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The assembly of the angels makes glad those that are asleep, who sat down on the little seats of stone from here, in the garden of the meeting, looking at the celebration of today and taking from it and from My table with you, and then, I, the Lord, release them, for I have extended their stay on their memorial day. No work is done without angels, and the angels have much work today, for there are many, many souls at the feast, sons, and their number cannot be told, and the angels have great order upon them and for them so that each living soul may take of the table of today of the angels, who celebrate working and working much. Amen.

John, My beloved disciple, wants to make clear now with power the mystery of the resurrection, and I, the Lord, set him over you in word, for no one else has spoken more clearly than him about the mystery of the word without which nothing was done, of everything that was done. I put him as word upon you with so much love! For we have the same love between Me and him, as I had it when I was in My body on earth among the people.

Come, dear child! Come, son, as perfect disciple as your Teacher! Come to be now over My people! Amen, amen, amen.

And I, Lord, I say: now and forever and ever I will be like You, because You are the being of the saints, whom You have build from the foundation of the world, for You are all a mystery since You started to work for the man. I speak with You before Your people of today and before the angels and before the saints and, again, before the assembly of those who are asleep and are brought to the feast of the angels in the garden of Your meeting with the heaven on earth, Lord.

Oh, if I am the mystery of love, I want that Your people may know how much and how big it is with its mysterious length. You came a Man on earth from the Father, and I loved You with Your love in my bosom, for You settled Yourself in me with all of Your mystery, and I took it from You and I took it within a mystery even from other disciples of Yours then. I was not speaking anything else from near You but about this mysterious love, the love, which was incarnated on earth in the sixth thousand years since the creation of the world, Lord. And as then, today I am the mystery of the endless love in man, too. I showed in me the love, which is the light of the people, for I was the fruit of Your word, which became love in my being, and it cradled me as an infant in its cradle. And when it came for me to show the mystery from the end of the time, about Your coming and about the resurrection of the dead, I stood before You, and You before Me, and then I wrote everything You were well pleased to make know through Me. And then, an unsearchable mystery by the man’s mind, for I had My disciples to put me down on earth, but I did not stay that way, and I came out alive and I remained so, and I showed then the mystery of the resurrection of the dead, because as I come out of the earth and I walked and walk that even my disciples did not find me where they put me, the same way will be with the resurrection of the dead, for the graves will be opened for the resurrection of those who are asleep, and they will stand before You, as it is written by me in the book of the Revelation after You revealed to me those that will be worked out at the time of Your second coming from near the Father. All those who are dead will come out of the earth in their body as I also came out, as many saints and unknown came out then, for I wrote this into my book, and I wrote about the word of Your word of today which is the judgment of the creature, Lord, and Your throne is on earth, for You work all things on earth. I wrote all of Your work and all of satan’s work into my book with You for the end of the time. The man is afraid to look well into it, but those that are written have been done this way, the same as they are written, and those that still are in it will be likewise. Amen. And those that are stiff-necked to hear that Your coming is now, to look into the book of Revelation and to see in it as I wrote about Your book, which You have written today with Your last people, because I wrote about the opening of the seals of Your book of word on the earth, in which the judgment of the world and the resurrection of the dead are written, the book, which no one in heaven or on earth was found worthy to open its seals: no one but You, the little Lamb of the Father, because You redeem the man with Your blood. This of today is the book remembered in my book of that time, and happy is the one who will be found alive in it, for the time is near, and it has come and Your time of today becomes a sweet eternity. (See the selection topic: "About the Book of the Lamb The Book of Life”, r.n.)

I preach myself from one margin of the earth to the other, so that the people and the nations, the languages and all their kings may hear, that again I prophesy those that are written then in my book with You, Lamb of the Father Sabaoth. And I tell those in the graves the mystery of their resurrection, for they will soon, soon rise like I rose from the ground, and they will speak about this work, and they will speak about it with tens of thousands. And then the antichrist will appear totally overcome by the shining of Your coming with the eternal day of the man, Lord, because the seven ages have elapsed and the wedding of the Lamb has come, and He has adorned His bride, for it is written: «Only the wise will perceive Your mystery, Your book and Your coming from the end of the time». Amen.

— Behold My people; My disciple has spoken upon you. Amen.

The archangel Michael sounds the word of the day of today and he writes it to be, and you should also write it on paper, sons who receive My word in the book of My coming, the book which judges the creature and prepares it for renewal, for I, the Lord renew the world, and I make this with My word of today over the earth. The trumpets of the angels sound; the archangel Michael sounds for the resurrection and a great joy is coming upon the spirit of those that are asleep, who wait for the Lord with the day of His coming.

Oh, My people, I want that you no longer forget what a mystery you are, because if you forget, it will be hard for Me and for you, and if you forget, it will be hard for the creature, which has been waiting for seven times its rebirth for the life, to which it was made. If the man has spoiled everything that I built with My word and with My hand, you should be the man who renews, who speaks with My word the resurrection of everything and the life and the age that is to come. Amen.

Oh, My people, you should appreciate My gift into your midst and those that carry it towards you and you towards Me. You should be faithful to My gifts into your midst and you should allow them to come on you and stand before Me as I miss you to stand. Learn, so that you may stand, learn the mystery of Christianity of every moment and let it then come down on every creature, for it is that one, which keeps you away from every evil on the earth and in the sky and in the deep, and you should appreciate it and live from it, for the life has to be your food and your mercy before the man and before Me. Amen.

Go Jerusalem, go My people! Get dressed in wedding garments and go to change the man in his face, for when the man sees My glory with you, his face changes and I can speak to him. Go Jerusalem, for I give all the heavenly host to be with you and you should be the body of the angels, up there on the heights of the people, and the people will bow to My glory with you and they will ask themselves about who you are, the one so beautiful. Amen, amen, amen.

