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Oh, My people, man does not know how true I, the Lord, am, by My word upon you, but look in it and see how quickly it shows its truth after I speak it, as for many times I have seen in My people, here and there, how My freshly spoken word is overthrown, and I see the lack of love of those who do not always, always look into My word so that they may not violate it, so that they may not make God suffer by their trespassing of His word. Great watch is needed, but above this, great love of God is needed for man to be able to follow properly My teaching by the word. Man is too weak and that is why I have come now on earth, in the end of the time, and I wanted and want to make an obedient people with whom I may be able to work everything that is still written in the Scriptures to fulfill, until after the resurrection of the dead, when I will make the condition in heaven come down on earth, My rest after much labor done to harvest the fruit of My work of seven thousand years from among people, a people earned by God by great storms, by much sufferance and endurance, by My today’s labor, when the Father is sending Me on earth as word, for He has found faithful sons and has been able to fulfill My coming in the word, the time of the judgment of the men’s works and the announcing of the great day, in which the Lord will appear victoriously over man and in time and over the unbelief on earth.

Oh, let no one marvel at the opposition, at the carelessness of those who hear and say that they do not hear, of those who know that I have to come and do not receive Me when I come, by those to whom I speak and do not do as I tell them. This is how I was received two thousand years ago, after I proved so much power among the people on earth in word and deed, and those who wanted to be great among people, kept on minding their own business and put Me away from over them when the Father had sent Me to shepherd them to eternal life, and there was no place on earth where I went and where I spoke, that My steps could not be seen over those who did not receive Me when I entered at them, and so it will be today as well and this is how I will prove Myself as true God by My coming through My word of today, as it is written for Me to come and speak, and the dead to hear Me and to come to life if they want, if they have power to believe and to listen to My will upon them.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-082010. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, My work with you is very big an so is the work that I do with you, and I have descended from branch to branch to speak to you and not to leave you, and to keep on feeding you from heaven, and those on earth do not know to hear and to see the birth of My word into your midst and it happens as in the time when I came on earth being born of a Virgin mother two thousand years ago when few knew at that time God’s mystery, and when they discovered, it immediately tried to hide it, to wipe it out from the earth, but man cannot change God’s mysteries or spoil them, but can rather damage his life thinking that he can do it. Oh, there have been many on earth who have wanted to put out My work with you too, but all of them got hurt and will keep on getting hurt, even if they do not know to appreciate it in this way, for he who loves himself and shows it by his works, that one cannot have any proper knowledge of God or knowledge of God’s mysteries, for one like this does not really look after these, but he looks to take after his own things, and it is in this way he understands, too, and as a result, his resurrection keeps going far and far away from him, because the resurrection of the man is a great mystery now, and in the age to come, the age of those resurrected and of those who come to life one by one by My power, by My love for the man who comes into the world for resurrection, only for him to know and to learn the mystery from God and not from him or from man, God’s mystery with man on earth, after that I, the Lord, I and with the Father and the Holy Spirit, I and with My saints, make all things new in the place of the old ones, who pass away with a great noise as it is written to be fulfilled in this way. Amen.

… Those who passed away are coming too because I have called them to come at the feast of My word, and the tear of their spirit will be only joy on that day when they will spend with Me and with you at the table of the feast for the angels, My people, and if those on earth knew how much comfort means one moment of joy for those who passed away, then they would live only for the resurrection of their dead, only for the happy life of those who will not have earned it on earth to have it on the time of their departure. The life lived with God, that is what can go with man on his way to the heavenly palace, when the angels come and take him to the eternal place. The delight which man has between him and the Lord on earth, that is the joy, which can accompany him, which can comfort him as his possession then.

Behold My people, those who are resurrected and those who are on their way to resurrection get ready for the feast, and a drop of comfort is great wealth for them, and great hope goes to them from you! Oh, sons, I have come now on earth with My work of word to you for the resurrection of the dead, and the dead from the tombs hear My voice, and I have told you to preach to the nations of the earth the word that comes out of My mouth. My today’s word with you is an accomplished prophecy and it is a staff of shepherd for the one who loves his eternal life on earth and in him. Oh, share Me further, My people, because I have made you a sower on earth and people do not know this mystery of Mine with you, as they are lost in their things, and Mine come and stick to them to open their heart and mind after that, to understand that the fulfillments of the Scripture come upon them on earth and take them by surprise because they are not prepared for the Lord to come to them. Satan gets into the man’s way with his things, because the man who serves satan has opened his window wide for satan (The internet and television window, r.n.) and painted it with all the dyes and put the man in front of his window and man looks; he has always looks and he forgets about himself and about God, and first, he forgets about prayer and watch for My mysterious coming, and then with a big heavenly retinue, for some with fire and for others with the breeze of the Holy Spirit, with comfort and with My sweet brightness for those who are saved, for the faithful who serve Me with faithfulness waiting for My appearance. Amen.

… Now, I, the Lord, am telling everyone that there is resurrection, as behold, the saints are testifying near Me from heaven about My work on earth with men, as My saints had a body on earth and now they are in My glory and are incorruptible as I am, and they also have the garment of incorruptibility on them, as it is written in the page from the Scriptures about the dressing into incorruptibility of the spiritual bodies in which the Holy Spirit dwelt and dwells forever and ever. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Demetrius, the myrrh bearer, from 08-11-2010.


Oh, I long to speak, Lord, I long for it. Amen.

— Oh, you long so much, and I, the Lord, will make a way for your holy longing to the people. My comfort will wipe out your forehead tired of waiting, for I want you to speak to this people about the mystery of resurrection, and the mystery of those who are risen from death and those who are on the way to resurrection so that those who want to die and no longer play with death may understand the mystery of resurrection. Amen.

