Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 8

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was

silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And

I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to

them were given seven trumpets. (Revelations 8:1–2)

The last of the seven seals are opened and silence in heaven followed for half an hour. If we use the symbolism of Daniel as one day equates to one year, then a half hour is the same as a little more than a week. A half hour to a day is seven and a half days to a year. So we have silence for a half hour in heaven and a week on earth before the trumpets are blown.

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The seven trumpets and seven bowls are all a part of the

seventh seal. It’s one very long event until the end of the age.

The first four seals are the four horsemen, which is the

life of the Antichrist, the fifth seal is the martyrs asking how long must they wait for their vengeance, and sixth seal is the sealing of the 144,000, the rapture, and the pole shift. The seventh seal is the effects of that shift.

The seals are a broad outline of events to come. The

trumpets and bowls are more detailed in those happenings.

And another angel came and stood at the altar, having

a golden censer; and there was given unto him much

incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all

saints upon the golden altar which was before the

throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came

with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God

out of the angel’s hand. (Revelations 8:3–4)

One thing I’ve learned from conversing with the angelic host is that they can do nothing without the prayers of the saints.

They must have our free will in order to act. The highest law in the universe is that free will not be violated; therefore, they need our blessing in order to act. To do so otherwise is considered a violation that the Creator of the universe will not tolerate.

This scene shows the prayers of the saints going up to the

Creator so that its angels can follow through on its will. None of this is accomplished without the free will of humanity by way of the prayers of the saints.

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Thy Kingdom Come

The enemy wished to take all of humanity and make slaves

of us, yet the Heavenly Host had other plans, but they needed our prayers.

Lucifer and his followers resented us to the point that he

wished to extinguish us all. He felt that the Creator loved

us more than himself which is one of the reasons for his

rebellion and his power play to take the throne of God. This mission was thwarted two thousand years ago by the Son of

Man, known as Jesus, and his followers. That which began at

Jerusalem will end at Jerusalem with the second coming.

As long as we are talking of prayer, there is something

extremely important I need to touch on here that was given

to me by the angels.

The Angel Elizabeth, who works for Gabriel, told me that

prayer is extremely important in the angelic realm. Prayers

from us strengthen them, the lack of prayer weakens them.

The more positive our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and

prayer are expended, the more the angels are able to help

us in our endeavors. When we pray to God, listen to God,

and contemplate God, we are giving carte blanche to his

holy messengers. This is because our free will can never be

violated by angels. The Lord will not permit them to do this and this is another reason why Lucifer and his gang fell; they violated our free will and continue to do so to this day. For that transgression, they must pay the ultimate price.

This is why Lucifer has expended so much energy in

attempting to control the minds of humanity. If he can get

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us to forget about God, then we take the angelic power

away from ourselves. We have all this power at our disposal, and he knows this. By not praying, not listening, and not

contemplating God, we give up our gifts from heaven and

Lucifer would like nothing better. So by deception, he is

able to take our minds off the Lord and give himself and his band of jackasses free reign. The greatest deception is by not believing that he exists and therefore giving himself free will over our will.

Elizabeth told me that prayer is extremely important.

Those prayer warriors who spend hours in positive prayer are most holy beings to the angels. If we all did this, we would have ourselves a much different world. Angels rely on us just as we rely on them, focusing and transmitting positive energy to the universe even under the most trying circumstances

such as the four horsemen will be vital in the days ahead. In other words, trust the Lord and keep your eyes on the prize.

And the angel took the censer, and filled it with

fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there

were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an

earthquake. And the seven angels which had the seven

trumpets prepared themselves to sound. (Revelations


So who are the identities of these seven angels? The

prophet Enoch lists them as the archangels, which are the

equivalent of generals in an army. Uriel, Raguel, Sariel,

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Raphael, Phanuel, Gabriel, and Michael would be very good

guesses. These are the chief angels of the Heavenly Host. The entire angelic realm is ruled by these, every angel there is, including the ones I’ve communicated with, Thomas, Samuel,

and Elizabeth, serve one of these who serve directly for God.

Michael and Gabriel are the two highest of these.

In the beginning, Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel were the

three chief angelic beings. Lucifer rebelled and took his one-third of angels with him which left Michael and Gabriel at the very top. Michael is the warrior, Gabriel the chief messenger, each with their assigned roles.

The angels work in threes. Michael is in command of a

third, Gabriel in command of a third, Lucifer in command

of his third. That is the first tier of the Heavenly Host. Each of these three have three subordinates, the second tier under them. In other words, under those three are nine others. Then it moves on to the third tier, the fourth, and so on. And by no means are the lower-tiered angels powerless, all have extreme power, but it’s given from God and from ourselves; remember

that it’s a very structured hierarchy.

The angels also gather power from each other, the energy

travelling upward and downward. They close ranks and

feed energy to and fro, stemming at first from the throne of God and ending with the energy fed from us. Consider the

Heavenly Host an intersection between man and God. They

do the will of the Father, but they also do the will of man

if it coincides with the will of the Lord. They perform acts

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depending on how we are, how we feel, how we think, and

how we act.

According to Elizabeth, this is very important for us all to learn. To control our feelings, thoughts, words, and deeds so that angels can have the green light sent from above. She said that we are living gods who don’t know it, therefore we aren’t living gods. Once we, like Jesus, come to that realization, then we can elevate our consciousness to the point of our origins and reclaim our birthright as children of the Most High as

was intended from the beginning.

Lucifer has been very busy these thousands of years

convincing us that we are not children of the Lord and

therefore not deserving of his love. The rebel army knows

that to keep us in the dark is very beneficial to them. By

controlling our belief system, they are able to make us slaves of Lucifer and keep us in bondage.

Angels were created to serve, not control as the rebels

are doing.

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