Now, My people, let us sit at the table of the memorial of the angels, for I am with the tens of thousands and they cannot be counted. Let us stay and share of the food with those that are asleep, and let then release them. Let us stay and feed them from My table with you. Give My wisdom from you, give to those in heaven and to those in the dwelling of the dead and to those in the deep, sons, and everything, everything will come into the light. And then again, we will bless and put to an end the word of today of the feasts of the angels.

And now, blessed be the table for body and the table for spirit, for I, the Lord, am here with you, and I am in My body, and I desire, My people, to walk visibly on the earth with you, and I want, sons, you to be ready for this glory, which, I, the Lord, have been waiting near you so much and for such a long time. Amen, amen, amen.


My people, I stayed with a great multitude in heaven. The angels have stayed groupsgroups above you and near you. I showed you how the little seats of stone are filled with those who wait for the resurrection, full, in order and out of order, for when the bodies will come to life, they will have enough how to stay, because they will be like My body, which is not kept by anything and which is everywhere at peace as in heaven, not as on earth.

Those who are asleep in their bodies have rested long, for this day of longing and of resurrection has seemed to them an eternity. All the stone steps of the garden of the meeting were full of angels in steps, for they have had much work today due to their celebration and because of those that are asleep, who have stayed with you to listen to Me and to you, because I prophesied by this work of word that together with its work from heaven, it will come to raise those that are asleep to a thousand generation, and My people to stay to this duty and to work out the resurrection of the dead.

The glory of the angels has filled the garden of the meeting. The joy of those who are asleep has filled the garden with a spirit of resurrection, with a spirit of joy. I always, always put you to the work of resurrection, and that is why I have tried so much to make you beautiful, as there is no one, no one on earth, and let all the creature love you and let the sons of the people love you by looking at you, those beautiful of Mine. The beautiful is everything what is heavenly in man and from man, and you are the parable of the reward of the saints who suffered willingly, and then died into My name, to grow as a result of their faith and of their longing for Me, for the Christian people to grow on earth and for the Lord to remain working over the man, for I, My people, want to bring to the man the happiness from heaven on the earth. Amen.

Oh, how shall We do after the man has got used so much to the things that he does, and not I? How shall We be beautiful on earth for the man to see this happiness of Mine in man and not long for it? How shall We do, sons, for the man to know My longing after him and My day, which comes close to the man to give him from it, and he to receive? I have told you, My people, that I will call you beyond your birthday; I will call you beyond the day of resurrection. I have told you by the sons through whom I have been shepherding you that you have to be the new people that has Me otherwise than the man has had the Lord until now. The Christian or pagan man likes to have Me and to see Me on the cross and to worship Me as He puts Me before him to see Me, crucified. Oh, if this is what he wants to see Me and if this is how he puts Me into view at all the crossroads, why does he really not follow the parable of My life? Why does the man not cry when he sees Me on the cross? Why does he not come to a stop and rather passes by making the sign of the cross, saying to Me: “Lord, help me!” or “forgive me!”? (See the selection topic: "About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) I am on the cross, seen by his eyes, and he wants Me to help him from the cross, but I am the living One and I do not know how to tell the man how much alive I am, before My resurrection from the dead and then after the resurrection. I do not know how to make the man see Me or believe that I am living in My body, and that I can hardly stay unseen after that the time has come near so much that every living being may see, for it is written: «Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him». Amen.

Oh, My people, the angels have surrounded you with so much celebration, sons. Those that are asleep have looked at you with great longing at the table with you in the garden of My meeting with the man. You should not forget that the unseen world will accompany you from now on, the world that knows now from My mouth the mystery of this garden and My work in it with those that are not seen. However, I bring them into view so that you may see them and confess them, for «The eyes that see will no longer be closed», because this is written. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2002. (On Calameo)


The man does not know, and I want you to know and the man to receive My teaching from you, for the man does not know how to love Me. If you want to love God, you should listen to Him. If you want to listen to God, you should love Him, for no one can listen to someone in love but only the one that loves him. And for the man to love Me, first he has to believe in Me but not only for a moment, only when he is in need, but forever and ever, because the man was not able to do what I did. When I spoke with the Father to make the man in Our image and after Our likeness, I took clay and I made him into My image and then, at the word of My breath, I made him flesh and veins out of dust. Let no one marvel at the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead, the Scripture spoken by Me. I took the man from dust and I brought him to life, in My image and after My likeness in the beginning and in the end, for on My resurrection from the dead, the saints came out of their graves and stood on their feet and appeared in Jerusalem. (Matt: 27/53) I made this miracle because I am the resurrection and the life, and the man needs to have them both from Me, because it was for this that I came as a Man from the Father among the people. Everything was made out of dust, even the man, after that everything was made at My word, those that have had spirit of life in them. I made the man out of dust and then, against My miracle, the man made his body into dust, for he was drawn to those things God made him out of. The man made his flesh and veins into dust, and I come on earth with the miracle of the man’s resurrection and with the miracle of My resurrection, in order for the man to understand that there is a resurrection of the dead and that it was not in vain that I declared the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead at My last trumpet.

Oh, Jerusalem of nowadays, I pour out abundantly in you the word of the new creation of the world, the eternal life, the life with the love of God in it for the man. I ask the man to love the eternal life in his life on earth, for I, the Lord, want to come with the heaven opened before the man and to set the heaven under the sky, the new earth and the new heaven and the resurrection of the dead that will get up and will bear testimony about this coming of Mine to you as word for the resurrection of the creature, My people.

