Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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It is a popular view to look at the available options for belief systems and say "I will just take the middle ground" trying to be a centrist.  On the surface it seems good to be in the middle and not take firm or "extreme" positions.  But remember, truth is an extreme position.  So this middle ground approach is often a form of expressing a half-baked belief system, or no belief system at all.  The person may actually have beliefs, but maybe not.  There is a time and place to hold your tongue and express no beliefs, but on the other hand to never express beliefs is a form of cowardice.  And to actually have no specific and firm beliefs is a real problem, especially for believers.  We are required to have firm beliefs in truth as revealed in the Bible.


Taking a position to not rock the boat, to be agreeable and non-confrontational on important matters, and taking fluctuating positions countering what was previously expressed to others, is a sign of fluid beliefs.  Fluid beliefs are not actually beliefs, but rather are random musings aimed at just getting along.  Such fluid beliefs are a failure to have anchoring principles on important issues.  Believing something at one moment and then taking the opposite position shortly afterward, and doing it routinely, is a failure to hold firmly to important belief systems.  As stated, God requires us to hold firm beliefs based in truth.  We are saved by a belief in Jesus Christ.  We must live by firm beliefs in what the Scriptures reveal.  To deny the fundamental beliefs revealed in the Bible is a spiritual failure, at least at that moment in time.  Recovery is possible and important, but the more we deny the truth the less we will believe it.  Spiritual failure and loss of firm beliefs go hand in hand.  Beliefs on fundamental issues matter.  There is truth, and there is non-truth.  Taking the middle ground on Biblical truths is not a virtue.


Agnostics take the approach that if something is uncertain then they cannot know if it is true.  This belief system is one which takes the middle road to nowhere.  Atheists are at least honest that they reject something completely, and refuse to believe it.  But Agnostics go around saying they are not sure of this and that, trying to appear above it all, so they wring their hands and are swayed by every wind which blows.  The Agnostic belief system is therefore a lack of firm beliefs in things which are important, where the big issues are ignored because they are just too hard to deal with.  But the design of the universe screams out God's name.  The Bible says "The fool says in his heart there is no God."  Even Satan believes in God.  He is still going into eternal condemnation, but he certainly believes in God without any question.  But believing in God will not save anyone.  It is believing in Jesus Christ as Savior which saves each person, and the lack of such belief condemns all who hold to it throughout their life on earth.  But being an Agnostic is living without beliefs, which means living without form or substance.


The evil Cosmic System opposes believers who take firm positions defending truth.  It cannot allow truth to exist unopposed.  It cannot allow it to be expressed, or even believed.  And it is not enough to simply oppose outward expressions, but rather it seeks to suppress and eliminate any and all forms of belief systems which are counter to the evil Cosmic System.  Cosmic System beliefs are unsupportable, illogical, foolish, and do not work in the real world.  That is why such beliefs must be defended so vigorously and loudly, by shouting and belittling others and using distortions and lies in place of truth.  They have no logic or basis in reality.  Opposition by truth cannot be allowed.  Truth is everything they are not.  It is right and good and moral and virtuous and logical.  The Cosmic System is none of those.  Their first defense is to attack the person instead of the truth itself.  The person must be socially destroyed.  The person must be shunned.  The person must be ridiculed.  The person must be removed because the truth cannot be.


The point here is that important belief systems based on the truth require defending.  They will be attacked.  There will be ridicule and social pressure.  But when truth is involved, giving up one's belief system just to get along will only result in a diminishing of that person's human spirit and a corresponding ascendancy in the power of the Sinful Nature which will exert more and more control over the soul, resulting in that person being taken out of the fight for truth.