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… Oh, sons of God-Word, be confessors, as from you very much is required, according to what it was given to you. Come under the mystery of blessing for that is which gives you power and not you. He who believes in God’s word, that one is under blessing, and he who does not stay under blessing, that one is not a confessor. Look among yourselves to those who have come out of blessing, as they have no longer confessed before men their faith in this word, but rather they have kept silent and been ashamed of God, Who shepherds with an iron rod over the nations of the earth, as it is written, rebuking gently, as His word is going now over the earth as fast as lightning (See the selection topic: "As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.) and it searches with its torch everything man has done in secret from God and it brings into the light the man’s work because man is a liar. Oh, love the Lord as He teaches you to love, for the love of God does not walk at random, if man has it, but it stays under blessing instead, if it is in man. Be for God, and be against His enemies and against the enemies of your souls and be strong too in the spirit of your faith and confession, for only those who believe are those who confess. Be awake completely, as those in the graves will stand up and will confess this coming of the Lord to you as the word of resurrection of the dead and the living. Be angels of the spirit of confession on earth, for the hosts of the fire of God’s angels will confess the Lord’s whole work with you, all the care that you have received from the good Shepherd over your souls. Amen.

I, the Lord, confessed by the saints, am blessing this coming feast and which will gather people at the spring, the feast of the angels. I am sending the angels to come into the way of those who are coming at their feast to protect it and to comfort it for them, and then to lead it to the spring. Here, I and My angels are going to speak to them and to all the heavenly hosts, which are coming with Me, accompanying Me everywhere in heaven and on earth, and I am going to speak to those in the graves and to give them power of resurrection, as I do everything by the word and I make them all new. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint and martyr Demetrius, the Myrrh bearer, from 08-11-2008.


The heaven is opening and the word of God is coming down on earth. Those that are not seen by human eyes come down among those that have been seen even from their making, for God made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things.

The Lord comes down on earth as word, accompanied by heavenly hosts, those that are without body, because it is the feast of His angels. Amen. I, the Lord, announce Myself at the gates in heaven above and on the earth beneath. I open the heaven when I announce Myself with My descent, and I announce Myself in heaven to the angels when I descend, for I have the angels as My servants, and, again, I announce Myself on earth to those who stay for Me as the gates set by Me for My coming as word, for I have them as My servants. Amen. I have the seraphim near Me, those with six wings, loving of God, and they are in the image of fire, for it is written: «The garment of His glory is like fire». Oh, you who have come together at My spring of word for the feast of angels, pray to the seraphim to kindle you, to warm you and to give a godly nature to your love. Amen. Then I also have cherubim before Me, those with many eyes, out of which understanding and wisdom is poured out for the spiritual eyes, to give them the sight of God’s knowledge and of the mysteries from above. Oh, pray to the cherubim to illuminate your souls with the spirit of the knowledge from above. Amen. God’s carriers, that is the thrones, this is how they are called, because I rest in them as it is written: «You, God Who make justice, sit on Your throne». Oh, you who rule and reign upon people, pray to God’s carriers, to the thrones, which give rest to God, to give you the spirit of the right judgment. Amen. The dominions, the powers and the principalities come in a row in My heavenly glory, and these rule over the angels from below who give people the power of reign and of the wise stewardship over those entrusted to them, hosts of people, and then the powers which help the people in all their work, giving them greatness of soul in troubles and submissions, and the principalities have power over the devilish spirits, protecting the people and helping them for the kingdom of the heavens, which is earned by the victory against lusts and their hostile thoughts. Then there come in a row, the beginner spirits, the archangels and angels. The beginner spirits ordain the angels from below for services commanded by God over nations and lands, raising the worthy ones among people on positions of honor and exhorting them to praise God and not to look after their own benefits. The archangels are those who announce God’s mysteries, the prophecies and the Lord’s will, to increase in people their faith and understanding, and the angels, those who are close to the people, protect the people and protect them from falling and they raise them when the fall, and behold, this is the angels’ ministering, receiving service from one another. Amen.

I, the Lord, come with heavenly hosts and stay above you, people gathered at the spring. He who has ears to hear from God, let him hear My word with them and let him give you from Me by a ministering of angels, for I have ministering angels of My works, and this is how I serve from heaven and down to the earth between Me and man. I work through angels, and so little do the people know about angels, My people! The angels do not have a body and they surround Me and are My garment, and that is why the man cannot see Me, but I have a body and I go from place to place with the man, and the angels cover Me. I tell you, My people, about those that are not seen and are. Be faithful, therefore, for the unbelievers do not know to have the Lord as their Master, they do not know to keep away from their falling from God. I have called you to the spring, to refresh your understanding from above for those from above, then your faith and then the works of your life, son, for the ministering angels from Me up to you work from Me for you, and you should not be a pagan within your heart, but you should rather love the Lord with it, because the Lord is, son. I would like you to receive the mystery of the virginal heart and not to love other gods beside Me, for the common man cannot perceive how many gods the man is able to worship. However, you have been very much taught by God and I will ask an answer from you for everything I have given you to know, and I will give you a grade for everything that you have learned. I have work to do with you on earth, the work of resurrection, son, for I have lifted you up from the people for the resurrection of the dead to be My people, now, in the end of the time. Be faithful when I tell you that all those from the graves wait after you to come to their resurrection, for I have released upon you a mystery through those that are My gates and I have spoken through them about those that are not seen and I said that I have worked to do with you with depth, up and down, in heaven and on earth, for the unfaithful man works on earth and those that are seen are on earth. Oh, pray for the increasing of your faith and sight for those that are not seen, and let us work for these, son, for I need servants on earth, and I have angels as servants in heaven, for there is much to be served for the fulfillment of the last Scriptures, My people. The angels exhort you to the spirit of love and to the spirit of faith and then to the spirit of the comfort for Me, to be able to make you a healer from Me over the Romanian nations, My people, for this nation needs healing from sin and unbelief, and behold, I call it out again to its healing, for My wound for this nation is great, into whose midst My Father has sent Me to do now the work of My coming again from Father to man. Oh, the Romanian nations sleeps towards Me, and I try to teach it its resurrection and to call it on its name, to call it out from its unbelief and to give it the spirit of the understanding of My mysteries, for this nation has God’s election upon it.

