon, soon, and those who sleep in the dust of the earth will stand on their feet, for it is written to be so, and those that are written come into fulfillment completely. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2000. (On Calameo)


I want to break down the house which deceives the people under the name of My house. I remove the veil from it, and this is how I break it down, for I want to draw the man to Me and to the Father. I whipped the traders from the temple at that time that put My name on it. And I want to tell the people again the truth about My house, and about the house which is called My house. Many people are full of tears inside them and look for Me to heal them and to give them peace, but woe, they do not find My way with the man, but rather they run into the man who snatched away My way to replace it with his one and to steal the man with it, the man for whom I cried on the cross in order to redeem him for the resurrection. (See the selection topic: "The true church”, r.n.)

Now, I break the house that deceives the man under the name of My house and I say: «Come out from it, My people, so that you may not partake of its sins and then receive of its punishments, as its sins have reached to heaven and God has remembered of its iniquities for in it was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and the blood of all who were slain on the earth». And then I will speak again over you and say: «Rejoice over it, you heaven and you saints, you apostles and you prophets, because the Lord has done justice to you in your judgment that you had with it». Amen. Then the resurrection of the many will come and many nations will teach the way of the resurrection from the dead, the way of the heaven on the earth with the man, the sanctification of the earth. Amen.

The angel of My resurrection tells you: Chris is risen, children of resurrection! And let us prepare the way of the resurrection from the dead over the nations; let us do it, for the breath of My mouth over you becomes a word of eternal life over the multitudes, sons, and soon, soon, we will meet the new creature, the man who comes under the mystery of the resurrection from the dead. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third day after Passover, from 17-04-2001. (On Calameo)


Oh, Jerusalem, I turned you into joy for those alive in heaven and on earth, as I come to you and prepare My coming with the saints as I prepared My resurrection from the dead with those who were Mine two thousand years ago. I am at the table of holy Passover with those in heaven and with those on the earth. Those in heaven testify about My resurrection on earth, and those on earth testify in heaven and on earth My coming about which I spoke at that time. My coming is the reward of My saints, who have waited for Me for seven thousand years and for two thousand years. For those who have cried for such a long time: «Until when, Lord?» That is why I have made My coming. For them, oh, My today’s children, for them I have made you a people of My disciples during these days. For them, My today’s children so that the earth may give back their resurrected bodies as I came out from the earth in a living body for the resurrection of those asleep. Amen.

Behold the saints with Me and with you at the heavenly table of memorial, to which those asleep and remembered at My altar with you come together, a rich table in mercy, sons, the table of reconciliation, well sons.

Virginia is full of comfort from you. (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet see selection topic: "The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) She was bringing to Me this table of holy spirit year by year when she lived in her body on earth. Now, she is only joy, and she brought her sleeping people to stay at the table with the living people. She rejoices that has a living people and she says:

Lord, receive this sacrifice, bless Your inheritance and bless Your people, Lord, and give them victory against death on earth. And, Lord, give them the incorruptibility. Amen, amen, amen.

— I am giving it to them, Virginia, only for them to give Mine in them too. I am giving them, for this is My labor, My pain and My longing, for I am coming and I am fully ready to give them the incorruptibility and through them to renew the earth with the eternal life and to redeem the creature and to give it to the incorruptibility. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the female prude, from 29-04-2001


The praying and memorial offering of those that are asleep has come through the gate of heaven. Those that are asleep come in groups; they come to you, for you keep a memorial for the whole human kind that was and still is. When those that died sinning, see the place of salvation, the place from here, where I work with you for the man’s salvation, when they see My victory through you, they are filled with pain and remorse and cry to Me mournfully to have mercy on them and to wipe out their sins, for in their days of memorial they have seen the heaven, which is the rest of the saints, and they have seen the hell, which is the place of condemnation, in which the sinners will be tormented after the resurrection of the dead. The entire human kind, which went to sleep, has come to your memorial and now they are listening to the voice of the being of the Holy Spirit, Who is speaking from Me over you, preparing the resurrection of the dead and My coming with the life of the age that is to be. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 03-06-2001.