Seek to have wisdom for what is good and to be innocent in what is evil, to destroy satan hastily, sons, and that the death may be taken away from the earth, for I speak to those who do not believe in resurrection, I, the Lord, because if there is no resurrection, I was not resurrected either. If the dead are not resurrected then I was not resurrected as well. However, I, the resurrected Lord, tell those who believe in the resurrection of those that are asleep, as Martha also believed, that I have been a beginning of the resurrection of those who were asleep and of the resurrection of the dead, and I tell them that the one who believes in Me has eternal life. Amen.

Oh, My people, the saints have been waiting for you with their reward from Me, the one from the end of the time. The dead have been waiting for you so that they may also come to life at My last trumpet, which will sound into your midst, for such a destiny have I meant for you, but seek with all your being to love and to listen to Me perfectly, for I am the God of peace, Jerusalem. I have My Spirit into your midst, and you should listen to everything that I have taught you, and you shall eat of the fruit of your happiness with Me, for such is the reward of those who listen in love. No one can listen to someone with love but only the one that loves him. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 20-04-2003. (On Calameo)


It has come the time for those in the graves to hear the voice of the Son of God and they will be raised from the graves soon, soon, because the dust will become man as it was before being dust, and those in the graves will come to life at My voice of today, who speaks into the midst of the Romanian people.

… The devil that has enclosed everything makes Me angry to cut his way and to take My man back, My kingdom lost seven thousand years ago. I want to be able to speak with you; I want you to stay with Me; I want to be able to establish on earth together with you the resurrection of the dead and of those who are alive, for it is for this that I came from the Father two thousand years ago. And again, now, with the spirit full of the longing of My kingdom in man, I always come, always, and I speak with My voice from the sky and I give you, faithful children, to give to all, both who believe and to those who do not believe in My voice, which resounds from the clouds of My glory from above My little garden of word, to give the word of My coming to the man. Amen.

Sing, Jerusalem, sing as in heaven, not as on earth. Pray as in heaven not as on earth, for I, the resurrected Lord, want to bring with My word that is on you the new birth of the world. Amen. Christ is risen! I, Myself, declare on you the hymn of the remembrance of My resurrection of two thousand years ago.

Christ is risen! And I also tell this to the world that is intoxicated with the wine of its inflammation in it!

Christ is risen! The Lord declares in heaven and on earth.

And to you, children of the New Jerusalem, I tell you: Peace to you! Peace to you, because you are My disciples! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 27-04-2003. (On Calameo)


I come to you, Romanian Jerusalem, with My second coming, and the word of My coming prepares you, the one who believes, and which dressed you in a garment of bride to meet Me as you meet the Bridegroom Who comes in the middle of the night, and Whose bride watches for His coming. Amen.

You should not be slow in your watch, when I, the Lord, speak sweetly and patiently to you. You should not believe that you are worthy for Me if I shepherd you and I grow you in faith and in the fulfilling of My coming as word into Your midst. However, you should watch and be alert all the time for your wedding garment and for the great meeting of the resurrection of the dead, which will be soon, soon, at My last word, My word of their resurrection. You should wait for this resurrection, as you also bear witness that you wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life that is to be. Amen.

Chris is risen! The hosts of angels and saints are in thousands and tens of thousands of thousands with you, My people of today, for the celebration of the holy myrrh-bearing women of My resurrection from the dead. I was fully resurrected and then I have no longer died afterwards and I have remained the beginning of the resurrection of those who are asleep.

The greatest power of faith is that in the resurrection of the dead, and this will not be a miracle but rather it will be the fulfillment of this Scripture, and I speak among you the word of the resurrection of the creature, and those in the graves hear it from My mouth as they heard it two thousand years ago when I spoke the word of the resurrection of the dead to the multitudes. And now I speak again with My mouth and My voice is heard beyond the dwelling of the dead, and these get ready for the resurrection. And it will be as with My resurrection when My prudes came early in the morning and they saw the stone rolled away from the tomb, and they were saying among themselves, «Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?» And when they entered the tomb they saw the angel of My tomb on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and he said to them: «Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, Who has been crucified. He has risen. Behold the place where they laid him! But go; tell His disciples that He has risen!» (Mark 16:6,7) I let the angel of My tomb to tell the women that I was raised and to tell them to go with the news of My resurrection to My disciples, but they did not believe when they told them. There was no way of rebuking them because of their unbelief and because of their heartlessness. And behold, I cannot also rebuke those that hear the voice of My word, which was declared to you by My own mouth, watchmen children at the door of My coming after the man to raise him from the death of his works without God. I cannot but destroy the unbelief and the heartlessness of those who do not want to believe in My coming as word on earth, the voice of the Son of God, which is heard by the dead from the tombs, as it was heard two thousand years ago over the dwelling of the dead. I am the One Who said: «The time is coming and it has already come, when those in the graves will hear My voice and they will come either to life or to eternal damnation». Amen.

Oh, what shall I do to you, man, in order to believe? Shall I make you see Me in order to believe Me? Oh, which is the work of your faith, unbelieving and stiff-necked man? It is in vain that you say, the unbelieving and hardened one; it is in vain when you say that I, the One Who speaks into the middle of this people, am not, but rather that I am the devil or the man. You say it in vain. You say so because you are full of yourself and full of your glory on the earth. You say this because you do something else then the faith and its works.