Oh, you from the tombs, who have found My calling to the spring, you have come from the place of your waiting to hear My voice in the garden! My angels are your servants, and you are full of longing and appreciation for My new people, to whom I am coming today and near whom I call you to come and I gather you for your comfort too. Oh, get up! Get up more and more with every passing day and come out! This is written to be fulfilled. Amen.

Oh, Good and great Savior, have mercy on us, God, according to Your mercy, and according to Your great endurance, wipe out our transgression from Your face and wash us from our sins! Do Your church good, Lord, and let the walls of new Jerusalem be built, which those in the tombs so much have waited for! Strengthen the work of Your word and bless this little village where You call us and bring us together at the voice of Your archangel who serves to announce the resurrection of the dead, and bless with all Your blessings those who have ears to hear from You and through You from those in heaven and from those on earth! Your way from heaven and to the place of our waiting is everything that is loved and appreciated by man on earth, and we have waited for thousands of years to reveal Your sons of today and with whom You have made Your coming for those who are alive and for those who are dead in their body and soul. We need light. You are the light, but You are also the word, and Your word is the light. Oh, Your word is sweet for those who wait for it, and we, those from the tombs, wait after Your word, oh Good Savior! Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, it is written that from the bosom of the earth the shadows will come to life. I, the Lord, comfort you with the word of the comfort in the place of your waiting. In the days to come there will no longer be death and dead people, but it will be life and resurrected people, as it is written. Amen. I give you comfort and I give you patience until you catch spirit, until the earth will give you back at the voice of My archangel. Peace to you! Resurrection to you! And you will listen to My announcement and you will come up. Amen, amen, amen.

Those asleep have remained now in My gardens, My people, until the day when the public call will be made, for I, the Lord, have called them ahead of time. And as for you, My people, sacrificing for My spoken word, which calls to the spring those who are thirsty, you shall not forget that I, the Lord, have a great longing for man. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2008. (On Calameo)


Martyr Catherine proclaims from Me My glory in the holy ones and leaves the word of calling the man to God, because these are those who believe in Me on earth, and I am their Lord and God and I am glorifying Myself in them on earth and in heaven for their love. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Lord of the powers in heaven and on earth, the today’s work of Your word brings You down to man with the saints on earth, for the air is the homeland of Your saints, and those in the air see, for the Spirit is the One Who sees and brings life to man. I am telling the men’s sons and daughters that I denied of myself and of those who loved me for them and I chose You as my love, for You love man for what he is for his eternal life, Lord. I tell the sons and daughters of men that I have forsaken myself and those who loved me for them, and I have chosen You to love, after I had found that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I gave You my wisdom after I had given myself to You and You worked it, made of it heavenly beauty and dwelt in it and You made me a disciple with a life giving spirit and I gave life to the people and saved them from death, and I had no longer worked any death upon man as the woman did, for the woman has been working death to man for seven thousand years and if she has done this, she is mad. When the serpent, the wisest among all the beasts, came near and asked the woman in paradise:

«Why then has God said: Do not eat of every tree of the garden?» And the woman replied:

«Of the fruit of the tree of the garden we may eat, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die». (Gen: 3/2-4) Oh, if she had been obedient to God, she would have understood about what kind of death the serpent spoke to her when he said: «You won’t surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil». (Gen: 3/5) And because the woman looked then at the tree, she liked after she had eaten and she liked to know after she had known, she took, and, while eating she gave to her husband and he ate with her, and then their eyes were opened and they knew and liked to know and then they were afraid of God, Whose world they violated and then covered the shame of their nakedness, the place on their body through which they knew the pleasure of disobedience, and they made covers around their bodies as it is written, and when they heard the Lord’s voice walking through the garden they hid from God among the trees. However, the Lord called Adam to show up and give an answer to God, and Adam said to the Lord: «I am naked». «Oh, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?» (Gen: 3/10-11) This is what God asked him and he told the Lord who was the guilty one.

Oh, woman needs wisdom and not the taste of pleasure, for the longing after pleasure makes man look at her and after her, so that his eyes may be open for her. In serpent there was God’s hidden wisdom, but in woman was lust and pleasure, and if she took from the tree, her pleasure and knowing of pleasure were opened to her and then man was attracted to her and fell through her; the man built by God fell in disobedience and fell through the woman.

Oh, God’s daughters, and you, men’s daughters! Understand and perceive how the man built by God fell, for I understood and rejected from me the fruit of the man’s death, which becomes pleasure in the body, and I gave myself to the obedience of God, for I had mercy on man, and I opened the men’s eyes to God, not to pleasure or knowledge, for knowledge brings pleasure in man and then it brings haughtiness, and man thinks that he is by this sin, and then he falls from happiness. Oh, pray to the Lord, Who is good, holy and loving, pray so that He may give you the wisdom of holiness and give birth to holiness over the men’s sons and daughters, as I worked.

