Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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In eternity we believers will be the same person we were while living, but we will be perfectly righteous since our Sinful Nature will be gone.  We will be true humans, with our same soul and human spirit, but transformed into spiritual beings, whereby our human spirit will drive our soul as the dominant part of our eternal inner human.  Therefore both soul and human spirit will remain, but the human spirit will have priority because we can only interact with God as spirit.  Therefore our human spirit and soul will be in full harmony during eternity, so there will be no more inner power struggles or disagreements.  We will also have a much more powerful eternal body, with a very high IQ.


Unbelievers will have a very different status.  They never had a human spirit, and will not have one during eternity.  That is why they can never cross over, or be forgiven after death, or work off their lack of righteousness after they die.  They will retain their Sinful Nature and will be tormented by it.  They will be separated from God, and will be very unhappy.  They will have a lowly body which feels pain.  It was their choice to make, and they chose wrong.  This should motivate us to do something about that while there is time.


But what will we believers do during eternity?  Will our inner human work as it did on earth?  The answer is we will do things a lot like people did on earth while alive, except the focus will turn to serving and worshiping Jesus Christ.  All who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior will be in this new Eternal State regardless of their spiritual life after salvation.  But believers will not turn into angels.  We will not play harps while sitting on clouds.  We will not all be equal.  Our eternal status will differ greatly based on the thoughts and beliefs we held during our time on earth.


More specifically, the existing Heaven will be combined into a "new heavens and new earth" and the existing universe will be destroyed.  There will be a New Jerusalem as the throne-room of the Trinity, which will be a very large cube shaped structure with pearl gates and streets and walls like gold and diamonds.  The original Tree of Life will be inside the New Jerusalem.  The Trinity will dwell with believers forever inside this new universe, and Jesus Christ will rule over this societal structure.  Those who were spiritual winners will have higher level leadership roles supporting the leadership of the Lord.  The society will be designed to support the eternal worship of Jesus Christ the Savior and the entire Trinity.  There will be assigned tasks and work in this societal structure.  It will also be a very social eternal society, with plenty of personal interaction, since structure and social interaction is important for the happiness of humans even in eternity.  We will have variations in rewards based on ranking by spiritual success during our life on earth, so eternity will include varying degrees of happiness based on rewards, although all will have basic happiness.  We will eat and drink.  The new earth will be a paradise.  There will be no darkness, as the light of God will be everywhere at all times.  All will have a resurrection body like Jesus Christ gained at His resurrection.  We will be able to travel throughout the new universe and explore and use it for our pleasure.  It will be a wonderful place for all, but spiritual winner believers will have much more of everything than those who failed to fulfill their spiritual life while on earth. 


This is only a tiny glimpse of what God has in store for all of us who believed in Jesus Christ while living on earth.  God has something wonderful and exciting for believers in the Eternal State, and we will never be unhappy, bored, or otherwise uncomfortable.  But there will be differences in levels of happiness based on how well we fulfilled our spiritual life while believers on earth.  And it will be mainly based on what we thought and believed while we were alive.


Now back to the reality of life on earth, and the current state of thoughts, thinking, and beliefs.