And as for you, servants of the church in the world, the vainglory, in which the people of the vainglory on earth keep you, has made you grow blind and I will not spare you from rebuking because of your unbelief, because of your heartlessness and because your strong obstinacy, for I, the Lord, have in the midst of the Romanian people the river of My word and its river bed that I have showed it to the entire world by My heavenly governance on earth, and I have a people of sons, and in their midst I have sons anointed by Me, the Lord, according to the order of Melchizedek, a heavenly order and not an earthly one, for I dwell into their midst with My saints, great and small, and I have in them a prophetic spirit and sight of My sight by which I look into the man and after the man and over the man on earth, according to what I have to see and speak over the man, and I have true witnesses and they speak of My coming on earth with a word of resurrection over the earth, the same as two thousand years ago I had the prudes, Joseph and Nicodemus, true witnesses of My crucifixion and resurrection, and beside them the saints whose graves were opened and came to life in Jerusalem and they spoke about Me that I was the Son of the Father, the crucified and resurrected Son, and they will bear testimony again in the day of the great resurrection, for the day when I will sound the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead, and then, after that, for the life of the age that is to come. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing women, from 11-05-2003. (On Calameo)


Behold the book of your life, man, who are called to life! Learn the book of the life, man, for I have come to give you teaching from the book, to teach you humility and then the book, to be taught and not to be empty on earth. The dead have came to life from the tombs and they stay in tens of thousands in groups-groups before this word, and you, man with a body on earth, do not see them. Oh, how are you supposed to see them if you did not learn the book from heaven, the wisdom of life without death, which sees in the man? Come, get up from your blood, and wash into the river of My word so that your eyes and your mind may be opened and to see My glory and to see My coming, for I am before you with the time of the fulfilling of the greatest Scripture, the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man, with power and much glory, coming on the clouds, accompanied by saints and angels and speaking on earth the word of the resurrection from the dead. Amen. (See the selection topic: "He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.)

I have facilitated the day of memorial of those who have been waiting for seven thousands years in the dust of the earth, and they stand in a row to drink of the word of the resurrection of the dead the river, which flows from God’s mouth, the Word, the miracle from the end of the time over the living and over the dead, over the dead and over the living, for the dead are those who hear My word, not the living ones. However, I have made My coming through those who are in their bodies, both for the living and for the dead in their bodies, and this is the judgment of those who do not believe in God’s works over the earth and over the man. This word is both the man’s judgment, and also his life, if he comes back from death to life in order that he may see afterwards. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day (The feast of the descending of the Holy Spirit), from 14-06-2003. (On Calameo)


I want to raise them back into the glory, which the angels that became haughty fell from, and I want to do this by the love of man, and I want to do this by the resurrection of everyone, and then the angels will be raised from their fall from the beginning and we will rejoice over all the creation for everything will be done again, and they will become new, as it is written. I want to teach the man not to work the evil spirit in himself but rather to work My Spirit in himself, and from him over the man, and then the angels, fallen from My glory, will be judged and then they will be raised back to their places by the resurrection of the man from death.

I do not want man, that My death on the cross to be in vain, and by which I overcame your death. I do not want death to be any longer and I also do not want you to want it, for I want to take away the death from the earth, and when the death, the last enemy, will be overcome, then I, the Lord, will rest from My search after the man and I will give him My life to live it forever, as I am also forever. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-2003. (On Calameo)


Oh, obedient children and submitted to My power that keeps your within it so that I may come with the mysteries of the heavens on earth! I told the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, because they asked Me about the resurrection, but they asked Me with temptation, and then I told them: «The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage», and I let this word be covered within a mystery. But now, after two thousand years, when I again I speak abundantly with power and word over the earth, for I can do this because I am God, and I speak and say that it is by this word that was declared then that I have showed who are the sons of this age. But those who overcome death in them and escape from this age, they are those who are worthy to receive the age of the resurrection from among the dead, and they do no marry and are not given in marriage, because they cannot die, since they are like angels and are the sons of God, the sons of the resurrection and are not the sons of this age. Behold a mystery that is unsealed by the One Who spoke this word two thousand years ago. I Myself spoke it against those who were tempting Me concerning the resurrection of the dead and then I showed who were the sons of the men and who were the sons of God and I said that he sons of this age are those who marry and are given in marriage and the sons of the Lord’s age do not marry and are not given in marriage, because they cannot, since they become like angels in order to be the sons of the resurrection, coming to life from the dead of this age so that they may no longer die and that they may be of the Lord’s, and God is not a God of the dead but of the living, for all live in Him. Amen.

Oh, sons of the people, I am not the God of the sons of this age, for God is not a God of the dead but of the living who live in Him not into this age. I told those born of Me two thousand years ago that I would be with them to the end of the age, because those who are worthy to overcome the world, then they live like Me, not in this age. Oh, sons of the people, oh, sons of this age! If the man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, and the world passes and its lust passes away as well, but he who does God’s will remains forever for he is from the Father. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-2003. (On Calameo)


… — Oh, I have always become word with the saints over the earth, people of the plan of My coming. Oh, what shall I do with the unfaithful man, sons? I come with mercy into the man’s way before allowing him to see Me. I ask him to hear Me as those in the graves hear Me when I speak with you, and those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you to take them out with My word and to testify about My coming, which brings them again to life and to the redemption of their bodies. Amen. Be My tool for the wakening from the death of the man on earth. Set yourselves apart for this work of the resurrection of the creature, for this and no other is your choice and the work for which I chose you from among the sons of the people, and I made you sons of the Father with My word for the new birth of the world. Amen. I seal you by this word, and you should say amen, for My word and your word to be complete. And I will sit in council with you, sons, and we will work the word and we will fulfill it, for I, the Lord, am with My plan over the earth and I want to make the resurrection of the creature and the renewal of the world, for you are My tool. And I will give you power and word with power, which nothing and no human knowledge may stand against it, because the spirit of prophecy is working in you, and there is no greater gift among the heavenly gifts like the spirit of prophecy, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, from 09-01-2004. (On Calameo)


My work of the word on earth is the salvation of the creature fallen from life; it is the man’s coming out of the dwelling of the dead, and then My visible coming in the man’s eyes, for him to receive his entire nature from Me, and the whole creation to receive its life before death, which was installed on earth when the man died, for the man, made by My word and by My working hand, died; the man made by God died.