Let the woman deny the lust of her body so that she may not stir the lust of the eyes in man, as by these two sins the pride of man is built in man and the man does not know that this is death, not life. The man does not love the woman but through her he loves sin, as it was from the beginning of man. When a man joins with his wife, he joins with her for sin, for he is blind because the woman blinds the man and the man does not see anything else but only his woman. Oh, wake up from death, daughters of men and become daughters of God; become life for people as I did and remained on earth as the fruit of God’s wisdom, for I raised the dead at my confessing voice, I raised the man from sin. The wise of the earth rose from sin and have given themselves to be God’s dwelling place, which is not loved by those who love the emptiness of life. I give you the word of wisdom from above: flee from the sin of the love of yourselves! Flee from yourselves and join with the angels and with the saints and man and the whole creature will rise and there will be the resurrection of the dead, and the living and the dead will thank you, for this is how I loved the world; I loved it as Christ did and gave myself to the death of the body for the confession of Christ so that everyone who believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life, as I have and given life and light over man from it. Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, My people, the saints speak with people on earth and the life of their word is great, for they have taken in them light from light and they have taken from Me and have it in heaven and give themselves to the people. Be faithful, My people, for the saints are alive, as Moses and Elijah appeared alive on the mount of My glory. Be truly faithful, for I am the God of those alive and the saints are alive, and you have to believe in their confession from heaven. You have seen how the serpent spoke with the woman in paradise and this conversation is written in the Scriptures. You have seen how I spoke with man in paradise and My conversation with him is written in the Scriptures. You have seen how I spoke with My servants in time and My conversation with them is written in the Scriptures. See and now, for I am speaking with you because I can do this and the saints are speaking with you, for they live in Me as is written. I teach you to believe, son. Be faithful, and let every man on earth hear My conversation with you and let Us help man believe in My living with you, in My counsel with man on earth, son. Come, sons, to set in man the faith that I am the One Who comes, that I am Who I am! Come, My people, to sow over the people the faith that God is with them, that everything, which is on earth, speaks with God and that man has completely fallen and denied himself of the Creator of all things.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint, the martyr Catherine, from 08-12-2008.


Two thousand years ago, when God’s servants denied Me to My death, I said this: «Now the ruler of this age was already judged», and I am saying it once again in these days to the servants who say that they are masters over the people on God’s behalf, masters of men’s souls, while they condemn God’s Spirit to silence, to lie and stumbling, Who breathes over the earth with a spirit of man’s resurrection from sin, for I, God, the Word, seek nothing for Me or for My people than to wake up the man to his resurrection from sin, and behold, while they commit this horrible sin, denying the One Who speaks to them from heavens, I, the Lord, speak again and tell them this: now the ruler of this world has already been judged. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, My people, oh, sons, I do not get upset with the servants of the church, who dishonor Me and you, for they are blind, but you should be wise, for there are not many of them who do this, and who bring all of them into submission so that they may not humble themselves to watch and to serve My word of today. Those who serve in churches in holy robes, they listen to their master on the earth to keep their human glory, but they know that God is this word and that it is the fulfilled Scriptures, as written into the Scriptures. Oh, My word upon you has become man’s comfort on the earth and his hope of getting out of his sin, and you should be wise, listen to Me and listen to God, for He is your Teacher by the thick darkness, in which the world lives and exalts itself to its destruction.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Daniel, from 30-12-2008. (On Calameo)


I, the Lord, have been speaking on the earth during these days and given the man the word of life and of the resurrection from the dead, and he who hears it and believes it but does not always take from it to look well at what is written in it, that one falls from God, and a man like that falls in his self, he falls in ignorance and then he despises the instruction of My mouth, finding fault in My teaching, and the disobedience makes the man free from God and the man does no longer have the white angel as his strong angel but he has the black angel as his counselor instead, and the face of the people on earth proves this out like their mind as well, like their work and of the work of the angels chosen by them to take care of them.

Oh, I feel like getting angry for My pains from those who know this word and leave it off for their human mind, but love tells Me that it is long-enduring and it does not get angry, but it humbles itself being long-enduring.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise, from 01-03-2009. (On Calameo)


I am going to speak with you too, sons, and I am going to strengthen you specially, because the time is hard for My walking with you, and you have to sit in council with Me for your progressing, sons. The world speaks evil of us, and those who are reluctant tremble on earth, but faith and steadfastness with Me are nourished only out of My love in you. Make much room to My love in you and among you, sons. You should love nothing else and no one else on earth, but only what I advise you to do. I will give you advice, I will take counsel with you, I will comfort you, I will teach you and I will grow you for My things, and happy will be those who will grow for My things, and they will be My fruit, as My work with you is for the resurrection of the dead and they will get up and confess God and My today’s work with you. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 08-03-2009.


And now, My people, behold, Verginica stays between you and Me with the one who was her companion on the earth at the beginning of My work with her and who was now taken up from his tent. (In the time of Saint Virginia’s earthly life some of the instruments of the dictatorship of the communist red beast compelled her to get married, otherwise they would put her into a psychiatric hospital, and this one was her “husband” in front of authorities and her companion day by day, by common assent, by the faith in the word coming from the Lord, r.n.) Forty days had passed since he was taken up and now she is standing before Me and before you with him. I weigh her works, but more than that I weigh his faith in the work of My word and his repentance before his end of life. Verginica17 weighs on scales his great love and obedience at his beginning within My work, because after that he came out of obedience and was pulled out of My arm. I have spoken now the word that an atonement and reconciliation sacrifice may be brought for him for forty days, until the feast of My resurrection, and My work is great, and by it, with My power, I have set an order of prayer and sacrifice of reconciliation for the creature before Me, and everything that has been established by Me word has power in it by Me, and he who passes with his body into My people sees this, and the resurrection of the dead is a great mystery, only that the man is small in his faith and does not understand the mystery of the resurrection of those who are asleep. I have also told this to those who carry Me as the word from the Father to man and I have told them that the man’s body keeps his soul in it in the same way as the chick, which has not come out of its egg shell, stays and becomes perfect in its shell while the hen warms up the egg with her body and with her sacrificing love so that the life of her chick may grow within the egg, and then the chick to be able to come out from the egg, and upon its coming, it pecks with its beak the shell that covers it and breaks it open to come out and have life within the light. Oh, this is how the man’s coming out of his body to his post-body life has to be understood, and happy are those who have the Lord as their nurse in their life in the flesh, because even after that they have Him as their comfort, as the growth of their life with happiness forever, and behold, we cook food and comfort on the earth so that the one who leaves his body may have, and then to feed him from heaven to grow perfectly and to become a full citizen of the heaven, together with those who are rested within Christ!

