Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 12

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a

woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under

her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

(Revelations 12:1)

We move from the trumpets and the twins to further

descriptions of the events surrounding the four horsemen.

The book of Revelations is to be taken in sequence with

occasional pauses for clarification purposes.

So far, we have moved from the arrival of the Son of Man,

to the letters to the seven churches, to the scene at the throne,

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to the four horsemen, to the day of the lord, to the trumpets, then the twins, and now we peer deeper into that which has

already happened in the timeline of events.

John looks into heaven and sees a symbol of a woman.

She’s “clothed with the son, and the moon at her feet.” This is John’s way of telling us that she looks like a being of light, like an angel. Rays of light shine forth from this woman in all directions, which is exactly what angels look like. When you perceive one, you’ll think you are looking at the purest light imaginable. It’s really indescribable.

Upon her head is a crown of twelve stars. So who is this

woman? The church with the twelve stars being the twelve

apostles? I don’t believe so. This woman is the nation of Israel with the twelve stars representing the twelve tribes.

And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and

pained to be delivered. (Revelations 12:2)

This is why I don’t believe the woman represents the

church, she’s about to give birth to a child, the baby Jesus.

Did the apostles ever give birth to a child? Well, symbolically, one could say yes; they gave birth to the church, yet I’m still holding to the opinion that the child is Jesus and the woman being the nation of Israel. Either could be correct or it could be a double meaning; if that is the case, it wouldn’t be the first time in prophecy that has occurred.

The nation of Israel was created for one reason, to give

birth to the savior of the world. God chose Abraham and

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made a covenant with him that out of his seed humanity

would be redeemed. The actual agreement occurred before

Abraham, the father of many nations, was even born. People

choose their lives beforehand by agreement with the Father,

the source of all things. I’ve done the same, and it took me fifty years to find out what it was. If I would have looked for the signs earlier I might have saved myself a lot of trouble.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and

behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten

horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. (Revelations


Here we have an interesting character. A red dragon with

seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads.

A dragon fits right into the twin’s descriptions of the

demons being like giant lizards, the dragon being lord over

them. Reptilian-like demons who conquer and rule by fear

and deception. This red dragon is their head honcho, so

to speak.

Notice the color of the dragon being red. What does that

color represent, the Catholic church, communism? Or is it

the color of Lucifer, the fallen angel? In my opinion, it is the color of Lucifer. His color being bloodred.

He has seven heads with ten horns with seven crowns

upon his heads. Each head of this monster has a crown which

symbolizes that each head is the ruler of country. Each of the heads has a horn and one of them has four horns.

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In the seventh chapter of the prophet Daniel, we read

about a little horn who displaces three other horns. So one of these heads has displaced three others on his way to power.

What this dragon is symbolizing is a seven-leader, ten-nation confederation of power. One of the leaders is head of four

countries while the other leaders just represent one country.

The dragon is Lucifer, one of the heads with a crown who

has four horns on it is the Antichrist, and the other six heads are leaders in league with him. Quite a bit of symbology from this one image.

Also the seven heads represent the seven spirits of Lucifer.

The seven deadly sins of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. The exact opposite of the seven spirits which

stand before the throne of God.

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,

and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood

before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for

to devour her child as soon as it was born. (Revelations


Where did the dinosaurs have their power? In their tails!

This dragon which is Lucifer drew his tail back and cast a

third part of the stars which are angels unto the earth. This is a symbol of the rebellion in heaven.

Lucifer was so convincing that all of the angels who

served under him followed him to his demise. That must be

quite a mighty tongue of deception he has. Imagine it, there 148 |

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you are as an angel serving God day and night, and one night, your leader calls on you to rebel against that which created you. He did this by convincing them that he was about to

perform a coup d’état on the throne itself. He promised his

followers that when he would obtain that power that he

would reward his loyal angels handsomely. If you were one

of Lucifer’s angels, you had two choices: stay put and serve the Lord or follow him and make an attempt at the throne.

Lucifer’s minions made the wrong choice.

The dragon’s next move was an attempt to destroy this child.

These angels who became demons know when a special

child is to be born. They have the technology to scan a spirit and know when one of distinction is on the way and will do

anything they can to thwart that child. This happened with

the twins, this happened with Jesus and John the Baptist.

Just as Lucifer sent someone in the middle of the night

to knock down the woman who gave birth to the twins

and kick her to try to destroy her children, so too did King Herod attempt to destroy Jesus and his prophet John. Herod

ordered that all children under the age of two years old would be slain in what is known as the massacre of the innocents.

The one man who knew the whereabouts of both, the priest

Zachariah, wouldn’t tell the temple guards so they slew the

old man between the temple and the altar. Some legends say

they sawed the man in half and still he wouldn’t divulge their location. Now that is truly one of my heroes in scripture. A great man, the priest and prophet Zachariah.

