Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 13

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast

rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten

horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his

heads the name of blasphemy. (Revelations 13:1)

This beast rises up out of the sea. The sea is symbolic for

the nations. If it represents Israel or the Jews, it would say beast of the earth, but he will come later. Because it says beast of the sea, it means that this character is a gentile. In the tenth chapter of the prophet Daniel, there is a clue to the

identity of this person. Daniel was praying and the Archangel Gabriel came to him and told him that the Prince of Persia

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withstood Gabriel for twenty-one days and that it took the

help of the Archangel Michael to overcome him. The Prince

of Persia must be one very powerful being in order to hold up a very powerful archangel such as Gabriel for that length of time. Iran is the modern-day name for Persia.

Therefore, it is my belief that this man will come from

the area which was called Persia. Now keep in mind that the

Persian Empire was much greater than the nation of Iran is

today, so he may not come from Iran proper, but somewhere

in that area is my best guess.

The dragon in the previous chapter is none other than

Lucifer himself, and the beast here is his son, the Antichrist.

The dragon has seven heads, ten horns, seven crowns, with

the seven crowns upon the seven heads. The beast on the

other hand has also seven heads and ten horns, but has three more crowns and those are placed upon the horns instead of

the heads.

The dragon’s seven crowns on its seven heads are the

seven spirits of evil, the seven deadly sins. Which are the

exact opposite of the seven spirits at the throne of God that was mentioned earlier. Each sin of the dragon has itself a

crown on its head. These are that which give the dragon its

power. Just as the prayers of the saints give more power to the angels, the sins of man help give the seven-headed dragon

more power.

The Antichrist’s ten crowns on its ten horns on the

other hand are ten nations with ten king’s coalition that ally 162 |

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themselves with him. Ten nations that will give him his power.

In scripture, horns symbolize power. The dragon’s crowns are on its heads of sin while the beast’s crowns are on its horns instead. See the difference?

The seven heads symbolize sin, the horns symbolize

power, the crowns symbolize royalty or a nation. The dragon

has placed its royalty on the seven sins while the beast has its royalty on the ten-nation coalition instead, even though it still has the seven heads of sin upon it. Each has the seven heads of sin and the ten horns of power, but the dragon’s

crowns are on sin, the beast’s crowns are on its ten nations.

Yet very similar. One other difference is that the dragon is red and no color is specified in the beast.

Upon his heads are the names of blasphemy. Just as in the

dragon, the seven heads are the seven deadly sins of wrath,

greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,

and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth

as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his

power, and his seat, and great authority. (Revelations


In the seventh chapter of Daniel, the prophet had a dream

of four beasts. The first beast in Daniel’s vision was a lion with eagle’s wings, the second a bear, the third a leopard, and the fourth different and more terrible than the others but

it also had ten horns. These beasts have been interpreted to

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mean the different empires of mankind. The first Babylon, the second Persia, the third Greece, and the fourth Rome.

This beast is very similar, but these seem to be in the reverse order. Also Daniel saw four different beasts or empires rising up out of the sea and John here only sees one which seem to

be the culmination of all the beasts. This beastly empire will strike very fast like Greece the leopard did, be very powerful like the Persian bear, and rule over all like the Babylonian lion. Seems all the human empires of the past all rolled up

into one.

It says that the dragon gives this beast his power. This is

the representation of both having ten horns.

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to

death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the

world wondered after the beast. (Revelations 13:3)

The Antichrist appears slain by a head wound but is

seemingly miraculously healed.

Can Lucifer do anything original? This sounds like the

resurrection of Jesus. The only difference being that the son of God was crucified and the son of perdition was wounded

in the head. I’d be willing to wager that he becomes healed on the third day. Any takers?

Lucifer has advanced technology that he will use to

perform “signs, miracles, and wonders,” as Jesus spoke in

the gospel of Matthew. This is Lucifer’s power play to try

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to deceive the very elect. Have the Antichrist slain and then

“miraculously” heal him so that all the world will wonder.

Ingenious, but unoriginal. Jesus rose from the dead by the

power of the Holy Spirit, this clown will rise by use of

advanced demonic technology. One by way of the spiritual,

the other by way of the physical. Huge difference, and those keeping watch will not be fooled.