Oh, My mercy is without limits but My justice also works near it. Behold, I have given a word into your midst, My people, to be remembered in the little garden of My word, on the altar of the godly liturgy, My bloodless sacrifice, and with it to be named the forgiveness of this little soul who left the earth unprepared, for he was weak for himself, for the body and for the soul, because satan had put him in bondage by his disobedience and then by his lack of power to get up from his weaknesses, from the trap of the devil, in which he was stayed being caught up to the end of this body, for the bonds put over him were great by the one who pulled him out from near My trumpet, for all the time the evil spirit had been taking revenge against My vessel by which I had My Spirit and word come down on the earth. I, the Lord, am going to work now great salvation for this little soul and then I will refresh him in the day of the feast of My resurrection, and by that time, I have asked to be brought an atonement sacrifice for him here, in the little garden of My word, on the altar of the reconciliation of the man to the Father, through Me, the slaughtered Lamb, for the faithful ones.

Oh, this power of Mine is a great power, by which I have been giving Myself for two thousand years through those who are holy and pleased with Me, a peace offering in such a way that I may intervene with the Father for man; however, today I have been clothing with great power My new settlement and I have called it saving for the new creature by now, for I, the Lord, want, by My order of today, to reconcile all people with the Father, and this is how I want now for this little soul too, which I bring now on My altar of sacrifice before Me. For behold, the holy fathers have left a written revelation from Me for the power of My sacrifice without blood and which saves the souls from the hell, for there was a brother among many other brothers, who, coming to the end of his life through sufferance, spoke to abbot, (The one who is in charge within a monastery, r.n.), that he was about to leave the brothers (The brothers from the monastery, r.n.), and he said that he got three golden coins which he had hidden from the brothers, and when the abbot found out about this was aggrieved with the salvation of the soul of this greedy brother, and being spiritual, he thought how to bring this one to repentance before his departure from his body, and he thought to bring him into a great distress and in this way to leave the body and to bury him after that in the manure. Then he brought the other brothers together to a spirit of deep instruction for their salvation and, then, they also being under his submission, he told them that if they were called by the one suffering to death among them, they should not go to him, for that brother had to be brought to repentance and they to great wisdom, and when they were called at the head of the sick one, the abbot told him that the brothers do not come because they were disgusted at him for the hidden golden coins and because he was to be buried in manure. This is what the abbot did when the sick one left his body and was put into manure as decided, and after thirty days all were moved with compassion and took counsel together to bring intercession for him on the altar so that he might be forgiven, and then there it was revealed to them about the one who left, and he who left his body was asked by them how he was getting on there and he answered them: “I have been badly off by this time, but after I took communion with Christ’s body, after thirty days of remembrance for my soul, I have moved into the light and I am at peace and I am comforted and delivered from evil now, for there have been brought the prayers for me by the brothers and fathers.”

Oh, My people, My power and the power of My word spoken for the salvation of the creature is great, but your faith in Me, in My word and in all that I establish by it has to be great too. This little soul, remembered by you and Us today, was always under sin, but My work was done for him and I comforted My trumpet, for she got great love from Me for this son who listened to her in the time of the beginning of My work and then he left and did no longer listen, but he did not do other kind of evil either, not any other damage to My work, and he went and lived in his fallen state, poor of him, under the envy of the evil one, who was always lying in ambush for My work in order to spoil it and so that it may no longer be. Now, I, the Lord, have stretched out My hand to him and pulled him out of his snare and I have prepared him for the leaving of his body; I have prepared him by faith and then by sufferance and by the love of My today’s coming down, and then I passed him over the border, and in the time of his departure from the body, I had at his head the shepherd that I set for My people, and this one gave him to Me, and behold, according to My promise made to My trumpet that I would throw Myself after him to take him out of the troubled waters in which he drowned, this is how I did, this is how I worked and took him out to save him, but he left unprepared, because he had no power to prepare his body for his union with Me by My sacrifice without blood for man. However, now, I have given a word for his remembrance, for his forgiveness, and I will raise him to life in the day of the celebration of My resurrection, when I will bring him to take the food of life from My table, and he will be saved. Amen.

Oh, let those who are unfaithful to My work with such a great victory not marvel, for the faithful one can do everything by faith, as it is written, and I can work by them. Amen. Oh, this little soul was wretched and very much enslaved by satan! Oh, shall I not save him? I will save him, I will save him! I, the Lord, promised this for a long time and this is what I am going to fulfill now. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent, of the holy cross; the feast of the forty holy martyrs from the lake of Sebaste18, from 22-03-2009. (On Calameo)


This speaking of Mine with you is the work of resurrection over man in a day of resurrection feast, My people. The Scriptures speaks in the same way as My speaking of today. If the Scriptures in My time have another way of speaking about Me, let the man tell Me, and I will speak with him then. I am the same now as I was then, just as the man is now as he was then when the Scriptures, between I and man, were written on the earth, between man and I, as it was, so that it could be known afterwards. However, now I write My Scripture of today on the earth in a great secret, for I take care of the work of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit on earth; I take great care, for the man is greater than at that time, he is more hidden than then under My name, more fallen from the truth than then, and I leave on the earth the word of My coming today with great care, for today it is hard for God on earth, and the good man does no longer have power for Me with My goodness in him, for the proud man lies in wait in cold blood to wipe off from the earth by his hidden work, God’s name and mark from among people, and if he sees that he cannot do it, then he hides even better and more secretly and then he takes out new and old weapons and makes faces to be able to put down even those who are My elected, as it is written that it will be in the time of the end. However, I will cut short these misty days that prevent satan’s face from being seen, and I will protect My way to the man and the man’s way to Me, only that the man may be clean in his heart and deed, and the man should be like that for him and not for Me, because if the uses his deception once with his walking on his way with Me, then he falls into the darkness with his mind and sight, and his spirit and will get distorted and his faith gets distorted as well, and then I will no longer be pleased with him after that, and I will let him walk as he wants, for there is no more time, and I said this for those who understand and for those who do not understand, because the time is dear, and if it is not redeemed, the man loses his work and his possessions earned in the course of time.