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And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule

all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught

up unto God, and to his throne. (Revelations 12:5)

No doubt the child is Jesus and the woman is Israel who

gave birth to the man who will rule all nations. This has

been the plan from the beginning of time. This is the reason Abraham was born, the reason Moses led the Hebrew out of

Egypt, the reason King David was chosen to take the throne,

and the reason Jesus was born.

Here we are taken to the scene of the beloved resurrection,

which is when the victory over the enemy occurred.

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she

hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed

her there a thousand two hundred and threescore

days. (Revelations 12:6)

Now we jump way ahead in time from the resurrection.

To the time period of the Antichrist slaying the twins and

making war on Jerusalem.

Israel flees into the wilderness where God has a place

prepared for them for three and a half years (there is that

number again). Which begs us to ask the question, where is

the wilderness?

Firstly, this reminds me of the time Elijah fled to the

wilderness and was protected by God for that same time

period of three and half years. Israel will go where Elijah went.

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Secondly, is this the time period of the rapture of the

144,000 Jews? If that is the case, the woman will be raptured up to heaven. Either way, the wilderness is a place that the dragon can’t touch. In verse 14 of this chapter, we will look into this matter further.

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels

fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and

his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place

found any more in heaven. (Revelations 12:7–8)

Believe it or not, as of this writing Lucifer and his band of trouble still have access to the kingdom of heaven.

The Angel Samuel told me that what we consider heaven

presently is under assault day and night. Lucifer spends his time accusing those whom God loves, which means everyone. Every

error is logged, every sin shouted out to the faithful angels. And while we continue to be divided, their power grows. Samuel told me that Michael gets no rest defending us from this assault.

The fallen angels still hide in this other dimension and

then make their attacks on people while being cloaked. They’l hide in dark places until they see a vulnerability and then they strike at its victim. These beings have no morals whatsoever, so great is their hatred toward humans.

That will soon change.

Samuel told me that while this corruption continues,

heaven really isn’t heaven and won’t be until they are finally cast out by Michael and Gabriel.

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Continually, these fallen angels accuse humans of all our

inequities that they themselves have caused. They’ll convince us through dream sequencing that what is good is evil and

what is evil is good. Many a marriage has ended up in divorce due to this technique. A woman will go to sleep at night and the demons will show her a dream of her loyal husband having sex with a woman. The next step is she becomes suspicious,

and from that point forward, trust is lost and the marriage

is over. False dreams are one of their favorite techniques for placing mistrust in each other.

They have the technology to send images into our brains,

causing us to believe things which aren’t real. They’ll do

whatever is necessary to keep us from following the way to

heaven. They have the ability to do this because they know

our brain’s frequencies. They’ll tune into your brain at that frequency and generate a carrier wave with a video image

riding on to that carrier wave that your brain receives as real.

They’ll send you an image of an oncoming car coming at you

in your lane which isn’t real causing you to slam onto your

brakes which causes the person behind you to rear-end you.

That’s another example of their deception.

Another technique is by mind control. How they do this is

they abduct humans in the middle of the night, plant a small implant device into that person, and through that implant,

they will send signals, which are then sent into our brains to make things seem real which aren’t. They can basically take

over your brain through this device, tuning you to a lower

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vibrational frequency. Your moods will suddenly be lower

than normal, creating all sorts of distress in your life.

Another assault on us is by their genetics. The demons are

still hybriding themselves with us, just like the olden days of Genesis 6 when they did it out in the open. Now they come

and abduct women in the middle of the night planting their

seed, and then the woman is the incubator for about three

months, then they will make a return visit to claim their prize.

They have successfully created a hybrid human/demon

race here on planet earth. They read the same scriptures we

do so they know their time is short. Their answer to all this is to create for themselves a new race of beings to achieve

their salvation. This hybrid race is now in charge of many

governments and financial institutions on earth, setting the table for the Antichrist. They look and act like us except they are tuned into a lower frequency.

It all seems so unreal to me. But according to my angelic

sources, it is all true.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,

called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole

world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels

were cast out with him. (Revelations 12:9)

Finally, at the appointed hour when God deems, they are

all cast out of heaven. No longer will heaven have to hear the accusations placed against those whom God loves. Heaven

will be shut up to Lucifer and his gang of demons.

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And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is

come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our

God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of

our brethren is cast down, which accused them before

our God day and night. (Revelations 12:10)

The last thing Lucifer wants is grace for humans. He feels

we don’t deserve it because of our actions against each other.

Every time there is any kind of discretion, he is at the throne of God shouting to anyone who will hear him the failures of

mankind. After this event, there will no longer be any of this.

The door to heaven will be shut to them that accuse, locked, and they will no longer gain any entrance to God’s kingdom.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,

and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not

their lives unto the death. (Revelations 12:11)

Jesus is the reason that Lucifer and his mob are thrown

out. He paid the price for any who love not their lives even unto their deaths.

