Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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The Bible outlines the standards of normal beliefs.  They are called "normal" because these beliefs align with how God designed the universe and humans, and how they should operate and function normally.  Therefore the Bible has definitions of normality embedded in it, and they fit with everything He has designed.  Since God is the Designer, He gets to decide what is reality, and therefore what is "normal" and "abnormal."  That means humans cannot change them no matter how hard they may try.


Since God has defined normality and abnormality, He also put "reality stops" in place on normality, past which abnormality is unleashed.  Humans periodically try to change the rules God has put in place, resulting in confusion, chaotic beliefs and mental dysfunction.  For instance, God made male and female humans.  Each one is a factual reality stop (excepting rare biological anomalies of birth).  A male is a reality.  A female is a reality.  When certain humans decide there is no such thing as male and female, they attempt to create new rules or standards for a new status, or maybe no rules at all.  Since the male and female design is a reality stop on normality put in place by God which must not be passed, once that reality stop is passed there can be no logic or reason past that point.  To further explain, once the male and female issue is knocked down as a reality stop then anything and everything past that point is possible, since there is no remaining logical or rational way to sort out what is right and wrong on the abnormality side.  Males can then play in female sports leagues without accounting for the physical differences.  Males can use female bathrooms and changing rooms.  Males can do anything formerly restricted to females and vice versa.  There is no allowance for citing "unfairness" because once the reality stops which God put in place are bypassed and removed, there is no way to sort out what is right or wrong, fair or unfair, on the other side of reality.  It is only by returning to normality and reality that logic and reason can be restored.  So this is the first issue with reality stops, that there is no logic on the issue once reality is bypassed.


Humans who pass the reality stops God has put in place cannot reconcile what they believe with traditional human beliefs and the universe at large.  That creates a discontinuity of beliefs which also creates internal stress and friction in the soul.  Such people will try desperately to gain the approval of others for their belief system and resulting behavior.  They demand changes in law to force other humans to not only accept their beliefs and actions, but go far beyond that to demanding acceptance of their status as being "normal."  They attempt to reset the reality stops which God has put in place by resetting the beliefs of others to align with their own beliefs which go beyond reality, and thus they attempt to create a new normal beyond God's reality stops.  This has failed over and over again, even though some societies have attempted forced acceptance of new unreality stops, but they cannot remain in place due to their incongruence with God's design and logic.


To reiterate a previously discussed issue, God is logical.  He invented logic.  Logic aligns with who He is, what He is, and what He has designed and created.  The universe He created was completely logical and orderly in its original perfect form, although created beings, both angels and humans, distorted it with rebellion and sin.  The issue here is that when humans try to pass the reality stops which God has put in place, the result is illogical and cannot be made logical or reasonable.  This also means the beliefs beyond the reality stops cannot make sense or be normal.  As an aside, beyond the reality stops there is also no possibility of any true happiness.  Humans who live beyond the reality stops God has put in place cannot find it.  That is why they look to abnormal beliefs and activities as alternatives to happiness, which they cannot achieve.


There are many other examples of humans trying to bypass the reality stops of normality of beliefs.  These always result in internal friction and dysfunction.  Beliefs only make sense, and are only logical, when the boundaries of normality are left in place and respected as reality stops on beliefs and resulting behaviors.  Humans have tried over the entirety of history to change the reality stops put in place by God.  The first was when original humans ate from the prohibited Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which was the only reality stop put in place for them.  Once that reality stop of human sinlessness was bypassed, God had to change the earth to account for the fallen state of humans, so He put in place many more reality stops on normality.  Humans cannot repeat the original fall into sinfulness, because we already gained the Sinful Nature through the original humans.  But the new reality stops set boundaries which, when bypassed, set into motion self-imposed misery due to incoherent belief systems based on unreality.


This brings us back to the subject of mental illness and maladies.  When humans attempt to live beyond the reality stops which God has put in place they are living their life primarily through their Sinful Nature aligned with the Emotion, so there is always a dysfunction in the soul which leads to internal stress and friction of beliefs.  The Mind and Heart cannot reconcile these discontinuities inside the soul, so internal chaos reigns.  Although this can manifest itself in many forms as discussed previously, the resultant discontinuity inside the soul results in illogical thinking and behavior, and also unhappiness due to living beyond the reality stops which God has put in place.