This word of Mine in a day of holy feast, My people, is a word of resurrection, for My speaking is only awakening upon you and upon man, over the faithful ones and over the unfaithful ones who are in you, My people, and then over the people with its trumpet sound. My word is the joy of those in heaven and those in hell, for the dead hear My word better and more truly. The man’s body makes his sight confused for everything, good and evil, between earth and heaven, but those who have put off their temporary flesh, they see, they are those who see after that, to their joy or to their pain, and happy and happy again are those on whom I, the Lord, have mercy among these, just as I had mercy on the one with a good soul in his time on the earth near My work, and whom the weaknesses of his fallen nature put him into bondage, as it was the fall of the first man built at the beginning of the creation.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 19-04-2009. (On Calameo)


The word, which I am setting now into the book with you, is the work of the resurrection, My people. I comfort the longing of the saints and angels when they hear Me speaking about them and about you, that I have mercy on them, I have mercy on all those who do not have house and table, work, joy and comfort, and the comfort from Me is also coming from the one bearing of God and of God’s heaven. Oh, as long as there are people on the earth without heaven in them, so much will the saints and the angels sigh between heaven and earth for all the devastated houses, for every man devoid of God between earth and heaven. The man full of God is no longer from the earth, but he is from God instead, if he really is. The one full of God has the face of an angel, and he has got his measure likewise. He who measure as a human being on the earth is devoid of heaven, and I want him to know this from God, only for him to want to take knowledge and work as in heaven so on earth. Oh, if the man is born of man on the earth and then if he does not dress with the heaven and with its work inside of him and outside of him, that one is an untimely birth on the earth, a useless body. When the heaven is in man, he shines from man as the day shines in the night, having been seen in him the battle of the day against the night, and the battle of the night against the day, which overcomes again, and the day is the loved one because it is light. Oh, let the heaven prevail in this way against the bad things in man, for the man’s fleshly nature is fallen, it is not that which come from God, and a new birth for it is needed, and this is how the world will be renewed and it will be fulfilled My Gospel through which I prophesied the renewal of the world, the man’s new birth, to be a deified man like the saints of the heaven, becoming a dwelling place for the saints and for the angels, as there were on the earth Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Daniel, Job, John the Baptist, My mother the Virgin and all the bearers of God and of saints and on the earth among people.

Oh, Romanian people, I have spoken before My enemy and yours, Lucifer, the great angel at the beginning and the one who served the man’s haughtiness in the time of the falling from God of the first built man. Oh, seek, Romanian people, seek to escape from this angel of haughtiness, seek to escape from haughtiness, for the whole pride in man comes from money. Oh, come to the sweet humility, for humility is sweet and it makes you beautiful, beautiful, and it makes you rich with the wealth I want to give you, and Lucifer will serve you for My glory with you with all his wealth, and you will not serve him, as it is not his glory on the earth that you need to have, but My glory instead. I told the angel of haughtiness to take his tent and to move away from your hearth, and you should receive My saints as your guests and you should welcome Me, for I have a wonderful name and it is called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13.) Seek after heavenly teachers in their heart for you to teach you and to reveal you My mysteries, and if you want My word to teach you, then I wait for you here, I wait for you to come near to My spring so that I may teach you, Romanian people. Oh, you do not know your destiny, but I know it, I know your destiny and that is why I have come from the Father to you as the word of your birth, a new birth, and then from you the birth of the world, as it is written in the Scriptures that will be. I want to fulfill the Scriptures with you and you should also want this, for My plan with you is wonderful. I remain with the book open between Me and you and I do no longer close it, for I want Lucifer and his angels to read in it, both within their body and without their body, and thus to come to obedience to the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man, and Who is making them again, and there will be everything new, as it is written, and there will be a new chosen Jerusalem, and the creature will be redeemed. Amen.

Christ has risen, Romanian people! The Lord of resurrection greets you with His resurrection from the dead two thousand years ago. Oh, behold the Lord, your God! Christ has risen, country of My return, country of God’s word in the end of the time, and you will come to life, just as I came to life! Amen. You will be resurrected, you will be resurrected, you will be resurrected! This is My will for you, and on the second day of the world, you will be My kingdom and all the peoples will take from you, My work, My light from you, the light of the man’s resurrection, My country. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day after Passover, from 20-04-2009. (On Calameo)


Now, I am blessing you, My people of Romanians, for you, sons, are My house of coming and you give Me shelter when I come on earth, and in this tent I am with the people to teach them and to be their God.

Christ has risen, My people of New Jerusalem on the Romanian land! Peace to you to be My help as I always am your help, always, sons! Christ has risen and out of your midst, I, the resurrected Lord, teaching, will teach the nations on earth what resurrection is, and many will rise and will meet Me in My coming, and I will give them My glory as I give it to you, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 26-04-2009.


Peace to you, My people near the spring! I make a halt of word for the feast of the well of the meeting and which has from Me the Samaritan woman as its protecting angel, with whom I, the Lord, spoke at Jacob’s well, and whom I turned into a messenger apostle of My coming from that time from the Father to man, who was believed by those who knew from the Scriptures that I would come on the earth for the man’s salvation. Oh, sons, on this feast we need little cups and benches at the well for the saints and for their Lord and yours, and the Lord is sitting with His saints and you within a great mystery and He gives you of His Spirit, and you should take and share with those who drink of My spring of word and with all the people who do not apply themselves to believing and to become God’s sons by faith, by love and by their sacrificing for My coming on to the earth, because it is the time of My coming for the living and for the dead, and those in the graves hear and are comforted at My voice full of resurrection and relief for them, because this work of word is for the resurrection of the dead first, and it is for the raising from the dead of those who are in their body and who do not look up to heaven until I, the Lord, call them to see and to cry out from their pains to Me so that I may lift them up afterwards, as I raised the Samaritan woman on the day when I met her at Israel’s well.

