Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Look around at what most people think and believe.  Depressing, certainly.  Polarizations based on beliefs abound.  Belief systems are generally very shallow, mixed with those which are based on total unreality.  Fanatical beliefs about singular issues based on false information dominate the human condition, and cause personal mental instability which has also spread to the world at large.  Group-thinking on social media offers instant support for a wide variety of beliefs based on untruth and unreality.  People are looking for "meaning" but look everywhere but to God, so they find none and become more frustrated.  As a result, many go even deeper into single-issue fanatical views in search of meaning in their life.  And so the cycle continues downward.  This pitiable search for that which is beyond them, and will ultimately elude them, has led to a crisis of beliefs which occurs periodically in human history, often just before great catastrophe.  That is how God eventually gets the attention of those nations which have thinking and belief systems which have strayed far from the truth.


It does not take much effort to find polar opposite views among those around you.  The surprise is not that it exists, but rather the extent to which it has infiltrated human life at the most basic and even insignificant levels.  This is apparent everywhere we turn.  Each one believes the other is outrageously wrong, leading to polarization.  The difference now as opposed to the past is the degree to which social media can provide support for unreality of beliefs, and expand its impact exponentially.  And everything is seen and interpreted through the dark and distorted prism of politics.


So where will this all lead?  How does it get sorted out?  Or can it be?


Once again, look at the beliefs which currently consume people.  So-called "progressive" beliefs are readily accepted rather than reality and truth, often more out of fear of cancellation from social media than actual belief.  People pursue politics for the purpose of power, not for service.  Power is used for the purpose of self-promotion of the incompetent.  Truth and reality is rejected to create new belief systems based on the so-called "new realities," but that would require that God had given up and gone away.  Money is used for the purpose of creating the illusion of importance in society, and a false sense of meaning in life.  Lust consumes people, which is the true opioid of the masses.  Justice systems support the criminal, as lawful people are called criminals, so the innocent are deemed guilty while criminals are praised.  Criminal politicians have risen to the top in governments worldwide.  Meanwhile, belief systems based on Bible truth have dwindled and are being persecuted.  Christian beliefs are now being called intolerant and even criminal, and portions of the Bible are called hate literature.  All of this madness is based on belief systems focused on the Sinful Nature and self-promotion, supported by the evil Cosmic System.  The world is turned upside down by distorted beliefs.


Why has this happened?  Where is this all headed?


When the majority of individuals in a nation think in such distorted patterns, that nation is headed for disaster.  The majority have their Emotion aligned with the Sinful Nature to a significant degree, so they think in distorted patterns, if you call that thinking.  When a maximum number of people in a society have gone this way, the effect on that society will be intensified.  Add the technology to expand the effects, and a critical mass of false belief systems will take over.  And when the whole world has gone that way, the results are what we see today.  Chaos of thoughts, thinking, and beliefs.


People are living on their Emotion, which cannot think, in alliance with the Sinful Nature, the instrument of lust and sin for humans.  The Mind and Heart are set aside as the leadership of the soul, leading to living by feelings and lust.  This eventually becomes a set pattern which the person may be unable to break, even if they desire to do so.  The more this condition persists, the more the duo of Emotion and Sinful Nature take control, and the harder it is to think logically.  When this condition dominates the nation and the world, attacks on truth, reason and logic start coming from all directions.  Unbelievers who are looking for meaning in their otherwise empty lives become angry at not finding any.  They blame those who seem happy and have firm beliefs, therefore Christianity becomes their main target.  It is blamed for interfering with their own empty search for happiness, and requiring them to think about their eventual death and the eternity beyond it.  But any life apart from God is an empty one, because God's plan for humans has no useful alternative.


When people choose alternatives to God's design of the universe, they either invent beliefs based on falsehood or join an existing false belief system.  They look for belief systems which will align with their predispositions, whether tending toward hedonism or self-righteousness.  Both are lust-based systems.  Some others just drop out, preferring not to think about much at all, trying to avoid belief systems.  They may try to escape from thinking, so they simply sit in front of a technology device as much as possible, using it to distract from thought, passing the time with as little real thinking as possible, and trying not to believe in anything or anyone.  This approach has become a primary method of avoiding thoughts and beliefs, because technology has enabled such a state of being.  Others use drugs or alcohol.  Many join a cause, trying to find meaning through a belief system based on saving something or helping with something.  Some become social climbers, and others focus on making money to the exclusion of all else in life.  Others become fanatics, highly focused on a singular belief issue.  People go in all types of directions seeking meaning in life, or trying to avoid life, which means avoiding their own thoughts by various forms of distraction.  But once people reject the truth, or simply avoid the truth, they have rejected the only real meaning and purpose in life.  Any belief system which denies, rejects or avoids the truth is doomed to unhappiness and failure.


That is the status of the world today.  Chaos rules because there are no longer enough people focused on thoughts and beliefs based on truth or reality.  Anarchy knocks at the door.  Throughout history there have always been pockets of people where truth has been held in high esteem, even though most of the world did not do so.  Pockets of truth have held the world together, but have dwindled and are fading fast.  The world has embraced false beliefs, distractionism, and evil.  The results are obvious.  There is chaos of thoughts and beliefs, which has led to chaos of actions.  The world has rejected truth, because truth scares them to death.


But there is a solution....