Oh, Lord, Holy, Holy, Holy You are in heaven and on earth ruling with glory, for Your saints and angels see the mystery of Your glory so beautifully! I, the chief of Your army, see the first man built by Your hand out of clay; I see how he cries over man. He sighs and cries over the man who has separated from You for sin, after he had brought in his body the sin when he did not listen to You in paradise, and here he is how he prays to you for the resurrection of those who went wrong and died like him doing what was wrong, from his time and up to this day, and he has been crying to You with burning prayer and says:

Lord, bring near the glory of the resurrection to all those who have gone wrong through my sin in paradise! I departed from You because of the woman; I loved her with my heart and I forsook You, and it was of no use that I had done something like that, and I suffer for each man who falls through my sin, for man does not love his wife but only for sin; nevertheless, two thousand years ago, You told the man to love his woman as You had love the church, for the mystery of marriage became unfaithful and worshipping to the idol of pleasures and the man makes You suffer as he has always died by sin and with sin. Oh, forgive the sinners and give them the gift of sight, for we see now the work of the mystery of the resurrection in the midst of Your praying people for us, those who died through sin. Oh, have mercy on the mob that waits for its resurrection and forgiveness, Lord, as You work everything only of Your mercy for man. I am crying and asking You for the resurrection of all, for they wait for Your commandment and hope waiting. Amen.

Oh, I am coming soon, I am coming soon and open to them to come out! I am coming soon. Amen.

Hear My people, hear, sons, the voice of those in the tombs! It is a day of feast, sons, and the angels and saints and those who wait in the after-world are sitting at the table and wait with longing.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saints archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2010.


Oh, let My Father Sabaoth strengthen you, those who are My gates for the coming of My word on earth and for its setting into the book of today, as I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am fulfilling My voice on earth, the voice of the Son of God, just as two thousand years ago, I spoke through My Gospel that I would fulfill, and those from the graves to hear Me, and on My day of glory to confess this fulfillment of Mine upon them, because those who are on earth do not want to believe in God, they do not have time for resurrection; however, those in the graves have been waiting for this time, and then, after it, the life of the age which will be eternal, the age that is to be, and great is the work of resurrection which I am working today with great power and mystery, and those who are resurrected and on the way to resurrection are praying to Me for My today’s people to strengthen it for this mystery of Mine from these days, and which is seen from far away by those who left the earth, seen by faith and then hoped for, […]

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Entrance of the Lord’s Mother into the Church, from 04-12-2010.


Oh, how shall I show you My joy? I suffer and I seek after joy near My pain, and you give it to Me, and I feel comfort for My wounds. Oh, I am aggrieved because the mystery of My resurrection from the dead does not bring forth fruit in man. Those who are alive in the body are more dead than those who are dead in whose midst I woke up after I had stayed among them in a borrowed tomb as long as I needed to shatter the gates of the hell in order to draw to resurrection those who had been waiting for Me for four or five thousand years to come down after them so that I might bring them to life by My resurrection. Oh, I am aggrieved because those who are dead in their body are more alive than those who are alive in their body, and I am coming down to tell them, to preach to those who are on earth only in their bodies and also to tell them that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am staying during these days as word on earth into the midst of the people so that they may hear Me and seek after their resurrection; to seek it with Me, as I am coming and speaking on earth the word of eternal life now.

I have told you that you will come and I will meet you and be a sweet Shepherd for you, a Shepherd full of exhortation upon you on a day of holy feast with you and with those in heaven, with whom I have come. I have also told you that I am aggrieved that those who are dead in their body are more alive than those who are alive in their body, and here they are called at My table with you, a table of memorial for them too so that we may comfort them. Oh, how beautiful they are sitting now, what a humble spirit they have, listening to My voice, the voice of the Son of God in your midst now! I have given them great joy and comfort, embracing them within My today’s word, as I am telling them now:

Oh, be comforted in your sufferance for Me, your Savior, aggrieved because of man, because your pain is sweet as it is Mine, and you are comforted with it, and you are saved by it too, but those who live on earth in their body do not draw to their salvation, which is coming to them by My pain in them. Oh, if they knew the life or the lack of life of those who were, they would be comforted by the saving pain and would no longer seek after falsehood, after the spirit of emptiness, which enchants man, not releasing him from his lie. Nothing is not to be understood between God and man, but he does not choose his joy, that which comes from My pain, from My love full of pain for man. Amen.

Yes, Lord, the Savior of those who are alive in their body, who seek after You, and the Savior of those who are asleep who wait for You with Your day of victory for them! Oh, Your word is full of mystery, resurrected Savior! We are comforted in Your days now with Your people of new Jerusalem with which You speak from heaven on earth. There has come on earth the fulfillment of the Scripture for the revelation of the sons of God and the time of the hearing of Your voice of today by those in the tombs in order to get up at Your voice and to receive each one according to their works. Oh, you are much of a Savior for us! The praying sacrifice before You for us into the midst of Your people of today is remedy and healing from death to us, Lord. You are so merciful with respect of the mistakes, which we did in our life on earth! Oh, men do not know the world which is here, and, therefore, they live carelessly for it during their days on earth, as we also lived much like that. We are telling them, on the way of Your word, and we are telling them from near You to believe now, before seeing, so that they may prepare their happiness for this time here, because if they do not prepare it, they do not have it.

Oh, what were You really to do with us, so sinful as we were on earth, if You did not meant us to be a living church, and much working at Your word for us, a people of new Jerusalem, living in holiness and prayer and sacrifice for us always? You have set them at Your holy work on earth for the resurrection of the dead, oh, Lord. We did no longer have a mother on earth to be born again. The church and its services for us are mixed and do no longer come up to You for us. The Orthodoxy, Your bride, has torn in pieces its baptismal garment. Only in heaven have we got saving fathers, and behold how much salvation You have prepared for us from the midst of Your today’s people on earth, with servants set at the work of salvation for us, those fallen asleep and waiting for our redemption, great Savior. Oh, glory to Your resurrection for us! You have given us great mercy, Good Lord! We are telling the sons of Your people and those who are gathered on this day at Your spring of word, we are telling them the joy that You had given us, those of old and those who have come later, after You had been resurrected from the dead, we are telling them this, too: Christ has risen and redeemed us, and our joy is great and it has in it the Lord’s pain and His sufferance for us, the thrill of thankfulness for the merciful One, Who paid for our lives by His sacrifice for us! Amen.