Oh, what great relief, what great comfort for those who are asleep within their body is the work of My word upon you, My today’s people of My word! For them there is no longer any other help but My word in these days and everything that comes up to Me from you for their remembrance, as I have taught you to remember them all, from Adam and up to My coming, born on the earth and then set for the waiting of their resurrection through Me, the One resurrected from the dead for each man and the One Who is sounding the trumpet now for their waking up, because it is written in the Scriptures that those in the graves will hear My voice and get up to their reward, good or bad, but I have come now on to the earth to relieve the reward of the man’s sins and to give comfort to those who are asleep, for more than the living ones, those who are asleep hear My voice of today and are coming together near the spring and they are without number, and little by little they have prepared themselves for their waking up, and many of them will confess My work of yesterday and today, as it was two thousand years ago, when I got up from the dead and once with Me many were resurrected and confessed, confirming My divinity and resurrection, (Mat: 27/52-5319, About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.), in such a way that the people remained in the faith that I am the One Who is and that I am alive forever and ever, as it is written.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Passover, of the Samaritan woman, from 17-05-2009. (On Calameo)


I, the Lord, work as in heaven and not as on earth, for the man works on earth. However, I take the heaven with Me and when I come to you I take the saints with Me, sons of My people. They have great work among you like some of your parents in heaven and they watch upon you likewise, and they are not without work among you. I ordained the three hierarchs even from the beginning of My work by My trumpet Verginica and they blessed her from heaven on My behalf and gave her My body and blood, and I have kept them for My work of today, since then and up to this day, and now I have ordained through them a holy church and service for holy work, and I will work through them all the time for My establishments of New Jerusalem on the earth, and you, those who are My anointed ones, will be witnesses from the midst of My people and you will speak upon those on whom I will call the word of sanctification, upon those who will be ordained to the apostleship work for My church in the end of the time. You, those who have remained with Me in all the hard times since I ordained you as My servants, My anointed ones over a new church, be My witnesses together with My bishops from heaven for the ordaining of working apostles of My holy things over My church of New Jerusalem. Keep with holy strength the grace from Me put over you and rely on those in heaven, who have great work upon you, and from you over My church of today, set apart by Me for Me, for those in heaven and for those in hell to take them out into the light and salvation, as for the resurrection of the dead I have come on the earth with My work of word to speak by it the renewal of the world and the resurrection of the dead, well, well, anointed sons. Your hands stay hand in hand with My bishops from heaven, and this is how we are working now for the completion of all the members of the church and for its work from above. I cannot reveal Myself in the word for My pain or My joy, by which I work upon you and through you the new establishment of My church with working sons upon it, but I strengthen you as witnesses empowered by Me near those in heaven, for you have got great anointment, sons, just like My apostles in the beginning, and you will have in the end. It will keep you in Me, and I in you, and you have the bishops from heaven near you working over My church of today, over the people of My word, which has given birth to it during these days to be Mine from among people and to take upon himself the work of My second coming from the Father to man. Stay strengthened by Me over the life of My church and give it work from Me, for you do not give from you, and you take and give and establish My church. Let those on the earth know that I, the Lord, am into your midst, and the working saints for the grace of My church of New Jerusalem on the earth, and those who do not want to know, then let them not know. I do not stumble across in the unbelief of those who are haughty, but I go and work with those who are faithful, and My walking works out resurrection, holy church and life of My life upon it, and those from heaven serve upon it and with it, and he who does not believe this, then let him not believe, and again, those who believe, let them be blessed by Me for their faith, for it will bring forth fruit from heaven upon them. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, from 1207-2009. (On Calameo)


… Mark My spoken word, you, those in the gates, (Gates those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) to be into the book for the feast of today! There is a feast of joy and pain among those in heaven, as this is how the feasts in heaven are, because of the lack of faith on earth and people who do not know to love the Lord and then to be firm in their work with Him. I am coming down into the book in this day to get comforted from My pain and to tell the devil that I am God’s Lamb, He Who powerfully overcame death two thousand years ago and He Who is overcoming now, for the whole power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth, and the devil will be overcome, even if he resists My power when he fights against My chosen ones to make them unstable, to shake them from their way, as it is written for him to do, standing against Me. However, I will no longer be slow in coming and I will cleanse My way and make a way glorified to people and I will open their eyes to see My glory, as it is God’s Lamb’s victorious time and of His word giving of life on earth, and all, all will come to life, when death will no longer be, and when resurrection will be. Amen.