Those who do not have hope in God are sad for their life that passes, because they either forget it or do not make much of Me, the One Who was well pleased to be born as a man on earth, to die as a man and then to be raised to life for each man who is born of man and then dies, and to bring everyone back to life, as it is written into the Scriptures about My calling, about My descent from heaven into My trumpet to raise the dead at My calling, and then they, together with those who are alive in their bodies, will be taken up into the clouds as I was also taken up at My ascension into heaven from the eyes of My disciples, and we will meet each other in the sky, and afterwards we will be together forever for this is written. However, I want to teach the man to believe this. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: "The rapture (the abduction) of the Church”, r.n.)

Oh, how shall I wake the man’s mind to come to his senses? In time of trouble and in pain he remembers many a saints that he knows in heaven and that were also saints on earth. When the man prays to the saints, he confesses the resurrection of the dead and his faith in resurrection, for all saints were the people on earth. Even, I, the Lord became man on earth from a man and confessed the resurrection of the dead, for that is why I came to be seen among the people.

Behold, there is a resurrection and the saints rule over it rejoicing in the sky above you when you make a memorial to those who came to Me and to those from the dwelling of the dead, who wait for the day and for the light of the creation from where they fell through the man built by My hand, who died and he saw God afterwards, and since then the man has been waiting for the resurrection and for the age that is under the Father’s dominion forever and ever, which are and do not pass away; they do not pass away like the man, for the time does not pass away but the man does. However, I have established you on earth to be faithful to the resurrection of the dead and I teach you to work with Me for the salvation of the fallen creature from life and for the taking the man out of the dwelling of the dead, which he has built for himself, pulling himself out from Me.

Oh, sons, it shall not be the Lord’s coming but the man’s coming, the man’s resurrection, for the Lord is, and he waits for the man to come. Amen. First, there comes the resurrection of the dead, and then I, with the glory of My appearance from the clouds, as I worked and ascended in the cloud from the eyes of those who were looking at Me asking Me about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. I had to perfect My kingdom on earth, not Israel’s, but they, not understanding God, did not understand the mystery of My kingdom until after the Holy Spirit had come upon them, Who confessed through them My kingdom over the earth.

Oh, there is a great joy and there is a feast among those who wait in the dwelling of the dead! Oh, it is a great joy for the saints who wait from Me the reward of their love of God! May your memorial of those who wait waiting for you to declare their waking up, which all the sinners will pronounce, let alone those who believe looking for and earnestly desiring of My day! The sinners will go to the grave and will say: «Come out, you from the graves so that we may take your place because we can no longer endure God’s wrath!» However, those that are faithful to the resurrection of the dead, which will be before My appearance in the clouds, will declare their resurrection and those who are asleep will wake up and will come to life, and this Scripture is to be fulfilled, so that those who are asleep may confess, and they will be dressed in a body preaching the work of My word, the voice of the Son of God, heard by those in the grave for their waking up at His voice, as it is written into My Scriptures about the resurrection of the dead and about the life after their resurrection, the life of the age to be. Amen.

And as for us, the Lord God, the Lord of the living, bring us to life, for You are the beginning of our resurrection, and we call You in one voice: call us outside! And we will listen to you. Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, this is the Scripture that I have to fulfill now, and I will take you out of your tombs and I will give your life back and you will sing the song of your life and the glory of the Lord, Who wakes up those in the graves, so that He may rest from His sighing and to rejoice over the man’s coming back, over the man’s coming, for it is not I but the man who has to come. Amen.

Oh, Jerusalem of My word, which is heard by those in the graves! It is not I that I have to come, but the man has to come instead, and this work I have to work with you between heaven and earth, for the time does not pass away but it rather comes, and it is and it waits for the man to come, and I command him: let him come! Let the man come to God! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Saturday of the memorial of those who are asleep, from 14-02-2004.


Love one another as I have loved you, and do not be otherwise, for the man loves the man on earth into My name and does brotherly works into My name, and the man forgets to love Me on earth as in heaven. However, you should not give the love from among you on the one, which has to be between Me and you, because if you love only those that love you, what reward will you receive? Love God, sons, and then all of your love will be His love, which does only good around you without haughtiness, for he who does not love from Me, loves from him, and his love remains on earth. Love in Me, for in you it is not as in Me. Remain in Me, for you do not remain in you as in Me, and after you have done so, you will tell Me if those that I speak to you about are right. The love for your brothers shall not precede the love for God, for the first one is attacked by the opposing spirit, which is human and is not godly. Love God, and He will clothe you within Him and you will be the sons of the Most High on earth and you will be the heaven on earth, for I want to bring the heaven into view on earth, sons, and then to hide it for a few moments, and I will cover you as I covered Abimelech and no one saw him under the sycamore tree, which sheltered him until I raised him as a testimony of the resurrection and of the life within God. I will cover you too for a couple of moments as the cloud also covered Me from the eyes of My disciples in the time when I went to be near the Father in secret, and I will do this to make you be like Me and like My Father, Who is in secret, and then we will remove the veil and I will appear with all the saints from the beginning and up to you, and with all the sinners, on the right and on the left, and I will have the saints on My right and the sinners on My left. And now, by My word upon you, I pray in you for the sinners, to be forgiven by your intercession and to make them free, starting with Adam and then with all people up to this time. Amen, amen, amen.