— Oh, nothing, nothing is not to be understood between Me and man, but man does not choose his joy, which is coming in him from My pain, from My love full of pain for man. I have given voice to those fallen asleep to comfort them, as I am the merciful One and I am full of salvation for man. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 08-05-2011.


— The saints are blessing you, My people, as they see your work with Me. The Father is blessing you as He sees you with Me and with the saints at the table, son. The nature is blessing you with all its miracles, as it sees you working with Me at its redemption. Those who go from their graves up to their resurrection are also blessing you before Me, as this great day is coming when My work with you will be much confessed, My work of word in your midst for the redemption of the bodies of those who have sanctified themselves for this on earth in all the times that have passed. I, the Lord Jesus Christ, your Teacher, am also blessing you on behalf of My Father and yours, and I am telling you to prepare for a sweet feast, as the people is coming to the spring; My people is coming again to My spring of word to give to it, and you are the distributor of God by My work with you. Oh, seek to know well the life of My kingdom with you, as I want man to take, to take and to be able to work, because man is weak due to his lack of God in him.

Excerpt of the Word of God on the feast of the great saint martyr and healer, Panteleimon, from 09-08-2011.


I have prepared My way of coming as on earth man prepares a way of stone on which he travels then for his needs, and I have prepared a stopover, too, and I am coming with the saints and stopping among people to speak at the table with those who are faithful to the word of heaven so that those who are not faithful may hear It and to be judged according to their works after that, according to their faith or unfaith in which they want to remain.

I have with Me, at the table of word, the host of those who are godly in heaven, and it is a day of feast among the saints for My wholly faithful bride, Parascheva, who, one thousand years ago, chose Me as her bridegroom, as her life and love on earth. I have kept her as a heavenly adornment and she wanted to be and to live in the land of the Romanians, as at her coming among the saints I showed her the glory the Father had prepared for Me on the hearth of the Romanian people and My way with a table of word on it in the last days. Soon, soon, a great and mysterious miracle will take place, as on earth the bodies of the saints will come here from everywhere, in My country of My coming as word on earth now, where I have been preparing a citadel for those in heaven and a table for them with those who are faithful to Me in this time when no one has love of God on earth any more, and the bodies of the saints will hover above this land just as the ships sail on sea, and they will fly in the sky to come down at My table, set by Me on the hearth of the Romanian people, as here is where the Father has ordained My wedding and its table with the saints, and soon, this mysterious miracle will marvel the world far and wide, and the world will wonder and not understand those who are hard to understand by the human mind; however, I, the Lord, fulfill the Scripture of My coming with the saints, word by word, and no one will understand this fulfillment, for man looks to see such miracles and will not be able to see My mysteries, as what is made of flesh is flesh, and what is made of spirit is spirit and it is from heaven and so it reveals, and I am coming with the saints and making a kingdom with them into the midst of the faithful people and I am making a table of wedding in order to bring together for Me those who will have served Me with their love, as the saints have served Me after they had loved Me. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the devout Parascheva, from 27-10-2011.


Oh, no one knows why I want to find and love the monachal life at those who choose it as their life. This life, lived according to its truth, is a life without meat and without those that come out of meat as food for the one who has entered a monastery, for such a life turns the man into a monk, and not the service and the robe of monasticism, which then become severe judgment for the one who goes into monastery. Many saints have chosen to live their life in truth, to fast from food and to pray much for their heart and mind, and the gift of the Holy Spirit overshadowed them and the Lord gave them the spirit of revelation to the establishing of those He made come down on earth for those who love God. Oh, I have longed very much to have in this time a people abstaining from meat and from those coming out of meat, to be able to lift up together with it the burden of My coming and the Gospel of the fulfillment of the resurrection of the dead, who have heard during these days the voice of God’s sons, My word of today, springing of My mouth into the midst of My people, whom I have ordained now to meet Me as word, for I am coming to it on earth as word during these days.

Oh, I have taken of your little hand and mouth of My servant the remembrance for the calling to life of those asleep until this time, oh, people working for Me and fulfilling My Gospel of nowadays in the end of the time! I have called them at your table with Me for them, at My table with you, son, and we have been giving them more and more relief to their resurrection by those that I, the Lord, have taken from your midst, which are worked for them, as you have been appointed before Me to work for the resurrection of the dead and to stay working and no longer live in the world without fruit for Me, as all those who still believe in Me stay and do not know how to build a Christian life in them. Oh, who is to tell them so that they may know how their life should be, that they may have a Christian life as they like to have this name?

Oh, it is not the same with the spirit of those asleep in their body who wait, as the merciless rich man waited for Lazarus to bow from Abraham’s bosom and dip the tip of his finger and cool his lips against the flame he was suffering from in the bad place which he had earned on earth, as I had revealed this to him two thousand years ago by the voice of My Gospel of that time, and behold, now all those who are asleep and remembered here, receive much coolness from My present spring, near the spring to which they are coming after they have been called, for are called here all those who were born by this time on earth and passed away with their body, some to eternal life and some to sufferance.

Oh, refresh yourselves now with My spring of word, near which you are being called now so that you may answer! All those, who have passed to Me through a holy life, rejoice and pray to the Father with Me and with My today’s people, working with us for those who have been suffering after their passing away! And as for you, those who suffer, be refreshed and receive My glory with those who work for you on My behalf, as your relief from heaven and earth, for I, the Lord, do not want the sinner’s death, but I want salvation instead, for I am the One full of mercy. I have a people with self-denial with respect to its every day food and I have asked him to fast for you and for Me, Who have been working during these days for the salvation of many, and with it I have been fulfilling the last Scriptures; also, with it I have been working My coming of word on earth now to establish the seat of My glory for the day when I will stand with all the holy angels to give to each one according to his deed, and it will be great the joy of those who have visited Me, who have had mercy on Me and comforted Me then when they have given to the least of Mine into My name!