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power

unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,

Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war

with him? (Revelations 13:4)

Well, their plan worked against those who aren’t keeping

their lamps lit with the oil of the Holy Spirit. But for those of us expecting an event like this, we won’t be fooled.

This entire sham will be staged, complete with directors

and producers.

Can you imagine the television news coverage of this event?

Ratings will go through the roof! Leader who is assassinated comes back to life! This would be like John F. Kennedy come

back from the grave. The world will throw themselves at his

feet after this Oscar award–winning performance.

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great

things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him

to continue forty and two months. (Revelations 13:5)

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Of course, this is the time when the beast declares himself

to be God. That’s because he seemingly died and came back

to life that he is Jesus returned. He will deceive many, but it will all be a load of malarkey. This is the point where he stands in the holy place, declares himself to be the living God, and rules for three and a half years (there is that number again).

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,

to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them

that dwell in heaven. (Revelations 13:6)

After this beast has fooled the world into thinking he’s the next great peacemaker, then his true nature comes out. This

counterfeit Christ declares himself Jesus returned and that

the Father and he are one.

The miraculous healing will give him the ultimate

authority over the masses. They’ll be so convinced that the

Lord has returned that anything he desires he will receive. For those reading this during that time period, don’t be duped.

This man is a programmed hybrid demon. He may look like

and act like a human, but there will be no soul in him. It’s all in the programming, and the enemy has been rehearsing this

monster for a long time.

And it was given unto him to make war with the

saints, and to overcome them: and power was given

him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

(Revelations 13:7)

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At this point in time, he becomes the leader of the whole

world. The people living during this time period will be so

mesmerized by this tyrant that they will pledge allegiance to anything he says.

On the other hand, there will be some resistance. There

will be those who say, “This is the one we warned you about,”

but they will be in the small minority. They’ll be the voices crying in the wilderness. These will be those who will be

saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near,” and

they’ll be answered by those that believe in this counterfeit, saying, “The kingdom of heaven isn’t near, it’s already here in this man.”

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,

whose names are not written in the book of life of

the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

(Revelations 13:8)

There seems to be a “book of life of the Lamb slain from

the foundation of the world.”

By saying “slain from the foundation of the world” means

that this has been planned from the beginning of time. Also, these are those spirits who have volunteered for this mission and made an agreement with the Father at the very beginning

of this world’s creation. I was told by the Angel Samuel that I for one also made an agreement “a long time ago,” were

the angels words. To the rest of you reading the words of

revelations, you also agreed. We all volunteered to come to

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the earth at this point in time to take the blinders off and redeem the many.

Those written in the book of life will be those who do not

buy into this nonsense of demon worship.

If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth

into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth

with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is

the patience and the faith of the saints. (Revelations


This tyrant will be rounding up all those who don’t swear

allegiance to him. It will be like the concentration camps of World War II. Forced labor through the use of slavery, torture, and extermination for those who refuse to bow. The Jews will tell you from their history that this is not a pretty sight.

I’m sure he will keep this all hush-hush to the majority

of the population. He won’t be broadcasting on the news his

many atrocities committed against those true believers who

are rounded up like cattle.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the

earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake

as a dragon. (Revelations 13:11)

Just as Jesus had John the Baptist as his prophet, so shall

the beast have his in the name of this two-horned beast. This beast completes the unholy trinity of the ten-horned dragon

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as Lucifer, the ten-horned beast as his son the Antichrist, and this two-horned beast as the false prophet.

Notice this beast comes out of the earth unlike the sea

that the first beast came from. This symbolizes that this man will come from the Israel/Palestine area. It could be from

Israel proper, or the West Bank, or Gaza.

And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast

before him, and causeth the earth and them which

dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly

wound was healed. (Revelations 13:12)

I have some inside information on this man (if you could

call him a man, he’s not actually human) that I wish to share.

He is the first beast’s biological uncle.

When the first beast, the Antichrist was born, this man

had his parents murdered so that he could become the legal

guardian and groom this child to fulfill his destiny.