I will forgive the sinners giving them according to their works first, and then I will hide you, but My Spirit, Which is praying in you, first will ask the Father for the forgiveness of the sinners from Adam and until now, because Adam is crying sons. The man built by My hand is crying for all those who have been sinning without forgiveness on earth. The first man, who had lived on earth almost one thousand years, has been crying in the dwelling of the dead, and since then he has been crying for all those who sin like him, to be forgiven of their sins. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, from 22-02-2004. (On Calameo)


I want to remind you, Jerusalem, of the last sign before the resurrection of the dead and then of My appearance with thousands and thousands of angels and of saints in the sky. This sign will be the growing cold of the love, My people. Against this you have to watch much, for it is a deadly fight, and you shall fight for life more than the evil spirit fights for death when he sees his defeat and his death from his closeness, not knowing what he fights for, then he will see that the death is his fruit.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 29-02-2004. (On Calameo)


… — Oh, heaven full of saints, oh, heaven invisible by the man, who does not come after Me! Just for a little while, and you, saints of the heaven, you are to long just for a moment. I will come in every man with the power of My word, and then I will work out the end of all My mysteries by the last mystery: the resurrection of the creature, after I bring My day on the unfaithful, and new heavens and new earth over those who are faithful and saints. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the forty holy martyrs from Sebaste, from 22-03-2004. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, I want, son, to teach you not to fall down under worries. Worship Me with prayers and thankfulness and show Me your requests. Keep My peace in your mind, in your heart and in your thought, and I will be your help, My people. Take care of My word to love it, to wait for it and to get ready for it and for its fulfillment. Take care to listen, My people, and do nothing of what you like, for this is an abomination in the house of the Lord, because I have set a guide upon you to live before Me in obedience, My people. Do not love what you like, but love what God likes, and look into the Scriptures and in the holy fathers for the pleasure, which is pleased to Me: obedience, son, for you will have its wisdom from it, and this will feed you with the love of God and then by faith you will fulfill together with Me the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, for those who are alive, whose who are clean, and those who are holy can do miracles and wonders through Me beyond the resurrection of the dead, My people. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feat of the Lord’s Entrance in Jerusalem. The Palm Sunday, from 04-04-2004. (On Calameo)


All those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you, the last ones. All those from Adam and up to you have been waiting for you as you have Me alive in you and among you, and I am the resurrection and the life as I told Martha that her brother, Lazarus, would be resurrected at that time, after four days, and then at the last resurrection when all the bodies will stand up and confess that Christ died and rose from death for each man, beginning with Adam, as two thousand years ago, I was the beginning of those who had fallen asleep, and each one will come to stand in his own order, and the judgment will be made by Me and you, those who are My merciful ones, when I will speak through you and when I will proclaim the resurrection of the dead. Amen.

Christ has risen for each man! Amen.

Christ has risen for all those who will keep everything that I have commanded them to do! Amen.

Christ has risen for all those who will be baptized then in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, beginning with Jerusalem, as I commanded My disciples to work two thousand years ago!

Christ has risen for all those who will stand up in their bodies from the earth according to the Scriptures of the raising of the dead, and then, the life of the age which is to be on earth for the faithful ones, for a new heaven and a new earth by the mystery of the New Jerusalem, chosen at the end of the time, a heavenly mystery on earth with the people in the midst of whom I will dwell and reign by the gift of the eternal life everywhere and over all things! Amen.

Oh, My people, may your steadfast faith be blessed! Amen. And after you will have taken the food for your being, which I am blessing now, I will take you specially and I will reveal within your life the mystery of the firm faith and its fruit, My people. And I ask you, as a great God that I am, to pay attention and to keep everything that I am going to reveal you for your life, for My life in you, only for you to believe that I am He Who hears and sees and knows the spirit in man, and the spirit between man and man, and between Me and you, sons of My word, you who give birth to sons. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 18-04-2004.


Christ is risen! And let the number of the disciples increase, those who believe in this word of the sacrificed and resurrected Lamb, and let the undoubted faith also increase, of those who hear from far and near the news that the Lord has been speaking the word after two thousand years on earth. This is the word of the seventh angel, My word, the voice of the One Who cries out: “Come to life!”, the voice which is heard by those in the graves to come out, as I said two thousand years ago that they would hear it and will wake up, and the saints who wait for Me for such a long time, come with Me, for I come with them, because they woke up for My coming, and many woke up from among them two thousand years ago, since I, the One Who was crucified and resurrected, made their way for their resurrection within their body, and I, being the beginning of this. Amen.

Oh, I want to reward your tiredness with disciples, working sons. Give priority to this work, for My disciples, after I was resurrected and after I sent them on earth to preach Me for the faith of many people, they did so, and they took care of the growing of the word, and especially, of the growing of the Holy Spirit in those who came closer to believe, and you should also not work something else on earth, for it is the time of the renewal of the earth by My word, and with every passing day the time is high to plant My beauty of the heaven on earth in a visible way starting with you, for without you I do not make any beginning or any end of My works by which I renew the earth and the heaven, which will come down on earth renewed by word and by the work of the word, to the glory of the heavenly things and not for the glory of the earthly things, sons and servants of the word of My coming. I want that all the earthly ghosts may submit to Me to give them of My glory and let their glory die away, because other is the glory of the things from heaven, as it is written about those things and about those who will be renewed within their incorruptibility. Amen.

I want the disciples of this work of word to know Me and to do My will in them by My word coming out of My mouth and out of you, those who establish Me on earth with the people. With every passing day, I want to renew more and more the land under your feet and under which the hell and its servants groan, children and sons. I want to fulfill the Paradise on earth, and I have said this by the word of this book that I have been speaking for fifty years and which written with a letter on earth, because I will plant millions and millions of lilies and roses on earth, (It's about people like lilies and roses, r.n.) to command My angels and the birds of the heaven, (Angels and saints from heaven, r.n.) which are part of My glory, to sing the song of the heaven on earth with you. Oh, I have always taught you, and I will always teach you not to forget that the children have been given to taste of My glory, and they feel it and become My glory. Amen. I have been teaching you the mystery of love, which teaches the man to become God and godly grace on earth. The word of My teaching is a spring, which never dries up and which springs forever, for how could you be able to watch otherwise for your meeting with Me?