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Fearful Judgment, from 19-022012. (On Calameo)


Oh, peace to you, people of My word, My servant on whom I have been relying during these days of My coming on earth as word! Son, you should stay with the gates open for the Lord. You should stay as servant for Me, for My coming on earth, and all the saints will thank you, and those in hell will also thank you, those who always receive from your hand release and merciful prayer for their souls before Me.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the saint devout Mary the Egyptian, from 01-04-2012.


On a day of Sunday, the second Sunday after My resurrection, which took place on the day of Sunday, I strengthen the name of the Day of the Lord and of His rest. I the Lord, Jesus Christ, the resurrected Lord, am strengthening by the word and I say this: the first day of creation is the greatest day, and the minds of the people on earth have not been in great hurry, those who do not keep the greatest of the days, they have not hurried to understand what a great day this day is and how much meaning it has between God and man, between man and God. I am speaking to them on this day of the confirmation of My resurrection before the disciple Thomas, when he looked at Me after I was resurrected, and he touched Me for the confirmation of the mystery of My resurrection, I am telling those who remain for the day of Saturday as a day for the Lord, and I am telling them that I did not rest on the day of Saturday, after they crucified Me, but that I worked in the dwelling of the dead for the light of the day of the Sunday, of the day of the light, for I, the Lord, entered the hell as a great light, and I draw out those who had been waiting for their salvation all the time during those five thousand years and a half after the days of creation, in which man was created as well. (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.) Then I came to life with great glory and I remained forty days, going from place to place appearing alive and working great miracles, and then I went in the mountain with My faithful ones, that they could be witnesses of My resurrection and then witnesses of My ascension to the Father, as few as they were at that time from among all the people on earth, and I went up from among them and I ascended to the right side of the Father, in the place where the Father has Me settled from eternity; after that, I have sent the Holy Spirit over the disciples, Who was promised to them and Who came after My ascension to the Father, and He remained with them and brought God to them, as I promised them that I would be with them to the end of the time.

On a second day of Sunday after the Sunday of My resurrection and of those who were waiting in hell for their Savior promised to Adam, the first man created, I entered again into the midst of My disciples, while they were staying together closed because of the fear of those who were looking for them, and I said to them: «Peace to you!», as these hearts, crushed and full of tension, needed much peace. And on that day, I saw the disciple Thomas among them, who was not among them on the Sunday of the resurrection, when for the first time I appeared resurrected before them. As some people stuck to the earthly things, even after My resurrection, they still minded their things. However, I was walking after them and I appeared to them so that they might understand their election and to give other things or occupations on the earth away from them, as God hired them for Him, and they still worked otherwise. However, the Holy Spirit came and He gave Himself to them, and then they were able to work only for Me, only with My walking, and I had much work to be done through them and which was to be set on earth, so that I may have a house with the man on earth, to have the man as My church, (See the selection topic: "The true church”, r.n.) to have a body made of faithful sons, and I to become one body with them by My body and blood united with them in their own body, so that we may all be one, and that they may be the sons of the Father as I am, and the Father’s love was so great that He called those who were faithful to Me God’s sons!

Oh, peace to you, people confessing of My second coming from the Father as word on earth! By the word, the Lord made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and He is working again the mystery of the new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem for this mystery. You should have great love, people loved by God, for the Lord has revealed to you His entire work for the new birth of the world, and you, who are born from above by this word of My mouth, help to My work the Father has given to Me and stay on My right side until we will overcome the last enemy, and then there will be the new heaven, the new earth and My confessing people, by whom I will share the great joy for all of the saints who will have waited for My complete victory. Amen.

However, I, my Lord and my God, am ordained by the saints and by the fathers and I am remembered as a great witness of Your resurrection, because You saw me with all the other disciples on the second Sunday after Your resurrection, and You came in again and gave me too such a great spirit of confession for You and for Your resurrection. Who else was then able to speak like me so fully the sweet news: “Christ has risen!”? Oh, Lord, You came to life in Your body. And in this way there will be raised the bodies of those who are now waiting, and then the prophecy for the resurrection of the bodies will come true, that which was made for their redemption by Your resurrection, for You passed through death as a man in order to bring then the power of the resurrection for all, and there is no mind to feel this great mystery, so much covered for those that do not love life, for You are life, and those who do not live according to Your word do not love You, oh resurrected Lord!

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 22-04-2012. (On Calameo)


I remind you, those who are much exhorted by My word, which you seek and want much, and I am telling you now that I said in My prayer to the Father: «My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I desire, but what You desire». (Matt: 26/39) Oh, this prayer full of pain had power in it to keep in it the spirit of obedience to the Father, for in My prayer to the Father I said then: «Not what I desire, but what You desire».

You should know from Me, sons, that the Father had listen to My prayer which I asked for Me at the moment of My bitter cup, for the cup passed, and I was resurrected, and once with Me I drew the dead out, those who heard My voice from the hell when I got into it to take them out. You should know, sons, that on that time My Father did the work beyond human nature, for God is Spirit, even if I had a body on earth to obey the Father in order to take out the bodies of the dead from the hell, but My Father kept Me near Him in the time of the carrying of the cross, and He also carried My body to those in hell, who became flesh so that I might be able to come out and walk on their way out of the hell, for how was satan supposed to be defeated if God had not showed him in the time of My cross that the bodies of the dead came out of the dust and walked on their feet on the earth?