Man, how sweet My calling is, your calling to Me! Oh, do not be afraid. If you are sinful and are afraid of Me, you should no longer be afraid of Me, and come, as the fear for the deed and the fear after the deed is a greater lawlessness before Me than the deed itself, and you become unjust with God both with your neighbor and with My neighbor. Each deed has to be assumed by the one that commits it, and if he flees because of its deed, he is blamed by his deed; the one who flees is blamed two times more. He, who confess his deed, does not hide from it and with it and for it, but on the contrary, he comes with it into the open to be known, and that one is right with God and with those around him, and no one can judge one like this, since he punished his deed by his own conscience that is shown to everybody. He does not flee from the atonement for his deed, but rather he punishes his deed by his own mouth and heart. It is better for the man to blame his own deed than the deed to blame the man. Who is afraid? The guilty one. If the guilty came back to Me, he would not have to be afraid. But he withdraws into himself, and that is why he is afraid.

However, I have into My arms the comfort for the one who comes out from the dead to come to make him eternal, for the eternity comes on the earth, and the man does not believe what I tell him. The resurrection from the death is coming, and the man does not believe what I tell him by this word. The resurrection and the life of the age that is to be is coming and the man who will still live, will be like Me, for it is written: «We will be like Him, for we will see Him face to face». Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day, from 09-06-2001. (On Calameo)


Behold, what great miracle is to do My will in the midst of the world, man. If you let Me make you according to My image and likeness, you will raise the dead to life, man, and you will be like Me. Oh, do not let the dead without resurrection, for here is how much resurrection I want to give you, to the dead in the graves and to the dead without the graves, man! Oh, look at My bride people and receive My image from it and receive the love between Me and My bride. The love between the Bridegroom and bride is an endless love, and if it comes to an end, then it is something else and it is not love.

You, doina12 singers, who are called to My wedding with My bride! If you love Me eternally, always come to Me, for the love comes endlessly to the One from Whom it originates over the man. All of My gardens, which I make My bride to take delight in, are sweet gifts that I want to give you from time to time, so that in them, you may feel My love, between a Bridegroom and his bride, and the bride’s finery, the sweet gifts for the man. Adorn My gardens with the sweet speech of the doinas and poems, which are hidden into the soul of this people, the Romanian people, and the chosen people to be a house for My coming after two thousand years. Come into My gardens and come with a holy love; come with a holy self-consciousness and come with the wedding garments, for these gardens are made out at My word and as the result of the labor of My bride, My bride people, the bride who sacrifices herself for her Bridegroom in order to give Him life of her life, the same as her Bridegroom gave her. Do not be merciful to the world or ashamed of it. Be merciful to the angels, not to the man, and clothe your body with garments of wedding, you, sons and daughters of the people, who try to come to life at My word, which calls out at the dead to come to life.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day, from 10-06-2001. (On Calameo)


We have a heavenly feast with you. We have, My people, We have a great feast with you. All the heavenly hosts, all powers in heaven, have gathered together in groups with you, and they are witnesses between Me and you for My word upon you. Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Angels, Things from beginning, Seats, Rulers, Powers, they all are staying in groups and listening to My word upon you, the word for their celebration within the work of church. Michael and Gabriel, the rulers over all the heavenly hosts, minister to Me especially, for they are the rulers. Behold, there is great obedience among angels, great order, great discipline, My people. Their work is done with great glory, with great love, and out of their love they are one in Me by their rulers. And they also work over the living and over the dead for this is My work and they do My work.

I was slow in coming with all those that have fallen asleep and whom you remembered before Me; I hanged behind with them, from their remembrance a few days ago and up to this day, to give them a little comfort and food for their soul and body, and also a garment of salvation, My people. Soon, soon, the time is coming when their souls will come into their bodies again and they will rise up and receive of My mercy which flows from this spring over the living and over the dead. The great day is coming when the two worlds will be only one, as it is written: «There will be one flock and one Shepherd». (John: 10/16) Amen. Now, the rulers over the angels speak over them release with joy after they spend fully with you, tasting of the food from the manger for the soul and body. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saints archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2001


Ten years ago, this holy day of feast crowned victoriously My work of word with which I, the Lord, came to work into the middle of the Romanian people, of the Romanian land in the year of 1955. Ten years have passed since I laid down the first stone, the stone on which the ark of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem was built at My commandment, a place enclosed and kept into My palm in order to make it into a supper meal for Me, for the saints and for you, watchmen children at the manger. I did as I wanted and commanded. Amen.

Let every man marvel at My power and at My victory, for when I want, I overcome, and the man cannot stand against Me. And I have become a supper meal, a manger of coming down, and I have come down from heaven on earth and I speak with the voice of My coming down over the earth to prepare the life of the age on it, which is to be for those alive on earth and for those that are asleep, who wait for their resurrection to welcome Me.

