Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 11

And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and

the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple

of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

But the court which is without the temple leave out,

and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles:

and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and

two months. (Revelations 11:1–2)

Three and a half years shall this Antichrist tread onto the

city of Jerusalem. The prophet Daniel speaks of the final seven-year period. He says in the beginning of the final seven-year period there will be a false peace treaty of the many nations.

In the middle of this seven-year period or at the forty-two-

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month mark, he will break the treaty and declare war and

tread on the holy city for forty-two months.

Three and a half years shall this man occupy the holy city,

but only the outer court, the reason he does not control the inner court is coming up in the name of the two witnesses.

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they

shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore

days, clothed in sackcloth. (Revelations 11:3)

During the time period when this Antichrist occupies the

holy city, these two will prophesy the kingdom of heaven to

the masses.

I have much knowledge on these two, I know who they

were, who they are, and I know where they presently live. Let me tell you a story:

There is a woman who is alive today who is the reincarnated

Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. She could not have children; therefore, she thought of an alternative way via in vitro fertilization (IVF). For those not familiar with this, think in terms of test tube babies. She wanted one child, but God had other plans.

This woman is also of the royal bloodline of the King

David. God does keep track of such things.

She had many complications during this pregnancy. Firstly,

at around the sixteen-week mark, a vehicle from behind came

smashing into her car at a very high rate of speed. The person driving the car blacked out and couldn’t remember a thing

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about the accident. The mother almost had a miscarriage over this event.

Next at the twenty-six week mark, she had another

terrifying event. She came home from work and entered her

house after disabling her alarm system when she felt a presence behind her who put both their hands on her shoulders and

slammed her down to the floor and proceeded to kick her in

the belly. She remained unconscious from this for about an

hour, woke up, and then called the police.

The back door was locked, the alarm hadn’t been tripped,

and the intruder left no fingerprints to speak of. No neighbors had seen a thing, and there were no clues to follow except

that the intruder was a large man. She’s five feet eleven inches and she said it felt like he towered over her from behind and that his hands were extremely large. This criminal hasn’t been caught to this day.

The kicking of her stomach caused the woman to go into

premature labor the next day.

The types of twins are rare; they are the monoamniotic

type, which means that both twins are using the same sac. This can be dangerous because the twins can be wrapped around

each other’s cords. After a dangerous but successful delivery, these babies were two pounds six ounces for one and one

pound four ounces for the other. Two children miraculously

born of the royal bloodline, in other words, the Holy Grail.

Many complications ensued, but those twins were

somewhat normal until the year and a half mark when they

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received their MMR vaccinations. After that vaccination,

both were knocked back terribly. The conclusion was that the children’s immune system was not ready for the shots. Both

children were afterward diagnosed with autism.

After spending an incredible amount of money in

rehabilitation and therapy, they both seem to be working their way back to normalcy again when the firstborn of the two (by two minutes) was knocked back again at the age of five. To

this day, she is still fighting her way back. She is extremely intelligent but has speech issues. She’s been diagnosed with apraxia. The other younger of the twins has been diagnosed

with Asperger’s. One has trouble communicating, the other

has anxiety issues.

Let me tell you some more about these twins. They have a

very well-developed sixth sense, like mind reading. They also hear things that most of us don’t. If you put them in a crowded room, like an airport or a school, they can hear the thoughts of everyone there. There is good and bad to that. Think about it, would you like to be able to hear what everyone thinks?

All at once? They have this gift. Often, when I interviewed

them, I found myself thinking of something only to have one

of them tell me what I’m thinking. I would pick a number

between one and ten, and every time, they would answer

correctly. Afterward, when I went back home to the other

side of the planet, they could still read my mind. Distance

means nothing to this gift of theirs.

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They have the gift of remote viewing. They can look

across the oceans and see what is going on in North America

when they are on the other side of the oceans, and vice versa.

Snapshot images will just appear in their minds. I talked with them on the telephone once, and one of them asked me what

was wrong with my dog. I had no idea, the dog seemed well

the night before, and I went to look in on it, sure enough,

there it was vomiting. These two are extremely extraordinary children to say the least.