Oh, I would go on and on speaking with you much about this great mystery of resurrection, a mystery for which My Father told Me to listen and to be born a man and to sow Myself in men with My mysterious work and to come down then by the way of the cross into the hell with My resurrection and the resurrection of the dead.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 29-04-2012. (On Calameo)


I am spending with you and with the saints here, near the well, sons. The heaven of saints is thirsty after you, after My places with you and after the word of My mouth into your midst, well sons. You, like you, but the saints are consumed with longing in order to hear Me speaking, for their view is complete now, not as on earth, as the limited man sees those below and those above. Oh, be great in your spirit and work, for I, the Lord, two thousand years ago, prophesied about My word of today among you when I spoke with the Samaritan woman at Israel’s well revealing Myself to her as the spring of flowing water, but first I exposed her because she was living in sin, and I told her: «Go, call your husband and come here». (John: 4/16) She could not tell Me that she had a husband, and she told Me the truth, that she had no husband. Then I told her: «You said well, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband». (John: 5/17, 18) I helped her to know Me by revealing her the sin in which she lived, and she was not upset with Me that I showed her sin; on the contrary, this woman sanctified her life, and here is what I, the Lord, am telling you now, to hear those that despise you calling you proud because of your life lived in holiness, in which I have set you, as I said and reminded you from the Scriptures saying: «You shall be holy, for I am holy!» (1 Peter: 1/16) Behold, to be holy is not something to be proud of as many speak against those who live in holiness, but it is rather obedience to God, Who said: «You shall be holy, as without holiness no one can see the Lord, and the saints will be like Him, as they will see Him as He is», (See Heb.: 12/14; 1 John: 3/2), as it is written.

Behold it is not a duty for man to be holy, but it is obedience to God, Who said: «You shall be holy!» Oh, but many ornaments has the garment of holiness on it after it is woven by faith in Me of the one who gets up to believe and then to prove his faith by the works of holiness. These ornaments have to be understood by him and then to be built in him and on the one who meets Me at this well, at My spring of word from here. Few, very few of those that find Me here as spring of flowing water within eternal life in man, oh, few want to understand the spirit of resurrection, which gives eternal life to man, life which does not stop from its work, but it goes, works and gives forth fruit up to eternity.

Man is afraid of resurrection. In what way is he afraid of? He is afraid of the truth about him. The Samaritan woman was not afraid when I told her the truth in her. She understood the spirit of resurrection, which came out before her to her making from above. Sons, sons, on the Christian way one works at the man’s cleanness, and the way of the Christian people does not have another work. Many go wrong saying that they are Christians, but they are not if they do not prove it. Oh, man, you go wrong thinking that you can hide within yourself and above it you still think that you are Christian. Everything comes at the surface, as much as you have no idea of it. Nevertheless, why always, always do you keep trying to defend yourself when it comes about your cleanness? Poor man always, always goes wrong and his life comes out and is seen to free him from his mistakes hidden in him, only that the man does not have any joy over his mistakes to be seen and corrected; on the contrary, he would keep on hiding them to pose as someone that is not, to remain under guilt, poor of him, but the price for the eternal life is high and man has to pay for it if he wants to have eternal life in him and not to have any mistakes in him.

Oh, there are some of those who do not understand what resurrection is; however, in the Christian people, one works only at the cleanness of man, and you, still slow for My resurrection in you, oh, if you wanted to come to life you would rejoice to find out how you are and how you are placed in those around you, how you placed yourself in them, and then you would no longer defend your weaknesses and mistakes, which always make you fall, which always make place for you in others as you are, and not otherwise. Oh, if you do not seek for your resurrection and cause pain for the man’s resurrection, do you think you can wake up the spirit of resurrection in man?

It is much to be watched, much, much, sons, who have the work of resurrection over those who understand and over those who do not understand deeply My work with you and the work of My resurrection in them as I am and not as man may want Me to be. Oh, teach them profoundly those who come to resurrection, teach them how they can come to life and how they can die after that if they do not keep watching well to learn how to have Me and where to take Me from as I am within the whole light. Man’s making, this is My work with you, but I want to give light to those that are man’s hidden things and to be able to protect My work with you, for many want to be, but if they do not let themselves be cleaned, they have no way to come to life, and you have to be only eyes and ears and to remain only within Me, only watching, as I know what it has to be done and to be known for each of those who long after this spring, and I also know how much to do and give, and you should protect yourselves so that I may be able to have you clean from the guilt in man, as no one knows to protect you if you do not do it. That is why I tell you what to do when I give you work and I am glad that you are obedient, even if you are little understood by those who understand little My work with you. And for great protection on them, oh, you should take great care to save them from you those to whom you give Me. They shall not take you in them but Me and only Me, and I have to be enough for them, and if I cannot be enough for them, then there is love in itself even in those that come to be too. Oh, to be is a great gift; it is the fruit of clean faith and not mixed with the self-love in man. That is why I said in the beginning: «I am Who I am».

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the Samaritan woman, from 02-06-2013.


Oh, as far the earth is from heaven so is man from God. However, I have always been near man, I have always been close to him, close to the blind one, and what would he supposed to do if I were not near him, near his blindness from birth? I do not expect man to believe in the work and word of My coming nowadays on earth, but I am waiting to heal his eyes and to be able to see the One he despises, the Lord, Who speaks and gives life to the creatures: He gives them food and joy. When the secret curtain between Me and man will be pulled aside, then every man will see Me in such a way that man may be able to see the One Whom they said is not God and that is only man. Oh, in vain says man that is only man. Man perishes and is no more after that. He who perishes is not he who is. Man is only blindness in his mind. He reached his hand to receive knowledge from God, but still man does not know. He knows only how to die, not to have knowledge. I do not expect man to believe in the One Who is invisible by his eyes, but I expect the separation wall between man and Me to fall, and not only for each man separately, but also for those who still carry their body, and all the bodies will get up from the dust of the earth to see the Lord with the eyes of the body when blindness will no longer be upon man, but will be judgment for disbelief for the man’s lack of love.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man, and the feast of the saint Virginia’s birth, from 09-06-2013.


