Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 10

And I saw another mighty angel come down from

heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon

his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his

feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little

book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea,

and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud

voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried,

seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the

seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about

to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto

me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders

uttered, and write them not. (Revelations 10:1–4)

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Now we have ourselves a mystery. What did the angel say

whose voice sounds like seven thunders?

Firstly, this angel is either the Archangel Michael or

Gabriel. These two angels are in a class by themselves.

When I had my communication with the three angels,

Thomas, Samuel, and Elizabeth, I asked about those two

angels and here is the answer I was given.

In the very beginning, there were just three angels: Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel.

Lucifer was the firstborn, the son of the morning star. A

beautiful and powerful created being, loved by his Creator. A being of pure light, the God of this world. The Lord of this dimension, power was given him to control all principalities of the physical world.

Michael and Gabriel had these same powers, but they

refused to exercise them. Michael is the warrior for the

Creator. He stands before the throne of God ready to attack

all things that wish to thwart the soul’s plans. According to my angelic guides, Michael never sleeps. He is constantly

busy day and night doing the will of God. He carries in his

hand the very long sword of truth. Gabriel, on the other hand, is messenger of messengers. Notice that it was Gabriel who

announced to Zechariah that he was to father a son and his

name was John. Notice that it was Gabriel who announced to

Elizabeth that she was to mother that same child. Notice that it was Gabriel who announced to Mary that the Messiah was

to be born from her womb. Gabriel, like Michael, never rests.

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The angelic beings Thomas and Samuel work for Michael,

Elizabeth for Gabriel. All three are very high up in the chain of command.

They told me Lucifer started to be prideful of his

appearance and powers. He thought, Who is as wondrous as I am? Who is able to control all things like I can? He thought of himself as the Chief Angel and ruler of all things. He forgot he was a created being and not the Creator himself. He forgot that there were two other archangels with the same powers

as himself.

Lucifer made a power play for the throne a long time ago.

It’s still going on today, but his time is very short. The seven seals are what will eventually destroy him.

I believe that John was told to seal up the words because

it wouldn’t be understood until the end of the age. I’ve read many explanations about what is in this little book, but I’m not satisfied with any of the answers. I’ve asked my friends, but they refuse to comment on the contents of this little

scroll; therefore, it remains a mystery to me.

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and

upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And

sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created

heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth,

and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the

things which are therein, that there should be time no

longer. (Revelations 10:5–6)

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This angel, being either Michael or Gabriel, did what

Lucifer could never do, swear by him that lives forever. In

other words, this archangel swore to Jesus.

This was the supreme obstacle for Lucifer: he could never

bow down to Jesus, whereas Michael and Gabriel have no

problem doing that. Lucifer wants the throne for himself, the other two know that isn’t possible.

The major obstacle to Lucifer or anyone else who wants

the throne of God is they can’t master nature. They may be

able to make hybrids or clones of beings, but what they cannot do is clone a spirit. They can create a body and program a

mind, but they cannot create a spirit. Only God can do this

feat. Demons are master genetic engineers when it comes to

physical science, but in reference to the soul, they don’t have a clue and never will.

Through the use of technology, Lucifer and his band of

demons are able to make things appear out of thin air, but

that is only advanced technology. Jesus was able to do that

with his Christ-conscious mind. There is a big difference in those two. The only way one can accomplish what Jesus did

by turning water to wine with the use of his mind is by going within and contacting the Christ consciousness that resides

in all of us. Going within is the key to the development of

the mind. This is something Lucifer and his gang will never

do. Once you go within, you are giving of yourself to a higher power within you. Lucifer will never admit to a higher power; therefore, this act is impossible for him.

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Jesus knew the soul of God resided within him and made

constant contact with the same which produced results that

the world still talks about to this day.

The soul of God or the source is within us all. I’ve

talked extensively on this subject in my first book, The Great Awakening. From that source proceeds forth the spirit, mind, and body of us all. The soul is, the spirit feels, the mind thinks, the body does. Yet the soul is the source of all things both physical and nonphysical.

Jesus elevated his consciousness to the point where all four parts of himself worked in concert in a moment by moment

basis and he never wavered in that. This is how one achieves this consciousness; it must be a moment by moment elevation.

Lucifer, on the other hand, can never accomplish this

because he will not bow down to a higher power within

himself. Through pride, he sees himself as that higher power.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when

he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should

be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the

prophets. (Revelations 10:7)

The mystery of God spoken to the prophets.

Throughout history, from Adam to the last prophets of

this age, which are coming up in the next chapter of this

book, God has spoken to his people.

It’s been a mystery from the beginning of time.

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Here is the mystery, God created this world for one

reason and one only. To become one with its creation. To

experience the physical aspect of itself instead of just having a concept of itself. And with the opening of the seven seals, this is accomplished.

God created humanity and all other species to experience

itself. God created the first humans so that they could

experience the divine within. In the beginning, that’s who we were, living gods. We could create out of thin air whatever we wished. If we wanted to move a mountain with our minds, that would happen. We all had the faith of a mustard seed which

is all that it took to manufacture such a miracle. Imagine it, an entire planet full of living gods in the flesh.

But that plan was temporarily thwarted when Lucifer

and his band of minions decided to leave the spirit and take on the flesh to mate with these human gods. This created a

hybrid race of half angel and half human.

The human race on planet earth was hijacked by Lucifer.

They figured if they could disrupt the humans by this

action that we would be enslaved to them forever. It was an

ingenious plan.

Instead of focusing on things of the spirit, humans began

to think in terms of the flesh and lowered their consciousness level. Something had to be done.

God’s answer to this was to send a flood throughout the

earth and start over. To wipe out save a few of this hybrid

race of human/angels and begin again. So he found the most

righteous man he could, Noah, and started over.

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But there was still a problem, the race was still a hybrid

race of humans. The DNA had changed and mankind was

not what God had intended.

Meanwhile in heaven, there was literally hell to pay for

this transgression put forth by Lucifer.

This is what I was told by my angelic friends. That angels

must remain spiritual beings. Humans are of the flesh and

angels are of the spirit. There are many people who seem

to think when they pass away they become an angel, this is

incorrect. They become spiritual beings until they take on the flesh again and are known as spirit guides, but they do not

become angels. Angels are angels and humans are humans,

they are two distinct separate beings. When Lucifer and his

angels became flesh, they violated this law. As Jesus put it,

“That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.”

To fix this problem, the Source, or God, interceded by

becoming flesh in the name of Jesus. Teach those closest to

him and pass on his gifts, such as casting out these demons

and healing the sick. And then in turn ransom himself on

the cross to pass on his Holy Spirit to all who would call on his name. By doing so, others could claim these same gifts

and become one again with the Source. It was the way of

redemption after the fall of man.

And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto

me again, and said, Go and take the little book which

is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon

the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel,

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and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he

said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make

thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as


And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand,

and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey:

and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again

before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and

kings. (Revelations 10:8–11)

Could it be that the little scroll is the prophecy that is

about to be shown to John?

That’s the thing with prophecy, it’s bittersweet.

The Lord’s words can be so sweet tasting but in the end bit-

ter. Most of prophecy you read about is judgment of nations, peoples, places, or things. This is what happened to John.

In the book was written down the next part of this

prophecy. It’s about two wonderful spirits who are wrongly

treated on this planet. Let’s take a look and find out.

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The Twins