He has an unlimited amount of wealth at his disposal and

has sent the first beast to the finest educational institutions in the world for refinement.

This two-horned beast is a priest of his religion. I’ve seen him in my dreams and he wears a black robe with silver linings.

Looking into his coal-black eyes is like looking into the


A tremendous amount of concentrated negative energy

emanates from him.

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And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire

come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of

men. (Revelations 13:13)

How does he make fire come down from earth? I’ve seen

it, by use of advanced demonic technology. I’m sure you’re

asking what is “advanced demonic technology?” Well, it’s

complicated, but let me try to explain.

I had a visit a few months ago with the three angels I

mentioned earlier, Samuel, Thomas, and Elizabeth. This is

what they told me about demons.

We consider demons to be fallen angels and that is

true. But what demons are presently is a hybrid demon/

reptilian race of beings that have advanced technology such

as cloaking, instant transportation, changing dimensions,

genetic engineering, mind control, and space travel. This is a conquering race throughout our galaxy, and they consider

earth to be a mighty prize with all its resources.

The reptilian side of this hybrid considers earth to be their genesis planet.

An asteroid struck the earth approximately 65 million

years ago and our scientists consider this event to have wiped out the dinosaur species. This is only partly true as it did wipe out many different types of dinosaurs but not all. The most

intelligent of the dinosaurs, the troodon, went underground.

Millions of years of evolution later, the fallen angels or

demons as we call them mated with this species to create a

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troodon/demon hybrid. Seems farfetched, doesn’t it? It did

to me when I heard this story, but I’m considering the source who gave me this information and I believe it.

They developed advanced technology through millions of

years of evolution. They went out conquering through space

travel, this being a race of warriors. These demon/reptilians are a mighty foe.

Their genetic engineers now have the ability to create

what looks to be humans but aren’t. This Antichrist and false prophet figures are two such beings.

To cut a long story short, their agenda is to conquer

heaven and earth. The demon side of them wants heaven back

and the reptilian side of them wants earth back. That is their sole mission.

It took my mind quite some time to wrap itself around

all this information. It’s going to take time for you as well.

I wondered whether or not to include this information into

this book, but in the end, I needed to tell the truth of what I’ve been given.

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the

means of those miracles which he had power to do

in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell

on the earth, that they should make an image to the

beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

(Revelations 13:14)

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Now we know that these aren’t miracles at all. It’s just

advanced technology.

And he had power to give life unto the image of

the beast, that the image of the beast should both

speak, and cause that as many as would not worship

the image of the beast should be killed. (Revelations


This beast is going to perform many “miracles” for

deception purposes. Creating an image or a statue that

will somehow come to life. Once again, nothing more than

technology. Advanced, for sure, but it’s still just technology.

They are trying to mimic Jesus’s miracles of bringing Lazarus back to life. By showing the masses that they can perform

miracles such as this, they figure that people will believe that Jesus has returned; don’t buy into it, it’s just technology.

This will be the valley of decision, whether to worship the

beast and keep your life, or not and lose it. Choose wisely.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and

poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right

hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might

buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name

of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelations


At this point in time, the beasts have complete and total

control. For those that choose to live and bow down to this

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idol, they’ll be given a mark. It will be on their right hands if they are of the lesser class or on their foreheads if they are higher up.

Without the mark, you won’t be able to buy or sell. That

means the true believers will have to go underground and use the time-honored barter system for trade.

Once again, the unholy alliance of the beasts will mimic

the true King of kings. The twelve apostles all had marks as I’ve discussed previously, numbers on their foreheads which

marked them as gifts from the father to the son.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding

count the number of the beast: for it is the number of

a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and

six. (Revelations 13:18)

I doubt there has been a verse of scripture so scrutinized.

The number is 666 and many have guessed at what that

number means. Some say it’s the Roman Emperor Nero,

others say it’s the Papacy, still others have guessed from

anyone from Ronald Reagan to Attila the Hun. The truth

is that they are all just guesses. I’ve given this much thought and I believe that we won’t know for sure who it is until it happens. But if I had to make an educated guess, I would say it’s the reincarnated Roman Emperor Nero who can best be

described as a beast during his lifetime.

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