Oh, neither the living nor the dead will escape from this word, from My word, which is prophesied to come and to speak over the earth by My own mouth in the end of the time and those from the graves to hear it and get up at My word, if the living do not stand up for Me but rather follow the spirit of the world in their walking. Oh, how hard and how much the wicked world condemns My coming as word on the earth and those who bear it, no one escapes from the truth of this word. Those who were once righteous and holy on earth get up and they will inherit the earth and redeem their bodies and life between earth and heaven, and the earth will be full of those who will have come to life, of those who are eternal, those who paid for their eternity with their life in the flesh pleased to those in heaven, and their number will be as high as the stars of the heaven, as it is written.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the 22-year celebration from the lying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2013. (On Calameo)


I call out everywhere, and there will come the day when I will give curd just as man adds curd to milk to separate cheese and I will beat the sour milk to choose the butter, and then I will gather the fruit and grow it from Me and I will make confessors for Me, and then I will bring the dead to life and they will take on a body like a new shirt, and this is how I will bind them from the ground where they are waiting for My signal, and this is what I have to work and fulfill by this word of My mouth which speaks so that My word may be written, as all the prophesies of the Holy Spirit were written on earth to be carried out after that.

Oh, I do not want to be kneeled down and denigrated by those on whom I have had mercy, and who humbly want to keep the salvation that I have given freely to those who firmly stand on My side, as behold, to the extent I teach everywhere My people and tell it the danger which comes because of the disobedience to My word, to the same extent the devil makes its way and raises some to violate My word, as I said: «The men’s enemies are those in his household, no matter as many as they are on the way of life»; however, if they join with those that are set aside for My hard work, then some come to be others’ enemies for salvation, then I, the Lord, come to be stricken by them, My face comes to be mocked by the world which has been wandering away from God and which does not know the hard way of My walk among the dead, as dead are all those who do not love the Lord with their life on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the beheading of the Saint John, the Baptist, from 11-09-2013.


Before dawn I start to prepare My table of word and I am coming out with it to meet those who are coming here at the spring, on the mound of My descending with the saints, and I do not have any place and dwelling dearer than here, where I can speak, work and share Myself, as there is no other joy for the man’s Maker than that near man, near the work of His love, for I was seized with great love when I made man, and I am working now with it to wake him up to My love, to his Maker, as My waiting after man has been long, and love suffers in God; the longing suffers and the waiting suffers as well, and the man’s mind and heart cannot comprehend this, and behold, I have come to cast fire on earth and to be kindled between Me and man, to get warmed up from one another and the heaven to be on earth with man, that is the Lord with His saints, and behold, a day of the feast of Resurrection is set, a table of word between Me and those who start going now to My mound here, and I am giving to them from heaven, from those that are and are not visible, from God’s invisible things, as man has got used too much with those that are visible and he tends to forget, poor of them, that I am the God of the visible and the invisible things between earth and heaven.

Oh, I am sharing with you from those that are not visible and I am telling you that the man’s coming to Me and following Me has got a great reward. I will dearly pay you for this love, for I long after love. I built man out of love; and I worked and I built him with joy, and the man’s being is dear, oh, and how man wastes it on nothing, forgetting that he will be called to give an account to the One Who had built man!

I have prepared My army and the table from above of My Spirit and My saints, and We are sitting down with a holy feast here, where those who have found Me here are gathering at My spring of word. I am here now with great commotion from heaven. Oh, the commotion of those who are not visible of the invisible world is greater than that of the bodies of the visible world. The wind stirs the entire nature on earth when it blows passing by with its work. In the same way is with the wind, which moves the invisible world of the spirits and the world of the bodies redeemed for the Lord, the world on which the whole movement of the visible world and all its nature depends. The spirit of the hand, that little thread which moves the man’s hand, shows that the hand also has a correspondent in the spirit. With what do the angels and the devils write the visible things heard from man? They write them with a pencil, and man can hardly believe and understand how this movement takes place, with the help of what it is written by those who are without a body, good or bad. It is like in the dream when man dreams that he is awake when he sleeps.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the holy prudes, from 04-05-2014. (On Calameo)


And you, interceding sons, bring to Me the Christian order for its rest with God and like God, for we will comfort each other’s tear and will rest in this way by comforts upon pains. Do not forget that for the resurrection of the dead you have to work with Me over the earth and for this great work you have to be very careful, sons, for great mercy have to work those that will be saved on My right side, as it is written. Oh, do not forget all the time of the spirit of repentance and humility, for every man has sinned and needs repentance without end on earth and holiness through it, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment, from 06-03-2016.


And I, the Lord of resurrection, am speaking upon you as I did two thousand years ago: Peace to you, My disciples! My pain and yours was great, but I have brought you the fulfilling of the promise made to you and I was resurrected and I rejoiced, My beloved ones! Oh, I would give to all people only joys but the joys are great according to the pains, for joys are of no use otherwise, and if they really are they are temporary. I have always written Myself into My today’s book and I am writing in it the hope that the day of My glory will be great and its power wonderful and I will have confessors from heaven and from the earth as I had on the day when I was resurrected and when the saints woke up in their bodies and entered Jerusalem20 (Matthew: 27/52-53) confessing Me and proving the prophecies about Me and about the resurrection of the dead at the voice of the Son of God, as it is written to be fulfilled and they will be fulfilled again, for My day of glory will bring with it all that has was written and had not been fulfilled before it, and it will bear its confession, its fulfillments. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 08-05-2016.


Oh, we are bringing this day of memorial and we are calling it the royal feast and we are celebrating for it. Behold, you are those who are celebrating at the table with the King, with the Lord, with Me, the Son of King, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, oh, sons, for I call you sons. Those who do not do God’s will want to be called sons too, but behold how much duty have then those who are born from above by My word, through which God’s Spirit breathes on earth to gather a holy army from the men’s sons in order to make God’s sons those who believe and are baptized at the hearing of the voice of Son of God, as everything is written to be fulfilled. Let the unbelievers still come and say, let them come and appear if there is something untrue in everything that I, the Lord, come and fulfill on earth according to the map, according to the written Scriptures, and which wait for their fulfillment.