Excerpt from the Word of God ten years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2001. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, what is more difficult is more beautiful; it is more real, more deserving, My people. You should not flee the burdens for the Lord is with you. I was only under the burdens, and the hate of the man pushed it to My crying for him, and I asked from My Father a new spirit for the man, a new creation. But for this I had to die for every man, and then to give him face from My face, life from My life.

Let your face, My people, be My resurrected face from crucifixion. I told you to stand in front of the mirror and dress beautifully, for you need special attire. Did you hear My people? I told you that you are My Gospel of today. Did you hear My people? Behold, I tell you this and I tell you so: When My face will be completely your face, then the end and the beginning will come, and all will be born again from your new image, for I chose you for this, My people. Then I will speak from your mouth the new creation of all that were at the beginning, and I will make a word of creation through you, and everything will come to be renewed and then I will say: «It was done!». Amen. Through your new image I will say: «It was done!». Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12– 2001


The word of the new birth of the world is that which leads you to the day of My coming, My people from the Romanians. I am with you into your house and we always have supper of new age and of royal wedding. The Bridegroom is the bride’s love and the bride is the Bridegroom’s love. But I tell you a mystery today, the mystery between the Bridegroom and the bride, and here is what I tell you, loved people from the end of the time: love is a longing, not a joy. If it were a joy, it would lose much of its value and power and it would not be itself when it leads to the joy, for love is a deep longing, My loved people, and this longing keeps its life in within it. Amen. Oh, why do I confess Myself to you with this mystery? Because this mystery carries within it all the power of My coming, which is to be soon, soon, and which everyone from the graves and from the earth has been waiting for it. All of My coming has been waiting for My longing between the Bridegroom and the bride, its deepest moment, the key which will open up the glory of My face with you on the earth in a visible way, the birth with a great resounding of the new age, of the age, which is to be after the dead will rise to life. Amen.

There is no man not to be afraid of the end of the world, of this word, which speaks about the end of the world in it. However, if the man wanted to read this news that I spoke about two thousand years ago, he would see that I said that I was about to come again to settle back to its place My kingdom that was corrupted by the man. Oh, how good it would be for the man to want to wait for the end of the world, for the resurrection of the dead, for My coming and for the life, which is to be! How good it would be, My people!

The love between the Bridegroom and the bride is a deep longing, and I do not know how to do to get every man used to this beauty in his face and heart. Oh, how shall I really do it? How shall I do, My people, to establish on the earth the love, which has been waiting for Me to come? How shall I really do this miracle, which will not be taken away from the man? Oh, how well it would be for the man to get lovesick and no longer get healed from it! I have wanted this for such a long time! My voice that was speaking with the man in heaven, and then on earth at the man’s beginning, is the voice that speaks with the man today, too. The new birth of the world has been waiting for the man’s longing and it has been waiting too much for the man. The love, which has been waiting for Me to come, is everything the heaven has been expecting from the earth, and it will not be taken away from the man, and this is what I told Martha: «Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her». Amen, amen, amen. I seal this word and I raise it up to My heart and I make it come down to the man’s heart, so that the man may take in him this miracle, which will not be taken away from him.

The new birth of the world will be achieved by repentance and by love, which will not be taken away from the man. Only love and longing, which makes it, can bring about the beautiful image on man’s face, the repentance of the heart, which showing its face, gives the man a sweet and beautiful face. If the man asked Me how the new birth of the world is and how it could be, I would answer him that the sweet repentance and the longing in the man’s heart, this means the birth, which is to come to renew the world. The love, which has been waiting for Me to come, this brings with it the new birth of the world and its creators, and Me, the Lord and the Bridegroom of the wedding, in the mystery of love, which has been waiting for Me to come, for all and everything have been waiting for My coming, the coming of the Son of Man. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity, from 07-01-2002 (25-12–  2001 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, those that are asleep have been waiting for their resurrection. You have made a memorial for them and they all have come from creation and until today. They did not want to go to their places until they hear My word. When I saw what they wanted, I fulfilled this way. Now they stay at the table of the word, and then I make them free, but I do not make them free for a long time since their ascending comes near, their ascending and My coming, My people, My coming once with your coming to the work of My coming. Ask in your prayers on the altar; ask for the raising of the dead for the life of the age to come and we have to establish all its fulfillments on earth. Amen. It is time for a great watch, but who on earth believes what I tell him here in the word?

