Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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The Trumpets

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and

fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the

earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all

green grass was burnt up. (Revelations 8:7)

All of these trumpets are of the seventh seal. The results of the poles shifting during the sixth seal.

The rapture has just occurred, the 144,000 Jews are

marked on their foreheads, a millisecond later is the shifting of the poles.

As the poles shift, there will be massive earthquakes and

tidal waves. This will cause volcanic ash to be released into the air and keep the sun from shining through to the fields of grass, thereby destroying it.

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The scene of volcanoes erupting will look like hail and fire mingling with blood to destroy the trees and grass. It will be a massively frightening sight.

It will all begin slowly, then gaining momentum until

it’s finished.

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great

mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea:

and the third part of the sea became blood; And the

third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and

had life, died; and the third part of the ships were

destroyed. (Revelations 8:8–9)

Staying with the scene of the previous verse, it will look like large rocks are being thrown into the oceans which will kill a humongous amount of marine life. Earthquakes, volcanoes,

the continental plates drifting together and smashing

creating new mountains. Other land being destroyed by the

sea. Massive amounts of marine life will become extinct.

It will be horrendous. No wonder that those who are on

the earth at this time will be asking for the rocks to fall on them to save them from the event of the age.

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great

star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it

fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the

fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called

Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became

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wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because

they were made bitter. (Revelations 8:10–11)

Notice that all things are a third part. In other words, a

third part of the earth will be destroyed and unlivable for quite some time. The name “Wormwood” stands for bitterness.

Some believe this is an asteroid or comet or some celestial

being from the sky; personally, I believe it is the poisoning of a third of the fresh water on earth. Like most of the book of Revelation, this is symbolism.

With all the ash, soot, and fire thrown up into the sky

from volcanoes and earthquakes, a third part of the rivers will be poisoned and be undrinkable. Finding good fresh water

will become difficult and many will die from the poisonous

waters. The first three trumpets are all from the same event, the pole shift of the sixth seal.

So far, the trees, the grass, the seas, and now the rivers

are affected.

Think of it for a minute, if a shifting of the poles is to

occur, then what part of the earth won’t be affected? The

entire earth will be shaken from its very foundation, nothing will be able to hide from it.

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of

the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon,

and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of

them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third

part of it, and the night likewise. (Revelations 8:12)

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Staying with the theme of a third part, the sun, moon, and

stars do not shine.

The grass and trees which symbolizes all land, the fresh-

water rivers and lakes, the seas and oceans, and now we have the celestial consequences.

If humanity also loses a third, then we will have another

two billion deaths from this event. Personally, I believe it would be more than that. Between the Antichrist destroying

a fourth part of the earth and now the pole shift wipes out

another third, there will be a massive depopulation of earth. At least four billion dead, more than likely a far greater number.

The landscape of the planet would look nothing like it

does today.

It will begin with a slow moving process that once it

reaches the point of no return would just flip-flop around and create a new North and South Pole. According to the Hopi,

this isn’t the first time this has happened here.

The last North Pole was located at what is now the Hudson

Bay area. The next one will be in the central Siberian region.

You’re probably wondering where I received this information

from. This is what was given to me, I’m merely a messenger

passing it along. As incredulous as it all may seem, I’ve learned from experience to just accept what is given to me and not

attempt to figure it all out at an intellectual level. I’m at my best when I take my mind out of the equation and just let the information received flow through me. Or on those special

occasions when I receive a visit from the angelic realm.

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There are those who don’t believe in such things. They say

that there are no more prophets or people who receive visits from the angels. That John the Baptist was the last prophet.

That because of the Holy Spirit given to Christ’s believers, no more prophets are needed. To those, I say, did God stop

talking to mankind at the death of our Lord at Calvary? It

is because of the Holy Spirit that we receive visits today,

especially in this the last days of this age. It’s true that I have received visits from the angels I have named, I will swore by it on earth and in the kingdom of heaven. I’m put here on this earth to write manuscripts to help prepare the saints during this last hour, nothing more.

Back to the trumpet: once the shifting is over, there will

no longer be a tilt creating the four seasons. All areas will become temperate once the planet has recovered from this


We all have to keep in mind that the kingdom of God will

not be ushered in until the kingdom of man is ushered out. It will be a painful exit.

And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the

midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe,

woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the

other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which

are yet to sound! (Revelations 8:13)

A warning to those left behind.

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How many times in human history have we all been

warned about future events and have not heeded their

call? Harbingers have come and gone and been thoroughly

ignored. Prophet after prophet of the Old Testament have

warned ancient Israel of future doom only to be martyred by

the authorities of that day.

It seems to be a human trait not to pay attention to those

who warn that if we keep heading in the direction we are,

that doom will follow. We seem to rather stick our heads in

the sand and hope it all goes away. Prophets are looked at like they are crazy by the unbelieving masses and ridiculed.

A prophet lives a very lonely life; the first to reject them are their families. People generally reject what they don’t

understand, so those closest to them are the first to scorn a messenger of God. A prophet is never honored in his own


Next come their local towns that either throw them into

prison or cast them away. Look at the reception Jesus received from Nazareth, it’s no different for any prophet of today. The reason being that messengers of God challenge the authority

of men. Those who hold the present power structure want

nothing to do with someone who has vision and the keys of

a doomed future.

Jesus warned the authorities of his day that the blood of

all the prophets from righteous Abel to Zachariah (who was

killed between the altar and the temple for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of John to Herod’s temple guards) would fall 108 |

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upon that generation. In ad 70, Jerusalem fell to the Romans in a sea of blood.

Humanity will have to take a drastic change in direction

to avoid this prophecy. But as I spoke of prior, this is a nexus in time that must be overcome for us to reach the golden age.