Sons, sons, I am He Who always baptizes you in My word. Stay with it in your bosom. Gather it at your bosom as something you love and carry. The word of My mouth is a sea of word over the earth, and behold the place where it springs from, and you have heard, you have believed and understood, sons, and you have become My joy in this time and the heavenly armies rejoice that the Lord has found faith on earth to come, to speak, and to be heard His speaking, of which those from the tombs eat very much, as it is written, oh, and the great day is coming soon, for there will be heard far and wide their confession, My voice of today for the living and for those who sleep in their flesh in the earth, waiting for the day when they will stand up with a new body and to confess the One Who brings them to life at His word over the earth. I am with a feast of Epiphany for them on this day too, for when they are remembered by My speaking, they have already arrived there where I am with those who are My people, with My voice upon them.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19-01-2018. (On Calameo)


Sons, sons, prepare a table of love; prepare it in haste, as the brothers who have steadfast love are coming together. May it be blessed your love for the tabernacle that you have to prepare beautifully to meet the brothers that are coming to the Lord again and again! Oh, prepare the Lord’s table with them. There are coming guests from above and from below, and there will be at the table here those who have been waiting for the great resurrection, sons, and you should wake up early in the morning on that day and bring their memorial before Me, as they are coming here to see their relatives on earth gathered at the same table, the table of the Lord with the saints and with you, and with them too, those who are remembered for the great resurrection, sons. The food on that day, as in all the days in which the brothers are coming together in Christ at the table, oh, let that what you put on the table not mean food, but let it mean the assembly for holy love, to which love is added, food with love, sons.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 15-04-2018


It is a day with abundant teaching, sons. However now, peace to you, and may you have a table of blessing among you, and let it bring forth holy growth for you!

We are here at the table with you, and many, many guests are here, too, as those who wait for the great resurrection have been invited and they are looking in amazement at My days with you and they take their comfort from them.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the Prudes, from 22-04-2018.


Oh, give yourselves to healing so that you may not remain sick! Do not stay with death in you pretending that you do not know it. Oh, hear My voice so that you may be alive, not dead, as many of you do not listen beautifully to My will in you. Lazarus listened to Me and got up at My calling, after he fell asleep and stayed four days asleep. However, he was asleep, and I only woke him up, and at My voice his blood melted and warmed up and immediately he got up. I told My disciples: «Lazarus has fallen asleep». (John: 11/12) However, they did not understand and in order for them to understand what I had told them, I had to explain them that Lazarus was dead. I told them, «I go to wake him up», (see John: 11/15) and I woke him up from his sleep, as I will wake up all those who will have fallen asleep being reconciled to Me, cleaned from death and prepared for the resurrection at My calling upon them.

I have told you all these to know what death is, and what the fallen asleep with the hope of resurrection is, and I am asking you sons, I am asking all of you who know Me that I am true in this word spoken, I am asking you to keep away from death, from your will, which makes a separation wall between you and God. Learn to speak truly: “In my God I will pass over the wall.” You will be able to do it without any props only do not love death, well sons. The love, which needs props, oh, what can it do more? It cannot do so for God and it can only do for those who perish once with the man who does not love God according to the commandment of life, according to the commandment of the love for those who love having the Lord as their whole love, and love cannot do otherwise. When you come that your love may walk in on crutches, oh, what are you able to do with it anymore? Can you do something then?

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Beheading of the Saint John the Baptist, from 11-09-2018.


Oh, sons, sons, where shall My looks be more than at you and on you, to see the work of your faith and the perseverance with endurance to the end, to the life of the age to be, as also up to this rest My word has been working and fulfilling exactly the whole way of the work of faith, on which the man with God on his way relies, and My work with you is for the resurrection of the dead, and that is why I am coming to you, because it is written to come in glory by the word for the searching and for the judgment of the living and the dead, oh, and there is no end for mystery, and I have set you to work to work through the church the judgment of the living and the dead, sons, and to release the way to resurrection, oh, and how much cleaning was and is still to be done for the judgment, for the forgiveness and for the resurrection of those who were and are, and to whom help is needed, as it is written in the book of the faith of the Christian faith that by the apostolic fighting church it is judged and forgiven everything that is to be judged and forgiven, and then it is also written: “I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.” And then, for this rest of Mine and for My kingdom within all peace, glory and joy, behold, it is to be worked and done great and much resurrection, and always the Lord starts with His house, as it is written.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Virginia, God’s trumpet, from 14-12-2018.


Oh, I suffer from you. I suffer because of you, sons, bishops and priests. You do not resemble Me in your spirit and in the love from heaven, and I am love, sons. You have looked with jealous eyes at the servants of My word here, standing in white clothes and ministering at the altar before My throne for the forgiveness of the men’s sins and for the resurrection of the dead, as My work with them is. Many of you have adorned yourselves with white clothes to serve, but the white dress is the wedding dress, and you are strangers to Me with life, and you have women, also strangers to the wedding garment and by your own consent you did that and adorned yourselves within white clothes, and you love only luxury, but grace is needed, sons, and you have to pass from body into spirit, to be My true worshippers as those in the citadel of My word are.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Hierarch Spyridon, the miracle worker, from 25-12-2018.


Oh, sons, today it is feast in heaven and at you, and the heaven of saints seeks with you in the feasts, they come with Me to you with their feasts and they come with longing, too, and I look at their longing, for I promised the reward of their love, of their faith, of their holiness on earth, and I give it to them.