Very soon, we will all come to the valley of decision. Either we will bow down to this false Christ and keep our lives or we will swear by Jesus and reject the counterfeit. The pressure will be very intense to keep your life and lose your soul, with many succumbing to the dragon. They’ll use every conceivable trick in the book to make you lose yourself and swear allegiance

to the imposter. They’ll say you’ve had a checkered past and 154 |

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don’t deserve God’s gift. Don’t do it, a crown of life and a white robe await you if you refuse, no matter how your life

was up to that point. All of us are worthy of God’s grace, no matter how wretched our lives have been, we only need to

refuse to honor the wishes of the Antichrist. Stand fast, all you saints of the most high.

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in

them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the

sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great

wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short

time. (Revelations 12:12)

When Lucifer and his crowd are thrown down, there is

great rejoicing in heaven. No longer will they have to listen to his lies about humans coming up short. As I said earlier, it doesn’t matter how wretched we were, Jesus paid the price for all. Don’t let them use your past against you. These deceivers will open up the books and try, but it won’t matter, the debt has been paid for all.

And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the

earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth

the man child. (Revelations 12:13)

Israel is being persecuted, so what’s new? This has been

going on for millennia.

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It states here the reason for all the persecution the Jews

have received for the last two thousand years. Because Israel brought forth the man child, in other words, because Israel

gave us the Lord Jesus.

It seems ironic to me that the nation which brought forth

the Savior bore the whip of many Christians of the Middle

Ages. Many held them responsible for the death of Jesus.

Let’s get something straight here, Jews have not nor ever

will crucify people, that’s what Romans do. Yet the Jews as

a race have been found guilty of deicide or “God killing.”

Lucifer has convinced the masses that it was the Jews who

killed our Lord, and we took care of the rest. For 1,900 years, the charge of deicide has led to much violence against the

Jewish race. Expulsions, forced conversions, and massacres in many countries in Europe while the church had a hand in it,

or looked the other way while it was going on.

Wholesale slaughter of entire communities during the

crusades. Expulsions from entire countries afterward. When

the black plague hit Europe, guess who was to blame? That’s

right, God’s chosen people were. Lucifer must have been

smiling at all this rampant anti-Semitism.

Jesus was/is a Jew. He celebrated all the Jewish holidays,

he was even declared “King of the Jews,” a charge he didn’t

deny. How does he feel about his people being targeted?

I could go on and on about the millions who’ve been killed

by Lucifer but I won’t, that’s for another book. The truth of the matter is that without the Jews, there is no Bible, and without 156 |

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the Jews, there is no Jesus, nor his apostles. It’s that simple.

God chose Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and created himself a

race of people that his son would come from. Because he did

that, Lucifer has waged war against this race of people and it will not end until Lucifer is bound.

And to the woman were given two wings of a great

eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her

place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and

half a time, from the face of the serpent. (Revelations


To look at this verse, we have to go back to the throne of


Remember that there were four beasts which surrounded

the throne of God. The first is a Lion, the second a Calf, the third a Man, and the fourth an Eagle. I established that these four represented the four stages of Jesus. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is the bloodline of Jesus and his first stage. The calf is the sacrificial Lamb of God which is the second. The Son of

Man is the third stage, and the Eagle of the resurrected Lord is the fourth and final stage.

Therefore, if we use the eagle as a symbol of resurrection,

then that means that the nation of Israel will be lifted up on resurrected eagle’s wings for three and half years to keep her from the face of the serpent or Lucifer. After her long history, the nation of Israel will finally be saved from persecution. The Jews after being miraculous lifted up will finally believe in

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the Lord Jesus as their long promised Messiah. Glory, glory, hallelujah!

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood

after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried

away of the flood. (Revelations 12:15)

But before Israel is saved, Lucifer will make one last dash

at trying to commit genocide against this race by raising up this massive army against her. Millions will come upon Israel like a flood, but it will be too late.

And the earth helped the woman, and the earth

opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which

the dragon cast out of his mouth. (Revelations 12:16)

So while this monumental army is poised to attack Israel,

a giant earthquake follows and destroys Lucifer’s army. The

earth herself rebels at this madness perpetrated against Israel.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went

to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep

the commandments of God, and have the testimony

of Jesus Christ. (Revelations 12:17)

Once Israel is lifted up on Eagle’s wings, Lucifer will try to annihilate the rest of the Jews who are still left on the planet.

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It says here that he is also making war against any Jewish

Christians or any other Christians who may still be on the

earth at this time. The time period of Revelations 12 is all just before the shifting of the poles and the rapture in the sixth seal. Don’t be confused by that. What this chapter and the next is to describe the first four seals of the four horseman more vividly. In other words, Lucifer and his son, the Antichrist.

It’s a more detailed explanation of the horsemen, an interlude to the story.

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The Two Beasts