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the fearful judgment, from 10-03-2002. (On Calameo)


Come to receive light! Come to receive light! Come to receive light! Amen, amen, amen. This is what the Lord, Jesus Christ tells you, the One, Who was crucified and resurrected that may be the life and the light of the people. I give Myself to you as wisdom from above, so that you may have it from above. Receive from above, from heaven. The Word was in the beginning and I was the Word in the beginning. Here I am as Word in the end, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and I put the man in the middle so that I may not lose him. I give you the resurrection of your spirits and bodies, only for you to receive. The day of the resurrection of the dead is coming, but I tell you that it has already come and that those from the graves hear this voice of Mine and soon, soon, they will come to life and I will call them out for this, as I said at My first coming that I would do and work out the resurrection of those from the graves and then the renewal of the creature and the great meeting of the heaven with the earth in a celebration of new and eternal age between earth and heaven, for the new heaven and the new earth will embrace each other then, for the celebration of eternity and everlasting love. Amen.

I am the river of life, (See the selection topic: "This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and out of My mouth it will flow and water those that hear so that they may go on drinking. Oh, how shall I no longer call out the man when it is for this that I have come? Until the moment I declare the raising of those in the graves, until then I go on calling the man and then I will no longer call him.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day of Passover. The feast of the Saint martyr Gheorghe13, from 06-05-2002. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, the saints celebrate you in heaven near them, for on earth you are Mine, and you are My will on earth. The Sunday of all the saints who rejoice in the Holy Spirit waiting for the first day, the day on which I will visibly make the great resurrection of all the saints, for there have been many saints on earth, and no one has known about them, nobody but I, the One Who have seen their love burning and shedding tears to quench in tears the burning of their soul, who has been longing after Me. However, I made you My torch into the midst of the darkness of the world from the end of the time and I set you to serve Me into the middle of the world and I appointed you to endure for an hour with Me for the raising from the dead of those who are alive and of those who are dead, to fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the creature, My people. I want that no one and nothing on earth may be like you, and this is what I want that you should also desire. I want you to fulfill My work from the end of the time, so that I may fulfill the My glory through the man, and all the others will be added to you by My power, by My care, My people through which I will be laboring for an hour before My coming. I want that every man on earth, and all and everything, may know of this corner of heaven, of this new thing, for I, My people, told you that nowhere else will it be more beautiful and more heavenly like here, where I have made My manger of descending and work for My coming on earth. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 30-06-2002. (On Calameo)


I teach you to make your little pillow of My word upon you and to worship it when you go to bed and when you get up, when you are sleepy and when you are awake, for I can no longer without you and I have no peace when I see the Scriptures for this time, when I see how the saints get up for My coming, and when I see that the angels of My coming are ready to sound their trumpets for the raising of the dead for the day of My coming, My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint John, the evangelist, from 09-102002. (On Calameo)


Now I have to give much and heavenly help to be able to seal with a seal of holiness the small cradle around the manger of the Holy of Holies in the garden of My meeting with the man, with those who are alive and with those who are asleep, for this place is a place of heavenly meeting on earth, Jerusalem of today. Behold, I embrace you in a mystery revealing, for I bring together all around you to work them out. The dwelling of those who are asleep opens up its lid, and the mystery of the resurrection of the dead is hastening a great deal, the resurrection of which I, the Lord, have been speaking to you to make you tell them to get up, as from now on it is the time. Amen.

Behold, I let the archangel Michael know about a celebration for angels, and he sounded a feast upon you, and he sounded upon those that are asleep to come together, for I, the Lord, told them that they would stay around My work upon you; they will stay at the day of memorial, which was brought by you several days ago for them and until the day of celebration of the rulers of the angels who will gather the angels and the saints to the celebration, at the meeting of the two worlds in the garden of the meeting, the one made up by Me through you to be and to stand before Me on the earth. Those who are asleep are now here, as you have remembered them, each one in his own order, starting with Adam and to these days.

I have exhorted you again and again to be the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens, My mystery on the earth, to be able to work out My plan of the creation of the world, which will be renewed for its appearance, as it is and this, which is seen by human eyes. I have sought again and again to set you to the work of the renewal of the world and to the work of resurrection, sons. I work hard when I stumble over the man. From the beginning I have been stumbling over the man, for nothing and nobody has listened to Me less than man. But for those which are written to happen and to be I use My mysterious power and they are and all come into being, and soon, soon the separation between those that are seen and those that are not seen will fall and all will be one again, as it was from the beginning of God’s building. Amen.