I am bringing to My comfort and to the comfort of all heavenly hosts of saints and angels, I am bringing that day into view when I and they were comforted on earth among the faithful ones, through whom I could set the first stone of the renewed church by My word spoken upon it now, at the end of the time, when people have spoiled My orders completely, and I had to come to work and to save those that were about to be spoiled by people. On that day, I have established and strengthened My church, and since then I have been at its helm and I am its Bishop, according to the order of Melchizedek, and I have an establishment in it and work by it, as I worked and I start working again to plant new sprouts, sons working from place to place and a holy people, as I am. It was hard for Me on that time when I empowered My disciples to found and to strengthen My church, as the opposition of the rulers of that time was great, and the persecution of the Christians reached everywhere, and My church lived in secret and its power was not dead, and the those faithful people were multiplying. Oh, it is very hard for Me now when the devil is hidden under a garment of a saint and he tries to put down those that I have chosen for My today’s glory! However, I am the Sower and I have always sowed My seed and I find good ground in My way, not only rocky ground, not only with thorns, not only trampled down soil, and I raise sons and I do not lose for I am God’s Lamb, and it is written to be the Victor. Still, it hurts Me and I suffer with the entire heaven when I see that those who pull out of My arm go to disobedience and do not calculate that once with them an entire nation shakes before Me, their people fallen asleep and that which is after the flesh, because I, the Lord, when I want to plant a little seedling in My fruitful garden, I do this not for that one but I do it in order to save one nation from hell and sin, not only one man; however, if this one goes to disobedience he brings about tears and sufferance over many, not only on himself, for this is how it is with God; it is not as with men, and this is how I have set this work on earth and not otherwise, when I set it to the salvation or to the fall of many, as it is written about Me, God’s Lamb, that I will be for the raising or to the falling of many, and nothing happens but only as written in the Scriptures, and he who spoils most in this time is disbelief, and disbelief is written as blasphemy, and behold, the greatest sin tries to make many fall, as man has so many sins which he has to take care of, if the sin of blasphemy did not came against My coming on earth now with the word of resurrection, with the Holy Spirit of the new making, with the renewal of the world, as it is written to come and to work now, and the faithful one becomes unfaithful, for this is how the devil catches man when he wants to prevail against him and to pull him out of My seed changing his mind and depriving him of grace, of his faith in Me, Who am working today with power on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the eighteen-year feast from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2009.


Oh, sons, great power has a son faithful to the Lord on earth, and then, in the holy heaven he has power as well for those who are faithful like him and follow him! Oh, son, if man knew well how to make use of the gifts of faith then he would use them all only for God. However, man wants to make use of them for himself and not for God and, that is why man does not know the mystery of faith and the mystery of those who are faithful. I am speaking big words with you, sons, and I am with My mother Virgin at the table as word among you, and with her are the saints of the heaven, for she has her feast for My birth of her virginal body, and the saints accompany her. My mother Virgin is teaching you on this day, My people. Learn the holy teaching from her and then, son, become the fruit of her teaching. Amen.

Oh, people blessed by those in heaven, oh, tiny son, you should appreciate the Lord, Who has made a house with you on earth, and let the Lord be your delight, for He comforts you on earth with the things from heaven to have you as His comfort in His pains from man. You should leave the mystery of the virginity of the heart to be great in you, and only my Son, clean and holy, to dwell in your heart, only He, for He has chosen you as His bride on earth in the midst of this nation, the Romanian nation, of whose name the heaven is full now, in the end of the time, when the Lord has His dwelling place on this hearth. (See the selection topic: "The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) Do not forget that you are the fruit of the faith of those who are faithful to the Lord’s coming on earth as word now, in the end of the time. Do not forget to be thankful for your honor from God given to you by your choice to be His people. Do not forget to serve only Him, to dedicate yourself only to Him day and night, and only to Him to entrust your spiritual and fleshly steps, only to Him, little son, and leave nothing for the devil, as I left nothing for him too, and as I was only for the Lord on earth; I gave myself to Him as the house of His coming with the body among people and the Lord was born of me on earth, being God of God at His birth among people, my virginal body becoming the way of His birth. Receive, son, the seed of the Holy Spirit in your heart, grow the Lord in it, and grow Him in many after that, for this is your choice that the Lord has given to you on earth.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Lord’s Mother, from 08-01-2010.


Oh, you are far away from Me, man, far away from My way! My way is the cross, but you give yourself to the deceiving life on earth and you give Me away from your life, and when the pain of your life seizes you under it, you also reach under the cross, no matter how much you may run away from the way with sufferance with it, from the life lived beautifully, after God’s will, and which is revealed by resurrection, and the resurrection comes only after sufferance, and those who despise sufferance do not love the resurrection.

Oh, you are far away from Me, man without a way with thorns on it! You cannot find Me but only on the way with sufferance and pain if you want Me to be with you. When I meet you on your way with My way with sufferance, I come into your way with My way to know Me, for you cannot meet Me on another way, and if you do not know to see, to feel and to become gentle for Me and for you, then you lose the joy of the resurrection and you do not come to life, and you still remain further on your way with flowers and with passing joys, and you further get drunk with its feelings, which wither away once with you and by which you do not gather anything for you but only tears and remorse for your end. Oh, do you see why I come into your way with My way? I want to give you the joy of the resurrection, man! There is no greater joy than that after sufferance, and that is why there is resurrection either, but woe to the one who does not know to understand this way and to value My callings and to answer Me with thankfulness when I lift him up to be then and to remain for resurrection!

Oh, sons of men, if I, the Lord, come into your way with the lifting up from your sufferance and from your tears because of your departure from Me, oh, do understand sons, the spirit of the love from Me given to you, and for which you remain in debt to the One Who loves you so much and Who calls you to resurrection! The end of sufferance is the resurrection, and there is no other resurrection but by sufferance and after sufferance! Oh, it is not good to despise sufferance, to grieve about it, and to ask Me for your release from it, but it is rather good to wait with faithfulness and with patience for your resurrection, sons. Oh, if you love the Lord’s Passover, then learn from the saints and from the fathers how to love and how to celebrate My resurrection! Be worthy by your wisdom, for the darkness on the earth eats the light in you so that you may no longer see, but I have come to give sight to those who do not see and to take their sight to those who say that they see, as there is great immorality on those that see, for they have nothing to see on earth but only death on it, and, again, great blessing is on those who are blind for those on earth, for they see those that are and that do not pass but remain as I remain, and they have no end.

Oh, learn from Me what life is, what resurrection is, sons of men! Do not be without wisdom for those from above with the people! Do not be ignorant of your resurrection! I have drawn many from the passing joys of the life that passes and ends here, and I have put them under the cross, either they have wanted or not, but I, the Lord, am the love for man and I want to prepare his resurrection by suffering, and I help him die to the life that passes and does not remain, and I help him to stay under the cross, under the life without death, without sin, as only the cross of the life can fulfill in man, and then the resurrection by the cross, as I have taught you to work, to love and to take after Me in sufferance and resurrection, for those that do not take after Me are not Mine on the earth, but they belong to the world, and they deserve to belong to it, for they love it for themselves, and I am for those who love the resurrection, as I loved it, by much, much sufferance, love and patience, and these have the resurrection as their reward. Amen.