There is more, a lot more. These two converse with the

angels regularly. And when I say regularly, I mean by the hour or minute if they so choose. This is how I ran into my angelic friends, Samuel, Thomas, and Elizabeth. They asked them to

come forth, and boy, did they ever, a meeting I’ll never forget as long as I live. On command, just like that, there they were.

Their presence was the most awe-inspiring positive image I will ever experience. Beings of the brightest light you can possibly fathom. I was ready to throw myself down on the ground as the prophet Daniel had done when he had an angelic visit, but the twins just took it all in stride like it’s an everyday occurrence.

No big deal to them. Besides the three angelic beings, they

also talk with spirit guides who’ve gone forth before us to

the other side, such as their mother’s grandparents. The twins draw great comfort from their grandmother.

On the negative side of these gifts, they also see demons.

These twins are constantly being attacked by them since the

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time they were in the womb. These monsters do not want

these twins alive and have put every obstacle at their disposal in their path. It really makes your heart really go out to them.

They’ve described the demons as such, some are small

skinny pale beings with large, dark, and almond-shaped eyes.

Some are skinny pale stick-like figures with the same almond eyes. And finally the most terrifying ones are the green giant lizard-type men. They would visit these two during the middle of the night usually between the hours of midnight and two

a.m. The mother described that the room would suddenly

have a very cold breeze run through it and then they’d come

to frighten the children. Imagine it, two little girls woken up by the sight of these monsters at the foot of their beds. Makes me want to destroy these monsters limb by limb.

As a matter of fact, that is what happened one night. One

of them was under attack when their mother called me, and as soon as I was on the phone with her, she described a brilliant white light enveloping the room and killing these monsters.

Crushing their skulls, tearing them apart, needless to say, the demons didn’t return for quite some time after that.

These twin girls have attracted a lot of negative interest

through the years. The demons do not want these girls to

mature, fulfill their mission, and seemingly will do anything to stop them. They are extremely afraid of these children.

As of this writing, the twins are nine years old. As they age, their spiritual gifts seem to grow. Last summer, in 2014, one of them told me I would be boarding a plane on September 29.

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Sure enough, that’s when it happened, and I didn’t try to set that date either, their mother told me of this afterward. This is just one of many examples. Their prophetic gifts growing, they told me who would be my publisher before my first book

was written. Hoping that they stay at 100 percent correct,

they told me I would be an extremely successful writer with

many books. Time will tell, their faith in my ability to write greater than my own.

The Angel Thomas who’s been assigned to watch over

these twins has warned me never to reveal the identity of

these two. He’s also told me that these twins are one soul split into equal shares, two parts to the same being.

Theologians have argued the identity of the two witnesses.

Some say Elijah and Moses, others think it’s Elijah and

Enoch. Both are wrong, it’s Elijah split into two. In other

words, it’s Elijah and the one whom Elijah incarnated into at a later date, whom is John the Baptist.

In that test tube, these twins were created by the Holy

Spirit. They share no characteristic of the supposed father, different blood type, hair color, skin color, nothing matches.

From my knowledge, this is the third recorded case of

Immaculate Conception, with John the Baptist being first,

and Jesus the second.

The prophet Micah said that Elijah must come first

before that great and dreadful day of the Lord. He was right, Elijah and John the Baptist, two parts of the same being will come first.

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These twins are the two witnesses of this chapter.

Performed by the Holy Spirit, in an IVF clinic in a test tube, the spirits of Elijah and John have reincarnated themselves

back amongst us to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. Who

else but Elijah and John the Baptist would be better qualified?

Lucifer doesn’t like it because he surely knows now that

with the arrival of these two that his time is indeed short.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks

standing before the God of the earth. (Revelations 11:4)

The prophet Zachariah describes the two olive trees

and candlesticks which stand before the throne of God.

These twins are two very holy people. Like John the Baptist, filled with the Holy Spirit from birth, they are on a mission from heaven.

And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of

their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any

man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

(Revelations 11:5)

Fire proceeding out of their mouth is the power of

the Holy Spirit. There is no greater power in the universe;

therefore, they won’t be touched for a certain amount of time.