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing women, from 25-04-2004. (On Calameo)


Oh, how comfortingly I have been teaching those who have travelled to come and receive from heaven! It hurts Me that the man on earth does no longer read the Scriptures and that the people do not come together to look into them and to understand them, and then to receive their fulfilling work upon the man. Oh, the man does no longer know to have a Father as I have and to do what his Father tells him to do. Behold, I cannot do anything from Me if I do not see the Father doing as well, and those that the Father does, these I, the Son, also do exactly. I told the Jews who were fighting to find fault with Me because of My word by which I called Myself the Son of the Father, and I was telling them this: «For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does. He will show Him greater works than these that you may marvel. For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He desires. For the Father judges no one, but He has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. Most assuredly, I tell you, he who hears My word, and believes Him Who sent Me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life». (John: 5/20-24)

Oh, sons, whoever believes in Me and in the Father, that one does not come to judgment because he has life. The Son has life in Himself like the Father, and behold the hour when those in the graves hear the voice of the Son, and those who hear it come to life. And again, the hour is coming when all those in the dwelling of the dead will come up at My voice for the judgment of their works, and My judgment is right, because I do not do My will but My Father’s Who has sent Me to do it, and the Father confesses Me. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day. The feast of the Holy Spirit Descent, from 31-05-2004. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons, who put Me into the book, I have with Me the child that you are bringing to memorial before Me after seven years from his calling to Me, for he would have separated himself from Me on earth, but in heaven I have united him with those who serve day and night before Me bringing prayers to Me for those on earth. He speaks with My accord and this is what he speaks to those who had him as their son:

You should not bring Me to you! Be good, be humble by the Spirit of the Lord, and let me bring you before the Lord, Who made me to pray for you, for I listen to those who had always, always sent me on earth to the Lord that I might listen to Him, and they also made my entrance into the heavenly things this way to intercede for you, and I listen to them, to those who signed my entrance into those from heaven, when the Lord called me.

I listen to the Lord in heaven, and you should also listen to Him even more on earth, for it is hard on earth for God and no one wakes up properly when he tries to repent from his empty life, and there are many among these who do not have knowledge of God as they should, and this is their shame, because they do not know what the resurrection of the dead on earth and in heaven is, from the earth and from the heaven. No one knows on earth that there is one flesh of men, another flesh of animals, that there are also celestial bodies, and terrestrial bodies, and one star differs from another star in glory, when it is about those from heaven and about those from earth; and as is the one made of dust, such are those who are also made of dust; and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly, and woe to those who hope in the Lord only for their life on earth, for they are to be mourned among all people. However, you should be awake as it should and do not be deceived, “Evil companionships corrupt good morals!” and you should have knowledge of God from God, Who is with you, for the resurrection of the dead is for the man to give that which is mortal for that which is immortal; what is mortal to put on immortality, then what is written will happen: «It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power, for if there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body, for the first man was made a living soul, and the last man was made life-giving spirit, because that which is natural is first and not that which is spiritual. And as the first man is of the earth, made of dust, so the second man is from heaven, and as we have borne the image of those made of dust, let us also bear the image of the heavenly». (See 1 Cor: 15)

Be awake as you should, for as is the one made of dust, such are also those who are made of dust; and is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly, and this is how you should learn the resurrection, for there are many on earth who do not have knowledge of God, and it is not sown the body that is to be, and that is why the people do not understand how the dead are resurrected and what kind of body will come, and that is why the people who do not understand are not resurrected. Let the people receive from you all that I tell you from my dwelling place in heaven, and let them prepare for those that will be on earth and which cannot be seen with the earthly eyes, and not even with the spiritual eyes, because those who are invisible are seen only with the heavenly eyes. Amen. And you should no longer bring me to you, but you should be good and humble by the Spirit of the Lord instead, so that I may be able to bring you before the Lord, Who made me to pray among those in heaven for you with the knowledge of those that the Lord has as His bridge between those from heaven and those from earth. Amen.

— Oh, My people, I, the Lord, I, Who spoke by the Scriptures two thousand years ago, I am the One Who fulfill them, for I said that the time is coming and it has already come when all those in the tombs will hear the voice of the Son of God, and they will be resurrected within immortality and they will confess God. Amen.

May your sacrifice of love be blessed for the one mentioned by you among those in heaven, those on earth intercessors between those on earth and those in heaven. Amen. Seek to have knowledge of God as you should have that it may be resurrection on earth, for if you do not do this, I will be more wounded from you than from the world that has no knowledge of God. However, I have come to you on earth for you to live and for the dead to see and to come to life at your sight, which has in it the glory of humility, a glory like Mine and not like the human glory, healing from heaven and not from the earth.

Listen to My entire word put upon you, sons. Listen to every word that is put upon you by those who are on earth, as My word among you and not to their word, and receive them opening yourselves to them, for any physician speaks and deals with the unfaithful one according to his weaknesses and he gives him a remedy according to his illness, to brings his wholeness to his body, to his soul and to his spirit. Hear Me when I knock and teach them to be hospitable, for My messengers among you are those who carry you to Me, and Me to you, sons, and you will be blessed if you understand properly the mystery of resurrection, the ongoing passing from death to life then when you go wrong and when My messengers open your graves to take you always to light, and you should be always, always alive, and to love and to live in the light and to walk before Me being changed from glory to glory. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-082004. (On Calameo)


I am He Who made the heaven and the earth and I am alive forever and ever, and I have the keys of the hell and the devil, who has been deceiving the whole world, I keep him under My control, and he asks for permission from Me when he tests the man who is pleased to Me and the one I expect to work according to My will.