Elijah, the prophet, and the great company of prophets are celebrated among the saints on this day, sons. Oh, peace to you at the table with them, peace to you and them, in the spirit of heavenly and fraternal love, My sons! And now we are setting the table, taking from it and sharing it with the people of My word and with those who are taking Me from you for the food of their soul, for at the last table of word with you I promised that I would tell you how powerful the holiness of this people is for those on earth and for those asleep, who wait and keep waiting from those on earth, as some who wait for their resurrection and receive from their homes help, comfort and perseverance from God for them, for the time of their resurrection, and I have told you to ask the Lord in your requests for them to heaven and to mention all those who have no one in the world to remember them too, for their joy among those who wait is the greatest, sons, and the same is your reward then.

Oh, those who have passed away from the earth need so much help, so much help from those who have remained alive, My sons, and My work with you is My struggle for them, for mercy overwhelms Me, it makes Me to incline, and you should also have mercy on them, for this is My work with you. Oh, sons, Elijah, the prophet, lived with his life, with his steps and work only in holiness and he had his looks, mercy and work for God fixed on Me only. Oh, how could I not have taken him to be with Me with his holy body for His Lord? He had a group of holy prophets near him in the mountains, and they called him master, and they were seized within his spirit and all were looking at him, as it is written. His heart and his holy life brought forth fruit on earth for heaven, and I could not and cannot but grant his requests since he was so faithful to Me on earth. His holiness did great miracles, for holiness does miracles, sons, and by it he used the fire against those who had opposed Me and for the sacrifice by his faith before those who were pagan with their life. The holiness in man is that which closes the mouth of the beasts, it is that which melts away the ice that gathers the martyrs and it stops the hatred of the pagan kings, and behold how powerful holiness is, sons, and here is why I have asked it for the people of My word, for the one who wants to be My people through holiness, sons. And to those who are still hesitant, behold I am telling them: long for this great pearl and holy, long as many as possible of you who receive My word as food for behold, I said what it means, how great the gift of holiness is, that is the heart, spirit and body clean from sin, from the devil, from the world, from haughtiness, from unbelief, and this gift means the fulfillment of the commandments of life, oh, and I have missed to say this and to remain in My book with you, My sons.

Oh, if someone in the genealogy of a people lives with zeal for holiness, may it be husband or wife, father or child, sister or brother, the Lord has mercy to a thousand generation21 if the one who loves holiness tells the Lord to remember his departed from the earth. To live for the Lord on earth means to live holy, not to have sinful thoughts and desires, but to live on the Lord, for the Lord is holy, and He does not forget the saints or their people, oh, because the holiness in the body of the man loving of God has great power. That is why I have always advised the people of My word to get out of the world and to stand aside from temptations and zealously to love his holiness, for this is what the Lord asks from this people, with whom He wants to raise all the dead and to restore all things that have been spoiled in time, after the Lord had made them very well at the beginning of the world, and the man as well, only that man did not listen to the Lord, His Maker and Master.

Oh, sons of the holy people, let your prayer begin in this way: “For the prayers of Your Most Holy Mother and of our holy fathers, Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, save us and save those asleep in our people, but also save those who have no one on earth to mention them,” oh, and the prayers of the saints will be heard and will enter before the Lord.

Oh, the man on earth no longer knows how to take care of those who pass away from among the living. There are still those who strive to keep themselves clean for one year after the loss of their life partner, but the debauchery of the body is released after one year, as though the eternity of the one who has passed away from his body were only one year; however, the life on earth is not only one year long, oh, and this is how the man eager to frolic within his body knows to calculate, and those asleep wait in vain for their salvation. It is written into the Scriptures the example of the life of the prophet Elijah, and man has to learn from the power of holiness and its fruit and from the cleanness of the unbelief on earth, and as God, I want all the people on the earth to take heed and look up into the sky, which carried away the holy prophet in a chariot with horses of fire above. (See the selection topic: "Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)

Oh, people on earth, I, the Lord, am telling you: you need to remember your brothers and sisters, husbands, wives, parents and relatives departed from here, and no one tells you how much expectation there is for those who have left their bodies for their salvation from satan and from his fire for those who have left not being cleaned or prepared, and you on earth always give yourselves to the lusts of the flesh and fornication of all kinds, and you forget the bitterness of those who have left through the ages and nowadays, and I, the Lord, let you know that there is great weeping after your mercy for them and I urge you to live for them on earth too, not only for the sin in you, oh, for there will come the time when you leave and cry with bitterness like them, and you will not find any refreshment, oh, for there is no longer a holy life and holy service before Me on earth to draw out from the fire the departed ones of those left on earth and who wait so much, poor of them. Oh, be saviors, be Samaritans, do not be indifferent to their torment, but rather be merciful, for behold, there is no holiness in the Levites, nor in the priests, nor in the laymen, nor in the monks, oh, and neither is any in the elders or children, for children spoil their virginity even from their infancy and feed their sin in them from infancy, oh, and I do no longer have children as the clean children, I do no longer have any, and all give themselves to the sleep of carelessness of soul and punishment, and there is no one to teach man what holiness is and what it means in man. For I look at the altar servants and see that they are like the soldier who takes off his soldier’s coat and weapon, dresses in civilian clothes to step on the soldier’s life and dress for a moment, and then he goes outside looking for an opportunity to sin, and after that he equips himself again as a soldier and goes back to his barracks to fulfill his military service, oh, and the same happens with those who are dressed in the robe of a saint, and which he does not keep for himself in any way, oh, and who else is to call out any longer to the Lord for those found in torments, who are waiting for their salvation? (See also "A Divine Revelation of Hell” by Mary Kathryn Baxter, r.n.)

Oh, sons from My spring of word, behold what power the holy life has, always, always, in man, and which took Elijah the prophet into the sky, where I dwell with My saints.

Oh, sons, nothing saves man from his death but only the whole holiness, which is always over his life, and do not forget that the saints are waiting for you, and not only those in torment are waiting for their salvation.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Prophet Elijah the Tishbite, from 02-08-2019. (On Calameo)