This is the type of power the twins spoke of when they saw

demons being destroyed by a blinding white light. It engulfs and consumes the enemy with pure energy. Think about it for

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a moment, how would one destroy the darkness? With light

of course. Pure, powerful light energy. This is what is meant by fire proceeding out of their mouths. The apostles of Jesus had this same power with their ability to cast out demons.

Fire proceeding out of the mouth of Peter, Philip, Paul, John, and the others.

These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the

days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to

turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all

plagues, as often as they will. (Revelations 11:6)

In the time of Elijah, he prophesied that it wouldn’t

rain for three and a half years. Does that time period sound familiar? It’s the same period of prophetic time we have here.

Not only do these twins have the power of sight, of hearing, and the ability to cast away demons, they’ll shut up heaven so it will not rain for a lengthy time period, just as in the days of Elijah.

It says here “in the days of their prophecy.” What they

will prophecy is the same prophecy that John the Baptist

warned the people of, to repent and change their ways, for

the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Once one knows the identity of these twins as two parts

to the same being, namely Elijah and John the Baptist, the

rest of this falls into place. Elijah/John is and was the greatest prophet of all time. The Jews use Elijah to represent the

prophets with good reason, he was their number 1 prophet.

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As far as Elijah’s incarnation as John, Jesus said, “Of those born of the flesh there is none greater than John,” and Jesus also spoke in reference to John, “And if you receive it, this is Elijah who was to come.” Let’s face it, Elijah and John are

one just as the twins of this prophecy are one, two parts of the same being.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the

beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall

make war against them, and shall overcome them, and

kill them. (Revelations 11:7)

This is going to be a very sad day for me. These two

witnesses whom I’ve grown to love with all my heart will be

killed by this mass murderer.

I’ve prayed and prayed that this event doesn’t happen, yet

God’s will be done. I’m just not sure I’m willing to accept that these two angelic humans will be destroyed by this vicious


As I said earlier, these two precious little darlings are

only nine years old as of this writing, so you can guess when their ministry will begin. My guess is that it will begin at or around their thirtieth birthday. My reason being that Jesus

and John begun theirs around that same time period of their

lives. But keep in mind, I’m only guessing, I’m not going to be dogmatic about giving you a date, but if I were to make an educated guess, 2034 feels right. Yet remember that only the 136 |

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Father knows the actual date, the angels don’t even know, and yes, I asked them.

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the

great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,

where also our Lord was crucified. (Revelations 11:8)

Sodom and Egypt, in other words, Jerusalem.

I find it interesting that in spiritual terms, Jerusalem is

called “Sodom and Egypt.” Sodom means wicked, therefore

spiritually Jerusalem is not thought of as the holy city of peace, it’s thought to be wicked. The heavenly realm considering

Jerusalem to be the city of wickedness. Interesting. Egypt

means place, therefore Sodom and Egypt means “wicked

place.” Yet we humans consider this city to be the holy city, the Heavenly Host sees it otherwise.

Well, here’s another reason for the Heavenly Host to

consider Jerusalem a wicked place, the killing of God’s twins.

He created them by the Holy Spirit, and Lucifer destroyed

them. One gives life, the other takes it.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and

nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an

half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in

graves. (Revelations 11:9)

This is really beginning to make my blood boil.

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The people of the earth don’t even give them a proper

burial. For three days and a half, these twin girls will be lying in the streets for all the world to see. They’ll watch the events of their deaths on their cable news and see them laying there. Or maybe the Antichrist will make an example of them and put

on some sort of demonstration with their bodies, who knows

with that monster, God only knows what he’s going to do. No

wonder the angels think of Jerusalem as such a wicked place.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over

them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to

another; because these two prophets tormented them

that dwelt on the earth. (Revelations 11:10)

This is just beyond any comprehension I can come up with.

How many prophets can you think of that haven’t been

killed? Not many I can assure you. They tell you of things

to come and in return they receive death. Usually in a

horrible fashion.

These two tormented those by causing drought for three

and half years and bring fire down to the earth, as Elijah had done. They will also preach the gospel of the kingdom and for that they will be slain.

And now we have the whole world celebrating their deaths

by giving gifts to one another? How sick is that? Firstly, they don’t give them a decent funeral, and next, they act like its Christmas by giving each other presents. I can think of no

greater evil.