I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and My voice fills the heaven, the earth and the dwelling of the dead when I speak, and those in the tombs hear My voice and respond to My calling, and I am hurt, I have got a heavenly pain because those who are alive in their bodies do not want to hear My voice which calls them from death to life, from them to Me so that I may be rich with the people who have the love of God in them and to rely on their faith and on their life, sweet in their heart, in their body and in their mind, and with their works that go up to heaven, to God, and which never come back to man without their reward, without man’s becoming divine, after I have called him to turn back in his heart from the idols to the perfect love which gives man happiness without end, for I am without end, and I want to be so in man. Amen.

Oh, children sons who stand before Me as the bridge of My word when it speaks for you to hear and to put it into My today’s book to the testimony of My second coming from the Father! Oh, My voice is heard in the dwelling of the dead more than on earth then when I speak to you. I have brought to you those you have remembered before Me and I am putting them at the table with you to their joy from Me and the joy you have brought to them, for I do not pass over those you have asked Me to do, but I rather fulfill, for I have set you to be intercessors before Me for the whole human kind, which was and which is under the earth and on the earth, so that the two worlds may be one, sons. However, I am the invisible King because I am surrounded by the angelic hosts, and these are without body, and that is why the earthlings do not see them and do not see Me, Who am covered by the invisible angels. However, I am Who I am, and I do My work wonderfully and mysteriously, as I am the mysterious God, and when I call those in the tombs when you remember them, they, like Me, surrounded by My hosts of angels, stay not being seen by man with you at their table of remembrance, as there is no other place on earth and in heaven like My place from you and with you. Amen. The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool, and when I am with you as word, I speak to you from My throne, and the heaven, not seen by man, is here with you, and I am also telling those who are coming and surrounding you because you are Mine, and I am telling them that I am the Maker of the heaven and the earth, of everything that is seen and not seen. (See the selection topic: "The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) And now I am coming to you, as I said that I would come again to judge the living and the dead, and My kingdom does not have and will not have an end, and together with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, Who spoke and speaks by the prophets, I am worshipped and glorified. Amen.

… Oh, behold, the curtain, which stays between the two worlds, has been pulled aside for those who were remembered, and I am sitting with you at the table, as the one who is remembered takes all his fallen asleep relatives, as he is remembered on My altar of fire from the place of the glory of My word, which is being glorified during these days over the earth sharing itself to the people who can believe in Me, because two thousand years ago, I said that the time would come when those in the graves would hear the voice of the Son of God and they would wake up at His voice. However, those on earth did not take care to have faith and eyes for those who have waited from the making of man for their resurrection at My voice; they have been waiting to call them out. Amen.

When death entered man and upon man, after I had made those visible and invisible of the heaven and the earth, I told Cain, who raised his hand and killed his brother because of the wickedness of his heart, and I asked him: «What have you done?» And as he hid his deed from Me and because he did that, and I asked him again: «What have you done, for the voice of your brother’s blood cries to Me from the ground». (Gen: 4/10) Abel’s life cries out to Me, because life does not perish forever, and only death will perish as it is written. Amen. Oh, and this is how those in the tombs cry to Me to take them out and to give them forgiveness and their life back, and happy are those who are in body and learn from Me how to take out those who have waited for their life that I put in them at their birth from man. Oh, what a great mystery and work is the memorial of those who wait in the dwelling of the dead to get up at My voice to which pray those that I love on earth and from the earth.

May it be blessed his little heart which love with such a great longing the work of My word and you, for his salvation and for the salvation of those whom he wants again to be with him and with Me those who were his after the flesh. Oh, you son who love the heaven, the love for the heaven is learned from heaven and not from the earth, but it can be hardly perceived by the man who hears of My today’s descending as word on earth. Let us learn, we those who love My Father and yours; let us, those in heaven, always learn the love for heaven, and we will see following us those who stay in our heavens, in our hearts full of heaven, to fill the heaven and to empty the dwelling of the dead on earth and from the earth, and that the heaven may be filled with those who love God as in heaven and not as on earth. Amen. Stay under the love of those who have My love in them, and stay with your heart in heaven, as on earth is man, and we need much love of men, for My wisdom in man is a spirit loving of people in order to draw the people from death to life. Amen. I, the Lord, love more those who love Me with longing, those who do no longer love themselves because of their love of Me and for those who wait, without knowing, for their resurrection on earth. Resurrection is a great mystery, and its mystery is learned from Me, only to have students at the school of the man’s resurrection. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on a day of remembrance of those who have fallen asleep, from 03-10-2004.


Woe to the man who loses his time and has not earned it, the man who loses his life without earning it for Me and for My Gospel of nowadays, with which I walk in the dwelling of the dead on the ground and under the ground to make the resurrection of the creature, which was and which is!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the devout Parascheva, from 27-10-2004.


Oh, children sons, who carry upon you the burden of My coming on earth as the Teacher of the world! If the man loved God with his entire heart, with his entire soul and with his entire mind and power, would he also have for himself from these? And of his things, really? Behold, in this basic commandment the body is of no use, for it is the spirit, which gives life, but the man does not have teachers upon him, teaching sons from Me over the man. I will lift you up over all the heights on earth with My teaching and I will renew the world with it, and I then I will bring on earth the life, which is to be after the resurrection of the dead, who hear My voice from their dwelling place made ready to listen to My commandment for their raising, for the fulfillment of the last Scriptures and which the people do not longer look in that I may give them wisdom to understand them, and then to believe in them with humility, for humility is greater than love. This is what the saints say, those who wait for My coming, and they say that the greatest truth in man is the humility of the mind and heart, for it wins the man over to God and it is now greater than love, for where it is not, My love cannot work in man and for man. Amen.