In all sufferance and pains, only one, only one is on the side of the resurrection, and that is for My way, that which is for My name, and blessed are those who suffer in this way on the earth, suffering for Me for My way with them too, and they are and will be blessed, and the resurrection is their reward! He who comes after Me denying himself for the life under the cross, that one is he who comes to life and then he never dies, for the cross keeps him on it and under it, and the cross is resurrection, and there is no other cross but on My way with Me, and there is no paid sufferance but only on My way. Amen.

Oh, for two thousand years the man has not known to spend according to My pleasure the feast of My resurrection. Man does not deserve joy because he sins. You should learn, man. You do not know to spend to My joy and not yours the memorial of My resurrection. Oh, you need heavenly humility, not humanly, and you need love for your humility, and this is how you should know to spend the feast of My resurrection. Remember the sinners that were dragging after Me to give them healing and salvation from the cross of their lives, for they were following Me with faith and humility and they were crying and praying with humility that I might do good to them, as you should also have to do on My way, and I was doing good to them as they were asking Me with humility. Oh, here it is why you are not healed and why you do not receive when you ask! You do not ask with humility and with a promise for your way with Me then. Oh, you are not worthy, because you are a sinner, because sin prevails against you, and I cannot win to save you from sin if you do not want. Do not wonder why you do not receive healing when you ask it from Me, if you do not know to remain then in humility on the side of the resurrection. Oh, I was God from God when I came on earth among people, and I was praying with humility as the Son of the Father in all My hardships, and when it was about to die in order to be resurrected after three days, I was afraid of the hard hour and I prayed with humility to the Father: «Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I desire, but what You desire». (Matt: 26/39) My humility was My prayer, and My prayer was My humility, and in this way I stood before the Father Sabaoth and I did not stand as I wanted but as He wanted, and I became the Teacher in all the things for you, man, and I have shown you how to be and how to do and how to stand before God, for you are a sinner and you need great, great humility to die to sin and then to come to life and be on My side afterwards, in order that I may help you from then on according to justice, and then My help to bring forth heavenly fruit for you. There are seven thousand years since the man has done the evil both openly and secretly, but his habit is to do evil secretly. Oh, he who loves himself hides because of the evil that he commits, and especially the one known to be on My way with the man does this. He who looks to commit evil out of the spirit of his self-love, breaking the commandments of life, that one hides from the One Who sees him and can stop him from doing the evil that he wants or can do, and when he finds an occasion, then he commits the evil in secret and he writes himself with it before God.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 04-04-2010. (On Calameo)


Look into the Scriptures, oh, sons of men, for if you do not listen like that, you will be lied with every passing day, more and more, for those who rule over you do not love God, for they shepherd you for them and not for Me, and they draw you to them. Oh, go to them and ask them to show to you the Lord with them, but do not be deceived by them! Also come to Me, and I will show you the word of salvation from sin and I will lead you to a holy life, as My life is, and I will appear within you during this way, and they will be hated by everyone because of My life in you, for My name, which you will be worthy to really bear on earth, and you will be My disciples, as those two thousand years ago, to whom I spoke: «You will be hated by all for My name, but not a single hair of your head will perish». Oh, behold the sign, (See the selection topic: "The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) which I give you so that you may know those who are not My disciples and cannot bring the way under your feet so that you may walk on My holy way with your way among people. Behold the people of My word, people of disciples like My disciples two thousand years ago, to whom Caiaphas, the bailiff of his servants, commanded no longer to speak to the crowds in My name. However, they, clothed with salvation, were preaching more and more and they were giving their answer: «We must obey God rather than man». (Acts: 5/29) Oh, this is how I have been going with the work of My word by My disciples of today and they get rid of Me and them, those who run away from My coming and who made bold to misinterpret John’s book, the book of Apocalypse, about which John wrote not to be taken out of it or added to it, and they did and wrote a period of time, (They wrote “thousands of years” instead of “a thousand years and still nearly a thousand years,” r.n.), and they pulled the thread of the written number and did no longer write a number, and they wrote without a number the years of the man’s kingdom, and they replaced without any number the time of the resurrection of the dead (Also “thousands years” instead of “one thousand years.” See Apoc: 20/2, 4, 6, 7) and thus, by so doing, they have defiled the man in his mind, in his waiting, hope and faith, and they have taught the man to go to sleep and to sleep peacefully and no longer to wait for My coming written in the Scriptures, and then to be fulfilled after two thousand years from My ascension to the Father, a number written by the apostle John, after God’s revelation shown to him, but which, with a great mystery, was fulfilled on earth, and I came when no one expected Me and when no one expects Me to come any more. Oh, disbelief,

the spirit of unbelief, how you have come out in secret to fill the earth and the world with your deceit! (See the selection topic: "The kingdom of one thousand years”, r.n.)

I was after My resurrection on earth with My disciples, a time when the graves were opened and My righteous came out in the streets of Jerusalem, and this is written in the Scriptures, (Matt: 27/52, r.n.), and the saints coming out of the tombs spoke and stayed with the rulers of that time on earth and confirmed about them and about Me, the One Who went down to them in the dwelling of the death, and I opened for My righteous to come out; however, the rulers of that time had kept looking to bury the truth about Jesus Christ, Who appeared from God in their time, for I wrote: «Even if one rises from the dead, the unfaithful will not believe in God if they do not want to believe in Moses and in the prophets with their book on the table». (See also Luke: 16/31)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saints apostle Peter and Paul, from 1207-2010. (On Calameo)