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Oh, but wait! We have a clue here as to the time period

of their deaths! It’s around Christmas time when our two

beloved messengers fall. Therefore, if they preached for three and half years, then that would put their beginning testimony in June. Which would mean that the beginning of the reign

of the Antichrist must happen in June! I could be wrong but

watch those two months of June and December for these

events to happen. Right around the summer and winter

solstice, some food for thought.

And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from

God entered into them, and they stood upon their

feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.

And they heard a great voice from heaven saying

unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up

to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them

(Revelations 11:11–12)

Well, thank God! The holy twins will be taken care of.

Can you imagine the scene? The whole world watching on

their news networks over the dramatic scenes being played

out in Jerusalem. When all of the sudden, the bodies of the

twins come to life and then rise up to heaven!

Because it will generate great ratings, the news networks

will replay this scene over and over again. It says “great fear”

fell upon those watching from all over the world. I bet there is, it’s not something you see on the news every day. Especially after these people had the nerve to celebrate their deaths. The

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celebrating will end on earth and begin in heaven when these two reach their home. These twins that I love with all my

heart will be home with their Father, amen.

Like Jesus, they will ascend on the third day. Rarely does

anything ever happen just once, even the supernatural.

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and

the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake

were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant

were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

(Revelations 11:13)

When Jesus was slain, there was a great earthquake. The

same thing happens here: two holy ones die, are called up,

and once again we have ourselves a great earthquake. Seven

thousand people perish, and the rest are so frightened they

give the glory to the throne of God. I can imagine after seeing this supernatural event of the ascension, followed up by an

earthquake, this might give one pause.

The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe

cometh quickly. (Revelations 11:14)

It’s hard for me to fathom that two girls that I deeply

love are considered a woe. I imagine that they are considered that to the enemy, but to us who love God they are the last

prophets, Elijah and John, beloved by heaven.

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And the seventh angel sounded; and there were

great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this

world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and

of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

(Revelations 11:15)

The seventh and last trumpet sounds.

There are more symbolism ahead describing the reign of

the Antichrist and the terror he brings forth, but in essence, once the last trumpet sounds, it’s over. The battle won at the cross at Calvary now being played out with the trumpets of

the seven angels.

The Antichrist will reign for a short season, but when his

time is up, it’s up.

Those that followed Lucifer knew that when he struck

his bargain with God, the clock started ticking until the last trumpet. They wagered that they could overcome the Lord

and take over the throne, but their plans were foiled. It was a gamble, but in the end, they’ll lose everything.

And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God

on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped

God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God

Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;

because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and

hast reigned. (Revelations 11:16–17)

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The victory is won, the enemy defeated. The twenty-four

elders once again throwing themselves down on their faces

to worship the source of all things. They cast their lots with a shining star and it all paid off for them.

As I spoke of previously, I’ve no idea the identity of the

twenty-four elders. There have been some very good guesses

made by some. One that caught my attention is that twelve

are from the Old Testament and twelve from the New.

Prophets from the Old and saints from the New. If that is the case, then there are several deserving candidates to be seated by the throne of God. I’ll give you my guess in a little while.

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come,

and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,

and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants

the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy

name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them

which destroy the earth. (Revelations 11:18)

The crowns will be passed out to those that overcame the

Antichrist. Those who weren’t seduced by deception, those

who kept watch for this day to come, and those who didn’t

bow down to this counterfeit God.

This maniac and his hordes will do everything possible

to destroy that which God created, including the earth. It

will truly be what Jesus called in the gospel of Matthew, “the great tribulation.”

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It’s a shame that we have to go through all this, but I

don’t see us turning ourselves around. How can we escape all this when we are so divided presently? If we were at one, no enemy with negative intentions could possibly harm us. The

gates of hell wouldn’t have an effect on us.

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and

there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament:

and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings,

and an earthquake, and great hail. (Revelations 11:19)

To all those treasure hunters out there looking for the Ark

of the Covenant, you can give up the quest, here it is, in the temple of God where it rightfully belongs.

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The Woman and

the dragon